mvc - Crystal Report Viewer is not working in Google chrome IE11 and Safari -
I have an ASP application and this is my first crystal report which I do when I am looking at the reprint in design and If all the data is correct and correct, then this report feels good to everyone. However, when I try to show it in my crystal report viewer, the report is opened without blank data.
Crystal Report Viewer Google Chrome is not working in IE11 and Safari but fine in IE8 and IE9
Viewer print in Chrome / Mozilla / Safari Report issue: A solution where you can print report content within the report viewer in any browser.
In the case of Chrome or Mozilla or Safari, I can not find the print option for the report viewer to print the report content inside the viewer. How can I solve it?
The crystal report viewer fails for the versions of the browser to me in my search>> 10 = ". Is this true?
There is a solution to solve.
Just add to the size SizeToReportContent = "true" as shown below
& lt; rsweb: ReportViewer ID = "ReportViewer1" runat = "server" sizeportport content = "true" ...
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