
Showing posts from February, 2014

maven - Flyway callback classpath -

I am using the FlyWay Maven plugin to perform my migration. I wrote a callback class to go to a resource directory and to run the function / process files. However some files are not found in the resource folders. I added function files in the folder src / main / resources / db / functions / . In my flyaway callback code, I call the following code, but I get a null url. url = ClassLoader.getSystemResource ("db / functions / mySQL.sql"); I also tried some variations of receiving system resources, such as adding some variations to more resources before adding classpath . The same code works if I have created a class with the main method using the Flyway Java API, it seems that there is a classloader problem in Maven. How can I do this? Two options. Option 1: Do not forget to compile to ensure that resources are available on the classpath Thread.currentThread ( ). GetContextClassLoader (). GetResourceAsStream () Option 2: Use a FileReade

forms - IEWebdriver: Cannot click on option element. Executing JavaScript click function returned an unexpected error -

I'm testing a web page with a large number of forms, the main form of the page and two sub-forms are specific sub -Forms are provided only when specific values ​​are selected in the main value. Recently, the page was rebuilt, thus sub-forms are not visible in the static page source. They are presented inclined and dynamically (most likely by java script, though not sure). Below is a code sample from my tests that work on Firefox and Chrome but fails on IE if {println (keyTypeInput.isDisplayed ()) (keyType. IsEmpty ()!); Select key type selected = new selection (keytype input); KeyTypeSelector.selectByVisibleText (KeyType); } Note: keyTypeInput is WebElement. keyTypeInput.isDisplayed () show the truth, but no call selectByIndex of keyTypeSelector, selectByVisibleText etc. throws the following error: 2014-07-31 21: 23: 34,119 [pool-3-thread - 1] Information caqctCustomTestListener Log - Log Listener: Folder =; Browser = INTER

dynamic - How can I verify that my AJAX crawling settings are working -

I fetch it as Google with this URL / Tried! And let me get the result And on the server log, I see Google With this url "/" "/" _escaped_fragment _ = " but if I fetch it as Google for this URL / I get a snapshot of my page's HTML. me / Why does not the HTML snapshot be found? Search-space for rent / Houston #! Because it has "#!" At the end That's because Google has changed the "Fetch as Google" I / June 2014. You need to rewrite your beautiful URL yourself, just like you did I was a little disappointed that Google has left this feature, but my Hashbang URL test Have found a good place and he is.

How to generate event handlers with loop in Javascript? -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: < / P> 5 जवाब उदाहरण के लिए, मेरे पास 10 एजेएक्स प्रतिक्रिया से उत्पन्न एक टैग: & lt; a href = "#" id = "b1" & gt; बी 1 & lt; / a & gt; & Lt; a href = "#" id = "b2" & gt; बी 2 & lt; / a & gt; & Lt; a href = "#" id = "b3" & gt; बी 3 & lt; / a & gt; & Lt; a href = "#" id = "b4" & gt; बी 4 & lt; / a & gt; & Lt; a href = "#" id = "b5" & gt; बी 5 & lt; / a & gt; & Lt; a href = "#" id = "b6" & gt; बी 6 & lt; / a & gt; & Lt; a href = "#" id = "b7" & gt; बी 7 & lt; / a & gt; & Lt; a href = "#" id = "b8" & gt; बी 8 & lt; / a & gt; & Lt; a href = "#" id = "b9" & gt; बी 9 & lt; / a & gt; & Lt; a href = "#" id

Java Filechooser showMultipleDiaglogue add files in order? -

Is there a way to select multiple files and are added to the order that you clicked? I know how many files are selected, but usually they add only in alphabetical order. No, the filechoser does not have this functionality by default (why does this happen?). You can take the source into the filechoser and add it to your own version, but it definitely looks like a corner, the case for me.

Dynamics AX 2012 Custom AIF document service read method returns empty array -

After following the basic steps of creating a custom document service with the AIF Document Service Wizard (), I will call it WCF Test Client Tested with, but reading () method returns nothing the reaction unit returns an empty array. I'm just trying to retrieve the rows from the table. I think I need to specify a value for EntityKeyList, but I'm not sure what this will be. Maybe read incorrectly. I deleted the generated objects and the AIF document service wizard on my query, including all CRUD methods available at this time. Then I tried the search method with the WCF Test client. I expanded QueryCriteria and provided a parameter of tap , then invited the request, which returned all the rows from my table!

SQL Server Sum rows with string value -

I have a dynamic SQL query that gives lines as string values ​​along the bottom; Numeric value EMP call 1 call 2 coal 3 coal 4 coal 5 ---------------------------- 1 4 4 3 3 3 A2 4 2 5 3 3 A3 SD 3 3 1 SD A 4 3 4 3 3 3 Now I have a new column which is col5 to col5 plus total Where the amount column needs to be made it should ignore string values ​​in line 3. There are no zero values ​​ How can I get it? Using the ISGLEERIC can be a solution, but I'm not sure how to use it in such a scenario. You can use an expression to determine the value is a number. If it is a number then either put an value for an INT or decimal data type, otherwise 0 uses so the amount does not affect. Select is the case when ISNUMERIC (col1) = 1 then cast (col1 as INT) and 0 end is the case when ISNUMERIC (col2) = 1 is then cast (INT) In col2) and 0 + is the case when ISNUMERIC (col3) = 1 is cast then (col3 as INT) and 0 end + case when ISLDERIC (col4) = 1 then cast (col4 as INT) and 0 end

makefile - How to Install Driver on Android box without using MAKE command? -

I'm trying to install a touch screen driver for an Android TV-box. When I connect to the ADB tool from the device, I can not use the 'make' command because 'not found' error though I have updated my Bizbox version, the problem has not been resolved. The manufacturer who bought me a touchscreen, files me a file (a.c file, a messfile file, aid file and a readme file, but I can not apply them to the device because there is no make command. The related part of the readme file is written below. "a.bontouchusb-st.c, please use the command line below: $ kernel_dir =" Your Linux kernel Directory "B." Bontouchusb-st.ko "to the Android file system / sis Copy in the TOM / LIB / MODULE directory. C. "Open boot" insmod /system/lib/modules/bontouchusb-st.ko Under the Android file system's init Add a line in .rc D Add an Android file system ueventd.rc: / dev / bontouch 0666 Line for root route E. If Android version> = 4.0,

