android - how to get ExpandableListView child text -

I am using expandable list view with JSON array. I got it

My question is how to get the hair title in the form of a string I need child data, while click childlist clicks {GlobalData (Child Position)}}

  expListView.setOnChildClickListener (New OnChildClickListener) {@Override Public Boolean onChildClick (ExpandableListView parent, see V, integer groupPosition, integer childPosition, long ID) / Code>  

This did not execute. Please help

what is actually ListChildXXXXXXXXX? Is this JSON? Besides, is the list parent? Please post more code so that we can understand what is happening before ChildClickListener.

Do you do me Here's an example of my onChildClickListener:

  Private ArrayList & lt; page & gt; headerpagesArray, Private HashMap & lt; String, ArrayList & lt; page & Gt; childpagesArray; ... code to do all this work ... lvListMenu.setOnChildClic kListener (New ExpandableListView.OnChildClickListener) {@Override Public Boolean onChildClick (ExpandableListView Parents, View V, Integer groupPosition, Integer childPosition, long id) {page childPage = childPagesArray.get (headerPagesArray.get (groupPosition) .getPageId ()). Childposition; GoToPageEvent Event = New GoToPageEvent ("GoToPage", Child Page); . EventBus.getDefault () postSticky (event); Back true; }});  

In this example, the header page is array of characters, and the child pageArrayList's ArrayList> where string is the page id of the parent page.


Explained what should work, after what is OK:

  expListView.setOnChildClickListener (New OnChildClickListener () {@ Get Override Public Boolean onChildClick (ExpandableListView Parent, V View, Integer groupPosition, Integer childPosition, Long ID) {GlobalData.childheader = ListChildXXXXXXXXX.get (ListChildXXXXXXXXX.get) (childposition);}  < / Pre> 

--- UPDATE 2 ---

Now after carefully reading, I see what the problem is ...

You can use the hair tarbue object (or Parent objects Gath), while it should be called with simple int.

So your call should be something similar:

  GlobalData Childhead = Listings xxxXXXX.X.GET. Gate (hair-formation);  

Then everything should be taken that the Global Data. Child-type hair turbaru


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