
Showing posts from July, 2011

apache - 301 Redirect all pages to same page on new domain -

This is a follow-up question. Specifically, how do the following solutions differ? Rewrite Rules Solution: ^ ^. () * RewriteRule ^ HTTP://$1 [R = 301, L] redirection solution: redirect 301 / This is a browser redirect versus a server redirect. In the first case, internal redirection will be created and the browser will receive a response from the target server. In the second case a browser will be served with a 301 code (permanently transferred) and a location header, a new URL on which this target server will need to make another request You can see the difference between yourself, eg by installing "Live HTTP Header" plugin in Firefox and checking all requests your browser receives.

c# - Programmatically Compare Microsoft Office Files -

itemprop = "text"> The easiest way to see two Office files using the same content python I am My first trend is to use filecmp.cmp , but this approach logically fails because two files do not necessarily have the same binary information, even if they have the same content [10]: Import win32com.client [11] the term = win32com.client.Dispatch ( "Word.Application") [12]: Dock = word.Documents.Add (in ) in [13]: doc.SaveAs (filename = "test.docx") in [14]: doc.SaveAs (filename = "test2.docx") [15] in import filecmp [16]: filecmp. CMP ("test.docx", "test2.docx") out [16]: false After this, I can try to compare the contents of files as much as manually : def compareWordDocs (self, worddoc1_path, worddoc2_path): worddoc1 = self._wordapp.Documents.Open (filename = worddoc1_path) worddoc2 = self._wordapp.Documents.Open (filename = worddoc2_path) worddoc1_content_text = Worddoc1.Content This issue since the stories

java - Sharing a variable between many Activities in Android App -

I am giving my user login to Facebook, Twitter and G + on my app. After they log in, I want to know that they are logged in to every activity in my app. I want to find a way to find it on every activity. I know that you use activity in this way You can parse by: intent = intent (new activity), main activity. Intent.putExtra ("Login Mode", "Facebook"); StartActivity; But is there a problem with doing 10+ activities? Is there any easy way? Which I want you to implement shared priorities ... are going on this By the way shared preferences = priority manager .get defaults shared context (getApplicationContext ()); SharedPreferences.Editor Editor = preferences.edit (); Editor.putstring ("loginMethod", "Facebook"); Editor.commit; And whenever you want to check the login mode, call the priority value ... Shared Preferences = Preference Manager .get defaults shared context (getApplicationContext ()); String login mode = values ​​=

ios - Signal SIGABRT on class AppDelegate -

I'm getting a seagart error when the iOS app is being run in the simulator in the xcode. The Debug Console says: *** Canceling the exception of 'API' without exception, due to 'NSInvalidArgumentException', the reason: '*** - [__NSPLAdvertiserInitWithObjects: forKeys: Count:]: [0] ' from objects attempting to insert null object I know what the exception says, however at the place where the error occurs, the following line is: class AppDelegate: UIRsponder, UIApplicationDelegate {As far as I know that this is one of the first lines of code The exception, which is performed by adding a Class certainty - is not an idea to me how it can increase the speed. Let me know if you need more information like call stack. Thank you for your help. I'm new to the world of coding, but solve the laborious problem. I was having such an error by doing something and even though I destroyed the thing which I could not solve it. It was still giving me a s

python - How to submit a form with a get action using Robobrowser -

I am using a robobrowser library, I have come across a form: & Lt; Form action = "/ results" id = "search" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "s_ctr" & gt; & Lt; Fieldset & gt; & Lt; Label class = "jaw" = "ln" & gt; Search by name & lt; / Label & gt; & Lt; Input type = "text" placeholder = "search by name" autocomplete = "off" value = "" tabindex = "1" Name = "ln" maxlength = "255" class = "name" id = "ln" data-key = "True" & gt; & Lt; Span & gt; Near & lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; Label class = "jaw" = "input" = "text" placeholder = "enter city, state" autocomplete = "off" value = "" tabindex = "2" name = "public" maxlength = "255" square = "Location" id = "loc" data-key =

java - Browser navigates to webpage, but I get 500 error when using HttpURLConnection -

I must send a request for a webpage In the past, I used the HttpURL connection, and everything worked fine when I try to do the same thing at the moment, I get 500 return codes. Generally, this means there is a problem on the server, but I can actually paste the URL directly into a web browser, and I have no problem. (Browser is not loading cached version.) myURL = new (STRING_OF_URL_TO_BE_VISITED); Connection Connection = ( myURL.openConnection (); Connection.setRequestMethod ("GET"); Connection.setRequestMethod ("user-agent", "Mozilla / 5.0"); Connection.connect (); Integer response code = connection.getResponseCode (); String header item = ""; String header = ""; For (integer I = 0;; i ++) {header.cudi = connection.getHeaderFieldKey (i); HeaderItem = connection.getHeaderField (i); If (headers == empty) header = ""; Else headerKey + = ":";

sql - Oracle check constraint1 -

मेरे पास डेटा के साथ table x में कॉलम hire_date है 01-jun-98 16 -गाग-99 02-फ़ेबी -0 09 01-मार्च-06 - 01-डीसी-08 17-मार्च-99 16-फ़ेबी -07 मुझे एक जांच बाध्य करने के लिए कहा गया था कि Hire_date कॉलम जांच लें कि किराया-दर 2000 के बाद आता है। मैं एक त्रुटि देख रहा हूं, मैंने यह देखने के लिए फिर से कोशिश की कि किराया 1 99 1 के बाद क्या आता है। बाधा सफलतापूर्वक बनाई गई थी। कोड: परिवर्तन तालिका x जोड़ें बाधा check_hire_date चेक (hire_Date & gt; '01 -जान) के लिए एक चेक बाधा उत्पन्न करते समय मुझे एक त्रुटि क्यों दिखाई गई? -2000 ') त्रुटि मिलती है तालिका को बदलना x प्रतिबंध बाधा चेक_हार्ड_डेट जांच (किरायादैकेट & gt;' -01 -जन -1996 ') < / Pre> सफल आपको त्रुटि मिली कारण स्पष्ट है। आपके कुछ डेटा बाधा का उल्लंघन करते हैं जब आप किसी तालिका में एक बाधा जोड़ते हैं, तो यह सभी डेटा को बाधा में मान्य करेगा। आप सत्यापन को छोड़ने के लिए novalidate विकल्प का उपयोग कर सकते हैं यदि आप बाध्यता बनाते समय novalidate विकल्प लागू करते हैं, तो आप बाधा क