android - StartActivity Not Firing -

नीचे दिए गए कोड को चलते समय, यह लाइन पर एक NullPointerException फेंकता है "PC_Settings_Manager.getInstance ()। GetSettings ()। IsTTSEnabled ( ); " PC_Settings_Manager उदाहरण शून्य नहीं है क्योंकि यह एक सिंगलटन है और इसे शुरूआत में शुरू किया गया है। रिक्त सेटिंग्स ऑब्जेक्ट है हालांकि, मैं स्वागत गतिविधि को शुरू करने के लिए प्रवाह पर गिनता हूं जहां उपयोगकर्ता को स्क्रीन पर सेटिंग्स स्क्रीन पर जाने और सेटिंग्स को बचाने के लिए मजबूर किया जाता है। उस समय सेटिंग्स ऑब्जेक्ट रिक्त नहीं है। इसके अलावा, जब मैं डिबग करता हूं तो डिबगर IFren स्टेटमेंट में जाता है लेकिन शुरूआतीकता नहीं आग लगती है ??? इसलिए जो काम कर रहा है, वह काम नहीं कर रहा है। साझा किए गए साझा किए गए संदर्भों = संदर्भ प्राप्त करें (पीसी_अनुप्रयोग। बूलियन है फर्स्टटाइम = साझा किए गए संदर्भ। गेट बूलियन (पीसी_एपीप्लिकेशन_Constants.FIRST_TIME_USAGE_KEY, सत्य); यदि (आईफ़्स्टटाइम) {आशय pC_Welcome_Activity_Intent = नए आशय (पीसी_ओगिन सक्रियता.इस, PC_Welcome_Activity.class); startActivity (pC_Welcome_Activity_Intent); } /

php - JSON Encoded data not accessible -

I have inquired data from the database using a model. echo $ user = user:: where row ('username' and 'password =?', Array ($ user name, $ password)) - & gt; get (); The output is in JSON format [{"id": 1, "name": "abhijit", "username": "now" , "Made_t": "2014-07-31 20:07:35", "updated_at": "2014-07-31 20:07:35"}] But when I Try to echo out a field, I get no indication error. resonance $ user-> Id; // gives an error in getting the pointer to say You will not see and agree to the structure habit of. In addition, you need the json_decode string. Then use print_r to see the structure: $ result = json_decode ($ user); $ Return result [0] - & gt; Id; or (PHP> = 5.4.0 I think): echo json_decode ($ user) [0] - & gt; Id;

c# - In-game web browser asset for Unity -

Is there a property created for Unity to implement the in-game web browser? If not, what would be the easiest way to implement such a facility? View the HTML Fiction Plugin: You can download from here:

c# - Getting two value from my dll -

Example of the Pittle class; {Public static int test (int [] array, int val 1, int well 2) {// I value my values ​​1 and 2 using my array}} This is my DLL is above then I want to call my DLL in my windows app below. Private Zero Button START_Click (Object Sender, EventAgds E) {int value1 = 0, value2 = 0; Example.Test (array, value1, value2); } My array is defined global, in my windows application, I want to call my DLL and want to calculate my new value1 and value2 in DLL, then I will change value1 and value2 which are in the window application with the new value1 and value2. I'm new to using dll. I 'Welcome 1;' Can I return a value to my DLL using But I do not know how I can get two values ​​from my DLL. Is anyone who knows the way? itemprop = "text"> try Public Static Ent Test (int [] array, Out int value 1, Out int value 2) Public Static Ent Test (int [] View the array, referee int value 1, ref input value 2)

makefile - make variables that depend on a target -

I have a variable which is dependent on the file that should be created before the variable set, Is the way for Parsable_file: dependencies parsable_file target = $ (shell parse_cmd parsable_file) $ (target) command to create: parsable_file command to target: .phony: all: $ (target) If I run $ parsable_file & amp; Amp; All this will work (I get an error that parse_cmd is not found parsable_file but it works), but not all just will work. What is the idiom for this? Set the variable to a file that you want to include in the main makefile and I believe that whatever you want will do it. Look for and add a rule to the main menu to make it (this is linked to the first section for more information on this concept. Also, unless It is possible to use the parseable_file not to be independent of that parse_cmd call, it is possible to create and parsing at the same time and only $ (targets) < The correct value for / code> should result in the correct value

how to check if there is content in multiple indexes of a list in one statement (python) -

I am creating a list consistent system for a text based RPG. The actual list is a list with 5 lists. For example, every item in my game can only go to specific slots of the inventory, for example, a sword can go into the first slot (rams only weapon) and two different slots. If the player decides to pick one item in the game and it is a sword, here is the code: inventory = [none] * 5 def PKwapite (Self): If self.Lot == 1: If the list is not [0]: list [0] = self.Name So I have seen that the sword slot is empty and Is available, but if it is not, then I have to check whether the index 3 or 4 is empty and available or not. So, if possible, I want to set the sword in the available index (put items in empty slots). Is it possible to do this? Thank you! You can use list estimation to create a list of available indices and then Select where the item can go. Here's an example: inventory = ['full', none, 'full', none, someone No]

javascript - make the image load as quickly as possible when user hovers over the image -

I know that sprites will fix this problem, is there any better way? Some browsers rotate the image until it is loaded. It is really worth note if the image is large or Traffic is slow. Ideally, you want to use the spirits image , and when you hover, you want to give them space. Pre-loaded images for dummy divisions like this - #temp {background- Image: url (/ images / image1 .png); Background-image: url (/images/image2.png); Background-image: url (/images/image3.png); }

html5 - Why won't Opera play this <audio> MP3 (but will play this OGG)? -

Both tracks play fine if delivered directly but only OGG & lt; Audio & gt; Player. Yay! audio control preload = "none" & gt; & Lt; Source src = "//" type = "audio / mpeg" /> & Lt; / Audio & gt; Bao! audio control preload = "none" & gt; & Lt; Source src = "//" type = "audio / og" /> & Lt; / Audio & gt; Because OG is an open format, but MP3 Will it be required to pay license fee to be loaded by patent and opera in the browser?

python - Should I use MySQL Lock Table or there exists better solution? -

I am working on a multi-processing application, and each process sometimes executes the following code: Code> db_cursor.execute ("Select from MAX (id)" for record in pd And I am facing the following problem: There can be a situation when two processes take the same maximum value, and both try to delete this value We do. Such a situation is not acceptable in the context of my application, each value should be taken only by one process (and removed) How can I get it? Is there a good way to lock the table while taking the maximum maximum or delete it altogether or do it? Thank you. Record with GET_LOCK () ; If you want to lock the lock, select the specific name for which you want to lock. Like 'prqueue_max_del' . Call SELECT GET_LOCK ('prqueue_max_del', 30) to lock the name to 'prqueue_max_del' . It will return 1 and set the lock if the name is available, or 0 if the lock is not available after 30 seconds (second parameter Timeo

include - Why does require('underscore') return undefined when executed at the node.js REPL? -

