java - Neo4j - No such ServerPlugin error -

Spinning my wheels here and hopefully there can be some help and I can say that I am new to Neo4j . I have spent a lot of time searching this error online and nothing is being seen about what is being faced.

I'm trying to call Java class on my local version of Neo4j (using port 7474) through Google's Advanced Rest Client Utility. When the error below the call is thrown.

A jar file was created and the plug-in was placed in the directory and everything looks like it moves. Added value is being used to call advanced other client ->

  "http: // localhost: 7474 / db / data / ext / InsertTestNode / graphdb / insertTest" Message: "Any ServerPlugin:" InsertTestNode "" exception: "PluginLookupException" full name: "org.neo4j.server.plugins.PluginLookupException" stacktrace: [7] 0: "org.neo4j.server.plugins.PluginManager.extension ( Plginmnagrkjawa: 115) "1" Orgkneo4jksrhwarkplginskplginmnagrkinvoke (Plginmnagrkjawa:l56) "2". Orgkneo4jksrhwarkrestkveb.akstenshnsservis Invokegrafdatabsekstenshn (Akstenshnsserviskjawa: 312) "3:" ( "4:" java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke (unknown source) "5:" org.neo4j .transactional TransactionalRequestDispatcher.dispatch ( "6:". (Unknown Source) " 

greatly appreciated can provide any insight

Have you followed these steps? I think that you are probably missing something.

The documents state that <.> Should include .jar file file META-INF / services / org.neo4j.server.plugins.ServerPlugin . Are you sure that it has been included in the jar?

You should also make sure that the directory listing Jrfile with default Maven either Jer-CVF Maiktek *, ensure jars directories instead of specifying individual files.

If you do all this and then keep jars in the plug-in folder then you would be better off.


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