
Showing posts from March, 2012

jsp - Liferay redirect to createAccountURL with parameters to default input values -

मैं एक StrutsAction से /html/portlet/login/create_account.jsp पर पुनर्निर्देशित करना चाहता हूं। मैं कुछ नमूना कोड देखता हूं और मुझे यह कोड मिलता है: स्ट्रिंग बनाएंअक्षमान URL = PortalUtil.getCreateAccountURL (अनुरोध, थीम प्रदर्शन); CreateAccountURL = HttpUtil.setParameter (createAccountURL, "FirstName", firstName); response.sendRedirect (createAccountURL); ... जहां अनुरोध = HttpServletRequest, प्रतिक्रिया = HttpServletResponse (BaseStrutsAcion अनुरोध के अंदर हैं HttpServlet ...) create_account.jsp पृष्ठ प्रदर्शित किया जाता है, लेकिन एफआईआर नाम फ़ील्ड है खाली। मुझे लगता है कि अनुरोध मापदंडों के साथ डिफ़ॉल्ट रूप से कुछ क्षेत्रों को भरना है। create_account.jsp डिबग करना मैंने देखा कि अनुरोध में यह पैरामीटर नहीं है, लेकिन अगर मैं करता हूं ... एचटीटीपीएसआरएलईईटीईआरटी मूलभूत अनुरोध = पोर्टलयूटीएल.जेटऑरिनलसर्वेटर्यूइस्ट (अनुरोध); प्रथम नाम = ParamUtil.getString (मूल रिक्ति, "प्रथमनाम"); मान यहाँ है! समस्या यह है कि यदि पैरामीटर अनुरोध में नहीं हैं,

graphics - How can I change the cluster color using gvmap? -

मेरे पास। Dot फ़ाइल है I मैं इस आदेश "sfdp -Goverlap = prism INPUT.gv | gvmap -e | neato -n2 -Ecolor = # 55555522 -Tpng> OUTPUT.png" का उपयोग करके नक्शा विज़ुअलाइज़ कर सकता हूँ। ग्राफ {"0" [क्लस्टर = "3", लेबल = "आरेखण", pos = "26.163,130.97"]; "1" [क्लस्टर = "3", लेबल = "विज़ुअलाइज़ेशन", pos = "270.82,243.14"]; "2" [क्लस्टर = "2", लेबल = "ग्राफ़", pos = "271.43,16.263"]; "3" [क्लस्टर = "2", लेबल = "एरिज़ोना", pos = "670.15,16.263"]; "4" [क्लस्टर = "2", लेबल = "विश्वविद्यालय", pos = "415.11,16.263"]; "5" [क्लस्टर = "1", लेबल = "मानचित्र", pos = "513.44,131.26"]; "0" - "1"; "1" - "2"; "0" - "2"; "3" - "4"; "5" - "1"; "5" -

google maps - Put custom icon on Polyline / Polygon etc -

Well, I'm not new to Google Maps, but there is not much experience in it. I want to know how to insert a custom icon in the middle of a polyline? For clarity I attached an image, where you can see the red radius, my custom icon is, I'm in the middle of the right place. I want to clear this triangle which will open a popup etc. where I will keep some form etc. Here's the image: Please guide me zh! The method gives you the full length of a polyline-path. Use a little monastery to walk through the path based on this length and find medium ( computeDistanceBetween () to use the distance between 2 digits ). Note: Geometry library does not load by default, see:

Powershell - Assigning unique file names to duplicated files using list inside a .csv or .txt -

Never designed such a thing which in reality is to remove information from inside a file and direct that data File name needs to be applied. I would like to create a script which is a simple one. Csv or text file is included with a single identifying list and it is a batch of duplicate files (they all have the same content) to share a different name as a 3-digit number attached as a common name prefix Those are allocated. For example, suppose the list of files is like this: 001_test.txt 002_test.txt < Li> 003_test.txt 004_test.txt 005_test.txt etc. Then include my .csv alphabet Beta.txt Charlie.txt Delta.txt Echo .txt etc. I tried to see similar examples, but I have failed miserably EDIT: I have not saved the previously modified items, but here The basic script in which I was messing: $ file_server = Read host "Enter file server IP address" $ rootFolder = 'C: \ TEMP \ GPO \ source \ 5' Gate- ChildItem -LiteralPath $

c - How to check Integer array is all zero or not? -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: < / P> 6 जवाब मेरे पास एक बड़ी पूर्णांक सरणी है जैसा कि मेरे कोड में नीचे है, जो पिक्सेल डेटा रखेगा I कुछ आंतरिक आपरेशनों के बाद मुझे यह जांचना होगा कि सरणी के सभी तत्व '0' हैं या मेरे पास कुछ मान्य मान हैं I वर्तमान में मेरा कोड यह सत्यापित करने के लिए लूप पर चल रहा है। int a [1000000]; क्या सरणी में सभी शून्य मानों की जांच करना सबसे अच्छा है? ओएस: लिनक्स कृपया मुझे स्मृति कुशल और समय में समाधान बताएं कुशल,। धन्यवाद, पार्थिबैन एन अपने सरणी पर चकरा देनेवाला ठीक है; यदि लिंक शेर पर आपके पास पोस्ट किया गया है, तो शीर्ष उत्तर में SIMD निर्देशों का उल्लेख किया गया है। आप का उल्लेख है कि आप लिनक्स पर हैं, क्या आप एक्स 86 स्वाद प्लेटफॉर्म के लिए संकलन कर रहे हैं, या कुछ और? क्या सी संकलक आप का उपयोग कर रहे हैं, और क्या संकलन विकल्प? जीसीसी और झगड़ा दोनों, प्रदर्शन की अलग-अलग डिग्री प्रदान करते हैं। संक्षेप में, यह जितना तेज़ी से कोड के अनुसार हो रहा है, उतना ही आप ट्यूनिंग से अधिक प्रदर्शन को निचोड़ने में समर्

ms access - Sorting a column with mix numeric and text where the numeric or text is 1-3 digits long -

