reporting services - Union in AX static Query - INNER and LEFT Joins are causing errors -

I want to create this type of T-SQL code in a constant query, the point here is when I am QueryType: Instead of creating, in the union, I get an error that no external join can be used, only: exists and does not exist, what can I do about this

  SELECT CUS.CurCode AS Currency, as PSL.val PayPercent, / * ... * / from CustTrans CUS Insert Join CustTable ACC on CUS.Ac CountNum = ACC.AccountNum Left Join Dimension Dimension CUS.Dimension3_ = DIM.Num On Left Join ProjInvoiceJour PIJ at CUS.Voucher = PIJ.LedgerVoucher UNION All Select / * ... * / PMT.NumOfMonths As Months , PMT.NumOfDays as Day, PaymSched, PSL.val as PayPercent, as PMT.PaymSched ProjInvoiceOnAccTrans ONA from ONA.ProjId = on ProjTable Pro Join PRO.ProjId Join INNER ProjInvoiceTable PRI Pro.Project Inves Progil = PRI.Pr ojInvoiceProjId PRI.Payment = PMT.PaymTermId  

Settled involved in making the first, then to the top of the Union to create a query for this part of the SQL:

  select CES. Turn the CUS.Dimension3_ = DIM.Num left on the dimension dimension, include the currency, as the codec, PSL.ParentsPrescent, / * ... * from the / from the costtrance to the INSERT CostTable ACC CUS.AccountNum = ACC.AccountNum Left. CUS.Voucher = PIJ.LedgerVoucher on ProjInvoiceJour PIJ  

Next create a query for this part of SQL: Creating a second query for the bottom:

  SELECT / * ... * / PMT.NumOfMonths as months, PMT.NumOfDays AS Day, PMT Join Pamaschad as PAMSAID, PSL Val AA Parenter, Prom InvoIon AXTron's ONA Inner ProZable Pro on Project. Pro. Join Projid Inner Progens PRI on proactive invasive project PMT PMT Payment on PRI Investment Project PAI Price Invoice Provident Plus PMT PM PMT.PamTermID  

Now create one view for each of these questions Here is a link to an article based on the query: Then create a third query to the union . The union inquiry will make you two scenes as your data sources and keep them together.

Also keep in mind that the fields have returned from the two ideas on which you are doing the union, the same field needs to be returned. In your example, the two questions you are doing in Sangh are not returning the same area. I am assuming that they return to the same area in reality, but you have left some fields out in the example to save space. But I thought I would say it to be safe.
