
Showing posts from January, 2014

SQL Server 2008 - Display time difference -

मेरे पास SQL ​​Server 2008 क्वेरी है जो Start_of_Attack और End_of_Attack को प्रदर्शित करता है: का चयन करें कास्ट (DATEADD (दूसरा, dbo.AGENT_SECURITY_LOG_1.BEGIN_TIME / 1000 + 8 * 60 * 60, '19,700,101') के रूप में VARCHAR (50)) Start_of_Attack, कास्ट (DATEADD (दूसरा रूप में, dbo.AGENT_SECURITY_LOG_1.END_TIME / 1000 + 8 * 60 * 60, '19,700,101') के रूप में VARCHAR (50)) dbo.AGENT_SECURITY_LOG_1 से End_of_Attack के रूप में जहां dbo.AGENT_SECURITY_LOG_1.TIME_STAMP & gt; DATEDIFF (द्वितीय, '1 9 700101', DATEADD (दिन, -1, गेट्डेट ())) * कास्ट (1000 बड़ी बिल्ट के रूप में) मैं एक तीसरा कॉलम प्रदर्शित करना चाहूंगा, अवधि मैं Start_of_Attack और End_of_Attack के बीच समय अंतर कैसे दिखाऊँ? Div class = "post-text" itemprop = "text"> चूंकि आप अपनी तिथि को एक पूर्णांक के रूप में संग्रहीत कर रहे हैं, तो आप यह कर सकते हैं: SELECT (dbo.AGENT_SECURITY_LOG_1.END_TIME - dbo.AGENT_SECURITY_LOG_1.BEGIN_TIME) / 1000 Duration_Of_Atta

Angularjs multiple radio button, auto-select if only one is present -

Many intolerant radio buttons have been successful in creating an angular application. But to select the default one is a radio button if only one exists. Tried to exclude the stuff, but it does not work for many radio buttons. Code explanation: HTML code: I have two radio buttons, the second set of radio buttons is generated on the basis of the first. & lt; Div & gt; & Lt; Ul & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; Part One: & lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li ng-repeat = "f in input" & gt; & Lt; Input type = "radio" name = "single input" ng-value = "f" ng-model = "$" & gt; & Amp; Nbsp; {{F.Name}} & amp; Nbsp; & Lt; / Input & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; / Ul & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Br / & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; & Lt; Ul & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; Part two: & lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li ng-repeat = "Filtered user

html - Possible to nest within &:before using SASS? -

Trying to use sass for the condition of the phantom: I have to show each card, but before the method & Amp ;: Using the method, I can only get one visa. Do not I nest in .visa / .mastercard / .amex & first: & lt; Div class = "saved_cc_block" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "saved_cc" & gt; & Lt; One class = "cc_img visa" & gt; & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "saved_cc" & gt; & Lt; One class = "cc_img mastercard" & gt; & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; .cc_img {status: relative; Height: 26 pixels; Left: 9 pixels; Padding-left: 50px; & Amp ;: {Content: ""; Status: Completed; Width: 41px; Height: 26 pixels; Top: 50%; Left: 0; Background: URL ('') No-repeat; .visa {background-position: 0; } .mastercard {background-position: -51px 0; } .amex {background-positio

Facebook JavaScript SDK sometimes works other times not -

I am using this code on my website like Facebook: $ ( Document) .ready (function () {var fbBtnLike = '(function (d, s, id) {var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName (s) [0]; if (d.getElementById (id)) returns; js = D .createElement (s); = id; js.src = "//".fjs.parentNode InsertBefore (js, fjs);} (document, 'script \', 'facebook-jssdk \')); var openFollow = function () {if (loadedSocial == 0) {eval (titterBtn + fbBtnLike + GooglePlusBtn ); LoadedSocial = 1;}}; $ ('# openFollow') hover (function () {openFollow ();});}); The strange thing is that I am not getting any error. In addition to this it works a number of times that it does not work. It's very random. Any thoughts? Put it in a jquery ready function. $ (document) .ready (function () {var fbBtnLike = '(function (d, s, id) {var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName (s) [0]; If (d.getEle

html5 - IE11's Console reporting that I have more than one body tag -

I place this message on the IE11 console HTML1514: Additional "& lt; body & Gt; "Tag found only one" & lt; body & gt; " The tag should be present per document file: login, line: 76, column: 1 When I read HTML, there is only one body tag. I read IE 1514 on the message, and there is nothing like that which can cause me to get this problem. Is it a good tool to try to know what IE is actually complaining about? The best I can imagine is that the libraries I am filled with can be something in the script, but even then it is not being added to the dome and it is removed. The only other thing I can think of is that I am getting HTML 1521, but it is transient, because the script is still making pages. It is an SPA app, and body and body There is all the code between, in this way I do not need to see body tags. I have not seen it in chrome or FF. If it is not true that I have to support IE then I will not be worried about this message. I tr

php - How to download on open SFTP file in Netbeans IDE? -

I am using Netbeans 8 with a remote file project, files are located on a remote server, and Netbeans via them via SFTP Deliver from. I think netbeans every time I open a file, then Notepad will download the latest copy like ++. How to do any thoughts? Could not find a solution on the web. I ended up looking after an answer for this question. Whenever you open IDE, I still could not get a fresh copy of the automatic download, but there was an option to manually download. Click on the "Source files" window on your project in "Projects" and click on "Download". If you are looking to download only those files that are modified directly to the server then you are referred to "synchronized" which is just below "download". Cheers!

windows - Remote complex command not recognized in Powershell PSSession through script -

