xcode - HandleLongPress : UIPopoverController dealloc reached while popover is still visible -

I am trying to develop a mapkit app. There is a map, there are many annotations located on this map. If I touch one of these annotations then my app is displaying custom popovers from the storyboard. If I touch any other place on the scene while the popover is active, the popover disappears without any problem.

But if I touch one of the annotations and take my finger out of annotation without releasing my finger, I get the error.

  2014-08-01 11: 33: 34.160 notamTR [1101: 60B] *** neither came exception 'NSGenericException', due to the end because of the application: '- [UIPopoverController dealloc] While reaching popovers is still visible. '*** First Focus Call Stack: (0 Core Forwarding 0x01b231e4 __exceptionPreprocess + 180 1 libobjc.A.dylib 0x018208e5 objc_exception_throw + 44 2 Correction 0x01b22fbb + [NSE Expansion Lift: Format] + 13 9 UIKit 0x00ae195e - [UIPopoverController Dealloc] + 86 4 libobjc Kakdilib 0x01831692 _znllobjc_objektl7sidetable_relsib + 268 5 Libobjckakdilib 0x01830e81 Objc_riliz + 49 6 myMap 0x0000b82d - [Vievkantrolr Mpviev: Didselektaँnottionviav:] 1885 7 MapKit 0x0017799d - [Mkmpviev Annottionmnagr: Didselektaँnotashanrepresenteshn:] 704 8 MapKit 0x001ae9b8 - [ MKAnnotationManager selectAnnotation: Animated: Avoid:] 715 9 MapKit 0x001ae6e8 - [MKAnnotationManager select Annnotation: An imated:] + 75 10 MapKit 0x00165206 - [MKMapView handleLongPress:] 993 11 UIKit 0x0087c4f4 _UIGestureRecognizerSendActions + 230 12 UIKi T 0x0087b168 - [Uigesturerekognizer _updtegesturevithevent: Buttonevent:] 383 13 UIKit 0x0087cbdd - [Uigesturerekognizer _delayedupdategesture] 60 14 UIKit 0x0088013d ___uigesturerekognizerupdte_blok_invoke + 57 15 UIKit 0x008800be _uigesturerekognizerremoveobjektsfromarryndpplibloks + 317 16 UIKit 0x008767ac _uigesturerekognizerupdte + 199 17 UIKit 0x00521a5a - [Uivindo _sendgesturesforevent:] 1291 18 UIKit 0x00522971 - [UIWindow sendEvent:] 1021 19 UIKit 0x004f45f2 - [UIApplication sendEvent:] + 2 42 20 UIKit 0x004de353 _UIApplicationHandleEventQueue + 11455 21 CoreFoundation 0x01aac77f __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_SOURCE0_PERFORM_FUNCTION__ + 15 from 22 CoreFoundation 0x01aac10b __CFRunLoopDoSources0 + 235 23 CoreFoundation 0x01ac91ae __CFRunLoopRun + 910 24 CoreFoundation 0x01ac89d3 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 467 25 CoreFoundation 0x01ac87eb CFRunLoopRunInMode + 123 26 GraphicsServices 0x032df5ee GSEventRunModal + 192 27 GraphicsServices 0x032df42b GSEventRun + 104 28 UIK it 0x004e0f9b UIApplicationMain + 1225 29 myMap 0x0001c37c Main + 92 30 libdyld.dylib start 0x020e4701 +1) libc ++ abi.dylib: thus ending with neither came exception NSException  
< P>

This answer is too late, but for those looking for solutions: To create a Stronghold property to capture this popup Try it, and then map the self with self-popover reference to the init with content using context.


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