
Showing posts from March, 2014

codec - timeoutUs in MediaCodec API android -

I am using the MediaCodec API in one of my apps. I used code from bigflake and the app is running fine But I still can not understand both timeout U in both tasks dequeueInputBuffer () and the function dequeueOutputBuffer () after reading about both Not in this API reference It would be great if someone could use this parameter properly and explain the effect. And should it be in the above mentioned both function calls? Well, the main idea is that internally, working under the MediaCodec layer components is asynchronous, so that's why. When you call dequeueInputBuffer () or dequeueOutputBuffer () , no work is done, calling is threaded, only during the selected timeout The reaction is ready or timeout until the component status is checked. Buffer allocation from my experience is also ASCIN, so if an internal buffer is not ready for dequeue ... small timed out can be in INFO_TRY_AGAIN_LATER but mainly for decoding \ encoding, for processing by non-blocking call Input fra

javascript - Array not storing values in for loop -

I want to parse a JSN object and store values ​​in an array, then I will assign each array to a second array In order to create an array for loop, where there is every element in a2 a1 . I am already getting json and parsing correctly. var a1 = []; Var a2 = []; For (i = 0; i console.log (a1) prints the right array, which changes for each recurrence of the loop. For example: ["2014-01-01", "John"] ["2014-01-02", "n"] ["2014-01-03", " Mike "<< Code> but with console.log (a2) print a2 previous a1 values For each index: [["2014-01-03", "Mike"], ["2014-01-03", "Mike"], ["2014-01- 03 Code> In every index of a2 for the inside of "Look" was also tried. Loop () like: a2 [i] = a1; I want a nested (or 2-D) array, but each Element Why is the value? What's going on here? Is there some javascript scoping rules? It works in oth

c++ - How to use cin inside a function? -

I am new to C ++ and am trying to create a simple text based game. The code below should welcome the user in the game and ask if the user wants to start the game or not. I did not find any build errors, but when I run it shows that there is a blank screen. What exactly am I doing wrong? Code below: string D1 (string origin) {cin> & Gt; Original; Original return; } Int main () {string decision1; Cout & lt; & Lt; "Welcome to Game Names" & lt; & Lt; Endl; Cout & lt; & Lt; "Do you want to start the game?" & Lt; & Lt; Endl; Cout & lt; & Lt; "Yes / no" & lt; & Lt; Endl; String D1 (Decision 1); System ("cls"); If (decision 1 == "yes") {cout & lt; & Lt; "It happens" & lt; & Lt; Endl; } And if (decision 1 == "no") {cout & lt; & Lt; "It happens" & lt; & Lt; Endl; }} You do not have to call D1 D1 : std :: string

twitter bootstrap - The content of my page is located within the navbar -

The content that separates the content and the navbar remains in the middle instead of the content, it happens with all those pages, which Routes are done on the main page, which has nine bars. I have tried to add padding-top, relative positioning, margin-top etc. to the body but it remains in the nabar. It seems that they are on the same line but are not doing nothing to add more time to the content They are different because they are .mail file. This is a symbol with Naubar: .display-options ul.nav.nav-tabs link-to "ediagnostic.entry" tagname = "li" href = "False" link-to "ediagnostic.entry" | Tag "Edgnostic. Stations" from the entry link = "li" href = "wrong" link-to "ad diagnostic.station". Work station link-to "ediagnostic.spur" tagName = "li" href = "false" Link-to "Edgnostic Cyr" | Link "ediagnostic.exit" with tagName = "li" href =

linux - Write stdout to two different files (one overwrite, one append) in bash -

मेरे पास समूह और संख्या द्वारा व्यवस्थित किए गए प्रयोगों का एक गुच्छा है I / कोड>। मेरे पास 3 भिन्न समूहों और संख्या के लिए, मैं 2 अलग-अलग प्रयोगों को चलाने के लिए चाहता हूं दूसरे शब्दों में, मेरे पास चलाने के लिए निम्नलिखित प्रयोग हैं: समूह ए, 1 समूह ए, 2 समूह बी, 1 समूह बी, 2 समूह सी, 1 समूह सी, 2 हर बार जब मैं एक प्रोग्राम चलाता हूं जो प्रयोग के परिणामों को stdout पर प्रिंट करता है, तो मैं चाहता हूं कि उन परिणामों को पाठ फ़ाइल में डाल दिया जाए मैं प्रत्येक समूह और संख्या संयोजन के परिणाम के लिए एक अलग पाठ फ़ाइल चाहता हूं, और प्रत्येक समूह वाले परिणामों के लिए एक अलग टेक्स्ट फ़ाइल भी चाहता हूं इसलिए, ये मेरी बास स्क्रिप्ट है जो इन सभी प्रयोगों को चलाता है: #! / Bin / bash groups = $ समूहों में जी के लिए "एबीसी" संख्याएं = "1 2" आरएम * .txt; करो # डॉलर के मूल्य के लिए $ g के मूल्य के आधार पर ग्रुप सेटिंग्स सेट करें; करें # $ n ./myprogram & gt; & gt; के मान के आधार पर संख्या सेटिंग सेट करें। $ G-results.txt किया उपरोक्

c# 4.0 - Getting an error when trying to call LocalReport.Render("EXCELOPENXML") -

I installed DocumentFormat.OpenXml (see 2.5.5631.0) from nugetpackage manager in VS2010. I can also see the refernce for DLL I have created the package folder too. But when I am trying to execute the law submit public override zero (local report report) {this.SetUpParameters (report); Byte [] Provided Report = Report.Render ("AcelopenxML"); (renderedReport); } I am getting this error: The specified argument was outside the range of valid values ​​parameter name: format When I am using report.Render ("EXCEL"); I am not getting any error. I have to use ExcelMax to generate XLSX axles. Can anyone help me on this? What version of Microsoft's version report.reportViewer.WinForms is? If this is less than 11.0, then maybe you have a problem Incidentally, Visual Studio (2013) has refused to show me version 11.0 as an option from the Add Reference dialog. I do not understand why I had to browse for

