android - How to update status on facebook -

I want to update the status on Facebook by app, so I searched a lot, but able to update status on Facebook I have imported Facebook sdk3.15.0, it gives the permission error in the logcat. So tell me how it is possible to update the situation, and this reaction taps, my code is

  Imgfacebook.setOnClickListener (New OnClickListener) {@Override Public void onClick (see v) {// TODO Auto generated method stub faceboo K = new Facebook (APIIID); msinker = new asynxfacebutton (facebook); logineffects ();}}); Public Zero Logintobookbook () {mPrefs = getPreferences (MODE_PRIVATE); String access_token = mPrefs.getString ("access_token", null); Expires for a long time = mPrefs.getLong ("access_expires", 0); If (access_token! = Null) {facebook.setAccessToken (access_token); PostToWall (CheckRating); } If (end! = 0) {facebook.setAccessExpires (ends); } If (handle!) To stop {facebook.isSessionValid ()) {facebook.authorize (this, new string [] {"email", "publish_stream"}, new dialog () {@Override cancel at public zero () {// Work for Event} @ Finish Public Zero at Full (Bundle Prices) {// Edit the function // Preferences to handle the full event and update the shared references to Facebook AssessToken editor editor = mPrefs.edit ( ); Editor.putString ("access_token", facebook.getAccessToken)); Editor.Patell Long ("Access_Experience", facebook.getAccessExpires ()); Editor.commit (); PostToWall (CheckRating); } @ Override error on public zero (dialog error error) {// work to handle error} {Override public null at @FacebookError (FacebookError fberror) {// Function to handle Facebook errors}}); Public Zero Posttol (last string msg) {try {// bundle parameter = new bundle (); // parameters.putString ("message", "text is lame. Listen:"); // parameters.putString ("name", "name"); // parameters.putString ("link", ""); // parameters.putString ("caption", "caption"); // parameters.putString ("Description", "Description"); // // string response = facebook.request ("me / feed", parameter, // "POST"); // Log.v ("response", response); Bundle parameter = new bundle (); Parameters.putString ("Message", "Text is Lame. Listen:"); Parameters.putString ("method", "stream.publish"); String response = facebook.request (parameter); Logs. V ("reaction", reaction); System.out.println ("feedback is ....." + response); } Hold (exception e) {System.out.println ("feedback is null ......"); } // posted on the user's wall}  


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