
Showing posts from June, 2013

Order by month giving reverse order in Mysql -

I'm trying to order a mysql query according to a month name but it is giving the order in reverse order . I have tried both of the ASC and DESC are not working on the order! This is what I am getting: order_amount month_number 370.245 December 0.01 August 0.02 July 0.01 May 2 April 3 March 4 February 5 January This query Select the amount (amm) in the form of the order: Amount number, month_number orders, where payment = 1 group by month_number month (month_number) ASC This is a sample table 'order' on which I am running the query order_amount month_number 370.245 January 1, 0.01 August 1 0.02 Jul 1st 0.01 Apr 1 May 2 3 3 March 1 February 4 November 0 month_number () is a harmful name for a string name for the month. He said, your effort will not work, because month () takes a date, does not represent the string, the best way is probably simply case : (case when month_number = 'mass' then 1, when month_number =' fur 'then 2. Whe...

sql - Update Table Column From Another Table? -

Then I have two tables in a table, list of students, one student ID for each student and for each student Find a house Then you have another table in which the first enabled students (and they are in a completely different order) have updated addresses and a subset of a student ID. I can update the address from the first table using a query that needs a query that can match the student ID of the two tables, and thus what is in the second table. I have tried it, but there is no luck: updated roster, updated roster set roster. Address = (Choose roster from updated roster where student id = updated roster.StudentiD) where roster. Student ID = Updated roster. Student help Any help here will be highly appreciated. Update: This is on Microsoft Access FWID update roster set Roster. Address = Updated roster. Contact the roster, where the updated roster roster StudentID = updated roster. Studiedidae

javascript - Waypoints not working with with Bootstrap3 classes? -

I have a problem getting the waypoints.js plugin working properly with Bootstrap 3. Here's the full default Berben Bootstrap Boilerplate and the page with its pasted navbar code I have just tried to apply some very basic styles in the "stuck" class to see how Kicks, makes it red and stays at the top of the viewport. Waypoint "Stuck" applies to the Tiket element on page load rather than scrolling the class. I know that my snippet of JavaScript code is correct, because it works on other elements, It is that the bootstrap navbar has been replaced by a normal device. This work is just as expected. I do not understand why the waypoints in my earlier example do not work properly, but the solution can be right in front of me, anybody? Thank you! On your example with bootstrap navigation, on top of that navigation page. Your non-bootstrap example has some margins in your h2 element, due to which there is no not room, you have already hit...

javascript - How could I create different interceptors for different API-endpoints? -

मेरे पास 2 सेवाएं AngularJS में 2 के लिए अब एपीआई-एंडपॉइंट , वे $ http सेवा पर आधारित हैं (या बस वे $ http के रैपर हैं)। अब मैं प्रत्येक सेवा के लिए त्रुटि हैंडलिंग बनाने का कार्य है कोयोन में करने का सबसे अच्छा तरीका क्या है? छद्म कोड: angular.service ('api1', फ़ंक्शन ($ http) {...}) ; Angular.service ('एपीआई 2', फ़ंक्शन ($ http) {...}); 2 समाधान: केवल त्रुटि हैंडलिंग सेवा बनाएं और इसे दोनों सेवाओं में इंजेक्षन । angular.service ('api1', फ़ंक्शन ($ http, errorHandlingService) {...}); Angular.service ('एपीआई 2', फ़ंक्शन ($ http, त्रुटिहैंडलिंगसेवा) {...}); $ Http के लिए इंटरसेप्टर का उपयोग करने और सभी अनुरोधों को संभाल करने के लिए: । $ httpProvider.interceptors.push (ErrorHandlingService);

android - Trying to adapt my view to big and small screens through Scroll View -

This is my problem: I am trying to optimize my view for both large and small screens because the content is a Not fit into small screen, I thought about using Scroll View to fix it. It works like I work on a small screen, but every time I try to run it on a bigger screen, I get an error. My Layout Code: & lt ;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt; xmlns: android = "" android: id = "@ + id / drawer_layout" Android: layout_width = "match_parent" Android: Layout_height = "match_parent" android: padding = "5dp" android: background = "# ffffff" & gt; & Lt; FrameLayout Android: id = "@ + id / content_frame2" Android: layout_width = "match_parent" Android: layout_height = "match_parent" & gt; & Lt; LinearLayout Android: layout_width = "match_parent...

typescript requireJS hitting recursive load error - from a new call -

It is only in our application which is a ton of code and nothing I can keep, and neither Throwing through Anybody Will not Be Ready Therefore, whatever I can do, I describe the error. We are composing our typewrite with --amd and there is a ton of recursive references between files, all this is working fine until I put it in a function: var di = new moduleDocIterator.DocIterator (null); With this, the initial load of the main .ts (.js actually) file returns empty or undefined reference exceptions on the installation of __ extension on top of the generated JS file. This call is in both files and the file modules are not static except for some strings in modular contexts. The generated JS creates an object for each class but does not appear to be anything that is actually being implemented. And none of this code does this.

android - SQLite query to update some (not all) date formats -

In my database, there is currently a column that looks like this: id | Timestamp - | --------- 1 | 07/29/2014 2 | 07/30/2014 3 | 07/30/2014 4 2014-07-30 5 | 2014-07-30 I am trying to format any lines of timestamp in the old format, in the new format In this example, 1- 3 rows are needed to improve 07/29/2014 -> 2014-07-29 07/30/2014 - & gt; 2014-07-30 07/30/2014 - & gt; 2014-07-30 I am not familiar with SQL / SQLite but to come up with some SQL I can execute once to see if anyone in the old format There are rows, I believe I am trying to do what this user wrote here, but this was not possible. Do not get it to work Thank you! Here are the results of getting some real data: timestamp column old / timestamp converted 07/25/2014 - & gt; 01/04/0031 05/21/2014 - & gt; 11/04/0026 01/25/2013 - & gt; 07/06/0030 09/25/2000 - & gt; 02/21/0031 07/25/2015 - & gt; 01/05/0031 07/25/2016 - & gt; 01/06/0031 07/25/1999 - & gt; 12/20/00...

