
Showing posts from August, 2012

Convert Python List to JSON Separate Objects -

मेरे पास Python में एक स्ट्रिंग है [वॉल्यूम: वॉल-XXXXXXXX, वॉल्यूम: Vol-YYYYYYYY] कि मैं JSON में परिवर्तित करना चाहता हूँ। अंतिम परिणाम होना चाहिए {वॉल्यूम: ["वॉल्यूम: वॉल- XXXXXXXX", "वॉल्यूम: वॉल- YYYYYYYY"]}; मैंने कोशिश की इसे बदलने के बाद json.dumps का प्रयोग करें, लेकिन किसी कारण से यह काम नहीं करता है। मैं इस तरह कुछ कैसे करूँ? हूप्स! "सूची" मैं वास्तव में एक स्ट्रिंग के बारे में बात कर रहा था: | लगता है मैं एक डाउनवॉटी तूफान के साथ अपने सबक सीखा! इसे आज़माएं: मात्रा = ["वॉल्यूम: वॉल- XXXXXXXX "," वॉल्यूम: वॉल- YYYYYYYY "] json.dumps ({" वॉल्यूम ": संस्करण})

sql - How to delete rows from 3 tables based on a specific value in one table -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 5 जवाब हेलो लोग, मेरे पास 3 तालिकाओं हैं ए , बी , सी । मेरे पास तालिका ए पंक्तियाँ जिनकी कॉलम ' दिनांक 'का मूल्य' 2000-1-1 'है। मैं पर आधारित 3 तालिकाओं की पंक्तियों को हटाना चाहता हूं जहां = '2000-1-1' । एआईडी = बीआईडी ​​ पर कुछ भी तालिकाओं के बीच जुड़ने का प्रकार। आप 3 टेबल के विरूद्ध एकल हटाएं कथन जारी नहीं कर सकते, लेकिन आप 3 एक लेन-देन में 3 विभिन्न तालिकाओं के विरूद्ध वक्तव्य हटाएं टैब में से प्रस्थान हटाएं जहां मौजूद है (तालिका 1 एक्स से तालिका 1 जहां टैबिल_ए.आईडी = X.ID) टेबलाब से हटा दिया गया है (जहां से तालिका 1 एक्स से तालिका 1 = X. आईडी) TABLE_C से हटाएं जहां मौजूद है (तालिका 1 एक्स से कहाँ चुनें TABLE_C.ID = X.ID) COMMIT हस्तांतरण;

html - Java: Reading from a URL produces gibberish -

So I'm trying to read html code from (it works fine on other sites), But all I got is some weird gossip my code: BufferedReader = new BufferedReader (New InputStreamReader (New URL ("") .openstream ())); String s = ""; While ((s = in.readLine ()) = null) System.out.println (s); In.close (); For example: Does anyone know Why does that make it? Thanks! The problem here is a server that is probably not correctly configured, because it's its The response gives gzip compressed, even if the client does not send a approved-encoding: gzip header. So what you see is the compressed version of the page. To decompress it, pass it through one: BufferedReader = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader (new GZIPInputStream (new URL (""). Openstream ())));

html - Position divs as follow without float -

मेरे पास एक वेब पेज है जो इस तरह दिखता है: मैं जानना चाहूंगा कि क्या 2 बाह्य divs के लिए अलग मार्जिन-टॉप मान संभव है। फिलहाल, मैं मार्जिन सेट करता हूं: एक्स% या मार्जिन: [वैल्यू] पीएक्स दोनों बाहरी डिवा को मार्जिन से मान मिलेगा। मैं इसे केवल एक ही सेट को प्रभावित करने के लिए चाहूंगा। मैं फ्लोट के बिना उल्लेख करता हूं क्योंकि मुझे फ़्लोट और मार्जिन / चौड़ाई वाली संपत्तियों में समस्या थी, लेकिन अगर आप फ्लोट का उपयोग करते हुए उचित समाधान के साथ आ सकते हैं, तो 'मेरी नाव फ्लोट करूँगा :) बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद मैं जिस तरह से एक सीएसएस नौसिखिया हूँ तो मुझ पर आसान हो क्या आप ऐसा कुछ मतलब है? html & lt; div class = "container" & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = "एएए" & gt; पहला & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = "बीबीबी" & gt; दूसरा & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = "सीसीसी" & gt; तीसरा & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = "कंटेनर" & gt; ...

google apps script - How can a calendar refresh/reload after a event was changed? -

I'm changing an event using the Calendar app script, but it seems that only after a random time on the calendar UI Appears, from seconds to minutes setHidden ( right); Cal.setHidden (wrong); Cal.setSelected (incorrect); Cal.setSelected (true); CalendarApp.setHidden (true); CalendarApp.setHidden (wrong); CalendarApp.setSelected (incorrect); CalendarApp.setSelected (true); But I still have inconsistent results Calendar service And the Calendar Browser Ui are two different things, they have no relation except to be connected to their same source (calendar itself), there is no script to interact with the Calendar UI ... You can see the "More" menu under You can use the Fresh Button in the upper right corner of the Calendar u, but all you can do.

smtp - how to pass folder that contains whitesapce to RCTP to -

मैंने आरसीटीपी जैसे एलएमटीपी आदेश का प्रयोग किया: "uid + folder @ domain"। डिलीवर सफलतापूर्वक सफल होता है जब मैं बिना फ़ोल्डर के किसी भी सफेद स्थान के उपयोग करता हूं आरसीटीपी को: & lt; "& gt; लेकिन मुझे" प्राप्तकर्ता पते में 500 5.5.2 सिंटैक्स त्रुटि मिलती है " जब मैं फ़ोल्डर का परीक्षण करता हूं (टेस्ट टेस्ट) में सफेद स्थान होता है। आरसीटीपी को: & lt; test + test "& gt; कृपया मदद करें।

python - Django - in project, and in app -

I'm trying to redirect the form action to another page, however, I'm not familiar with the Django framework Am I went through the election tutorial The current django.conf.urls import pattern in my project includes, include, django.contrib Import Admin from WebApp Import View URL StripCal import ideas from admin.autodiscover () Urlpatterns = Pattern (', URL (r' ^ admin / ', (, are included in the URL (r' ^ webapp / 'included (' WebApp.urls', namespace = "WebApp") ), URL (r '^ stripcal /' is included ('StripCal.urls', name space = "StripCal")),) my is in stripcal application: from django.conf. URL import patterns include, StripCal import ideas urlpatterns = patterns from django.contrib import admin ('URL' ('r' ^ ', views.index, name =' url from index '), url (r' ^ run ' , Views.detail, name = 'detail'),) when I type http://127.0...

shell - What is the difference between "<inp somecommand" and "somecommand <inp"? -