I am trying to write a small power script to complete some networking integration for the software I am working on. . I have both RunnySoft 4.0 running between Win7 and Win8, and connection functions, and manual manipulation and execution are allowed between 4 machines. However, when I try and write a script to automate the process, start misbehaving. I F: \ folder \ App.exe /xLICENSE.txt code> on any type of machine Takes command line input from .exe / xLICENSE.txt and creates a file named LICENSE.txt in the home directory with a unique user handle to use some application processes. If I manually enter a new PSSession with a computer hosting App.exe, then I can enter that order as per the usual form, and it executes the application, and the right Generates results. However, I try to integrate this C omp in a script, it keeps telling me that the command has not been recognized as any command or CMDlet. I have tried $ connection = new-Pssession- Computation N

google gdk - Change Touch Menu Items in Compass Sample -

Just Google Glass GKK (19) is running with Eclipse Java and it's running fine and right upwards. ADB etc. All good and now experiment with the compass sample code. The one thing that I would like to try and pin is basically optimizing that thing - the simple thing is that touch menu text, which is "Show compass". Can this be changed? That's all I have to do! However, the XML trigger DF of strings.xml only the app_name and SHOW_A_COMPASS seems to be closed anywhere. I think what I'm trying to do. Any indication appreciated. Thank you Doug You specify the trigger command in your XML file in your resources . In the compass it is there, you have a & lt; Trigger & gt; The tag will appear, which should be converted to a constant in one of you. So if you want to use voice command "find the product" then you You can use commands of your voice ... but only for testing purposes reviewed and distributed glazeware through MagL

multiprocessing - How to write pipe object to a file in python? -

I have a requirement where I have to make a pipe for use in a process, say P1, I stored P1 Pipe information somewhere (maybe a file ??) so that another process says that P2 could read the information from this place. I thought about using the snacking concept, but it does not seem that it will work. I am facing the following issue. Python 2.7.6 (Default, 22 March 2014, 22:56:56) [GCC 4.8.2] Type "help", "copyright" on linux2 For more information, Credit "or" License "& Gt; & Gt; & Gt; Pipe from multi processing import & gt; & Gt; & Gt; P1 = pipe (false)> gt; & Gt; & Gt; Fp = open ("sample.pkl", 'w') & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Fp: ... with pickle.dump (p1, fp) ... traceback (the most recent call final): the file "lt; stdin & gt;", line 2, & lt; Module & gt; File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 1370, dump picker (file, protocol) .dump (obj) file "/us

java - How to just build poms that contain changed files in Maven? -

I have a super palm in which many of the modules are PEMS. Super Pom Build takes about 5 minutes at present, whenever I want to test my changes, even then I rebuild the top level, although these changes can occur within one or just a few sub modules, and rarely it takes time to complete 20% of all posts. is disabled. Mayen be ascertained what are the changes in the changes and there is no way to rebuild those palms (already) a lot of time? I was thinking that all source files can be completed by comparing the time stamps, which are being produced with those jars that they go and find out the changes defined as those source files whose time in which their jars There is more stamp than that, then simply build those palm after the build sequence based on dependency. This seems more like a task for CI systems like Jenkins, in Jenkins for each sub-project Give different jobs and only when code for them changes for their construction. They publish each of their dependencies in the

regex - regular expressions in perl explanation -

I need help understanding the regular expressions given below. Can someone say what it means M / ^ (\ d + \ / \ d + \ / \ d + \ s \ d + \: \ d + \: \ D + \. \ D +) / MSX foreach my $ line ({{$ self-> {'stdout'}}) {if ($ line = ~ M / ^ (\ d + \ / \ d + \ / \ d + \ s \ d + \: \ d + \: \ d + \. \ D +) / msx) {$ timestamp = $ 1; this if ($ line = ~ M / ^ (\ d + \ / \ d + \ / \ d + \ s \ d + \: \ d + \: \ d + \. \ D +) / msx) { It is quite unreadable, however, the author started making it readable because it contains the / x flag (white space allowed, but it is not used), but it is still backslashtis Does it really mean that it suffers from and does not limit the matches. Rewrite it with different delimiters, allowing you to get rid of some backslashes: if ($ line = ~ m {^ (\ d + \ D + / \ d + \ s \ d +: \ d +: \ d + \. \ D +)} msx { adding white space and [.] Using to match a single point and adding a comment can provide a better idea of ​​what

delegates - Unable to Invoke SqlInfoMessageEventHandler -

I am trying to implement SqlInfoMessageEventHandler , but not able to help anyone can do? Here's my code: class program {static zero main (string [] args) {SqlConnection sqlConnect = New SqlConnection (@ "Integrated Security = SSPI; Initial Catalog = DEV_ENV; Data Source = SQL15 "); (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand ("Select 1 from Select Employee", sqlConnect) {sqlConnect.Open (); SqlConnect.InfoMessage + = New SqlInfoMessageEventHandler (MessageEventHandler); Command.ExecuteNonQuery (); }} Fixed zero message event handler (object sender, SqlInfoMessageEventArgs e) {Console.WriteLine (e.Message); }}

How to check a string for a given format using PHP? -

मेरे पास मेरी प्रोजेक्ट में कई सुर्खियों की तरह है: 00.00.2014 - Headline Description e.t.c. मुझे php से जांचना है अगर दिए गए स्ट्रिंग में प्रारूप 00.00.0000 - सामने होता है - कोई फर्क नहीं पड़ता इसके बाद का हिस्सा। क्या कोई मुझे इस तरह से कुछ के साथ मदद कर सकता है: $ format = '00.000000 - '; अगर ($ स्ट्रिंग $ प्रारूप IN FRONT) {// ... कुछ कोड ...} यदि (preg_match (" एस। * $ / ", $ स्ट्रिंग) === 1) {// $ स्ट्रिंग मैच! } स्पष्टीकरण: ^ है "स्ट्रिंग की शुरुआत" \ D किसी भी अंक (0, 1, 2, ..., 9) {n} का अर्थ है "बार बार दो बार" < Li> । एक डॉट है \ s एक स्थान है \ - है एक शून्य चिह्न । है "किसी एकल वर्ण" * का अर्थ है "बार बार 0 या अधिक बार" $ का अर्थ है "स्ट्रिंग का अंत"

Need explanation for this case. [Proxy, Fiddler, HTTPS] -

As far as I know, SSL traffic can not be decrypted without proper traffic. Okay. / P> But when I use cURL to PHP, and have it set to go through the Fiddler proxy to another host: curl_setopt ($ ch, CURLOPT_PROXY, ""); Curl_setopt ($ CH, CURLOPT_PROXYPORT, "8888"); I can see now I could see made [tunnel: 443] and Acaiteepis traffic without installing Fildlr Certificate host with PHP code running. PHP (linux) & lt; ---------------> Fiddler (1920.168.2 .82) & lt; ---------------> (Server: 443) Can anyone explain what is happening here? By its sound, you have not configured curl to verify that the server ( Fiddler) has provided a valid certificate series. - I want to post it as an answer.