When I run a node in my console and requires var _ = ('underscore'); , _ is undefined finishes if I put the same code in a file and execute it, the underscores library is included as expected. $ node> Var _ = is required ('underscore'); & Gt; Console.log (_) undefined // underscore library does not load & gt; Var async = require ('async'); Undefined & gt; Console.log (async) // async library {noConflict: [function], next tick: [function], for hech: [function], ... & gt; But the same code in a .js file executed in the form of node test.js shows that both the libraries are loading as expected. What is happening? Adds the node rep to the value of _ with the value of the final evaluation input ; Which overwrites var_ = ... ... in your _ bindings. See also. It does not matter which varies ... , for example: $ node> Var _ = "no value"; Undefined & gt; _define

angularjs - Angular.js return scope property from modal -

In this Angular.js directive, I try to return ng-model = "commentBox" modalInstance.result.then (the function (result) {} on the controller but I do not think it seems to be emitting from the model with the resolution . Director: angular.module ('main.vips'). Instructions ('deleted buttons', function ($ modal) {var confirmModal = function TheScope) {return $ ({Template Temple: '... /confirm_modal.html', Area: The Scope, Resolution: {cbox: function () {return theScope.commen TBox;}}, backdrop: incorrect}}}} {templateUrl: return} Vips / directives / delete_button.html ', restrict: "AE", scope: {' iconAttribute ': "@",}, controller: function $ Scop e, $ element, $ attrs) {var modalInstance; $ Scope.cancel = function} {modalInstance.dismiss}} $ Scope.ok = function (strengthModel) {modalInstance.close (); ModalInstance.result .then (function (result) {console.log (results);}, function () {console.log

ruby on rails - NoMethodError in Home#index -

Please help me I'm not sure that I have a problem with route or plural, but this error occurs and Now do not know what to do, already many places were researched and nothing else. I started a mini tutorial and it works, login works so I want to use it again and create a to-do list. When I put a partial render, where I would like it to be in the fields to make a to-do list, then it happens: ActionView :: Template :: Error (Undefined method `model_name 'for NilClass: Category): 1: & lt;% = form_for (@todo_list) | F | & Gt%; 2: & lt;% if @todo_list.errors.any? & Gt%; 3: & lt; Div id = "error_explanation" & gt; 4: & lt; H2 & gt; & Lt;% = plural (@ todo_list.errors.count, "error")%> This todo_list was restricted from saving: & lt; / H2 & gt; Route: Match 'Dashboard' = & gt; 'Home # Dashboard' match 'register' = & gt; 'Registration # Register' Route: From = &

List all files changed in a pull request in Git/GitHub -

Is there any way (from the command line) to list the names of all the files, in the GIR / GITOB converted to PR has gone? The CI Build runs these commands before calling our script: GIT clone - Dipeth = 50 GIT: // जिथूब / जेके / जेकेले / Jakele / Jquil CD Jekyll / Jekyll Git Fetch Original + Riffs / Bridges / 2615 / Merge GIT Checkout - BFFETHHAD In general, you can edit the git diff --name-only : (edited based on the explanation.) Determine the problem 'merge base' here Seems to be If all branches are generated from the master, then you can do this: git --no-pager diff --name-only FETCH_HEAD $ (git merge-base FETCH_HEAD master) This will show you the changes between the point at which the FETCH_HEAD from Master to the existing FETCH_HEAD was given. I tested it locally, and PR branches have been cut from guru I believe this should work.

ffmpeg: specify sequence length when encoding MPEG2 video? -

I'm trying to encode some MPEG 2 videos and probably want to specify the video sequence size, GOP in terms of number of frames. Is this possible? -g From ffmpeg -h complete | Grep "Image Group" : -g> Int & gt; Set the group size (GOP) size (default 12)

Calling C code from server-side javascript/java in Xpages? -

I am trying to call some third-party C code from the X page in the IBM Domino. I have a button in which there is an EventHandler whose action creates a Java object and then tries to execute a method, which tries to load and run simple test C function (via JNA) in a DLL. . (It's running under Windows 7.) Here's the Java code: enhances the interface Clarbury StdCallLibrary {int hello (); } Public class MyHelloWorld {Public Zero Test Image (CLUBURN INSTANCE2 = (Cilabari) Native.loadLibrary ("Hello World", CLibrary.class); INSTANCE2.hello (); And here is the code: #include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; Int Hello () {printf ("Hello World! \ N"); } I have compiled the C code in DLL, and I have Dll has been imported as resource-> files designer. I have also put the jna.jar file in the ext directory on the server. When I try to run all this, I get a 500 error. There is a lot going on here, so I'm not sure what the problem is. The logfile does no

java - Hibernate deletes and reinserts the entire collection of components when I change one of the elements -

मेरे पास निम्न तालियां हैं: निम्नलिखित कक्षाएं: सार्वजनिक वर्ग अभिभावक {निजी इंट आईडी; निजी सेट & lt; बाल & gt; बच्चे; // गेटर्स और सेटर्स} पब्लिक क्लास चाइल्ड {निजी इंट आईडी; निजी स्ट्रिंग अट्र; // गेटर्स और सेटर्स सार्वजनिक एक्ट हैशोड () {return.getId (); } सार्वजनिक बूलियन बराबर (वस्तु obj) {वापसी obj उदाहरण के बच्चे & amp; This.getId () == ((बाल) obj) .getId (); }} और निम्न हाइबरनेट मानचित्रण: & lt; class name = "parent" table = "parent" & gt; & Lt; id name = "id" column = "id" / & gt; & Lt; सेट नाम = "बच्चों" तालिका = "बच्चे" & gt; & Lt; key column = "id_parent" / & gt; & Lt; संमिश्र-तत्व वर्ग = "बाल" & gt; & Lt; प्रॉपर्टी नाम = "id" column = "id" / & gt; & Lt; संपत्ति नाम = "एट्रि" कॉलम = "एट्रि" / & gt; & Lt; / समग्र तत्व & gt; & Lt; / सेट & gt; & Lt; / वर्ग

java - multiple copyspecs in a single copytask in gradle (nested copyspecs) -

I have an ear file containing root deployment (deployed configuration), leib deployment (earlibs configuration) and an additional custom usage The configuration that I want to put in the root of the ear in the utiljars folder I know that the first two configurations are automatically controlled by the ear function. How can I add an additional CopySpec to ears function (or to handle the third configuration I understand that the glimpses of any sarcopitus copy were wrong instead copyspecs in the existing side, they Hierachy exists in, as explained in the gradle User Guide. Thus the additional copy specs can be 'nested' within the root specification of the task. Unless otherwise specified, these nested specs are the heirs of guardian glasses: For example, in the following spec, in the original imagery, in a in , Exclude and to spec. to in device, nested is included spec. This device overwrites anything from the root device Does not, and the origina