किसी भी यूनिक्स खोल पर, दोनों रूपों & lt; input.txt cat और cat & Lt; input.txt ठीक उसी तरह से काम करता है क्या उनके बीच कोई अंतर है? नहीं, उनके बीच कोई अंतर नहीं है। देखें, जो एक साधारण आदेश के पहले या उसके बाद एक रीडायरेक्शन के बीच अंतर नहीं करता है (यौगिक आज्ञाओं के लिए, विनिर्देश केवल आवश्यक है कि अंत में शैल का समर्थन पुनर्निर्देशन)। मनमाने बिंदुओं पर पुनर्निर्देशन के भीतर एक साधारण आदेश कुछ नहीं है जो POSIX sh विनिर्देशन को समर्थन की आवश्यकता होती है के लिये; हालांकि, ऐसे बाश जैसे गोले में जहां उन्हें अनुमति दी जाती है, ये भी वाक्यात्मक रूप से समतुल्य हैं।

cakePHP session not storing password -

My concern is that when I login using the at-> login () method, then about user All data is stored session but not password I wonder if this is normal? And how can I specifically select what field I want to store in session when I enter? said in the comment: The storage password in the sessions is not secure, and any reason to do so Should not be . Actually, do not do that. do not . Let's enter fantasy world. If the athent component saves passwords in session, then he has two possibilities to do this: Save it as plain text, or save it lightly and salty Scenario A: It is your forehead Writing your password, taking a selfie, and posting on Facebook (or the next new social network) will be similar. Anyone who sees your session (this can be done) will have your plain text password and if the user uses the same password for everything ... yay free Amazon shopping! Scenario two: It is "safe" in a way that is not plain text. But the safest thing? If you ...

c - Finding or arranging all combinations of given numbers -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 9 जवाब मुझे आशा है कि आप जो भी कर रहे हैं महान। मेरे पास एक दिलचस्प सवाल है, जो मुझे फंस गया है इसके बारे में सटीक क्रम में संयोजन उत्पन्न करना। उदाहरण के लिए मेरे पास 4 वेरिएबल्स (भिन्न हो सकते हैं) और इन 4 वेरिएबल्स में इस मामले में उदाहरण के लिए कुछ सीमाएं बढ़ाना है। इसलिए मैं एक ऑर्डर में 2d मैट्रिक्स उत्पन्न करना चाहता हूं: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 1 0 0 2 0 1 0 ...... ...... और इसी तरह। चर की संख्या (इस मामले में 4) भिन्न हो सकती है और अधिकतम सीमा भी (इस मामले में 4) भिन्न हो सकती है। यहां तक ​​कि मुझे भी सभी संभव संयोजन मिलते हैं लेकिन मैं उन्हें इस अनुक्रम में व्यवस्थित करने में सक्षम नहीं हूं। यह महान होगा अगर कोई जवाब दे। चीयर्स! मुझे लगता है कि आपको n चर मिलेंगे , जिनमें से प्रत्येक को 0 से बी -1 के बीच सीमा की अनुमति है आप जो चाहते हैं, बस आधार संख्या में एन-अंकों की संख्या की गणना कर रहा ...

sql server - Querying multiple MS SQL database instances on the same machine -

I'm new to MS SQL and I'm trying to do something that sounds simple but making me crazy is. I want to write a query to draw data from two databases, each database is a different example on the same DEV machine. (One MS SQL 2008 and other MS SQL 2005). I am using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (MSSMS). I have basic information. I know the format of the query and what I have to do is my big problem is that what is the name of each server? SELECT LastName FROM [servername1] .CHA2.dbo.Customer union selected from last name [servername2] OBXKites.dbo.Contact ORDER BY LastName I connect to the server name I MSSMS (DLPT \ HENRY) and whatever @@ Tried the SERVERNAME SELECT @ @SERVERNAME DLPT \ Henry DLPT \ HENRY. CHA2.dbo.Customer did not work I tried it without DLPT Henry.HCLAC Not worked I need a future The name of the server to use in the query is NAME. [DLPT \ Henry]. The name CHA2.dbo.Customer contains a backslash which is usu...

powershell - Copy directories when their name matches -Like txt files -

I am trying to copy a set of directories. I have text files that have the same name and I need to match those text files to directories, to determine which directory is copied. This is what I did and I did not know how to fix it. I am going in circles around $ destination = ".. \ .. \ $ args \ images \" $ Txtfiles = Get-ChildItem $ Destination -Include * .txt $ source = ".. \ .. \ .. \ Images \ "| ? {$ _. PSIsContainer} | Where-object {$ _. Name- "" $ $ txtfiles * "} | Copy-Item is an example of $ Destination txt file: 1e03655b-0aac-48b2-82f3-75942084af7a.txt folder:. name.1e03655b-0aac-48b2-82f3-75942084af7a I folders that match txt files and txt file The folder needs to be copied to the directory thanks you want to expand basename attributes of text files 1e03655b-0aac-48b2-82f3-75942084af7a 1e03655b-0aac-48b2-82f3-75942084af7b 1e03655b-0aac-48b2-82f3-: .txt Hiss ) And as such is an array of strings 75942084af8g 1e03655...

ssas - Filter by dimension member only without sub-nodes -

I need to query the cube by a density dimension (parent-child). Filters can have multiple nodes at any level. This works that I restrict results to only 2 supply chains ... SELECT [Measures] COLUMNS on [total revenue], [product ]. [Product]. From where my robots ({[Supply Chain]. [Supply Channel]. & Amp; [{c0c62bda-0369-4591-be85-3a7078bc3352}], [Supply Chain]. [Supply Channel]. & Amp; [[aca836e9 -22ac-4952-8809-3f50aeda6891}]}) I know, good key, not my design! The problem is that the data not assigned to a particular supply chain is assigned to the top node. If I add the top node to the list, then all the data will be returned (since all data is subordinate to it). Is there any way to return values ​​with a specific member and neglect their children? I would like to say, "Return all data sent to the top node or the supplied supply chain and their children properly.) I ended the copy of the query in Excel and then checked the MDX generated using the OLP Piv...

How to correcttly size text for different android screens using multiple views, where to store views -

I understand that to see my app on multiple devices, I need several views depending on screen size . Can I store these new ideas in these drawable folders or should I create a new folder where the existing layout folder is such: - layout- ldpi layout- MDPI layout - HDPI layout - xhdpi The view that you type in the drawables folder If a layout from the default layout folder does not fit in certain screens, then you can add the new layout to the qualifier () Can be defined again in a new folder, ie Layout - Refer to the corresponding accordingly and defined ideas Do not use plain numbers when defining the size of the elements of the layout in the drawables folder, instead they should be values ​​ in different folders in related folders. Define numerical values ​​in the values ​​ folder and redefine them as necessary by creating extra folders in addition to the same logic with the layout, such as value-large For larger screen Android this reference will be refe...

php - Basic post route does not work -

I am new to Larval 4, and I just create a new project, and do some practice after the official tutorial . For the routing part, an example of the original post route is the original post root root :: post ('foo / bar', function () {returns' hello world';}); But when I add a post path to my project root :: post ('/'), function () {return 'welcome'; }); This "405 - method is not permitted" error shows why this happens? Post method can not be used to show something? To answer your immediate question: Send data to the post server , So that the server can perform the activity. You should use it: Root :: find ('/', work () {return 'welcome';}); To provide a complete answer I understand your motive to return, provided you are new to Larwell. But, please help me: Laravel is an MVC framework (model, visual, controller). App / Root.FP Root :: Controller Please state that any request directed at...

