
Showing posts from February, 2015

php - Class "hash" not found -

I'm trying to hash my password before putting it into my table using a laravel seed. Every time I run the php artisan db: seed - class = user I get an error "class hash 'not found' Here is my class: < Pre> class increases user cd {public function run (): (user :: create (array ('email' = & gt; '********', 'password' = & gt; ; Hash :: create ('********')); $ This-> Command-> Information ('Priority in the User Table!');}} I know that if you need further information, thank you The!! You have to use hash :: make Because the matter matters, in general it is a good practice to use some coding guidelines to prevent such errors. In your case, you should write every classname in the upper camelcase Class increases user cadre (public function run) (user :: creation (array ('email' = & gt; '*** *****', 'password '= & Gt; hash :: forming (' ******** '))); $ Th

PayPal transfering recived mony to many other users automaticly -

I read that the series \ parallel payments are limited to 5 \ 6 people. What do I need when the money is received in the account, X% and other PayPal accounts to move. what do I need? And how can I do this? Thank you, Imbero You just have money in your account and then one In the IPN solution, payments automatically to secondary users in real time using payment APIs.

java - Exporting executable jar changes directory of images -

I have a problem exporting my Eclipse project to executable jars, I think I correct it but jar Closes as compared to closing, so I tried with "java -jar nameofproject.jar" and it says: Unable to load image: / images / dialogs / server- Exception in the database.png thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" Java.lang.NullPointerException javax.swing.ImageIcon. & Lt; Init & gt; (Unknown source) .... So I uncompressed the jar and saw the directory structure in it and I was surprised to see that my "image" package was an unwanted "source" directory It was made in JVM, making JVM impossible to find them. Then the original project structure in Eclipse is: And here is the directory structure unpack jar: (The image directory is under" src "directory, which prevents jvm from searching images) Any ideas about how to resolve it ?

c# - XAML Gridview not rebinding on RaisePropertyChanged -

संपादित करें: यह एक विंडोज स्टोर (8.1) अनुप्रयोग है मेरे पास एक व्यक्ति वर्ग है जैसा नीचे दिखाया गया है जो मैं एक मॉडल के रूप में उपयोग कर रहा हूं सार्वजनिक वर्ग व्यक्ति: बेसमोडेल {निजी स्ट्रिंग _FirstName; सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग प्रथम नाम {वापस {वापस _FirstName; } सेट {if (_FirstName == मान) रिटर्न; _FirstName = मान; RaisePropertyChanged ( "प्रथम"); }} निजी स्ट्रिंग _MiddleName; सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग मिडलनाम {get {return _MiddleName; } सेट {if (_MiddleName == मान) रिटर्न; _MiddleName = मान; RaisePropertyChanged ( "MiddleName"); }} निजी स्ट्रिंग _LastName; सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग LastName {get {return _LlastName; } सेट {if (_LastName == मान) रिटर्न; _ListName = मान; RaisePropertyChanged ( "अंतिम नाम"); }}} जहां बेसमोडल को नीचे के रूप में परिभाषित किया गया है GalaSoft.MvvmLight का उपयोग कर; सार्वजनिक वर्ग बेसमोडेल: अवलोकनकर्ता ऑब्जेक्ट {} मैं मॉडल को एक व्यू मॉडेल कक्षा में नीचे दिखाए अनुसार उपयोग कर रहा हूं। GalaSoft.MvvmLight का उपयोग कर; सार्वजन

python - Django, calling function in re.sub -

मेरे कस्टम टेम्पलेटेट में इस लाइन है: value = re.sub (r '(। *) \ (Bkz: (। *) \ B \)', r '\ 1 (bkz: & lt; a href = "/ baslik / \ 2" & gt; \ 2 & lt; / a & gt;), मान ) मैं अपने लिंक में slugify फंक्शन का उपयोग \ 2 को झुकावना चाहता हूं मैं यह कैसे कर सकता हूँ? re.sub () या तो एक स्ट्रिंग या एक फ़ंक्शन को दूसरे के रूप में लेता है पैरामीटर में, आप जो चीजें चाहते हैं, उसके लिए आप एक फ़ंक्शन परिभाषित कर सकते हैं, नीचे एक बहुत तुच्छ उदाहरण है value = "aaa1aaa" def slugifier (match_object): वापसी 'X' value = re उप ('\ d +', slugifier, मान) & gt; & gt; 'एएएक्सएआ' ' बस एक साइड नोट के रूप में, slugify \ 2 से बच जाएगा और खाली स्ट्रिंग का उत्पादन करेगा।

angularjs - What is the correct way to extend an AngularStrap directive? -

I am looking to extend an AngularStrap instruction (in this case) to exceed the functionality provided After some research, I am thinking the best way to wrap type-order instructions with my custom instructions so that I can expand it. I have followed all 3 suggestions to increase a cornerory instruction, but none of them let me reach the type-add controller and this is a public work. Am I going wrong about this? What is the best way to increase custom performance instructions? Any help is appreciated. In my case, use the 'requirement' for the difference to refer to the controller of the original director Was there.