android - What is the point of using titleTextStyle? -

What does it mean to use titleTextStyle? If you have a theme and you define the action, then there is no text style, and the color is already being applied in the action bar? Title- What is the benefit of defining textile properties? The two codes below generate the same results. What is the reason for using one on the other? The only thing I could imagine was probably the backdrop of the text? Could you have another background for text and another for the actual action bar? But there should be more reason to add text, assuming only one difference, the background will be easier to define a set of text attributes, so I do not know what I am missing, in all other positions there were problems with the help library and the general Thanksgiving ways to define styles by & lt; Style name = "windowTheme" guardian = "@ style / theme.applicpt" & gt; & Lt; Item name = "Android: Typeface" & gt; Serif & lt; / Item & gt; & Lt ;! - Act

c++ - How to keep a static array out of memory until first used -

I'm very new in C ++, so I'm confused to some extent how stable arrays work. I know in C # that the array is not kept in memory until it can be reached first which can be problematic if you want it to be immediately accessible. However, I am working on converting a perlin class to C ++ and I have to do more than one stable orange, of which only one runtime can be used during or during any of these realities In fact, this is not really a big memory issue because none of these will be more than 50kb, however, I want to know whether it is possible to ensure that the array is in memory then That is not loaded until I tell you not to. What is a way to ensure that a steady array defined in the source code is not loaded into memory? This is a very attractive thing (esp w / x64), but I would love to customize as much as possible. I hate memory which is not to be used. Or maybe static arrays are not the way to go - just the dynamic class objects wrapped arrays? I think the real

arrays - Repeating pattern in Javascript -

मैं नीचे परिणत पैटर्न कैसे दोहराएगा? BoxesFx.prototype._setTransforms = function () {This.transforms = {'effect-1': {'next': ['अनुवाद 3 डी (0,' + (जीत। हाइट / 2 + 10) + 'पीएक्स, 0)', 'अनुवाद 3 डी (-' + ('Win.width / 2 + 10) +' पीएक्स, 0, 0) ',' अनुवाद 3 डी ('+ (जीत। विथ / 2 + 10) +' पीएक्स, 0, 0) ',' अनुवाद 3 डी (0, - ' ('+ (जीत.उद्दा / 2 + 10) +' पीएक्स, 0, 0) ',' ',' पीएक्स, 0) ',', 'पिछला' अनुवाद 3 डी (0, '+ (जीत। हाइट / 2 + 10) +' पीएक्स, 0) ',' अनुवाद 3 डी (0, - '+ (जीत। हाइट / 2 + 10) +' पीएक्स, 0) ',' अनुवाद 3 डी (- (+ '(win.width / 2 + 10) +' px, 0, 0) ']}}} असल में, मैं करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं: < प्री> 'ट्रांसलेट 3 डी (0,' + (जीत। हाइट / 2 + 10) + 'पीएक्स, 0)', 'ट्रांसलेट 3 डी (-' + (जीत.विड्थ / 2 + 10) + 'पीएक्स, 0, 0) ', 'ट्रांसलेट 3 डी (' + (जीत। विथ / 2 + 10

c# - Group by date using datatable -

I have a problem while grouping my dataset, Here is the data, And I based on this time, Place I want to combine in the end time and duration. Date start time expiration duration Duration 23/07/2014 10:30 12:30 2 hours 00 min near the highway 24/07/2014 01:00 01:30 01:30 0 hours 30 minutes From Texas Please help me get this solution Thanks in advance. I think this should work: DataTable DT = New datatable (); Dt.Column.AddRange (New DataColumn [] {New Data Columns ("Date", Type Time), New Data Column ("Location", Typef (String)}}; Dt.Rows.Add (DateTime.ParseExact ("23/07/2014 10:30", "dd / MM / yyyy HH: mm", New CultureInfo ("fr-fr"), "near the highway"; Dt.Rows.Add (DateTime.ParseExact ( "23/07/2014 11:30", "dd / MM / yyyy HH: mm", new cultureinfo ("fr-fr"), "near the highway"); dt.rows.Add (DateTime.ParseExact ( "23/07/2014 12:30", "dd / MM / yyyy HH

vba function I wanted to port over to libreoffice -

This function works as Excel, but when I try to close it in libreoffice it does not work (Vba standards have been changed?) variant () Apparently there is no datatype in the OpenOffice ... but this is my code Public function RankECDF (ByRef r_values ​​as the range), in the form of variable () dim N, integer as M Variation in the form of numeral y () is different from N = r_values.Rows.Count M = r_values.Column.Count y = r_values.Value Variant redeem V (1 to N, 1 to M) as an array V = Worksheet Function. Sam (R_Values) R = 1 for N for C = 1 to M if y (R, C) = "" then V (R, C) = "" otherwise "error if cell was" "V (R) , C) = worksheet function. (Worksheet Function Rank) (y (r, c), r_values, 1), worksheet function., "& Lt; =" & y (r, c)) / worksheetFunction. Count (r_values) ends if next to next R. rank CDDF = V and function Yes, Open Office does not like the variant () , but this version As anything can happen, even

blade - laravel: implementing section from a pulled-in subview -

यहाँ मेरे टेम्पलेट की संरचना है: master @ yield ('master1') @ उपज ('मास्टर 2') डैशबोर्ड @ एक्सडेवेड्स ('मास्टर') @ सेक्शन ('मास्टर 1') @ शामिल ('उप-1') पनडुब्बी @ यिलिड ('सबमिस्टर 1') उप -1 @ एक्सडेडेस् ('सबमेस्टर') अनुभाग ('Submaster1') @ अनुभाग ('मास्टर 2') & lt; - मैं ऐसा करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं यहां अधिक दृश्य प्रतिनिधित्व है मास्टर सबमिस्टर @ यिलिल्ड ('मास्टर 1') @ यिल्ड ('सबमिस्टर 1') @ आइल्डर ('मास्टर 2') | | | | ___ डैशबोर्ड | @ एक्सटेंशन ('मास्टर') | सेक्शन ('मास्टर 1') | @ शामिल ('उप-1') | | | | _______ उप-1 _______ | बाएं से @extends ('submaster') @section ('submaster1') & lt; - सही @ सेक्शन ('मास्टर 2') से & lt; - इस तरह का है ब्लेड के साथ संभव बात? जब मैं master2 से उप-1 के कार्यान्वयन को निकालता हूं, तो सबकुछ ठीक काम करता है जब मैं इसे वापस जोड़ देता हूं, submaster से कोड को रेंडर करना जारी रहता

