Facebook share in wp8 App -

I have to share the message on Facebook in my Windows Phone app by clicking the share window. When click on the share button, if the user has not logged into Facebook, then we first redirect to the login screen and then need to ask permission to publish them.

Public partial category FacebookLoginPage: PhoneApplicationPage {string uriTaLaunch; // URI string Yuri Yuri = Make a vertical object from the tap; Public FacebookLoginPage () {InitializeComponent (); UriToLaunch = @ "fbconnect: // authorize? Client_id = {APPID} and scope = public_profile, publish_actions, read_stream and redirect_uri = msft- {ProductId}% 3a% 2f% 2futhorize"; Yuri = new Uri (Euroty-Launch); This.Loaded + = FacebookLoginPage_Loaded; } Private Zero FacebookLoginPage_Loaded (Object Sender, RoutedEventArgs e) {DefaultLaunch (); } // URI Async Wide Launch DefaultLaunch () {// Launch URI Var success = Wait for Windows. System Lerner Launch URIs (Yuri); If (success) {// URI launch} other {// URI launch failed}}


I used the code above but published the published screen Does not happen. Production was as follows.

Enter image details here

I followed it one more AppId used, then it works well I think there is a special configuration on the Facebook app. Please help me if anyone knows about it.


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