Django Dynamically Adding Form So That it is Aware of it's Parent -

The first question. I have a problem creating a structure to create an event with many events (user specifies how many) activities and each activity can be more than once, I want my appearance, it The structure is: \ - event activity 1 time 1 time 2 time 3 activity 2 time 1 time 2 time 3 where users can add more activities And can add more for each activity May include. def event (models.Model): # relevant events not deaf activity (models.Model): event = model. Forvinke (event) # more irrelevant stuff def activity time (models.Model): activity = model. Freigaki (activity) start_time = model Timefield () end_time = models.TimeField () # more irrelevant stuff I am using model formats to represent event, activity, activity. When I add entries to the database, then I want to be 'aware' of my related activity every time I am not sure how to implement it. I have not got luck with inline formats, but probably because I do not understand anything. An

javascript - Display mpld3 chart in HTML with django -

I am using mpld3 to display matplotlib charts within an HTML page via django. I use a mplld3.fig_to_dict method to generate a string from a matplotlib shape and save it in a JSON variable. I do not know how to call JSON variable in HTML & lt; Div id = "fig01" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; Var json01 = {& lt; Snippet JSON code & gt; }; Mpld3.draw_figure ("fig", json01); & Lt; / Script & gt; The JSN variable has been created in the scenes: json01 = json.dumps (mpld3.fig_to_dict (fig)) return render_to_response ('plot / main. Html ', json01) This code returns an empty HTML page. I also tried to call such a JSON variable, but it also does not work var json01 = "{{json01}}"; I think the problem is coming from the javascript variable, because when I set the chart digit in javascript The answer is ... in js_data = json.dumps

Visual Studio 2013 does not show XNA Redistributable option in the Publish Prerequisites section -

I have XNA 4.0 and Visual Studio Express for Windows Desktop. I have an old XNA game and it is not a problem on my development computer. I can create a new XNA game and this is not a problem on my development computer. When I try to play games on any other computer, they do not go because it is not pre-executable XVA redistibable. XA.A. Redistribution does not appear as a substitute for condition on "Publish"> "Requirement" page in VS. Someone had the exact problem, but no one answered the question: post-text "itemprop =" text "> Whatever I remember from school this year, they said that Visual Studio 2012 or higher do not work well with XNA What can I recommend to you that can solve the problem, unless you have a clear answer to it, you have to return back. > Good luck with your game. I used this time all the time and worked without publishing.

angularjs - CSS uglify — Grunt task -

I wonder if there is any trick to cheating the CRS? Like Gmail code - All class names are random 2-3 characters. I am using AngularJS and pebble-angle-templates to view all templates for a single templates / .js $ template cache file and I have this file I want to make as small as possible. I have index.html , main.css and a group of HTML files with the view / folder - I I want to name all the CSS class names in all the files, because I am using the name of the Beem class notation, so my CSS class name is very long. If the only reason for encrypting is the length of classname - not just. Gzip (use for best results) This makes all long waist squares only 2-3 letters long but at server level.

Android Fragment Transitions with GLSurfaceView -

I have GLSurfaceView in one piece, It is my main piece when I without a GLSurfaceView If any other piece is transitioned from the piece with your GLSurfaceView, the GLSurfaceView transit takes a little bit before the start. I have tried to install GLSurfaceView.setZOrderOnTop (true) , this does not work, and in reality this situation is more damaged because of my ads and navigation Drawer becomes unclear. I've tried to hide pieces of hosting GLSurfaceView, still has no effect I tried to prevent pieces of hosting GLSurfaceView of this type GLSurfaceView Was stopped at the same time, it had no effect. When GLSurfaceView runs up, the screen is black where GLSurfaceView believes. It seems that the black area on the screen is specific for piece changes, because if I remove the transition and easily change it with piece transaction then the glassfashionvivio movement has ended. This is not a solution because I want to change the transition from one piece to another in my a

java - how does javafx main method launch(args) work? -

Methods outside the main method are not mentioned in the main method. The main method only consists of launches (args); I thought that methods outside of this method need to call those who work in the program? "text"> Netbins is Jawadok near Java FX in which it is explained: / ** * been correctly ignored the main (posted Jawaafaks application) method has gone. * The main () works only as a fallback if the application can not be done through deployment artifacts, for example, ignored Netbeins main () in the IDE with limited FX * * * @ ultimate command line Logic * / public static zero main (string [] args) {launch (args); } So essentially, It should be called because it is not Java FX, however, if it is said that only the command line arguments) Javafx On the .application.Application.lunch which will open JavaFX as expected. If you are still wondering how the launch works, then you should probably check it out.

Direct traffic Google Analytics bots? -

Our website is based in Sydney, Australia, we are getting more than 2,000 unique visitors from Paris every month - our site traffic Of about 40% The traffic comes directly to our homepage and spends less than a few seconds on it. There is no reason for anyone from Paris to visit the site. Is it possible that there are bots? I ask because it is only a huge amount of bot activity for the UP? Feeling weird, is anyone wonder if anyone has seen this before? Thank you for your time, live Most likely you can look at many things if you see: Traffic is from a single service provider The browser is of the same type (from my experience, The time spent per visit is less page There is no interaction with If you look at all these patterns, then you have There is a possibility of bots, and you have to develop a strategy to filter out your useful statistics. Hope it helps.

jquery - autoPlay does not resume after sliders are manually iteracted with (RoyalSlider by Dmitry Semenov) -

<'ve div class = "post-text" itemprop = "text"> I wonder used by anyone Roylslaider and questions like me? I use is that I have yet to Roylslaider and I'm not sure is very good, although this is an issue for the two projects or that function is not integrated yet. I have set the slider as autoplay. It's working fine but I noticed that as soon as I touch the slide (either click it or swipe it on). Autoplay bus stops (regardless of pauseOnHover was right or wrong). Ideally, I think that after that it is best to resume conversation with those slider autoplay? As I mark the following: 1.HTML & lt; Div class = "hero desktop z-lv3" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "royal slider-desktop rsf default" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "rscontent" & gt; & Lt; Img class = "rsImg" src = "IMG / global / hero 1.jpg" alt = "" /> & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class =

excel - cannot select another workbook when macro enabled workbook open -

I have a macro enabled workbook that uses code to set the timer - this is a shared book and often Book people and leave your desk etc. It is set to save & amp; Turn off after 30 minutes of inactivity This function works fine, but the problem I am running is that when I have other workbooks, I can click on the tile (Windows 7) or alt + tab, surround them The only way to move ctrl + shift If this is just using the workbook that will not be an issue - does anyone know why this is happening? Post Code Below: Private Sub Workbook_Open () StartTimer End Sub Personal Sub Workbook_SheetChange (ByVal as a commodity, ByVal range as target) StartTimer End Sub Const idleTime = 1800 seconds Slow start sub StartTimer () Start = Timer while timer & lt; + IdleTime DoEvents Loop Application.DisplayAlerts = False ActiveWorkbook.Close true application.DisplayAlerts = True End Sub Start To start with , I'm not completely sure why you are receiving that behavior, but please keep in

