
Showing posts from September, 2014

WPF C# ListView Dataset, how do I update database with changes user makes to the data in the listview? -

Then I've created a list view using a dataset, i.e. selecting the ListView option for the table in the data source window and By dragging it on my interface Each column has a mode for binding (dove / oneway etc). They were all set to double, i.e. this is a snippet of my list view in XML file: & Lt; Setter Property = "Control. Vertical Content Element" Value = "Statch" /> & Lt; / Style & gt; & Lt; /ListView.ItemContainerStyle> & Lt; ListView.View & gt; & Lt; GridView & gt; & Lt; GridViewColumn x: name = "_ idColumn" header = "id" width = "60" & gt; & Lt; GridViewColumn.CellTemplate & gt; & Lt; DataTemplate & gt; & Lt; Text box margin = "10, -1, -6, -1" text = "{binding_id, mode = wienz}" /> & Lt; / DataTemplate & gt; & Lt; /GridViewColumn.CellTemplate> & Lt; / GridViewColumn & gt; & Lt; GridViewColumn x: name

sql - MySQL query to get the max, min with GROUP BY and multiple table joins in separate rows -

टेबल संरचना employee_salary वेतन_आईडी | Emp_id | वेतन कर्मचारी tabe संरचना emp_id | First_name | अंतिम_नाम | लिंग | ईमेल | मोबाइल | Dept_id | Is_active विभाग: dept_id | Dept_name | Manager_name | प्रश्न: डिपार्टमेंट-वार कर्मचारी को जो सबसे ज्यादा और न्यूनतम वेतन राशि प्राप्त कर रहा है? मैं हूं क्वेरी का उपयोग SELECT MAX (वेतन) वेतन, dept_name, first_name, dept_id, 'MAX' type fROM (SELECT a.salary, c.dpt_name, b.first_name, b.dept_id, a। एक वाम employee_salary से salary_id शामिल हों पर c.dept_id = b.dept_id पर a.emp_id = b.emp_id बायाँ शामिल हों विभाग ग कर्मचारी ख) द्वारा dept_id यूनिअन सभी का चयन मिनट (वेतन) वेतन, dept_name, first_name, dept_id, 'मिन टी ग्रुप 'से (चयन a.salary, c.dept_name, b.first_name, b.dept_id, a.salary_id एक वाम employee_salary से प्रकार में शामिल हों कर्मचारी बी पर a.emp_id = b.emp_id बायाँ शामिल हों पर c.dept_id = b विभाग सी। Dept_id) टी ग्रुप द्वारा dept_id ORDER BY dept_id मुझे मिल रहा आउटपुट दिखाया गया है

parsing - Android. Downloaded .docx files converting to .bin files -

I'm trying to download. Use the purpose of linking the browser to handle Docx file URLs. The file is being downloaded but the file is in .bin without any extension. My code looks like this: string url = documentList.get (status) .getManMadeLink (); Intent I = new intent (Intent.ACTION_VIEW); I.setData (Uri.parse (url)); StartActivity (i); How to solve this problem? Any suggestions?

SQL Server : Insert Image Into Table Dynamically -

I have a SQL server table product and I insert an image for each in the image The column based on the product Code where the name of the image is similar to the product code . Update Products Product ProdImage = (SELECT * from OpenRoseet (Bulk 'C: \ USER \ DLL \ Desktop \ ImageCabank \ sbrk.jpg', single_blob) as the image where the code = 'Sbrk' GO is the name of the image and code sbrk I get an exception when I tried to make the path dynamic : Expect STRING, TEXT_LEX me Looks like you can use dynamic SQL to make dynamic dynamic Will need. You can not go to a parameter only in the bulk statement: announcement @ sql NVARCHAR (max) DECLARE @ PATH N VARCHAR (MAX) DECLARE @ CODE NVARCHAR (200) SET @ path = ' C: \ user \ del \ Desktop \ ImageCatalog \ sbrk.jpg 'SET @ code =' sbrk 'SET @sql =' Update Product Set Prodame = (SELECT * FROM Openerate (Bulk N '+ + Path +' '' , Single_blob as image) where code = 

html - How do I create triangle shaped vertical breadcrumbs -

I am trying to design a vertical breadcrumb. I'm not sure how to do the small triangle below, I hope I can do it with CSS and can not use images. I am considering the following results: should be enabled Fill the hover with the same color as the element. You can see my progress on Bella: HTML: & lt; Ul & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; Div class = "link" & gt; & Lt; P & gt; Link 1 & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; Div class = "link" & gt; & Lt; P & gt; Link 2 & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; Div class = "link" & gt; & Lt; P & gt; Link 3 & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; Div class = "link" & gt; & Lt; P & gt; Link 4 & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; /

ruby - Extract and replace emails and phone number from string -

I need to hide the email and phone number in the string. I change the formatted email / number with a regex Easy, but what about other formats? Here's an example: Input: Email address like or email at dot com should be replaced. Phone numbers like 347 323 4567 or tree four seven, three two three four five six seven < / Code> should also be changed. Output: Email address like (email is hidden) or (email hidden) should be replaced. Phone numbers like (phone hidden) or (phone hidden) < / Strong> should also be changed Airbank's message service is really good at doing this: It looks for the symbols @, "Whatever I do not know about DOT Com" , And with some sensitivity to the number of numbers to be separated from at least 7 digits (telephone number). What would be the best way to do the same thing? Writing complex regexes? Using a Natural Language Resource Library? This

ios - Add extra static tableview to UITableViewController -

मेरे पास UITableViewController एक गतिशील tableView के साथ है अब, मैं एक दूसरे tableview को मेरे UITableViewController बटन पर क्लिक करने के लिए जोड़ना चाहता हूं, लेकिन मैं यह स्थिर tableview का उपयोग करके स्टोरीबोर्ड । इसलिए मैंने एक और UITableViewController जोड़ दिया और tableview की कक्षा को मेरे कस्टम वर्ग में बदल दिया। लेकिन जब मैं इसे अपने एफआईआर टीवीसी पर इन्स्तांत करता हूं, यह स्टोरीबोर्ड से एक को लोड नहीं करता है। मुझे लगता है कि यह सिर्फ मेरे कस्टम वर्ग के एक नए ऑब्जेक्ट को इन्स्तांत करता है, लेकिन कोई भी स्टोरीबोर्ड फ़ाइल पर नहीं है और मैं tableview के आउटलेट को मेरी पहली TVC से कनेक्ट नहीं कर सकता, यह मुझे नहीं होने देता तो मुझे लगता है कि मेरा विकल्प यहां एक नया UITableViewController को लागू करने के लिए होगा और इसे सिर्फ तालिका जोड़ने के बजाय, सबव्यू के रूप में जोड़ देगा? मैंने सोचा कि मुझे किसी अन्य UITableViewController की आवश्यकता नहीं थी और यह सिर्फ tableview का उपयोग कर सकता था लेकिन मुझे लगता है कि मैं गलत हूँ। कोई सुझाव? UPDATE: यह