c# 4.0 - Autoresizing picturebox in Winforms -

I have a pitiful problem with window needs in windowshop. The document outline is like this: TableLayoutPanel groupbox1 Panel 1 Panel 2 (AutoSize = true, doc = Ul> Picturebox (dot = fill, there is no autosave property for that control) is important Panel 2 and what I have to do is load an image in the image box and I want to scale it (if the table layout is large for the panel window that I want to scroll down What am I doing wrong? Now the size of the picture box is always 0,0, so the image is not showing. AutoSize first in the item box> itemprop = "text"> property SizeMode first in the Picture box. < Code> pictureBox1.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.AutoSize; The second thing when you choose to resize control dock property according to client control, set to fillThe size of the control will be set indirectly at the size of its original client area. Therefore, you must delete both control image boxes and groupboxe

android - SQLite: Obtaining total of all values in one column -

I want to create a query that will give the total values ​​in a single column of my SQLite datase. I want this query to be within a method that returns completely as an intern so that I can move it forward in any other activity. How can I do this? I have already created similar methods within my database assistant section (see below), but I do not know how to implement a query inside SQLite to give the total Public Class DatabaseHelper Extends SQLiteOpenHelper {/ p> / Database Version Personal Static Final End DATABASE_VERSION = 10; // Database Name Private Last Fixed String DATABASE_NAME = "Attention Database"; // Contact table name personal constant last string TABLE_SCORE = "score"; // contact table column name personal constant last string COL_SESSION = "sessionid"; Private static last string COL_GAMETITLE = "sports"; Private static last string COL_NAME = "name"; Private static last string COL_MED = "avgmedi

jquery - Cycle2 slider cannot animate percentage based widths? -

I am working on a site that is responsive. I am trying to apply a slider with the content inside it, and I am using Cycle 2 for simplicity. I've got most of it, one thing I have a problem with is that percentage width does not work well in cycling 2 sliders ... Basically my Nearly one is the picture width, 100% of the container in it and the second two which is 50% of its container, and sitting on either side. You can see it here. But there is also one (though hard to see here, but the code is similar). The problem is that through cycle, the cycle appears to be playing with the width of the container, which means that all my drawings are also affected as they are based on percentage width. If you click on "Next", you will see that the animation is weird because the image animates in different sizes before the disappearance. I want everything to be the same, but just scroll down I'm just wondering what your solution will be, I really want to use Cycle 2 bec

sql - Closest Date in Oracle -

I am trying to get the closest date for the date given in Oracle. I am working, but the example of that question uses two different tables. I am not a PL SQL guru and I am struggling to work on it. I have a table with ID field and a date field. I need to pass the ID that date in the nearest query. Select from SEQ_ID, ENTERED_DATE, rank () (by splitting difference from the ENTERED_DATE command) as the rnk (seq_id, ENTERED_DATE, stomach (ENTERED_DATE selection - DOWNTIME_DETAILS From 1999/02/09))) as the difference where rnk = 1 it gives me an error: "SQL command did not end properly" < P> How do I fix a query? What am I doing wrong? as a difference assign a table Is doing aka. You can not use like for other names in the table, only for column nickname (hence as rnk is OK). Remove just another as . As you are referring to the difference in the external question, it seems that you had a column nickname and only in the wrong place: Select * f

ios - Google Search Data API -

In Google, some searches may receive some data from Google (for example, searching for "bitcoin price" The data brings up pricing in a small box at the top, as it searches for "2 plus 2." Is there a Google API that will only load data dragged into the box (as if this API has the keyword "bitcoin "Will return to the prices, but do not have links to the websites given below). Or is there any "data box" API that will work with the swift programming language (this is for an iOS app)? I could not find any previous questions like this, but some Maybe, because I do not know the correct terminology (if anyone has to know the official name of "data box"), tell me! Besides, I apologize for the use of this API tag, Name wise The official name is "onebox". The underlying API is unavailable And Broker B are Y Google and the personal data provider is your best bet to get the data source directly and use your API; Which may incl

android - Line/Paths intersecting -

I am creating a simple eraser tool for a vector-based drawing program. I have a path in my list > and then drag them into a loop with a canvas.drawpath (path, color) on a canvas. In this example there is a red line eraser and the green line should be erased. I have tried to convert path to area and call redRegion.op (greenRegion, Region.OP.INTERSECT) < / Code>. I think the issue is that the paths have no area, because the paint has not yet been implemented, these are just simple lines. I'm building API lvl 15. If your background is always white, then if you have a path that is white then "eraser" It seems as if other lines are being erased EDIT: Maybe you can query all the points that are used to pull your way to your touch event And use it to create a custom square. After that there is a way to: // other code .... MyCustomClass class = new MyCustomClass (); If (class.contains (float x, float y)) {//...erase

couchdb - Limiting documents in temporary views -

I am playing with the map and minimizing it through temporary scenes, but it is slightly slower on more than 1,000,000 documents Is it possible to use a subset of data only in the temporary view, rather than creating a different dataset for testing? Choose from "FROM" itemprop = "text"> Reduce a map-view "is more than" Select Index ". In other words, when you reduce a mapview, then each document in the CouchDB. However, for testing, one thing you can do is to develop your work in the normal view (not temporary) just a temporary design document, _design / my_experiments . Save your map - reduce the view code and then ? Stale = update_after option you probably will not get any result, even then stale = update_after will see CouchDB to start the processing process. Now try your query again You can see the results that have been processed so far. Now try for the third time you will see more data reflected. Speaking broadly, think abo

javascript - Java Script - Regex - Password validation with Hebrew characters -

I have a problem with password verification. This is my code: () {Var password = document.getElementById ("password"). Values; Var re = /^(? ====0-9]} {? ======##% ^ & amp; *]) [a-zA-Z0-9! @ # $% ^ & Amp; * ] {6,16} $ / / If (! Password.match (again)) {productprromt ("password is invalid", "command password prompt", "red"); return false; } Production Promet ("Password is OK", "Command passwordpropt", "Green"); Back true; } It says that its only invalid, so I thought it was because of regex. I asked if you can help with everything. Thank you very much for the helpers! try it // less than English or Hebrew language Less than eight numbers and / and characters ^ [a-zA-Z0-9 \ u0590- \ u05FF] {8,} $ or / / At least eight characters: a number, an uppercase, a lowercase English letter and a Hebrew letter ^ (? =. * [0-9]) (? =. * [AG]) (? =. * [AG] ) (? =? * [\ U0590- \ u05FF]). {8,} $ or

