
Showing posts from July, 2012

Summing a column value with each row value in excel -

I want to add a column value to each row value in Excel. I will insert an image of my spreadsheet but apparently I need 10 reputation to do this. In fact, this would be the following: cell B2 = B1 + A2 cell B3 = B1 + A3 cell B4 = B1 + A4 and so on. I can do this for a column but I need to repeat it in each column. Can anyone tell me which formula / method can I use? Dragging does not help. Thank you. For cell B2 : < Then drag and drag again> code> = $ A2 + B $ 1 then drag it down.

c# - Why does Console.Read() not give the value I expect for integer input? -

For some reason, VSE C # 2010 (or maybe there is a problem with my laptop) <,>, & gt; , & Lt; = And> = Boolean Comparison operator correctly Fixed zero main (string [] args) {Console.WriteLine ("Enter an integer:"); Int myInt = Convert.ToInt32 (console. Read ()); Boole's Leighton 10 = Myint & lt; 10; Bull is Bitin 0 and 5 = (0 Enter an integer: 2 integer less than 10? Integer lie between 0 and 5? Is A True Truth A Lie? False console Read in a single character and returns the ASCII value of that character; the ASCII value of the character is not 2 2 . You want to read in character and represent it as a character , which you can do through the use of the console. Readkey (as you do in your program later) or console.readline if you want to read a string instead of using the console, such as the interpretation Has been. Read . You can then convert that number to the numerical representation by using the representation of tha

python - bbox_to_anchor and loc in matplotlib -

I've come to the matplotlib code that customizes the legend macro by using keywords "loc" and "bbox_to_anchor". For example: fig.legend ([line1, line2], ['series1', 'series2'], bbox_to_anchor = [0.5, 0.5], loc = 'center', ncol = 2) < P> I have seen the above variety where "bbox_to_anchor" is used after "loc". I understand differently for the purpose of using "bbox_to_anchor" and "loc" However, is there any benefit to using both in the same mythology specification? By my understanding and use, it seems to me that if "bbox_to_anchor" is specified, the "public" parameter does not care too much. Can anyone confirm this? I do not see any document about this. When using bbox_to_anchor and public Metalogy will be reported in the Folk argument, which should be placed on the logic of the legend of the legendary box of bbox_to_anchor . For example (I have simpli

C# WPF: How do I Bind the content of a label to a value inside UserControl -

I want to be able to bind fc: ColorSlider to the value in my mainwindow.xaml, the following code is My ColorSlider.XAML I want to bind text content with my redslider or RGB sliders. Normally this would be easy but my sliders are in a user tran and my textbox is in my main window. & lt; Rectangle width = "165" horizontal alignment = "correct" grid. Column = "0" stroke = "black" & gt; & Lt; Rectangle.Fill & gt; & Lt; SolidColorBrush & gt; & Lt; SolidColorBrush.Color & gt; & Lt; Multiband Converter = "{static resource RgbConverter}" & gt; & Lt; Binding Path = "Price" element name = "RedSlider" /> & Lt; Binding Path = "Value" element name = "GreenSlider" /> & Lt; Binding path = "value" element name = "blueslider" /> & Lt; Binding path = "value" element name = "alpha_lider" /> & Lt;