संमिश्र संख्या और पाठ के साथ एक स्तंभ को छांटें जहां संख्यात्मक या पाठ 1-3 अंक लंबा है हर किसी को अभिवादन! मैं इस के लिए नया हूँ और मेरे पास एक्सेस 2007 डेटाबेस पर सॉर्टिंग समस्या है यह डेटाबेस विभिन्न प्रकार की कार्य प्रति वर्गीकरण कोड की पहचान करेगा। जब मैं आरोही आदेश का उपयोग करता हूं, तो ये क्रम उचित नहीं है क्योंकि ये वर्गीकरण कोड संख्यात्मक और पाठ का मिश्रण है। सभी में 300 से अधिक कोड हैं नीचे मैं क्या काम कर रहा हूं उसका एक छोटा नमूना है I कृपया ध्यान दें कि हम लगातार मौजूदा कोड के बीच नए वर्गीकरण कोड जोड़ रहे हैं। प्रारूप वास्तव में भयानक है, यह 1 ए या 1 एए या 1 एएए या 11 ए या 111 ए और इतने पर हो सकता है ... मैं जानना चाहूंगा कि वांछित सॉर्ट कैसे हासिल किया जाए और डिफ़ॉल्ट नहीं है इच्छित सॉर्ट सांख्यिक मान और पाठ माध्यम से क्रमबद्ध कोड) 1 1 ए 2. 1 बी 3. 2 ए 4. 2 बी 5. 3 ए 6. 4 बी 7. 11 ए 8. 12 बीसी 9 22 बी 10. 22 सी डिफ़ॉल्ट सॉर्ट करें < कोड> 1। 11 ए 2. 12 बीसी 3. 1 ए 4. 1 बी 5. 22 बी 6. 22 सी 7. 2 ए 8. 2 बी 9. 3 ए 10. 4 बी मेरी इच्छित सॉर्ट प्राप्त क

c - I cant load simple data in a file while i dont see an error in my code -

#include & lt; stdio.h & gt; // सिर्फ एक कार्यक्रम जो नाम लिखता है (नाम के साथ एक फ़ाइल में हमारे मामले में 3 इंटिजर्स) नाम ग्राड्स Int मुख्य (शून्य) {int a = 5, b = 6, c = 7; // var घोषणा फ़ाइल * बिंदु; // एक फाइल के साथ काम करने के लिए एक संकेतक बनाना बिंदु = एफओपीएन ("ग्रेड", "डब्ल्यू"); // हम स्थान को स्मृति में इंगित करते हैं, जहां हम इनपुट डेटा चाहते हैं (इस मामले में GRADES.c)। Fprintf (बिंदु, "% d \ n% d \ n% d", a, b, c); // कॉलिंग फ़ंक्शन fprintf को GRADES फ़ाइल में डेटा लोड करने के लिए। Fclose (point); // फाइल को बंद करना (वैकल्पिक) सी आमतौर पर बिना बताए बंद कर देता है वापसी 0; } // मैं मुफ्त ओपन सोर्स मंच कोड का उपयोग करता हूं: BLOCKS त्रुटियों की जांच करके आप वास्तव में यह बता सकते हैं कि आपकी समस्या क्या है। fopen fopen वापस NULL यदि यह विफल रहता है: बिंदु = fopen ("ग्रेड", "w"); यदि (! बिंदु) {fprintf (stderr, "फ़ाइल खोलने में विफल! \ N"); वापसी -1; } fprintf fprintf हो

html - How to draw borders of different DIV sections? -

How can I attract boxes of div squares without using the table border element? So far, my website is like this: But for every piece of the line, I have to write an element, which is not really my goal, I just want a limit without using this element. An example of your code, but see this. What are you looking at? KAR is similar to the answer to the resins, but classes are used instead, after which this limit does not apply to all your devices, and you can choose which edges you set your class in the same thing You want to add the boundary by. Code for this JSFiddle: HTML: & lt; Div class = "box" & gt; I am in a box & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "box" & gt; I'm in box 2 & lt; / Div & gt; CSS: .box {border: 1px solid # 000; Width: 100px; Height: 100 pixels; Margins: 10px; } CSS: CSS: Float: left;

processing - Keeping track of global coordinate system with successive translations/rotations in a local one -

I am using the Lindenmeyer system and turtle logic so that the framework of the branches can be prepared in 3D. The basis of my code is section 6, but then generalized to 3D. I would like to be able to keep track of the global status of my turtle and record those situations in one situation. Does the processing already keep track of this information for me? It may be that some push matrix () and popmatrix () work to find the previous position and orientation. If there is no easy toggle for global status, how can I track my position best? Applied PVector and PMatrix3D and individual rotations? I am running processing 2.2.1 and Windows 8. Thanks

amazon web services - Periodically log to S3 from Elast Beanstalk -

Does anyone know that from time to time my app logs and apache logs to use Elastic Beantalk on S3 Do you have to log? I want to do this on shutdown too. You can publish your logs automatically on S3 . Read the section on "Configuring Your Environment to Publish Logs for Amazon S3".

c++ - Why does std::accumulate behave like this with standard arrays? -

I'm just coming in C ++ and I think I have handle pointer, but std: : Accumulate () has confused me. Looking at the array: int a [3] = {5, 6, 7}; I want to add values ​​of the array to std :: accumulate () , so I give it an indicator for the first element, then the last, Then the initial value of the receiver. std :: cached (a, a + 2, 0); Std :: deposits (& amp; a [0], & a [2], 0); Oh: None of these gives the sum of the first two elements: 11 . On the other hand, if the second argument is a nonsensical indicator, just outside the limit ... std :: deposits (a, a + 3, 0); Std :: deposits (& amp; a [0], & a [3], 0); The correct value of ... 18 has been returned. Can anyone please explain this? I know that I can not use simple arrays, but it's next to the point. C ++ categories are defined [first, last] , And all STL algorithms work that way. In this case, all the elements behind the std :: accumulate defined class, starting w

java - Cannot find or load main class from .jar file -

So I wrote a project in Eclipse and it works fine when I click on the green run button . When I export it in a jar and I double click on it, a quick command prompt appears, "The main square can not be found or loaded ...". I tried everything to try to rename the registry keys, reinstall Java, change the environment variable and definitely turn it on and off. I read all the threads on the stack and tried whatever they suggested. Here is my manifest file: manifest-version: 1.0 class-path:. Main category: Main. Main My main square is in the package named main. I have the package name in something other than main Do not forget to create a run configuration, which specifies the name of your main square. Pack all related other jar files in one package. Run executable.jar as java -jar yourExecutable.Jar and if it does not resolve your problem, Then see my MANIFEST.MF file in your executable jar file. Maybe it can give you some clue manifest-version: 1

exception - cryptopp plaintext fixed length limit -

When I pass initialText86 , the code below should work when I Passed initialText87 fails to create this StringSource SS1 , and we complete the exception Invalid argument ! How can I encode string with length 87? #include & lt; String & gt; # Include & lt; New & gt; using namespace std; # Include & lt; ../pub/cryptopp/rsa.h & gt; # Include & lt; ../pub / cryptopp / osrng.h & gt; # Include & lt; ../pub / cryptopp / oaep.h & gt; # Include & lt; ../pub / cryptopp / sha.h & gt; Using Namespace Crypopp; AutoSeededRandomPool & amp; Rng_get () {static autoshddrackpuff defRng; DefRng return; } String rsa_encode (const String & amp; plain, constant RSA ::; PublicKey & amp pubKey) {RSAES_OAEP_SHA_Encryptor rsaEnc (pubKey); String ciphertext; StringSource SS1 (reinterpret_cast & LT; constant byte * & gt; (plainText.c_str ()), plainText.size (), true, new PK_EncryptorFilter (rng_get (), rsaEnc, New StringSink (zero))

axis2 - automatic redeployment of aar file in JBoss AS on exception -

I have web services deployed as AAR (Ax archive) inside the Zebus AS 6.1 I I would like to know if it is possible for any Java program that you can re-deploy yourself on some important exceptions. I hope that I remodel my Java web service without human intervention. Anyone knows about this? You can refer to my thoughts. This is the proposed solution I have not yet done.