Detect keycode ALT+L via Javascript -

I want to find out that a user presses F12 or ALT + L. Documents. Onkeydown = function (event) {event = (event || window.event); If (event.keyCode == 123 || (event.keyCode == 18 and event.keyCode == 76)) {// anything wrong lies; }} What am I doing? The standard way to indicate that 'alt' key is currently placed below and then To find out if it is true and if the L key is pressed - look at Bela: var holds = false; ... and if (event.keyCode == 18) {organized = true;} if (organized == true & amp; event.keyCode == 76) {warnings}; } ... document.onkeyup = function (event) {if (event.keyCode == 18) {held = false;}} To keep any combination of this key Applicable - You can create an array for multiple keys to hold more than two: organized = []; ... if (event.keyCode == i) {organized] [i] = true;} ... and so on

ruby - Delete a huge amount of files in Rackspace using fog -

I have millions of files in my rackspace files. I would like to delete one part of them, instead of removing one, Passing the list, which is very slow, is there any way to do this with fog? Right now, I have a script to delete every file, but it would be nice to do something with better performance. connection = fog :: ({: Provider = & gt; Rackspace: rackspace_username = & gt; "xxxx" ,: rackspace_api_key => "xxxx" ,: Rackspace_region = & gt ;: IAD}) dir = {| D. D.key == "my_directory"}. First CloudFileModel.where (duplicate: 1) .each do | Record | F = record.file.gsub ("/", "") dir.files.destroy (f) Rescue Nile puts the "deleted # {}" end Yes, you can do it with it. Deletes many objects or containers with the same request. To remove objects from a container, container can be provided and should be a head of the object names within the object

javascript - How do I properly include textAngular in meanjs? -

I am writing an angular application for which a WYSIWYG editor is required, and while doing some research, I had come. It looks like what I want, but when I have & lt; Text-angular & gt; & Lt; / Text-angular & gt; Insert directive, the editor breaks too much: This is what it should look like: Do I depend on this library I am losing Why do not most buttons have any icons? JS console is not reporting any errors, what can I do to make this work? I have come to know that, the Geithub page tells you the font-awesome, so I Did it and it worked.

rest - TCL HTTP set up headers to send post request -

I'm totally new to TCL. I am trying to send a post request to a server. The headers I'm trying to send: "POST test HTTP / 1.1" "Content-Type: Application / x-www-form-urlencoded" "Keep-alive: True "" Authorization: Basic khjkjkhkhkfzxc "" Customer: Amin "" Content-Length: 10 "" ggggsis " My code is: set bs" Set the original khjkjkhkhkfzxc "Set HD [List Authority $ BS] set vaccine [http: geturl $ url -headers $ hd] set [http: data $ tk] http: cleanup $ tk return $ tk Why does not this work? Where's my fault And how to fix it? Your help is greatly appreciated. Thanks Edit : I created a small server socket to display my request and here is my new code for posting: < Code> Set BS "Basic gfhfghfdhgf" set HD [List Authority $ bs] Token Set [http: geturl $ url -headers $ hd -query] [http :: formatQuery blabla blablo] Type :: "text / xml"] Set up postSt

login - How do I allow users to view my Google App Engine website without having to log into a Google Account? [SOLVED] -

I have created a simple website using Google App Engine. Anyone at any time sees a site that they are looking for Google Accounts are presented with a login screen, as long as they are not already signed in to a google account. My question is, whether crossing the screen and whether users are signed in to Google even if they go directly to my website. I have tried to research on this, but no solution has been received so far, if anyone is there. Perhaps there is something to configure within the app.yaml? I'm not sure, any help would be greatly appreciated. My app.yaml Application: myappid version: 1 runtime: php api_version: 1 thread secure: yes default_acceptance: "7d" handler : - url: /(.*..(gif|png|jpg|ico|js|css|swf|xml)) static_files: \ 1 Upload: (* *. (Gif | png | jpg | ico | js | Css | swf | xml) Login: Optional - url: /.* Script: main.php Login: Optional [ Integrated ] Some line codes of the problem Removed by removing, where I was using the

javascript - Fancybox not working on product page in prestashop -

I have an online store at Prestashop 1.5.6. There is a Fancybox for images on the product page, but when clicking on the image it is not working, only a new page will open with the image. Firebug does not show any errors, and I do not know where the problem is. 5 weeks ago everything was fine. Link to this product page - Can anyone help me in smart brains?

sql - Dapper: Procedure or function has too many arguments specified -

एक संग्रहीत कार्यविधि को कॉल करने के लिए डैपर का प्रयोग करते समय, मुझे निम्न त्रुटि प्राप्त हो रही है: मैं क्वेरी को सरल पैरामीटर की सूची जोड़ने के लिए DynamicParameters का उपयोग कर रहा हूं। पैरामीटर कोड इस प्रकार दिखता है: var पैरामीटर = नया डायनेमिक पारामेटर्स (); मापदंडों। जोड़ें (पी। नाम, पी। वेल, दिशा: पी.मोड); क्वेरी कोड इस प्रकार दिखता है: var परिणाम = _connection.Query & lt; T & gt; (string.Format ("{0}। {1} ", Request.SchemaName, request.StoredProcedureName), मापदंडों, कमांड टाइप करें: कमांडटाइप। स्टोटेड प्रोक्रिडर, ट्रांजैक्शन: _ ट्रांज़ैक्शन); प्रोफाइलर में निष्पादन एसक्यूएल निम्न के रूप में दिखाता है: exec dbo.storedProcedureName @ पैरामीटर नाम 1 = N'ParameterName ', @ पैरामीटर नाम 2 = N'ParameterName' , @ RemoveUnused = 1 @ पैरामीटर नाम 1 बिल्कुल नहीं है कि पैरामीटर कैसे कहा जाता है। दरअसल, नामों के रूप में नामों के रूप में पारित किया जा रहा है (N'ParameterName ')। @RemoveUnused पैरामीटर पूरी तरह से मेर

python - Openshift Write and Share via URL -

So basically, I write through Python in a file on OpenShift and then used to write a user If you want to be able to file it through a URL being included in the Git repository So, in a nutshell, suppose I create a file through my script:. open X = "file .txt" (os.path.join (os.getenv ("OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR"), x), 'one'). The close () then creates an empty file with it's OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR directory, which is not the only one that is not affected by Git and is guaranteed to be overwritten by OpenShift processes In the root of the file.txt name. Will I then provide a link to File.txt? I think this is to deal with .htaccess. Should I write files in some other place? I do not know how to move on here or if I'm on the right track, then I appreciate some help if you can thank you! "itemprop =" text "> after I used to find out how to do it. Then you will action hook I made it ... .openshift / action_hooks / post_depl

git - Creating branch to uncommitted works -

I cloned for remote repo and started working on code. I have not created any commitments / commitments / so far till I add, modify and delete the code. Now I do not want to push these changes in the remote repo because I have to complete all related work. At the same time, I need to try different ways too. I can save current changes in "new branch" without losing my work, then create new branch and start working on one of those branches Do it In the end I have the idea of ​​doing something like this: Master ---> donesofar -> trynew You can create a new branch, and submit the code to it, and then create another new branch to do the job. git checkout -b donsafer git add & amp;; & Amp; Git commit -m "msg" git checkout -b trynew Now, you will be on a branch trynew , where all your changes will be donesofar < Changes in / code> are going to be preserved because you are not working on them anymore.