Azure bug when scaling only ONE website (not all of them) -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: < / P> 3 जवाब मेरे पास एक मुफ्त में वेबसाइट, इसे "वेबसाइट 1" कहते हैं। फिर मैंने इन सेटिंग्स का उपयोग करके एक और नि: शुल्क वेबसाइट (इसे "वेबसाइट 2" कहते हैं) बनाया है: < / P> जैसा कि आप देख सकते हैं, मैं चुनें: "बनाएँ नया वेब होस्टिंग योजना ", इसलिए" वेबसाइट 2 "पूरी तरह" वेबसाइट 1 "से अनलिंक होना चाहिए। वे केवल वे जानकारी साझा करते हैं (क्रेडिट कार्ड) तब, "वेबसाइट 2" बनाया जाने के बाद, मैं "निशुल्क" से "साझा" "" को "वेबसाइट" पैमाने पर करना चाहता था। लेकिन अब वे एक ही "वेब होस्टिंग योजना" पर हैं, और इससे पहले कि मैं अज़ूर को बताया कि उन्हें अलग होना चाहिए! इसलिए .. मेरा प्रश्न यह है: मैं उनमें से एक को "साझा" और दूसरे को "निशुल्क" रहने के लिए करना चाहता हूं। मैं इसे कैसे प्राप्त करूं? सही, मौजूदा पोर्टल में आप उन्हें स्वतंत्र रूप से नहीं बदल सकते आप उन्हें एपीआई के माध

ruby on rails - Undefined Method `attachinary_file_field` -

I'm following the Github repo and everything gets better until I try to run the page - me undefined method attachary_file_field I do not know what's going on, can anyone help? All JS files are being loaded properly - I cut page load with fields and all appropriate JS files. Thanks! See: & lt;% = form_tag do | F | & Gt%; & Lt;% = f.attachinary_file_field (: photos)% & gt; & Lt;% end% & gt; Model: Class Upload Image & lt; ActiveRecord :: Base has_attachment: photo, accept: [jpg ,: png ,: gif] end Screenshot of JS files: edit: Imgur link: I have a problem due to the issue of ordering a case. Try to take down attachment dependence (after all) Also, please share your Gemfile.

javascript - Not binding an event to one of li items -

मेरे पास यह navbar कोड है & lt; ul class = "left" & gt; & Lt; li & gt; & lt; a href = "#" & gt; पहला & lt; / a & gt; & lt; / li & gt; & Lt; li वर्ग = "है ड्रॉपडाउन" & gt; & Lt; a href = "#" & gt; सहायता & lt; / a & gt; & LT; ul & gt; & Lt; li & gt; & lt; a href = "#" & gt; प्रथम उप & lt; / a & gt; & lt; / li & gt; & Lt; li & gt; & lt; a href = "#" & gt; जोड़ें & lt; / a & gt; & lt; / li & gt; & Lt; / ul & gt; & Lt; / li & gt; & Lt; li & gt; & lt; a href = "#" & gt; जोड़ें & lt; / a & gt; & lt; / li & gt; & Lt; / ul & gt; और मेरे पास मेरी जेएस फ़ाइल में यह ईवेंट हैंडलर है $ ('ul.left li: नहीं (अंतिम बच्चा), ul.dropdown Li: नहीं (: अंतिम-बच्चा) ''। क्लिक करें (फ़ंक्शन (ई) {e.stopPropagation (); var उल = यह

Add existing variable to array in javascript -

After I have found this HTML & lt; div class = "calListChip" id = "label bDd1aDFjNnQ2aHFxOTN2cGQyM2JhaXA2cmtAZ3JvdXAuY2FsZW5kYXIuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbQ" title = "Testkalender1" & gt; & Lt; div class = "calListChip" id = "label OWFmbmdwbWprbTRxMmFrOTNycGlicmM2bjBAZ3JvdXAuY2FsZW5kYXIuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbQ" title = "Testkalender2" & gt; And I've got this code, as the name of the variable with the title of an HTML div and then I pass the label of the html object as the parameter for the variable var element = document.body.getElementsByClassName ('Callistist'); Var view1 = []; // found for every element (var i = 0; i & lt; elements.length; i ++) {// Variable names cant inlude spaces var title = elements [i] .title; Title = title. Location (/ + / g, ""); // Create a Variable Window [Title] = Element [I] .ID; // if 'tests' are present in the title, if you add the variable to an array (