python - Split string via regular expression -

Suppose I have been given a string like this: input = "" " is a very good person is useless is very strange. "" "" I have a regular expression for an email address : ^ [A-z0-9 \ + \.] + \ @ [A-z0-9 \ + \.] + \. [A-z0-9 \ +] + $ The goal is to split the string based on an email address regular expression: [ I am trying to use the re.split (EMAIL_REGEX, Input), "is a very good person", "is useless", "very strange."] but I have not succeeded. I get the output as the full string contained in the list. ^ and $ anchor, as They only match the beginning and end of the string since the email addresses are in the middle of the string, so they never match. There are other problems in your regexp: Account names can have many other characters compared to those of you, e.g. _ and - . Domain names can have - characters, but not + . And you should not use th

c - Proper way to get reference to row in 2D array -

I have tried many times to find the answer to this question but I think I am spoiling my search, But I'm having a hard time taking my head around this time, I think a lot of time away from C. I think. I have a compilation time that has been declared a 2D buffer: uint8_t buffers [NUM_BUFS] [SIZE_BUF]; Should it be NUM_BUFS size of size SIZE_BUF ? I imagine the NUM_BUFS rows as the SIZE_BUF column. uint8_t * row = * (buffer + SIZE_BUF * rowIDX); Uint8_t element = * (line + elementIDX); It compiles precisely and works, but it is cumbersome. From the approach of array access: uint8_t * row = & amp; Buffers [rowIDX]; Uint8_t element = line [elementIDX]; This gives a compiler warning when trying to pass a line in a function trying to reach its elements: Incompatible Pointer Type [enabled by default] Given logic of 'someFunc' 1]] And the information statement about it: Expected 'uint8_t *', but logic 'UIT 8

translation - How to move a pixel in glsl? -

OK, suppose I have a ping pong shader setup, the image has a color other than a pixel 0. Define color red and blue colors where the pixels should be moved. (V * r * 2-0.5 = dx ... v is a constant) How do I now go about transferring this pixel with the encoded amount in color value? I can not paint for any other piece, which is being processed, I can not transfer the "forward" information. Is there a solution? Be careful, in my reply there is a link that can be very difficult for you GPU This is a successful breakout-style game that is in a shader. You asked about moving forward "information", and in this example this is done by providing a textmap of the previous animation. The shader needs to know the frame current frame That's where the balls and bricks were in the previous frame. The moving ball encodes its current direction in one color, such as: vec3 ball (bull x, bull Y) {// direction direction direction VC3 Draw the ball with (1.0, X?

jquery - Loop through parent elements and if child element doesnt exist display text -

I am trying to think about how to loop through all the basic classes (.grid) and if In this case, with no child div or class (.image-container), then display in the (.grid) section (content-container). HTML: & lt; Style & gt; .grid .content-container {display: none; } & Lt; / Style & gt; & Lt; Div class = "grid" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "art" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "image-container" & gt; & Lt; Img src = "image url" /> & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "title" & gt; Title Text & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "content-container" & gt; Some content goes here & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "grid" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "art" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "title" & gt; Title Text & lt; / Div &am

shell - Escape character confusing in sed command -

A common use that is to avoid sed 's / \\\. / \\\\\\\. ./g ' I completely confuse why so many \ / \\\. / Search for patterns. By default, the following is the escape sequence and dot means "any four", so \. Escape slash (\\) is translated into resume format, followed by escape dot (\.) / \\\\\\\. Instead of ./ \\ 8 slash and 1 dot I 4 were already escaped from the slash for the same reason for the research pattern but the dot in the replacement pattern was mean dot Therefore there is no need to avoid it. Another way to write it is to / [\] [.] / \\ \\\\ & amp; / for fun or / \ ([\] \) [.] / \ 1 \ 1 \ 1 & amp; / LE

adb - How to view sqlite database in android application at run time -

I am trying to copy data from the DDBMS perspective - & gt; File explorer - & gt; Data - & gt; [My_app_package] then PULL is working when I'm running the application on the emulator, but when I'm running an application on mobile, nothing is shown under the data folder is. I have also tried to do the same thing from ADB, but it is not working .. Can I locate any sqllite database created by my application without my phone? The way. An Android device can programmatically retrieve the database .db is. I was putting another setting under my app named Developer Options , which was copying the .db file to sdcard . Copy the following code from .db to sdcard . I want to do this with .db file name with backupDBPath and currentDBPath (the name that you have given your database name). . Public Zero Dev () {try {file sd = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory ()} File Data = Environment GateData Directory (); If (sd.canWrite ()) {string curren

Simplified Linq for return to View Model -

How can I simplify the following statement? var order = db.Orders. (O = & gt; o shipment). Where (o = & gt; OID == 3 || OID == 5 || OID == 10). Ollist (); Finally, I would like to do this: SELECT * ORDERS from where id (3,5,10) < , . , . or have tried but Linq can not query "form". something like that? var item = new int [] (3,5,10}; var order = db.Orders. (O => o shipment). Where (o = & Gt; items included (OID). Olist ();

javascript - Unable to re-use element objects? -

It looks like I attach the element object to the page, I can not add it again to the other part of the page . Something strange about this behavior, does anyone know what this is happening and how to know any other element to add the object again? I have tried copying the object to a new variable and it still does not help. Here the code is: (The object should be added for both div, but only to add the first) var $ e = $ ("& lt; a / & Gt; ") .append (" & lt; span & gt; link ") .attr (" href "," # "). Click (function (e) {e.preventDefault (); Warning ('Hi');}); Var $ e2 = $ e; $ ("Div: First"). Attachments ($ E); $ ("Div: The Last"). Attachments ($ e2); HTML: & lt; Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; body: Each object is unique, $ E2 is just a reference to the created element you should store: var $ e2 = $ e.clone ();

c# - Looping through RESX file, items not in order -

I am looping through a resx file using the method described in an acceptable answer here: But the objects are not being read in this sequence that they are in the race file, which I expected. The order is not random and is preserved between read, but is back: Line3 Line2 Line1 Line6 Line5 Line4 Do not preserve the order of the dictionary / hashtables elements There is also no guarantee that order run-time versions, x86 / x64 / others The flavor or the same binary will also be similar to the run (also usually the order remains the same). Resortset class calculates every name and value on an IRSReader, and to store them in hashtables . A custom IRSorder can be used.