sql - Select an ID if count is equal to 1 -

I am trying to write a query, which results in the identification number based on only 3 WHERE values ​​1 . Then say I want to find a patient's id and my section first name , last name and < Code> Date of Birth . If there are 2 results of duplicates, then I need to have the outlet zero and return the patient ID. If (select the count (*) from the patient where last_name = 'James' and First_name = 'jones' and birth_DtTM = '1980-01-01'); Div class = "post-text "Itemprop =" text "> count (*)> 1 'NULL' and 'Pat_ID1' Finally, from the patient where the last_name = 'James' and first_name =' Jones' and birth_DtTM = '1980-01-01' Group by Pat_ID1 ' < / Html>

c# - Moving image to background? -

I am making a game where I move the images around, I have two big images, Must have images. I often take one of the smaller images from one of the bigger images to the other, although I recently added a feature where the big image changes the middle game, because it has got priority over smaller pictures, and when I have small images When transferring, they are moved behind large images. In short, I always want big images to be in the background and younger people in the foreground. Is there such a property that I can do this? If you have more than a user interface element in a particular grid cell, Elements are leveled on each other You can change the elements of the elements by changing the elements which are being added to the grid. You can also control the layering by giving each element a value for the panel. ZIndex High value elements for ZIndex will appear at the top of the elements with the following values, whether they are in sequence added to the grid.

Does Polymer's core-animated-pages require CSS position absolute? -

I'm trying to use core-animated-pages but I have problems with it to display things Are there. The element always keeps the height of zero pixels until I use the position: complete and its shape at the top / bottom / left / right side, or for the element, such as > Is it going to work? You should check on the polymer site. You can use the fit attribute to be the core-animated-page element; set this position to full and up / down / left / right Though the original element needs a clear size and position: relative . Add an optional and possibly better appraoch, layout attribute to the original element and flex is its core-animated-pages to fit it (see): & lt; Body fullbleed vertical layout & gt; & Lt; Core-Animated-Page Flex & gt;

javascript - Using html5up template on Rails -

Hello I'm new to rail and web development in general. I want to implement the template which I have found is template Big Picture. uses a skel.js framework (using the first time when I used to download the template then only knew about it) and I do not know if it's my rail How to add in the application (such as to provide scripts and stylesheets in the folder). I have tried to do this through the default rail path, which is also putting the stylesheets in my / app / assets / stylesheet folders and javascript in the javascript folder. But it did not start up correctly. I suspect skel.min.js has its own way of finding the stylesheet. In this way, my web app is currently unstable. When there is a gem lacking for the property pipeline, you should always the app / assets / You can include the source file inside javascript and can include it in the manifest. / P> Say that you have taken your scale.min.js in the folder. application Go to .js and add

android - why the added fragment get click event after remove -

I am facing a strange problem I have pieces of 4, A, B, C and D In the beginning I added a piece and then changed it with piece B using the fragmentTransaction.replace (id, B) . Then I added the fragment using the fragmentTransaction.add (id, C) . There are some buttons in the fragment C then I use the segment Transaction.replace (id, D). The problem occurs when the fragment D appears and I tap the position where the button lies on the piece C, click the button to remove it. I can not understand why this happens, if I replace it for all pieces then it is working fine. Please help me I need to use the fragmentTransaction.add thanks in advance. I think you can see And I want to see how you use the "inCreateView" piece method. Like this? return inflater.inflate (R.layout.fragment_main, container, false); But, sometimes I use the piece like this: View View = inflater.inflate (...); View.setOnTouchListener (New View.OnTouchListener) {Public Boolean On

java - Collision detection inside the same ArrayList -

After searching a few days, I have not found any solutions I have an ArrayList of collision elements < / Code>, which I want to intersect and calculate the collision. I have made many efforts, but I am currently stumped. Collision method (called once in game-tick) public zero iterative () (if (iterbox) {If (iterateBoxes) {for (int I = 0; i & lt; boxPool.size (); i ++) {for (int j = i + 1; j & lt; boxPool.size (); j ++) {if (! (BoxPool (I ) .equals (boxPool.get (j))) & amp; amp; amp; & amp; amp; and investigate; test (boxPool.get (i), boxPool.get (j)) {boxPool.get (i). Colliding = true; BoxPool.get (j) .colliding = true;}}}}}} For those of you to detect a conflict that is reviewing it Wanted: Public Boolean Check Exams (BASAB B-1 box, BASABB box 2) {// This is just to get the center vector of the bounding box: Vector 2 FC1 = AAABBCeter (box 1); Vector 2 FC2 = AABBBC (Box 2); if (Mathematics .bas (c1.x - c2.x)> (box1.width + box2.width)) returned

debugging - Windows Store App crash dump analysis -

I have downloaded Windows Store app crash logs and I decoded a cab file that I helped windbg. But the point is that I do not know how to analyze these logs. Difaolt_bket_id: Rong_simbls Proses_nam: Bacgrundtskhost.aksa ERROR_CODE: (Ntsttus) 0xe0434352 - & lt; Unable to get error code text & gt; EXCEPTION_CODE: (NTSTATUS) 0xe0434352 - & lt; Unable to get error code text & gt; ! SYMBOL_STACK_INDEX: 0 SYMBOL_NAME: backgroundtaskhost.exe unknown_error_in_process FOLLOWUP_NAME: MachineOwner MODULE_NAME: backgroundtaskhost IMAGE_NAME: backgroundtaskhost.exe DEBUG_FLR_IMAGE_TIMESTAMP: 5010a827 STACK_COMMAND: Pay cd15a99100; ** pseudo incarnation **; KB FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: WRONG_SYMBOLS_e0434352_backgroundtaskhost.exe unknown_error_in_process BUCKET_ID: APPLICATION_FAULT_WRONG_SYMBOLS_CLR_EXCEPTION_backgroundtaskhost.exe unknown_error_in_process ANALYSIS_SOURCE: UM FAILURE_ID_HASH_STRING: Um: wrong_symbols_e0434352_backgroundtaskhost.exe unknown_error_in_process FAILURE_I