ios - Show a Specific Part of an Image -

Assume that I have a UIImageView , which is much smaller than that image To see it from contentMode to UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFill like you are only viewing a specific part of the image. It automatically shows the center of the image. I do not want to use other contentMode above, below, etc. because in my app you can drag the image and as you move it, Displays the part that is below the image. In other words, imageView is like a window for the image. How can I change the part of the image showing the image's view? Thank you! There are various possibilities: A UIImageView Do not use. Use a normal view and manipulate its layer Use a UIImageView. Use the layer and use it contentRect . Show an image Full View the image inside the scroll view. Drag the user to scroll. (A scroll view is for which "window" is inside.) The other is easy because the scroll responds to pull the view, Whereas with the first possibility you have to find di

javascript - Button renders as simple text when add programmatically inside table cell -

I am trying to add dynamic row to table (last TD cell has a button) When I see the row generated with firebugs in Firefox like I But it has not been presented as a button, like a simple button (not clickable, there is no border around). I make a line in JS var rowContent = '& lt; Tr valign = "middle" & gt; & Lt; Td square = "center_details" & gt; & Lt; A data-role = "button" Class = "custom-button" name = "drag_req" data-name = "'+ responseData [' id '] +'" gt; Drag & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Td> & Lt; / Tr & gt; '; $ ('# My_data_requests' tabs: last'). Html (Line Resource); (The response data is a dictionary with all keys to be used) When I make the same HTML in the template, then drag it like drag buttons do not have simple text. Does anyone know what is wrong? This could be due to single quotes in response code ['id']

dictionary - How to use columns of a key in a dict in Python? -

I dict = { 'a': array [5, 5]} , where Array [5, 5] means that it is read from data file as 5X5 as an array. And I just want to use the first column of value like dict ['a']: array [, 1]] , how can I create it? Thanks! A part of my code: Sync [C% i '% i] = np.loadtxt (' 0cracknodecoord.txt ', usecols = (0, 1)) print (coordination [ 'C1': array [:, [1]]] print (coordination [ 'C1': array [:, [1]]]) did not work. I'm not sure, but I think you want: dict [ 'a'] [:, 1] you were very close before!

c# - How to static type dynamic data -

This may be a specific case. But how do I map the dynamic unit? In an application I must provide. This will generate JSON for the form. Therefore, it will be the metadata for the page where this form is being used Now, by creating matadata I can leave any NOSQL or SQL DB but what I can do about the form data . As such, I will never know how to look. How can I map that data with a static type and verify it if possible. In the general case, I know what will happen in the form and which user will be logged in, in that case I map the form with the model (class), but what can I do in the scenarios , T know what the user adds or how it looks. I am just coming to Jason from the form, but if I want to map with steady typing and if possible give some rules / verification there. Please tell me if more information is needed. There is a specific example of an application that is what I am getting. In such circumstances, I will not use the serialization models at all. I will use

Fitness function using php in genetic algorithm -

I have a problem with GA for selecting the best employee posts I this case I have 4 employees selected ( E1 , E2 , E3 , E4 ) and in their 3 population: * Random array (population I) = ([0] = E1 => 200, [1] = E2 => 155, [2] = E3 => 130, [3] = E4 => 98) * Random array (population II) = ([0] = E2 => 155, [1] = E3 = & Gt; 130, [2] = E1 => 200, [3] = E4 => 98) * Random array (population III) = ([0] = E4 => 98, [ 1] = E1 = & gt; 200, [2] = E3 => 1 30, [3] = E2 => 155) Then, I want to input that digit in this function: f = (N * score [0]) + ((n-1) * score [1]) + score [2] + score [3] / n) nb: N is the number of selected employees. Example Fitness Function (Manual Calculation): Population I: (4 * 200) + ((4-1) * 155) + 130 + 98/4 = 373,25 Population II: (4 * 155) + ((4-1) * 130) + 200 + 98/4 = 3 27 Population III: (4 * 98) + ((4-1) * 200) + 130 + 155/4 = 319,25 So how do I apply manual calculation using PHP code? Can anyon

javascript - Export geoJSON data from Google Maps -

Is there a library to export the built-in support or google geoJSON data from google. Maps.Data layer or google.maps.Data.Feature or google.maps.Data.Gemometry or even marker , polyline and polygon . I have a code, for example: var point = new google.maps.Data.Point (m.getPosition ()); ActiveFeature.setGeometry (point); Console.log (activeFeature.getGeometry ()); EquiLayer.add (activeFeature); I want to export this data as a geojson on the server. toGeoJson method in the sheet ? A sample-function: google.maps.Map. Prototype.getGeoJson = function (callback) {var geo = {"type": "FeatureCollection", "FEATURES": []}, fx = function (g, t) {var that = [], arr, f = {MultiLineString : 'LineString', linestrings: 'point', multipolision: 'polygon', polygon: 'linering', linearization: 'point', multipoint: 'point'}; Switch (t) {case 'point': g = (gta)? G. FT (): G; Return ([g.lng (

android - Is there an API to retrieve the country associated with the Google Wallet account -