android - customize a spinner to drop down a textview and reduce the size of two other spinners with the same customized dropdown -

Then what my application does is query a database, in the end, the query has worked perfectly and let me give it a lecture visit. The problem is that I want the user to be able to see results of 3 different but similar questions, all in one activity, in Textviews I have almost no knowledge of customizing layout items in Android and I really did not want to take anything with 3 spinners and whenever you have a spinner (which has a testview) When you click on one for the dropdown (or when you reach the activity) that takes most screens but leaves enough space for two other spinners to be clearly seen and clicked We do not have to display their text scenes. Then when another spinner is clicked, it reduces the size of the spinner (with the text view only) loses the spinner and opens the spinner's dropdown (textviewview) only Clicked. I do not even know if this is possible and if it is that where do I start?

java - Android Activity: Access methods of a model -

Sorry for this generic title, but I could not find a better formulation. I had included library in your Android project OnCreate method include something like: mCardContainer = (CardContainer) findViewById (; Simplecardstacks adapter adapter = new simple cardstack adapter (this); Adapter.add (new cardmodel ("Heading 2", "Description2 goes here", R. Daveable Dictable (R.drawable.picture2)); Adapter.add (new cardmodel ("Heading 3", "Description 3 goes here", R. Daveable Dictable (R.drawable.picture3)); CardModel CardModel = New CardModel ("Heading 1", "Description goes here", R. Daveable Dictable (R.drawable.picture1)); cardModel.setOnCardDimissedListener (New CardModel.OnCardDimissedListener () {@Override public void onLike () {Log.i ( "swipe-able card", "I like the card");}}); Adapter.add (cardModel); MCardContainer.setAdapter (adapter); I want to be able to log on ...

css - Align Text directly to the right of image? -

मैं कोड में फ़ोटोशॉप से ​​अपना मॉकअप पुनः बनाने का प्रयास कर रहा हूं। मैंने पृष्ठ में सभी तत्व प्राप्त करने में कामयाब रहा है। मुझे एक तस्वीर चाहिए और उसके बाद सीधे इसके दाईं ओर पाठ करना होगा किसी भी सीएसएस मदद अद्भुत होगी, आपको पहले से धन्यवाद! HTML & lt; h1 & gt; मेरे बारे में & lt; / h1 & gt; & Lt; div id = "के बारे में" & gt; & Lt; img src = "चित्र / मी पेज" class = "meimage" & gt; इस वेबसाइट पर विज्ञापन दें वर्तमान में, हम अपने ग्राहकों के लिए काम कर रहे हैं Nam congue आवाज़ वाहन कुछ समय के लिए कुछ समय पहले फ्यूज़िबस एरोस पर क्विक़क्स हम सभी के लिए एक बहुत कुछ है, और अधिक अल्ट्रासीज़ टेबल, और अधिक पढ़ें नलमा बंदरगाह और हल्के रंग का सामान अनीयन रॉककस, बेंगलुरु में ससुराल के बारे में बताया गया है, और उसके बाद के लिए, अन्य लोगों के लिए यह जानकारी दी गई है। अब तक की गुणवत्ता के लिए निर्माता, ईस्ट लॉयरेट्स या लॉयेट्स क्वालिवन्स आर्कुमा मस्टा में, क्वालिस ग्रेविडिया सर्टिबुलम ईजाट & Lt; / div & gt; सी...

C: Efficient way to read two files from the command line -

I am a new to learning C language and need help to read more than 1 file from command line after code Has been compiled using GCC. For example, if my code is compiled and outputs then you should run it like a.out FILEA FILEB so far I have it, but when I read another file another I try to add a loop FILEB I get a partition error, where is this error coming from? #include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; # Include & lt; Stdlib.h & gt; #include & lt; String.h & gt; Zero evalFile (four * s); Int main (int argc, char * argv) {FILE * fp1, * fp2; If (argc! = 3) {printf ("./progName fileName1.csv fileName2.txt"); } Fp1 = fopen (argv [1], "r"); FP2 = FOPN (RGR [2], "R"); While (fgets (buffer, size (buffer), FP1)! = Null () (if buffer [0] == "#") continues; EvalFile (buffer); }} Zero evalFile (char * s) {char * token, * del = "(,)"; Token = string (S, Dell); While (token! = Null) {token = stroke (tap, dell); }} You...

c# - Reading LZW compressed images using Bitmiracle -

Currently I'm trying to use the library for processing digital tiff images. But the image I have is not with the standard guy. The image has 3 samples per pixel and it is compressed LZW. My question is how does each pixel read the value of the value I have tried the redsconline method. Returned values ​​are all 0 Are there any other way that gives RGB pixel value? I have 5 pixels per image and it is not compressed. I can use ReadScanLine and it works fine with code below. Here is my code snippet: tiffReader = Tiff.ClientOpen ("SomeTiff", "r", tiffstream, new tiffstream ()); Int IIGHEEE = Typ Reader.Getfield (TIFTAGG.IMAJELANG) [0] .OOnt (); {Tiff Reader for (int rowIDx = 0; lineindex & lt; imgwr; line idex ++) Reed Schnellline (Total Schnenline, Line IX); 'Use TotalScanline) Thanks in advance

Configuring global filter in websphere 8.5 -

I want to register the filter class for all web applications in websphere; Specifically the filter in I / conf /web.xml in Tomcat I can do this in websphere 8.5 In addition to what is the general library (Lib folder) in the webserver filter class in the jar file And I want to put that jar file in the websphere server lib directory. - Thank you Unfortunately there is no easy way to do this in the webpage. . It was already discussed here - WebSpace solutions include creating custom listeners and applying programmatic filters. You can find sample solutions and details here - What is the General Library (Lib folder) in Websphere? You can insert WebSphere \ AppServer \ lib \ ext \ / code> directory to create a shared library through all profiles, servers and apps or through the web Console Environment & gt; Shared library and attach it to a specific server or application.