ruby on rails - How to validate file size of file before upload? -

I am using carrier access to handle my file upload and now I want to add verification so that user 1 GB Can not upload file or similar. For now I have done this like this: class items & lt; ActiveRecord :: Base mount_uploader: Image, Image Uploader Valid: file_size def file_size Errors [: Image] & lt; & Lt; "Too big" if self.image.parametres [: shape]> gt; 100000 End End The problem is that I feel that this verification works after the file has already been processed. I get stuck in a few minutes after uploading a large file of 30MB and then informs me that the file is too big. It appears that the file is uploaded to the cache and then the verification runs. This is not really acceptable. Is there any other way to run validation? Thanks! The easiest way would be to transfer the file before writing some JS file to validate the client side is.

html5 - CSS3 Background-Color Shapes Style -

Good evening everyone, I was thinking for a little while now what's the best way Look at this link for example: Actually if I have a full width website, but I want 2 colors, which are not just blocks but they have this size. Also keep in mind that the site will be responsive. I think I can get some small alignment problems with media queries, but what is the best practice to use here? Is there a CSS3 conversion option? (I do not have to worry too much about old browser support), my thinking is that if there is a CSS3 transform option that can be applied to any div or section tag, then I will add that content to that half column Will I nurse in such a thing, can it happen? & lt; Section class = "background style" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "column-6" & gt; & Lt ;! - Some content - & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "column-6" & gt; & Lt ;! - Some content - & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; &am

Add folders to MATLAB compiler -

In the application compiler window, we can add files required to run files There are folders that I want to install with the application next to the code, some of them are empty folders and others have images I can not add folders to files required to run files . How can I do this?

Reading multiple matrices from the same file in R -

I know that you can read a matrix from a file using read.table But I can read two matrix ( m by n ) from one file in R and keep them in two different R variables. For example, for this example, there are two to three matrix 2 in this file: 6 3 2 5 5 4 4 3 6 3 3 4 < / Pre> Here's my shot. split (read.table ("data.txt"), gl (2, 3, label = c ("x1", "x2"))) It should be easy to normalize and wrap it in a function. I hope it helps.

formula - Merge two general formatted cells in Excel (one holding a date, the other a time) but keep their respective formats -

I have an Excel spreadsheet that I need to import into SQL Server databases in a specific format. Data in the sheet is required, but in incompatible format for the datetime field in Excel. I currently have the following cells formatted as 'normal': DATE | TIME | DATETIME ----------------------------------- 2014-08-01 | 23:45 | I want to add a DATETIME value of '2014-08-01 23: 45: 00.000' to DATE and TIME ' I have the following (If DATE was G2): = TEXT (G2, "yyyy-mm-dd") & amp; "" & Amp; Text (H2, [What should I be kept here?]) But as you see, I can not do the work that the final formula What has been put in the part as I want Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. If you do this then it should work as expected: = TEXT (G2, "yyyy-mm-dd") & amp; "" & Amp; Text (H2, "hh: The difference from the answer given by the page is that if you have second (also with millisecon

c# - Detecting dynamic parameters and return types -

I have seen the entire stack overflow but have not yet found the solution. How can I use reflection to differentiate between dynamic and object parameters and returns types? For example, suppose I have many methods in the class like this: Public Zero Foo (Dynamic D) {} Public Zero Times (Object O) {} Public Dynamic Foo ( ) {Return "foo"; } Public object bar () {return "bar"; } How do I get names of Foo and times 's? Compiler emits one through any dynamic parameter, return type or members, which you can find out. For the sake of summarizing, you can define a supporting method like this: Fixed bool isDynamic (ParameterInfo PI) {return pi.GetCustomAttributes, true). Langs & gt; 0; } or if you are using .NET 4.5 or later, then you can extensively expand methods from the helper class: Fixed bool isDynamic (ParameterInfo pi) {return pi.IsDefined (typeof (DynamicAttribute)); } Then you can find those methods that either select a d

How do you log messages onto console in Robotframework? Is there any keyword? -

How can I log messages to the console in the robot framework, when I use log keywords, this report file Log on. Please advise. There is a name in the library which is perfectly fine. | | Enter the console. Hello world

c++ - Hide text in column as password dots in QtTableWidget -

I have a table (created by QTableWidget). My table has 3 columns #. User | text and password appear nearby i.e. "user", "password" I want to hide the text nearby: "********" & lt; It means "password" QLineEdit has a good option called "echomode" but it is only for QLineEdit. I can change the text for * manually, but how do I read this text later in a table (in the classroom)? I will set the table item " ***** " , and store the real password as an item data with a special password. For example: // Get the first line password items QTableWidgetItem * passwordItem = tableWidget- & gt; Items (0, 2); PasswordItem-> SetText ("*****"); PasswordItem-> SetData (QT :: UserRoll, "the_actual_password"); The actual password can be done in the same way: real password = password item-> data (QT :: userroll) .stustring ();

cuda - Asynchrony and memory ownership in CUBLAS -

The cube is an asynchronous library. What are the requirements for memory ownership for the criteria that CUBLAS has passed? It seems that the asynchronous call to matrix driven by the cubal should not be completed - but what about scalar parameters? For example, the following code is sound: // ... float alpha = compute_alpha (); CublasSaxpy (handle, n, // Find an automatic variable! & Amp; alpha, // and assign it to an asynchronous function! X, incx, y, incy); Return; I'm worried that the saxcai actually starts until the alpha can not exist: if we have the function before the launch of SXP Returns, and alpha is overwritten with other items for stack space, it is possible that a suspicious wrong answer (or even crash) can also be found. I do not need to copy my scalar parameters to any type of heap memory and to ensure that they do not get destroyed on the cubes after asynchronous calls - the tracking will be complicated. > It would be great if the CUBAAT