Batch Scripting: Appending the name of a child directory to its parent -

I am writing a part of a script to add a child directory name to its parent. For example ... path / in / d / folders / 2.2 / ... i Now I have a hard-code solution with a number: For / d %% a in (C: \ path \ to \ the \ Folders \ *) "%% a" "%% a.3.2" .3.2 Adding a postfix changes each folder in "folder" @ECHO OFF SETLOCAL SET "sourcedir = U: \ sourcedir" for / F "token = 1 * delims =" %% an IN ('dir / b / ad'% sourcedir% * * ') DO (ECHO "% sourcedir%. %% a \ %% a \") GOTO: EOF This should work for you - this is just ECHO - how you use it depends on you. Your path / in / da / folders looks different from 2.2.2 / 2.2 /////> path / in / the / folders.3.2 (directory separator) in more ways than just / (switch indicator) in place of code> - \

indexing - How to setup a field mapping for ElasticSearch that allows both exact and full text searching? -

यहाँ मेरी समस्या है: मेरे पास product_id नामक क्षेत्र है मैं मानक पाठ विश्लेषक का इस्तेमाल करता हूं तो यह इसे टोकन में बांटता है: A + B-12321412 ("टोकन": "a", "start_offset": 1, यानी "ए + बी -1232412" {"टोकन": " "", "टाइप करें": 2, "प्रकार": "& lt; अल्फ़न्यूम", "स्थिति": 1}, {"टोकन": "b", "start_offset": 3, "end_offset": 4, "प्रकार": " & Lt; ALPHANUM & gt; "," position ": 2}, {" टोकन ":" 1232412 "," start_offset ": 5," end_offset ": 12," प्रकार ":" & lt; NUM & gt; "," स्थिति ": 3 }]} आदर्श रूप से, मैं कभी-कभी एक सटीक उत्पाद आईडी खोजना चाहूंगा और दूसरी बार किसी उप स्ट्रिंग का उपयोग करना चाहूंगा या बस उत्पाद आईडी के एक भाग के लिए एक क्वेरी करूँगा। मैपिंग की मेरी समझ एक एन डी विश्लेषक यह है कि मैं प्रति फ़ील्ड

visual studio 2013 - Post-build Error when using gacutil and installutil to deploy powershell snapin -

I have a VS I am trying to learn how to write snapin for PowerShell 4.0 using the 2013. The script is very simple and is compiled with no errors. However, when I added gacutil and installutil to deploy snapin using post-built, I got this error: error 1 command "" C: \ program files (x86 ) \ Microsoft SDKs \ Windows \ v8.1A \ bin \ NETFX 4.5.1 Tools \ x64 \ gacutil.exe "-if" Tools.Powershell.Printscreen.dll "" C: \ Windows \ Microsoft.NET \ Framework64 \ v4. 0.30319 \ InstallUtil.exe "" Tools.Powershell.Printscreen.dll "" exited code -1 However, if I have copied the commands and run it from the command prompt , Both commands Successfully run and the establishment was successfully deployed. I can then add snapins to the powers, snapin ran successfully. I checked and used the framework correctly 4.5.1, VS 2013, the system is Windows 8.1 There are post-build commands: "C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Microsoft SDKs \ Window

Get all Sakai users of a specific Type -

I want to type all types of students or professors, for example searchUsers (string criteria, first int end ) Method Directory service matches 'id or email, first or last name' only. Is there any way i can get the user list with the user or other criteria? Thank you, is not present if you file a file You can apply it. Of course you can get all the user through the User Directory Surgeon.Getuasers (), then iterate on each and check the type, but it can be very expensive, The number and number of cached can be based on. This method will also be available to internal users only External users can be found only through certain search criteria. Keep in mind that external users, according to the requirement of external source, are internally privatized users (i.e., LDAP), there is not a definite type within Sakai, to determine the type of query and logic execution.

Ubuntu GKSU Java System.err.println() not working -

मेरे पास यहां एक बहुत आसान प्रोग्राम है: सार्वजनिक वर्ग टेस्ट {सार्वजनिक स्थिर शून्य मुख्य (स्ट्रिंग [] आर्ग्स) {System.err.println ("HI"); I अपेक्षित होना। मुझसे यहां क्या गलत हो रहा है? मैं स्टम्प्ड हूं इसका कारण मैं gksu का उपयोग कर रहा हूं और सिर्फ सामान्य नहीं java इसलिए है क्योंकि मैं अपने कार्यक्रम को ग्रहण से रूट के रूप में लॉन्च करना चाहता हूं मैंने जवाब दिया और यह मेरा परिणाम है। मेरा मूल कार्यक्रम इस से बहुत बड़ा है। यह समस्या दिखाने के लिए सिर्फ एक डेमो है।

java - Bukkit plugin multiple permissions not working -

I am trying to make it, if a player opted out or one of at least two permission nodes Allow Player Player = (Player) Sender; If (player.hasPermission ("perm.node1")) command || (player.promotion ("perm.node2") )) {Sender.sendMessage (ChatColor.RED + "Access denied!"); Back true; } I was compiled with a plugin with a plugin and I'm opamed ingame as testing this plugin on a server with the same bukkit build, I have not given any permission to myself with only one permission node (Player.hasPermission ("perm.node1")) need to be, the code works fine But it is listed with both permissions, "Access denied!". The word "Access denied!" Elsewhere in the code So, it should come from this statement I have tried to add another or I statement player.isOp () , but it has no effect < / P> If I am in a user group with perm.node1 , then order the command in question without getting "Access denied!"