I'm developing an app that will be used to sell products using in-app purchases. The requirement is that, in some countries, a sub-product of products should not be available, say that I have 5 products, all 5 users should be seen by users of the United States, but only 3 users viewed in Canada should go. The additional requirement is that if Canadian users come to the US, the app will still show 3 products which are available in Canada. Is there an API / library that I can use for this requirement? I'm following the in-app billing implementation to develop the app. I was planning to provide a predefined price (999.09) for the item that is available in the Google Play Developer Console While making the product, it should not be available in Canada as a local price, so that the product can filter the products by the result of the product Calling IInAppBillingService..getSkuDetails is facing the problem I am facing in this implementation The front is that if Canadian users

searching for right ip address in an array of strings - java android -

I'm new to Android Java programming. I'm trying to write an app again. I had an edit text that was matched by the "," IP prefixes matched. Like "10.15,10.31,10.42" Private Zero MDConnect () {string str = getIpAddress (); String [] arrayoffstring = edittext.gettext (). ToString () the division (","); J = 0 while (j & lt; arrayOfString.length) {if (str.substring (0, arrayOfString [j]) length (). Equals (arrayOfString [j])) {addMessage ("Success! Your IP address "+ Str); } Else {j ++;}} addMessage ("retry") // This is the process where the process will start. Disconnect and then connect to get the latest new IP address) My target-> getIpAdd-> check if it matches the list-> If yes, success message Add If not, then disconnect and reconnect. Hope someone can help me, please. thank you in advanced. Edit: The code is just checking the first string in the array. It's not going on looping or next string. W

Ruby OOP tic-tac-toe hash / conditional / itiration -

Trying to make a classic tic tac toe in ruby, but my game_results () < / Code> method I realize that this is not really complete and requires some more functionality, but now im just filling my board with the input items from the user and filled the board and the winner Trying to output. When I can see on my board that we have a winner, then I call for the code game_results () and it gives me the right winner, but whenever If there is a tie game, then I get an error Anyone have any ideas or solutions for what I am doing wrong with the operators? BTW I know that this is all very wrong, but I'm starting a new one. #require "pry" class game attr_reader: turn def initialize @turn = 1 @board = {a1: "", a2: "A3: A3: b3: b1: B, B2: "B2:", B3: "", C1: "", C2: "", C3: ""} and #def start_game #x = # X.player_symbol #x.player_turn # X.check_game # end def intro puts in "Temporary Tic

ios - How to check if my Qualcomm gimbal beacon is working or not? -

I have currently purchased a Qualcomm gimbal beacon device but when I purchased the Gimbal developer site When the device is added, it indicates that the firmware and battery level are unknown . I do not know if my device has been added and I do not even know how to detect my gimbal beacon through my iOS app. Any help would be great thanks in advance. If your gimbalos show unknown values ​​for beacon firmware and battery listed under the developer account level That your phone is not communicating with beacons I suspect that the way it is being created is configured with the Gimbal SDK or the sample app was not setup to work with your gimbal developer account. Once everything is properly configured, then your phone comes in the proximity of Gumble Beacon, it will take everything about that beacon and then send it to Gimbal's backend service. . The end result will be the exact position of the firmware and battery levels in your Gimbal Developer account. I recomme

perl - wikiprep syntax error: Use of the encoding pragma is deprecated -

I use wikiprep dump (in February 2014) to parse () and a XXX.hgw.xml file Trying to generate the dump. I followed the usage on the Github site above: All prel modules installed prerequisites; Successfully install and install wiki (the wipripprint program appears in perl5 / bin directory) when I execute on wikiprep , it says: encoding of pragma Has been removed on the experiment / home / tutran / perl5 / bin / wikiprep line 32. pragma of use encoding /home/tutran/perl5/lib/perl5/Wikiprep/ / home / tutran / perl5 / lib on line 9 /perl5/Wikiprep/ line 7. Has been deleted on syntax error; "- & quot; Import qw / extractWikiLinks /" has failed to compile at / home / tutran / perl5 / bin / wiki Prep line 52. Initially, it is required - compile / home / tutran / perl5 / bin / wikiprep line 52. This row 9 : Wikiprint :: Link-> Import qw / extractWikiLinks /; Expected Output: Options I can use with Wikipap I can not even test for the pro

MATLAB Using fzero - returns error -

I am trying to use the MATLAB function fzero but my program is an error Reverting message. This is my code (made up of two M-files): friction_zero.m function fric_zero = friction_zero (Reynold) fric_zero = 0.25 * Power (log 10 ( 5.74 / (power(reynolds,0.9)))-2-2); flow.m function F = flow (fric) f = 1 / (sqrt (fric) - 1.873 * log10 (Reynolds * sqrt ( Fric) - 233 / ((Reynolds * sqrt (Fric)) ^ 0,9) -0,2361; F_initial = friction_zero (power (10.4)); Z = fzero (@flow, f_initial) return the target z as the root for the equation specified by f flow.m is run. I believe that I have the right syntax because I have spent two hours watching the examples. What happens is that it returns the following error message: "undefined function or variable 'fric'." (Of course, this is undefined, those variables I am trying to solve!) Can anyone tell me what I have done? Thanks Edit Thanks for all those who helped! After all, you have helped me to fin

Rendering Problems: Android Studio -

I've downloaded Android studio now, and when I try an AndroidWorld project and make it, then say it Are: Exception took place during rendering: Android Support.wearable.view.WatchViewStub.requestApplyInsets () ". I do not know what it means or how I go about fixing. It was estimated only SDK. I have it: android {compileSdkVersion 20 buildToolsVersion "20.0.0" default config {applicationId "com.example.helloworld.myapplication" minSdkVersion 20 targetSdkVersion 20 versionCode 1 versionName "1.0"} buildTypes {Release {runProguard false proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile ('proguard-android.txt'), ''}}} Dependency {compile fileTree (dir: 'libs', include: ['* .jar']) ' Clothing: +' compile 'with M. play-services-wearable: + '} And this is the error: If anyone has any ideas then I would be most grateful! Thanks Ed