c# - How to use Observable.Generate to output in a console -

क्यों निम्न कोड उत्पादन नहीं करता है? कुछ यादृच्छिक मूल्यों को उत्पन्न करने के लिए यह कंसोल ऐप है (मैं रिएक्टिव एक्सटेंशन सीख रहा हूं)। सिस्टम का उपयोग कर। प्रतिक्रियाशील। लींक; स्थिर शून्य मुख्य (स्ट्रिंग [] आर्ग्स) {var रैंड = नया रैंडम (); अवलोकन। (5.0, i = & gt; i & gt; 0, i = & gt; i + rand.NextDouble () - 0.5, i = & gt; i, i = & gt; टाइमस्पेन.फॉमससेकंड्स (0.1))। सदस्यता लें (कंसोल ।पंक्ति लिखो); } एक निरीक्षणात्मक एक asynchronous < / Em> डेटा स्ट्रीम क्योंकि आप उत्पन्न के लिए समय-अवधि गुजर रहे हैं, पृष्ठभूमि पीढ़ी में संख्या पीढ़ी हो रही है। जब आपका मुख्य फ़ंक्शन निकलता है, मुख्य धागा निकास जब मुख्य धागा निकलता है, तो पृष्ठभूमि थ्रेड मारे जाते हैं। आपका मुख्य फ़ंक्शन 0.1 सेकंड के पहले समाप्त हो जाएगा, इसलिए आपके जनरेटर में कुछ भी उत्पन्न करने का समय नहीं है। अपने मुख्य फ़ंक्शन के अंत में Console.ReadLine (); जोड़ने का प्रयास करें, इसलिए जब तक आप कोई कुंजी दबाए नहीं जाते तब तक पृष्ठभूमि थ्रेड को नहीं मार दिया जाता है।

php - WHERE DateInterval could not be converted to string -

In my database, I got it in the form of day int I have $ diff < / Strong> is the date time. $ diff- & gt; Format ("% d"); Choose from * smt where day = $ diff and whenever I use the first format, it still gives me: Catchable fatal error: The object of the class date object can not be changed in the string ... Thanks for your reply, I hope I'm not stupid Missing. $ diff is an object and is thus interpolated as a string Or can not be concerted because it is not representative of the string that I believe you are trying to interrupt from the date of the result. Try: "Select * to smt WHERE day =". $ Diff-> Format ('p'); This inquiry should be secured with SQL injection which is $ diff always provides a dateInternewall object, although you can use paramellaracted queries with MySQL or PDO should do. / P>

Use variables in another section in Python ConfigParser -

I know that I can use% (values) s to use the variables present in the config file. But it seems that I can only use variables in that section. Is there any way to use variables in other classes? Take a look This will refer you to the $ {section: Option} syntax.

sql - Index in two columns range comparisson within the same table -

Is it possible in a postgrace or a mux to help compare the range between the two columns in the same table ? id , col1 and col2 test . >, And there are 20 million rows in the query that looks like this: SELECT id, col1, col2 test, where col1 & lt; Col2; The query planner is saying that he is using a sequential scan in the entire table. Will this work be an index ?: create index idx_test on test (col1, col2); I have already made it but the query planner still scans sequentially. Is there a way to increase that query to minimize execution time? Yes use math, louis! Repeat the query so that all the columns appear on one side of the filter (I originally made a similar change -col2 ): SELECT id, col1, col2 test from where col1 - col2 & lt; 0; Add an index to that expression: create idx_test on test (col1-col2); The index will work only in PostgreSQL, but MySQL is not based on your entire system load, another indexing struggy can still be

rust - How to clear the Cargo cache? -

जब मैं कार्गो बिल्ड चलाता हूं, तो विभिन्न लिब्स को फ़ोल्डर / usr / स्थानीय / lib / rustlib / । इन लिब्स को साफ करने का सही तरीका क्या है? मैं इन फ़ाइलों को मैन्युअल रूप से आरएम कर सकता था, लेकिन क्या ये सही काम है? मैंने देखा कि / usr / local / lib / rustlib / manifest एक फाइल है जिसमें सभी लिब्स के भरण फ़ाइल पथ की एक सूची है, और इसलिए मैं इन फ़ाइलों को मैन्युअल रूप से हटा सकता हूं। / P> मुझे विश्वास है कि मैनिफेस्ट फ़ाइल केवल अंतर्निहित पुस्तकालयों के लिए है, अर्थात उनको rustc के साथ वितरित किया जाता है कार्गो खुद ~ / .cargo () में चीजों को स्टोर करता है, यदि आप केवल सभी पुस्तकालयों को हटाना चाहते हैं तो उस निर्देशिका को हटाने से कुछ भी नहीं टूट जाएगा। यदि आप बस कार्गो को पुनर्निर्माण / अद्यतन निर्भरता को चाहते हैं तो आप कार्गो अपडेट चला सकते हैं।

java - Android Tablets networked via server locally and access video files -

I have a project where I have to put an Android based tablet on a local server without an internet connection. Scenario: - There is a class where all 50 students have tablets, I want to stream video directly from the server to the tablet (instead of downloading it separately to different bullets). This tablet can be connected to the server locally via LAN but the internet is not available. Thanks in advance Himesh

Something wrong with Inserting multiple rows in MySQL -

I have searched and read to insert multiple rows without typing without inserting it. But something is wrong Can you please help me? This is my code: Student (student science, student ID, student ID) values ​​('4', '1', '13 '), (' 5 ',' 2 ',' 2 '), (' 6 ',' 2 ',' 6 '), (' 7 ',' 2 ', '10'), ('8', '2', '14 '(' 9 ',' 3 ',' 3 '), (' 10 ',' 3 ',' 7 '), (' 40 ',' 3 ', '11'), ('11' '3', '15'), ('12', '4 ', 4'), ('13', '4', '8'), ('14', '4', '12') , ('15', '4', '16'), ('16', '5', '1'), ('17', '5', '5'), ('18', '5 ',' 9 '), (' 19 ',' 5 ',' 13 '), (' 20 ', '6', '2'),

using forEach to apply a function to each array item in javascript -

I am trying to understand how everything works in Java var Arr = [5, 4,3,2,1]; Var class = function (x) {return x * x; } Arr.forEach (function (item) {item = class (item);}); I should get the [25, 16, 9, 4, 1] . But get [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] The item is an argument for your callback function (which works like a local variable) and modifying it does not change the array - this is not the actual array element. For the callback, the next two arguments give you the array and Indexes so that you can modify the actual array element. var arr = [5,4,3,2,1]; Var class = function (x) {return x * x; } Arr.forEach (function (item, index, array) {array [index] = square (item);}); Working demo: You may want to keep in mind that .map () create a new array for the operation Created for example: var arr = [5,4,3,2,1]; Var class = function (x) {return x * x; } Var newArray = (class); Working demo:

tfs2010 - TFS 2010 - how can external users access and internal TFS server -

My organization has set up a TFS 2010 server on its internal network. Our internal people can push source code in it though we have some external users who are not part of the network. How can we get TFS to push source code? Thanks Either highlight your TFS server on the Internet or (more General) Bring VPNs into the internal network to your outsiders