jquery validation with $.post -

$ ('# gstrate-button') क्लिक करें (फ़ंक्शन () {if ($ ('# gstrate '' (': खाली')) {$ ('# दर-त्रुटि')। पाठ ("आवश्यक");} और {url = "& lt;? Php echo site_url ();? & Gt; settings_controller / save_new_gstrate "; $। पोस्ट (url, {rate: rate}, फ़ंक्शन (e) {location.reload ();});}); } मेरा दूसरा हिस्सा काम नहीं कर रहा है !! कैसे हल करें? मान्य होने के लिए फ़ील्ड पॉप अप के अंदर है और यह टेक्स्ट फ़ील्ड है और आईडी '#gstrate' है। < P> : रिक्त वास्तव में जांचता है कि तत्व में कोई भी बच्चा तत्व है, जो इनपुट नहीं हो सकता। आप क्या चाहते हैं सिर्फ यह जांचना है कि मान एक रिक्त स्ट्रिंग है यदि ($ ('# gstrate')। Val () === '') {...

servlets - Java Oracle JDBC Connection Timeout -

I have developed some JSON web services using Servlets for my mobile app. I am using Hosting (Oracle + Private Tomcat), I have a single class that has many static functions which are called in Servets for database operation. I use the getConnection () method in each function to get the connection object, create the statement and execute the query. There is a problem after losing the connection for some time. I am using the following code to reset the connection again. conn conform to the public stable connection; Description stmt; Get public static connection () throws SQLException {if (conn == null || conn.isClosed ()) {try {class.forName ( "oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"); Conn = DriverManager.getConnection (DB_URL, "Username", "Password"); Return canon; } Grip (Classonautound Expression | Accloxation X) {}} and {Return Conn; } Return conn; } I'm unable to figure out how I'm not set up to handle the timeout / off con

PHP Cookie and browser refresh confusion -

I have this code and I saw that when I changed the value to something else Is it related to HTTP titles and super globals? Or something why I have to refresh twice to see the new value Why is not one refreshing? I have tried to read similar questions on other threads but why is it not clear in this way so far? Anyone else is giving me a clear explanation, thanks. & lt ;? Php $ name = "test"; $ Value = "Hello"; $ End = time () + (60 * 60 * 24 * 7); Setkey ($ name, $ value, $ end); ? & Gt; & Lt ;! DOCTYPE html & gt; & Lt; Html lang = "en" & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Title & gt; PHP & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt ;? Php $ test = isset ($ _COOKIE ["test"])? $ _COOKIE ["Trial"]: ""; Resonance $ test; ? & Gt; & Lt; / Body & gt; So if I change the value to say 500 then I need to refresh twice to see the new value

sql - conditional joining in oracle -

सशर्त शामिल होने के वक्तव्य: - उच्च स्तरीय वर्णन: - सम्मिलित करें तालिका दो स्तंभों पर आधारित यदि संयोजन मौजूद नहीं है तो एक मेज पर शामिल हों - विस्तृत तालिका - तालिका टैब 1 बनाओ (टैब 1_col1 नंबर रिक्त नहीं है , टैब 1_col2 नंबर नल, टैब 1_col3 varchar (10)); लुकअप तालिका तालिका बनाने के लिए lkp1 (lkp_col1 संख्या शून्य नहीं, lkp_col2 संख्या शून्य नहीं, lkp_col3 संख्या शून्य नहीं, lkp_col4 varchar (10)); सम्मिलित करें स्टेटमेंट - टैब 1 टैब 1 मानों में डालें (10,101, 'ए'); टैब 1 मानों में डालें (12,101, 'बी'); टैब 1 मानों में डालें (11,102, 'सी'); टैब 1 मानों में डालें (13,103, 'बी'); टैब 1 मानों में डालें (14,104, 'सी'); टैब 1 मानों में डालें (15,108, 'ए'); टैब 1 मानों में डालें (16,102, 'डी'); लुकअप तालिका lkp1 lkp1 मानों में डालें (10,101,50, 'पिक'); Lkp1 मानों में डालें (10,101,50, 'पिक'); Lkp1 मानों में डालें (11,102,100, 'SKIP'); Lkp1 मानों में डालें (11,110,50, '

utf 8 - How to preserve UTF8 string from app to webserver in Python -

I have an app that submits a request for Python webserver. The app has a UTF 8 string with the following contents: La Langue franchise PPT It is placed in an HTTP header, and in any way Has been changed to: La Lange fan \ xfeaise.ppt Then the dragon tried to do something with the string on the web server Which might be UTF 8, and I get this error: Unicodecode error: 'utf8' codec is positioned 14 byte 0xfe D Can not load: invalid start byte I basically have to protect this UTF 8 from the app on a web server, such as if it can be printed in, then the variables will be the following : What's the way \ xfe is for ISO-8859-1 encoding. While content is utf8 is widely supported, the HTTP header should have ASCII HTTP-Tip ISO-8859-1, but It is not recommended or reliable in tooling. Other encoding is not allowed without special escaping. If possible, avoid your special characters so that they can be transferred as ASCII. Base

replace all variables in string in ksh -

I have a string that contains some other variables. I need to convert all of these variables into actual values is. Example: WORD = "AAA" TEXT = "bbb" MY_STRING = `cat temp.file` # after I want to get the evaluation string code> MY_STRING = "Hello AAA, how are you BBB" this Temp.file can contain different variables (not only WORD and TEXT) variables that I need to define with $ {NAME} and $ NAME When Word and Text are part of a different file, Use a dot to include AOL Content: Temp.file

playframework - How to drop EOF from Enumerator -

मैं दो एननरेटर s को जोड़ना चाहता हूं समस्या यह है कि & gt; & gt; & gt; और और तब काम नहीं करते अगर पहले एक EOF है। मुझे लगता है मुझे EOF को छोड़ देना चाहिए, लेकिन मुझे यह नहीं पता कि यह कैसे साफ़ करना है। मैं सोचता हूं कि ऐसा करने के लिए एक आम, मुहावरेदार तरीका है। यह क्या है? Iteratee A से जुड़ने के बाद Iteratee A के साथ EOF छोड़ने के बजाय, मैं विभाजित होगा ए, के लिए AwithoutEOF और ए (जो सिर्फ EOF के साथ AwithoutEOF जुड़ा हुआ है)। तब बी को सही AwithoutEOF के साथ जोड़ सकते हैं।

javascript - angularjs load status promises -

I have created the factory and I load the data in the controller. I want to create the status of the load data, like how can I do this in the normal text state? var myApp = angular.module ('myApp', []); MyApp.controller ('aukcjeController', function ($ scope, auctionfender) {$ scope.Data = {}; $ scope.get = function {data} {auctionFactory.getOrders (data) // somethink here ??? .progres ( Function (order, status) {$ scope.status = status}) // .vivet (function) {$ scope.Data = commands; console.log ($ scope.Data); $ scope.dataLoaded = true; }) .error (function (error) {console.log (error);})}}; // get ();}); MyApp.factory ('auctionfactory', function ($ http) {var fac = {}; fac.get order = function () {return $ http.get ('file.php', {cache: true})}} return FAC;});