node.js - Is there a way to create a "stored procedure" call multi queries in single query at mongodb(mongoose) -

Is there a way to create "stored procedure" in mongodb? For example, to use a query, once the monodod, but are actually calling more than one collection? (Use mongos to call Mongod) I know that Mongodb has it but it is different, I do not think the server side function is capable of calling the collection. For example if I have an example. 1. Example one (relational collection) mycollection1.findOne ({_ id: id}, function (error, result1) {mycollection2.findOne ({_ id:}, function ( Mistake, result 2) {Mycollection3.findOne ({_ id:}, function (mistake, result 3) {return {};});});}); 2 Example Two (any relational collection) mycollection1.findOne ({_ id: id}, function (error, result1) {mycollection2 .findOne ({}, function (fault, result 2) {mycollection3 .findOne ({}, function (mistake, result 3) {var someDDTTTTTUU = {data1: result1, data2: result2, data3: result3 }; Return some datataedisplay;});});}); I am using Mongoos on the expres

c# - Object must implement IConvertible When inserting bytes into VARBINARY field -

I have seen many people on the web with this problem, and I still have to find a solution that is of my problem Resolves I have this code here: byte [] bytes = btn boursefilebites; SqlConnection conn = New SqlConnection (Configuration Manager. Connection Strings ["shbndbConnectionString"]. ConnectionString); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand ("tblProject (id, update, status update, attachment) value (@ project ID, GETDATE (), @ status update, @ file)", insert;); Cmd.Parameters.Add ("@file", SqlDbType.VarBinary). Value = bytes; Cmd.Parameters.Add ("@ statusUpdate", SqlDbType.NVarChar) .Value = txtStatusUpdate; Cmd.Parameters.Add ("@ projectId", SqlDbType.Int) .Value = lblProjectId.Text; //cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; Conn.Open (); If (CMD.exequintonclline ()> = 1) {lblDone.Text = "success"; LblDone.Visible = true; } Conn.Close (); Now I keep getting this error: The object must implement IConver

python - Resolve Pandas data frame merge conflicts with a function? -

Assume that I have two data frames, which I would like to merge, but there is a conflict because rows and columns overlap . Instead of duplicating rows, I want to pass a function to solve the conflict. it has to be done? Pd.date_range ("2014-01-01", duration = 4) Date 2 = pd.date_range ("2014- 1- 3 "," time "= 4) cols1 = list (" ABCD ") cols2 = list (" CDEF ") df1 = pd.DataFrame (NP.OnS ([4, 4], dtype =" bool "), index = [317]: df1 out [317] in df2 = pd.DataFrame (np.zeros ([4, 4], dtype = "bool"), index = dates2, column = column2) df2 = 1, column = cols1) : ABCD 2014-01-01 True Truth True Truth 2014-01-02 True Truth Truly True 2014-01-03 True Truth Truced Truth 2014-01-04 True Truth Is True [318]: df2 Out [318]: CDEF 2014-01 -03 false false false false 2014-01-04 false false False false 2014-01-05 false false false false 2014-01-06 false false false mistake So you can see that two data frames are overlap in

ios - Static Cells overlapping with UITableView -

I have a UITableViewController with fixed cells when I have more than one line for the cell, Here are the screenshots of the storyboard and simulator that do not fix the auto layout problem overlapping the other. I do not have any code for the class that I have created for the UITBi ViUI controller, so that there is no issue. Edit: If I run the simulator with empty cells, it looks fine. You should set the height heightForRowAtIndexPath < In the / code> row it does not get the height of the row from the interface builder, instead you have to set the program otherwise it defines the default value of 44. IOS8 has another feature called self-sizing cells. Once you create the barriers between the UI items, you can dynamically change the height of the cell in the form of scroll / up below. I just wrote it as a tutorial.

file io - Python: why does peek(1) return 8K bytes instead of 1 byte? -

I am using Python 3, and the buffer file does not work as a peak () method for I / O Documents are doing For example, the following code shows the problem - this is the 8192 as the length of the byte string returned by f.peek (1) : jpg_file = 'DRM_1851.JPG' as open (jpg_file, 'rb') f: next_byte = f.peek (1) print (lane (next_byte)) I sometimes want to peek at the next byte without moving the file pointer, but since then I have been doing something on those places instead: < Code> next_byte = (1) #by a Read the F. Sec (-1,1) #File pointer to get a byte back This works, but looks like a blackspear how I work () works Is there some misunderstanding? to: peek ([shape]) Return the bytes from the stream without moving the position, to satisfy the call, the single single is read on the raw stream. Number of bytes returned may be more or less than the request. Emphasis mine Since the file does not move in the indicator peeking

performance - Standard Practice for Image Storage -

I am in the process of developing a very complex web application, it stores many images because some users upload them, And then those pictures are given to other users after a lot of logic. Unfortunately, load times are absolutely awesome, and I've never come to a technical problem beforehand to deal with me. Effectively What is the correct flow to give high quality pictures in small amounts of time? My understanding is as follows, and I'm curious how far I am: Upload an image in a user-quality AXB pixels Does. We store the image in the highest quality AXB pixels When we retrieve the images, then We distribute low quality images so that thumbnails / spreads can be used to reduce the amount of data that is loaded just when loading the DOM. Things I can not understand - Do we save copies of images in low quality? Are these images converted to the same file type so that reducing image quality (such as JPG 90%) is a simple, reusable function? Just curious

Using a filter in php that includes Variable injection - issue (wordpress) -

I need to add a category that generates WordPress and found the following filter: add_filter ('previous_post_link', 'post_link_attributes'); Add_filter ('next_post_link', 'post_link_attributes'); Function post_link_attributes ($ output) {$ injection = 'class = "btn btn-default btnpu"; return str_replace (' & lt; a href = ',' & lt; a '. $ Injection.' Href = ', $ Output);} Will the $ injection portion cause problems with my service provider, as I have read that 'injection' is associated with malware injection, it is poor practice and This may result in suspension of service - sorry for the irony! Many thanks