node.js - Mongoose/MongoDB Aggregation - $match $unwind $match not working? -

How do I change this archive-collections: Integrate from.view.archive also: Really? .. When stopping the collection of duplicate messages .. If the user (sessionUser) is present in the array, then only get one of these messages. If (collection == = true) {console.log ('collection ===' + true); Models.Message.gregate ([// match documents {"$ match": {"to": {"$ elemMatch": {"username": req.Session.username, "view.archive": true, "view. Bin ": false}}," $ or ": messagingquery}}, // {" $ unwind ": Open" $ to unwind "to normalize, // match array elements {" $ match " : {"To.view.archive": true, "to.view.bin": false}}, the original group {"$ group": {"_id"}: {"to" ":" user name ": req.session.username," to.view.archive " : "", "From": {"$ first": "from $ i&qu

sql - UPDATE statement for MySQL with specified fields -

I have an array that I am putting in an database with an INSERT statement below. INSERT (`total`,` from ', `name / _source`,` name`, `name / _text`,` stroke`] value (' -6 ',' '' in ' F ',' / Golf / PGA / Players / Merck + Lichshaman / 8442 / Scorecard 2014/35 ',' http: // 35 ',' Marc Leishman ', '64') Is anyone to split prices to use the UPDATE statement instead of INSERT, so that I can do something like this ... import_oos set (`total`,` through `,` name / _source`, `name`,` name / _text`, `stroke`) values ​​( '-6', 'F', '/ Golf / PGA / players / Mark + Leishman / 8442 / Scorecard / 2014/35', 'http: // / '8442 / scorecard / 2014/35', 'Mark Leishman', '64') Where 'name / _text' = 'Mark Leishman' Question: Is it any way to use

javascript - Toggle a class on an element click in Angular.js -

कोणीय। Js में मैं एक सीएसएस वर्ग कैसे बदल सकता हूँ सक्रिय तत्व के क्लिक पर और बंद? मुझे पता है कि मैं ng-class और ng-click का उपयोग कर सकता हूँ, लेकिन मैं स्वयं कैसे संदर्भ करूं? उदाहरण के लिए, मान लें कि मेरे पास तीन बटन हैं: & lt; एक वर्ग = "बीटीएन" एनजी-क्लिक = "" एनजी-क्लास "" & gt; पहला & lt; / a & gt; & Lt; a वर्ग = "बीटीएन" एनजी-क्लिक = "" एनजी-वर्ग "" & gt; दूसरा & lt; / a & gt; & Lt; एक वर्ग = "बीटीएन" एनजी-क्लिक = "" एनजी-क्लास "& gt; तीसरा & lt; / a & gt; & lt; एक एनजी-क्लिक = "पहलेअक्टक्टिव =! पहलेअक्टिव" एनजी -क्लास "{'बीटीएन': सच है, 'सक्रिय': प्रथमअक्टिव}" & gt; पहला & lt; / a & gt; & Lt; एक एनजी-क्लिक = "सेकंडअक्टक्टिव =! पहलेअक्टिव" एनजी-क्लास "{'बीटीएन': सच्चा, 'सक्रिय': दूसराआक्टिव}" & gt; दूसरा & lt; / a & gt; &

javascript - How to invalidate cache for JS file loaded from bookmarklet? -

I have a bookmarklet that looks like this: javascript: (function () {var a = document.createElement ( "script"); a.type = "text / javascript"; a.src = "//";a.charset="utf-8" ; Document.body.appendChild (a)}) (); I have the following in my to allow .htaccess file files to be cached: & lt; IfModule mod_expires.c & gt; # Enable expirations # default instructions ExpiresDefault "access plus 1 month" # I favicon ExpiresByType image / x-icon "access plus 1 year" # images ExpiresByType image / gif "access plus 1 month" ExpiresByType image / png "access plus ExpiresActive months 1 the "ExpiresByType image / jpg" access plus 1 month "ExpiresByType image / jpeg" access plus 1 month "# CSS ExpiresByType text / css" reached 1 month "# JavaScript ExpiresByType application / javascript" access plus 1 month "& lt; / IfModule &

javascript - Keeping a script running server side at all times -

I have created a website: Instagram likes / follow-up / appollises via Instagram automatically using JavaScript and a little php Are there. My problem is that it clearly only moves while the user has the page open. This can be a widespread question, but this would be the best way of scripts (which prevents the user, unless there is an infinite loop), the user will be run without opening the page. Basically they log on, add tags and press start, then they can leave, then come back later and can stop the script. I do not have regular web hosting, no SSI or VPS, so nodes can not be used. JS can be used. Finish your script, and then use cron it every minute or every 15 min. Many web hosting plans will support this type of configuration. More information about the cron:

objective c - xcode ios - image in tableview section header -

यह मेरा कोड है: - (UIView *) tableView: (UITableView *) तालिका दृश्य दृश्य ForHeaderInSection: (NSInteger) अनुभाग {UIImage * myImage = [UIImage imageNamed: @ "photo.png"]; UIImageView * imageView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage: myImage]; ImageView.frame = CGRectMake (10,10,60,60); यदि (अनुभाग == 0) {वापसी 0; } और अगर (अनुभाग == 1) {वापसी 0; } और अगर (अनुभाग == 2) {वापसी 0; } और अगर (अनुभाग == 3) {वापसी 0; } और अगर (अनुभाग == 5) {returnView; } और {वापसी 0; }} तो छवि दिखाई देती है लेकिन समस्या यह है कि imageView.frame काम नहीं कर रहा, फोटो आकार हैडर ऊंचाई के बराबर दिखाई दे रहा है, कैसे कर सकते हैं कि मैं ठीक जब आप tableView लागू: viewForHeaderInSection: आप विधि (UITableView *) tableView heightForHeaderInSection: (NSInteger) खंड - heightForHeaderInSection:: वांछित हैडर ऊंचाई वापस जाने के लिए विधि (CGFloat) tableView भी tableView को लागू करना चाहिए {If (अनुभाग == 5) {वापसी 70; } और {वापसी 0; } और अपने viewForHeaderInSection विधि बनाने के किया जा

android - Creating my own theme for an app -

I am searching for stack overflow for one answer but could not find it. I have an app and I want to change it from theme to theme because the user likes it. Also in my app, I have created all my custom buttons and other images. I want to create another set of images so that when the user changes the theme, these pictures come accordingly. So far, I have the app compact theme and above it is that images created by me are processed, when the app is opened. I hope you will follow my question. Well, I recommend taking this step a step by step, understanding topics and styles and they How do you work, how do you target different APIs, different languages, LTR and RTL and so on, use a simple online tool to create work for you, and the last but at least, the subject How can I change the app? Follow Derek's Tutorial To present your theme and styles, you can create your custom theme (which you can import into your project) to make this simple You can use the tool to specify and