java - Scala addition of double gives different answer -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: < / P> 11 जवाब मैं वित्तीय ऐप की कोशिश कर रहा हूं , जहां क्रेडिट का योग और डेबिट 0 है ऐसा क्यों है scala & gt; 7595.00-8544.38 + 949.38 रिज 7: डबल = 7.958078640513122 ई-13 लेकिन सॉर्ट किया गया और जोड़ा गया scala & gt; 7595.00 + 949.38-8544.38 res8: डबल = 0.0 अच्छी तरह से समस्या संख्या यादृच्छिक पर होती है लेकिन वे हमेशा शून्य मैंने नोड के साथ ऐसा ही किया और समान परिणाम मिला। क्या समस्या है। मैंने यह फ़ंक्शन लिखा है def sum (xs: सूची [डबल]): डबल = {xs match {case x :: tail = & gt; बिगडीकैमल (एक्स + योग (पूंछ))। सेटस्केले (2, बिगडीसीमल। राउंडिंगमॉड.एचएचडी_यूपी) .टा डबल केस नील = & gt; 0}} यह अजीब है, हालांकि .. फ़्लोटिंग पॉइंट संख्याएं अंतर्निहित मानों का सही प्रतिनिधित्व नहीं हैं। यह सिर्फ एक तथ्य है कि कैसे चल बिन्दु संख्या बाइनरी में एन्कोडेड हैं। अधिक जानकारी के लिए, देखें। यदि आप सटीकता चाहते हैं, तो इसका प्रयोग करें: स्कला & gt; बिगडीक्यूमल (75 9 5,2) - बिगडीस्केल (854

Visual Studio 2013 C++ variable watch does not work -

I have found another user on another website with the same problem, except that he is using Fortran, While I am using C ++: In fact, I can quote him / her: Problem: < / Strong> My problem is that program algorithm works fine in debug mode, apart from that, they do not show the values ​​of the variable. I tried the clock window and moved the mouse over the variable, but none of them worked. I have defined a very easy code like Hello World and just an integer, but the program is unable to show the value of the variable in debug mode. Debug mode works correctly from time to time Sometimes I have to restart the debugger 10 times and then it works for 1 time with no one It does not matter if I add or remove breakpoints. My setup: Windows 7 64bit Visual Studio Final 2013 (from MSDNAA) , All original accessories) Version 12.0.30501.00 Update 2. I have another booklet with Windows 7 64bit and the same Visual Studio version -> same problem use

sql - NOT IN clause and NULL values -

This issue came when I got separate records, which I thought was a not where constraint and another one runs away . There was a zero value (poor data) in the table in the no constraint, due to which the query was returned to the count of 0 records. I understand why I can help fully understand some concept. It just tells, why the results of Curie A result a result but B does not? A: Select 'right' where in 3 (1, 2, 3, zero) B: Select 'right' where not in 3 (1, 2, blank) < / Code> It was turned on SQL Server 2005. I also came to know that it happens to return the result code to set ansi_nulls off . query A is the same: select 'true' where 3 = 1 or 3 = 2 or 3 = 3 or 3 = zero Since 3 = 3 is true, you get results. The query B is the same: 'true' where 3 & lt; & Gt; 1 & 3 & lt; & Gt; 2 and 3 & lt; & Gt; Blank when ansi_nulls is turned on, 3 ; Gt; Zero is unknown, therefore evaluates

javascript - Prevent Parent page from reloading when exit button is clicked in popup -

I created a popup using the modal when the user clicks on a link then it will show this model popup. I have put an exit button inside the popup to close the popup. My problem is that when I click on the exit button, the popup is exited, but the parent page is reloaded. Is there any way to prevent parents from reloading the page? Here is the code for a modal popup: & lt; Div id = "box-config-modal 1" class = "modal hide fade" style = "display: none;" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "box" id = "box-description" & gt; & Lt; H4 square = "box-header round-top" & gt; Details & lt; / H4 & gt; & Lt; Div class = "box-container-toggle" style = "padding-left: 20px; padding-right: 20px;" & Gt; & Lt; Div class = "box-content" & gt; & Lt; Form name = "popup" id = "popup" & gt; & Lt; Fieldset & gt; & Lt; Button class = &qu

html - Change the height of the containing div according to sliding down tree menu items -

I have a tree menu in the left hand of the website and it is as follows. & lt; Div id = "left_menu" & gt; & Lt; Ul id = "tree menu" & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" & gt; Rev. Message from Surangi Fernando & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" & gt; 125th anniversary & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" & gt; 200th Anniversary & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li class = "content container" & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" & gt; Church & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; Ul & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" & gt; Chalupotha & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" & gt; Negombo & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li &

Tkinter Python input string to variable without Entry field -

I'm trying a program code where you can log in with RFID and buy goods through barcodes I have done this console and it works just fine, now I want to try to make it good in GUI, but I just want to connect the mouse to the barcoderiver and RFID reader on my computer without the keyboard (EAn Barak E I can read input) as a string. I'm having trouble with this problem: # Now ask the customer to scan a productive work scan (text = "Please scan a product" !) Ean = StringVar () Entry (root, textual = str (N)). Pack () cursor.exicute ("SELECT * FROM products where ean = '" + ean + "'" #) if in the EAN database, then not cursor. ORCY: function.config (text = "Sorry, but this one There is no valid barcode! ") Hope someone can help me here, Thank you!

c# - How to convert HTML to plain text -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: < / Html> निम्नलिखित फ़ंक्शन के साथ सादा पाठ करें, लेकिन परिवर्तित होने में अभी भी त्रुटि हो रही है। निजी स्थिर स्ट्रिंग HtmlToPlainText (स्ट्रिंग HTML) {const स्ट्रिंग टैग WhiteSpace = @ "(& gt; | $) (\ डब्ल्यू | \ n | \ r) + & lt;"; // एक मैच या अधिक (सफेद स्थान या लाइन ब्रेक) के बीच '& gt;' और '& lt;' Const स्ट्रिंग स्ट्रापफॉर्मेटिंग = @ "& lt; [^ & gt;] * (& gt; |)"; // किसी भी वर्ण के बीच '& lt;' और '& gt;', जब भी अंत टैग में स्ट्रिंग पंक्ति की यादृच्छिक पंक्ति होती है, ब्रेक = @ "& lt; (br | BR) \ s {0,1} \ / {0}>"; // matches: & lt; br & gt; ;, & Lt; br / & gt;, & lt; br / & gt;, & lt; बीआर & gt; & lt; BR / & gt; & lt; बीआर / & gt; Var लाइनब्रेकआरगेज = नया रेगेक्स (लाइनब्रैक, रेगेक्सऑप्टिस। मल्टीलाइन); Var स्ट्रिपफॉर्मेटिंग रीजक्स = नया रेगेक्स (पट्टी फ़ॉर्मेटिंग, रेगेक्स

excel vba - How can I make the standard deviation appear in the status bar? -

Using Excel 2010, I want to be able to see the standard deviation of the selected cells (population) Am bars I know that you can change the status bar, but I do not have any VB knowledge, so I do not know how to implement it. Is there anyone here who has already done this or can tell me how to do this? I have found the following code online, and it works, but it gives me the sample of the sample, not the population (hence I, n, n, n -1, where n is the selected cells Number)). Private sub worksheet selection (according to change range) sdev sDev = Selection.Address (0, 0) error on Gato Grindler Applications. StatusBar = "Standard Deviation" & amp; _format ( (sDev), "#. ####") Exit sub-errors: Application. Statusbar = Fault / End Sub All A sample for population or StDevP ()

