ios - Static Cells overlapping with UITableView -

I have a UITableViewController with fixed cells when I have more than one line for the cell, Here are the screenshots of the storyboard and simulator that do not fix the auto layout problem overlapping the other. I do not have any code for the class that I have created for the UITBi ViUI controller, so that there is no issue.

Edit: If I run the simulator with empty cells, it looks fine.

storyboard with UILabels and UITextField

Simulator without UILabels and UITextField

You should set the height heightForRowAtIndexPath < In the / code> row it does not get the height of the row from the interface builder, instead you have to set the program otherwise it defines the default value of 44. IOS8 has another feature called self-sizing cells. Once you create the barriers between the UI items, you can dynamically change the height of the cell in the form of scroll / up below. I just wrote it as a tutorial.


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