jquery: click event handler doesn't fire previously hidden elements -

$ (दस्तावेज़) .on ('click', '*', function (e) {alert (' क्लिक किया ');}); यह वर्तमान पृष्ठ पर सभी तत्वों के लिए काम करता है, हालांकि, जब मैं एक तत्व पर क्लिक करता हूं, जो एक div तत्व को पहले छिपाता है, तो यह मुझे इसे क्लिक करने नहीं देगा। मैं पहले से छिपी हुई एलीमेंट पर क्लिक इवेंट को कैसे पकड़ सकता हूं जो अब मौजूद है? पहले से लोड किए गए आइटम के लिए क्लिक ईवेंट पंजीकृत है किसी तत्व को गतिशील रूप से जोड़ा नहीं लगता है कि उस घटना को पंजीकृत किया गया है और इसलिए क्लिक ईवेंट काम नहीं करेगा। कम से कम, मैं इससे पहले इस मुद्दे पर चला जाता हूं। परन्तु निम्नलिखित इसे ठीक कर देंगे। $ ("। HiddenFieldIdentifier")। पर ("क्लिक करें", फ़ंक्शन () {{// alert ('हाँ यह काम किया!');}) ; कृपया प्लेसहोल्डर पर ध्यान दें: छिपाएफ़िल्डआईडेंटिफ़ायर "चालू" JQuery API दस्तावेज़ीकरण देखें संपादित: ऐसा लगता है कि यह समान है: उपयोगकर्ता को अपने कोड का एक लिंक जोड़ा जाने के बाद इसे जोड़ना: यह काम करता है, लेकिन क्या किसी भी तत्व क

c# - Entity Framework Doesn't Return Primary Key -

I'm killing my head against the wall. I have reviewed and tried every solution given here, But nothing is working. It sounds simple, yet here I am. I have a database-before, unit structure model that uses stored procedures, stored procedures are assigned through ADMX Designer. I'm called attraction, which is a related table called a configuration, ideally, what I want to do is save the attraction object, the configuration object, and save them with a call. Attraction Attractions = New Attractions (); Configuration config = new configuration (); & Lt; ... Assign properties for attraction ... & gt; & Lt; ... Assign properties to configure ... & gt; Attraction.Configurations.Add (config); // now we save (! Antireir.adv.te. (wrong, attraction)) {DisplayNotification (string format ("Error saving an error, {0}", a.AttractionCode) is true); return false; } & Lt; ------- My Service Layer ------- & gt; Public Virtual Bull AddUpdate (bool isUp

Ruby on Rails - unless multiple conditions -

I'm trying to select an expression unless the expression is one of two values. string == ('dabc' || 'eabc') end substitute_string ('jjjjjabc') = def substitute_string (string) string.gsub ('abc', 'xyz' & Gt; 'Jjjjjxyz' substitute_string ('dabc') = & gt; 'Dabc' substitute_string ('eabc') = & gt; 'Exyz' I hope to return substitute_string ('eabc') ('eabc') because I said that unless there is no block, which I crossed two values I'm sorry. I do not understand why this does not work, and what can I do to make the 'EABBC' return 'EABC'? ('dabc' || 'eabc') is a boolean expression Which evaluates to true and returns 'dabc'. Use two or more: string == 'dabc' || | Use string == 'EABBC' or = ~ (match regex pattern) string = ~ / / (Dabc | Eabc) / Since you indicated that you are using rail,

Cloud services that provide continuous integration and delivery -

Is there a good cloud service address that provides continuous integration and delivery for Cloud providers like AWS or GCE? We use Jenkunks and want to integrate it with a cloud service, so that we can quickly deploy examples of testing on Aves and GCE to Dev. Cloud services generally do not provide 'services'. They provide basic amenities where you can build services at the top. It is easy to deploy in AWS examples with Jenkins / Bamboo / etc.