java - invoke rest api with array of string -

[['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'ई', ' एफ ',' जी '], [' ए 1 ',' बी 1 ',' सी 1 ',' डी 1 ',' ई 1 ',' एफ 1 ',' जी 1 '], [' ए 2 ',' बी 2 ',' सी 2 ' , 'डी 2', 'ई 2', 'एफ 2', 'जी 2'], ['ए 3', 'बी 3', 'सी 3', 'डी 3', 'ई 3', 'एफ 3', 'जी 3']] मुझे ऊपर स्ट्रिंग है, जिसे json ऑब्जेक्ट में परिवर्तित किया गया है: JSONObject json = नया JSONObject (); Json.put ("name", "a"); Json.put ("देश", "बी"); Json.put ("राज्य", "सी"); ... ... एचटीटीपी पोस्ट पोस्ट = नया एचटीटीपी पोस्ट (यूआरएल); ... एचटीपीआरसीपीएसस httpresponse = client.execute (पोस्ट); यह मेरे लिए ठीक काम करता है। मेरा प्रश्न ऊपर कोड के बजाय है, मैं, जेसन ऑब्जेक्ट बनाने और भेजना, क्या मैं सीधे स्ट्रिंग को मेरे आराम से पास कर सकता हूं घटक? यदि संभव हो, तो मुझे क...

performance - Maximise sum of pairwise distances in array -

एक सूची की कल्पना करें [e1, e2, ..., en] और एक फ़ंक्शन एफ (ई 1, ई 2) - & gt; f (e, e) = 0 e1! = E2 = & gt; संख्या एफ (ई 1, ई 2) & gt; 0 एफ (ई 1, ई 2) & lt; = f (e1, e3) + f (e3, e2) लक्ष्य सूची को क्रमबद्ध करने के लिए है ताकि किड़ी की दूरी की दूरी तत्व अधिकतम है। मैं एक ओ (n ^ 2) लालची एल्गोरिथ्म के साथ आया था जो ऐसा कर रहा है: सभी जोड़ीदार दूरी (या त्रिकोणीय मैट्रिक्स) की टेबेल सबसे बड़ी दूरी की तलाश करें, उस जोड़ी को एक प्रारंभिक बिंदु के रूप में चुनें (चरण 1 में किया जा सकता है) सूची को बढ़ाएं कृपया मुझे बताएं कि क्या यह गलत है I नि: शुल्क तत्व जोड़ता है जो कि अधिकतम राशि को बढ़ाता है (संभवतः किसी लिंक किए गए हैश सेट का उपयोग करके अब तक उठाए गए तत्वों का ट्रैक रख सकता है)। क्या आप एक तेजी से एल्गोरिथम या पर्याप्त (गैर-जटिलता) स्पीड यूप के साथ आ सकते हैं? और इस समस्या को सुलझाने के लिए न्यूनतम जटिलता क्या है? यह समस्या खोजने के समान है सख्ती से सकारात्मक भारित पूरा ग्राफ में सबसे लंबे समय तक पथ, इस तथ्य को छोड़कर कि आप दूरी समारोह क...

Any Tool/Trick to delete common files between 2 folders in Windows 7 -

I have 2 folders that are almost identical to the content, what do I have to do to find files that exist for each Not of them are folder 1: a.doc, b.doc, c.doc, d.doc, folder 2: b.doc, d.doc, E doc Since, each folder contains both b.doc, d.doc : folder 1: a .doc, c.doc folder2: e.doc (yes, it automatically deletes) in each folder 1000+ files are named with the file are all Korean. What I am currently doing, through a command prompt, gives me a list of file names through the DIR, but in fact it is nothing but manual only. Anyone can help? Handle Korean file names without it should work. Warning This code only deletes all common files between one and B folders. @echo off setlocal enabled extension disabled expansion rim target folders configuration set "folderA =% cd% \ a" set "folderB =% cd% \ b" rim ----- ---- -------------------------------------------- Temporary work folders and remove the output option set "Foldera 1 ...

linux - Letting users drop the file(s) to what location they want from the listview on Qt -

I want to create a function for users to drag and drop files between those places and the list view on current QT place. How to do this function Implement? Thank you for your help. Do you Google? If you are, you will get the result: For your code, this may be something like this: Your Video Zero: Drag Object (Constraints and Text) Zero {QDrag * drag = new QDrag (this); // Note that this should be an example of QWidget QMimeData * mime = new QMimeData (); Mime-> SetText (text); Drag-& gt; SetMimeData (mime); // ... Qt :: DropAction drop action = drag-> Exec (); }

Android Listview on rebuild not showing new items until scroll down -

OK, so I have a list view that populates JSON data from the web population. I wrap the item in a SwypeRefreshLayout. What is happening when I pull down, get data, clears Array's list, rebuilds it and then informs the data set change adapter However, Im not seeing new data yet New on top To see the objects, I need to look down and back up behind it. Here the code I am using is using the list to refresh. swipelists.setOnRefreshListener (New SwipeRefreshLayout.OnRefreshListener () {@Override public void onRefresh () {if (getArguments () getInt (ARG_SECTION_NUMBER) == 3.) {recentArrayList.clear (); long totalSize = 0; recadapter = new ArrayAdapter (ctx, android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1, recentArrayList) ;. new updatetheRecent (execute) (Ctx);} and {swipelists.setRefreshing (false);}}}); The function that list is being called for Reconstruction private class updatetheRecent extends AsyncTask & LT; Context, integer, long & gt; {Secure long doInBackground (refere...

html - How to make background position doesn't change in a responsive website -

I have this issue that when the position of the background change changes in the size of the window and I want it in the same condition Stay, I have a background on the body of this page. Like it: & lt; Body id = "bg" & gt; & Lt; P & gt; Here are some text & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; / Body & gt; CSS: # bg {background-image: url (../../images / img 1.jpg); Repeat Background: No Repetition; Background-shaped: 100% auto; Background-position: 25% 25%; } It looks like when the default screen size is: And this happens when the size screen changes: What I should know is this: do I have to Have to use media queries or is there a less complicated way to do this? If you want to fit the screen, you should get better background-size: cover ; . Try this way: #bg {background: URL (../../images/img1jpg) 25% 25% not fixed; -WebKit-Background-Size: Cover; -MOZ-BACKGROUND-SHAPE: COVER; -o-background-shape: cover; Background siz...