ios - Format NSDate from string -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: < / P> 3 जवाब मुझे बदलने में कुछ परेशानी है यह स्ट्रिंग: @ "15/08/2014 08:30" एक NSDate में, यहां मेरा कोड: NSDateFormatter * formatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init]; [फॉर्मेटर सेटलोकेल: [NSLocale currentLocale]]; [फॉर्मेटर सेट टाइम ज़ोन: [NSTimeZone स्थानीय टाइमजोन]]; [Formatter setDateFormat: @ "dd / MM / yyyy एचएच: मिमी"]; जब मैं मुद्रित करता हूं [formatter dateFromString: fullDatesString]; (FullDatesString मेरी स्ट्रिंग है) परिणाम है: 2014-08-15 06:30:00 +0000 क्यों मेरा समय 2 से कम है मेरे स्ट्रिंग और मेरे NSDate ऑब्जेक्ट के बीच घंटे? जब आप NSDate < / कोड>, यह जीएमटी (+0000) में चाहे आप या एनएसडीट किस समय के क्षेत्र में है चाहे आप उस समय को आपके समयक्षेत्र (जीएमटी +2 मुझे लगता है), तो समय सही है।

Check which button has been clicked using jQuery -

How can I do this - using the if / else statement - check which button is clicked on ? I am currently using this jQuery code: var nextBTN = $ ('. Carousel .next'); Var backBTN = $ ('. Carousel .back'); If (nextBTN.trigger ('click') == true) {/ * Next button has been clicked? * / Console.log ('Next BTN Click'); } Else if (backtBTN.trigger ('click') == true) {console.log ('backBTN clicked'); } HTML: & lt; Div class = "carousel" & gt; & Lt; Ul & gt; & Lt; Li class = "back" & gt; & Lt; Span & gt; Back & lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li class = "next" & gt; & Lt; Span & gt; Next & lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; / Ul & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; Thank you in advance. Click on the link to see an example of work and you click on the li point in the work example. need to. $ (docume

xcode - HandleLongPress : UIPopoverController dealloc reached while popover is still visible -

I am trying to develop a mapkit app. There is a map, there are many annotations located on this map. If I touch one of these annotations then my app is displaying custom popovers from the storyboard. If I touch any other place on the scene while the popover is active, the popover disappears without any problem. But if I touch one of the annotations and take my finger out of annotation without releasing my finger, I get the error. 2014-08-01 11: 33: 34.160 notamTR [1101: 60B] *** neither came exception 'NSGenericException', due to the end because of the application: '- [UIPopoverController dealloc] While reaching popovers is still visible. '*** First Focus Call Stack: (0 Core Forwarding 0x01b231e4 __exceptionPreprocess + 180 1 libobjc.A.dylib 0x018208e5 objc_exception_throw + 44 2 Correction 0x01b22fbb + [NSE Expansion Lift: Format] + 13 9 UIKit 0x00ae195e - [UIPopoverController Dealloc] + 86 4 libobjc Kakdilib 0x01831692 _znllobjc_objektl7sidetable_relsib + 268

sql server - Performance in database design -

I have to implement a test platform. My database requires the following tables: student teachers , admin , personnel and others. I would like to know whether each of these tables is more efficient with first name and LastName or other table, person , and each other The table has to be linked to one with the PersonID . Personally, I like this way, though, to implement the tricker, because I think this is cleaner, especially if you see it with an object-oriented point view. Will it add an unnecessary overhead to the database? I do not know if it helps to mention that I would like to use SQL Server and ADO.NET Entity Framework. As you have explicitly mentioned oo and you are using EntityFramework, instead Just build a database structure and instead of trying to model it? There is a good start for the various strategies that you can choose from. For the database to focus on adding above the unnecessary land - I will not worry about it yet EF is generally about

Visual Studio 2013 - Debug -> Start New Instance -

I have a Windows project project and I would like to start debugging 10 instances of that project once. When you typically debug a project, then you just start an example. Debug -> You can create additional people by starting a new installation. Is it possible to add shortcuts or buttons to Visual Studio or something like: debug 10 instance and in that pop-up 10 examples of that project. You can go to Tools in the VS2013 menu -> Options and then Environment-> Keyboard Search for "ClassviewContext Management, Class WivProject.Debug.Start EnvironmentIn <", Command and Map it on any shortcut like it. Obviously, it starts a new instance every time you hit the keyboard shortcut. If you do not want to do this every time, every time you want to start debugging your project, then the next step is to do this. You can do the same keyboard shortcut 10 times, or in your case. EDIT: You are right, the add-in has actually been demoted in Visual Studio 2013,

ios - Is it possible to assign two different selectors to keyboard return and keyboard hide keys in ipad using objective c -

I want to call a function when the keyboard return key is pressed and I call another function call when the keyboard focus key is pressed I want to do the iPad. So I need to check that the return key is pressed or the key is pressed. You can test for UITextField delegates by using previous methods ... // Edit - TextFieldDidBeginEditing: - textFieldShowEndEditing: - textFieldDidEndEditing: // text field text editing - textField: ChangeCharactersInRange: ReplaceString: - textFieldShouldClear: - textFieldShouldReturn: - textFieldShouldReturn: method only when calls The user clicks the return button in the keyboard. It will not call the user after clicking on the hide key ... can check by u. Only implemented for "UIKeyboardWillHideNotification": [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver: auto selector: @selector (KeyboardWillHide :) Name: UIKeyboardWillHideNotification Object: Zero]; Hope it helps.

jquery - How to add prefix string in jqgrid column using date formatter -

मैं - का उपयोग करके jqgrid कॉलम को स्वरूपित कर रहा हूं - formatoptions: {srcformat: 'ISO8601Long', newformat: H: i '}, formatter:' date ' मैं समय से पहले स्टॉप ऑन में एक उपसर्ग स्ट्रिंग जोड़ना चाहता हूं। कृपया मदद करें ... अग्रिम धन्यवाद ... आप उपयोग कर सकते हैं जो मूल दिनांक फ़ॉर्मेटर कॉल और प्रीपेड अनुरोधित स्ट्रिंग से पहले: formatoptions: {srcformat: "ISO8601Long", newformat: "H: i"}, formatter: फ़ंक्शन (मान, विकल्प) {वापसी "पर बंद" + $ (यह, "दिनांक", मान, विकल्प); }

javascript - jQuery/AJAX concurrent access to global variable -

I'm writing some jQuery code which makes plain Ajax calls. I have a global javascript variable that I need to increase thread-safe with every call if it was Java, then I would use synchronize but not so: -) Here is a code snippet: var myval; Function myFunc () {$ .ajax ({url: myurl, type: 'GET', data: {... my data ...}, success: function () {myval ++;}}); } Given that myFunc () is linked to one click event, how can I ensure that myvar is always Safely / Continually increased? I know that I can use probably async: false , but I want to avoid it. I'm not even sure that he will do that. Thanks for any help! There is no problem - JS does not cause nuclear problems because there are no user (user-visible) threads [ There is nothing in JS, in response to it, it is impossible to forget myval to forget a piece of code during the event or initial script load salary. , Because the entire success callback can be completed before any other event

