
Showing posts from July, 2013

How to Compile C# using a Text Editor in Linux? -

I'm a noob on Linux and in Windows, I write C # in Notepad ++ and using CScript Compile it. I have installed Linux Tent 17 and I want to write and compile from C # to creative text. How do i do this Install the Mono Framework () I'm not familiar with sublime text , But * to mono command line. Compile CC files mcs hello.cs or you can do just anything in mono development () mvc - ASP MVC 5 FilterConfig for custom exception with view in subfolder -

मैं अपने कस्टम प्रकार अनुपस्थित सेटिंग अपवाद के अपवाद को पकड़ना चाहता हूं, और एक कस्टम त्रुटि पृष्ठ दिखाता हूं। < / P> मैं प्रदर्शित करने के लिए दृश्य निर्दिष्ट करने के लिए FilterConfig का उपयोग कर रहा हूं: सार्वजनिक श्रेणी FilterConfig {सार्वजनिक स्थैतिक शून्य RegisterGlobalFilters (GlobalFilterCollection फ़िल्टर) {filters.Add (नया HandleErrorAttribute {ExceptionType = typeof (अनुपलब्ध सेटिंग), देखें = "गुम सेटिंग", ऑर्डर = 2}); फिल्टर। जोड़ें (नया हैंडलएररएट्रिब्यूट ()); }} यह काम करता है अगर मैं अनुपस्थित सेटिंग्स ~ / दृश्य / साझा में मेरी प्रोजेक्ट में रखते हैं, लेकिन I एकाधिक कस्टम त्रुटि पृष्ठों हैं और उन्हें ~ / views / error /...//>> पर एक सबफ़ोल्डर में रखना होगा यदि मैं MissingSetting.cshtml मेरे पसंदीदा स्थान पर, मैं समझ नहीं सकता कि मेरा फ़िल्टर सही दृश्य कैसे दिखा सकता है मैं एक त्रुटि पेज कहूंगा "आपका अनुरोध संसाधित करते समय एक अपवाद उत्पन्न हुआ। साथ ही, पहले अपवाद के लिए कस्टम त्रुटि पृष्ठ निष्पादित करते समय एक अपवाद उत्पन्

python - Django Form Submission Failing -

I am working on a small app that will save specific location information about the places you have made The problem I am experiencing is that clicking on the submit button does not seem too much on the 'Save New Location' page. This ... / locationlib / savenew /, which is considered URL which saves form input as a new model object, but both debugging according to the print statement and what really happens, never said that function goes. I have had success with other forms using the Django but this one I think is dripping. Can someone give me an idea about what is going on here? def New (requested): return render (request, 'locationlib / new.html') DEF savenew (request): printed 'savenew name' Name = request POST ['name'] Latitude = float (Request. POST ['latitude']) Longitude = Float (Request. POST ['longitude']) = print 'all variable sets' l = location (name = name, longitude = Longitude, Latitude =======================

google chrome - Why does Java 8 from Netbeans hijack Java 7 running in my browser? -

Java 7 is my system default JRE on all new web browsers to JR 7 Configured to open, such as the default Netbeans has prepared Java 8 on a new instance, because its 'isolated' defaults (separate in the context of the rest of the system). Consider the scenario: Chrome is up and running fine, I'm inspired by code and then open Netbeans. When Netbeans loads, Chrome's Java is funky - I now have JavaScript Can not interact with applet (like Chatanda handshake does not happen, scrollbar becomes non-responsive, has a host of any other discrepancies). I take the steps to resume Chrome, and the frame does not either load out of the "defined" layout on the page, or do not stack. Keep in mind, I'm (deliberately) running any Java 8 program outside Netbeans. Why does this happen? My suspicion is that JRE8 system replaces pointers for API calls in AP .. I would agree that JR sandbox would expand in that machine version library, but it does not seem like that.

The compiler show error message when using ProjectExplorer in Eclipse Kpler -

मैं केप्लर में निम्नलिखित कोड का उपयोग करता हूं: कोड> प्रोजेक्ट एक्स्प्लोरर प्रोज एक्सप्लोरर = (प्रोजेक्ट एक्स्प्लोरर) प्लेटफ़ॉर्म यूआई.टवर्कवर्ब ()। GetActiveWorkbenchWindow ()। । GetActivePage () findView (IPageLayout.ID_PROJECT_EXPLORER); और मैंने org.eclipse.ui.navigator.resources.jar को जोड़ लिया है, हालांकि, जब मैं अपनी प्रोजेक्ट को संकलित करता हूं, यह एक त्रुटि संदेश दिखाता है: प्रकार org.eclipse.ui.navigator.CommonNavigator हल नहीं किया जा सकता है। < कोड> सामान्यनैविगेटर में org.eclipse.ui.navigator प्लगइन में है, इसलिए अपने प्लगइन की निर्भरताओं को जोड़ें।

html - Bootstrap Center Form & Logo like Responsive Search Engine -

What would be the best way of a logo and form in the middle of the page when responsive? Currently, I have something like & lt; Div class = "container" & gt; & Lt; Img src = "logo.jpg" class = "logo img-responsive center-block" & gt; & Lt; Form role = "form" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "form-group center-block" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "input-group" & gt; & Lt; Input type = "text" class = "form-control" placeholder = "search" & gt; & Lt; Span class = "input-group-btn" & gt; & Lt; Button class = "btn btn-default btn-sm" type = "submit" & gt; & Lt; Span class = "glyphicon glyphine-search" & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; / Button & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Form & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; The

Not sure how to invoke the buying process for in-app purchases in iOS with Objective-C -

