coffeescript - Folding files in the navigation bar in webstorm -

Iam using webstream for a project using coffeescript and Sass In the navigation bar, I compiled JS and See coffeescript files with map files In the same way I see CSS files with CSS files. I want to add JS and map files inside this coffee file for ease of navigation. I'm not sure how to fix the settings for this. I want the same for CSS and CSS files.

You can not do it manually (i.e. any files you want at any time Are).

This file is automatically done by the Savar plugin. So .. if your *. Coffee files are compiled into webstruments by using file watched , so it should be done / done automatically.

If you already have the file viewer installed - remove the intermediate files ( .js / .map ) and force the file watcher to run.

Such a group works if those extra files have happened after running the file viewer. IDE checks for new files and they are compared with file walker settings ( refresh to output path field, I believe) - it is based on this Type of folding

External file viewer (i.e. kumat-content-watch ) is executed on IDE's file turner autonomy. Therefore, it is not "grouped" such files Will go

Related Tickets (which I know about) who ask about additional settings to be able to manually create such nesting / groups: < / P>

UPDATE 2017/08/10:

As of 2016.3.x version such group / nesting is no longer dependent on the file viewer - there are special hard-coded rules for the most common scenarios.

2017.2 Such rules are editable and are available through Project View panel settings.


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