Windows Azure developing kind of FTP server web interface -

I have a site with simple file interface for getting files from the server. I have a VPS with my real infrastructure IIS and large There is a folder with files. I am trying to transfer Window Azure to the service, I have successfully created a managed web site and VM for some other tasks. The problem is with the folder with my files, I do not know how to repeat that step on that infrastructure. I have the idea of ​​doing this: 1) Create and share a folder with these files on my VM 2) On my managed web site , Try accessing shared folders like "\ {myVM} \ sharedfolder" But, what is the way to do this? Can I share that folder internally? Do I need to configure a closing point on my VM? Thank you! "How do I store large files in Ezu so that a Microsoft Azure Web site can reach them? " Your file Alternatively, you can check the use of the preview that is still in the preview. Setting up your VM will enable a file sharing Z: \ Files If you are...

Docker - Tomcat and PostgreSQL containers in same host - No Route to host -

I have a web application running on Tomcat and has started the container using the command, Docker run -d -p 8080: 8080 tveuser / tve-repository: tve-services I also run a PostgreSQL container on the same host using the following command am: Docker run-D-P 80: 80-P-5432: 5432 Tivejhr / Tive-repository: TV-post-Jiaracl I Verify that PostgreSQL is running using phpPgAdmin but Neither could it find the tomato to connect. 'Docker PS' also tells me that both the containers are up and running. I connect the web entry to the database through the TOKamet Reference.XML which contains the entry & lt; Parameter Name = "abc.connection.url" value = "jdbc: postgresql: // 5432 / dbname" /> Where is the Dockers Host IP in which the Container is Running. But when I run the Tomcat Container, I get the following error: Org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: The connection attempt failed. On Org.postgresql.core.v3.ConnectionFactoryI...

ember.js - Ember Query Params unset Query Parameter -

I am using new AMR query queries and "unstable" a query parameter I is a scenario where I need to navigate with something :? From the game = 13? Question = 14 This means that I have 2 query criteria on my router: game, question unfortunately this transition (coming from game = 13): this.transitionToRoute ({queryParams : {Question: 14}}); It goes unfortunately: ? Game = 13 & Question = 14 I have also tried: this.transitionToRoute ({queryParams: {Question: 14, game: tap}}); to which leads: ? Game = Faucet and Question = 14 Because somehow everything is string transformed How do I? Can I transition to Question = 14 and delete game query parameters? Start your property to store query parameters in some values. To remove them from your URL later, set them to this initial value: App.SomeController = Ember.Controller.extend ({queryParams: ['myParam'], myParam: "initial ", ...); Later ... Controller .set ('Maripam...

Spring, JSR 303 Validation and Hibernate -

I am currently developing an application with Spring using the hibernate as Ober. I know that by default Hibernate uses JSR-303 Bean Validation whenever an entity is stable or loaded. Since this application supports drafts (and I want to get recognition after continuing it) I had to add it firmly. Xml: & lt; Validation-mode & gt; No & lt; / Validation-mode & gt; The problem with not having these assumptions for hibernate is that when I try to verify verbally on a unit manually (when a draft becomes a document) , The element that is not yet loaded by hibernate (examples of constant bug from the time of validation) are not valid, here is a code example. Administrator method code: @RequestMapping (value = "/ unit / {entity_id}", method = RequestMethod.POST) public string full entity (@pathvirable ("Entity_id ") Long unit_id} {// My antitissivir was autowired in the controller MyEntity myEntity = myEntityService.findById (entity_id); // He...

python moving multiple files from one folder to the other based on text characters in file name -

I am quite new to Python . I am searching for the shutil module and can move things in general. My question revolves around: Imagine a scenario in which there are hundreds of files in your export folder. While all the files are different, 13 of them are for specific vendors I run through the export file Want to create a script going to, evaluates each filename, captures all the apple files and puts them in apple folders, Intel files, and Puts them in the Intel folder. Any knowledge will be greatly appreciated. I was trying to keep wildcard in the code shutil , but I had no luck. thanks, jt The easiest solution I can think about: importil import os source = '/ path / to / source_folder' dest1 = '/ path / to / apple_folder' dest2 = '/ path / to / intel_folder' files = .listdir (source) for f in the OS file: if (f.startswith ("Apple") or f.startswith ("apple")): shutil.move (f, dest1) elif (f.startswith ("Intel ...

jquery - multiple effects on one element simultaneously -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 5 जवाब मैं fadeIn और कोशिश कर रहा हूँ और एक साथ चेतन हालांकि यह दूसरे के बाद एक कर रहा है आप इसे एक ही समय में कैसे करते हैं। मैंने कोशिश की है: $ ('# बॉक्स')। FadeIn (1000); $ ('# बॉक्स')। चेतन ({मार्जिनटॉप: '0'}, 1000); और $ ('# बॉक्स')। फीडइन (1000)। मान ({मार्जिन टिप्स: '0'}, 1000); लेकिन वे दोनों एक ही काम करते हैं एक घटना तो दूसरा मैं एक ही समय में उन्हें कैसे कर सकता हूं? आप फ़ेडइन के बजाय अस्पष्टता का सजीव कर सकते हैं। तो तत्व को अस्पष्टता 0 में सेट करें, डिस्प्ले निकाल दें: कोई नहीं, और फिर अस्पष्टता को चेतन करें, यह हाशिए एनीमेशन के समान होगा।

webserver - Nginx rewrite url issue -

मुझे समस्या है /index.php?q=account&page=delete&pid=123 से / खाता / हटाएं / 123 यह मेरा एनजीएक्स कॉन्फ़िगरेशन है स्थान / {पुन: लिखना ^ / खाता / (हटाना रद्द करें | हटायें | छिपाने | दिखाना) / ([0- 9] +) /? $ /index.php?q=account&page=$1&pid=$2 अंतिम; } यह कॉन्फ़िगरेशन के साथ शुरू करने में विफल रहता है और यह किसी भी त्रुटि को लॉग नहीं करता है, लेकिन मैंने nginx -t कमांड की कोशिश की है और यह कहता है कि परीक्षण सफल है मुझे नहीं लगता कि nginx rewrite का अच्छा उपयोग है। यह एक try_files मामले की तरह अधिक लगता है कुछ ऐसा स्थान ~ ^ / खाता / (हटाना रद्द करें | हटाएं | छिपाने | दिखाना नहीं है) / ([0-9] +) /? $ {Try_files $ url / $ / endex.php ? Q = खाता और पेज = $ 1 & amp; pid = $ 2; } इसमें कुछ अतिरिक्त ठीक ट्यूनिंग की आवश्यकता हो सकती है, यद्यपि।

html - How to add line breaks to bootstrap modal -

I'm trying and failed to add line breaks in a dry bootstrap model. My hyperlink template code that shows the message that the model show code: This action is permanent. This will be my jquery bootstrap modal code: $ (document) ) .ready (function () {// START: Delete code. $ ('($$ (' # DeleteConfirmModal '). $ {' ('Body') [$ ('BR').) .append (' Lt; div id = "delete commmodel" class = "model mode-athletic-maximum-width" role = "dialog" is field-labeled = "Delete configured labels" aria-hidden = "true" & gt; div class = "modal-header"> button type = "button" class = "off" data-discarded = "modal "Ariya -Lead =" True "> X {% res" "} {resume_details_trans}} & Gt; & lt; / div & gt; div class = "modal-body" = "BTN" data-rejected = "modal" aria-hidden = "true" &...

ios - IBOutlet UIView in tableView cell repeating -

is a custom UIView for my custom tableViewCell to repeat As I scroll down, the first 5 cells will have unique views, but the second group of 5 cells will replicate the UIViews from the first group of cells. I think I am very familiar with dequeuing my cells, but I can not seem to reset the cells before reusing UIViews I used to reuse the Tableview cells when using reuse Have read a lot of answers about but nothing is working, can my UIView have to do something with having an IBOutlet? Each table view cell has a unique UIBezierPath which is set to the Marks Path property - (UITableViewCell *) Table View: (UITableView *) Table View CellForOutPath: (NSIndexPath *) Index Path {Fixed NSString * identifier = @ "audioTableCell"; OSAudioTableCell * cell = [self.audioTable dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier: Identifier]; If (cell == zero) {cell = [[OSAADIOTABLE seal alloc] initWithStyle: UITableViewCellStyleDefault reuseIdentifier: identifier]; } Recording * Recording ...

