vb.net - Problems binding a windows forms datetimepicker to an entity framework object -

I am currently trying to load data from an Oracle 11g database table into my VB.Net application and it I'm displaying in a Windows Form.

In that form, I have a textbox and a datetime picture . Fall name is an object in the form, in return for which a database structure of my database table b_stc_fall is represented.

I have composed the text box like this:

  Add txtTopic.DataBindings (txtTopic.Text, Fall.B_STC_FALL, FALL.B_STC_FALL.TOPIC)  

It works as planed.

Now I try to bind the datatmapiker:

  DTPTTARTDATE. Databindings.ad (DtpTertDet Value, Fall.B_STC_FALL, Fall.B_STC_FALL.STARTDATE)  

B_STC_FALL.Startdate is a # 7/20/2014 4:47:00 PM #

It compiles without problems, but if I run the program, then the following ArgumentException (the original message is German, me Hope that translation is accurate) is thrown out:

  Property 01.08.2014 10:13:24 Target can not be compelled for control  
< P> 01.08.2014 ... search for date The mind format is # 8/1/2014 10:13:24 AM # , which is << contained in the code> DTSStartDate.Value

Do you give me this hint Why can not it force?


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