Processing encoded json response from ajax request in jquery -

I am trying to make an AJAX request using jquery: $ . Ajax ({Url: "/ src / ax_query_places", data type: "Jason", data: {query: value}, success: function (response) {warning ("success");}, failure: function () {warning ('Get airport');}, error: work () {alert ('error');}}); I am json encoding on the server side: JSN data is received on the response: {"places": [{"name": "new" X20 Orlense, \ x20US \ x20 \ x28 New \ x20Lakefront \ x20 \ x2D \ x20NEW \ x29 "," Code ":" New "}, {" Name ":" New \ x20 Beedford, \ x20US \ x20 \ x28 All \ X20d \ x20WB \ x2D \ x20EWB \ x29 "," code ":" EWB "}} But I am getting the error every time Please suggest that any error in syntax is. Or should I parse the encoded response? In addition, if I remove Jason's encoding on the server side, then everything works fine. You might want to keep a list

node.js - MEAN Stack pushing to client when existing data gets updated -

I am working on a MEAN; The project where the Mongodb keeps my data in the back-end and I am using to publish new access data to all clients. To make it real time, I am using the Mongodb capped collection to send new arrival data (inclusive) to all customers using Socket.o emitted. However, I am struggling to find a way to send update data to the customer when the existing data is updated. I know an alternative way, but for this I have to move my data from Mangodebi to a flat file. Create a clock for that file, but it is not an elegant solution < P> If anyone has any better suggestion please share. Why not, whenever there is an update, that view needs to be updated in the server . socket.emit ('updateData1', {_id: & lt; _idid of data) you are updating; Field 1: & lt; Price & gt; field2: & lt; Value & gt;}) Just update _id and object in front-end (client).

ios - MKMapView can't be zoom when its camera heading rotating -

I want to rotate my map view according to iOS device orientation, I apply it as below - (zero) location manager: Manager (CLLocationManager *) Updating: (CLHeading *) newHeading {self.userDirection = newHeading.trueHeading; = newHeading.trueHeading; } Then I get a problem when the camera of the map view is moving, the map view can not be zoomed. How can I solve this problem? I realize that in ICO7 MKMapCamera is a new class, maybe it Is unstable. Finally, I rotate map views in another way: First of all, I mapView #pragma Icon - Maximize Map View setup - (zero) setupMapView {// Setup size double edge = sqrt (pow (screenSize.size.width, 2) + pow (screenSize.size.height, 2)); Self.mapView = [[MKMapView alloc] initWithFrame: CGRectMake (0, 0, edge lang, edge lang)]; = screenCenter; Self.mapView.delegate = self; } Next step, apply rotation of map to CLLocationManager rep #degineDEGREES_TO_RADIANS (degree) ((d

php - getting post data from previous page -

I have two page pages one and one page_ two, when users enter some information in page_on that will be inserted into the database and when Enter that press, it should be directed to page 2 and within this page it is the same information that it has entered on page_one. And every time the user refreshes the problem, the data in page 2 is re-inserted into the database. I tried to fix this issue using a header on a new page, but it was entered in page_ two which was entered on page_on page_one & lt; Form action = "page_one.php" method = "post" name = "info" & gt; & Lt; Input name = "userName" type = "text" / & gt; & Lt; Input name = "userEmail" type = "text" / & gt; & Lt; Input name = "userPass" type = "text" / & gt; & Lt; Input name = "submit" type = "submit" /> & Lt; / Form & gt; & Lt ;? Includes Php ('db.php');

javascript - Executing phantom.exit() in java script from JAVA program -

जावा स्क्रिप्ट में जावा प्रोग्राम में phantom.exit () को कैसे निष्पादित करें। वास्तव में परिदृश्य है जावा प्रोग्राम फैंटमजेएस का उपयोग कर एक जावा स्क्रिप्ट प्रोग्राम को कॉल करता है, जावा स्क्रिप्ट प्रोग्राम उस जावा प्रोग्राम में कुछ मान वापस कर रहा है। इस लिंक को देखें: जावास्क्रिप्ट से मान प्राप्त करने के बाद मुझे जावास्क्रिप्ट को रोकने की आवश्यकता है I इसके लिए मैंने जावास्क्रिप्ट में phantom.exit () का उपयोग किया था, जो जब मैं इसे जावा प्रोग्राम से कॉल करता हूं निष्पादित नहीं कर रहा है। लेकिन जब मैं कमांड प्रॉम्प्ट से एक ही जावास्क्रिप्ट प्रोग्राम को 'phantomjs myscript.js' कमांड का प्रयोग कर चलाता हूँ तो यह ठीक काम करता है। कोड इस लाइन में फंस रहा है .. int exitStatus = process.waitFor (); यह इंतजार करना जारी रखता है और यह समाप्त नहीं हो रहा है। तो जावा प्रोग्राम को जावा प्रोग्राम से समाप्त करने का क्या तरीका है? मैं जो समझता हूं, आप अपने जावा कोड के माध्यम से आवश्यक कार्य को पूरा करने के बाद फँटमोज को समाप्त करना चाहते हैं। मुझे सही करें अगर मैं गलत हूँ ..

oracle - When does a deterministic function use the previous calculated value? -

Consider a deterministic function such as: create or function SCHEMA.GET_NAME (Ss_id nvarchar2) Returns nvarchar2 DATRMist is TMPVR Discussion 2 (500); Select the name from the log into tmpvar from logistics. Organizations_item where id = ss_id; Return tmpvar; END ss_name; Using Todd I called SCHEMA.GET_NAME (1) and gives it A . I changed the value again from a to the b table and returned SCHEMA.GET_NAME (1) to B . This is a good result but I am afraid that the price is not being updated, which is said: When in the Oracle Database One of the contexts faces a deterministic function, compared to reexecuting the function, if you later change the words of the function, you manually reconstruct all the function-based indexes and physical views manually. Do not be. In the case of GET_NAME (1) an old cached value ( a instead of B )? If you select from a table, then not the result of your function Deterministic A. It is that always will produce the sa

how to get sequence alter query for all tables in postgresql -

While following my past - I change the sequences for all my tables below (100+) Need to write scripts is an example for table gcompany company-owned sequence seq_gcompany_id company ID; How to get the alter query for all the sequence ? sign : All the names of the names start with seq_g Try it out. select 'change sequence' || _seq || '_table _' is owned by. '|| _column || '; "The (SELECT n.nspname as _schema, c.relname as _table, a.attname AS _column, SUBSTRING (d.adsrc FROM E'nextval \\ ( '' ([^ '']] +) ' '') as _seq pg_attrdef the pg_attrdef aS dot Jane pg_attribute as on a.attrelid = d.adrelid and a.attnum = d.adnum JOIN pg_class aS c on. C .oid = d.adrelid JOIN pg_namespace as n on n .oid = as c.relnamespace WHERE adsrc pgScript Read to perform output 'nextval (' '%') T; < / code> and

node.js - execute a batch script from node in seperate comamnd line -

Call a batch file from the node script and execute the script cmd running running that batch file in separate cmd cmd var spawn = required ('child_process'). Spawn, ls = spawn ('C: \\ user \\ priyanka.sukumaran \\ Desktop \\ vm-server \\ EpiMust.bat', ['-LH', '/ USR']); Ls.stdout.on ('data', function (data) {console.log ('stdout:' + data);}); Ls.stderr.on ('data', function (data) {console.log ('stderr:' + data);}); Ls.on ('Exit', Function (code) {console.log ('Exit from baby process code' code);}); But the above script will not execute the batch file in a separate sim command running in the same CMD of the script it is being run. I I will batch in different command line How to excite the file ????????