php - uploading large object to Cloudfiles returns different md5 -

So I have this code and I'm trying to upload large files according to the rackspace: $ src_path = ''; // approximately $ 700MB $ md5_checksum = md5_file ($ src_path); // result is f210775ccff9b0e4f686ea49ac4932c2 $ trans_opts = array ('name' = & gt; $ md5_checksum, 'concurrency' = & gt; 6, 'partSize' => 25000000); $ Trans_opts ['path'] = $ src_path; $ Transfer = $ Container- & gt; SetupObjectTransfer ($ trans_opts); $ Response = $ transfer-> Upload (); The file has been uploaded which is alright However, when I try to download the suggested file here: < Pre> $ name = 'f210775ccff9b0e4f686ea49ac4932c2'; $ Object = $ container- & gt; GetObject ($ name); $ ObjectContent = $ object- & gt; GetContent (); $ Pathtofile = ''; $ ObjectContent- & gt; Rewind (); $ Stream = $ object content- & gt; Gaststream (); File_put_contents ($ pathtofile, $

scala - Parsing a torrent file -

I am trying to read in the .torrent file with the following code: Val source = (filename, "utf-8") val lines = source.mkString source.close () But when I run my program, Exception: Exception in thread "main" java.nio.charset.MalformedInputException: Input Length = 1 I try to insert and get a charset Have the same problem. What is the problem and what should be the file to read? The torrent file is no plain text , rather it is because of them to decode

c# - Calculating time based on velocity, distance and radius of two balls -

How do I get the required time for the following two constants when the following constants are Initial Radius of both the balls I am using C # for some examples in Unity 3 for code. . I am not asking for codes, I want to know what to do to do this (physics). Any help is appreciated Distance = velocity time Distance between balls for their size: Distance = P1 - P2 - (R1 + R2) Velocity balls (V) is the combined velocity: V = v1 + v2 ** Note that the direction matters. If they are going to each other, then they do yoga. Far away from each other, they subtract. So now ... V * T = P1 - P2 - (R1 + R2) Time for collision: T = [P1 - P2 - (R1 + R2)] / V

java - How do I access the underlying Jackson ObjectMapper in REST Assured? -

I have to configure the built-in Jackson Object Mapper in Rick Ashtard. I am writing another API test using REST Assured and I need to define some filters to register with Object Mapper, which is to serialize my object to JSN: < Code> string newTestSuite = "{\" name \ ": \" via added API \ ", \" description \ ": \" test description \ ", \" steps \ ": []}"; FilterProvider Filter = New SimpleFilterProvider (). AddFilter ("createNewTestSuite", New NewTestSuiteFilter ()); ObjectMaper ohm = new objectMap (); Om.setFilters (filter); {TestSuite ts = om.readValue (newCaspianTest, TestSuite.class); Request Sprint Request SEPEC = New Request Specbuilder () .setBaseUri ("") .setBody (ts) .setUrlEncodingEnabled (incorrect) .build (); Demonstration demonstrationSpeak = new responseSpinkBilder (). ExpectStatusCode (200) Xpenstatslline (Mattspers content string ("200 OK")) Build (

c# - Iterating over multiple rows of data in PowerShell -

I am writing some power-shell code to connect to a database, read several lines of data, and return them < Code> SqlDataReader . I wrote this "C # path" how I would write it: C #: function ExecuteQuery ($ sql) {$ Connection = New object SqlClient.SQLConnection ($ ConnectionString); $ Connection.Open (); $ CMD = $ connection.CreateCommand (); $ Cmd.CommandText = $ sql; $ Cmd.Connection = $ connection $ reader = [System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader] $ cmd.ExecuteReader () $ Reader returns; } (To call this function, we have to close the connection with responsibility.) I hope, even without typing , Code> System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader . This is important, because I want to use the read to be repeated from the row through the line, not to mention that I want to use the column name to enter the square-bracket I want to use (Access by ID is very fragile) Unfortunately, I get an example of the system.Data.Common.DataRecordInternal , whic

html - php code is not working? -

I'm learning fresher and PHP from the YouTube tutorial. But the same PHP code in the tutorial is working without any errors, while on my system this is showing something that is shown in the picture. Please help !! & lt ;? Php if (& quot; $ _ post ['user_input'] ') ($ _ post [' user_input ']) & amp; below ($ _post [' user_input ']) {$ string = $ _POST [' user_input ']; Echo $ string; }? & Gt; & Lt; Hour & gt; & Lt; Form action = "index.php" method = "post" & gt; & Lt; Text field name = "user_input" rows = "10" column = "30" & gt; & Lt ;? Php echo $ user_input; ? & Gt; & Lt; / Text field & gt; & Lt; Br / & gt; & Lt; Br / & gt; & Lt; Input type = "submit" value = "submit" /> & Lt; / Form & gt; Production: After you never defined $ user_input when you called it for here : &am

javascript - Three.js - Render an object always on top -

I am trying to apply a command arrow that follows the mouse on the screen, but sometimes it One is hidden behind another object. Is there any way to touch the z-buffer or always render the arrow at the top I would not want to create a second view on the top (as seen in the solution:. Thanks. Thanks. Can you further explain what a "command arrow" is? If you want to have the mouse around the 2D Follow, one option is to create something like this: & Lt;! - If the use of a library is like jQuery, in which there is a Muesmov event handler - & gt; $ ('body'). Mousemove ({document.getElementById ('mouseHover < P> If you want something <3. Em> actually to submit to 3D which is in the pursuit of the mouse This problem is only relative position. You can create a THREE.WebGLRenderTarget on a transparent background, map it to a texture, and apply it to a THREE.PlaneGemometry which is used for camera Moves in front. I provide some co

