TokuMX 1.4 -> 1.5 data migration -

I have copied all TokuMX 1.4 data files to a freshly installed TokuMX 1.5 server, but fails to launch the server Is:

  Fri Aug 1 09: 51: 04.633 [initandlisten] TokuMX start: PID = 42210 port = 27017 dbpath = / data / db 64-bit host = beagle.massive Fri Aug 1 09: 51: 04.633 [initandlisten] Tokimx mongode server v1.5.0 -mongodb-2.4.4, 10 tokukwere RE 479eed747982601fa52e4c4e4b9b4be18f58d3c1 using Friday 19:51: 04.633 [initandlisten] git no Version: 3c686d0b09d6dfb9fd54da440247d3075fcfd0ac Friday 19: 51: 04.633 [initandlisten] Build Info: Linux a5f9a8a9a9af 3.11.0-20-Generic # 35 Ubuntu SMP Fri 2 May 21:32:49 UTC 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU / Linux BOOST_LIB_VERSION = 1_49 Fri August 1 09: 51: 04.633 [initandlisten] Option: {config: "/etc/mongodb.conf", dbpath: "/ data / database", logFlushPeriod: 300, logappend: "true", logpath: "/ var / Log / mongodb / mongodb.log ", maxConns: 20000} Fri Aug 1 09: 51: 04.634 [initandlisten] [tokumx] sta Rtup TokuDB version 25 can not upgrade the database. Fri Aug 1 09: 51: 04.661 [initandlisten] Assertion: 16,767: ydb error without verb: -100011 0xb3b123 0x80c91b 0x8061f0 0x8069df 0x8071fc 0x749e7a 0x74a558 0x735caa 0x7f5a97b5ceed 0x746e79 / usr / local / bin / mongod (_ZN5mongo15printStackTraceERSo + 0x23) [0xb3b123] ] / usr / local / bin / mongod (_ZN5mongo7storage21MsgAssertionExceptionC2EiRKSs + 0x9b) [0x80c91b] / usr / local / bin / mongod (_ZN5mongo7storage16handle_ydb_errorEi + 0x390) [0x8061f0] / usr / local / bin / mongod (_ZN5mongo7storage22handle_ydb_error_fatalEi + 0xf) [0x8069df] / Usr / local / bin / mongod (_ZN5mongo7storage7startupEPNS_16TxnCompleteHooksEPNS0_14UpdateCallbackE + 0x5bc) [0x8071fc] / usr / local / bin / mongod (_ZN5mongo14_initAndListenEi + 0x34a) [0x749e7a] / usr / local / bin / mongod (_ZN5mongo13initAndListenEi + 0x18) [0x74a558] / usr / local / bin / mongod (main + 0x29a) [0x735caa] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f5a97b5ceed] / usr / local / bin / Mongod (0x746e79) Fri Aug 09:51: 04.670 [initandlisten] Fatal error 16767: Uncontrolled ydb Error: -100011 Fri Aug 19: 51: 04.670 [initandlisten] 16767 obsolete ydb Error: -100011 Venus 1 August 09: 51: 04.670 [initandlisten] deadly expiration 16767 0xb3b123 0x9e654c 0x806bc6 0x8071fc 0x749e7a 0x74a558 0x735caa 0x7f5a97b5ceed 0x746e79 / usr / local / bin / Mongol (_ZN5mongo15printStackTraceERSo + 0x23) [0xb3b123] / usr / local / bin / mongod (_ZN5mongo13fassertFailedEi + 0x4c) [0x9e654c] / Usr / local / bin / mongod (_ZN5mongo7storage22handle_ydb_ Error_fatalEi + 0x1f6) [0x806bc6] / usr / local / bin / mongod (_ZN5mongo7storage7startupEPNS_16TxnCompleteHooksEPNS0_14UpdateCallbackE + 0x580cc) / 0/0/80 / FAD / USR / Local / Bin / Mongode (_ZN5mongo14_initAndListenEi + 0x34a) [0x749e7a] / usr / local / bin / Mongol (_ZN5mongo13initAndListenEi + 0x18) [0x74a558] / usr / local / bin / mongod (Main + 0x29a) [0x735caa] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f5a97b5ceed] / usr / Local / bin / mongod [0x746e79] () Fri Aug 1 09: 51: 04.677 [initandlisten]  

Migration path 1.4 -> 1.5 About any point here And how to deal with it above error?

Cheerio, Chris


log file As the "Tokugi version 25 database can not be upgraded, the previous inappropriate shutdown is detected."

TCMX is closed until you are using it from the earlier version Was removed from.

The TokuMX does not support the upgrade (i.e. the file format has changed).

You need to close your 1.4 server, then copy or re-use the data files with 1.5.


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