audio - How to record sound from inside speaker using matlab -

I want to record sound from a built-in speaker using a matlab in the PC. (I use Tablet PC: Dell Maps for 8, I want to record sound from sound card in PC)

If I plug earphone on my tablet PC then it is very well Works from I but it does not work when I did not plug the earphone and just run the audio file. (Of course, a speaker has been made in my tablet PC, so I can hear the audio file)

I think these two cases use the same sound card (1: sound from earphone, 2: bilt - Sound from the Sparker). But the first case can record the sound using the code below, the other I can not do. I do not understand ..

REObject = AudiSider (44100,16,1); Disp ('Start Speaking.') Record Blocking (REOBJ, 3); Disp ('End of Recording'.);

Actually, I tried these four cases

  recObj = audiorecorder (44100,16,1,0); RecObj = audiorecorder (44100,16,1,1); RecObj = AudiSider (44100,16,1,2); RecObj = AudiSider (44100,16,1,3);  

Because I have 2 input / output audio devices and they have an ID that is 0 ~ 3 in my tablet PC.

Please help, I actually have a lot of time to solve it. T


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