How can I improve my Ruby practices with array and hash? -

I have array1 , which is an array of hash, and array2 , which is an array of integers array1.size and array2.size are 10 . I want to add each element in the corresponding hash array1 in array 2 . Then array2 [0] will be added to the array1 [0] in the hash. I've coded it: 0 in 0 array1.size array 1 [x] [: array2_value] = array2 [x] end I think there is a clear way to do this. Any help would be appreciated. One way: array1.each_with_index {| H, i | H [: array2_value] = array2 [i]} Other: (array2) .each {| H, v | H [: array2_value] = v} If array1 is not to change: {| H, i H [: array2_value] = array 2 [i]} (array2) .map {| H, v | H [: array2_value] = v}

c# - Exponential Moving Average with different kernels -

I am trying to replicate some formulas, but there is a problem translating mathematics into code. Here is a simple exponential moving average C #: outside [1] = value [1]; For (i 2: n (x)) {tmp = (bar [ii] - bar [ii]] / tau; W = exp (-mp); W2 = (1 - w) / tmp; Outside [i] = out [i-1] * w + value [i] * (1 - w2) + value [i-1] * (w2 - w); } In Python: Mu = numpy.exp ((ts [1] - ts [0]) / self.tau = New = 1.0 - Mu return numpy.array ([Mue * L * No * Arrival [0] L, zip for arrival (past, arrays)]) I enable to specify different Be sure to have the kernel and make sure to go about it as described here: All this has been done so I finally got this moving variable I can rebuild my heart: Any help Thanks for this Here is a possible way to have a method that gives to the kernel What I can see, this method will have input kerneltype , i , and other input . A simple perspective would be: for (int i = 1; i & lt; values.length (); i ++) {tmp = (bar [ I] - ba

php - Wordpress: Moving inline images to Featured Galleries -

This is my position: I am giving a new look to an existing Wordpress site. The new design separates all posts from the actual post content and puts it in one. Currently, you have specific inline images in the post content in each post. Is it also possible to remove all inline images from the post content and to create a featured gallery with those pictures for each post? In the past, I have achieved something like before, the image in the post content, and it was set as standard painted image, but I have to do with this dilemma. $ Already_has_thumb = is_post_ thumbnail ($ post-> ID); If (! $ Already_has_thumb) {$ attached_image = get_children ("post_parent = $ post-> ID and post_type = attachment & amp; post_mime_type = image & amp; numberposts = 1"); If ($ enclosed_image) {foreach ($ attached_image $ attachment_id = & gt; $ attachment) {set_post_thumbnail ($ post-> ID, $ attachment_id); }}}} // end function add_action ('the_post',

ios - RegEx in Swift? -

I am learning Swift, and I have (second) the question whether Swift has regular espressance, and if so How do I use them? In my research, I got some conflicting information. There is some mention of RegEx in it, but it looks very different than any other language I have seen. If this is the solution, how do I use it? The website, on the other hand, suggests that the regx is not present in Swift. Is it true? If this helps, then I am trying to use regex to get the average price of bitcoine from the JSON-style API, which contains the value, but there are not many things. Unfortunately, there is a lack of reggae in Swift, literally. But the external links which you are exposed to two ways of using regex. Create a classroom cover around NSRGeneration Expression and use this class. Foundation method calling RangeOfString: option: with RegularExpression Search as the option. In Swift, it is simple to clean the other way. Method method definition in swift fun

Simple assembly code conversion to Java -

I want to convert the following code to a Java code. I think this is the assembly code, but it is not sure. The part I really do not get is y - = m . {0, 3, 5, 1, 4, 6, 2, 5, 6, 2, 4}; Y - = M & lt; 3; Return (y + y / 4 - y / 100 + y / 400 + t [M-1] + D)% 7; This is a code, and I believe < Pre> constant final integer [] = {0, 3, 2, 5, 0, 3, 5, 1, 4, 6, 2, 4}; Static int dow (int y, int m, int d) {if (m & lt; 3) {y--; } Return (y + y / 4 - y / 100 + y / 400 + t [m - 1] + d)% 7; } is equivalent because y - = m Assessment y- = 1; if m otherwise y- = 0; Instead you can use a simple if in the end t [] can not be static in a method in java.

java - Inserting date into database without use of prepared statement -

I am struggling to include this date in moviesTbl I hope to do this without expecting to prepare. I got an error when I tried it below: Exception in thread "main" net.ucanaccess.jdbc.UcanaccessSQLException: User's privilege or object was not found: Release Here is the code: string date = "2012-12-28"; Java.sql.Date release = java.sql.Date.valueOf (date); Enter Qtd.update ("MovieTTB (Title, ReleaseDate, Style) values ​​('Harry Potter', released, 'Drama')"); How can I insert a date without a prepared statement? If you have variables recharges inside quotation marks, then incorrect methods of SQL I'm saying something on the lines of "I can not get the variable issued". You have to put your variable in Java so that the value can be kept in SQL otherwise SQL Server is looking for a variable released, but it's definitely not there, it's in your Java. string date = "2012-12-28"; Ent

tsql - SQL joins returning multiple results -

चुनें tmp.templatedesc Template, अनुभाग, q.questiontext प्रश्न, -, sum (case when Q.responserequired = '0' फिर 1 और नल एंड) 'एन / ए' के ​​रूप में -, राशि (मामले जब q.responserequired = '1' फिर 1 और नल अंत) के रूप में स्कैन -, गिनती (मामले जब (qr .weightedscore शून्य नहीं है और tmp.templatedesc = 'QA 30 दिन का कॉल फॉर्म' और = 'opening' और --rv.reviewstatusid = 1) फिर 1 सेकंड के रूप में समाप्त) ----, ( मामला जब qr.weightedscore & lt; & gt; q.weight then rv.reviewid अन्य शून्य समाप्त) के रूप में विफल - संख्या (मामले में जब qr.weightedscore शून्य है, तो 1 और नल अंत) NA, - संख्या (मामले में जब qr.weightedscore नहीं अशक्त तो 1 और अशक्त अंत है) aqm.dbo.reviewtemplate tmp (nolock) से स्कोर किया sec.sequencenumber, q.questionnumber, qr। * आंतरिक sec.templateid = tmp.templateid भीतरी में शामिल होने पर aqm.dbo.section सेकंड में शामिल होने के Aqm.dbo.sectionresult scr पर scr.sectionid = sec.sectionid भी शामिल है