c# - Install my app in other Windows 8.1 device -

I develop my Windows Store application. For my testing, I have to install developer licenses in both my development tool and test device. But after this, if I want to install this app in another device, is there any other way to do this? As the developer license will expire every 1 month. With the developer license you can register three devices; Install the license on the device and install your app with Visual Studio. Here you can read: If you have a developer account, you can use the app to register three devices to develop, and you can use Windows Publish apps in the phone store.

c# - Roslyn - Change TextSpan of SyntaxToken or SyntaxNode -

Anyone to create and change any syntaxtoken or syntaxNode Is the fullspan property ? As all sections have been closed, is irreversible and there is no accessory constructor, the only way to create a SyntaxFactory static method and to specify the location There is no surcharge for. I am writing a scripting language which is parsed in Rosane syntax . When using Visitor Pattern to check the expression's words, I can tell the user that there was an error while mapping any nodes to a location. Is there anyway? Thanks in advance. No, there is no way to do this. We ensure that our syntax trees follow several main principles: The starting position of a tree is zero. The children's full spans are in order, and each The whole round of a node is equal to the sum of all children. These core alternatives mean that any code (including the compiler) that is analyzing a tree, can work with the tree. If we have given you a way to specify the fulpain for some nod

java - Reading a text file into a 3d array -

I want to read my content in a text file in a multi-dimensional array My text file contains a string in a specific format. I want to store it in a multi-dimensional array I tried to use the Java code to store in a string or string array but I do not know how to format this format in a multidimensional array Have to store. Can anyone help me? My text file is in read.txt {{"Kim", "is" "game"}, "{" "NIEAN "{{" "," Is "," life "," in "," in "," DEET "" VERB "}}, {{" Kevin "}, {" NEUN "," VERB "," DEET "}} What I tried is: Code> Public Class Mayclass {Stable Last String [] [] [] MULTI_ARRAY = New String [] [] []; Public static zero (string [] [] [string] [for] mary: muli_ARRAY] string [] sentences = maryare [0]; string [] partofespitch = myrobalan [1];}}} bufffind reader br = new bufted Reader (New Flamerdder

javascript - Page redirection on page refresh not working -

I want to redirect to a page on page refresh. Below is my script $ (window). Unload (function () (warning ("exit"); window.location = ''; return false;}); This is not working, I do not know what I am. Most of the browser has become unloading process . You should use the beforeunload event instead. $ (window) .bind ('beforeunload', function () {warning ("exit"); = ''; return False;});

jquery - Javascript - -

I am experiencing the following situation: mousemove The event is registered on one table of cells which resides in this hierarchy BODY - & gt; Some 1 - & gt; Some 2 - & gt; Some 3 - & gt; Table - & gt; Cell I will find the ID of the some 2 element to do something with it. In my opinion, the ID should be retrieved in one of the following methods Can be: - which is hard & amp; I do not like it Loop through all the parents of and match the class [Yes, I know the class name of the element] Specific parent I want to retrieve the ID whose ID I have Now, the question is, is there a better way to achieve this? Like some jQuery search or something else? Example: ('& lt; .LASS_NAME & gt;'); Edit ($ ( .parents ('. Object'). Length); // This is a result '0' console.log ($ ( .closest ('. Object')

Objective C blocks and Swift Closure -

I want to convert the following to swift. GOQIIGET: (NSString *) URLString parameter: (id) parameters success: (Zero (^) (ID response object)) Success failure: (Zero (^) (NSError) * Error)) Failure {Return (auto GET: URLString parameter: parameter success: ^ (AFHTTPRequestOperation * Operation, ID response object) {Success (response object); } Failure: ^ (F.httipequast operation * operation, NSERR * error) {Failure (error); }]; } thanks I do not include Air Force networking Swift Project ATM, so I can not look at the translated header. You have to check the types, definitely will not match them outside of the code box below. But here's the idea: func GOQIIGET (urlString: String ?, parameter: AnyObject?, Success: ((responseObject: AnyObject?) -> Zero) ?, Failure: ( (Error: NSError?) -> Zero? -> gt; AFHTTPRequestOperation? {Return Self GET (urlString, Criteria: Criteria, Success: {(Operation: FHTPPartect Operation ?, Answer: Object: Observed?) Success {success

wordpress - CSS consistency crossbrowser on a simple css3 animation -

I have a problem with CSS continuity: checking social icons up-right, the icon status is correct on IE (miracle !), Always close 20 px with FF and close on page load, then centered after the first hover on the chrome. Sure it is bound to do something: after margin-left behavior I have tried negligible with it, but only managed to change the problem between the browser and never managed to do three things to work Happened. Please help me. Thank you very much for your time and effort. Just a quick fix, I currently only have Chrome testing, so in reality other browsers This is not necessary, but perhaps try to add something like this in your style: # top-social-time one {text-align: left; } #top-social-time one: first, #top-social-bar a: {text-align: center; }

javascript - Google Chrome notifications don't show -

I want to send notification by Google Chrome extension Manifest " "Test", "description": "test", "version": "1.1", "background": {"scripts": ["background.js"]}, "permissions": ["tab" "Http: // * / *", "https: // * / *", "notifications"], "browser_profile": {"default_title": "test", "default_corean": "test_16x16 Png"}, "manifest_version ": 2} background.js chrome.browserAction.onClicked.addListener (function ():" Hello there ! "}," Message is a notification ", Message: (chrome.notifications.create ('name-for-notice', {type: 'basic', iconUrl: 'image.jpeg', title) function N () {});});] Why does not this work?

c# - How .NET 2.0 application can execute tasks from local system account using service? -

