Eclipse - Can't change background color after I applied a theme -
I applied the theme to the Moon Luna, now I'm trying to change the background color to the window where I Write my code
To do this I select "Window -> Preferences -> General -> Editor -> Text Editor -> Color Options", I select "Background Color" and I want to Set one.
By clicking on "Apply", the color is set and I can see it, but as soon as I close the Preferences window, the color becomes reddened again as if the theme is set.
How do I make change permanent?
If this was not possible, how do I reset to default? I pushed the "Reset Lapse" button, but as I closed the window, he went back to the theme colors I have also removed the Eclipse folder and put a new one, everything is back to the default but the background color prevents any setting around the eclipse system? I use Windows 7 64bit.
I have found that the subject CSS was to be edited to do this.
Close the eclipse and paste the jar on
/ [eclipse directory] / plugin directory / plugins / com github.eclipseuitheme.themes.moonrise-ui_ [version] .jar Locate >
Open the jar and go to
applicable to/ themes / css /
/ P>Search for
# 202020
and change the color code you want
If you feel that the color is not applied, then check that you have moonlight-Ui [platform]. CSS has been modified to that which applies to your platform (Win / Linux) or the topic you have chosen (moon / moonlight standalone)
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