मेरे पास इस तरह एक विधि है - (IBAction) मेकपर्चज़: (आईडी) प्रेषक {UIAlertView * message = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle: @ "खरीदारी शुरू करना" संदेश: @ "बस ठीक दबाएं।" प्रतिनिधि: शून्य रद्द करेंट्यूटनटाइट: @ "ओके" अन्य बटनटाइटल्स: शून्य]; [संदेश दिखाने]; // अपने उत्पाद आइडेंटिफ़ार्स को किसी एनएसएसई में रखें और उचित उत्पाद अनुरोध (उदा। दृश्य में) में करें। SKProductsRequest * productRequest = [[एसकेपीप्रोडक्ट्सएक्वेस्ट एलोक] इनट विथ प्रोडक्टआईडेंटिफायर: @ "2"]; ProductRequest.delegate = self; [उत्पादकांड शुरू]; एनएसएसईट * उत्पादआईडेंटिफ़ार्सफोरपर्चज़ = [एनएसएसईटी सेट विथ ऑब्जेक्ट: @ "2"]; [[PlanIAPHelper साझा इंस्तांस] खरीद उत्पाद: उत्पाद]; } अंतिम पंक्ति में एक वाक्य रचना त्रुटि है क्योंकि यह नहीं जानता कि उत्पाद चर क्या है क्योंकि मैंने इसे नहीं घोषित किया है और यह मेरी समस्या है मुझे यकीन नहीं है कि इस ऑब्जेक्ट का निर्माण कैसे किया जाए ताकि इसे खरीदा जा सके। क्या कोई मुझे यह सही ढंग से काम करने में मदद करने में सक्ष

VBScript/Classic ASP testing for single forward slash (/) -

I'm trying to determine that a slash ends in a classic ASP with a forward strash. if right (above, 1) = "/" then top = left (top, lane (above -1) end if In this example The above value is "/ Ct3test / aces / aces_roi /". but I'm getting the error: Microsoft VBSScript Runtime Error '800a000d' Type Mismatch: '[String: I have tried Chr (47) with the result that it does not like the forward slash and it does not help to avoid "\" Any help greatly appreciated The bracket was placed in a wrong place

java - JPA equivalent of Hibernate's join and subselect in mapping -

Using Hibernate, I can use the join to map the field to an entity . - Example - If I have the following category: Public class command {Private string order number; Private string product name; Private string productive; Private string recipients; Private string recipient officer 1; } I can map that square with the following hibernate mapping: & lt; Class name = "order" table = "order" & gt; & Lt; Property Name = "Order No" Type = "java.lang.long" column = "order_num" /> & Lt; Join Table = "Product" & gt; & Lt; Subsylic & gt; SELECT o.order_id,, p.cost from product p INNER join order o o Product_id = p. Product_id & lt; / Subselect & gt; & Lt; Major column = "order_dream" /> & Lt; Property Name = "Product Name" type = "java.lang.String" column = "name" /> & Lt; Property Name = "Productcast" type

c# - Could not load type from another project in same assembly ASP.NET MVC -

मेरे पास तीन एस्प.net एमवीसी 5 परियोजनाएं एक समाधान में हैं समाधान को बैंक 24 कहा जाता है ताकि विधानसभा भी हो। परियोजना Application_layer मुख्य परियोजना है। इसके अलावा 2 और परियोजनाएं भी हैं BusinessLogic_layer है जहां मैं डेटाबेस और डेटा परत के साथ काम कर रहा हूं जहां मैं डेटाबेस बना रहा हूं। जब मैं बिजनेसओगिक_लेयर में Application_layer मैं रनटाइम सर्वर त्रुटि प्राप्त कर रहा हूं - विधानसभा "बैंक 24, संस्करण से" BusinessLogic_layer.Services.DataService "लोड नहीं किया जा सका =, संस्कृति = तटस्थ, सार्वजनिककीटोकन = शून्य परियोजना Application_layer पहले से ही BusinessLogic_layer के संदर्भ में है। वह निर्देशिका जिसमें पहले से ही का उपयोग करके डायरेक्टिव से जुड़े आवश्यक वर्ग शामिल हैं। इसलिए मुझे नहीं पता कि यह लोड क्यों नहीं कर रहा है। यहां नियंत्रक मुख्य नियंत्रक का कोड है। मुझे विधि रजिस्टर में वांछित वर्ग का उपयोग करने की आवश्यकता है I यह व्यावसायिक लोगो से उपयोग किया जाता है। सेवाएं; सिस्टम का उपयोग कर; System.Collections.G

About YUI compressor and javascripts -

I am using handlers in my website. That's why I need to send 'handlebars.runtime.js' to the client side. Although I came to know that 'handlebars.runtime.js' has not been compressed from the official website, so I use YUI compressor to compress it. When I checked the compressed 'handlebars.runtime.js', something strange happened: Some codes have disappeared in coded when I have a lot of comparison with the previous one and the beginning of compressed one is: / P> / *! Handlers v1.3.0 Copyright (C) 2011 by Yehuda CATS permission, to make a deal in software without restriction, to receive a copy of this software and any person receiving the relevant documentation files ("software") for free Is provided without using any limit, copying, modifying, merge, publishing, distributing, Sublicensee and / or software For copies sell, and right to those who allow that are allowed to software under the following conditions: the above copyright notice

matlab - Optimizing a function that compares 1.7 million entries against itself -

I want to calculate the distance of all the UK postcodes against each other, then the sum of the population of all the postcodes within 1 mile Please. Postcode & amp; The population list is stored in a text file. I am most familiar with Matlab, but I have a stata & amp; PSP is available. The program is currently scheduled to take about 2 weeks, can I do anything to speed up the process ??? Here's my code. Matlab generates the script for importing text data. The distance is done by the mapping toolbox, and the great cycle formula does. Any help is greatly appreciated. pcdistance (postcode, pop, latitude, loan)% of the total population for 1 mile radius feed = FOPAN ('ppc.txt', 'a') for UK postcode Imposes; N = length (postcode); % Counts the distance of 1 postcode at a time, against all others, all the rules that do not meet the rules I = 1: n; Dist = []; Dist (:, 1) = Pop; For J = 1: n; Dist (j, 2) = Distance (lat (i), lon