php - Select box validation (in laravel) -

I have a text that includes text input and selection box. I was trying to apply Laravel validation. I now want to retain user input values ​​if the verification does not succeed. I'm able to get it on the input box, but not on the selection box. This is my code {{form :: select ('vehicles_year'), how the first selected value (in the selection box) will show. $ Model year, '-1', ['id' = & gt; 'Vehicles_year'])}} & lt; Span class = "help-block" id = "vehicles_year_error" & gt; @if ($ errors-> ('vehicles_year')) {{$ errors- & gt; First ('vehicles_year')}} @endif & lt; / Span & gt; -1 I am the default value key when I am showing the form load. What I do is that I add the "default" option which is "nothing" Is set to. In the validity rules, I say this value is necessary. If the user does not choose any of the other options, the verification fails. $ op

c# - Windows Service Exception Handling and Timers -

I have a problem with System.Timers.Timer does not throw any exceptions in this here: My code is here: < / P> Private Timer Mitimer {Receive; Set; } Public MyService () {InitializeComponent (); AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException + currentDomain_UnhandledException; MyTimer = New Timer (10 * 1000); MyTimer.Elapsed + = MyTimer_Elapsed; } Safe Override Zero Onstart (string [] args) {MyTimer.Enabled = true; } Private Zero CurrentDomain_UnhandledException (Object Sender, UnhandledExceptionEventArgs e) {if Event! LoggerLock.Com } EventLog.WriteEntry (EVENTLOGSOURCE, "UnhandledException \ r \ n" + e.ExceptionObject, EventLogEntryType.Error); EventLog.WriteEntry (EVENTLOGSOURCE, "Unlocked Expressionergart.Etestimating:" + E.I.S.Termitting, Event LogENTER TypeError); If (EITTETING) {this.ExitCode = 100; //this.Stop (); }} Private Zero MyTimer_Elapsed (Object Sender, ElapsedEventArgs e) {MyTimer.Enabled = false; CurrentDomain_UnhandledException (AppDomain.C

html - How to use ng-show and ng-hide with buttons in AngularJS -

I have two buttons start and stop, when I click on the Start button, I can show the stop button and When I click on the Stop button, I should hide hidden, I want to show the start button and hide the stop button. Only one button should be shown at any one time. What I have tried here, but it does not seem to work. Where am I going? & lt; Span ng-hide = "Model.StartEvent == true" & gt; & Lt; Button ng-click = "Model.StartEvent ()" id = "btnEventStart" & gt; Start & lt; / Button & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; Span ng-show = "Model.StopEvent == false" & gt; & Lt; Button ng-click = "Model.StopEvent ()" id = "btnStopEvent" class = "tooltip" & gt; Stop & lt; / Button & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; You should use the same variable for both ... & lt; Button ng-click = "Model.toggleShow (); Model.StartEvent ()" ng-show = "Model.showSt

single page application - Routing in AngularJS is not working. '.config' keyword is not identified -

I used routing in AngularJS in one of the applications. This is working fine and is highlighted by .config webstorm as it is capable of identifying the command / keyword as shown below It is shown as 'non-executed operation store' But when I tried to use the same .config < / Code> In another project, it is not working and I have examined the required libraries and every other step many times but there can be no difference except this .config and in other project Did not recognize. In another project, it has been shown: 'Unsoluted Function or Method Config' What are the possible reasons?

TokuMX 1.4 -> 1.5 data migration -

I have copied all TokuMX 1.4 data files to a freshly installed TokuMX 1.5 server, but fails to launch the server Is: Fri Aug 1 09: 51: 04.633 [initandlisten] TokuMX start: PID = 42210 port = 27017 dbpath = / data / db 64-bit host = beagle.massive Fri Aug 1 09: 51: 04.633 [initandlisten] Tokimx mongode server v1.5.0 -mongodb-2.4.4, 10 tokukwere RE 479eed747982601fa52e4c4e4b9b4be18f58d3c1 using Friday 19:51: 04.633 [initandlisten] git no Version: 3c686d0b09d6dfb9fd54da440247d3075fcfd0ac Friday 19: 51: 04.633 [initandlisten] Build Info: Linux a5f9a8a9a9af 3.11.0-20-Generic # 35 Ubuntu SMP Fri 2 May 21:32:49 UTC 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU / Linux BOOST_LIB_VERSION = 1_49 Fri August 1 09: 51: 04.633 [initandlisten] Option: {config: "/etc/mongodb.conf", dbpath: "/ data / database", logFlushPeriod: 300, logappend: "true", logpath: "/ var / Log / mongodb / mongodb.log ", maxConns: 20000} Fri Aug 1 09: 51: 04.634 [initandlisten] [t

c - Can I initialize an array of array with all 0s? -

मेरे पास यह है: uint8_t buf [X] [Y]; मैं सभी तत्वों को 0 से प्रारंभ करना चाहूंगा। यह चाल करेगा: uint8_t buf [X] [Y] = {0}; ? यानी यह सभी X * Y तत्वों को 0 से प्रारंभ करेगा? हाँ यदि आपके पास प्रारंभकर्ता ( {...} ) है, तो स्पष्ट रूप से प्रारंभ नहीं किए गए सभी तत्व शून्य पर आरंभ किए जाएंगे। संपादित करें: हटाए गए भाग जो सी का उपयोग करते समय सही नहीं है

c - struct variable initialization -

I tried to start the struct variable as the following: struct abc {Char str [10]; }; Int main () {struct ABC s1; S1.str = "Hello", // error} I can understand this behavior because it is the same four letters [10]; Str = "Hello", // Incompatible type but see the following initialization struct ABC s1 = {"hello"}; // This fine structure ABC s2 = {. Str = "hello"}; // It is also OK I remember in my undergraduate level studies, I have read many text books, which states that these two initiatives are the same thing (i.e. Using the {} marking using the initial string is the same thing and clearly (.) Operator is the same thing). But the above discussion proves that they are not equal. My question is, what is the difference between these initials? The difference is, these two lines Struct ABC s1 = {"hello"}; // This fine structure ABC s2 = {. Str = "hello"}; // It is also OK initialization , while