Unknown HTML Data Entered in SQL Server Database -

Recently discovered that unknown HTML code was inserted without my knowledge in my SQL Server database There is something like this in the cell [My original database data] & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; Style & gt; .22f; F: Position: Absolute; Clips: Ricketts (475px, Auto, Auto, 475px);} & lt; / Style & gt; & Lt; Div square = a2vf> These rules are bound up & lt; A href = http: // & gt; Quick payday loans & lt; / A & gt; Unconscious lane ... I initially thought that my database password was compromised. So I made my password more difficult, but after a few days, it appeared again. Nobody knows how he got into the database and how to stop it? UPDATE : After some investigation, I suspect that may be due to software that I have scheduled backups SQL Database I have changed my local machine again and Has started again, it has not happened anymore. After some investigation, I suspect that this may be due to a software

c# - Math Logic Not Working -

I have a simple program to add two numbers with a text box answer (mathAnswer) is == That is, but when I enter the correct answer and I am getting the "wrong" from the replystatus label, the submit button? Does anyone know why? using the system; Using System.Collections.Generic; Using System.Linq; Using System.Net; Using System.Windows; Using System.Windows.Controls; Using System.Windows.Navigation; Using Microsoft.Phone.Controls; Use of Microsoft phone. Shell; Namespace final project phone Virsn {public partial class math page: Phone Applications of Page {public Math page () {Random random = new Random (); Int randomNumber1 = random.Next (0, 10); Int randomNumber2 = random.Next (0, 5); Int answer = randomNumber1 + randomNumber2; Int counter = 0; Int Strike Control = 0; InitializeComponent (); String welcomeStreasting = (string) PhoneApplication service. Present. Location ["Enter name"]; Radiobutton HardRadio = (Radiobutton) Phone Results Service Present. Loc

java - Neo4j - No such ServerPlugin error -

Spinning my wheels here and hopefully there can be some help and I can say that I am new to Neo4j . I have spent a lot of time searching this error online and nothing is being seen about what is being faced. I'm trying to call Java class on my local version of Neo4j (using port 7474) through Google's Advanced Rest Client Utility. When the error below the call is thrown. A jar file was created and the plug-in was placed in the directory and everything looks like it moves. Added value is being used to call advanced other client -> "http: // localhost: 7474 / db / data / ext / InsertTestNode / graphdb / insertTest" Message: "Any ServerPlugin:" InsertTestNode "" exception: "PluginLookupException" full name: "org.neo4j.server.plugins.PluginLookupException" stacktrace: [7] 0: "org.neo4j.server.plugins.PluginManager.extension ( Plginmnagrkjawa: 115) "1" Orgkneo4jksrhwarkplginskplginmnagrkinvoke (Plginmnagrk

XCODE - how to make a call with button -

This is my first attempt to create this app and using Xcode Has not been answered because I have no answer to my question from the present perspective, that is, I have followed the instructions of this URL to create an app: I Going to Part 3 of 5: Creating the App, Volume 6 - After this my question was not answered - Which Used my button is a way to call. So now I'm in Xcode, at that point (remember that I have followed those instructions on the linked page) I have a button on my screen, but whatever instructions I get I do not know exactly what I need to call that button Some examples show the code here: But I do not know what to do with that code , I'm new to all of this so that it can take precise steps Settled good cruel. In addition, I have tried to paste the code that has been pasted in those codes (by clicking the code). Errors - All the code from the web. If anyone can help This would be awesome Thanks for all On this page, a poster says that there

How cant i show jframe or jdialog with string class name in java swing -

मैं JFrame या JDialog के साथ string कैसे दिखा सकता हूँ जावा वाव में वर्ग का नाम उदाहरण: मेरे पास JFrame नाम com.tan.ui.NewJFrame में स्ट्रिंग < / कोड> और मुझे यह फ्रेम दिखाना है पहले, आपको एक वर्ग प्राप्त करना होगा संदर्भ ... कक्षा फ़्रेम वर्ग = वर्ग। ForName ("com.tan.ui.NewJFrame"); अगला, आप वर्ग के एक नए उदाहरण बनाते हैं ... JFrame frame = (JFrame) frameClass.newInstance (); यह मानता है कि कक्षा में एक डिफ़ॉल्ट कन्स्ट्रक्टर है यदि ऐसा नहीं होता है तो यह प्रक्रिया काफी अधिक जटिल हो जाती है। ये सभी सभी विभिन्न प्रकार के अपवाद को फेंक देंगे, जो आपको पकड़ने की उम्मीद है। यह भी मानता है कि जिस श्रेणी को आप लोड करने का प्रयास कर रहे हैं वह वर्तमान वर्ग लोडर तक पहुंच योग्य है, यदि ऐसा नहीं है, तो प्रक्रिया अधिक जटिल हो जाती है ...

javascript - How modify selectedIndex -

I have two dimensional array, , "Pacific / Wallis, WFT-12") First value to & lt; Id = "stojon"> gt; & Lt; Options & gt; & Lt; / Option & gt; & Lt; & lt; Input type = "text" id = "timezone" & gt; contains the old code, which is / code> , second value (after semicolon) is correct: function SelChng ( ) {Sel = document.getElementById ("stzone"); Inpt = document.getElementById ("timezone"); Inpt.disabled =! (Sel.value == "Extended"); Inpt.value = TZa [Sel.selectedIndex]; } The new code is given below: $ (document) .ready (function () {var input = $ ("# timezone") $ ("Disabled", true); $ ("change", function () {if ($ (this) .val () == "extended") {input.attr ("disabled", false);} and {Input.attr ("disabled", true);} input.val () = TGA [(this.) Selected index];});}); and do not change the value according