Vim PC window resize/max on Windows 8.1 -

I do not know why, but my vim74 is not maximized on Windows 8. It is actually limited to a certain size. This is the maximum size and I do not know how big it is Can create. In addition, when I input an input (such as : q ) that I did not input such as : when I do : q thank you in advance It looks like you can not maximize ( cmd.exe ) in the Vime Console . You have the following options: Use GVIM; It provides more visual features, and the biggest loss, more useless shell integration, is not necessary anyway on Windows. Use the Windows console menu (right mouse button on top-left icon: can affect size through set line = 40 columns = 120 and the console will resize accordingly.

objective c - How can I extract exif data from a THM file in iOS? -

I am trying to see the date of creating a media track in the exif data of a THM file. Using the command line utility exiftool, I am able to see this property. How can I use it for purpose? This is what I have tried to do so far. : ^ (Bull succeeds, NSDTA * data) {if (successful) {CGIMSourceArror = CIMASECreditDetta (__Bridge CFDATARF) data, NLL); NSDictionary * Metadata = (__ pull NSDictionary *) CGImageSourceCopyPropertiesAtIndex (source, 0, zero); NSMutableDictionary * metaDataMutable = [Metadata Mutate Copy]; // Validation with images Recalculate Exif data NSMutableDictionary * EXIFDictionary = [[Metadetectable ObjectForca: (NSString *) kCGImagePropertyExifDictionary] mutableCopy]; NSLog ("wut" @); }}]; But my EXIFDictionary is zero. I have also tried and added some key values ​​in my dictionary, but only 3 are there and I do not want them. I have not used any benefit to use the UIIMAGEJPEGRepresenation () and UIImagePNGRepresentation () . Very bad no UIImag

javascript - Weird padding issue in Chrome and Firefox -

I am working on the jQuery slider for a web page. Everything looks good in IE, but in Chrome and Firefox, there are some weird padding issues running above and below the slider. Edit: See my solution in reply Any time the form of IE references Do not use how things should work always, always use another browser first, to see how IE screws come up. Your work is wrong for the modern web and puts IE, and other browsers in "quirks mode", where you never want to be, then you have marked your page with that browser, Which believes IE, which is re-emerging in 1998. Take your diplomacy this & lt ;! DOCTYPE html & gt; Change in and use Firefox or Chrome to fix the reasons for your markup, even though IE will also look different. Yes, this could mean just making adjustments or, possibly, restarting all. This is not including your 13 HTML verification errors and 14 CSS errors.

html5 - Re-sizing viewport height when the iOS7 soft keyboard is opened in -

When the soft keyboard is opened in Android, the viewport is automatically shaped to fit the screen ( Height of device - keyboard height). The viewport is pushed just in iOS7 (the top half is not displayed just) However this may be the desired behavior for some apps, but it does not work well for me - the top ENV bar is hidden, and my content is a scrollable div - I want to The user is able to scroll all the way The keyboard opens / closes when resizing the body manual Any idea how to solve it? I had the same requirement This solution was a mixture of body height to reduce when the keyboard was shown And to determine the transfer of the content area. In this way the code will look like using jQuery: $ (document) .on ("focus", "input, textarea", function () {$ ('html'). AddClass ("keyboard"); settimeout (function () {window.scrollTo (0,0); doc. Body.scrollTop = 0;}, 0);}); $ (Document) .on ("blur", "input, taxacea&qu

javascript - Ember createRecord error -

I'm trying to follow, but with some differences. Most especially, I'm using precompiled templates. Here's what I found without the dirty template code: window.App = Ember.Application.create ({LOG_TRANSITIONS: true, VERSION: '1.0.0', ready: function () {Console.log ('App version:' + App.VERSION + 'is ready.');}}); App.Store = DS.Store.extend ({// Usage fixtures - I have tried it without expanding the adapter: DS.FixtureAdapter.extend ()}); (function () {this.route ("todos", {path: "/"})}}; app.TodosRoute = Ember.Route.extend ({model: function () {this .find ('todo');}, renderTemplate: function () {this.render ('todos', {outlet: 'main'});}}); app.Todo = DS.Model.extend ({title: DS.attr ('string') is complete: DS.attr ('boolean')}; app.Todo.FIXTURES = [{id: 1, title: 'learn amber.js', complete: true}, {ID: 2, Title: '...', complete: wrong}, {id

c++ - Qt5Qmld.dll missing: could not start the simple qt application because Qt5Qmld.dll is missing -

I managed to open it with a quick Qt5 project successfully compiled, and run in the QT Creator option. But when I tried to run the executable file located in the debug folder in my project, I have found this error by this: < Code> program can not start because you are missing Qt5Qmld.dll from your computer, try to reinstall the program to fix the problem ... I have searched and searched , But I did not find anything at Google. I found such problems, but with different DLS First of all about Jekesac gave you good advice - if you want to distribute your program (PR just use it on other computers) you need to be willing to release instead of debug build build. For me, the simplest method is to use the program to solve your problem. Open your exe -file by Dependency Walker You can see the libs you missed. The Geto bin folder of your QT installation and all the dll S dependency walker will point you to you. Copy dll s with your app's exe file

c - Garmin .fit file timestamp -

I hope someone can keep me on the right path. I am developing an embedded project that will use the fit SDK . There is a timestamp in the .it file in the field. The only valid timestamp for Fit files is a UIT 32_T which is the second since UTC 00:00 December 31, 1998. Since they are not using the time of the era, this is something ugly .... As long as I'm totally looking for something (very likely). The code snippet and links to good information are welcome. The solution to this issue was to find out that UTC 00:00 December 1, EPO What was the timestamp and it was used as a continuous one. We then introduced the current UTI population with GPS data and implemented the MKTMT () function, and then it was only subtraction. The code snippet is as follows: / / Etyre is two digits and since 1900 is TM_yure utc_time.tm_year = pxFSTGPSrecord-> UTIER + 100; Utc_time.tm_mon = pxFSTGPSrecord- & gt; Utmonth-1; Utc_time.tm_mday = pxFSTGPSrecord- & gt; Shine; Utc_

c++ - CreateProcess doesn't pass command line argument to new process's main function -