perl - Group Already Exist -

#! / Usr / bin / perl सख्त का उपयोग करें; चेतावनियों का उपयोग करें; मेरा $ group_name = & lt; STDIN & gt ;; मेरा $ group_id = & lt; STDIN & gt ;; मेरी $ विकल्प = & lt; STDIN & gt ;; प्रिंट "* मेरा मेनू * \ n"; प्रिंट "* * \ n"; प्रिंट "* 1. यूनिक्स ग्रुप बनाएं \ n"; प्रिंट करें * * 2. यूनिक्स ग्रुप हटाएं * \ n "; प्रिंट "* 3. एक यूनिक्स उपयोगकर्ता बनाएं \ n"; प्रिंट करें "* 4. यूनिक्स यूजर को हटा दें \ n"; प्रिंट "* 5. छोड़ें * \ n"; प्रिंट "* * \ n"; प्रिंट "************************************************************************************************ ****** \ n "; प्रिंट करें * अपनी पसंद और प्रवेश करें; \ n "; $ विकल्प = & lt; STDIN & gt; ; Chomp $ विकल्प; अगर ($ विकल्प == 1) {प्रिंट "*************************************************************************** प्रिंट करें "यूनिक्स ग्रुप बनाएं \ n"; प्रिंट "********************************

c# - Get the item from a collection that contains another collection using linq -

कहें कि मेरे पास परत ऑब्जेक्ट का एक संग्रह है और प्रत्येक परत या इसमें कोई भी बहुभुज संग्रह नहीं हो सकता है। केवल एक परत जिसमें बहुभुज संग्रह परत संग्रह से होता है। LINQ का उपयोग करके मैं इस परत को कैसे प्राप्त कर सकता हूं? कुछ ऐसा foreach (परतों में विविध परत) {var item = layer.FirstOrDefault (x = & gt; X.Content बहुभुज है) यदि (आइटम! = नल) वापसी परत} आप इस तरह एक बहुभुज सामग्री वाली पहली परत प्राप्त करने में सक्षम होना चाहिए: ( Enumerable.Any का उपयोग करके): रिटर्न परतें.प्रथमऑर डीफॉल्ट (l = & gt; l कोई भी (x = & gt; x.Content बहुभुज है));

rest - Node.js Express nested resources -

I want to do nest like the resources below. /// fileA .js app.use ('/ dashboards /: dashboard_id / teams', teams); [...] ///teams.js router.get ('/', function (Rick, race, next) {[...]} but I can not Receive the parameter req.params ["dashboard_id"] in teams , because it appears to have already been replaced with parameter value. I have a problem by passing an intermediate function and passing the parameter But I do not know that ... do you have any answer? Thanks, Franco You can try this solution: // Announce a function that will pass the primary router's paramas for request var passPrimaryParam = function (req) , Res, next) {req.primaryParams = req.params; next ();} /// fileA.js app.use ('/ dashboards /: dashboard_id / teams', passPrimaryParam); app.use (' / dashboards / : Dashboard_id / teams', teams); ///teams.js Router.get ('/', function (Rick, Race, Next) {var dashboardId = req.primaryParams ['Dashboard_

git - How to push Codes from Remote Server (Rackspace) to bitbucket? -

I'm wondering if anyone has ever experienced pushing the code into a bitbasket from a remote server. My remote server CentOS and existing code to me I did log in using the pudding to your remote server and I think there is a Jiaiti by executing the command below the repo I am successful in setting up Git init git remote add origin my_username / My_git_repo.git git add Git commit -m "initial commit" But when I try to execute the Error calling "git push -u original master" "Permission denied (public key)" Hopefully someone can point me in the right direction here. Thanks Note that if you do not want SSI to deal with the creation and management of public / private keys, you can switch to https url like: cd / path / to / my_git_repo git remote set-URL https: // Then you will be asked for your BitBucket account password.

sql - Make NOT NULL constraint apply only to new rows -

I will try to present the situation as a minimum example: Say that We have a ticket table, defined as: Make ticket ticket_ID_list (ticket_ID number, issued VARCHAR2 (100), contract ticket_ID_list_pack primary key (ticket_ID)); The system is used for some time and data is added to the table: ticket_id_list INSERT (ticket_id, issued_to) VALUES (1, 'Arthur'); INSERT (ticket_ID, iss_a) value (2, 'Ford') in ticket_ID_list; Later, the following requirements have been fashioned: We need to place a reference number in the ticket table in the second part of this table. This reference should be zero tap but the old record should NULL value. (As it sounds, this is a real need.) Now if we do this: Alternate table Ticket_id_list ADD ref_no VARCHAR2 (6) null; This obstacle will be immediately violated and we will get: ORA-01758: The table must be empty to add the mandatory (not the null) column . We can definitely add a check to business lo

html - pseudo element below parent element in css -

Why is it that the pseudo elements are under the IMG within the parents, not the parent? I put a padding inside the basic element, it is relatively determined and it's z-index 9 while: first - complete and z-indexed -1? What is happening to me is this: Before IMG element and it should be under the basic element. HTML: & lt; Div class = "thumbnail" & gt; & Lt; Img src = "some_url" /> & Lt; / Div & gt; CSS: . Thumbnail {Height: 131 px; Maximum-height: 131 pixels; Width: 100%; Background: #fff; Box-Shadow: 0 0 5px -2px # 000; Margin-down: 20px; Padding: 5px; Status: Relative; Z-index: 1; }. Thumbnail: First,. Thumbnail: after {bottom: 0 pixels; Display area; material: ' '; Width: 33%; Height: 10px; Box-Shadow: 0 4px 6px -1px Rgba (0,0,0,0,5,5); Background: # 000; Z-index: -1; }. Thumbnail: First {left: 5px; Consequently, rotate (-6 degrees); }. Thumbnail: After {right: 5px; In turn, rotate (6 degrees); } Img {height: 1

python - How to pass a hidden recaptcha with mechanize? -

I am trying to fill the form on a website for academic purposes by automating Ajax's mechanization. When a person completes the form and presents it, then there is no re-inventory But when I fill out the controls for the form through mechanization in Python , Then there is a hidden control which is a reCapta apparently. & lt; Hidden controls (recaptcha_response_field = manual_challenge) & gt; Since this reCAPTCHA is never shown to any human, I do not know what it is looking for, or for that matter which is a manual-challenge. So my question is how can I pass this challenge so that I can continue with automation / mechanization? I posted the script I am using below, if there is any mistake with it. import import import #constants TEXT = "Hello world!" Br = mechanize.Browser () #Igoror robots.txt br.set_handle_robots (false) br.addheaders = [('user - Agent ',' Firefox ')] # Page response = ("http: //

io - Failing to load properties file from the same package in Java -

I have a package located at . Inside this package I have a file, and a class. I'm just trying to load the properties file in an input stream I have tried this: InputStream = test.class.getClassLoader () is. GetResourceAsStream (""); System.out.println ("stream:" +); Anything: string path = ""; InputStream = test.class.getClassLoader () GetResourceAsStream (path); System.out.println ("stream:" +); In both cases, I get: stream: blank in the form of value. Try this with: InputStream = test.class .getClassLoader () is. GetResourceAsStream ("com / foo / bar /"); Important to mention: Do not use a '/' at the beginning (this is a commortal mistake)

entity framework - EF6 code first add migration - where is the 'snapshot of the current code' stored? -