android - How to generate dynamic imageviews by using a string array -

I want to set a bitmap for two images generated from multiple image URLs and set the onteouchlistener / onclicklistener for the last image view You can do the bitmap image dynamically. Can anyone give me some suggestions to do this? Here I am only using im0 (imageview), but I dynamically load images im0, im1 and im2 (image view) respectively. And the last imageView only to set the onclicklistener My mainActivity is: - Public Sphere MainActivity Spread Activity {@TargetApi (Creation.VERSION_CODES.GINGERBREAD) @Override Protected Zero on Crate (Bundle Saved Instantstate) {Super.Nuke (Saved Instance State); SetContentView (R.layout.activity_main); Array list = new arreelist & lt; String & gt; (); Im0 = (ImageView) findViewById (; Im1 = (ImageView) findViewById (; Im2 = (ImageView) findViewById (; StrictMode.ThreadPolicy Policy = New StrictMode.ThreadPolicy.Builder (). PermitAll () Build (); StrictMode.setThreadPolicy (poli

httprequest - POCO Request timeout even when keepAlive is set -

I am using a simple request request to get information from the server. I want to continue until the response is received from the server (this can be any 1 to 9 hours long). But I have to face the request expiration issue in 2 minutes. I am setting both sessions and requests as "setting". But it is not helping, I have also tried to use setKeepAliveTimeout and have given it a big value but I have not changed anything but using the code given below: < Code> try {//} Prepare the request Poco :: URI (url); Const poco :: Net :: Context :: Ptr reference = New Poco :: Net :: Context (Poco :: Net :: Context :: CLIENT_USE, "", "", "", Poco :: Net :: Context: : VERIFY_NONE, 9, false, "All:! ADH:! Low:! XP:! MD5: @STRENGTH"); Poko :: Net :: HTTPSClient session session (uri.getHost (), uri.getPort (), context); Session.setKeepAlive (right); // path ready std :: string path (uri.getPathAndQuery ()); If (path.empty ()) {path = "/&qu

html - JavaScript find element by text -

I'm not in a single environment. I do not want to find tags or tags with some text. I DOM looks like this: & lt; Div & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; & Lt; H2 & gt; Contains fixed text & lt; / H2 & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; I am using XPath to find this div. var linkBox = document.evaluate ('// h2 [in [text () text')] /../ .. ', document, blank, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, empty) < / Code> This works fine unless I do not know that IE does not support XPath in the document. I am now getting the getElementsByTagname ('h2') And then tell the entire set to check the inherent text. Is there a better way to do this? What is the lowest version of IE about Are you worried? You may be able to use here to help reduce your search: HTML gt; & lt; h2 & gt; contains fixed text & lt; / h2 & gt; & lt; h2 &a

html - Bootstrap two column layout misaligned in firefox & ie -

Layout for this site is working correctly in Chrome - although some pages on both the latest versions of IE and Firefox Columns are incorrectly anonymous Example of wrong alignment page: The most striking thing is that the same bootstrap column code is used on the homepage and it renders continuously in all three browsers. Correct page alignment: Originally I thought it could be an issue with one of the margin classes, which has been implemented in two columns, but deleting it does not fix this issue Done Any advice would be appreciated! Definitely why it presents different browsers or different pages, but It is related to h1.hidden-xs . Adding this to main.css solves the problem: h1.hidden-xs {margin: 0; } There are other ways to fix this, of course (for example, changing font-size also on that H1) is another way Your markups or styles may be better integrated or generally better, but it works like this

html - can someone tell me the meaning of #id:checked~section{} in css3 -

I'm trying to create animated menus in the context of 'codepen', but I do not understand the code written below Coming out to me, for the first time I saw the code like this, it looks like a selector, but it helps to understand the HTML: & Lt; Ul class = "sidenav" & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" & gt; & Lt; I class = "fa-apple" & gt; & Lt; / I & gt; & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" & gt; & Lt; I class = "fa-fa-window" & gt; & Lt; / I & gt; & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" & gt; & Lt; I class = "fa-android" & gt; & Lt; / I & gt; & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" & gt; & Lt; I class = "fa-tarbible" &

angularjs - Cell template in ng-grid -

I am using the ng-grid property of cell template I am I am defining a function in the instruction. Here is the code I am defining my grid-option within the same instructions: data: 'mydata', columnDefs: [{field: 'timeout', DisplayName: 'delay', cell template: '& lt; A href = "" ng-click = "report (warning, key, 1000,1,1);" "Gt; gt; & gt; '}] and the function report is also defined in the same command. ng-click is working whenever The function is called, the function is being called, but whatever input variable i ( alert and key ) is not going to function, while the other three Passing the parameter 1000,1, 1 alert hard-coded string I want to pass which is one of the integer values ​​in the key 'mydata'; I have checked using the warning for these 2 specific values ​​in the function and This is showing useless. Please help to call the function correctly. Thanks in advance. Do

javascript - How to position boxes like a posterboard with CSS? -

This posterboard layout looks like trying to create a page in the box: right now , All have fixed width and resizable heights (depending on the length of the content / images) in my box. However, I can not take them upwards in the form of layouts in the stack. Any suggestions? It's by now I have: I was hoping that the elements with the maximum height will be pushed to the right in the next column, but they only keep the lid from the bottom Html: & lt ;; Doctype html & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; Div class = "container" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "panel" & gt; Overall accusator Droramac ludentium, total rim aparium, and apc api apo & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "panel" & gt; Voltaptium expensitium Dolaremic londantium, Lymph rim epiarium, AAK i & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "panel" & gt; Fully Dualrelic Lyudentium, Overall Remors, and Imperology Dollymalum Lau

android - how to get ExpandableListView child text -

I am using expandable list view with JSON array. I got it My question is how to get the hair title in the form of a string I need child data, while click childlist clicks {GlobalData (Child Position)}} expListView.setOnChildClickListener (New OnChildClickListener) {@Override Public Boolean onChildClick (ExpandableListView parent, see V, integer groupPosition, integer childPosition, long ID) / Code> This did not execute. Please help what is actually ListChildXXXXXXXXX? Is this JSON? Besides, is the list parent? Please post more code so that we can understand what is happening before ChildClickListener. Do you do me Here's an example of my onChildClickListener: Private ArrayList & lt; page & gt; headerpagesArray, Private HashMap & lt; String, ArrayList & lt; page & Gt; childpagesArray; ... code to do all this work ... lvListMenu.setOnChildClic kListener (New ExpandableListView.OnChildClickListener) {@Override Public Boolean onChildClick (Ex