I have some questions about the CreateProcess function. Plz see my CPP files beblow // CreateProcess.cpp # included & lt; Stdio.h & gt; # Include & lt; Tchar.h & gt; # Include & lt; Windows.h & gt; # Defined DIR_LEN MAX_PATH + 1 int _tmain (int argc, TCHAR * argv []) {STARTUPINFO si = {0}; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; Si.cb = Size (C); Si.dwFlags = STARTF_USEPOSITION | STARTF_USESIZE; Si.dwx = 100; Si.dwY = 200; Si.dwXSize = 300; Si.dwYSize = 200; Si.lpTitle = _T ("I'm a Humming"); TCHAR command [] = _T ("adapter process.exa aa bb"); TCHAR CDIR [DIR_LE]; Bull state; GetCurrentDirectory (DIR_LEN, CDIR); _fput (CDIR, stadout); _fputts (_T ("\ n"), stdout); SetCurrentDirectory (_T ("C: \\ WinSystem")); GetCurrentDirectory (DIR_LEN, CDIR); _fputts (cDir, stdout); _fputts (_T ("\ n"), stdout); State = create process (zero, command, zero, zero, true, CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE, NULL, NULL, and SI, and PI); If (state! = 0

Django Admin searching for strange CSS -

I'm running DNS 1.5.1 with Python 2.7. When I try to open the admin page, it can not load the CSS because it is searching for files named 'base.c8269a10a4bc.css' (CSS which I usually make accessible with the administrator). Besides, the admin looks okay. If I help, then I am using pipelines and memcatch.

C++ struct to Java class -

I want to convert such a c ++ struct: typedef struct FEATUREINFO {String str_ID; Four * CIID; Double * FeatureData; Int group; Bull beprint; IplImage * t_faceImg; } FEATUREINFO; and I will use it: FEATUREINFO * p_featureNode = new FEATUREINFO [100]; (; J & lt; 100; Int J = 0 {p_featureNode for J ++) [J] .featureData = (double *) calloc (t_featureLen, sizeof (double)); P_featureNode [j] .bPrint = false; } In the Java code I wrote my code: class FEATUREINFO {string str_ID; Four [] ciid; Public double [] featuredata; Int group; Public Boolean Biprint; // IplImage * t_faceImg; Public FEATUREINFO () {this.featureData = New Double [1280]; }} // class FEATUREINFO and test a simple code worte what I success: FEATUREINFO [] p_featureNode = new FEATUREINFO [100 ]; P_featureNode [5] .featureData [2] = 100.5; // This line will be error !!! = (Log.d (Tag_Test, "featureData:" + p_featureNode [5] .featureData [2]); I'm a beginner Java, please help me than

php - MATCH... AGAINST a variable Query -

This is my first post in the forum ^ ^ I am starting programming, and I'm focusing on PHP I am developing a project for school I am searching for a filter with matching the query, but I do not know how to do this with a variable. I'll tell you what I'm talking about: $ db-> Query ('test' with 'test' where 'matching' (bullion mode in '\ rihci \') against 'Milan (`nimbo)' ' When I do this, As the value of 'number' column, with 'rihci' the associative array is found in line, but if I am working with a form, and I have the value of $ _GET form in a variable, for example $ Filter , how do I change \ rihci \ ' to $ filter ? If it did not can go, How can I find a similar filtering? Thanks and I'm sorry if I have any grammar or spelling errors, English is not my mother language ^^

google app engine - Routing root of a non-default module under a custom domain using dispatch.xml -

Dispatch with default module. Conflicts with incomplete documentation of using the XML feature: I have The following dispatch.xml : & lt ;? XML version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt; Sending-entries & gt; & Lt; Send & gt; & Lt; URL & gt;< / URL & gt; & Lt; Module & gt; Default & lt; / Module & gt; & Lt; / Despatch & gt; & Lt; / Despatch-entries & gt; The above path works without any problems. I have also left sub-domain mappings which are working. Here's what I've posted: gcloud preview app list-version 11:24 am Host: admin-console: ['2'] Default: ['2', Ah-Biltin-Datastore service] I want to configure my admin-console module To indicate .custom-domain / admin / * I know that the module has been deployed and is working correctly because when I this is co

printing - python 3 print generator -

There is a problem when I work with the print () function (Python 3). When I see the sum of the series, I can use the following code patterns: gt; & Gt; The amount (for the range (in 101)) But when I check the series I made: (I select print () and I agree that Line will print by line) & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Print (for range (in 101) It has become a generator object, without any cost return. So I have to use the list () to check the series. Is there a flaw in the print function? PS: An example is for creating a generator written above, not the simplest form for the natural series, but the bone structure for the complex series. For convenience of chain pricing check, I am looking for a way to print each value line from the line. sum takes you to a run of things to add, Whereas print takes different arguments to print if you want to feed all generator items separately from print , then * notation : In the category for print (* (i (1, 101)))

Unsupported Operation exception in java -

I get the exception java.lang. Unsupported Operation exception: Not yet supported The code is Private static zero mode (Int.) {New unsupported operation throw exception ("Not yet supported."); // To change the body of the generated methods, tool | Templates. } Private static zero quality (new unsupported operation throw exception ("Not yet supported."); // To change the body of the generated methods, tool | Templates. } Private static zero complexity (Int'l) {new unsupported operation throw exception ("not yet supported."); // To change the body of the generated methods, tool | Templates. } Private static zero sampling (int i) {new unsupported operation throw exception ("Not yet supported."); // To change the body of the generated methods, tool | Templates. } Public static zero main (final string [] args) {mode (0); Quality (1); Complexity (1); SampleRate (8000); JSPXNC encoder = new JSPEEX (); If (encoder.precar (arg, FILE_FORMAT_WA

javascript - display in decimal the total of 2 numbers -

I am trying to display 2 decimal points of 2 total numbers and display them by zero, but to the decimal point Do not count anyone want to find out this Thanks. function count () {var myBox1 = document.getElementById ('box1'). Values; Var myBox2 = document.getElementById ('box2'). value; Var Basic = Document. GetElementById ('Basic'); Var myResult = myBox1 * myBox2; BasicPay.value = myResult.toFixed (2); Document.getElementById ('Both'). Value = sum () - diff (); } This diff part is function diff () {var absent = document.getElementById ('absent'). Value; Var tardiness = document.getElementById ('tardiness') value; Var sss = document.getElementById ('SSS'). Values; Var pagibig = document.getElementById ('pagibig'). value; Var Fillholta = Document. GetElementById ('currently'). value; Var cashflow = document. GetElementById ('Casewevances'). value; Viral WithdlingTacks = Documents. Gate Element B

javascript - What is the best practice for multiple $http request in AngularJS? -