postgresql - Jooq Postgres JSON query -

What is the support for postgradge Jason objects in question with ZEQ? For example, SELECT id, data-> 'Author' - & gt; & Gt; From 'first_name' books as author_first_name; Presently (as jOOQ 3.4), there is no native support for those postgresql, JSON's specific JSON operators are pending to support PostgreSQL json data types. However, you can always use it to help your query be expressed with jOOQ: DSL.using (configuration). Selection (BOOKS.ID, field ("{0} -> author '-> gt; & gt;' first_name '", string.class, .as ("author_first_name") .from (books). Fetch (); For details, see the methods javadocs. Or, write your own Mini API If you are using JSON with many of these path notation, you can cause a mini API such as: < / P> Public Stable Fields & lt; Object & gt; JsonObject (field & lt ;? & gt; field, string name) {back to DSL.field ("{0} -> gt; {1}&qu

visual studio - Number displayed after a new Web Site project's name -

मैंने अपने समाधान से nPower.Ignition.WebResponsive बुलाया एक पुराना asp.NET वेब अनुप्रयोग परियोजना को हटा दिया है दृश्य स्टूडियो में, लेकिन जब मैंने एक ही जगह में एक नई वेब साइट परियोजना को जोड़ दिया, तो मैंने (1) मेरे वांछित नाम के अंत में जोड़ा। मैंने कुछ और बार हटाने और पुन: विश्राम करने की कोशिश की, और अब मैं उस बिंदु पर हूं जहां यह मेरे समाधान एक्सप्लोरर में, जैसा कि (3) मेरे वांछित नाम के अंत में जोड़ा गया है! इसलिए ... मैं बहुत ज्यादा पता है कि इसका कारण क्या है, लेकिन इसे ठीक करने के लिए नहीं। क्या विज़ुअल स्टूडियो को याद है कि मेरे नाम पर उस प्रोजेक्ट के साथ मेरा प्रोजेक्ट है, भले ही मैंने इसे हटा दिया है, और उसे एक अलग नाम देकर संघर्ष से बचने का प्रयास किया है? क्या एक तरीका है कि मैं अंत में संलग्न संख्या से छुटकारा पा सकता हूं? मैं समझता हूं कि शायद प्रोग्रामिंग की दृष्टि से कोई फर्क नहीं पड़ेगा, अगर मैं इस नाम को छोड़ देता हूं, लेकिन यह काफी मैला दिखता है! ऐसा इसलिए होता है क्योंकि हर बार जब आप IIS एक्सप्रेस का उपयोग कर एक वेब साइट प्रोजेक्ट बनाते हैं

javascript - Add lightbox effect to images automatically -

Is it possible to add a lightbox effect on each image that is embedded in this way & lt; Img class = "full-img" src = "/ blog / content / picture / 2014 / June / biking_hye 1.jpg" alt = "" & gt; this & lt; A href = "/ blog / content / images / 2014 / June / biking_hwy1.jpg" data-lightbox = "how -to-enable-lightbox-in-ghost" data-title = "this is my caption" & gt; & Lt; Img class = "full-img" src = "/ blog / content / images / 2014 / June / betting_highway 1.jpg" alt = "" title = "" & gt; & Lt; / A & gt; After the page has been successfully filled? I want to enable it on Java Ceat with a ghost CMS installation. thank you in advanced! You can javascript on each image in the page and then change the attributes as needed. . Not necessarily the best way (this is a server-side choice), but it can work. After you go to the pictures, you wil

html - containing an absolute element within a parent element -

I find it strange that my whole element is completely out of the original element, I want it to be 100% It is completely contained within, nothing outside of it, but it does not seem like how it is. The whole element starts from the left and above only the basic element, the whole element is at 100% of the rest of the document. HTML & lt; Div id = "box" square = "home_box" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "box_howor" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; H3 & gt; Title / h3> & Lt; P & gt; Content & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; css #box {height: 200px; Width: 400px;} .box_hover {background: # 000; Height: 100%; Opacity: 0.1; Status: Completed; Width: 100%;} As you can see the height and width is 100% what am I doing? should be status: relative , status: fixed , or position: absolute for a position: absolute child element to be deployed to it. An element located in the ly will be

php - Trying to test my post form (debugging) -

I have a form, and I'm checking to see if it submitted properly to post Has been doing. This is my first post in the post, so besides the original research and tutorial stuff, I have many problems. I have written a simple script to see if my form is working properly or not. HTML shows you forms only; I have validation and everything. There is no naming paradox, even if it is in a filename or variable, so I think it is a syntax error or I just have no information about that person's post, whatever. . Here's HTML: & lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; Form name = "included" method = "post" action = "post.fpp" target = "_ blank" & gt; Name: & lt; Br> Input type = "text" name = "name" title = "your full name" style = "color: # 000" placeholder = "enter full name" /> & Lt; Br> & Lt; Br> Email: & lt; Br> & Lt; Input type

Grammar for order insensitive command line options in antlr4 -

I am using NTLR 4 for command line parsing. Format of my grammar Commands: subcommand1 | Sub Command 2: Sub-Command1: 'Sub 1' option 1 Option 2 - Sub Command 2: Option 2 option '1' - Option 1 'id - Option 2:' - Option 2 ' ID option - 3: 'Option 3' id - Option 4: '-Payment 4' ID - ID: [A-GA-Z-09] + I have insensitive options for each sub command I want to - for example sub command - paragraph 1 ABC-PIN2 should be treated as a valid input - as well as sub-order - page 2 - PQR - option 1 AB The person should also be considered as a valid input A tremendous force to change grammar method sub-command 1: 'sub 1' (option 1 option 2 | option 2 option 1) sub Order 2: 'all 2' (option3 option4 | option3 option 4) But this does not make it normal and another option would require 6 numbering of options. Is this an easy way to do this? You should make your grammar generic, do not name the hardcod option in grammar, but ge

html - Space divs vertically on post feed, Tumblr -

I'm playing around Let me separate the divs and see the background properly. I have played margin with the bottom but Devance BG meets the PIN, I also want to move through the radius. Do I need to add #twitter-info and #tims to color and mess with each element? I have made it in a table? Looks like a simple job, but I'm just behaving it! Thank you in advance, or I need to clarify anything. The second image should be understood this. It is very easy to do this: First change it: # Twitter #tweets .tweet {text-align: center; Font-size: 18px; Line-height: 28px; Padding: 60px 70px 20px; Border below: 1 px solid RGB (237, 237, 237); } this #twitter #tweets .tweet {text-align: center; Font-size: 18px; Line-height: 28px; Padding: 60px 70px 20px; Margin: 20 px 0; Background: RGB (255, 255, 255); Range radius: 20px; } ... and then delete the background color on .panel .

