java - Android Activity: Access methods of a model -

Sorry for this generic title, but I could not find a better formulation. I had included library in your Android project OnCreate method include something like:

  mCardContainer = (CardContainer) findViewById (; Simplecardstacks adapter adapter = new simple cardstack adapter (this); Adapter.add (new cardmodel ("Heading 2", "Description2 goes here", R. Daveable Dictable (R.drawable.picture2)); Adapter.add (new cardmodel ("Heading 3", "Description 3 goes here", R. Daveable Dictable (R.drawable.picture3)); CardModel CardModel = New CardModel ("Heading 1", "Description goes here", R. Daveable Dictable (R.drawable.picture1)); cardModel.setOnCardDimissedListener (New CardModel.OnCardDimissedListener () {@Override public void onLike () {Log.i ( "swipe-able card", "I like the card");}}); Adapter.add (cardModel); MCardContainer.setAdapter (adapter);  

I want to be able to log on to the title of the object (), too. . However, I do not know how to use it

pseudo code:

  cardModel.setOnCardDimissedListener (New CardModel.OnCardDimissedListener () {@Override public void onLike () {Log.i ("Swiping Card", "I like the card with the title:" + + this.getTitle ()); // After 3 swipes, heading 1, heading 2, heading 3. should show.}}) ;  

CardModel class already getTitle () method, I just do not know how to use it!

  public string getTitle () {Return Title included; }  

If you have a sub-category of this OnCardDimissedListener And pass it to the parameter, something similar:

  Public category MyOnCardDimissedListener OnCardDimissedListener {Private string header; Public MyOnCardDimissedListener (string title) {this.title = title; } @ Override Public Wide On Like () {Log.i ("Swipeable Card", Title); }}  

Then you should use:

  cardModel.setOnCardDimissedListener (New MyOnCardDimissedListener (cardModel.getTitle ()));  

You go there ... Each example of MyOnCardDimissedListener is something that is worthless on my opinion, but in other ways, To move the CardModel object, edit the library source code.


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