Why would sending an email via php from one domain to an email on the same domain is being blocked -

I'm having a strange problem, I have a website with a contact form, I have php mail () I'm using process the form and send an email issue is that the email is never receiving messages sent from the website. That email is on the same domain name that is sending it. In addition I have put other email addresses and the form works fine. I have sent my Gmail account directly from the email account which is not getting from the website and everything works fine. It appears that only the emails sent from the website are being blocked, I have checked the spam filter, listed the white email, and the server has called the company to see it. Everything checks whether the message was being caught elsewhere and after an hour on the phone, they can not identify the issue. I have terminated all the tools, I have implemented PHP malware and it does not go so far. This is a page where the form is: Any help of this will be highly appreciated, I have terminated every possible means ...

ios - Re-initialize a lazy initialized variable in Swift -

I have a variable that has been started: lazy var aClient : Client = {var _aClient = Clinet (ClinetSession.shared ()) _aClient.delegate = self return _aClient} () The problem is, at some point, let me reset this aClient Need to do the variable so that it can start again when changed ClinetSession.shared () but if I set the class to the optional clint? , when I try to set it to zero , LLVM will give me an error if I call it aClient = Clinet (ClinetSession.shared ()) Using the Reset elsewhere in the code, it will end with EXEC_BAD_ACCESS . Can lazy be used and can be allowed to reset itself? Thank you! The idle is clearly meant to start only once the model you want to adopt is probably only Is an initial-on-demand model: var aClient: client {get {if (_aClient == blue) {_aClient = Client (ClientSession.shared ())} __Client back! }} Var _aClient: Client? Now whenever _aClient is zero , it will be launched and returned. It can be restarted by setting ...

java - Why this in OOP -

वर्ग अभिभावक {निजी इंट var = 1; सार्वजनिक int getVar () {वापसी var; } सार्वजनिक शून्य सेटवर (इंट वर्) {this.var = var; }} वर्ग बाल अभिभावक (निजी int var = 2; सार्वजनिक int getVar () {वापसी var; } सार्वजनिक शून्य सेटवर (इंट वर्) {this.var = var; }} और अब, यह परीक्षण करते समय, हमें 2 मिलता है। बच्चे का बच्चा = नया बच्चा (); माता-पिता = (माता-पिता) बच्चे; Println (parent.getVar ()); मैं बच्चे के उद्देश्य को एक अभिभावक को स्पष्ट रूप से ढंक कर रहा हूं और मेरे इरादों को स्पष्ट कर रहा हूं, इसलिए जब मैं माता-पिता करता हूँ। GetVar () मुझे 2 मिलता है? बाल बच्चे = नया बाल (); माता-पिता = (माता-पिता) बच्चे; आप बस बिंदु के लिए एक सुपर क्लास संदर्भ का उपयोग कर रहे हैं। आपका ऑब्जेक्ट अभी भी वर्ग बाल है और वह कभी भी नहीं बदलेगा। तो आपको हमेशा 2 प्राप्त होगा। इसलिए जब आप कॉल करेंगे System.out.println (parent.getVar ()); समय संकलित करने पर यह जांचता है कि क्या getVar () संदर्भ के वर्ग में मौजूद है parent जो सच है तो यह संकलन करता है रनटाइम में यह वास्तविक ऑब्जेक्ट ...

database - VB.Net No value given for one or more required parameters with update -

Hello, I am trying to build a reservation system for their work which is currently present communication database. But I'm having trouble making changes to this database. I'm getting error "There is no value to one or more of the required standards with updated" access my code below for injecting the changes in the database I I've changed some sensitive information with Striks I Thankyou private sub AddAddButton_Click (this object, e EventArgs aS) handles AddAddButton.Click dim Conn New OleDb.OleDbConnection (as "provider = Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 ;. data session En: rote = C: \ ********************** jet Oledibi: Database Password = ********* * ") Dim cmd effort OleDb.OleDbCommand = New OleDb.OleDbCommand ("Update RepairOrders SET ROOther = @Other, ROJobType = @Type, ROJobTime = @Time, RODelPicDate = @DelPic Where Rono = @JobNo", Connecticut) cmd .Parameters.AddWithValue ( "other @" AddOtherText.Text) cmd.Parameters.A...

Are there any Typescript definitions for the AngularJS ui-router? -

I have been using type-scripts with UI-Router, have any kind of definitions been found for this? I definitely typed and could not see anything. Here I want to find an interface file for: $ stateProvider We are using dt for ui-router : update link, May 2011 Raw version (copy / paste ready) Upgrade notes: When I updated the angular-ui-router.d.ts to the latest (May 2015) version, I had to face some problems. In short, the solution Angular definition changes to: Module NG declared { In : declare the angle of the module So updated angular All related (existing) d.ts as well (angular-nmate.dt, Change all other (custom) module announcements like Module ng Announce XXX in Declare module estimation. XXX { With some of these steps ... everyone should work again (, Not working link) Small code snippet form which is resource: // angular js 1.1.5+ (ui.router module ) Definitions by Type: // Project: https://...

jquery - Validating input type=file -

How am I valid if the user has chosen an image or not, then click the upload button using jQuery . Can I ban the solution for the image being uploaded ?? Ex: - Only images above 900 x 400 resolution are allowed below. My form is Below is jQuery: $ ("# eventImage"). Validate (validate {rule: {image_name: {expected: true}, // input type = file}, image_name: {new_name: "Please enter a category name!", Event_image: "Please select an image" }}); Take a look at $ (" Validate (# rule: {image_name: {expected: true}, event_image: {expected: true, extension: "png | jpg"}}, Message: {event_image: {extension: "Please select an image Choose "}}}); Demo: Or, if you want to go with MIME type $ ("# eventImage"). Validate ({Rule: {image_name: {expected: true}, event_image: {expected: true, accept: "image / *"}}, Message: {event_image: {Accept: "Please select an image" }}}); Demo:

xcode - Using Git on the same iOS project with two other developers on two different macs -

I want to make changes to an app at the same time when working on different macs, please use GIT in GIT Can you explain to? XCode supports both GIT and SVN your best solution to create a remote repository (ie) And multifunctional computers to make changes. Create a remote Connect to remote GIT repositories inside the encoder