Bigquery command line tool to read long query string from a file -

I'm using the Bigquery command line tool to query data from the Bigquery table. My query statement is too long Do you save the long query statement in a file and pass the file name to a large number of command line equipment? Thank you. You can use it: cat query.txt | Bq query

c# - File.WriteAllText the process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process -

I am using this code to write in a text file: Int num; Streamer writer writer 2; Bull flag = true; String str = ""; If (flag == file.exe (this.location)) {file. Write all text (this.location, string.Empty); New fileinfo (this.location). Open (FileMod. Truncate). Stop it (); (Author2 = this.SW = using the file .Updated text (this.location)) {this.SW.WriteLine ("calculation =" + this.Qount); For (num = 0; num & lt; this.Qount; num ++) {this.SW.WriteLine (this.image [num]); } This.SW. Close (); }} But I'm not calling the system.OOException that the process can not access the file because it is being used on this code by another process : file. Write all text (this.location, string.Empty); However, I check the text file and I think it was updated. is counted if items . if you (file.exext (this.location)) file. Type new lines (this. Location, this. Item); If it is not and you are tapping items from each object with toasting ()

objective c - Xcode 5 how to jump to .m file not .h or definition -

I am using Xcode 5. However, for some time when I used CMD +, to check the definition, I would also like to know that the code is useless. For example, when I click the object object named CMD + array on the last object, the screen will jump into the code - (ID) the previous object; Under NSArray.h The problem is that I want to see the code in NSArray.m no .h file. Is there any way to go or jump into the implementation file? Thank you! .m file is private You can not see any code in .m files created by Apple. If your own code will then go to the proper implementation of the method you click on.

javascript - JS: Why is ~10 (binary, ~1010) = -11 (binary, -1011)? -

In Javascript, if I do not do bit bit bit bit I hope that it will not calculate bitwise on the binary integer: Code> ~ 1010 = 0101 In other words, I was expecting the decimal integer 5. Instead, the Operation gives me-11 (if you see it in the console) ~ 10 = -11 If I use that -11 and ~ Seeing 10 as binary integer string: parseInt (~ 10,10) .toString (2) "-1011" parseInt (-11,10) .string (2) "-1011" Compatible but I do not understand. Can anyone explain to me why? I think it has to do something with the signal. EDIT: After posting, it also helped me understand this phenomenon better. Bitwise operators in Javascript consider the operator number as 32 bits. Then the result is: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00001010 When you reverse it, the result is: 11111111 11111111 11111111 11110101 When a 32-bit sign is interpreted as a number, then -11 (if you do not understand, read Wikipedia entry).

Lua - Insert or Delete String in txt file -

Assume that I have a .txt file that has a string I. How can I remove some characters, or both of them Can I include others between? Example: .txt file contains "HelloWald" and I want to insert a comma after "Hello" and there is a place after that. I just know how to write from the beginning and attach a file local file = ("example.txt", "w") file: write ("example") file You have to break it down in different steps .close () You have to break it down in different steps. The following example is "Hello, World" - - Read the file - Local f = ("example.txt", "r") with " Change the "HelloWald") local content = f: read ("* all") f: close () - - edit string - content = string.gsub (content, "hello", "hello,") - - Type it out - local f = ("example.txt", "w") f: write (content) f: close () Of course you need

Excel VBA Form Control - Reset Listbox Scroll Bar -

I have written the code below to draw data from six catalog boxes (multisvell) on a single sheet, for a calculation of selection Clear the module and then the list box selection. There is only one such issue which seems insignificant, though the very dismal list box is getting 'scroll bar' to reset its position at the top of the list for each list box. I have tried. But I'm using a form control and not an ActiveX control, it does not support "object". sub-listboxesproperties_clic () 'store the list items listed in an array (as slow list) in the form of dim J as integer dim R, selected as an integer array Add item array reDim listarray (1 to 50, 1 to 6) '6 counter for J counter = 0 R = 1 lb = ActiveSheet listbox ("list box" & amp; r) l = for l = .Selected (i) = True then select '1 counter J = J + 1' in the array list (which, R) = Lb.list (i) end if next I = 0 next r 'check if there is a selection in the msgbox, if R goes o

Paypal Donation Button Return URL variables -

Whether the return URL on the regular donation button is possible that the receiver emails a receipt with the custom variable? If so, where can I find a list of these return variables? It is possible, and the return URL can be set up so that you can post all posts sent to PayPal You can include variables, but you've got money so far, so there is no time to issue the receipt. Can you release order acceptance, or, this is a donation, a 'thank you' time is the right time to issue a receipt when you get money, By way of search, eg. Instant Payment Information (IPN)

path - Pencil Drawing in to Photoshop -

Text after "div class =" itemprop = "text"> I have a simple drawing for a logo meal on a piece of paper using a pencil. Pencil lines are very jagged and hidden in some places I need to take it and digitize it, so I can use it on all future graphics. Turn it on to make a simple transparent PNG or even real line art if possible. I scanned the original drawing. I have Photoshop CS6 and was thinking about drawing the paths. Although this takes a lot of time and is not practical. Is Photoshop a Practical Way to Do It? There are applications you can buy in the Mac App Store or elsewhere else that will allow me to draw a line at the top of the scanned image and what lines will dry out? Illustrator is the best tool for changing scanned images in digital art Which you can easily adjust in If you want to draw new lines at the top of your image, you can do it in Photoshop. Add a new layer on the top of the layer along with the scanned image You can also mvc - In MVC web application, how to handle session, when browser or tab is closed without logout -

I am working on the MVC web application in which I want to handle the session if we are closing the tab or shutting down Browser should be logged out, if the user remembers the password then only the login for the next login should be < P> The only stable way to use Session_End in Global.asax is. Secure zero session_ind (object sender, eventAgps E) {System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine ("session_and"); FormsAuthentication.SignOut (); } This is an event handler that is terminated when the user completes the session.

