android - NoClassDefError while getting EntityManagerFactory instance -

I am creating Android apps with the API engine backend. But to insert the unit to the datastore, I'm unable to get unit mangerfayet (EMF) as an example, it throws noClassDefFound error. I have tried all the solutions suggested earlier in the questions.

Eclipse version: 4.2.0 Using Jre7 and using apengine-java-sdk-1.8.8

Emf class generated by Google plugin:

  import javax.preistence.EntityManagerFactory; Import javax.preistence.Persistence; Public Final Category EMF {Private Stable Last EntityManagerFactory emfInstance = Perseverence.createEntityManagerFactory ("Transaction-Optional"); Private EMF () {} Public Fixed EntityManagerFactory get () {emfInstance return; }}  


  & lt ;? XML version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt; Persistence xmlns = "" xmlns: xsi = "" xsi: schema location = "http: / / "version =" 1.0 "& gt; & Lt; Firmness unit name = "transaction-optional" & gt; & Lt; Provider & gt; Org.datanucleus.api.jpa.PersistenceProviderImpl & lt; / Provider & gt; & Lt; Properties & gt; & Lt; Property Name = "Datanualysis. Nonpronational Read" value = "true" /> & Lt; Property Name = "Datannucleus. Nonprinctional Draits" Value = "True" /> & Lt; Property Name = "datanucleus.ConnectionURL" value = "Epigin" /> & Lt; / Properties & gt; & Lt; / Persistence unit & gt; & Lt; / Persistence>  

Did you mark dependencies in the Java build path -> order and export? Apart from this, I had a problem with the 3G library which requires the dependencies of ourselves, which have been solved by eclipse, but did not work in the runtime because they were not included in the main project, Not the library itself


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