2D array in C with pointer -

I am trying to understand code output below: int counter = 0 ; Intetrix [5] [5]; Register int * aPtr; Int i, j; For (i = 0; i & lt; 5; i ++) (j = 0; j & lt; 5; j ++) aMatrix [i] [j] = counter ++; APTR = A and amatrix [1] [1]; Printf ("% d \ n", APTR [2]); Referring to the sample code above, what would be the value of "aPtr [2]" after execution? Please help me understand why I am getting the output as 8. for (i = 0; i After the execution of the loop, your aMatrix - amatrix [0] - & gt; 0 1 2 3 4 AMTRICS [1] - & gt; 5 6 7 8 9 AMTrix [2] - & gt; 10 11 12 13 14 AMTrix [3] - & gt; 15 16 17 18 19 AMTrix [4] - & gt; 20 21 22 23 24 then aMatrix [1] [1] contains 6 , you specify the address of There are amatrix [1] [1] to aPtr . That is aPtr [0] = 6 , aPtr [1] = 7 and aPtr [2] = 8 . So obviously you will get the output 8

android - How to update status on facebook -

I want to update the status on Facebook by app, so I searched a lot, but able to update status on Facebook I have imported Facebook sdk3.15.0, it gives the permission error in the logcat. So tell me how it is possible to update the situation, and this reaction taps, my code is Imgfacebook.setOnClickListener (New OnClickListener) {@Override Public void onClick (see v) {// TODO Auto generated method stub faceboo K = new Facebook (APIIID); msinker = new asynxfacebutton (facebook); logineffects ();}}); Public Zero Logintobookbook () {mPrefs = getPreferences (MODE_PRIVATE); String access_token = mPrefs.getString ("access_token", null); Expires for a long time = mPrefs.getLong ("access_expires", 0); If (access_token! = Null) {facebook.setAccessToken (access_token); PostToWall (CheckRating); } If (end! = 0) {facebook.setAccessExpires (ends); } If (handle!) To stop {facebook.isSessionValid ()) {facebook.authorize (this, new string [] {"email", "publish...

javascript - The 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header contains multiple values 'null, *', but only one is allowed -

यह मेरा कोड है & lt; script & gt; फ़ंक्शन loadXMLDoc () {var xmlhttp; अगर (window.XMLHttpRequest) {// code for IE7 +, फ़ायरफ़ॉक्स, क्रोम, ओपेरा, सफारी xmlhttp = नया XMLHttpRequest (); } Else {// code for IE6, IE5 xmlhttp = नया ActiveXObject ("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } Xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function () {var responseText = xmlhttp.status + xmlhttp.responseText; document.getElementById ( "myDiv") innerHTML = responseText। } ("GET", "$top=2"); Xmlhttp.setRequestHeader ("X-SUP-APPCID", "f02e061a-f6ff-405a-8e45-573870e6435b"); xmlhttp.send (); } & Lt; / script & gt; जब मैंने GET अनुरोध करने की कोशिश की तो मुझे मिल रहा है "XMLHttpRequest लोड नहीं किया जा सकता है? $ Top = 2। 'एक्सेस-कन्ट्रोल-अनुमति दें -ऑग्रीन 'हैडर में एकाधिक मान' नल, * 'होते हैं, लेकिन केवल एक ही अनुमति दी जाती है। उत्पत्ति...

JSP refresh page through servlet -

I want to use the servlet code to refresh the jsp page. "my_list.jsp" "My_add.jsp" is a page that user can input some to add items to the list in "my_list.jsp" Is design. Add item "in user" Click on "My_list.jsp" and a pop-up will be "my_add.jsp" to complete the user input and add items to the list after clicking on "Add button", add this item to "AddServlet. Java "will trigger. Protects zero doPost (HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException {AddItem (); Resp.sendRedirect ("/ my_add.jsp"); Resp.setHeader ("Refresh", "0"); } Because the user can add more items, I do not want to close the page "my_add.jsp" after adding an item. Therefore I write the following in "" resp.sendRedirect ("/ my_add.jsp"); Resp.setHeader ("Refresh", "0"); ...

python - I have ValueError in NumPy -

इनपुट कोड: randomlabel = [(random.randint (1,10), I) जीनइएक्स के लिए] सॉर्टलेबेल = सॉर्ट किया गया (रैंडललैबल) स्टोर = {} I के लिए, सॉर्टलाबेल में जम्मू: store.setdefault (i, []) i के लिए, सॉर्टलेबल में ज: स्टोर [i] .एपेंड (जे) प्रिंट मुझे एक गुप्त त्रुटि संदेश मिला sortlabel = sorted (randomlabel) ValueError: एक से अधिक तत्व के साथ एक सरणी का सत्य मान अस्पष्ट है । A.any () या a.all () का उपयोग करें यहाँ सरणी तुलना रिटर्न बूलियन अभिव्यक्ति। किसी भी विधि () और सभी () सरणी पर मूल्यों को कम करते हैं। यदि आप कोड को np.allclose ) कृपया एक नज़र डालें .. यह आपकी मदद करेगा

How can i transfer repeated call to same queue member in asterisk -

I am using queue and I want to map a caller to an executive. If I call in the queue and call you the next time if I call in the queue, the call will not automatically be sent to the other members of the queue. There is an option in Q configuration to do this ... ? You need to do something like this exten = & gt; ; _x., 1, set (ext = $ {ODBC_check_info ($ {caller id}}}}} exten => .x2, gotoife ($ ["$ {ext}"! = ""] - From-internal, $ {ext}, 1); if match, ext exten =>, _x, 3, goto (to-psnt, $ {EXTEN}, 1). If nto match, go to default route P>

php - add large files in zip codeigniter -

I am looking for a large amount of CSV file solutions from GUI. I have tried to zip it through the library which is provided by the codeigniter. But some issues are facing I have never tried zip solutions before today, so I do not have much information about it so I can be wrong. I really need once all the big CSV files, so it will be saved in the path below / var / www / html / folderName / assets / Reports_FIle / Then all the CSV files I created must be added to the zip file and download that zip file whenever I small The CSV file size (in KBR), I'm trying to add it to Zip at the same time but when file size (M Ministers) does not work Even in the zip file is a file size, but is not able to see any CSV file in the zip package. Code: $ value = "/ var / www / Html / folderName / assets / report_FIle / report_2014_07_31_00_51_44_0 "; $ = Zip_name "report_" date ("y-m-d_h_i_s") "zip." $ This- & gt; Zip- & gt; Re...

ruby - Multiple Select Tag in Rails -

I am trying to implement a multiple level drop down list in the rail. I have three tables in my DB. vehicle_make. RB class vehicle make & lt; ActiveRecord :: Base validates_uniqueness_of: making has_many: end of placements vehicle_model.rb class vehicle models & lt; ActiveRecord :: Base validates_uniqueness_of: Model has_many: Appointments end vehicle_make_model.rb Class VehicleMakeModel & lt; ActiveRecord :: Base validates_uniqueness_of: vehicle_make_id ,: scope = & gt; : Vehicle_model_id end and im trying to implement a multi dropdown list should select the vehicle model in appointments.html.rb only to make it. P> & lt;% = vehicle_make_id, options_for_select ( {| s | [s.make,]}, appointment. Vehicle_make_id), {}, {class: "Form-control"}%> ; And in my JS I have .. $ ('# appointment_vehicle_make_id'). ('Change', function () {var vehicle_make_id = This.value; $ .ajax ({url:...