When I add migration to my first EF 6 code, I get this message "Designer code for this migration file contains a snapshot of your current code first model.This snapshot is used to calculate the changes in your model, when you interrupt the next migration. You make additional changes to your model If you want to include this migration, then you can redefine it again by running an 'Add-Migration AddAssignmentProperty'. " Is this a snapshot, or is there a way to see it Is this some unchanging blob stored in a secret location? Your model snapshot table _MigrationHistory column model which is binary blob representation of your model's jizid edmx description. However, there is nothing called an EDMX which I consider to be legible if you are used for the first code.

regex - I need to remove the date -

I have to enter regex in an area which only recognizes a different date all the files have the same Format: name.y% .m% .d% .blahblahblah This is an example of what the file name will look like: LordOfTheRings.14.6.28. Twin.Towers Assume that we have a file x . f = open (x, 'r') data = () import again y = re.sub (r ". \ D {2,4}. \ D {1 (2). \ D {1,2}. "," - ", x) New = open (y, 'w') new.write (data) delete all After the old file

windows - Regarding a simple installer for COM dlls -

I am using Installshiled to install this SDK, but it gives us lots of trouble with user accounts etc. ... but my SDK has some com components and some regular DLL and help files. My work is very low and I do not think that I would have to use this expensive software installation: 1) DLS to a specific folder 2) COM dlls register 3) Add some registry entries 4) Copy Uninstall all COM dlls 2) Destroy all dlls including regular dlls 3) Delete registry entries 4) Delete help P> > This beautiful routine - all installers Do basic stuff if it is YX (which is free), use heat to remove the registration, install files, and the rest only works. Your question is too broad to answer, so here is the YX tutorial. . The installation is generally more complex and works more than people expect. In addition to WiX, you can use the installed shield or the new VS in the Visual Studio you are using. 2012/2013 The installer will expand.

JSON parsing in iOS and storing the results into Array -

I'm being impotent in iOS, so please bare with a simple question. That's why I am trying to work on the Net Web Service. I am able to get feedback from the web service, the response beow & lt ;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt; Soaps: Envelope xmlns: Soap = "" xmlns: xsi = "" xmlns: xsd = "http : /"><soap:Body><getDoctorListResponse xmlns = "" & gt; & Lt; GetDoctorListResult & gt; [{"Zone": "Central Northern", "DoctorName": "Dr. Ang Kym Hwi",}, "Junk": "Central", "DoctorName": "Dr. Lee England Seng",}] I am only able to get json with the code given below - (zero) parser: (NSXMLPerser *) Parser has been found. NSString *) string {if ([current is aquat

angularjs - Preserve scope values while moving template in ng-repeat -

I have two collections that are binded to the UI that are ng-repeat In this I have ng-include = "template.html" & lt; Div & gt; Have included. & Lt; Div ng-repeat = "item 1 in item 1" & gt; & Lt; Ng- included src = "item.template" & gt; & Lt; / Ng-include & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; & Lt; Div ng-repeat = "item in item 2" & gt; & Lt; Ng- included src = "item.template" & gt; & Lt; / Ng-include & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; and my templates are given below & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; and my controller is like the following myApp.controller ("MainCtrl", function ($ scope) {$ scope.items1 = [] ; $ Scope.items2 = []; var item1 = {Name: "1", Template: "Template 1.html"}; var item2 = {Name: "2", Template: "templ

how to integrate chained payment with hybrid android app with IONIC framework -

I'm new to this hybrid application. I do not know how with hybrid Android and iOS app ** ** Compressed Payments ** with IONIC Framework in Windows platform Is there a plugin available? Tell me what the steps are? there is no plugin available from the PayPal API Will have to request

delphi - Maximized form with borderstyle set to none is cut with docked onscreen keyboard -

मेरे पास गुण सेट के साथ एक सरल रूप है: विंडोस्टेट: = wsMaximized; सीमा शैली: = बीएसएन; मैंने भी प्रपत्र के निचले भाग पर एक बटन रखा है (तल पर लंगर दिया हुआ)। मैं एप्लिकेशन को चलाता हूं और मेरे पास पूरी स्क्रीन पर संपूर्ण फॉर्म होता है। फिर मैं ऑनस्क्रीन कीबोर्ड चलाता हूँ: (स्टार्ट-> रन: टैबटीप) और इसे नीचे में डॉक करें। प्रपत्र को कुंजीपटल की सीमा तक बढ़ाया जाता है लेकिन यह थोड़ी सी छंटनी की जाती है, इसलिए बटन थोड़ी सी छंटनी की जाती है। समस्या को कम करने के लिए मैं क्या कर सकता हूं?

Android - How I can call javascript function and getting the retur value from javascript function -