python - grouping table elements according to grouping column values -

I have, with the number of photons of an event in each energy channel. The third column is a group of channels: All the channels marked with -1 are grouped into a single channel, whose original value is the last 1 group value Is on. In this example, all channels from 0 to 39 are grouped in the same channel. How can I create an array or list of groups with the grouping defined by group / code> column? In this example, my resultant array will have two elements, one of these channels will be calculated from 0 to 39 and other elements in the 40th channel. I'm sorry I am not able to give any start codes, but I really do not know how to start. Any suggestions really appreciated. Edit: The table is part of a FITS file. I read it using the pyfits : Import Python Data = Pipes. Open ('. File.fits') chain = data [1]. Data field ('channel') calculation = data [1]. Data field ('calculation') group = data [1]. Data field ('group') data....

sql server - How can I find the row in which error occurred while doing select with convert -

I am selecting the data from a table. The selection statement converts in seconds for the time. But it seems that there are invalid time values ​​in the table and this is the reason to break the selection break. The statement below is: Select (DATEPART (hH, duration) * 60 * 60) + (DATEPART (mile, duration) * 60) + Time Pert (ss, time) ) TimeInsecond The error I get is: date and / or time changed from the character string Conversion failed while doing. My question: Do you know which row has the error? Is there any such facility in SDL server, such as ISDT that can validate time? Will this work? If you want to see all the data, please see WHERE clause Sample data: IF OBJECT_ID (N'tempdb. # TEMP ') & Gt; 0 BEGIN Drop Table # TEMP Create End Table #TEMP (Table 1), VARCHAR (20), Duration VARCHAR (100), Fault Description VARCHAR (20)) Insert # TEMP values ​​('1', '2014-08-01 09: 38: 26.680 ',' right '), (' 2 ',' 2...

ios - Programmatically set UIButton action throws exception -

I removed the action defined buttons in a framework and set it in a custom method and it seems that throw exception is . Here is my expulsion and additional code: [_ loginView.logInView.signUpButton removeTarget: no action: NULL forControlEvents: UIControlEventTouchUpInside]; [_loginView.logInView.signUpButton addTarget: Self-action: @selector for control (custom widget): EIControlEventTouchUpInside]; customViewMethod: - (minus) Kstmwumpath {[_loginView.view Nikalnapromsepiwu]; [Self.view addSubview: _signUpView.view]; } Here's an exception: - [__ Anssifpshn Kstmwumisn]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x15691730 Given that you pass itself as a button target of another category There are, and given that button handler is trying to call the methodology at the wrong target (a NSDictionary ), it's a good bet that indicates error Himself was removed after making the goal of the button. And now some random objects are in the same storage space. ...

apache - Use RewriteMap against a cookie value with RewriteRule -

I am trying to avoid a cookie value that is being determined by the revetery. For example, my site is I need to take part of the URL and send it back as a cookie. In this case, I can see the irreversible url from Apache. What comes back from the browser: set-cookie: mycookie = foo + bar; Path = /; Domain = This is my current configuration (note I added a revamped map to escape from an attempt to resolve my problem, but it does nothing): Revetymap ASC Int: Overview Rev. Raul / Blah /(.*) - [Co = Mikeuki: $ {esc: $ 1}:, L] Do I need this response: set-cookie: mycookie = foo% 2Bbar; Path = /; Domain = Is this possible? I have done this through a Perl script: #! / Usr / bin / perl URI :: Escape; $ | = 1; While (& lt; STDIN & gt;) {my $ a = $ _; Chomp (one $); $ A = YuriSpeep ($ A); $ A = ~ s /% 2F / \ g; Print "$ a \ n"; } This is my new configuration: Rivermint encoded map prg: /va...

MongoDB - findAndModify vs findOne Performance -

Search and modified queries are slow to find OneOne Assume that a collection documents are being inserted, then per second Which is 100-200 documents per second faster than finding a findOne or findAndModify that the collection is properly indexed and uses my query index As you've already noted, . The purpose of the found and endoded () That is what is called it and "modify" the document which has been recovered, either by updating or by removing The atomic nature exists to avoid problems of existence, where your .findOne () document, then make changes to the content and then try .update () for example. In the case of later use, there is "no guarantee" that the document is exactly what was there when it was "recovered" through "code" .findOne () . So in reality you could possibly overwrite the changes made by another process. For display, it is comparing classic comparisons by comparing "apples for orange" because...

total amount is getting displayed as NAN,javascript -

I have a form in which I have two sets of radio buttons and a text box to record the value of the quantity . Depending on the radio button, the value in the selected and quantity text box should be populated with the total textbox values. I am using the array to calculate, but in the total areas the value is displayed in the form of NAN Is anyone can see my code and tell me where I am wrong? ** HTML ** & lt; Form id = "orderform" name = "orderform" & gt; & Lt; Fieldset data-role = "control group" & gt; & Lt; Story & gt; & Lt; P & gt; Options & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; / Narrative & gt; & Lt; Input type = "radio" name = "likes" id = "veg" value = "1" checked onclick = "total ()"> & Lt; Label = "veg" & gt; Vegetarian & lt; / Labels & gt; & Lt; Input type = "radio" name = "likes" id = "nonveg" v...

qunit - Ember.js - CircleCI - BrowserStack -

I try to connect our cicleCI together with the browser stack and only with our Finemics and Internet on FanTamJs Not only do our integration_test and unit tests run Explorer also using browser stock service. I try to configure browser-stack-cleans. I can run a test through the circle through the circle on the browserstack, but can not report to the Circle server anymore. Can you please share your experience if you have already played with this stack? Thanks a lot! The solution is to use browserstalk and browser stock-CI tools simultaneously 64-bit Linux version of BrowserStackLocal Strengthen the tunnel from the CI server to the browser stock server. After this we can use browserstack-cli to launch browsers and run test from testem. Download BrowserStackLocal and enter the .browserstack folder in your project. 64-bit Linux version of BrowserStackLocal: Create a script, which will run and create settings for browserstalk- CLI. You have to set up a global varia... - Avoiding auto_postback using Jquery -