android - How to implement transactional request with RoboSpice -

I have a problem handling transaction requests, requesting that the dependence on the results of A's request is B and the request is. I want to keep all A, B and C queues for Spice Service requests. In this way, the task will be easy to keep the ongoing requests in the background easier. My current implementation request is to collect their response B, C, then from the activity, request A and C received from the data obtained from Request B. But when the activity is stopped, Request A will never be pushed into the request queue. (Request A will be pushed into the request queue that once the activity is returned and see the request status B and C using addListenerIfPending and getDataFromCache ) The other idea is to implement a service which takes responsibility for issuing requests for SpiceServa rather than the activity. But this is a bit complicated. The ideal solution to the problem can be implemented nested requests, that request requests A, B and C have been imple

ios - How to toggle the visibility of buttons with a timer? -

Ive added an NSTimer that shows my rate button by setting a hidden action NSMethodSignature * sgn = [Self-method sign-in selector: @Selector (Ontik :)); NSIVWocation * INV = [NSINVON orientation orientation method: sign: sgn]; [Inv setTarget: self]; [Inv setSelector: @selector (onTick :)); NSTimer * t = [NSTimer timer-defined time interval: 10.0 orientation: inv repeats: yes]; NSRunLoop * Runner = [NSRunLoop currentRunLoop]; [Runner addTimer: T-Fold mode: NSDFastRarLopPoids]; then - tick on (zero): (NSTimer *) timer {_Rateapp1.hidden = NO; _ratebomb.hidden = NO; _ratelab1.hidden = NO; } But how can I reveal the button again with yes? Below your goal that toggle the display of the button every time the timer is off, just you Do this: - Tick on (zero): (nstimer *) timer {_Rateapp1} = hidden! _Rateapp1.hidden; _ratebomb.hidden =! _ratebomb.hidden; _ratelab1.hidden =! _ratelab1.hidden; } And you can change all your timer creation codes in the following way: NS

bash - Shell Process substitution and xargs Command doesn't work -

I am using process replacement for piping awk results for GPS and sd grep "." | Sed ' | * \: || ' (ARR [A] & gt; 2) {print A, ARM [A]}}} for \ & lt; (Awk '[arr [$ 5' \ t "$ 6] ++} (ARE [A] & gt; 2) {print A, ARM [A]}} (ARE [A]] (ARE [AR] ] {AR [AR] [AD] [AR [AR [$ 5] \ "" $ [6] ++}} 'File2) | Awk' {cnt [$ 0] ++} END {for (in RE CNT If (CNT [REC] == 1) Print REC '| Awk' {print $ 1} ' However, pipe for each result does not work for xarg grep ". | | | | Sed '| | * \: ||' | Xargs -i {} grep -E {} $ {probeFileLog} $ {ObjectServerLog} (awk ' {Arr [$ 5 '\ t "$ 6] ++} for end {(arr one in one) {if (arr [a (AR AR) {if (ARR [AR] [AR] [AR] [AR] [AR [$ 5] \ 'AR [AR [5 dollars] \ t "$ 6] ++} and {print A, ARR [A]}}} 'file1) A]> 2) {print a, arr [a]}}} File2) for awk '{cnt [$ 0] ++} END {(CNC in REC) if (CNT [REC] == 1) print REC' | Xargs -i {} grep -E {} $ { Probe

c++ - Arduino Matrix Math? -

I am looking for a library that can control the matrix math on Arduino. I know that there is a library in it, but I have found it as an inability to handle poor air conditioned matrix, as well as its user interface is slightly cooler. What is an option? Preferably there is some reputation like those, like Aradadelillo or PETSC? I would love to use one of the big ones, but it seems they have gone on all C ++ 11, which is not yet supported by the Arduino IDE. My second option is to update the AVR-GCC in the latest, Atmel Use the studio / visual studio, and make things yourself, so I should be able to use one of these, mature libraries. I do not want the rabbit to go down the hole, especially when Arduino is not guaranteed to work with Core C + 11. Bam! eigen is the best c ++ matrix library in an Ardino port!

javascript - Set an element's attribute text/value through an angular directive? -

मैं एक एट्रिट का पाठ कैसे सेट करूं? मेटा टैग वर्णन के मूल्यों को सामग्री एट्रिट के माध्यम से सेट करें। & lt; title update-title & gt; & lt; / title & gt; & Lt; मेटा नाम = "वर्णन" अपडेट-विवरण सामग्री = "" & gt; मैंने एक साधारण 2 डायरेक्टिव बनाया है: पहला काम करता है: यह शीर्षक टैग सेट करता है app.directive ('UpdateTitle', function ($ rootScope) {return}} {return: {link: function (scope, element) {var listener = function (event, toState, toParam, fromState, fromParams) {var title = 'Default title'; if (toState डेटा & amp; {title =;} element.text (शीर्षक)}; $ rootScope। $ पर ('$ stateChangeStart', श्रोता);}}}) यह एक काम नहीं करता: .text () ऐप के कारण TypeError प्राप्त करना डायरेक्टिव ('अपडेट डिस्क्रिप्शन', फ़ंक्शन ($ रूटस्स्कोप)) {रिटर्न {लिंक: फ़ंक्शन (स्कोप, एलिमेंट, एट्र) {var listener = function (event, toState, toParam, fromState,

php - Woocommerce internal server error on checkout -

Every time I'm facing this strange problem with my wtoccess file I tried to checkout on my woocommerce site . It is currently the HTACAC file. Delete # Slow Custom Post Type Rule Rule of Rule Rules ^ Slider / (. +) / $ / $ 1 [R = 301, L] # End Remove SLUG Custom Post Type Rule # Start WordPress & lt; IfModule mod_rewrite.c & gt; RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteRule ^ index \ .php $ - [L] Revcranked% {REQUEST_FILENAME}! -f rewrite% {REQUEST_FILENAME}! -D rewriteable /index.php [L] & lt; / IfModule & gt; # And wordpress But I oddly create it after checkout # BEGIN Slow Custom Post Type Rewrite Rule rules ^ Slider / ( .) / $ / $ 1 [R = 301, L] # And Slovest Slug Custom Post Type Rule # Start WordPress & lt; IfModule mod_rewrite.c & gt; RewriteBase / RewriteRule ^ index \ .php $ - [L] Corted and thanks to the 500 server error page instead of showing thanks, but all its work if I manually upload the htaccess file Corrects and refreshes the s