Android application move to sdcard option is disable -

The application I have applied does not have the option of going to SD card ... My There is no option for an app to move to the SD card in the settings page, but why is this in other apps? What am i doing And my application looks like this Add assets to your host tag & gt; Manifest xmlns: android = "" .... Android: installLocation = "auto" & gt; It is that ...

javascript - AngularJS Directives: Inserting Attribute values in template -

I am quite new to AngularJS, and I have the following problem. I have an HTML element: & lt; Div class = "hn-multi-select" array-of-strings = "testArray" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; More Director: Angular Modules ('Directives') Directive ('arrayfosting', function ($ Rootscope)) {return {scope: {Pahn: '= arrayOfStrings'}, Template:' & lt; Div & gt; & Lt; Input type = "text" & gt; + '& Lt; Select name = "" id = "multiple ng-model =" page "ng-option =" dm for dm in pnm "& gt; & Lt; / Select & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; Replace: correct, compile: function compilation (Tilement, TATRS, transclusion) {return} pre-function pre link (scope, ielm), iAttrs) {}, post: function postlink (scope, iElem, iAttrs) {}}} }}}}); What I want to achieve is that you have an array in the html component array-of-string = "dModelTest" (obje

javascript - Simultaneous asynchronous requests in AngularJS containing inner operation -

How do I create 2 asynchronous requests in AngularJS after which the first request should be made? ? I have to do something like this: Call the first web service (get x) Call another web service I have to do something after both data (G (X, Y) I Do some things before I get feedback from the web service (F) (X)) The following approach: $ q.all ({x: $ http.get ('http: // sourceX'), y: $ Http.get ( 'Http: // sourceY')}). Then (function (result) {$ scope.a = f (; // where is it to keep the line? $ Scope.z = g (, ;}); is not efficient because it is waiting for the resource even if the resource has been received. I would like to call the function when x is available and when x and y are available, call the function g A phony code looks like this for what I want: $ q.all ({X: $ http.get ('http: // sourceX '), Y: $ http.get (' http: // sourceY ')}). When (x is ready) {$ scope.a = f (

ios - How to check for UISegmentControl particular segment is enabled or not? -

For UISegmentControl I have used [segmentedControl setEnabled: NO forSegmentAtIndex: 0] to check if there is any way Whether or not special segments are enabled You can use: [Fractured control is enabled fitting imported: 0];

Matlab - After dithering, RGB image can't divide into R-G-B -

I am new to Matlab .. I have the image with dimension 512x512x3 uint8 I and I In this way we use the 'useless' function: [MyMage, MyimeAarthmap] = RGB2 Ind (IMG, 16, 'DAR'); Imwrite (Myimagedither, Myimagedithermap, 'step_4_RGB_D_U_16.tiff'); After that, I am used to reading the image like this: new_img = imread ('step_4_RGB_D_U_16.tiff'); However, only after that amplitude change in 512x512 unit 8, I need to split that image into RGB. Can anyone help me in solving this? Read the map separately in this way: [ New_img new_img_map] = imread ('step_4_RGB_D_U_16.tiff'); And then convert the image to RGB and split the color channel into 3 different images. Like this: new_img_RGB = ind2rgb (new_img, new_img_map); G1_16 = new_img_RGB (:,:, 1); G2_16 = new_img_RGB (:,:, 2); G3_16 = new_img_RGB (:,:, 3);

loadrunner, Can I view the value of a web_reg_save_param during replay -

For example F10 (step by step) .. Run the script again without parameter replacements, and replay logs . Ideally ID is to see the saved value at that point I have the parameter registered? lr_message (); Or lr_output_message; Or (my preference) lr_debug_message (); If you want to output to log in automatically or, you can turn on advanced log items in runtime settings for variable replacement. When you turn it on, you will be shown that when the correlation value is collected and then its value is used before using it.

cq5 - Event handler for delete child component in AEM/CQ -

How can I add an event handler to my Adobe AIM 6 component which triggers when the child component is destroyed ? There are many listeners that I can list event handlers in, but unfortunately there is not one for later. I tried to add a Sek: childEditConfig component to component, but at least AIM 6 does not fire the handler: & Lt; / Jcr: root & gt;

sql - Oracle: LIKE where any part of one string matches any part of another string -

I am using PL / SQL v7.1 I can find records of all addresses I am trying to see where the country's name has been entered in one address line areas and also in the area of ​​the country. The problem is that the details of the country have not been recorded continuously, eg. addr4 addr5 country ---------- ---------- --- ------------ Jersey UK (Jersey) Ireland Republic of Oberland Douglas Man UK (Isle of Man) So, I need to find that record found in any part of the country either in ADR4 or ADR5 goes. I started with it SELECT * test_addresses WHERE addr4 || Addr5 as '%' | | Country || '%' I know this does not work because it takes the first record as an example, check that the 'UK (Jersey)' is found in adr4 or No. | Ederr 5 and, therefore, no matches will be found. But how do I check that 'jercia' is found in Adar 4? Addr5 Try this way: SELECT * test_addresses WHERE (ADR4 is not empty and countries like '%' are ADR4 |

c++ - Python RE - Regular expression for matching a printf-like format string with escaped quotation marks -

I am writing a small + preprocessor in Python, which should have format strings like printf. I need a regular expression, which corresponds to other quote marks in the first place, but ('' '' ') is ignoring all the escape marks. Here is an example: foo bar, "value \" s \ ":% s", "foobar"); I need a regex for this: "value \": I have so far: (". *?") But I could not find any way to avoid quotation marks I'm so grateful if someone can give me a solution / tip. Thank you in advance! You can try regex below to match the first of all the characters Hala and the other " , \". *] [^ \\] \ " < Previous> & gt; & Gt; & Gt; S = r'foo (bar, "value \" s \ ":% s", "foobar"); '& Gt; & Gt; & Gt; M = (r '". *? [^ \\]"', s)> gt; & Gt; & Gt; Results = (0)> gt; &