============= ========================================= शीर्ष डिवेल (हेडर / मेनू) = = ================================================== == = = = = = = = = = = = = = वाम div = राइट div = = (नेविगेशन) = आईडी = "राइटडीव" = = = (= = = = = लिंक में एजेएक्स द्वारा लोड की गयी सामग्री = = बाएं div) = = = = = = = = = = = = ================================= = ============================ मैं एएसपी.NET विकास के लिए नया हूँ। मैं सर्वर पर डेटा जमा करने के बाद एक डिवेल में एक वेब-प्रपत्र खोलने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं, लेकिन मेरा प्रपत्र नई विंडो में खुल रहा है मैं यह कैसे से बच सकता हूं। किसी भी तरह की सहायता को आभार समझेंगे। यदि आप एक ऑटो पोस्टबैक प्राप्त कर रहे हैं जिसका मतलब है कि आप कुछ कार्यवाही कर रहे हैं जिसके कारण आपके फ़ॉर्म का कारण है जमा करें। यदि आप इस क्रिया को एक पॉप-अप दिखाने के बजाय चाहते हैं, तो आपको फॉर्म के डिफ़ॉल्ट कार्य को रोकना चाहिए jquery के साथ सबमिट करें। $ (दस्तावेज़) .on ('submit', 'thewebform' , फ़ंक्शन (e) {e.preventDefault (); // ...

php - Remove Some Characters From URL Using 301 Redirect htaccess? -

I type some of the letters ? M = 1 & amp; From the end of my code to ? M = 0 For this purpose, I used javascript from a blog post and edited it with the desired work below it and its fine work. & lt; Script type = 'text / javascript' & gt; Var curl = window.location.href; If (curl.indexOf ('m = 1')! = -1) {curl = curl.replace ('m = 1', ''); Window. place. Href = curl;} Var curl = window.location.href; If (curl.indexOf ('m = 0')! = -1) {curl = curl.replace ('m = 0', ''); Window.location.href = curl;} & lt; / Script & gt; This is removing my desired additional characters and then redirecting to the new URL, but according to Google SE is not friendly and me through the 301 redirection .htaccess which will tell every search engine that this URL is now changing to it. My URL is being shown as & amp; mvc - Crystal Report Viewer is not working in Google chrome IE11 and Safari -

I have an ASP application and this is my first crystal report which I do when I am looking at the reprint in design and If all the data is correct and correct, then this report feels good to everyone. However, when I try to show it in my crystal report viewer, the report is opened without blank data. Crystal Report Viewer Google Chrome is not working in IE11 and Safari but fine in IE8 and IE9 Viewer print in Chrome / Mozilla / Safari Report issue: A solution where you can print report content within the report viewer in any browser. In the case of Chrome or Mozilla or Safari, I can not find the print option for the report viewer to print the report content inside the viewer. How can I solve it? The crystal report viewer fails for the versions of the browser to me in my search>> 10 = " . Is this true? There is a solution to solve. Just add to the size SizeToReportContent = "true" as shown below & lt; rsweb: ReportViewer ID = "Report...

objective c - NSPredicate to get only today's events -

मैं EventKit.framework का उपयोग कर रहा हूँ EKEventStore । मैं केवल आज की घटनाओं को कैसे प्राप्त कर सकता हूं अर्थात सुबह से 00:00 AM से 11:59 अपराह्न (00:00 से 23:59)। समयक्षेत्र कुछ भी हो सकता है मैं कोड के नीचे का उपयोग कर रहा हूं, लेकिन यह अगले दिन के ईवेंट को भी दे रहा है। यह आज की तारीख में 24 घंटे जोड़ रहा है। - (शून्य) fetchEvents {NSDate * startDate = [NSDate तारीख]; // समाप्ति तिथि घटकों को बनाएँ NSDateComponents * कल दियेगा समापन = [[NSDateComponents alloc] init]; कल डॉट कॉमेंट्स। डे = 1; NSDate * endDate = [[NSCalendar currentCalendar] dateByAddingComponents: tomorrowDateComponents toDate: startdate विकल्प: 0]; // हम केवल हमारे ईवेंट के लिए डिफ़ॉल्ट कैलेंडर को खोजते हैं NSArray * calendarArray = [NSArray arrayWithObject: self.defaultCalendar]; // बिन्दु NSPredicate बनाएं * predicate = [self.eventStore predicateForEventsWithStartDate: startDate endDate: कैलेंडर को समाप्त करें: calendarArray]; // सभी घटनाओं को प्राप्त करें जो पूर्वनिर्धारित NSMutableArray * ई...

java - Error: Could not find or load main class - how to compile to jar by maven? -

I have a problem compiling classes in jars when I try to run the mvn package ant then I get an error , Or the main square can not be loaded. & lt; Project xmlns = " 4.0.0" xmlns: xsi = "" xsi: schema location = "http: / / http: // maven / XSD / Maven-4.0.0.xsd "& gt; & Lt; ModelVersion & gt; 4.0.0 & lt; / ModelVersion & gt; & Lt; Group & gt; Com.test & lt; / Group & gt; & Lt; ArtifactId & gt; JIRA-ray-index & lt; / ArtifactId> & Lt; Version & gt; 1.0.0-snapshots & lt; / Edition & gt; & Lt; Packaging & gt; Jar & lt; / Packaging & gt; & Lt; Name & gt; JIRA-ray-index & lt; / Name & gt; & Lt; URL & gt; Http: //< / URL & gt; & Lt; Properties & gt; & Lt; & gt; UTF-8 & LT...