Perl regex pattern match with saved variable -

I need to match pattern with two variables, one of which has a string and the second has a regex pattern which I have Have tried with the program #! / Usr / bin / perl my $ name = ""; My $ other = '* .java'; If ($ name = ~ m / $ other /) {print "coefficient"; } Please help thanks Sathishkumar @ Samuel's answer is tailored to your needs, but if you want a common way of extracting a filename from a full path name, you can use it: Strict Use; Use warnings; File :: Use the basinum; My ($ name, $ path, $ suffix) = fileparse ("/ example / path /", qw / .java /); Print "name: $ name \ n"; Print "path: $ path \ n"; Print "suffix: $ suffix \ n"; It prints: name: test path: / example / path / suffix: .java

css - css3 selector, nth child incrementing by 1 -

I am using css3 selector to select different children. This is an alternative option instead of hardcoding. .checkout_main .check_tr th: nth-child (1) {width: 50px; Padding-left: 10px; } .check_tr th: nth-child (2) {width: 300px; Padding-left: 10px; } .check_tr th: nth-child (3) {width: 50px; Padding-left: 10px; } .check_tr th: nth-child (4) {width: 100px; Padding-left: 10px; } There are two options you can do Use even weird: nth-child (weird) {width: 100px; }: Nth-child (even) {width: 200px; } Another way is to prepare A + B. Then it works, I have my html address. I will try you and tell you a + B form.

javascript - Error in authenticating the database in sqlite using jquery -

I have created a login page with a username and password and if I click on the login button it should check if The entered username and password match the database (websql) and if it is successful, then go to the next page HTML: & lt; Label for = "uname" & gt; Username: & lt; / Labels & gt; & Lt; Input name = "uname" type = "text" id = "user name" placeholder = "your username" size = "20" maximum length = "20" width = "20" /> & Lt; Label = "pass" & gt; Password: & lt; / Labels & gt; & Lt; Input name = "password" type = "password" id = "pass" placeholder = "your password" size = "20" maximum length = "20" width = "20" /> & Lt; A href = "page3.html" type = "submit" class = "ui-btn ui-btn-inline ui-corner-all ui-btn-b" id = "check"

java - Storing a file as part of android manifest for deployment and then opening it? -

Okay I know this dead should be simple, but I think that I have my question correctly in my Google I'm not writing; Stackoverflow searches I have a substantial amount of static data (6 megs), I need to load it in my database on install. Right now I am bringing Jason data file from my web server for the first time and populating my database, but it can be slow and something can be wrong. I just like to include the data file in the manifest and then load it on install or run it for the first time. So, where do I put files, do this so that this goal ends up on the device, and then open it? I have tried it in / res / files / and then: InputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream ("/res/files/foo.json"); But of course I am afraid that if he has done it. When I'm on it, I should cut the format instead of CSV, but it's another story, I have no way to parse it, but I know that JSON data How to parse me. I'm sorry, I'm a bit new on this. You can

mysql - Product, Category and Brand database relation in Rails -

I am creating a website using Rail and I am using MySQL for database. There are some products, there are categories like smartphones, tablets, digital watches, and then brands like Apple, Samsung and HTC. How can I make a relationship between Rail, I mean in a conceptual way. There are many products in one category and one product can have many categories and then the brand is a brand of a product and there are many brand products. Any help, whether conceptual or technical (in case of code), would be great. Here's a structure that you can use: Make Table 'Category' (`id`int (11) not tap,` range_name` is current (100) default null, primary key (`id`)) engine = inodebi; Table `brand` (` id` is not an integer (11) null, `brand_name` varchar (100) Default zero, primary key (` id`)) Engine = InnoDB; Table `product` (` id` integer (11) not null, `product_name` varchar (100) default zero,` product_specification` varchar (255) default zero, `id_brand` integer (11) d

symfony - Doctrine one to many relationship issue -

I have two entities Resorts and inventory entries of the resort list In the room there are many relationships with one. I need to apply a condition to the table on the table. I have already created a query using DQL but it returns all the results from the list. It is not enforcing the conditions. Choose $ qb-> (', rr') - & gt; From ('\ base \ Entity \ Avp \ ResortRooms' 'RR') - & gt; Leftjoin ('rr.inventory', 'ih'); If ($ data ['nummales']): $ qb- & gt; And where ('ih.malesCount & gt; =: men') - & gt; Setpimeter ("male", ($ int $) [data 'nummales']); I want a result from the list whose male number is 2. I have two organizations below Resort Room Class Resort Extended Rums Is \ base \ unit \ base \ baseInti {/ ** * @ integer * * @ORM \ column (name = "id", type = "integer", drain = false) * @ORM \ id * @ORM = Generated value (Strategy = &

ios - UIScrollView view bounces back and doesn't stay at bottom -

मेरे पास यह सेट है: UIScrollView * scroll = [[UIScrollView alloc] initWithFrame: सीजीआरएक्टमेक (0.0, 0.0, 320.0, 1000.0)]; Scroll.backgroundColor = [UIColor स्पष्ट कॉलर]; Scroll.contentSize = CGSizeMake (320.0, 1000.0); [Self.view addSubview: scroll]; UIView * pView = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame: CGRectMake (10.0, 100.0, 300.0, 400.0)]; PView.backgroundColor = [UIColor whiteColor]; PView.layer.cornerRadius = 2.0; PView.layer.borderColor = [UIColor blueColor] .CGColor; PView.layer.borderWidth = 1.0f; [स्क्रॉल ऐड एस्यूब्यूव्यू: पीवीयूआई]; UIView * aView = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame: CGRectMake (10.0, 500.0, 300.0, 20.0)]; AView.backgroundColor = [UIColor redColor]; [स्क्रॉल ऐड एस्यूब्यूव्यू: एवीयूआई]; लेकिन हर बार जब मैं दृश्य पर नीचे स्क्रॉल करता हूं, तो स्क्रीन ऊपर की तरफ ऊपर उठाती है क्यों? अपनी स्क्रीन आकार की ऊंचाई को अपने स्क्रीन आकार से अधिक सेट न करें - यह स्क्रॉल नहीं है जो स्क्रॉल करता है , यह स्क्रॉलव्यू में सामग्री है।

python - Matplotlib: Boxplot outlier color change if keyword sym is used -

only applies to Matplotlib < 1.4.0! I have a weird effect, that in the color of external changes, if I change the symbol used to attract them. () I feel like a bug. How do I reset the blue color for all the colors, even if I want to use any other symbol than "+"? Modeling after work example: < Div class = "post-text" itemprop = "text"> It's really weird that you can work around it by specifying the color of the symbol. Use the boxplot (data, sim = 'b') (b for blue). However, it looks like a bug for me, because the exterior color appears not only on the upper side but also on the low outlet.

