php - Woocommerce internal server error on checkout -

Every time I'm facing this strange problem with my wtoccess file I tried to checkout on my woocommerce site . It is currently the HTACAC file.

  Delete # Slow Custom Post Type Rule Rule of Rule Rules ^ Slider / (. +) / $ / $ 1 [R = 301, L] # End Remove SLUG Custom Post Type Rule # Start WordPress & lt; IfModule mod_rewrite.c & gt; RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteRule ^ index \ .php $ - [L] Revcranked% {REQUEST_FILENAME}! -f rewrite% {REQUEST_FILENAME}! -D rewriteable /index.php [L] & lt; / IfModule & gt; # And wordpress  

But I oddly create it after checkout

  # BEGIN Slow Custom Post Type Rewrite Rule rules ^ Slider / ( .) / $ / $ 1 [R = 301, L] # And Slovest Slug Custom Post Type Rule # Start WordPress & lt; IfModule mod_rewrite.c & gt; RewriteBase / RewriteRule ^ index \ .php $ - [L] Corted  

and thanks to the 500 server error page instead of showing thanks, but all its work if I manually upload the htaccess file Corrects and refreshes the same page, will display the thank you page and the order was also entered correctly even though I did not fix the htaccess file.

I have created my own Vococ hair topic for this site and I am only using it to designate two plugins, "Remove slug from custom post type" and product and category url for "SEO Ultimate" To make according to the requirement and both plugins change HTACAC on the fly, but I really do not know why it makes the checkout even on the Htaccess file that has been disconnected ... ? These are the URLs where I am receiving this error.

After manually correcting HTACs, I redirect to the URL.

This error does not help at all times!

I get the same error then I just change my wp-config.php

  defined ('WP_DEBUG', true) added the following line; Define ('WP_DEBUG_LOG' is true); Define ('WP_DEBUG_LOG' is true);  

This will turn on the WordPress debugging feature and log in to the file instead of display it on your front-end.

After re-implementing the webpage, I found the name of the exact function due to an error in my log file and I have solved the issue of that function.


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