tsql - Reorganizing indexes and database size -

I have a fragmentation problem on my production database One of my main data tables is approximately 6 GB (3 GB index) ( Size 9m record) and 94% (!) Index fragmentation. I know that the restructuring of the indexes will solve this problem but my database I have read some blog posts about this issue but non answer my situation . On the SQL Server 2008 R2 Express that is the limit of 10GB databases and my database is already in 8GB size. My Question 1 : How much size (% or GB) can I expect to increase after reorganizing the indexes in that table? Question 2 : Drop drop index -> Should the same index take less space? At the moment the time is not the factor for me. Additional questions: Any other suggestions for database fragmentation? I know that to avoid shrinking like a fire;) connect to the key column being indexed And by improving the filter, rejecting the requirement of a table scan, a well-maintained index can significantly improve performance. It is tru...

ios - Get access to console in Sencha Touch app running on iPhone -

I use console.time ('a') and console.timeEnd ('a') in my Sina Touch IOS Want to Application How can I get access to the console when running my app on iPhone? I tried Safari Remote Web Inspector (like), but it does not work, it gives me access to index.html, and the web inspector opens correctly, but all of them Tabs are empty Console tab (I tried using Safari Remote Web Inspector with phonegap and it works properly) Edit: I am not using Xcode, because I am preparing my app with Cena CMD. And I do not want to change it, because I'm testing Cena Touch without calling the phone. which you can use to view the output of the console in XCode.

checkbox - Status of checkboxes submitted from symfony to twig -

I'm searching for a way to submit the contents of the checkboxes to a toggle template from a symphony controller. So that the user does not have to check again if the form was made incomplete and some more input is required. For this reason that there are more than one checkbox in the form of an array, I am disturbing: an ID ({{}}) will be submitted and let me state the status of this ID Thought to use this number to check: {usergroup in usergroups%} in% & lt; Input type = "checkbox" name = "employee data" value = "{{}}" {% if check is {{}}%} check = "check" & gt; {& Amp; Endif%} & gt; {{}} {% endfor%} Of course this is not working - like I hope :) Can anyone give I get a signal that how it is working? Edit: Here's the real situation: Output looks like a script here:. A selection box with nested checkboxes. For this, I need to get all values ​​in the form ...

jsp - android - how to upload files to folder in server given the path of file in device -

How do I upload files to a folder in the server? I have several images in the path of the file emulator SD card and folder URL. I want to add an image to the folder in the server how can I do it? In addition to this, I can also pass the path of the file in the same file to the jsp file in the same file. Is my jsp save a picture in a folder? Try this snippet: - total pseudo-code; The name of the class is correct, however posted the HTTP post; MulitpartEntity MP; Mpe.addPart ("File", New InputStreamBody () or New File Body ()); Post.setEntity (MPE); HttpClient.execute (post); You will need the following Libary: - Apache-mime4j-0.6 httpmime-4.0.1 Refer to the following link for more information: -

python - Parsing PubMed Central XML using Biopython Bio Entrez parse -

I am trying to parse piamped central XML files which are using the Bioethon Bio Enter Pars function. What I have done: bio import from Entrez for xmlfile in glob.glob ('samplepmcxml.xml'): print xmlfile fh = open (xmlfile, "r") in the record Record = Entrance purse (handle) for record: Print record I get the following: read_xml (fh, outfp) fh.close () def read_xml (handle, out) error: Tracebacks (the most recent call final): The file "", line 78, & lt; Module & gt; Read_xml (FH, Outfip) file "", line 10, for record in read_xml: file "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/Bio/Entrez/", line 137, pars In Self.parser.Parse (text, false) file "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/Bio/Entrez/", in line 165, startNamespaceDeclHandler raises NotImplementedError ("Bio.Entrez Parser handled XML data Can not be used which can use XML namespaces) "NotIm...

php - Why am I still getting 500 internal server error in Codeigniter? -

Read this question before trying to vote it below. There are so many duplicates of questions and unfortunately none of them work for me. I am using the CodeIgniter_2.1.4 version. I have a simple registration form and I need to put its data in DB through an Ajax request. When there are no errors in the form: POST path / index.php / controller / method 500 (internal server error) I have the following I have tried the solution but I still get the error: I have enabled CSFR protection in my config.php file: $ config ['Csrf_protection'] = TRUE; I am using the form_open () and form_close () tag, because the CI documentation says it's automatic In the hidden CSRF field, the form if form_open () is used. Submit javascript $ ("# sign-up") (function (e) {e.preventDefault ( ); Alert ($ (this). Certificate ()); $ .XX ({method: "post", data: $ (this). (), Url: "& lt ;? php echo site_url ('viewer / signup_pros ')?...

ios - How to submit Xcode "Generic Archive" -

I have stored my app, and usually in the "Collection type" section, called the iOS app, Can be deposited by the organizer. However, the type of this app looks like a "generic archive" and asks me to export in 1 of 2 ways when I click to distribute- save the manufactured products as Xcode archive. How do I submit? You can not do this short version This probably means that your binary has several targets within it . My guess - as happened to me - is that you have included an open source project and have configured it incorrectly, check the "Skip Install" setting of any sub-projects.

php - Get all Hidden data available in a image -

How do I get hidden data in an image file using PHP? [Hidden data, which means camera model, location, photo date and geocode etc.] Is it possible to use all hidden data in PHP? You can use the function.

google maps api icons for places -

मैं Google मैप्स एपीआई स्थान सेवा का उपयोग कर रहा हूं। सेवा = नया google.maps.places.PlacesService (नक्शा) मुझे परिणाम मिलते हैं और मैं उनके आइकनों को दिखाना चाहता हूं मैंने देखा कि कई चिह्न इन्हें देख सकते हैं: आमतौर पर (लेकिन हमेशा चुप रहें) जगह टाइप नाम + '-71.png' लेकिन कुछ अन्य मामलों में यह एक अलग नाम का उपयोग करता है। उदाहरण के लिए: प्रकार के आराधनालय के पास एक आइकन होता है: मैं पूरी सूची कैसे देख सकता हूं ताकि मैं किसी प्रकार के किसी आइकन से मिलान कर सकूं? इसमें" आइकन "सदस्य होता है: आइकन | स्ट्रिंग | एक छवि संसाधन के लिए यूआरएल जिसे इस स्थान की श्रेणी का प्रतिनिधित्व करने के लिए इस्तेमाल किया जा सकता है।

android - Programmatically add textView to LinearLayout. Items added, but seems like they are empty -