c# - schedule an automated process from a wpf application -

I have a wpf application that is running fine. A button runs a process that takes some time. I have decided to use the Windows Task Schedule to run this process before starting work. Other tasks I have defined are all console applications. How do I schedule the process to run from a wpf application as I do not want to copy my code into a console application? I have tried so far I've added a console application to my project and the debug> start options> bottom line in the command line arguments Is added to / AUTORUN TRUE Add logic text box in the schedule task I have added the following line I / AUTORUN TRUE When I run my scheduled work it only loads my WPF application and nothing else.

ios - Response with bad encoding -

I have a request for Yelp, where I get a site by id. All are doing successful work, but I get a problem with ID, which returns yelp. "yelp_id" = "caf \ u00e9-de-paris-london-6"; Bad encoding, and the site does not appear. It should be - "yelp_id" = "cafe-de-Paris-London-6"; How to fix this problem? help please. P.S. For example, data in json: {address = "3-4 Coventry Street"; Id = 2; "Is_subscribed" = 0; Latitude = "51.51052449"; Longitude = "-0.131816821801"; Owner = {"fb_id" = 513707602107780; }; "Start_it" = "2014-07-31T15: 40: 40.333Z"; Title = new; "Yelp_id" = "caf \ U00e9-de-paris-london-6"; }); I do not think the id is wrong. You are receiving the \ u00e 9 character é . yelp_id is a UTF-8 string so that human readable id cafes-D-Paris-London-6 .

java - Measuring number of file switches within eclipse -

I am looking for the possibility of measuring the number of files that a user displays during the eclipse. By file switch I mean opening a new tab or switching to the active tab. As I have suggested that I have already established, which is great, but unbearably lacking the above mentioned metric. > Do anyone know an easy way to measure the number of file switches within Eclipse?

Facebook permissions error 200 -

We created an application that has the following permissions: "App Info": Live is " Status and review page ": Live Contains the following permissions: App Details - English (UK) Email Management_page public_profile User's Friend All are approved again. Then why this might be the app report errors and the following error: "(# 200) permissions error". We can not see for the life of us that we may possibly disappear. This is a v2 app that was created in the last month. thanks antony OK - I Can not claim credit, it was an ally, but the issue was that the old SDK was calling callloginUrl. In this function there are FB permissions as part of the call that have changed - we had published, but now we need publ_actions, thanks for all help and I hope someone will find this useful.

c# - Where to call database in method on model? -

In an MVC app with unit framework 4, I try to add some more code to schedule I am the ideal. At present, a method on this model is called the code to get the list of dates that are not at the end of the week. The model is called the controllers in this way var freedata = schedule. GateDettyTiltressDid () . To do the above, no database call is necessary, I want to add a method which checks that the date is "Structural Free Day" (free every year). This method needs to create a database call because the free day will be stored in the Structural Friede model via String Day Mean (maybe I use date time The tax and the year will ignore the part, though the leap will look out for the year - this is another problem) and string reason . // Get the list of dates for the next 30 days) who are eligible for duty, static static ICollection & lt; DateTime & gt; GetDatesNextThirtyDays () {ICollection & lt; DateTime & gt; PlannableDates = New List & lt; D

android - XML error when compiling -

When I try to compile my app, the XML is reported as an error: "Error: error parsing XML: Not well (invalid token) ". Here is my XML code: & lt ;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt; Manifest xmlns: Android = "" Usage-sdk Android: minSdkVersion = "7" Android: targetSdkVersion = "18" package = "com.example.app1" Android: VersionCode = "1" Android: versionName = "1.0" & gt; & Lt; Use-SDK Android: minSdkVersion = "8" Android: targetSdkVersion = "19" /> & Lt; Android Android: allowBackup = "true" android: icon = "@draubable / IC_Luncher" Android: label = "@ string / app_name" Android: Theme = "@ Style / Aaptim" & gt; & Lt; Activity Android: Name = "Main Activity" Android: label = "@ string / app_name" Android: Theme = "

regex - regular expression search replace in Sublime -

I have a number of php files that should be replaced, and I decided to use sublime for it. Now I type lines such as & lt; Td width = "17%" class = "listhdrr" & gt; & Lt ;? = Gettext ("some text") ;? & Gt; & Lt; / Td> to & lt; Th & gt; & Lt ;? = Gettext ("some text") ;? & Gt; & Lt; / Th & gt; I & lt; Td width = "\ d +%" class = "listhdrr" & gt; & Lt; \? = Gettext \ ("[/ A-Za-z \ s +]" \); \ & Gt; & Lt; / TD & gt; Regular expression I do not need the column width of the table, but for example I need some text . My Replacement Expressions ; By & gt; ;; = Gettext ("$ 1") ;? & Gt; & Lt; / Th & gt; Or & lt; Th & gt; & Lt ;? = Gettext ("\ 1") ;? & Gt; & Lt; / V & gt; replace some text part & lt; Td width = "\ d +%" class = "listhdrr"

javascript - Angular and code mirror -

I'm trying to add some attributes to the javascript tool, and highlight me One line in the requirement is codemirror . I am using AngularJs first I tried to follow a tutorial function highlights line (line number) {// line number is zero-based index Var real line = line number - 1; // DOM var myEditor = $ (select the editor loaded in "# body_EditorSource .CodeMirror"); // Write the item in the console window for debugging console.log (myEditor); // Choose the first item (Zero index) and found more than one & amp; Get the CodeMirrorJar object var codeMirrorEditor = myEditor [0] .odeMirror; // debugging console. Type the item in the console in the console window (My Editor [0] .CodeMirror); // Set Line CSS class on line number & amp; Impact the background of the line with the CSS class of the line-error code. MirrorEditor.Setline Class (actual linum, 'background', 'line-error'); } but it does not work, detects myEditor var ... I'

sonarqube - sonarqube4.3 after upgrade php plugin (the version is 2.2) can not analysis magento project -

It seems that the reason for the exception: NullPointerException.NonEmptyCaseWithoutBreakCheck in class file org.sonar.php.checks. Code block is: Nobie comment in private boolean (AstNode astNode) {for (Trivia Trivia: Astonode.Get-NewsSelling (). GetToken (). GetTrivia ()) {if (trivia. Is comment () & amp; amp; Trivia.Toasting (.) Includes trim ("no punctuation")) {return true; } } return false; }