I think many questions have been asked earlier about this addiction, but I have one of them for me I want to get value from JS function on my Java Android sample, function GetStringToMyAndroid (stringFromAndroid) {var myJsString = "Hello World" +; Return myJsString; } Now I want to call getStringToMyAndroid ("This string from Android") and get myJsString return to your Android WebView.loadUrl ("Javascript: GetStringToMyAndroid ('This string is called Android')") but I want to get value from string or JS function very much appreciate if I can have a detailed procedure Thanks. Note: My Android is running minimal SDK Android 3.0 Honeycomb API level For & lt; 19 Whether the use of the JavaScript interface (my preferred method below) or the abduction of the Onge Alert method and instead of using the alert () dialogue, it means that you You can not use the alert () function for the desired purpose. See: Web

proxy - Allow squid to permit skype with other restrictions for website -

I am trying to configure the squid proxy in my local network. Here is a snippet my squid.conf file ALL localNet src / 8 # RFC1918 possible internal network ACL Sthaniynet source 172.16 K0k0 / 12 # RFC 1 99 18 potential internal network ACL Sthaniynet src # RFC 1 99 18 potential internal network ## custom rules to allow AC websites Allowed "All: 443 ACL Protectport Port 80 # ACL Protectport Port 2367 # Skype # Iel Surkshitport Port 21 # FTP ALC Surkshitport port 443 # https # CL Surkshitport port 70 # Gopher # CL Surkshitport port 210 # Wallis # CL Surkshitport port 1025-65535 # Ananjikrit port # ACL Surkshit_port port 280 # http-mgmt #acl Surkshit_port port 488 # GSS-HT # CL Protectport Port 591 # FileMaker # CL Protectport Port 777 # Connect Multilanguage HTTP ACL Connect Method # Tag: http_access # Allow access to the defined access lists or access # # http_access # # HTTP access to prohibit access lists. Disclaimed [!] Eccleme ... # Focus on th

ios - Storyboard File Inspector -

I have submitted my app yesterday and I want to run it on iOS 6.0 and above operating system. I have deployed the target 6.0 and the latest iOS (IOS 7.1) from the base SDK. Is this OK? In addition to this, I would like to know that the file inspector tab for the storyboard file and the right build in the interface builder document section. One screenshot: I created the project deployment goal (6.0) Is there any problem with this? Where does this option say? Because one option is iOS 6.0 and later also to choose it. So, which one of these two options do I choose? I set the deployment target to 6.0 and the base SDK to the latest iOS (IOS 7.1) is. Is this okay? Yes I have chosen the project deployment target (6.0) for the build. Is there a problem in it? No, its minimum target .

export - Powershell - Write Object to File -

When I want to make a complete comparison of two text files, then I have the right result when I use: $ test = comparison-object-referobject $ srcobject -differenceobject $ compareobject -Censensitive $ test = $ test | Where {$ _. Side indicator -Ek "= & gt;"} | | Select 'Input Object' But later I have issues of serio that just write this stuff in a file. When I use it: Export-CSV, give it me a " for every line in the beginning and end The set-content, it gives me the "@ {InputObject =" and } every line How can I export the data without these limits? Regards, Alex try it - $ test = compare - object-referebackback $ Srcobject -differenceobject $ compareobject -CaseSensitive $ test = $ test | where {$ _.Side Ndiketetr -isi "= & gt;"} | * Select -akspantprvishtik input object * mvc 4 - Inserting values in master + child tables via Entity Framework -

I have 2 tables and have been automatically generated for both primary keys. Public partial class responses {public responses} {this.Answers = new HashSet & lt; Answer & gt; (); } Public Integer responseID {get; Set; } Public Systems Datetime create_dt {get; Set; } Public Virtual Ilectronics & lt; Answer & gt; Answer {Get; Set; }} responseID is an auto-gated primary key public partial class answer {public at answerID {get; Set; } Public Integer responseID {get; Set; } Receive Public Intestine Question ID { Set; } Public string reply {get; Set; } Public Virtual Question Questions {get; Set; } Public Virtual Response Response {get; Set; }} My attempt to add answers and answers at the same time Public Zero addAnswers (list a) { Reply RP = new reply (); Rp.create_dttm = DateTime today; Db.Responses.Add (RP). Answers.Add (ANS); Db.SaveChanges (); } I want to add an answer at the same time because the response is inserted because ResponseID is aut

openshift - open shift rhc setup in windows(no ssh key found error) -

मेरे सिस्टम में पहले से ही ssh कुंजी है, फिर कैसे मेरे खोलने के बदलाव के लिए इस एसएसपी कुंजी को सेट किया गया है। Rhc setup को चलाने के लिए कोई और रास्ता उपलब्ध है? क्या आपको कोई त्रुटि मिली? ऐसा लगता है कि आपको सिर्फ rhc सेटअप को चलाने की आवश्यकता है डिफ़ॉल्ट सर्वर को स्वीकार करें और जारी रखें।

c++ - How to delete a specific row in a text file using fstream -

Good day! My problem is that I should remove an entire specific line in my text file. But instead, I'm just changing it with white space. Actually, I do not know how to delete the line. Here's my code: fstream fs ("FoodList.txt"); // charPos here is the position of the file where I should start deleting Fs.seekp (charPos); // I loop 100 times because I'm sure every line is 100 characters (int i = 0; i & lt; i ++) {// what i really want to do, full line fs & lt ; & Lt; ""; } My text file will look like this: Before: Apple Carrot Cherry (If I select charPos = 3 ): apple of banana cherry By the way, I have already updated The part has been made. I can edit the specific lines, thank any kind of gratitude. :) The easiest way to read files is by writing a temporary file, leaving the selected line And move the temporary file to the original one.

coffeescript - Folding files in the navigation bar in webstorm -

Iam using webstream for a project using coffeescript and Sass In the navigation bar, I compiled JS and See coffeescript files with map files In the same way I see CSS files with CSS files. I want to add JS and map files inside this coffee file for ease of navigation. I'm not sure how to fix the settings for this. I want the same for CSS and CSS files. You can not do it manually (i.e. any files you want at any time Are). This file is automatically done by the Savar plugin. So .. if your *. Coffee files are compiled into webstruments by using file watched , so it should be done / done automatically. If you already have the file viewer installed - remove the intermediate files ( .js / .map ) and force the file watcher to run. Such a group works if those extra files have happened after running the file viewer. IDE checks for new files and they are compared with file walker settings ( refresh to output path field, I believe) - it is based on this Type of foldin

database - SISSDB - writing custom message -

I use SSIS 2012 - Project Deployment Model, using the box SSISDB logging out. However, I was thinking that to log custom messages for SSISDB, i.e. "Hello World" when the package starts or when a certain event is picked up. Is this possible? Or do I have to fallback in the custom log table, which loses the advantage of SSISDB logging Thanks! Of course this is. Which message would you like to log? This is an example of a script task (control flow) bool fireAgain = false; Dts.Events.FireInformation (0, "Test", "I'm Details", string. Empty, 0, Ref Fire Again); This is an example of a script component (data flow) bool fireAgain = false; Component Metadata. Again information (0, "test too", "I am data flow statement", string empty, 0, ref fire agent); You can view in your reports or write about the catalog.operation_messages in the custom code in SSISDB. When we were loading our data warehouse, if I got an emplo