ruby on rails - Why will this test not run with sucker punch gem? -

The purpose of this code is to send an e-mail to a user of a product with a discount percentage of a given limit Has reached. The products give an array of 2 element arrays with the following formats: user.notifications [ [Product, Notification]] A notification is made of a discount percentage and one product_id send_notification? Checks to see if a notification has been sent to the user within the last 7 days and the bullion has been returned (if they have not received an email last week and If the product is being passed, they are liars.) I have the following work with and the exam is: Category ProductNotificationEmailJob includes Scorpion :: Job Df (user) user_notifications = user.notifications || [] Products = [] Notifications = [] UserNotation.Each | Notification | If notification [1] .end_notification? Product & lt; & Lt; Notification [0] Notifications & lt; & Lt; Notification [1] End Notification Mailer. Notification_email (user, produc mvc - How to let user know the resume they are submitting is too large -

My cshtml file to upload, where will this file go to javascript? @ {ViewBag.Title = "Upload"; } & Lt; Div id = "progressbar" & gt; & Lt; Div id = "progressbar" class = "all" style = "width: 20%"> gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "jambotron" & gt; & Lt; H2 & gt; Job Application Management System & lt; / H2 & gt; & Lt; P class = "lead 2" & gt; Welcome @ ((string) (ViewData ["FullName"]), please upload your resume here. Thanks! & Lt; / P & gt; @Usage (HTML.businessforms (empty, empty, formmath.past, new {enctype = "multipart / form-data"})) {& lt; Table & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; & Lt; Label & gt; & Amp; Nbsp; & Lt; / Labels & gt; & Lt; Input type = "file" class = "btn btn-default" name = "fi

xaml - binding tooltip to custom dependency property -

यह कोड कार्य सही है: & lt; UserControl x: class = "Extended.InputControls .TextBoxUserControl "xmlns =" ​​ "xmlns: x =" "xmlns: स्थानीय =" clr-नाम स्थान: Extended.InputControls "& gt; & Lt; टेक्स्ट बॉक्स एक्स: नाम = "टेक्स्टबॉक्स" टूलटिप = "{बाध्यकारी पथ = कस्टम टूलटिप, रिलेटिव सोरस = {रिलेटिव एसर्स पूर्वज टाइप = लोकल: टेक्स्ट बॉक्स यूज़र कंट्रोल}}" / & gt; & Lt; / UserControl & gt; लेकिन यह कोड काम नहीं करता !!! & lt; UserControl x: कक्षा = "विस्तारित। इनपुटकंट्रोल। टेकबॉक्सबॉक्स नियंत्रक" xmlns = "http: / / "xmlns: x =" "xmlns: स्थानीय =" clr-namespace: विस्तारित। इनपुटकंट्रोल "& gt ; & Lt; पाठ बॉक्स एक्स: नाम = "पाठ बॉक्स" & gt;

c# - Does normal object base type - derived type conversion come under Covariance and contravariance? -

Provides built-in context conversion for co-operatives and novelists, arrays, delegations and common parameter types. IEnumerable & LT; String & gt; Wire = new list & lt; String & gt; (); IEnumerable & LT; Object & gt; Objects = wires; & Lt; Object & gt; ActObject = SetObject; & Lt; String & gt; ActString = actObject; Does the Common Object Base Type Derived Type Conversion come under Coversions and Violent As mentioned below? Child Class = New Child Class; Baseclass basaspodge = buckwheat; Base class basebuzz = new baseclass; Childclass childbuzz = (base class) basebase; If so, how runtime handles it and why not? Co-type and hilarious applies only to parametric polymorphism, e.g. The reason for the type of other types of type are in the form of parameters, because the reasons for some use can also be compiled that they are not deeply typed, for example. Your second example is just simple data polynomial which there is no n

php - Restler get/index with optional value -

I am trying to define a method with Restler so that I ... / clients / 123 then this specific customer gives, and if I leave 123 then it returns to all the customers I tried it: / ** * @most int $ id SQL identifier * / function index ($ id = null) {} If I do this, then it works with query parameter : ... / clients? Id = 123 Then when I add {@ from path} at the end of that @param, so that I can use a query string, specify it Does not work with the value, but what does the correct way of doing this with the 123 specification that I was given as a path instead of the query parameter? To obtain a collection, one of the best practices is reserved as the reserved index and the specific ID Use function index () {return Client :: All () - & gt; ToArray (); } Get function ($ ID) {return Client :: Search ($ ID) - & gt; ToArray (); }

Python - program to print steps -

I am creating a program, which is as follows <. How many steps? 4__ _ | _ | _ ________ | How many steps? 1___ Using _ and | So far I have found this as my code (too much waste) i = int (input ('how many steps?')) Spc = (' ') S =' '* inp z =' \ n '' '' '_' print ('__' + z * i + '__' * i) Will you be able to give some help on this? Thanks You can use for loop Can I print the head (N-1): print ("" * (* *) (for the "__") # range print ("__"): n = int (input ('how many steps?')) I 1) + "|" + "_") Print ("__" * n + "|") # Last step Note: This works Is n> 0 .