How do I save multiple pictures as different file names -

I want to capture pictures with a video screen shot and want to store them in a file. As the videos will run many screen shots and we will all be stored in the image file. My problem is every time when I save my picture, the previous image has been captured. Thus, instead of leaving a stream of images in the end, I avoid avoiding the show file dialog because I want the image to be automatically stored. Bmp.Save ("C: \ users \ pnasguna \ Desktop \ A \" This code should be written to file A when the program goes to the loop: .png ", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png) I like to get a result: A1.png, A2.png, A3.png,. .. a .png Please guide me Thank you for the following is my current code: If mati = 2 then Bmp.Save ("C: \ users \ Pnasguna \ Desktop \ A.png ", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.png) ElseIf mati = 5 then Bmp.Save (" C: \ Users \ pnasguna \ Desktop \ A1.png ", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat .PNG) ElseIf mati = 8 th

android - which API should i use for map display just like that of Nokia drive app? -

I'm trying to develop an app that works like a "Nokia Drive". Now if you say why not use Google API, the problem with Google API is that it has a very bad image compared to Nokia Drive. So, is there any other API for which I can use it? And what is the API about it? The documentation says that these apps (which are using the HeiE API) can be run on devices with Nokia X services only. This is because it will not run in any other Android device except Nokia. Please help, I'm new to this.

iis - How do I monitor client certs that are being sent via the requests? -

All CRTs have now signed the CA certificates. I am doing a POC for a project. It is necessary for me to know a way to get information about client Serus obtained through client requests. How do i do this Edit: More specifically, I want to check that two client cents coming from two different incoming web requests are the same or not < Div class = "post-text" itemprop = "text"> How do I monitor client certificates sent through requests? The SSL / TLS connections used to install the client certificate are HTTPS requests at a higher level, and there is nothing to do with the lower level SSL / TLS channel. With it, a token or cookie is available that connects the user's identity to the client certificate. This is necessary to remove a way to get information about the client serous received through client requests. How can I do this? You did not say what you said, and what you wanted you should probably be more specific. I want to s

ipad - iOS: Presenting a UIViewController modally (form sheet/page sheet) over splitViewController -

I have a UISplitViewController (rootview controller) and a UIViewController, vc1. I am trying to present vc1 on my partition view controller from the MasterViewController part: vc1.modalPresentationStyle = UIModalPresentationPageSheet; [Self-present ViewController: animated vc1: yes complete: zero]; This raises an exception: Exclude the application due to non-exception exceptions' NSInvalidArgumentException ', Reason:' An active controller in the application Tried to present the form & lt; MasterViewController: 0x8c5dd30 & gt; ' ... and crashed. Tried it: [self.splitViewController presentViewController: animated vc1: yes complete: zero]; This raises an exception: Exclude the app due to the exception of the exceptions' NSINID IDA Agreement Exception ', the reason:' The application has an active controller Tried to present & lt; UISplitViewController: 0x8c7e3a0 & gt; ' However, if I try it with the interface - how to redirect to a requested page instead of default page after login -

I am able to redirect the user to home.aspx page after every successful login, but I should not do this. For every successful login, send a link. So if they click that particular link or button I want to redirect them to the login page and after successful login, I want to see the requested page. I am trying to do this. But its NT proceedings. How do I obtain the requesetd link and store it in the request. Params ["Return Url"] ?? if (Request "Return URL"] = Null) {Form Attestation. Redirectfromline page (texturername.txt, fake); } Other {form assert.setAuthCookie (txtUserName.text, false); Response.Redirect ("Homepage.aspx"); } Can someone help me? Thanks & amp; Regards Madhu

php - Read -

मैं कैसे प्राप्त करूं: /07/what-makes-people-happy1.jpg से: -मैक्स-लोक-खुश1-300 * 200.jpg PHP और 300 * 200 में स्थिर नहीं है क्योंकि यह ऊंचाई और चौड़ाई है < पूर्व> संपादित करें: $ xpath = नया DOMXPath (@DOMDocument :: loadHTML ($ सामग्री)); $ Src = $ xpath- & gt; मूल्यांकन करें ("स्ट्रिंग (// img / @ src)"); $ Src = preg_replace ('~ - - \ d + \ * \ d + (? = \। ~ ~,' ', $ Src); Echo $ src; छवि रिज़ॉल्यूशन को हटाने के लिए preg_replace फ़ंक्शन का उपयोग करें, < / P> & lt;? Php echo preg_replace ('~ - \ d + \ * \ d + (? = \।) ~', '', 'Http:// 07 / क्या-बनाता-लोगों-happy1-300 * 200.jpg '); ? & Gt; // = & gt; - \ d + - प्रतीक से पहले एक या एक से अधिक अंक। \ * शब्दशः मेल खाता < कोड> * प्रतीक। \ d + एक या अधिक अंकों से मेल खाता है। (? = \।) लूकहाद ने दावा किया है कि निम्न

php - mysql count word per designation -

मेरे पास सरल mysql तालिका है: आईडी नामांकन 1 सीनियर 1 2 वरिष्ठ 1 3 सीनियर 2 4 जूनियर 1 5 जूनियर 2 मैं पदनाम की गणना करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं। मेरे पास एक नमूना प्रश्न है लेकिन यह केवल विशिष्ट शब्द की गणना करता है। SELECT SUM (IF (पदनाम = "सीनियर 1", 1,0)) के रूप में `वरिष्ठ_टौल`, एसएम (यदि (पदनाम =" जूनियर 1 ", 1,0)) के रूप में` जूनियर_टोलल` mytable से < / पूर्व> एक परिणाम के रूप में, मेरे पास है। सीनियर_टোটल जूनियर_टाटल 2 1 मुझे लगता है कि आउटपुट इस तरह से होगा। < / P> सीनियर_टোটल जूनियर_टाटल 3 2 मैं सोच रहा था कि क्या यह क्वेरी सही है। लेकिन मुझे लगता है कि इसकी नहीं। SELECT SUM (IF (पदनाम = "वरिष्ठ%", 1,0)) के रूप में `वरिष्ठ_टाल`, एसएम (यदि (पदनाम =" जूनियर% ", 1 , 0)) `मेरेटेबल से क्वेरी संभव है यह सिर्फ आप जो वाक्यरचना गलत हैं वह यह होना चाहिए: SELECT SUM (यदि (जैसे पद "वरिष्ठ%", 1,0)) `वरिष्ठ_टाल` के रूप में, (यदि पदनाम" जूनियर% ", 1,0)) एएएस` जूनियर_टॉटल` mytable से

