jsp - android - how to upload files to folder in server given the path of file in device -

How do I upload files to a folder in the server?

I have several images in the path of the file emulator SD card and folder URL.

I want to add an image to the folder in the server how can I do it?

In addition to this, I can also pass the path of the file in the same file to the jsp file in the same file.

Is my jsp save a picture in a folder?

Try this snippet: -

  total pseudo-code; The name of the class is correct, however posted the HTTP post; MulitpartEntity MP; Mpe.addPart ("File", New InputStreamBody () or New File Body ()); Post.setEntity (MPE); HttpClient.execute (post);  

You will need the following Libary: -

  Apache-mime4j-0.6 httpmime-4.0.1  

Refer to the following link for more information: -


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