scripting - Print full filenames with spaces in shell with find command -

I have a search command which is the size and file name of 20 largest files on the given directory (with full path) Will print and write it in a file: $ $ {DIR} -type f -size + 1m -exec du -h '{}' + | Sort-hr | Awk '{print $ 1', '$ 2}' | Head-20> gt; & Gt; Files.csv The problem is that there are some files present with the blank in your file name. These file names are printed only to the first place. Ex: A file named 'Hello Thiext' is printed in the form of 'Hello'. I have given the IFS 'N', i.e. thanks P> awk , print $ 1 "," $ 2 prints the first two regions separated by a comma. The problem is that there is there.txt in Hello there.txt in the third column. It seems that only awk is doing the first tab is changing with a comma, it can be easily done with sed : $ find "$ {DIR}" -size f -size + 1m -exec du -h '{}' + | Sort-hr | Sed's / \ t /, / '| Head -2...

java - how to: long to Date to String? -

I'm really stuck in I have to convert a long date to any date. Next I want to write the month, changed to a string. I want to display the month on a text view But displaying a string on the textview is not a hassle. I have tried: date DT = new date (); Calendar cal = calendar.justinstance (); Cal.setTime (dt); // Get the long date of current time = link = calendar. GetTimeInMillis (); // Get the current time as time CalendarView.setDate (dateAsLong); View View Calendar Current Date TextView TV = (TextView) findViewById (; Tv.setText (String.valueOf (dateAsLong)); // & lt; - But this is wrong thanks in advance! get date from the first long long value = 1346524199000l; Date Date = New Date (Val); SimpleDateFormat df2 = New SimpleDormat ("MMM"); String month = df2.format (date); Once you are running the string in the form of a month, use the code below to convert it to the android text view only textview SetText (month);

ios - Add button outlets to IBoutletCollection Xcode -

मैं 15 UIButtons को एक IBOutletcollection में जोड़ना चाहता हूं प्रत्येक UIButton के लेबल अलग से क्या मैं प्रत्येक बटन पर एक टैग आवंटित कर सकता हूं और फिर किसी भी तरह बटन के टैग से संबंधित बटन लेबल बदल सकता हूँ? या क्या मुझे अलग-अलग बटन लेबल बदलने के लिए व्यक्तिगत आउटलेट्स की आवश्यकता है? इस कोड को इसमें लिखें बटन क्लिक विधि टैग - (IBAction) btnClick के लिए टैग सेट करें और उस स्थिति की जांच करें और शीर्षक सेट करें

windows runtime - C# winrt scale and translate ellipse -

I grow in C # with Windows runtime. I have a picture with scrollwriters. On this image, I make the oval from When I zoom the image, do not zoom the oval. I want to know how to zoom in oval to keep a good position. My code: list & lt; Point & gt; Ptmp = new list & lt; Point & gt; (); Point position ogine = new point (); If (tabPointOrig == zero) {tabPointOrig = New list & lt; Point & gt; (); TabPointOrig = tabPoint; } Foreach (pointP in tabPointOrig) {pTmp.Add (new point ( (px - scrolling horizontol offset), math round (p. Y - scroll vertical offset)); } Tabpoint = ptmp; Leading (can be in the grid image.Children) {If (Can.GetType () == Type (Canvas)} Canvas Canvas Canvas = (canvas); Forrestacht (Cantement in Cantt.) {Transform Group TG = New Transform Group (); Trans Trans Trans Trans = New Translation Transform (); Scale Transform Scale = New Scale Transform (); Positionogrin = new point (canvas, gate left (canment), canvas .Gettop (con...

Eclipse - Can't change background color after I applied a theme -

I applied the theme to the Moon Luna, now I'm trying to change the background color to the window where I Write my code To do this I select "Window -> Preferences -> General -> Editor -> Text Editor -> Color Options", I select "Background Color" and I want to Set one. By clicking on "Apply", the color is set and I can see it, but as soon as I close the Preferences window, the color becomes reddened again as if the theme is set. How do I make change permanent? If this was not possible, how do I reset to default? I pushed the "Reset Lapse" button, but as I closed the window, he went back to the theme colors I have also removed the Eclipse folder and put a new one, everything is back to the default but the background color prevents any setting around the eclipse system? I use Windows 7 64bit. I have found that the subject CSS was to be edited to do this. Close the eclipse and paste the jar on / [eclipse directory]...

javascript - Convert word list into array -

I have tried to see if there was a script to change the list of words in an array and I would like to Do not think to find one. Does anyone know where I can find it? Input: dog cat hamster " [dog "," cat "," hamster "] no .. this is not what I mean. I have a textile file with a bunch of words on each line and I was thinking that there was something already there that happened For example: var textarea = document.getElementById ('list'); var arr = []; Textarea .addEventListener ('Input', function () {arr = this.value.split ('\ n'); cons Ole.log (arr);}, incorrect);

Javascript - how to echo php in javascript -

How can I get php properly inside javascript? var timeDiff = 60-20; If (Timediff console error: Unwanted syntax error: unexpected identifier This resonates 'second first' Chrome source, though after error. Just wrapping the material that you are echoing should do it, e.g. var stamp = timeDiff & lt ;? Php echo json_encode ($ this-> __ ('seconds ago'). '.'); ? & Gt ;;

.net - Exception thrown when calling 'Properties.Settings.Default.Save()' in C#, -

My application threw an exception in a particular PC when it's called 'properties' settings to save some user configuration settings Have tried. The exception is .. Exceptions: "Failed to save settings: Error loading a configuration file: Unable to open file 'C: \ users \ xbblmoo \ AppData \ Local .... .... \ User.config 'to write because it is only read or hidden. " This problem is only on a particular PC. I checked that the login user has administrator rights. Environment Windows 7 is 32-bit. This problem does not occur on any other PC with the same environment. It was ok to run an application through VS 2008 in that PC. Any ideas please thank you in advance. Check that "user.config" is not hidden, system etc. Or even delete it.

pagination - bootstrap3 tabindex change my css style -

I use tabindex = "" for correct output pseudo on my page list. Focus tag but when I set the tabindex = "" to my link, my style is broken. You can check my problem coming to the host's website, in the bottom you see my pageview So, when you click on the page, if the style breaks, how to fix broken styles? Code: HTML & lt; Ul class = "endorsement" & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" & gt; & Lt; Img src = "img / catalog / ar_lt.png" alt = "rl" /> & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" tabindack = "1" & gt; 1 & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" tab index = "2" & gt; 2 & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" tab index = "3" & gt; 3 & lt; / A...

javascript - Equivalent of angularjs interceptor in jquery -

मैं REST अनुरोध से प्रतिसाद को अवरुद्ध करना चाहूंगा क्योंकि $ httpProvider.interceptors agularjs में करता है: $ http मैं jQuery के साथ एक बहुत कम इंटरफ़ेस बना रहा हूं और इस के लिए केवल कोणीय का उपयोग करना पसंद नहीं करता। क्या आपके पास और आइडिया है? असल में मेरी सही समस्या यह तय है कि यह एक है: लेकिन मैं इसे उसी प्रकार से jquery के साथ हल करना चाहूंगा। मैंने यह कोशिश की सफलता के बिना: $: V31 उत्तर देने के लिए, मैं इस किया था (केवल कभी नहीं एक 0 स्थिति एक 301 ... पकड़)। ajaxSetup ({त्रुटि: समारोह (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {अगर (jqXHR.status == 301) {चेतावनी ( "। तत्व नहीं मिला");} else {console.log (jqXHR.status); console.log ( "त्रुटि:" + टेक्स्टस्टाटस + ":" + त्रुटि झटपट);}}}); यहां मेरा कंसोल है: जो कहते हैं: XMLHttpRequest लोड नहीं कर सकता *******। अनुरोध '**************' है, जो पार मूल अनुरोध करता है कि preflight की आवश्यकता के लिए अस्वीकृत है पर पुनः निर्देशित किया गया था। 0 त्रुटि: त्रुटि: यदि ओपी पर प्...