I have my own dotnet service running in the system and GUI application that needs to take some action in the form of a local system account is. For example, the CMD script is running, which is written in the GUI form, the CMD.XA process has been started with Redirected Studyn / Standout. The application must be able to run a regular user (without administrator rights) Both services and applications should be written in dotNET framework version 2.0 Whether the existing WindowsIdentity can be accessed from the service, so a thread starts CDD or performs some other tasks, can impersonate a local system account? Otherwise what is the best way to pass commands from applications to applications in DotNet 2.0 and can it be done without using global designated items?

javascript - How to know return of window.onbeforeunload -

I have the JS function window .onbeforeunload that gives a msg and browser show that in the confirmation box. How do I know now whether the user has left that page or is on the page? Javascript window .onbeforeunload = function (e) Click on "return" page then save to save any data. Ve entered \ n if you already have it Then choose Leave page to continue. "; } update Anyway, if the variables were stopped, then what you want is what you get; If they leave, then it will not make any difference. window.onbeforeunload = function (e) {var myVariable = 'updated value'; // Definitely, do not come back to this scope "click to stay on the page and save to save any data you have entered. \ N If you have already saved, leave it to continue Select the page. "; } What happens to x when you try to leave:

How to make a tall div on the right side of bootstrap layout? -

I think I'm losing some simplicity here. I have it: This is what I need: Code: (at the top See the codepen) & lt; Div class = "container" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "row" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "col-md-2" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "row" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "col-xs-6 sm-tile" & gt; A & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "col-xs-6 sm-tile" & gt; B & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "row" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "col-xs-12 sm-tile" & gt; C & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "col-md-2 tile" & gt; D & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "col-md-6 tile" & gt; E & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "col-md-2 lg-tile" & gt; F & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div c

400 Error : origin_mismatch Google glass playground -

When I'm trying to enter client_id in the playground, I'm getting an error I used the Google Developer repository I have taken the mirror -QuickTart-Java-Master project and I have followed the steps outlined on the site. I can see the screen after mvn jetty: I have created a client ID below - Error: In your Google Developer Console, add to the "Authorized JavaScript Basic" field of your client settings (settings Edit -> authorized javascript original).

elasticsearch - List all available indices via Java API -

How to get a list of all the available indices through the Java API? With REST, this is just the following HTTP-R to: http: //www.XXX.XXX:9200/_aliases But for stability, it would be good to do this via Java API. The equivalent of using the Java API and Flexible code org.elasticsearch .client.Client class is: client.admin (). Cluster () .prepareState () Execute () .actionGet () GetState () .getMetaData () .aliases ();

VB.NET input collected SQL result data into ASP.NET table -

If you used a ExecuteReader () command in some SQL data result VB.Net What is the best way to take this data and display it in a table on a webpage? By doing some experiments, there are several ways to get results, though I am thinking: What is the best way to display information? I am creating a standard table with four columns, I do not want to display more than thirty results in the table. Create a gridview and tie your dataset to your data source with the ExecuteReader command you mentioned Has brought. In addition, allow set up in Gridview Properties = true and pageize = 30

javascript - display message on wrong password entry -

I have a submit button that is written as "win" only. Now I am trying to display "wrong keyword entry" on an incorrect message if the word entered in the form field is not "victory" here is the code & Lt; Input type = "submit" class = "bigbutton" value = "next" & gt; & Lt; / Form & gt; & Lt; Script & gt; Function check () {if (document.getElementById ("win"). Value == "win") return true; Second false return; } If I were you I would add an HTML element In order to fill an error, you can then style it with CSS, but you want it. & lt; Div id = "error" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; Then your function will look something like this: function check () (if (document.getElementById ("victory"). Value == "win ") True return; Else document.getElementById (" Error "). InnerHTML =" incorrect keyword entry. "Descripti

css - Font render after page (contents) renders -

The content of my page is provided before rendering the font even I have put the font at the top here My codes are ... & lt ;; Doctype html & gt; & Lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Title & gt; Computer Content Developer Profile & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt ;? Php include_once ('include.php') ;? & Gt; & Lt; Link rel = "stylesheet" href = "css / projects.css" /> contains a .php file & lt; Link href = 'http: // Family = orange Indie + flower | Causes + script 'rel =' stylesheet 'type =' text / css' & gt; & Lt ;! - [if IE] & gt; & Lt; Script src = "js / ie_html5.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; [Endif] - & gt; & Lt; Link rel = "icon" type = "image / png" href = "picture / favicon.png" /> & Lt; Link rel = "stylesheet" href = "css / universa mvc - Not found view in Area -

मैंने ASP.NET MVC में क्षेत्र बनाया है। नीचे की तरह।, और में वर्ग नियंत्रक मैं लिख सूचकांक कार्रवाई जैसे यह (श्रेणी नियंत्रक अंदर प्रशासनएरेआ) सार्वजनिक आंशिक श्रेणी श्रेणी नियंत्रक: नियंत्रक {सार्वजनिक वर्चुअल कार्यप्रदर्शन सूचकांक () { वापसी देखें (); }} और AdminAreaRegistration सार्वजनिक ओवरराइड रिक्त रजिस्टर ऐरेआ (एरियाराइजेस्ट्रेशन कॉन्टैक्ट संदर्भ) {context.MapRoute ("Admin_default", " व्यवस्थापक / {नियंत्रक} / {action} / {id} ", नया {action =" index ", id = UrlParameter.Optional}); } और इस तरह से लिंक बनाएं। @ html.ActionLink ("sss", MVC.Admin.Category.ActionNames.Index, MVC। Admin.Category.Name) जब मैं वेबसाइट चलाता हूं और लिंक पर क्लिक करते समय मुझे यह त्रुटि मिलती है। दृश्य 'इंडेक्स' या उसका मास्टर था नहीं मिली या कोई दृश्य इंजन खोजे गए स्थानों का समर्थन नहीं करता। निम्नलिखित स्थानों की खोज की गई: ~ / दृश्य / श्रेणी / सूचकांक। एस्पॉक्स ~ / दृश्य / श्रेणी / सूचकांक। कैसाक्स / / दृश्य / सा

reporting services - Union in AX static Query - INNER and LEFT Joins are causing errors -