I need a scrollable view below it and see it with the scenes given below. I have such layouts: & lt; Relative layout xmlns: android = "" Android: layout_width = "Fill_parent" Android: layout_height = "fill_parent" android: background = "# ffffffff" & gt; & Lt; Android: layout_alignParentBottom = "true" android: layout_alignParentLeft = "true" android: layout_toLeftOf = "@ + ID / AddCommentButton": Android: layout_width = "match_parent" android: layout_height = "wrap_content" android: id = "@ + id / COMMENT_TEXT" "Android: inputType =" text "android: textColor =" # ff000000 "/> & Lt; Android: layout_alignParentRight = "true" Android: layout_alignTop = "@ + ID:" Android: attr / buttonStyleSmall "id =" @ + id / addCommentButton "style = Android: layout_width =... - why test passes in vb? It should fail (it fails in the c# version) -

मैं Professional.Test.Driven.Development.with.Csharp में उदाहरणों का पालन कर रहा हूं I मीटर को सी # से वीबी में परिवर्तित करना (इस उदाहरण की शुरुआत है अध्याय 7) अब होने सार्वजनिक कक्षा itemtype लोक overridable संपत्ति आईडी पूर्णांक समाप्ति कक्षा लोक इंटरफ़ेस IItemTypeRepository समारोह सहेजें (itemtype itemtype के रूप में) के रूप में पूर्णांक अंत इंटरफ़ेस लोक कक्षा ItemTypeRepository औजार के रूप IItemTypeRepository सार्वजनिक समारोह सहेजें (itemtype itemtype के रूप में) के रूप में पूर्णांक इम्प्लीमेन्ट्स IItemTypeRepository.Save न्यू NotImplementedException समाप्ति समारोह समाप्त कक्षा फेंक और TestUnit परियोजना में & lt; TestFixture & gt; सार्वजनिक कक्षा की विशिष्टता का अभिलेख SpebBase End Class जब में परीक्षण लिखना (असफल होना चाहिए) यह अच्छी तरह से गुजरता है (0 = 0 का पूर्णांक मान) सार्वजनिक कक्षा when_working_with_the_item_type_repository विरासत में मिली विशिष्टता समाप्ति कक्षा लोक कक्षा and_saving_a_valid_item_type विरासत में मिली when_working_with...

jquery - Placing text over images -

I am using a website to create a slider I can easily create a slider using the following code: & lt; Div id = "owl-slider" class = "owl-carousel" & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; & Lt; Img src = "picture / 1.jpg" /> & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; & Lt; Img src = "picture / 2.jpg" /> & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; & Lt; Img src = "picture / 3.jpg" /> & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; & Lt; Img src = "picture / 4.jpg" /> & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; $ ("#Owl-slider") OwlCarousel ({item: 1, Autoplay: true, slide speed: 200, stop onhost: true, navigation: incorrect}} $ (document) .ready (function () {$ ("# owl -slider"). Owl Carousel ();}); I also want to put some text on the images in the slider. please check here gt;...

Javascript Variable Can't Pass Into Textbox -

I have a script that pulls data from a form when it is submitted and that data is placed on the next page Sends. Displays this text on that page ... & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; FormData.display ("name") & lt; / Script & gt; Then it prints the name the user had given earlier. So I tried to pre-populate it in a text box .... & lt; Input class = "text" type = "text" name = "name" value = "& lt; script type =" text / javascript "> formData.display (" name ") & lt; / script & gt; / & Gt; Unfortunately this simply shows the code instead of the actual name. This is an easy way for me to & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; FormData.display ("name") & lt; / Script & gt; And put it in a text box? Javascript is not working like this ... Input in html Add an ID: & lt; Input id = ...

gnu make - Makefile pattern matching failure -

बिन = $ (patsubst% .c,%, $ (SRCS)) सभी: $ (बिन्स)% :% .o $ (जानकारी ---------- $ $ जोड़ना; & lt; ---------) $ (सीसी) $ & lt; -ओ $ @ -एल $ (LIBPATH) - लायब्रेरी नाम में $ (बिन्स) मैच % होगा? मुझे नियम %:% .o की आवश्यकता है जिसे बदले में दूसरे नियम को .o s बनाने में कहते हैं लेकिन यह मैच नहीं हो रहा है, जिसके कारण निहित नियमों की शुरुआत हो रही है। मेरा लक्ष्य एक ही नाम के साथ एक ही नाम के साथ-साथ उनके .c फ़ाइलों को बनाने के लिए है .o s इस प्रक्रिया में बनाया जाना चाहिए यह कठिन हो सकता है, लेकिन आपको सभी नियमों को निकाल देना चाहिए, फिर यह काम करेगा। हाँ मैं गंभीर हूँ। बनाने में foo से foo.c बनाने के लिए अंतर्निहित नियम हैं, क्योंकि यह बहुत आम है इसे देखें: $ बिल्ली hello.c #include & lt; stdio.h & gt; Int मुख्य (शून्य) {printf ("हैलो, विश्व \ n"); वापसी 0; } $ बिल्ली Makefile बिल्ली: Makefile: ऐसा कोई फ़ाइल या निर्देशिका $ $ CFLAGS = -lm नमस्कार सीसी-एलएम hello.c- ओ नमस्ते $। / हैलो, दुनिया $ अधिक वास्तविक , यदि आप अपने *। स...

xcode5 - UITabBar selected image tint color in interface builder -

I got a little confused, got "selected image tint color" I tried to use it because I really want to do simple things instead of writing code for the IB color adjustment: This feature has no effect when I change color, it does not apply to compiled apps. I am already trying to remove clean, clear, extractive directories and start a new project. Can anyone tell me why this is not working?