Rails - Don't repeat yourself on scope definition -

यहां एक नमूना मॉडल है: class book & lt; एआर :: बेस है_माइं: पृष्ठों का दायरा: with_some_conditions, - & gt; (var) {जहां (... कुछ के साथ var ...) .जोखे (... कुछ शामिल हैं ...)} अंत वर्ग पृष्ठ & lt; & lt; एआर :: बेस # एटर्स: ए, बी (इंटिजर्स) संबंधित_तो: पुस्तक का दायरा: with_c, {select ("# {page.table_name}। *, (A + b) एएस सी")} def c; ए + बी; अंत मैं सबसे बड़ा c मान के साथ 10 पृष्ठों प्राप्त करने के लिए tring हूँ, पुस्तकों के अंतर्गत आता है कुछ शर्तों का सम्मान करना। यह कोड काम कर रहा है: book.with_some_conditions ('foo')। नक्शा (और: पृष्ठ) .मैप (& amp; C) [0 ... 10] या बेहतर book.with_some_conditions ('foo')। शामिल हैं (: पृष्ठ) .मैप (& amp; ;: पृष्ठ) .मैप (& amp; c) [0 ... 10] अब कल्पना कीजिए कि c विधि एक साधारण विधि नहीं है < कोड> + , लेकिन यह एक मजबूत और अधिक जटिल कार्य है (मिलकर और कुछ अन्य चीजों के साथ) इस कोड को बस संभवतः अनोपिटिमाइज़ किया गया है ... सभी c को रेल में गणना और आदेशित किय

javascript - XmlHttpRequest error: Origin null is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin -

I am developing a page that draws pictures through jQuery's AJAX support from Flickr and Panoramas. Flickr is working fine, but when I $ I try to get (url, callback) from Panoram, then I see an error in Chrome's console: XMLHttpRequest can not load. Original tap is not allowed by access-control-permission-origin. If I ask the URL directly from the browser, then it works fine, what is going on, and can I find around it? Am I writing my query incorrectly or is it something that interferes with what I'm trying to do to Panoramium? Google did not turn on any useful mail. Edit Here is some sample code that shows a problem: $ (). Ready (function () {var url = 'http: // Minx = -30 & amp; miny = 0 & amp; maxx = 0 & amp; Maxy = 150 '; $ .get (url, function (jsonp) {var process image = function (data) {warning (

html - How to get default values on a form submitted via rest? -

I'm surprised that this is not already asked. I have a form on a web page that is being presented through a cool web service (this is actually using angular JS) the question is how should I set the default value on the form? (This clearly makes it an edit, I'm getting value from the server anyway) An example Let's say we have the checkbox on the form Opt-In / Out In Marketing Emails I would like to receive marketing email [x] In this case the default is to check the checkbox so that they will have to physically exit on the server In the old world of HTML creation, I will probably return these default to the professional level and then I will form the form html with the set. Solution 1 Set the default value in the client as I am using angular, I can object to a JS that represents the default state of the form And uses it to start forming a form on it. My problem with this approach is that it seems a bit wrong to put such business rules into the client.

java - ActiveMQ Broker RedeliveryPlugin Message Storage -

We are thinking of using JDBC datastore for the installation of Master / Slave network of 3 brokers. According to the documentation, it will inspire a broker to get a unique table lock on the JMS table and thus become a master. Other brokers will not start completely and will not wait until they can acquire lock and become new masters. What are the messages waiting for the MQ Broker to be redrawn, are they still in JDBC datastore or are they local for the broker and do not fail in the next machine? "post-text" itemprop = "text"> The Deliverity plugin sends messages to the job scheduler later for the delivery. These messages are placed in JobSchedulerStore, which is different from the standard KahaDB or JDBC store. You can configure store space as a shared space that supports file system locks like NFSv4 mount so that it stores the store folder. At this time there is no JDBC implementation of Scheduler Store.

ruby - ZOHO Report API - Bulk import using CSV -

I am trying to import bulk by using CSV. I am coding in Ruby so Sohollo report API calls Use Rest Restaurant Gym for How should I pass the value for ZOHO_FILE? I tried (ZOHO_REPORT_API, {ZOHO_FILE => ("path / to / csvfile")}) But its not working. The error I am getting is not the content of the file . Please help me find out the right ZOHO_FILE value. I got the answer for this ZOHO provides an uploading tool for the same is. It is easy to understand and implement it. Please take a look at

How to invalidate session when browser is closed in IE and Chrome - Groovy and Grails Framework -

We have set 5 maximum concurrent sessions in the Grails application. Most of the time, users shut down without logout browser. Therefore, the maximum session of the concurrent session is not reaching the maximum concurrent session.

xml - How to get the value of a node using for each and if in xpath -

I am new to xpath .. I want to remove all the values ​​of the age which use more than 24 Does the position in xslt & gt; Price bookings & gt; & Lt; Guest & gt; & Lt; GuestCount Age = "24" code = "10" Qty = "1" /> & Lt; GuestCount Age = "26" code = "10" Qty = "1" /> & Lt; GuestCount Age = "3" code = "10" Qty = "1" /> & Lt; / Guest & gt; & Lt; / PriceBooking & gt; So far I have tried with: - & Lt; / Age & gt; & Lt; / XSL: When & gt; & Lt; XSL: otherwise & gt; & Lt; Sid & gt; Failed to load & lt; / Sid & gt; & Lt; / XSL: otherwise & gt; & Lt; / XSL: Select & gt; This is always in condition otherwise .. please help with xpath OK, you need to understand that the for each converts the reference node into a guest element and that's how you relate Paths are required su

python - SQLAlchemy after_insert triggering celery tasks -

I am starting celery functions after after_insert incidents DB in some celery functions There is an end to updating and therefore new inserted row ID is required. This is a very error prone because it appears that if the work of celery starts moving immediately, sometimes Scllmi does not end up with DB and celery will not get the line What are my other options? I think I can collect these vegetable works in some way and send it to "after_commit", but it is unnecessarily complex. It was not so complicated, sub-session sessions, after which to add functions through after_insert A list was provided for. Then run through the list later.

c# - Center labels in Tablelayoutpanel -

I can not label "snap" in the center of a cell in the tablelay panel. I tried to set anchor to anyone in the tablelay panel. Contact Text Center & amp; There is no happiness by dragging the lie in the label before autosizing on the tablelaypanpanel. The label just keeps on top left? I want to align the label with the text box that I have. Is this something a little trick to do this? Or should I use another layout panel?

android - alternative for CONTACT_LAST_UPDATED_TIMESTAMP for APIs below 18 -

I am syncing contacts with my server and I need to change contact book (insert / delete / update) Do) server. For this, I am using 'CONTACT_LAST_UPDATED_TIMESTAMP' and it is comparing it with the timestamp in my database which is working fine. But the problem CONTACT_LAST_UPDATED_TIMESTAMP has been added to API 18 and I have to support API 8. So I'm looking for the option of CONTACT_LAST_UPDATED_TIMESTAMP for APIs below 18. Thanks in advance.