I want to create this type of T-SQL code in a constant query, the point here is when I am QueryType: Instead of creating, in the union, I get an error that no external join can be used, only: exists and does not exist, what can I do about this SELECT CUS.CurCode AS Currency, as PSL.val PayPercent, / * ... * / from CustTrans CUS Insert Join CustTable ACC on CUS.Ac CountNum = ACC.AccountNum Left Join Dimension Dimension CUS.Dimension3_ = DIM.Num On Left Join ProjInvoiceJour PIJ at CUS.Voucher = PIJ.LedgerVoucher UNION All Select / * ... * / PMT.NumOfMonths As Months , PMT.NumOfDays as Day, PaymSched, PSL.val as PayPercent, as PMT.PaymSched ProjInvoiceOnAccTrans ONA from ONA.ProjId = on ProjTable Pro Join PRO.ProjId Join INNER ProjInvoiceTable PRI Pro.Project Inves Progil = PRI.Pr ojInvoiceProjId PRI.Payment = PMT.PaymTermId Settled involved in making the first, then to the top of the Union to create a query for this part of the SQL: select CES. Turn the CUS.Dimension

c# - The DOM/scripting bridge is disabled error in Visual Studio 2013 -

I am trying to create a custom silverlight application in Visual Studio 2013. I'm trying to pass custom parameters in the application. I have mentioned this link to create an application like this. I get this error when I try to debug an application system Unexpected Operation Exception: DOM / scripting bridge is disabled on the system. Windows.broser HTMFage VertTabred and Iniestat () systems On Windows. But on Brazzer HTMLPG GateDown () Please do any please please let me know. Thanks

Conveting Chart in Excel sheet into PDF -

Trying to convert to chart that is available in Excel Sheet in PDF format . I tried to use it with Apache POI, Geoffrey Chart. But I am not able to do this PDF is able to create a new chart in the format Help me with PDF conversion from this chart, or at least guide me to read all the available properties of the chart. install Select PDF Creator as the printer. Voila

Ignore meaningless "Merge branch" commits in Git history? -

कृपया निम्नलिखित गीट इतिहास पर एक नज़र डालें: प्रत्येक दूसरी प्रतिबद्धता के बारे में" मर्ज शाखा "शोर अर्थहीन है मुझे पता है कि आप इसे रिसाव करके (और इसे) से बच सकते हैं, लेकिन मेरा प्रश्न बाद में स्थिति से निपटने के बारे में अधिक है। "मिर्ज शाखा" को अनदेखा करने की कोई गुंजाइश है बिना सूचना के। यह मेरे लिए रिपॉजिटरी क्लोन करने के लिए स्वीकार्य होगा और स्थानीय रूप से अपने इतिहास को फिर से लिखना है, इसलिए इसके परिवर्तनों का विश्लेषण करना आसान है (बिना सभी "मर्ज शाखा" शोर)। आप git लॉग - नो-विलीन की तलाश कर रहे हैं

Can't update 'email' and 'profile' scope on google marketplace configuration -

In my application, I have created a marketplace application '' '' As of now Google will close the userinfo end point. I am trying to change the scope of both the scope to 'email' and 'profile'. Now when I try to refresh the user's token with a new dimension, I'm getting under error. {/ p> "error": "access_denied", " Error_details ":" The requested client is not authorized. " } I am using the code to refresh the user's token New Builder (). SetTransport (NET_HTTP_TRANSPORT) .setJsonFactory (JACKSON_FACTORY) .setServiceAccountId (googleOAuthService.getServiceClientEmail) .setServiceAccountScopes (googleOAuthService.getScopes ()) .setServiceAccountUser (email) .setServiceAccountPrivateKeyFromP12File (keyFile); I can not change the scope of https: //www.googleapis Com / auth / as it will again show the consent screen I think I need to add 'email' and 'pro

java - Active MQ in Spring MVC application throws error in JBoss deployment -

I am trying to use ActiveMQ in my spring web application and it works fine in Tomcat. 7. When I am in the same Jboss, I am facing a strange exception such as INFO [] (MSC Service Thread 1-6) JBAS011401: activemq ERROR Read the persistence.xml for [ORG.] (MSC Service Thread 1-5) MSC000001: Service failed to start jboss.module.service. "Deployment.message.war". Main: org.jboss.msc.service.StartException service in jboss .module.service. "Deployment.message.war". Main: JBAS018759: Failed to load module: Deployment Message: Main: ( [ Redhat-14] - - generated by: org.jboss.modules.ModuleNotFoundException: Openjapa: main org.jboss.modules.Module.addPaths ( [jboss-modules.jar:] The following is my The context is. Xml & lt; Bea

timezone - Data-based MapReduce issue on MongoDB -

I am using mepradeus in mogodibi on a day-to-day basis. On the map code, I have the following snippet to get the day of the year: var day = date.UTC (this.time.getFullYear (), this.time.getMonth (), This.time.getDate (), 1, 0, 0); And in most cases, it works well. However, there is apparently a timezone issue, which transmits the time limit on the previous date. For example, the documents obtained from the result of this query: {'time': {'$ gte': new date (2014, 0, 1, 0), '$ lt': New date (2014, 0, 1, 9)}} A 2013-12-31 17: 00: 00.000Z and inquire with those who were asked with questions: / P> {'time': {'$ gte': new date (2014, 0, 1, 9), '$ lt': new date (2014, 0, 1, 23)}} Ending 2014-01-01 17: 00: 00.000Z How can I control it? Be consistent with how you are making the date from January 1, 1970, to milliseconds Returns the number. Constructor gives a date object based on your local system settings for the timez

java - Amazon s3 Upload Progress calculation in android for Transfer Manager -

I am using a high level API to upload Amazon S3 and withdrawing calls for a progress , But the method upload.getprogress (). GetPercentageTransferred () sometimes gives up to 100 percent .. Why does it show above 100? Is there a necessary change Basic acceptances lAwsCredentials = new BasicAWSCredentials (constant. ACCESS_KEY_ID, Constants.SECRET_KEY); Amazon S3 Client s3Client = New Amazon S3 Client (L'Evers Credentials); Transfer Manager TM = New Transfer Manager (S3 Client); File lFile = new file (mFilePath); PutObjectRequest putRequest = new PutObjectRequest (mBucketName, mKeyName, lFile); MUpload = tm.upload (putRequest, new S3ProgressListener) (Executioner service lExecutor = Exporter. NewfixedThreadPool (1); @ Override by changing public blank progress (ProgressEvent RGR) {// log.V (tag, "Transfer:" + mUpload.getDescription ()); // Log.v (TAG, "- Percent:" // + mUpload.getProgress (). GetPercentTransferred (); double lprrogress = mUpload.getProgres

php - Laravel - Dynamic path -

Sorry in advance if this is a noob question I have a delete function in Laravel, I have problems with the route and the returning variable is required when the website is hosted externally The URL is currently coded like this & Lt; A href = "http: // localhost: 8888 / Laravel / test / public / safesign_doc_delete / {{$ file}} / {{$ sector_name}} / {{$ selected_sector}}" & gt; Remove & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / TD & gt; I think this URL should be dynamic. I have tried the public_path () function, but I have no strongness. & lt; A href = "{{public_path ()}} / safesign_doc_delete / {{$ file}} / {{$ sector_name}} / {{$ selected_sector}}" & gt; Remove & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / TD & gt; thanks using the url () For example, like this: & lt; {{$ Select_sector}} / {{$ selected_sector}} "> Remove & lt; / A & gt; You can also call link assistants: {{link_to ('safesign_doc_delet