polymorphism - Polymorphic methods inside constructor -

'' इस कोड में test class class शून्य डिस्प्ले () के बजाय testfather class शून्य डिस्प्ले () वर्ग testfather {void display () {System.out.println ("यह testFather वर्ग है"); } TestFather () // testFather कन्स्ट्रक्टर {display (); }} क्लास टेस्ट सैंस testfather {void display () {System.out.println ("यह टेस्ट-ऑन क्लास" है); } TestSon () // testSon वर्ग निर्माता {int i = 100; System.out.println ("यह टेस्ट-ऑन क्लास का खतरा है"); }} पब्लिक क्लास टेस्ट कन्स्ट्रक्टर {सार्वजनिक स्थिर शून्य मुख्य (स्ट्रिंग [] आर्ग्स) {testSon ts = new testSon (); }} '' आउटपुट: यह टेस्ट हैन क्लास / * क्यों नहीं यह टेस्टफैडर क्लास है / / / यह टेस्ट-ऑन क्लास का खतरा है आपने एक teston ऑब्जेक्ट बनाया है इसके लिए इसके निर्माता को फोन किया जाता है यदि आप माता-पिता को कॉल करना चाहते हैं तो वे सुपर () कन्स्ट्रक्टर में भी उपयोग करते हैं। अगर यह जावा है, तो मुझे लगता है। संपादित करें: एक अन्य नोट पर ऐसा नहीं लगता है कि आप अपने testSon कन्स्ट्रक्टर में डिस्प्ले (...

sql - Oracle 11g - Unpivot -

मेरे पास इस तरह की मेज है दिनांक वर्ष महीना दिन turn_1 turn_2 turn_3 28/08 / 2014 2014 08 28 फू बार एक्सब और मैं इसे इस तरह से कुछ में "घुमाने के लिए" चाहूंगा: तिथि वर्ष महीना दिन स्रोत स्रोत 28 / 08/2014 2014 08 28 फू टर्न_1 28/08/2014 2014 08 28 बार टर्न_2 28/08/2014 2014 08 28 एक्सब टर्न_3 मुझे "स्रोत" कॉलम की आवश्यकता है क्योंकि मुझे इसकी ज़रूरत है इस परिणाम को दूसरे तालिका में शामिल करने के लिए जो कहते हैं: स्रोत अंतराल टर्न_1 08 - 18 टर्न_2 11 - 20 टर्नबोर्ड 18-24 अभी मेरे पास उपयोग हैं तालिका को घुमाने के लिए अनपिवेट करें, लेकिन मैं "स्रोत" कॉलम को कैसे प्रदर्शित करने के लिए नहीं जानता (और यदि यह संभव है): my_rotatation_table unpivot से dt_date, df_year, df_month, df_turn चुनें (df_turn for एक्स में (turn_1, Turn_2, turn_3)) हल: dt_date, df_year, df_month, df_turn, df_source my_rotatation_table unpivot से चुनें (df_turn (Turn_1 के रूप में 'turn_1', turn_3 'turn_3' के रूप में 'turn_1' के रूप मे...

clone - jQuery validate on cloned form fieldsets works but is ignored by .valid() method on the form element -

I'm sure this has surfaced many times, but before I'm at the end of my intellect with this problem Will try and problem will be descriptive as possible without the statement. I am using jQuery valid plugin for form validation. All form rules and messages are retrieved via AJAX and subsequently initialised. All form validation works as a magic until I start cloning the fields within the form so that the user can get the ability to add additional entries. The input field responds exactly, as they should change the value (error highlight and displaying the message etc.), but when I form on the form If I call the validid method, it ignores pre-cloned extra fields. I've added the test rules after cloning the field, and then, the input field responds properly to the new rule, but it is stopped when you call it. Valid () on the form element. I'll add the code snippet, anybody should be prepared to help me find a problem. Thanks in advance! Edit: Edit: I'v...

C# Importing Excel files doesn't work anymore -

I have an application that imports sheets from Excel files and processes them. I started developing on Windows XP and all were working fine, but now I had to switch to Windows 7 Professional X86. The problem that happened suddenly, is that when the application wants to open a Excel file, it throws it one exception. I did not change anything in the code, I just switched to working on PC. It works randomly on my personal PC (Windows 7 Professional X64). Any help is appreciated. Thank you in advance Did you check file / folder access?

html - How does calc() CSS property degrade in older browser -

Given that calc () is well compatible with CSS properties rather than most browsers (cf) I was still wondering how it decreases in older browsers, especially on the Android browser, because only the final version seems to handle it well. I do not care too much about IE support This is a common question, but this is a small example I wonder how these properties will get out: Width: Calc ( 100% - 50px); Height: Calc (100% - 50px); Browsers that do not support CSS3 calc announcement Ignore where an unrecognized value is seen. It will be as if you have never included them in the CSS file. The result in your Bela will be this way: When you want to set up a fallback for browsers that do not support it calc So your CSS should be: width: 600px; / * Do not use Fallback support Calc for browser / width: -WebKit-Calc (100% - 50px); Width: -Moz-Calc (100% - 50px); Width: Calc (100% - 50px);

javascript - How to use AngularJS without custom HTML tags? -

I am trying to use Inline Datapaker, but it works with a custom tag: & lt; Datepicker ng-model = "dt" min-date = "minutedate" & gt; & Lt; / Datepicker & gt; My templates processor does not support custom tags, it's a way to work with a standard tag, e.g. and ng-something = "datepicker" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; Some things like how fingerprints use custom tags, and AngularJS IE8 has some problems when accepting custom tags using JS, but my problem is on the steps of HTML Generation That is, there is no problem with this browser. Note that I can not change my template processor, and this question is larger than that, because you want to use standard tags, if you want W3C-Compact HTML AngularJS uses standard attributes (Before data - ), but I can not find a way to use standard tags.

r - Scatter plot for each column of a DF : generates random number of files -

I am currently trying to create scatter plot for each column of any other column, and putting it I am in a PNG file. The bigger issue is that the script is run horizontally and at the same time with the B, the data form does not make the same number of files: 50 files or 80 can end with I .. It is random And I can not explain it ... There is no error printed in the console ... Let me plot all the columns, not just one random subset of them Does anyone know what might be the cause of this problem? And how can it be solved? Here is the code: data_analysis_num & lt; - Function (Miscellaneous, Center, DataFrame, Column_name) {Column & lt; - data [, column_name] (name1): length (datafeed)) {count & lt; - count + 1 name & lt; Plot (dotf [, i] ~ column) ()}} data_analysis_num - compt png (file / paste ('/ home / R / Fusion /', name_folder, '/', name, sep = '')) ('All', Centre_4, DF, 'Column_name') I thought th...

android - Contextual Action Bar in Webview text Selection -

I get a lot of questions about this problem, but I can not fix it. I am creating custom relevant action bars (CABs) within WebView My problem is working well in CAB setOnLongClickListener but I Edit: mywebview .setOnLongClickListener (new onlineclicklist) { @ Override Public Boolean on Longclick (see V) {mActionMode = MainActivity.this.startActionMode (New ActionBall callback ()); Return to reality;}}); Execute ActionMode.Clall interface: ActionBarCallBack applying ActionMode.Callback {@Override Public Boolean ConnectionItemClatch (ActionMode Mode, MenuItem Item) {// TODO Auto generated method stub Return False ; } @ Override Public Boolean on Crack Action Mode (Action Mode Mode, Menu Menu) {// Todo Auto-Generated Method Stub Mode. Getmanue Inflator (). Flight (R.Menu.textax_menu, menu); Back true; } Override public recordDistrictModition (Action Mode Mode) {// TODO Auto-Generated Method Stub} @ Override Public Boolean {@ TODO Auto-Generated Method Stub Return False O...