c# - Lucene .Net term query with special character -

I am searching for something that corresponds exactly to the phrase. After research, I thought most of Good way to set the area to NOT_ANALYSED and execute TermQuery . This works fine but when a word is a special character, like "/" there are no results, I can see the use of Luke that there is a character in the field. I create my query like this . Boolean filter filterQuery = new boolean (); FilterQuery.Add (New TermQuery (New Lucene.Net.Index.Term (customFieldFilter.Name, val)), MUST); BooleanQuery.Add (filtered, occur.must); The last question looks like this: {+ type: person + (+ expertise: customer service / account management)} < / Pre> The API mentioned that "/" is a special character, so I tried to avoid it val = val.Replace ("/", "\\ / "); {+ Type: person + (+ specialization: customer service / account management)} But there are still no results. Search without special characters is OK, why do I need to cha

perl - sysread returns undef, errno is EINVAL, but working? -

I have some code set for non-blocking input from the system event file. Sysopen (FILE, $ targetInput, O_NONBLOCK | O_RDONLY) or die "failed to open $ targetInput, quit. \ N"; Binmode (file); # More assignments and preparations here ... while (1) {# code which makes non-blocking I / O appropriate ... $ rBytes = sysread (FILE, $ buffer, 16); Printf ("% d vs% d \ n", $ !, EAGAN); Print Defined ($ rBytes)? "Determined! \ N": "Egg! \ N"; If (defined! ($ RBytes) & $! == EAGAIN) {# nothing read in non-blocked mode: sleep (1000); } And {# an event, on the go: print "got it! \ N"; Print "$ rBytes! \ N"; last; }} Here's a beautiful standard setup, using dozens of $ buffer ... ... There are dozens of examples available for this, however, I have found that, 100% of the time , $ rBytes remains undefined, and $! is set to Code 22, Envol (Invalid Argument). Many tests have gone into ensuring that this is the sysread func

php - How to set status of a user to 0 if it closes it's browser? -

I have seen a lot of questions on stack-overflow about executing a query before closing a browser, but I did not get any solution for this. My problem is, when I close the browser without logging out, I want to set the user's status to automatically 0. Please help me solve some problems, with some walking examples. thank you in advanced. This is not possible. You can not tell if a user has closed their browser or they are simply not doing anything with an open browser window. Why do not you use PHP Sessions session handling With this problem

java - JasperReports not work on Grails 2.4: Could not initialize class net.sf.jasperreports.engine.xml.JRXmlDigesterFactory -

I am using grails version 2.4.0 and JasperReports plugin: 1.9.0 ( Also tried version Jasper-1.10.0-SNAPSHOT) But when I export to PDF, I get errors. When I start the project for the first time, I run the export report and got this message After this I try again and it shows this error. The classnet could not be started Sf.jasperreports.engine.xml.JRXmlDigesterFactory This version is competing with 2.4.0 because it is 2.2 Works on .4 Here my code in the controller def result = new ArrayList () def reportfolder = "$ {grailsApplication. ParentContext.getResource ('report'). File.absolutePath} "def sep = System .getProperty ('file.separator') def App = applicant.get (2) results.add (first of all: app.firstName, between: app Middle Initial, ("$ {ReportFolder} $ {sep} aaa.jrxml", results, parameters, feedback) > In service (note that service name: reportService) DIF Export

ios7 - MPMoviePlayerController detecting single tap or long tap on NEXT button -

When I tap the MPMoviePlayerController next button, the UI becomes black. How can it be known that we have only advanced once or if it has long tap, do we have any representative or notification for it? Using the button action, it is not possible to identify that user, only once Press or have a long tap of it but if you gesture it can be identified. You can identify what you want by using the UITapGestureRecognizer, UILongPressGestureRecognizer .

Kinect for windows v2 not working on my controller pci-usb3 ts-pdu3 -

I have a problem with my kinect for windows v2, when I plug the kinect, I See White light on the White and there is no light on kennet, is it normal? When I launch basic basics, I have "Kennett is not available!" On my device management I see: on the WDF connect sensor interface 0 It says that the device can not start (code 10) not me Find out why my device can not start. I buy a ts-pdu3 because I have seen that this is working with Kennet on the forum, and I have installed the last driver on the transised site: TS-PDU3 / PDC3 driver (UPD I have a computer configuration: Motherboard: P5KPL-VM Processor: Intel Core 2 quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.40GHz Graphic Card: NVIDIA Corporation G92 [GeForce 9800 GT] PCI to USB3 Controller: TS-PDU3

responsive design - Mobile reacts to scrolling but won't sccroll -

I'm having a problem while scrolling my site on mobile, while in, the website scroll is just fine. When used on the actual mobile touch screen, the site will respond as I can see through my jQuery scroll function but will not really scroll anywhere. The domain currently hosted on this site is: www.45- If it is id = "skrollr-body" Add html element to your website

c++ - Base class pointer conversion -

पॉइंटर रूपांतरण को देखने के लिए मैंने निम्न कोड लिखा है: #include & lt; iostream & gt; # शामिल करें & lt; cstdlib & gt; Std :: cout का उपयोग कर; Std :: endl का उपयोग कर; कक्षा एक {दोस्त वर्ग बी; }; वर्ग बी: निजी ए {}; Int main () {B * b = नया बी; ए * ए = बी; Cout & lt; & lt; बी एंड एलटी; & lt; endl; Cout & lt; & lt; ए; } धारा 11.2 / 4 एन 3797 कहता है: आर का आधार वर्ग बी, आर पर पहुंच योग्य है, अगर - बी का एक आविष्कृत सार्वजनिक सदस्य होगा एन का एक सार्वजनिक सदस्य, या - आर एक सदस्य या कक्षा एन के मित्र में होता है, और बी का एक आविष्कारित सार्वजनिक सदस्य एन के एक निजी या संरक्षित सदस्य होगा, या - आर एक सदस्य या किसी पीढ़ी के दोस्त में होता है जो पी व्युत्पन्न होता है एन से, और बी का एक आविष्कारित सार्वजनिक सदस्य पी का एक निजी या संरक्षित सदस्य होगा, या - एक वर्ग एस मौजूद है जैसे कि बी एस का एक आधार वर्ग एस और आर पर पहुँच योग्य है और यह एक आधार वर्ग है जो एन में पहुंच योग्य है मुझे लगता है कि ए सुलभ है आधार वर्ग बी । प्रकार "पॉइ