Facebook share in wp8 App -

I have to share the message on Facebook in my Windows Phone app by clicking the share window. When click on the share button, if the user has not logged into Facebook, then we first redirect to the login screen and then need to ask permission to publish them. Public partial category FacebookLoginPage: PhoneApplicationPage {string uriTaLaunch; // URI string Yuri Yuri = Make a vertical object from the tap; Public FacebookLoginPage () {InitializeComponent (); UriToLaunch = @ "fbconnect: // authorize? Client_id = {APPID} and scope = public_profile, publish_actions, read_stream and redirect_uri = msft- {ProductId}% 3a% 2f% 2futhorize"; Yuri = new Uri (Euroty-Launch); This.Loaded + = FacebookLoginPage_Loaded; } Private Zero FacebookLoginPage_Loaded (Object Sender, RoutedEventArgs e) {DefaultLaunch (); } // URI Async Wide Launch DefaultLaunch () {// Launch URI Var success = Wait for Windows. System Lerner Launch URIs (Yuri); If (success) {// URI launch} other {// URI launch f

Unclear on setting or getting Java NIO TCP socket buffer size -

I have a program where I set sulfur buffers size using socketchannel.socket () setBufferSize (100 * 1024 * 1024). And the OS is Ubuntu and when I try to confirm the value using getBufferSize (), I see the value "131071". Some positions set I know that setBufferSize () value is a suggestion only method and is really determined not I taken the assumed value / proc / sys / net / ipv4 / tcp_rmem but here I see completely different values. I'm confused. Specified value in the prescribed form is "104857600", but the method "131 071" Give me the values ​​that I see in / proc / sys / net / ipv4 / tcp_rmem "4096 87380 6291456", where 6,291,456 is the highest price is irrelevant. Can anybody please tell me how this strategy works?

php - Embed a Google Calendar including External ICAL web calendar -

I am trying to embed a Google Calendar iframe which includes many common Google calendars including an external iCal format calendar. needed . The iCal file is generated by a PHP script that receives records from the SQL database and creates them in the iCal format. However, when embedding the Google Calendar IFrame on the site, I get this message: Events from one or more calendars were not shown here Because you do not have permission to see them. So I tried to share the calendar to make it public, but I can not do the Google Calendar GUI: drop-down for external calendar In the it is not shared calendars option (normal calendar, though). Question: 1) How can I make an external calendar share / shareable? 2) Any other calendar to show the program in Google Calendar?

winforms - C# adding links to a container -

I want to create a list with some folders links depending on the options made in some combobox. The first thought that had come to mind was linking the linklables into the catalog but I do not know how to actually do it. What I have so far: Private Zero Button 1_Click (Object Sender, Event Events E) (If (Combo Box 1. Selected Indices == 0 ; Combo box 2. Selected index == 0) {link label label 1 = new linkLabel (); Label1.LinkArea = new linkAriya (0, 22); label 1. link (24, 9, "e: \ folder "); Label 1.LinkCLite + = new linkLabel linked linkedendheldler; listBox1.Items.Add (label1);}} Where Private Zero Linked Ablclait (object sender, Linklebel link Antains e) {System.Diagnostics.Process.Start ( "E: \ folder");}

Javascript/Jquery Using Regex (or not) to add <span> to vowels -

Coding needs new and need some help. Currently, my code output numbers from 1-99, then display some text next to the number, depending on the circumstances, for example 3 is divisible by 3 which is 'java', divisible 'script' from 5 And if they are both then it displays 'javascript'. My goal now when the user clicks on a vowel, it will pop up a number reporter with the vowel. Example A = 0, E = 1, I = 2, O = 3 and U = 4 So when click on any sheet on the page, a pop up 0 will be displayed in it. I have succeeded in using regex (I believe), to take out the letter and change it with 44 to see if it was working. The best solution from my research is putting these vowels in one period and then put a mouseclick on it. I'm not sure how to do this, how do I find vowels and put an A / E / I / O / U around it? Any assistance will be highly appreciated. Thanks All < First of all, if you code is very chaotic and is currently broken. You return the

mysql - Simple login form in php md5? -

I created a simple login form using php / mysql and I'm using MD5 to store passwords 1 As a password for registration and password In the registration form c4ca4238a0b923820dcc509a6f75849b In the login form when entering the same password & lt ;? Php is required ('connect.php'); Function signin () {echo "beginning of session"; Session_start (); // Start the session for user profile page $ myuser = mysql_real_escape_string (strip_tags ($ _ POST ['user name']); $ mypass = mysql_real_escape_string (md5 ($ _ POST ['pass'])); echo "& lt ; Br / & gt; "; Echo $ myuser; echo" ; echo $ mypass; $ Query = mysql_query ("user WHERE user name = '$ myuser'" by selecting ") or die (Mysql_error ()); echo $ query; echo " "; echo "after query"; echo " if results $ myusername and $ mypassword , Then table row 1 line $ line = mysql_fetch_array ($ query, MYSQL_BOTH) or die Ech

sql - Script -> Query for multiple databases -

I have the following problem: I want to execute a query on more than one database on my SQL server. Each customer has a separate database, all of them have the same table and their names are the same. So a database is kde_01_Miller , then a kde_02_Mueller and so on ... I want to execute every query from that database. Here's what I have tried: Announcement name @ VARCHAR (100) - Database name DECLARE @dothis nvarchar (200) DECLARE db_cursor Name for Master Name Cursor for Dbo.sysdatabases where name like 'kde_0%', name OPEN db_cursor ahead of FETCH Db_cursor INTO @name WHILE @@ FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN set @dothis = '[' + @name + ']' exec sp_executesql @usis / * Turn off the query * / dbo.basicdata / * end query * / FETCH in the next character db_cursor to close @name. Db_cursor DEALLOCATE db_cursor The problem is that the query does not work properly. The Usage statement is not working. I get a result for every database I have, but the resu

python - Using sys.exit() with app.exec_ in pyqt -

Can anyone explain the relative properties of using sys.exit (app.exec _ ()) But to start a GUI in PyQt, simple from app.exec _ () ? I am new to PyQt and I have seen both examples. When exits from the Unix-style application, which is called 'status code' or 'exit status' goes. 0 is used to indicate success; Nothing is non-zero failure. (Some attempts have been made, but it is still generally abandoned for each program.) sys.exit (n) saves your application and returns the original n to the original process (usually your shell). So the difference is, when you exit the program, the longer version passes on the status code. It is better to use sys.exit (app.exec _ ()) because it can detect other parts of the system when your program is out of error.

