qunit - Ember.js - CircleCI - BrowserStack -
I try to connect our cicleCI together with the browser stack and only with our Finemics and Internet on FanTamJs Not only do our integration_test and unit tests run Explorer also using browser stock service.
I try to configure browser-stack-cleans. I can run a test through the circle through the circle on the browserstack, but can not report to the Circle server anymore.
Can you please share your experience if you have already played with this stack? Thanks a lot!
The solution is to use browserstalk and browser stock-CI tools simultaneously 64-bit Linux version of BrowserStackLocal Strengthen the tunnel from the CI server to the browser stock server. After this we can use browserstack-cli to launch browsers and run test from testem.
Download BrowserStackLocal
and enter the .browserstack
folder in your project.
- 64-bit Linux version of BrowserStackLocal:
Create a script,
which will run and create settings for browserstalk- CLI. You have to set up a global variable in Circle CI, and you can secretly keep the details of your access. Let's call this file on runthis.sh
and save it in the .browserstack
folder. This script will also run your browserstalk local binary, so the tunnel will be present.
#! / Bin / bash echo "{\" Username \ ": \" `$ echo $ BS_USER` \", \ "password \": \ "echo $ BS_PASSWORD \", \ "privateKey \": \ "` Echo $ BS_KEY` \ ", \" apiKey \ ": \" echo $ BS_KEY` \ "}" >> ~ / .browserstack / browserstack.json ./.browserstack/BrowserStackLocal $ BS_KEY and
CircleCI config
( circle.yml
) file mainly depends on your project. We have to copy the .browserstack
folder to the home folder, install bower, browserstack-cli and testem.
Machine: Timezone: Pacific / Auckland Node: Version: v0.10.28 Dependency: Ex: - mv./.browserstack ~ / - sh ~ /. Browserstack / runthis.sh Post: - Install BOVER - NPM Installed Testem - NPM Browserstack-CLI G Install - G Exam: Override: - Path = $ Path: Bin Grunt Integration_ct_cc; Testem ci - PATH = $ path: bin grunt test_cc; Testem ci
testem config:
- The most part depends on your project. In our case there is a significant launcher
section. Framework: "tmp / index.html" src_files: - "tmp / assets / application.js" - "tmp / tests.js" - "tmp / integration_tests. Js "launcher: bs_chrome: command: browserstack launch chrome --attach protocol: browser timeout: 300 launch_in_ci: -" phantomJS "-" bs_chrome "launch_in_dev: -" chrome "-" firefox "-" fontgages "parallel: 2
Therefore, if you update your project on Gitob, Circleili will launch your test and connect to the browserstalk and use the browsers there. Received ...
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