PHP/MySQL text and reference -

So we say that I've got 2 variables in my MySQL table. The first is the nickname "David" and the second is "Same" and "" is the second line associated with their website. So now I want to put it on my site like this: David Sam And when you click on one of these names Then they are redirected to their websites. Can you help me There is no information about starting this too. I'm just newbie about php. Regards. first, create 3 columns id, name, then URL. Then the output is like this & lt; A href = "$ url" & gt; & Lt; P & gt; $ Name & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; / A & gt; But I would like to clearly tell you that this question is very basic, if you do not challenge yourself, then this platform can obstruct you from learning. :)

angularjs - ng-table is not rendering pagination -

I am trying to use ng-table for endorsement in my table, although the table is completely render But pagination is unavailable in the table. Controller startBlockUI ('Wait ..', 3); $ Http ({url: url, method: "POST", data: "", header: header}). The success (function (data, position, header, config) {//$scope.persons = data; // Assign $ Scope.persons here has been resolved as stopBlockUI (); if (data.Status = = "200") {$ scope.InProgressTaskList = data.Payload;}}). Error (function (data, position, header, config) {}); $ Scope.tableParams = New ngTableParams ({Page: 1, // Counting page before showing: 5 // count per page}, {total: $ scope.InProgressTaskList.length, // data length getData: function ($ Defer, params) {$ defer.resolve ($ scope.InProgressTaskList.slice (( () - 1) * parameter coat (), () * params.count ()));}}); HTML & lt; Div square = "box-body no-padding" ng-cloak & gt; & Lt...

linux - How to check latest kernel version by bash -

How can I check the latest kernel version by bash? Is there a command to check the latest kernel? If you are looking for the latest kernel version of the website and not one on your system, You can use. This will work fine unless they change their page layout later. If they do, in that case, you have to zoom your order: [root @ slave2 gc] # curl -s / | Grep-A1 'Mainline:' | Grep -oP '(? & Lt; = strong & gt;). * (? = & Lt; /strong.*) '3.16-rc7 This will return the' Main Line 'release to you. You can search for 'stable' release using the same logic. Explanation: -o The only option for printing patterns. -P Explain the pattern as a Pearl regular expression. (? = Pattern) Positive looking positivity of a zero-width. To put it in simple words using an example, q (? = U) matches AX which is followed by U. (? & Lt; = pattern) A zero-width positive-back-to-back argument to put it in...

Laravel 4: Can't put methods into models? -

मुझे हमेशा त्रुटि मिली गैर-स्थिर विधि MyModel :: getCollection () चाहिए इसे असंगत संदर्भ से $ मानते हुए, यहां तक ​​कि खाली विधि विफल भी हो सकती है: & lt; php वर्ग MyModel सुवक्ता विस्तारित {सार्वजनिक $ तालिका = 'my_table'; सार्वजनिक $ टाइमस्टैम्प = गलत; सार्वजनिक समारोह getCollection () {// वापसी $ इस- & gt; ...}} तो क्या मैं विधियों को मॉडल में नहीं रख सकता या वे वहां "गलत" हैं? धन्यवाद! आप non-static कॉल नहीं कर सकते विधि स्थिर ( :: ) वाक्यविन्यास का उपयोग करके लेकिन Laravel में आप दायरा इस तरह की विधि घोषित कर सकते हैं: सार्वजनिक समारोह scopeGetCollection ($ query) {// उपयोग $ query // वापसी $ query} तब आप इसे अपने नियंत्रक से कह सकते हैं : मॉडल का नाम :: getCollection (); // असली मॉडल नाम के साथ मॉडल नाम बदलें

Android - Remove multiple versions of the support library/package? -

मुझे लगता है कि समर्थन पैकेज के कई संस्करण हैं I एक उदाहरण के रूप में खंड ट्रांज़ैक्शन को हल नहीं किया जा सकता। क्या कोई आसान तरीका है इसे ठीक करो? पहले से धन्यवाद यदि आप सिस्टम विखंडन प्राप्त करना चाहते हैं प्रबंधक बस getFragmentManager () के बजाय getSupportFragmentManager () का उपयोग करने का प्रयास करें । मुझे लगता है कि यह अच्छी तरह से काम करता है

html - Why is my css not working? -

I do not know why this CCS text is not working ... should have background color. If someone sees my mistake, Thanks! I have to add more details, but I think it is not at all obvious, if not only ask! THNX! & lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Style type = "CSS / text" & gt; #my_canvas {margin: 10; Background color: white; Border: Black 3px solid; } Body {background-color: slategrey; } & Lt; / Style & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; Var bg = new image (); Var sh = new image (); Var po = New picture (); Bg.src = "ruimte.jpg"; Sh.src = "schiet.jpg"; Po.src = "pop.gif"; Function canvas () {var ctx = document.getElementById ('my_canvas'). GetContext ('2d'); Var afst = 10; Function background () {this.x = 0, this.y = 0, this.w = bg.width, this.h = bg.height; This.draw = function () {this.x - = 2; Ctx.drawIma...

smalltalk - Which Programming Language Was First To Use Virtual Machine? -

I had previously assumed that it was Java (I was wrong), I'm reading stuff on small socks, I wonder When I read it Article: "Smalltalk has a special place in computer science history. It is known as the product of the Zerocus PRC (Palo Alto Research Center) as well as the public around the 80s Appeared in the form of this programming. Apart from this, it is a virtual machine Wow uses a virtual machine, so it also means that the need for "cross platform" is felt Was done so long ago ... ???? Allegedly, the first virtual-machine thing for machine "delay 60s" for BCPL was. UCSD-Pascal (which is often referred to as the first one) is done after "the early 70s" Therefore, whom do you ask, this is either Pascal or BCPL.

Responsive width with wordcloud2.js (canvas html5 element) -

You can create beautiful and easy wordclouds with you. I do not really have a problem with this script, in fact, with canvas element as usual: I have to do a responsive width (in this matter related to browser-width). It shows the correct width (100%), but the canvas is extended and the "image" gets distorted. I save "png" if this is the year / basic resolution given by the script how to fix it . & Lt;?! DOCTYPE html public "- / / W3C / DTD XHTML 1.0 Transcription // N" ""> & Lt; Html xmlns = "" & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Meta http-equiv = "content-type" content = "text / html; charset = UTF-8" /> & Lt; Title & gt; Canvas & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; Script src = "//"></script> & Lt; Script src = "//