c - Garmin .fit file timestamp -

I hope someone can keep me on the right path. I am developing an embedded project that will use the fit SDK . There is a timestamp in the .it file in the field.

The only valid timestamp for Fit files is a UIT 32_T which is the second since UTC 00:00 December 31, 1998.

Since they are not using the time of the era, this is something ugly .... As long as I'm totally looking for something (very likely).

The code snippet and links to good information are welcome.

The solution to this issue was to find out that UTC 00:00 December 1, EPO What was the timestamp and it was used as a continuous one. We then introduced the current UTI population with GPS data and implemented the MKTMT () function, and then it was only subtraction.

The code snippet is as follows:

  / / Etyre is two digits and since 1900 is TM_yure utc_time.tm_year = pxFSTGPSrecord-> UTIER + 100; Utc_time.tm_mon = pxFSTGPSrecord- & gt; Utmonth-1; Utc_time.tm_mday = pxFSTGPSrecord- & gt; Shine; Utc_time.tm_hour = pxFSTGPSrecord- & gt; Utch; Utc_time.tm_min = pxFSTGPSrecord- & gt; Utcm; Utc_time.tm_sec = pxFSTGPSrecord- & gt; UTCS; Utc_time.tm_isdst = 0; Utc_timestamp = MTK (& amp; utc_time); Fit_timestamp = utc_timestamp - EPOC_TIMESTAMP;  


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