Existing methods to emulate C# concept of deferred IEnumerable<T> in C++? -

I'm looking to implement something similar to the deferred IEnumerable concept in C ++, but without template implementation . (My question is very similar, breaking the deal, leaving the templates.) In our code, we have several functions that query a query, and the results passed std :: vector & Store in amp. ;; Often these functions are called lower-level versions that filter themselves and combine with other sets. Sometimes they will create local vectors (with different temporary allocations) to call lower-level functions, then after filtering the collar vector, push_back will not be normal functions, either in words or in spirit. I am trying to eliminate copies and allocos, and result container is also needed. Plus when I'm doing this, I want to give it a short circuit capability. There is a clear requirement of the suspended action here. In C #, it will be easy. Everything yields in an IEnumerable, and where () operators etc, use all deferred. I know how to

java - How to stop executing code after setVisible of JWindow until it is closed? -

उदाहरण के लिए, मेरे पास कोड है: सार्वजनिक स्थिर शून्य मुख्य (स्ट्रिंग [] आर्ग्स) {JWindow w = नया JWindow (); Wsetset (100, 100); w.setVisible (सही); // खिड़की बंद होने के बाद कुछ कोड निष्पादित होने की आवश्यकता है, उदाहरण System.out.println ("विंडो बंद होने के बाद कुछ कोड निष्पादित करने की आवश्यकता है"); } मुझे लगता है कि कोड को w.setVisible (true) पर रोकना है; जब तक विंडो बंद नहीं होती है / सेट अप (गलत), तब सिस्टम निष्पादित करें। आप आप विंडो को ओवरराइड कर सकते हैं () विधि सार्वजनिक शून्य विंडो बंद करना (विंडोईवर्त ई) {System.out.println ( "विंडो बंद"); } या windowClosed () सार्वजनिक शून्य खिड़की बंद (WindowEvent ई) {System.out.println ("विंडो बंद"); } आप जो कर रहे हैं उसके आधार पर, सेट विजिबल (सच्चे) उदाहरण के लिए आपके कन्स्ट्रक्टर में स्क्रीन कैप्चर शुरू होने के ठीक बाद, और फिर स्क्रीन कैप्चर को बता देना चाहिए आपसे यह प्रक्रिया पूरी की जाती है ताकि आप अपने दूसरे कोड निष्पादन के लिए आगे बढ़ सकें। कोड निष्पादन को रोकने क

Floating point evaluation order in C -

I am using Code :: Blocks 10.05 on Windows 7. I have compiled the following program, contains #lt; Stdio.h & gt; Int main () {float f = 1.5; Printf ("% f \ n", (f1) * 1/2); Return 0; } The output was 0.250000 . I understand this as follows, Since f is a float (f-1) 0.500000 and full expression floating Point has been upgraded to arithmetic and therefore it is also considered as float to get 1/2 to 0.500000 and hence the result. In addition to the following statement, float F = 1.5; Printf ("% f \ n", 1/2 * (f -1)); gave the answer as 0.000000 expression here 1/2 divided the integer here (f-1) was evaluated for the first and full expression upgrade to floating point arithmetic. Here again I thought that since the Polish notation, * / 1 2 - f1 the first operation of the division And therefore the result is. Am I right about this assumption? Finally, the following statement rejects all arguments; float f = 1.5; Pr

wordpress - Generating two html tables with titles in first table cell of each row in PHP -

I would like some advice on how to generate two different comparison tables from the same set of data returned from mysql. First one needs only one line as shown below. The second table is difficult for me, I want titles (brand, country, special functions, etc.) in the first cell of each line, and I use many predecessors to get results, but I It seems that there should be a better way of doing this. Do you have a better suggestion on my code? $ first table: & lt; Table & gt; & Lt; Thead & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; Th & gt; & Lt; / Th & gt; & Lt; Th & gt; Product 1 & lt; / Th & gt; & Lt; Th & gt; Product 2 & lt; / Th & gt; & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt; / Thead & gt; & Lt; Tbody & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; Th & gt; & Lt; / Th & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; 10 & lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; 1 & lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt; /

How to show 'git blame' in Visual Studio 2013? -

With Git Integration, in Visual Studio 2013 Update 2, is there a way to show in an editor that Modifies? (Like git blame command?) TFS (and does so ) Instead of "defect", the word "Anootate" uses, when you open the file, click on the editor to the right, then click on Source Control , Anatet Please. I'm sure there are other ways to do this, from the menu, Toolbar, Solution Explorer, etc. - Problems binding a windows forms datetimepicker to an entity framework object -

I am currently trying to load data from an Oracle 11g database table into my VB.Net application and it I'm displaying in a Windows Form. In that form, I have a textbox and a datetime picture . Fall name is an object in the form, in return for which a database structure of my database table b_stc_fall is represented. I have composed the text box like this: Add txtTopic.DataBindings (txtTopic.Text, Fall.B_STC_FALL, FALL.B_STC_FALL.TOPIC) It works as planed. Now I try to bind the datatmapiker: DTPTTARTDATE. (DtpTertDet Value, Fall.B_STC_FALL, Fall.B_STC_FALL.STARTDATE) B_STC_FALL.Startdate is a # 7/20/2014 4:47:00 PM # It compiles without problems, but if I run the program, then the following ArgumentException (the original message is German, me Hope that translation is accurate) is thrown out: Property 01.08.2014 10:13:24 Target can not be compelled for control < P> 01.08.2014 ... search for date The mind format is # 8/1/

normal bars positioning on d3.js bar chart -

I try to create a chart based on the 2D data array (I initially want to use the 2D array, hence there is a function "merging AR" using D.JS, which merges them is). Here's the code: .bar {fill: steelblue; } .bar: hover {fill: brown; } Var arr1 = [399200,100000, 352108, 600150, 39000, 17005, 4278]; Var arr2 = [839, 14 9, 146, 200, 200, 121, 63]; Function merge AR (array 1, array 2) {var i, out = []; / Literal new array {out.push ([array1 [i], array2 [i]]) for // (i = 0; i & lt; array1.length; i ++); } Exit; } Var data = Merge AR (arr1, arr2); Margin = {top: 20, right: 20, bottom: 30, on the left: 40}, width = 960 - margin. Left - margin. Right, height = 500 - margin.Top - margin.bottom; Var x = d3.scale.linear () .domain ([0, d3.max (data, function (d) {return d [0];})) .ange ([0, width]); Var y = d3.scale.linear () .domain ([0, d3.max (data, function (d) {return d [1];})) .ange ([height, 0]); Var xAxis = d3.svg.axis () .scale (x) .orient ("bottom"); Var yA