lambda - Should I use the java Function together with an switch statement? -

I want to move one stream of objects into different objects on one type basis. For example: stream & lt; Animals & gt; Animal = erase Stream (arrays.Sistlist (new animal ("A"), new animal ("B")); Stream result = animals Map (Animals) - & gt; {Switch (animal .gettype ()) {case "A": new bird (animal) returned; Case "B": new lion (animal) returned; Case "C": New tiger (animal) returned; Case "D": New fish (animal) returned; }} Is this a functional-programming "anti-pattern"? Can I get the above methodology differently with programming? (Note: I also do not like that every time I add a new type, I have to update all my switch statements) @ TMB is correct, it is not related to functional programming. As you said: Every time I add a new type, I have to update all my switch statements Software institutions (classes, modules, functions etc.) should be open for expansion, but have been

datetime - Date(String) parse error in Java -

I paste the following lines of code to parse string as a date I'm using : string display birthday; ... java.util.Date ss1 = new date (display birthday); SimpleDateFormat formatter5 = New SimpleDateform ("YY-MM-DD"); DisplayBirthday = formatter5.format (SS1); Li.add (displayBirthday); It works fine for many dates, but when I want to parse the date like: 0001-03-10 This gives me the following error : java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: parse error: 0001-03-10 I am using a prefix of 0001 for those dates Which is not a year in the form of internal representation. How to overcome this? is the boycott of date (java.lang.String) '', just Use SimpleDateFormat Just like this SimpleDateFormat formatter5 = New SimpleDateFormat ("yyyy-MM-dd"); String DisplayBirdde = Format 5 Format (Formater 5. Paras ("0001-03-10"); Println (displayBirthday); Excluded: 0001-03-10

position - Android align button programmatically -

I have an Android button on a relative layout that I want to live. Animation is currently done with an object animator to move up and down the button 50 DP on a scroll event button position currently height = context Programs are calculated with .getResources (). GetDisplayMetrics () HeightPixels y = height - buttonheight - bottomMargin My problem with this is that calculations work fine in picture mode, but as soon as I switch to landscape mode, The distance between is greater than portrait mode. What did I remember? Try to convert DP to pix by inserting your button on the layout First: Public static float convert pixdodp (int px, context reference) {last float scale = reference.getracecence (). GetDisplayMetrics () Density; Float dp = (float) ((px - 0.5 f) / scale); Return DP; } This should work!

c++ - Programmatically LD_PRELOAD -

वर्तमान में, मेरे पास एक ऐसा अनुप्रयोग है जो: execlp (java_exec, java_args, आदि) , आदि); एक जार फ़ाइल लॉन्च करने के लिए। क्या इसमें भी एक तरीका है LD_PRELOAD = "" ? मुझे execlp को करने का तरीका नहीं मिल सका: LD_PRELOAD = "" java -jar foo.jar < / P> कोई भी विचार मैं लिनक्स पर सी या सी ++ में कैसे प्राप्त कर सकता हूं? यह कमांड का उपयोग उपयोगकर्ता को जोड़ने के लिए किया जा सकता है। LD_PRELOAD चर सेट LD_PRELOAD = $ LD_PRELOAD; "" सिस्टम कमांड को सी फ़ाइल से सेट करने के लिए उपयोग किया जा सकता है

css - html footer doesn't work -

When I write it, the word hello appears at the top of my page instead of below: & lt; Footer & gt; Hello & lt; / Footer & gt; Here is an important part of my CSS file: .footer {position: fixed; Bottom: 0; Left: 0; Height: 100px; Background: black; } I do not really know what is wrong. I am working under the Ruby on Rail , and I'm using PDFKit to convert my HTML page to PDF, but I do not think so. Footer your HTML Does not have a class, therefore footer {status: fixed; Bottom: 0; Left: 0; Height: 100px; Width: 100%; Background: black; }

How to close chrome notifications programmaticaly without clearing -

I currently use the user to determine the length of time a user displays a notification popup for the user I am However, I think because I am using chome.notifications.clear () , I have no unwanted side-effects of notification in the system tray / bell icon menu. Is there a way where I can set the duration of displaying a notification popup without deleting it from the list of Notifications in the Programs tab / bell icon menu? Here is a snippet of my notification creation code: var select = {type: "basic", title: notification. App + ":" + Notification "Message:" ", icon URL: Daturaire, References: time} var note = chrome.notifications.create (" someid ", opt, function (id) {console.log (" notification id: "+ id); setTimeout (Function () {chrome.notifications.clear (id, function was cleaned)} {// need to do something?});} Get_value_from_local ("note_time") * 1000);}) is a notification asset, priority ,

How to create electronically signed PDF in ColdFusion -

Can any idea about creating electronic signed pdf using any coldfusion? ColdFusion 11 is your current designed in enterprise live sequel PDF's digital signature ability iText can also support live signatures and sign them, but it appears to be a bit tricky. I understand that you need to change your live sex form so that it can get iText.

jsf 2 - <f:convertNumber />and <f:convertDateTime /> is not working inside primefaces dialog -

I am working with jsf 2.1 and prefixes 3.5 I "f: convertNumber" and To format numbers and dates, "F: convert datetime", it is working on normal screens, but this is not working in dialogue box (once I press the button, I'm displaying a dialog box) . This is my code: & lt; P: Dialog ID = "ReciprintialProgram" modal = "true" widgetVar = "printDlgId" header = "success" dragable = "true" off = "wrong" resizable = "false" maximum "=" wrong "at least = "Wrong" style = "font-family: ariel; Font-size: 11px; "AppendToBody =" true "width =" 50% "& gt; & lt; h: form id =" receiptdialog_form "& gt; & lt; p: panel grid id =" payment_recity ipt_Panel "style =" Width: 80% "& gt; & lt; p: line & gt; & lt; p: column style =" text-line: left; Width: 45% "& gt; Output mvc - Is there any way to override an mvc controller action using a business class library? -