CakePHP CamelCase names after upload on server -

itemprop = "text"> My problem is quite strange I'm developing CakePHP application In the beginning I have been doing all the stuff on my local server with Windows Was ... and works very well. But now I had to upload to the company's server now the app does not work due to the CMC's conference. My file names appear like this: PostCategoriesController . There is no problem with local windows server. But after uploading when I write web address in my browser, I did not get PostcategoriesController . I know that Windows and Linux are case-sensitive in different ways. Although in the cookbook we can read that the developers should use the Camelkesh conference, so what am I doing? As you have noted in the comments, something like post_categories Instead of using postcategories , and that's why KHHP can not do it correctly as PostCategories There is no separator for words, and therefore you can not Postcategories will end with , which only works a

imageview - OnTouch change Image in XML - android -

I have an XML file in the graphical folder, which I want to use as an ImageView src. Here's the code: & lt ;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt; Selector xmlns: Android = "" & gt; & Lt; Item Android: state_pressed = "true" android: drawable = "@ drawable / home2" /> & Lt; Item Android: state_pressed = "false" android: drawable = "@drawable / home1" & gt; & Lt; / Item & gt; & Lt; / Selector & gt; As you can see that the image is pressed every time, it will turn the image into another image, but for some reason it does not work properly. It just shows me the default image and when I press the image, it does not switch. In addition, I tried to put this code but I got the same result: & Lt; Item Android: Dragon = "@ Draubel / Home 1" & gt; & Lt; / Item & gt; & Lt; / S

c - Difference between pointer to pointer and pointer to 2d array -

यदि मेरे पास एक 2 डी सरणी बी परिभाषित है: इंट बी [2] [3] = {{1,3,5}, {2,4,6}}; क्या int ** p = b जैसा कि int (* p) [3] = B ? < / Li> int ** f = B; Printf ("% d", * f + 1); आउटपुट के रूप में 5 देता है जबकि printf ("% d", * f) < / कोड> उत्तर के रूप में 1 देता है। ऐसा क्यों हो रहा है? प्रिंटफ़ ("% d", ** f); एक सेगमेंटेशन गलती देता है! क्यों? नहीं int ** p = B; एक त्रुटि है (एक संकलन त्रुटि दोनों, और एक तार्किक त्रुटि)। एक int ** को एक int * पर इंगित करना चाहिए। हालांकि, बी में int * संग्रहीत नहीं है। बी किसी भी संकेत के साथ संगत int s का समूह है। int ** f = B ; को एक संकलन त्रुटि देना चाहिए परिणामस्वरूप उत्पन्न किसी निष्पादन योग्य का व्यवहार पूरी तरह से अपरिभाषित है। देखें 2। व्याख्या करने के लिए आप 1 और 5 क्यों देख रहे हैं (सी मानक इसे परिभाषित नहीं करता है, लेकिन वैसे भी आगे चलकर आपके कंपाइलर बैल)। शायद आपका कंपाइलर लाइन को int ** f = (int **) बी के रूप में व्यवहार करत

Go: strings.Split on newline? -

I am trying to do a simple task of dividing the string through new lines. This does not work: temp: = strings.Split (result, `\ n`) Instead 'tried but no luck. / P> Any thoughts? you "\ n" / code>. Search for segment on `\ n`, actual \ , then the n in the text, and not the new line byte.

mysql - SQL Query With & Without -

मेरे पास निम्न तालिका हैं: तालिका: नुस्खा फ़ील्ड: recipe_ID , शीर्षक तालिका: नुस्खा_आधारीदार फ़ील्ड: recipe_ID , ingredient_ID मैं केवल ऐसे व्यंजनों को दिखाना चाहूंगा जिसमें कुछ खास सामग्री होती है (मैं उस भाग को प्रबंधित करता हूं), लेकिन मैं भी कुछ सामग्रियों वाले बहिष्कृत व्यंजनों को करना चाहता हूं। अब तक मैं यह क्वेरी करने में कामयाब रहा हूं, यह काम कर रहा है, लेकिन यह केवल व्यंजनों को दर्शाता है जिसमें कुछ खास सामग्री शामिल है। चुनें DISTINCT r.recipe_ID, r.title से recipe r जोन नुस्खा_एंगेरियंट री पर (ri.recipe_ID = r.recipe_ID) जहां री। इनेडियेंट_आईडी IN (4, 7) ग्रुप द्वारा आर.रेपी_आईआईडी होगिंग COUNT (Ri.ingredient_ID) = 2 मैं इसे निश्चित सामग्रियों के साथ व्यंजनों को बाहर करने के लिए कैसे बनाऊं? नोट: 4, 7 और गणना मान प्रदर्शन प्रयोजनों के लिए स्थिर हैं। कृपया पूछें कि आपको अधिक जानकारी या कुछ भी आवश्यकता है। बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद! आप एक उप क्वेरी का उपयोग कर सकते हैं जो कि Recipe_ID जिसमें वे सामग्री शामिल हैं जिन्हें आप नहीं चाहत

jaxb - How to handle it when the same server request may return two different xml responses? -

I have seen a lot about how to boil many root elements in a single reaction. My problem is slightly different. Need to contact is a bit weird set up, even if there is an error, the server returns 200, but this error message will return the XML format in this way: However, the expected response is a bit more: & lt ;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt; Response & gt; & Lt; Number & gt; & Lt; / Number & gt; & Lt; LabelImage & gt; & Lt; / LabelImage & gt; & Lt; Name & gt; & Lt; / Name & gt; & Lt; Address 1 / & gt; & Lt; Address 2 & gt; & Lt; / Address 2 & gt; & Lt; City & gt; & Lt; / City & gt; & Lt; State & gt; & Lt; / State & gt; & Lt; Pin & gt; & Lt; / Zip & gt; & Lt; LabelSequenceNumber & gt; & Lt; / LabelSequenceNumber & gt; & Lt; Dropoff & gt; & Lt; / Dropoff & gt; &

javascript - Grunt Watch no running task for JS or CSS -

I'm not sure why my harsh clock is not running for JS or CSS configuration < P> My grunt file is in the 'Tools' folder The project folder structure looks like this: -index.html -js -css -tools - package.json --node module --gruntfile .js Here is my CSS folder structure: - Css - SRC --- styles. CSS --- third party ---- bootstrap.css This is my JS folder structure: -js --src --- app .js --- third-party ---- jquery.js This is my package. Jason {"name": "my-project-name", "version": "0.1.0", "devDependencies": {"suffocation": "~ 0.4.5", "Grant-Contrib-CSCM": "^ 0.10.0", "Grant-Contrib-GSINitt": "~ 0.10.0", "Grant-Contrib-Uglif": "~ 0.5.0", "Grant-Contrib- Watch ":" ^ 0.6.1 "," Matchdeep ":" ^ 0.3.0 "}} This is my grunted file, this is a clock work that does not seem to work :

android - Power of two bufferSize -

384 I was searching for a way to record the power of two file sizes, and I found It works well, but I do not know what this equation means: buffer size = 2 & lt; & Lt; (Int) (log (RECORDER_SAMPLERATE) / log (2) -1); I am familiar with the transfer signed in Java but I am not getting the same output. It gives a buffer size of 16384 samples. I want to reduce it For example if you type 2 ^ (log (2048) / log (2)) You can give 2048 samples per buffer if your frame rate is 44100, then you record 464 millisecond == 2048/44100 = 0.0464 This is your Buffer Size , you can have the power of two values ​​directly in your buffer size variable (1024, 2048, 4096, etc.)