c# - Visual Studio Addin - automated right mouse click -

Is there any way that I can press my adicin right mouse button and then choose an option from the opened context menu ? Something like this: _applicationObject.Windows.Item (EnvDTE.Constants.vsWindowKindSolutionExplorer). Activate (); _applicationObject.ToolWindows.SolutionExplorer.GetItem (ProjectName) .Select (vsUISelectionType.vsUISelectionTypeSelect); _applicationObject.ExecuteCommand ("press right mouse button"); _applicationObject.ExecuteCommand ("Click to XP option from the content menu"); Followers @ Adriano Repetti advice and find out < Code> _applicationObject.ExecuteCommand ("ClassViewContextMenus.ClassViewProject.Rebuild");

c# - Sort elements in StackPanel alphabetically? -

I have a stackpanel in the grid and this displays a dynamic form generated by the button, I want to know How the XML code & lt; Stackpaneel grid Column = "0" name = "areastack panel" orientation = "vertical" background = "Template" & gt; & Lt; / StackPanel & gt; & Lt; Stackpaneel grid Column = "1" orientation = "horizontal" background = "beige" & gt; & Lt; Groupbox name = "statusgroupbox" header = "work item" width = "234" & gt; & Lt; StackPanel name = "Status StackPanel" & gt; & Lt; / Stackpanyel & gt; & Lt; / GroupBox & gt; & Lt; / StackPanel & gt; C # code Private zero loadexing array () {list & lt; String & gt; Collection = reporter Gate Coalitions (); Strings Unique = ""; Foreign exchange (archive collection in archive) {string fieldName = path.get filename (collection); If (uniq

c# - two dropdowns' selection javascript -

I have a fully hidden dropdown and filter textbox flag which works entirely except if the option is already selected list In the section, then you have the idea to filter by hidden and look in the visible dropdown list, then choose from the visible and it goes to the selected list. This part works until I add another to the loop and flag, which is already in the selected list option, then leave it on the filter and it does not appear in the view list which does not work. If I have "FROM problem: FRENZEN is full of infinite as a list of browser and sequence. function SearchList () {Var listHidden = Document.getElementById ('& lt;% = ddlStudentHidden.ClientID%' gt; '); Var list visible = document.getElementById (' & lt;% = ddlStudents.ClientID% & gt; '); Var list selected = document GetElementById ('& lt;% = ddl selected. Client ID% & gt;'); var txtFind = document.getElementById ('' <% = txtFind.ClientID%>;); $

How to start OSGi bundle in different port in karaf with jetty -

I have several OSGI bundles and want to make those bundles separate from the port. Basically the bundles have REST API and I would like to run the APIs in different ports. In my REST API bundle jar, there are jacksers: server configuration. & lt; Jaxrs: server id = "services" address = "/ logger" & gt; & Lt; / Jaxrs: server & gt; I can start several connectors with the configuration below. & lt; Call name = "add connector" & gt; & Lt; Arg & gt; & Lt; New orbit = "org.eclipse.jetty.server.nio.SelectChannelConnector" & gt; & Lt; Set name = "host" & gt; & Lt; Property Name = "Jetty Host" /> & Lt; / Set & gt; & Lt; Set name = "port" & gt; & Lt; Property Name = "Jettie.port" default = "8282" /> & Lt; / Set & gt; & Lt; Set name = "max idle time" & gt; 300000 & lt; / Set & gt

Android EditText- maxLength -

I know that I android: maxLength = "10". But can I also set the maximum length, once the whole editing text is filled with text, then the user can not now type anything? Something like this: | _________________________ | & Lt; - Empty Editing Text | Text text text _________ | & Lt; - Users can still type in the text. Texttexttexttexttexttextt Edit: In other words : I do not want it to be limited to only 10 characters but I I want to limit so that once the whole editing text is filled (depending on the screen size), users can not type in the stuff. use it yourEditText.addTextChangedListener (new textvotter () {@Override public) Text before zero is changed (after integer, int counting, int) {// Todo auto generated method stub} @TextChanged (rounds, s, int, int, int count) on public null To override {// TODO auto generated method stub (if your edit text .gettext (). ToString (). Length ()> gt; = 10) {yourEditText.setEnable (false)}} @Over

css - Asset font is not loaded in android webView -

I am developing an Android activity that is loading an HTML file in a webline although it ACCT is not loading fonts in some phones eg. 4.4 or 4.1 HTC Desire or Sony Xperia Z with Android I want to know whether I'm missing something or it just depends on the phone which I'm testing my app. Private zero loadtovers (strings) {try {pageWebView} LoadDataWithBaseURL ("file: /// android_asset /", s, "text / html", "utf-8", tap); ConfigureWebView (pageWebView); } Hold (exception e) {e.printStackTrace (); }} Here's the html header: & Lt; Style type = "text / css" & gt; @ Font-faces {font-family: 'Persian'; Src: url ('file: ///android_asset/fonts/b_yekan.ttf'); } @ Font-face {font-family: 'Persian 2'; Src: url ('file: ///android_asset/fonts/b_homa.ttf'); } @ Font-faces {font-family: 'PersianTitle'; Src: url ('file: ///android_asset/fonts/b_titr.ttf')}} body {font-family: &#

css - change opacity of one div by hovering over another div -

I have a problem I have created a custom HTML 5 soundcloud player and I have a playlist with images I hover over the image I want to display the title of the image. For example I made a simple JSField: Opacity at this time only changes when I type title DIV But when I should be on the image div then it should be changed, I know it is possible with javascript, but I want to use javascript for that, or is there any way to do this with CSS? My HTML: Use: hover pseudo selector . Songs , but then change the target .songtitles and its opacity: .songs: hover .songtitles {opacity: 1; }

salesforce - How to find the repository tab in developer console of Sales force -