For example, I have a controller to show a list view to the user, some columns are needed from the second endpoint of the data, so I wrote with these intuition, can you tell me again How do I work from? $ http.get ($ scope.urlA) .success (function (res) {$ scope.dataA = res .data; $ http.get ($ scope.urlB) .success ( Function (res) {$ scope.dataB =;}) .error (function (mistake) {if (err) err;}) Panic (function (mistake) {if mistake (mistake);}) ; Then the best practice is to build two factory methods for $ http.get Http invoice promises itself by $ in fingerprints so that your factory will look like this: myapp.factory ('getHttpData', function ($ http) {return {getURLA: function ( ) {Return $ http .get ('/ urlA');}, getURLA: Function () {return $ ('/ urlB');}}}); Then you can apply both factory functions in this way: .controller ('testCtrl', [getHttpData ', function (getHttpData) {GetHttpData.getURLA (). Then (functi

bash - Creating an alias for a python script -

I am new to Python programming. I want to make a nickname for my script, so that I can use it in the terminal. I have a .pi file whose name is and I am trying to create a nickname for it. I made it using the following commons: $ alias new = "python / Python_scripts /" Now when I type the word new I am giving an error in the terminal - 'such a file exists' Can anyone tell me how to do this? The path is probably not correct: alias new = "python / Python_scripts / " Try to find the Python_scripts directory at the root level, when I try to convert it to your home directory, with a relative path alias new = "python python_scripts /" or, better, alias new = " Python ~ / Python_scripts / " So that you can run aliases commands from anywhere.

php - Xampp not working with port 8080 in remote desktop IIS7 -

I am trying to connect the XMPP server to an external http address on a remote desktop. The default port is using 80 IIS server and then I have changed the XMPP server port to 808080 and trying to reach myipaddress like the outside: 8080 but this webpage is not showing the available message, After I have closed the IIS and run XMPP server on port 80 and then trying to apply the PHP application using XMPP's myipaddress: 80 < / P> Now it is working fine, but I need to run both IIS and XAMPP server on IIS port 8080 on the default port 80 and XAMPP How do I get it Please, please suggest me. Thanks

php - Show data from database table in tabular format by using row and column index -

1 2 results 1 3 Overview 2 1 ABC 2 2 result 1 2 3 Observation 1 And I want to show the data in the html table in the following format Test Result Overview ABC Result 1 Overview 1 Can anyone suggest how to do this? Method: Output key Create an array Select each row from your table Store them in the output array by the row and column index such as : $ ARR_OUPUT [$ row_no] [$ col_no] = $ name The table can print like: echo & lt; Table & gt; '; Forex Currency ($ ARR_OUTPUT = & gt; arr_temp as the $ Key) {Echo '& lt; Tr & gt; '; Forex Currency ($ arr_temp $ name) {echo '& lt; Td> $ Name '& Lt; / Td> '; } Echo & lt; / Tr & gt; '; } Echo & lt; Table & gt; '; Your array will look like this array ([1] = & gt; array ([1] = & Gt; Test [2] = & gt; Results [3] => Inspection) [2] = & gt; Array ([1] => ABC [2] => 1 [3] = & Gt; Inspection

spring - JSP/JSTL change value member of array -

I want to change the value of the array in JSP / JSTL which have been created in the controller. How can i do if (_shop_commisions! = Null) {double [] _sum = new double [6]; Model.addAttribute ("zodiac", _ sum); } JSTL & lt; C: set var = "sum [0]" value = "4" /> $ {Sum [0]} // is showing it 4.0 You are doing Setting a variable named "sum [0]" and value 4 If you want to change the model then you have to interact with the model. $ {sum [0] = 4}

python - rabbitmq not working with java -

I have a rabbit setup on my machine and it has 3 different queues. A Java code is listening to a queue and other queues Sending messages to Python code. Now the Python code is working fine but Java code has problems with AMQ. The following error is coming: exception in thread "main" com.rabbitmq.client.PossibleAuthenticationFailureException: probably: com.rabbitmq.client.impl.AMQConnection.start authentication failure due to ( 341) on com.rabbitmq.client.ConnectionFactory.newConnection (ConnectionFactory.javaitter90) on com.rabbitmq.client.ConnectionFactory.newConnection ( on com.elki.test.Worker.main (worker Java: 73) Reason: Connection error at com.rabbitmq.client.ShutdownSignalException: com.rabbitmq.utility.ValueOrException.getValue ( Com.rabbitmq.utility.BlockingValueOrException.uninterruptibleGetValue ( $ blockingRpcContinuation.getReply at Com.rabbitmq.client.i

Convert Array to custom object list c# -

मेरे पास एक सरणी है: - निजी स्ट्रिंग [] [] barValues ​​= new string [] [] [] नई स्ट्रिंग [] {"1.2", "16.5" [नई स्ट्रिंग [] {"1.9", "5.8", "4.8", "स्थापना के बाद से", "24-जनवरी 2014 से 24 जून 2014"} "," 9.8 "," वर्ष से तारीख "," 01-अप्रैल 2014 से 24-जून 2014 "}, नई स्ट्रिंग [] {" 11.6 "," 28.8 "," 23.5 "," अंतिम तिमाही "," 01- जनवरी से 24 जून 2014 "}}; मैं इस सरणी को मेरी कस्टम सूची में परिवर्तित करना चाहता हूं: - सूची & lt; पोर्टफोलियो & gt; सूची = नई सूची & lt; पोर्टफोलियो & gt; (); मैंने ऐसा करने की कोशिश की: - सूची & lt; पोर्टफोलियो & gt; सूची = myArray.Cast & LT; पोर्टफोलियो & gt; () ToList ()।; लेकिन मुझे एक त्रुटि मिलती है: - प्रणाली.अनिवासीकस्ट एक्सपैशन: स्रोत प्रकार से गंतव्य प्रकार को नहीं डाला जा सकता। < P> मैं यह रूपांतरण कैसे कर सकता हूं? आपको ऑपरेटर को