Is there a significant difference in assigning values one-by-one and with tuples in Python? -

Whether there is a big difference in the time, memory usage, or two statements in some: (Script_name, option1, option2) = (sys.argv [0], sys.argv [1], sys.argv [2]) and < Pre> script_name = sys.argv [0] option1 = sys.argv [1] option2 = sys.argv [2] (no value optparse is used) No significant differences Thanks to Bettecode Payfool Optimization, in the first one Not even a temporary Tupal construction Is. Even if there is, dirt is cheap in making and deleting tuples. Personally, I write it as script_name, option1, option2, * _ = sys. Argv # or script_name, option1, option2 = sys.argv [: 3] I think it raises a different, perhaps more deceptive error message, if there are very few command line logic , But an good error message requires a clear check in advance, I have no problem.

cordova - Sencha Touch 2 stuck in loading screen -

I use CMD to create a Sancha touch project. Then I open index.html. It shows a loading screen, then it shows me a new web view. I copy that source code to the Cordova www folder. And I'll create an * .apk file. I'm installing it on Android device. When I open it, it only shows me loading screen, it is loading forever. I feel that some javascript is happy with the code How to cover this problem? Thanks in advance. First run your application in Chrome instead of mobile and see what the problem is in the console. Once it will be solved, then only go for the appliance.

sql server - How to compress DB backup file with sql query -

I backup my database: use DBNAME GO announced @FileName VARCHAR with this query (Max) set @FileName = 'C: \ backup \ SQLDB \ dBNAME _' + REPLACE (CONVERT (varchar (10), getdate (), 103), '/', '') + '_' + REPLACE (CONVERT (varchar (10), getdate (), 108), ':', '') + '.bak' backup database @FileName with disk = format to dBNAME, name = 'dBNAME' Go full backup I execute this query with a batch file and batch file run from schedule work Batch file parameters:. sqlcmd -d dBNAME S \ SQLEXPRESS I U DBUserName -P DBUserPwd I SQL_FileName_with_Extension -o log.txt It successfully DBName_01082014_131210.bak < With daily / daily code and I got my backup database on the backup file> name but its size is very high (about 7 GB). Is there any SQL query which can query the above and which can backup and execute with my DB compress at the same time? You sqlcmd database for a .bat can file database name stores b - Passing variable from web api controller method to filter -

I want to send AppID variable value to filter // receive API / Filters [custom filters] Public IEnumerable & lt; String & gt; Get () {var appId = 123; New string return [] {"value1", "value2"}; } I can use either OnActionExecuting or OnActionExecuted Method public override void OnActionExecuting (HttpActionContext actionContext) {base.OnActionExecuting (actionContext); // Here I know to reach} like I how to use querystring parameter value to reach AppID value controller action method, set the value of properties request object dictionary, thus: Request.Properties [ "AppId" ] = 123.; in OnActionExecuted filter method, retrieve it like this: actionContext.Request.Properties [ "AppId"] . Biteedblu, if you set values ​​in action mode, you must use a filter to On Akshnaksaikted method.

node.js - error: write after end -

I get different results for different instructions when I enter my < Code> watch function and replace a .html file, everything works properly (defined functions below) But when I Any other other files (coffee, .ex, etc.) I get this error: stream.js: 94 throw; // Unchecked stream error in pipe ^ Error: write after ending at writeAfterEnd (/ Users / oclement / Documents / phoenix / MedifastCerBrokenDown / MedifastWeb / AppSource / node_modules / gulp-filter / node_modules / through2 / node_modules / readable-stream / lib /_stream_writable.js:145:12) Transform.Writable.write (/ Users / oclement / Documents / phoenix / MedifastCerBrokenDown / MedifastWeb / AppSource / node_modules / gulp-filter / node_modules / through2 / node_modules / readable-stream / lib / _stream_writable.js: 193: 5) on the stream (.js: 95: 17)` clock work gulppasskas ( 'Clock', function) (running = true; run ('build', 'index', function () {g.u

ant - Sync Task's Overwrite Attribute Copies Identical Files -

I have encountered a problem with the sink function where files are unnecessary Is being copied from. The goal is to update everything in the $ {destination} directory with the contents of the directory $ {source} , even if the $ {file in the destination} Based on the new ant, I've added an overwritten attribute $ {destination} to ensure the overwrite is . & Lt; Target name = "test" & gt; & Lt; Sync todir = "$ {destination}" overwrite = "true" granulity = "5000" & gt; & Lt; Fileset dir = "$ {source}" & gt; & Lt; / Fileset & gt; & Lt; / Sync & gt; & Lt; / Target & gt; This action overwrites $ {destination} , but the file is always copied, even when the source and destination are the same. This leads to a lot of unnecessary traffic. Based on the documentation, I have tried configuring the detail of the level attribute, but this effect is visible. I am also runni

javascript - How to swap values in an array by using -

It should be simple, but it is not able to wrap my mind why it is not working: / P> function swap values ​​() {var args = (logic); Var temp = args [0]; Args [0] = args [1]; Args [1] = temporary; Return temporary; } Var arr = [1,2] swapValues ​​(arr); It should swap values ​​- but it is not. logic is the purpose of logic, so your args [0 ] is [1,2] (first argument), and args [1] is undefined . You want something like this: function swapValues ​​() {var arg = array.protitip.S.S.L.J.L.L. . (Arguments) [0]; Var temp = arg [0]; Arg [0] = Arg [1]; Arg = 1] = temporary; Return ARG; }

java.util.concurrent - java Futures execution -

I was reading about the promise in futures and javascript in java. Below is a code written as an example. I have a question that when the work that starts in the future is executed? When the future is built in the bottom line: Content Future = StartDownloading (New URL ("")) ; Or when we call the obtain method last string content = content future.get (); Forcing the tax holder to call startdownloading ? Public Class Futures 1 {Personal Static Last Performance Service Pool = Examiner newFixedThreadPool (10); Public Stable Zero Main (string [] Args) {Future & lt; String & gt; Content Future = Faucet; {ContentFuture = startdownloading (Try the new URL ("")); } Catch (malmarmdureleuxation E) {e.printStackTrace (); } // Try another calculation {Last String Content = Content Future.get (); } Hold (interrupted) exception. Execution Exception e) {e.printStackTrace (); }} Public s