How to get the repository tab in the sales force's Developer Console, I'm using 14 Developer Edition in SalesBall summer. Anybody help please, I am a new bee for sales force. "New File menu option You can create resources from previous versions and use the Repository tab . File> Open Resource

android - Invisible EditText on ListView -

I have a ListView that originally has some TextViews on it. If a list is clicked, I change the visibility of TextViews to Gone, and the visibility of an editing tab changes to Visible. After this I want to focus on the editing text and show the keyboard. But if the keyboard comes up, the list view will be rebuilt, and the text widgets will again be visited, and the editing text will be found. I tried to show the keyboard in getView () , but the list would be re-created several times. How can I show keyboard, should not this list be reproduced? When the keyboard is displayed then the port changed callback is received in on-size switch ( Int w, int h, int oldw, int oldh) method and you can try setFocasable items (true);

querying deeper json objects in URL -

हम कहते हैं कि हमारे पास यह जेसन ऑब्जेक्ट है: {content: [[propertyOne: someProperty , PropertyTwo: एक और प्रॉपर्टी, प्रॉपर्टीट्री: प्रॉपर्टी, प्रॉपर्टीफोर: {सबप्रोपेर्टी एक: कुछ साइटप्रॉपर्टी, उपप्रॉपर्टीटीओ: एक अन्यसबप्रॉपर्टी}, {प्रॉपर्टीऑन: कुछ प्रॉपर्टी, प्रॉपर्टीटू: एक अन्य प्रॉपर्टी, प्रॉपर्टीट्री: प्रॉपर्टी, प्रॉपर्टीफोर: {उपप्रॉपर्टी एक: कुछ साइटप्रॉपर्टी, उपप्रॉपर्टीटीओ: एक अन्य एसबप्रॉपर्टी}, {propertyOne: someProperty , प्रॉपर्टी: दो: एक और प्रॉपर्टी, प्रॉपर्टीट्री: प्रॉपर्टी, प्रॉपर्टीफोर: {सबप्रोपेर्टी ओन: कुछ एसबप्रॉपर्टी, उपप्रॉपर्टीटीओ: एक अन्य एसबप्रॉपर्टी}]} मानो मेरे यूआरएल में मैं इस तरह से क्वेरी कर सकता हूँ: localhost: port / कुछ? प्रॉपर्टीऑन = ब्लाह मैं संपत्ति के लिए ऐसा कर सकता हूं दो आदि। लेकिन यह उप गुणों के लिए काम नहीं करता है यह क्यों है? मैं इस तरह कुछ कैसे कर सकता स्थानीयहोस्ट: बंदर / कुछ? उपप्रॉपर्टी ओन = "ब्लाह" ??

Unable to change background color using jquery -

I have a table in which I have numeric boxes, and some of them have a value of 0 if the preload is already done. I want to change the background color of those boxes in which the value of 0 when the page is loaded. Below the code I am using, but this is not working for me, please suggest. if ($ ('tr td'). Children ('input'). Val () == 0) $ (this). CSS ('background-color', '#CCCCC'); Here you go (using jquery version 1.11): ($ (This) .text () === '0') {$ (this) .css ('background-color', 'black');}}); Examples of working:

c++ - LLVM Basic Program : Linker Error -

I'm just starting with llvm Here I am trying to compile the code: #include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; # Include "llvm / IR / LLVMContext.h" #included "llvm / IR / Module.h" # included "llvm / IR / IRBuilder.h" int main () {llvm :: LLVMCXX & amp; Context = llvm :: getGlobalContext (); Llvm :: module * module = new llvm :: module ("top", reference); LLVM :: IRBuilder & lt; & Gt; Builder (reference); Module-> dump (); } When I compile with: LLVM-G ++ try.cpp -D__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS -D__STDC_LIMIT_MACROS `LLVM-config --cxxflags --ldflags --libs ` I get a.out file. No worries However, I am interested in getting the LLVM IR file.So, I compiled with LLVM-G ++ try.cpp -D__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS -D__STDC_LIMIT_MACROS -S - Throw-LLVM lli try.s I get an error saying LLVM error: External function used for program '_ZN4llvm16getGlobalContextEv' Which can not be solved! Order: LLVM-G ++ try.cpp -D__S

php - Make Sublime Text Laravel Generator Work -

I have just established my LAMP environment for development and have installed the Liberal Generator plugin for sublay text. But whenever I try to make a scene, I get this error at the bottom of the Sublime Text Editor. Fatal error: Interface 'JsonSerializable' /opt/lampp/htdocs/laravel/bootstrap/compiled.php Line 6131 not found [end in 0.0s] I am new to Ubuntu (14.04). I tried to install php5-json but still does not work.

wpf - How to force Grid to shrink an auto sized row that contains ScrollViewer (when needed)? -

I am new to WPF I want to make this simple layout and I can not do this I want to draw it for you: < / P> Always have a blue text right below the green element, but when there is not enough space, the green element should be placed inside a scroll container (visible with vertical scrollbar). I tried stackpayel and grid and both failed stackpayels did not reduce all rows. The grid does the same, if the height of the top width is set to "Auto" (its scrollbar is not visible inside scroll bar). If it is set to a star, the blue text is transferred to at least half the space (depending on the height of the line setting below) the height of the lower line can be either an "auto" or a star That is set to the top of a blue with vertical alignment, but the height of the row should be kept at least as large as text. Of course the entire area (black box) can not be extended with its content - it is determined by the size of the window. If you know how to wor