how to check is image inserted to database in android -

I have a table in the database that has several rows and each row stores an image and some string But there is no image in some line I want to read the contents of this table in my Android app and if I do not present the image I show a default image How can I check that image? Does present or not? This is my code private zeros sql_load_data () {byte] sick_pic = null; Cursor cur_row; SQLiteDatabase sqLiteDatabase = SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase (DatabasesHealer.DB_PATH + "/" + DatabaseHelper.dbidi, blank, contextMODE_PRIVATE); Try {DBH.openDataBase (); Cur_row = sqLiteDatabase.rawquery ("disease_name, disease_fick, disease, disease_reaction, disease_select from control pistilians where id =" + id, blank); Cur_row.moveToFirst (); Lbl_illness_name.setText (cur_row.getString (0)); Illness_pic = cur_row.getBlob (1); Imgviw_illence_pic.setImageBitmap (bitmapfile.ededabiterror (illness_peak, 0, disease_pk.lamp)); Lbl_illness_cause.setText (cur_row.getString (2

python - copying a nested list, then updating values in only the new list -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: < / P> 13 उत्तर मेरे पास नेस्टेड सूची है, जो मैं की एक नई प्रतिलिपि बना रहा हूँ (आईडी अलग हैं) तब जब मैं नई सूची के अंदर एक सूची को अपडेट करने के लिए सूचकांकों का उपयोग करने की कोशिश करता हूं, तो यह दोनों पूर्व और पोस्ट कॉपी किए गए सूचियों में मूल्यों को अद्यतन करने के लिए समाप्त होता है। मैंने कुछ अन्य समान प्रश्नों पर एक नज़र डालना numTrials = 2 abpositions = [[1, 1] Xrange (numTrials) में मैं के लिए 'ए पेज', [9, 9, 9, 9]], [1, 'बी 0 पेज', [9, 9, 9, 9]]] abpositionsRotated = सूची (abPositions) : AbpositionsRotated [i] [2] = [0,0,0,0] प्रिंट abPositions प्रिंट abPositionsRotated के रूप में मैं abpositions के भीतर 2 sublists अद्यतन, वही सूची abPositions में अद्यतन हो के रूप में अच्छी तरह से और मुझे यकीन है कि क्यों नहीं कर रहा हूँ जहां तक ​​मुझे पता है, वहाँ abpositions और abpositions के बीच कोई संबंध नहीं है, तो मैं समझ में नहीं क्यों एक में परिवर्तन अन्य को प्रभावित करता है पायथन में नेस्टेड सूचियों के

json - Android (JSONObject) How can get each key -

अगर मेरे पास एक JSON है: {"list_path": {"149": { "1610": { "फाइल": []}, "1599": { "1600": { "1604": { "1605": { "फ़ाइल": []}, "फाइल": []}, "1601": { "1602": { "फ़ाइल": [ "f485", "f484", "f482", "f481", "F480", "f479", "f478", "f477"]}, " फ़ाइल ": []}," फाइल ": []}," फाइल ": []}," 1609 ": {" फाइल ": []}," 1607 ": {" फाइल ": []}," 1608 ": {" फ़ाइल ": []}," 1606 ": {" फ़ाइल ": []}," फ़ाइल ": []}}} लेकिन मैं नहीं कुंजी पता है मैं प्रत्येक कुंजी कैसे प्राप्त कर सकता हूं मैं स्ट्रिंग कुंजी = (); का उपयोग करने की कोशिश करता हूं, लेकिन यह केवल एक कुंजी प्राप्त कर सकता है। पसंद करें अगर मैं 14 9 में लिखता हूं। मुझे 1599, 1606, 1607, 1608, 160 9,

java - Treemap sorting -

I have this piece of code: Personal Final Static TreeMap & lt; String, UserNetification & gt; USER_NOTIFICATION_MAP = New Trimmer & lt; String, User Notification & gt; (); // string idstring = "1" filling the map using the services; Iterator = USER_NOTIFICATION_MAP.entrySet () Iterator (); While (this hasNext ()) {map.Entry pairs = (Map.Entry) (); IdString = pairs.getKey () ToString (); Println (idString); } For the map with the following pairs: 2 - User Notice, 3 - User Information, 4 - User Information, 5 - User Information, 6 - User Information, 7 - User Notifications, 8 - User Information, 9 - User Notification, 10 - User Notification Output from code: 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 How is this possible, see the fact Did Treepap have all the data in his chemistry? I think the value 10 should be at the end of the key list. If you want to sort, then mark the trademark Its class is classified based on lexicography (alphabetically), so any th mvc 3 - Response.Clear() equivalent in MVC -

I am very new to MVC, I am a MVC3 aspx page from Response.Clear () How do I? I have tried: Response.Clear (); ViewContext.HttpContext.Response.Clear (); Before any statement, none of them works in order to remain in the output in any HTML content. The only thing that seems to work for is response. Closed () , but of course I do not have permission to output anything later. This is just a test / debugging exercise - I just want to be able to clear the buffer output, from the inline code in the ASPX page, and output what else anyone can do with web forms later is. Note, I do not want to do this within the controller, because every time I make a change, as well as re-combinations to lose the session state. Every time ASPX is inside the page to avoid compiling it again. Your comment from that you want to mess with your code before performing an action And afterwards, the most ideal solution is to use custom action filters: public interface IActionFilter {zero res

php - postgresql configuration gives a blank page in Codeigniter (fail connection) -

I just created my PHP application using the CodeIgniter framework and PostgreSQL for the database, it runs well on the local host Then I transferred the application to the server (, but when I try to run it was given an empty page. I removed all the libraries and packages in autoload.php, it's running well. So I kept it one by one and after placing each library / package it ran it. Finally, I got the problem: Database. This will show a welcome page (default), but when I connect one of my controllers to a model, it will show an empty page. $ autoload ['library'] = array ('session', 'form_validation'); This will show a blank page first (will not show the welcome / default page.) $ autoload ['libraries'] = array ('session' 'Form_validation', 'database'); So, this is my database configuration: $ db ['default'] ['hostname'] = '1982.1.4'; $ Db ['default'] ['port

eclipse - PyDev: What is the difference between "Console" and "Interactive Console"? -

I am trying to prove a claim that it is possible to connect debugging sessions to the existing Ipathion Console (,). Maybe I do not have the vocabulary right. What is the difference between "console" and "interactive console"? versus The interesting fact is that "Interactive Console" Always unlike "console" is disabled (which is non-interactive), which behaves as expected, i.e. PyDev Interactive Console as an IPython console is actually in the 'console' view (but this is a special one that you Is near) You can create an 'interactive console' in the console view - you can choose to force the same for a debug session - if the breakpoint is currently active, then the new action in the console view Select 'Make PyDev Console' and select 'Breakpoint with Active'.) The 'Interactive Console' view is from some other plugin (Not sure how this is displayed to me) .