twitter bootstrap - The content of my page is located within the navbar -

The content that separates the content and the navbar remains in the middle instead of the content, it happens with all those pages, which Routes are done on the main page, which has nine bars. I have tried to add padding-top, relative positioning, margin-top etc. to the body but it remains in the nabar. It seems that they are on the same line but are not doing nothing to add more time to the content They are different because they are .mail file.

This is a symbol with Naubar:

  .display-options ul.nav.nav-tabs link-to "ediagnostic.entry" tagname = "li" href = "False" link-to "ediagnostic.entry" | Tag "Edgnostic. Stations" from the entry link = "li" href = "wrong" link-to "ad diagnostic.station". Work station link-to "ediagnostic.spur" tagName = "li" href = "false" Link-to "Edgnostic Cyr" | Link "ediagnostic.exit" with tagName = "li" href = "false" link to "ediagnostic.exit". Link-to "ad diagnostic punctu" tagname = "li" href = "wrong" link-to "ad diagnostic punctuation". Part queue link "Eddnostic.mtentcancel" tagname = "li" href = "wrong" link-to "diagnostic." Maintenance call link "ediagnostic.manual" tagName = "li" href = "wrong" link "ediagnostic.manual" | Manual link "Adnagnostic. Alarmlog" tagname = "li" href = "wrong" link-to "ad diagnostic. Alarmlog link-to "Adignnostic.Intefface" tagname = "li" href = "wrong" link-to "ad diagnostic .infoface" | IT interface = outlet  

When I try to throw paths in the symbol in any way in the symbol like this for Navbar Icons, then it appears only on the same line as Nurbar:

  .oho h1  

it seems No code for the = outlet < ul.nav.nav.nav-tabs and

/ code> line Should be outdated.


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