c# - How to use a method from inside a class in ASP.NET MVC? -

I apologize for the ASP.NET MVC long ago if this is a stupid question. I currently have the following code (simplified): And then I used the controller to take form data and act on it, which works fine. However, I suspect that despite this being MVC, in fact I was only using controller and visible parts, not the model. I have now made the following model, and made the placeholder method as artificial ... In this case I am using the 'add' method which I copied the code that worked earlier : Namespot Stolen_Bikes.Models {PUBLIC Bike Bike {Public Ent ID}; Set; } Public Date Time Date Uploaded {Received; Set; } Public Entitlephone {Received; Set; } Public listing & lt; String & gt; Files = New list & lt; String & gt; (); Public string cryref {receive; Set; } Add Public Zero (IEnumerable & lt; HttpPostedFileBase & gt; Files) {foreach (file in file)} {if (file.ContentLength> gt;) {var fileName = Path.GetFileName (file.FileName); Var path = ...

android - CountDown Timer not showing number of days left -

I am writing a program in which I am using count down to a specific date and time And as a result I'm getting countdown in hour, minute, second format , but I also want to show the number of days Required : canceled public onTick (Long mixed intro) {string result = horizontal string (new organization. Joda.time.Pieriod (millisUntilFinished)); Countdown.setText ("Time Remaining:" + results); } Private string to redeemable string (Period period) {intDadrens = period.jet (Diffelfieldtype Dies ()); Int hours = period.get (DurationFieldType.hours ()); Int minute = period.gateins (); Int sec = duration. GetSeconds (); Stringbilder sb = new stringbiller (); If (days> 0) {sb.append (day); If (day == 1) {sb.append ("day,"); } Other {sb.append ("days,"); }} If (hours> 0) {sb.append (hours); If (hours == 1) {sb.append ("hour,"); } Other {sb.append ("hours,"); }} If (minutes> 0) {sb.append (min); If (minutes == 1)...

JSON-PHP:parse multiple object with the same name -

I have this problem: I am trying to display weather information from weather and I am getting this response Is: {"response": {"version": "0.1", "termsof service": " "{Date}": "predicted": {"forecast": 1}}, "forecast": {"txt_forecast": {"date": "10:52 cst", "approximate date": [{"period": 0, "Icon": "Toasts", "Icon_url": "", "Title": "Wonderidee", "FTPText": "Temorouli Max. : 79ºF Venti da s "Pipoia: 80%", "pop": "80"}, {"duration": 1, "icon": "nt_rain", "icon_url": " /c/k/nt_rain.gif "," title ":" wernerie note "," fttext ":" piagia e tuano min: 62 ff. ...

ruby on rails - rest-client not caching responses from Heroku -

We are running our Ruby on Rails (4.0) Application (O Call: 'Carva') on Heroko, URL Controller's response: We are finishing http caching: expires_in XXX.seconds ,: public => true Now, try to run the console on the following code: (You need Gems / Cash 'RestClient.enable Rack :: Cache, Metastore =>:' . 'File: / tmp / cache / meta ',: Unitstore = & gt;' file: / tmp / Cache / body 'RestClient.get (' '); zero RestClient.get (' '); zero RestClient.get (' https : //'); zero RestClient.get (''); of zero The second request will not use any cached version and it will display the following: Cache: [GET] Miss, Store The second request will display the cache for GITUB: [GET] Fresh When we use the 'carwa' app locally in Dev and production mode (U On the Hiroko, like the Nicorn ...

How to download Spring platform in its official websit? -

The official website of spring: But I can not find the download link. Why do not the official website put a download link? This is the official page of the Spring Framework fundamental recommend that you download the Spring framework by using a dependency management tool such as Gredl or Meven and they both provide configuration for the link to try to manage the excess due to the fact that the external dependency It has been that without such equipment the spring structure multi It will be strange. Edit This link provides a little more information for you. If you absolutely need it, then you can get binary Zip can download ...

read.csv/read.table R 3.1.1 typeconvert error -

आर संस्करण 3.1.1 में अपडेट हो रहा है, read.table / read.csv आर कोड में शामिल किया गया जो आर के पिछले संस्करणों के तहत चल रहा था और अब काम नहीं करता। मेरा मूल कोड बस था: read.csv ("सी: / ................", छोड़ दो = 2, = TRUE) मुझे निम्न त्रुटि मिल रही है: । Eternal2 (C_typeconvert, x, na.strings,, dec) में त्रुटि: तर्कों की गलत संख्या (4), 'typeconvert' के लिए 5 की उम्मीद है मैंने सभी विकल्पों को शामिल करने का प्रयास किया है जो कि type.convert द्वारा आवश्यक हैं अर्थात type.convert (x, na.strings = "NA", = FALSE, dec = "।") लेकिन कोई फायदा नहीं हुआ डेटा प्रकार के संदर्भ में मेरे पास चरित्र और संख्यात्मक फ़ील्ड का मिश्रण होता है, लेकिन संभवतः, डेटा का सबसे हड़ताली तत्व हैं: 1) संख्यात्मक फ़ील्ड में दो लापता संकेतक 'ए' और 'एनए' हैं। यही वजह है कि मैंने मूल रूप से '' विकल्प का इस्तेमाल किया और बाद में इस्तेमाल किया। कन्वर्ट उदाहरण के लिए माध्य एसडी एनए 0.30 एनए 0.20 एनए 0...

java - How to detectd that log4j not is not properly initialized -

I know that when neither nor log4j.xml are found on the classpath, we log4j: Warnings for Lozaer (xxx) No Attendants can be found. Log4j: Start the Warning Log4j system properly. How can I find out in Java so that I can execute some custom code? Example: To print something for my user? You can check to see if any log4j attendants are configured in the classpath logger LOGGER = Logger Tag (XXX.class); Count enum1 = LOGGER.getAllAppenders (); If (Enum1.hasMoreElements ()) {// Custom Print}