Is there a way to override an MVC action from a professional class library or there is an option to override an MVC action Why it is possible to override with another controller or class library Why not override in the controller Write method and call it in verb methods? Creating virtual system in base class? Add some example code we need more information!

wordpress - Include Multiple CSS in Redux Framework -

I am creating a new WordPress theme in which I used the Redux framework to create theme options pages. I have passed my style function path in compiler_action () function compiler_action ($ option, $ css, $ changed_values) {global $ wp_filesystem; $ Filename = get_template_directory () '/ Style.css'; If (empty ($ wp_filesystem)) {require_once (ABSPATH. '/ Wp-admin / include / file.php'); WP_Filesystem (); } If ($ wp_filesystem) {$ wp_filesystem-> Put_contents ($ filename, $ css, FS_CHMOD_FILE // mode settings for predefined WP settings); }} This works but the number of css in my wordpress theme is included in my theme directory css folder, how do i include that folder so that all css updates dynamically Please help me if you thank you What do you mean by all Is CSS Update Dynamic? Each CSS file has to be compiled again. If you mean browser caching, then you want to do the "Time" logic for the WordPress Register / Encryu style, then you pa

audio - How to record sound from inside speaker using matlab -

I want to record sound from a built-in speaker using a matlab in the PC. (I use Tablet PC: Dell Maps for 8, I want to record sound from sound card in PC) If I plug earphone on my tablet PC then it is very well Works from I but it does not work when I did not plug the earphone and just run the audio file. (Of course, a speaker has been made in my tablet PC, so I can hear the audio file) I think these two cases use the same sound card (1: sound from earphone, 2: bilt - Sound from the Sparker). But the first case can record the sound using the code below, the other I can not do. I do not understand .. REObject = AudiSider (44100,16,1); Disp ('Start Speaking.') Record Blocking (REOBJ, 3); Disp ('End of Recording'.); Actually, I tried these four cases recObj = audiorecorder (44100,16,1,0); RecObj = audiorecorder (44100,16,1,1); RecObj = AudiSider (44100,16,1,2); RecObj = AudiSider (44100,16,1,3); Because I have 2 input / output audio devices and they have

Constructor use this and super Java -

There is a superclass in my name, whose producer is a constructor. I have a sub-section of the employee name with two constructors, I want within the sub-class that the constructor calls the second sub-class constructor and the superclass constructor. Consider the following: public class Human (name of protected string; Protected string alias; Public Human (String N, String S) {name = n; Nickname = s; }} and employee Public class employees extend human {int salary; Public Employee () {System.out.println ("Creating an Employee"); } Public employees (int pay) {this ()); Super ("Marcos", "Petov"); This.salary = salary; }} I think this can not work, but I want your opinion, is there no way to do this? You can not call this and super Both. It's super or if the constructor does not mention anything in the first line of Java, then it will call super ()

jquery - How to bind complex forms using Spring MVC? -

I am creating webpaint using Spring MVC, and I am facing a moderate difficulty. I have to pack a complex form with many features, each feature can have multiple parameters ... etc. I have cloning with the JPY wrapping script: Example: And now I'm wondering if this spring MVC continues to force these forms to be dynamically used and in hibernation ... What is the best way?

json - Enumerating aws tags with aws cli -

I was thinking that I can add a tag to my AWS machines, for example Key: Backup Value: 00 04 * * * And after that it is used to schedule volume snapshots at our time from our management server. So far I am struggling with jmespath stuff, and I can not seem to get my head around json path clearance syntax: aws ec2 description-example --query 'reservation [] Example [] key [= 'backup'] '[[], [], [], [], [{"value": "00 04 * * *", "key": "backup"}], [], []] I can use some help to remove the following two values, provided the backup tag is defined for example. Instant, the value of the backup key Just try to question tags Specify that you only want the tag, for example, and you want to have the value of the "key" field "Backup" (example below) aws ec2 description-tags - -query "tag [*]. {Backup: value, inst. Id: resource id}" - filter "name = resource-type, value = example"

java - Disable Swing Tooltips by Command Line Parameter -

A method of disabling tooltip displays in the swing app without changing source code (JR6 +, shape and sound Used to be)? I have a rolled application, in one instance, there are serious performance problems when tooltips are displayed on jetties. Essentially, the whole table wants to redesign again and due to some other problems, it is slow to re-slow slow to present. For immediate solution, I could not change the rolled jar. I can now imagine that the only solution would be a receipt which I can set with the command line which disables tooltips or at least initial and redistribution delays Enhances. Is there any such property? See the Class Tooltip Manager. You can disable all tooltips in your application. So you need a new jar with a small class that provides a proxy for your targeted jar. Something like this: public class ProxyLauncher {public static zero major (string [] args) {ToolTipManager.sharedInstance (). SetEnabled (false); // Launch your application: // My

c# choosing between Int and string variable type -

I'm thinking about how good it is to save a flight number. This data is numeric, but I want to know whether it is better to create that property like string or int type. Can anyone help me? I have a int . You have just said "Data is numeric" and a integer is designed for it I imagine a unique identifier for mathematical operations That is irrelevant, so a string will be enough, consider how these values ​​will work with their database equivalents (auto-increment etc.). Also, according to the plan to map the object of this code, what will happen in DB, this type of injury will not be done.

What is wrong with my meteor leaderboard example? -

I have just installed the meteor and I have a look at the leaderboard example. I am trying to set a random score, can not see what is wrong with my code, is there anything wrong with this? I hope that when the button is clicked, the selected player score is populated with a random number. Template code: & lt; Template Name = "Leaderboard" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "leaderboard" & gt; {{#each player}} {{& gt; Player}} {{/ every}} & lt; / Div & gt; {{#if select_name}} & lt; Div class = "description" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "name" & gt; {{Selected_name}} & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Input type = "button" class = "inc" value = "5 points" / & gt; & Lt; Input type = "button" square = "incrandom" value = "set random point" /> & Lt; / Div & gt; {{Else}} & lt; Div class = "none" & gt; Select & lt;