windows phone 7 - Map control not showing in design part in winphn7 -

मैं खिड़कियों के फ़ोन 7 डिज़ाइन भाग में ऐप मैप बनाने का प्रयास कर रहा हूं। लेकिन मैं सभी प्रक्रिया का पालन किया। अगर मैं टूलबॉक्स से मानचित्र नियंत्रण को खींचता हूं, तो नक्शा डिज़ाइन भाग में नहीं दिखाई देगा। यहां तक ​​कि मैंने क्रेडेंशियल प्रदाता दिया था। यहां मानचित्र नहीं दिखा रहा है। मुझे स्क्रीनशॉट संलग्न है कृपया मदद करें। यह मेरा कोड है: & lt; ग्रिड एक्स: नाम = "सामग्रीपैनेल" ग्रिड। पंक्ति = "1" मार्जिन = "12,154 , 0,12 "& gt; & Lt; my: मानचित्र ऊंचाई = "524" क्षैतिज एलाइन्मेंट = "वाम" नाम = "नक्शा 1" वर्टिकलएलिनेमेंट = "शीर्ष" चौड़ाई = "474" क्रेडेंशियल्स प्रदाता = "एजे 53qt4Oulu0Ez0IVGdNvTVy-swLfo7vCexVzJXJq7hGj1sBYTfSu2t4bPLero2P" & gt; & Lt;! - यहां अपना बिंग मानचित्र कुंजी डालें - & gt; & Lt; my: पुशपिन का नाम = "पिन" पृष्ठभूमि = "पारदर्शी" दृश्यता = "दृश्यमान" & gt; & LT; मेरी: Pushpin.Content & gt; & L

android - NoClassDefError while getting EntityManagerFactory instance -

I am creating Android apps with the API engine backend. But to insert the unit to the datastore, I'm unable to get unit mangerfayet (EMF) as an example, it throws noClassDefFound error. I have tried all the solutions suggested earlier in the questions. Eclipse version: 4.2.0 Using Jre7 and using apengine-java-sdk-1.8.8 Emf class generated by Google plugin: import javax.preistence.EntityManagerFactory; Import javax.preistence.Persistence; Public Final Category EMF {Private Stable Last EntityManagerFactory emfInstance = Perseverence.createEntityManagerFactory ("Transaction-Optional"); Private EMF () {} Public Fixed EntityManagerFactory get () {emfInstance return; }} persistence.xml: & lt ;? XML version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt; Persistence xmlns = "" xmlns: xsi = "" xsi: schema location = "http: / /

c# - Angular_returns timespan as array -

How to filter the timaspan response with the corner. This comes from the server (JSON form "" "" "," 1 ":" 0 "," 2 ":" 2 "," 3 ":": "," 4 "": "0", "5": "0", "6": ":", "7": "0", "8": "0", "9": "\" "} The problem was that I was using $ resource which only works with objects and arrays, and Not with

Run vba script once .xlsx file was opened -

I'm new to VBA and I would like to run the following code every time I open the file. (Which is an update formula) I do not want to do Ctrl + Alt + Shift + F9 manually. sub macro 1 () application. Thank you very much for your help. HTML>

debugging - LiteIDE debug message No executable specified use target exec -

Try debugging in LightIde, however, when I start the debug, the following console message appears (gdb) 10000015 ^ error, msg = "no symbol table is loaded. Use the \" File \ "command." (GDB) 10000016 ^ error, msg = "not executable specified, use 'target exec'. (GDB) and it does not start debugging. What is missing? It depends on your config: liteide - Open project xxx.go, edit toolbar build config -> BUILDARGS (). For example, you try (as in this problem) -gcflags "-N -l" as outlined in, If the Boulder's setup includes: -ldflags "-s" , no debug info has been loaded.

octave - Using interp3 in matlab -

I am trying to understand how to use the 3D matlab interpolation function interp3 I have tried different options but it continues the errors. I have 3 arrays in which V : X = ndgrid (-246.4529: 2.5: -246.4529 + 100 * 2.5 - 1) are coordinates; Y = ndgrid (-45.6577: 2.5: -45.6577 + 213 * 2.5 - 1); Z = ndgrid (-211.00: 2.5: -211.00 + 140 * 2.5 - 1); And with coordinates, the other 3 arrays where I want to interrupt each other: Xp = ndgrid (-255.21: 5: -255.21) + 50 * 5 - 1); Yp = ndgrid (-50.66: 5: -50.66 + 108 * 5 - 1); Zp = ndgrid (-215.00: 5: -215.00 + 86 * 5 - 1); And then I got V , which is a sample value vector, which is specified as a vector, which defines the value on the sample points Does. npoints = 100 * 213 * 140; For N = 1: npoints i = rem (N-1, dim (1)) + 1; P (n, 1) = x (i); J = rem (fixed ((n-i) / dim (1)), dim (2)) + 1; P (N, 2) = Y (J); Kashmir = roof (N / (dim (1) * dim (2))); P (N, 3) = Z (K); Store Sample V (N, 1) = Mat (i, j, k); End I now u

Android: Getting UI elements and there values currently displayed on the screen, from different Application -

How do I create a GUI component (text view / button / list view) and their values ​​(data that are currently displayed on the screen ) I can get a background service, which is not part of the currently running application. Any clue how can we archive this? Can we do it from the application layer or do we need to go deeper into Android sources? You can access the UI element only on one main thread i, e UI thread. Let's assume that you are starting the background service from IntentService, all necessary values ​​in the bundle before you start the service service, you can use the bundle and start IntentService (background service). Get value from the bundle and use it

jquery - Load ASP.NET MVC partial view on JQueryUI tab selection -

I am searching on the last day and can not be asked on this specific subject within the last year or two, and as such, Things seem to be frustrating, it seems reasonable to ask this question regarding the current JQuery API. New bit in jQuery, I want to know; If I have a tab for each member of a team, and for each tab, a table of data is loaded from a database in partial view, when I load the initial page, Then will the tabs be populated with their partials or they will only be loaded when the tab is clicked? If tabs are populated on page load, then there is a way to do that tab only when populate clicks? I can provide source code if there is a point in doing this, just comment and ask for it. Edit 1 As I am using ASP.NET MVC, presenting partial ideas with relevant information, it's really " Ajax "is important in that href or does it need to link href to static content? The question is concerned: & lt; Div class = "h-single" id = "use