go - Does conn.SetDeadline() close the connection if it times out -

I have a Golong project that uses conn.SetDeadline (). If any AOP error is thrown away because the time of reading is over, then the connection is automatically turned off? I have a setup where I have to wait a certain amount of time on a network connection for incoming output, and if the output has not come, then he has to send a quanta command. I have not designed a network app, so redesigning the protocol is not an option Ideally, when an eof is removed due to the time of the setline line, then I awaken the gerotin I want to, but not the connection to stop Thank you for your help! Obviously it does not do this. My workings (okay, not the premises, but the right way to do this) was such a thing expired: = create (chan error) buf: = make ([] byte, 32) goc () {_, Err: = conn.Read (buf) timeout & lt; - select err} () {case time.After (time.Now (+ 1000 * 1000 * 1000 * 5): // Wait for 5 seconds // read time is func () { & Lt; -timeout // To stop the leak, we must

Render SVG HAML template with Rails Asset Pipeline -

I have a SVG to keep the syntax that I have created using the Haml to clean. I can use the image as a background image in fine CSS using a railroad route, but I really want to serve svg.haml precompile in a svg and it stabilizes. There is a way to add a templated SVG to the property pipeline and in such a way that SVG can be digested like the rest of my property together as a stable asset in the precompiled SCSS From it reference? Text after "div class =" itemprop = "text"> Then, here is an example SVG (seal.svg.haml) in apps / assets / images : points = 60; Interval = 360.0 / digit% svg {xmlns: '', 'xmlns: xlink' = & gt; 'Http://', 'xmlns: svg' = & gt; 'Http://', viewBox: '0 200 200'}% defs% polygon # point {points: '100,0 104,8 96,8'}% g {fill} : '# 333'}% {cycle cx: 100, cy: 100, r: 88, stroke: '# 333',

really confused about c++ inheritance -

So I'm really confused about C ++ legacy I'm reading around the Internet and around me I can not wrap my head properly. I have a package class, the package can be either a letter, box, or crate. The tracking number, weight, and price on each package are onboard. is a cost function that needs to be overwritten from the base class. That's why I'm writing this and it does not seem to work properly. I am mainly confused about what to do with the package, since all the packages will have three characteristics, can I create a setter in package.cpp or do I have a sub-category Can I set up to set up satellites? Will each package be your own manufacturer? I just include package.h in my subclasses because it's a superclass? Do I also need anything in package.cpp if I'm using it only as an interface? This is what my package class looks like: class package {protected: double price; Visceral weight; Int tracking number; Public: zero setpres (double price

node.js - nodejs + mysql: how can i reopen mysql after end()? -

कोड निम्नानुसार है: var mysql = require ('mysql'); Var कनेक्शन = mysql.createConnection ({host: 'localhost', port: "3306", डेटाबेस: "mydb", उपयोगकर्ता: 'रूट', पासवर्ड: '007007',}); Var isCon = true; Connection.connect (function (err) {console.log (isCon); if (err) {isCon = false; console.error ("त्रुटि जोड़ने:" + err); return;};}); If (isCon) {connection.query ('tb_items से' चुनें ', फ़ंक्शन (गलती, परिणाम) {यदि (गलती) फेंकता है, console.log (' समाधान है: ', परिणाम); console.log (' टाइपऑफ समाधान है ', टाइपफ (परिणाम)); डीबगर;}); connection.end (); } Connection.connect (function (err) {console.log (isCon); if (err) {isCon = false; console.error ("error connecting:" + err); return;};}); If (isCon) {connection.query ('tb_items से' चुनें ', फ़ंक्शन (गलती, परिणाम) {यदि (गलती) फेंकता है, console.log (' समाधान है: ', परिणाम); console.log (' टाइपऑफ समाधान है ', ट

c - Error running example ArduinoJson -

I'm having trouble running an example I have already installed the library and one Simple example is run. / * * Arduino JSON Library - Parser Examples * Benoit Blanchard 2014 - MIT License * / #include & lt; JsonParser.h & gt; Using Namespace ArduinoJson :: Parser; Zero setup () {serial.begin (9600); Four Jason [] = "{\" sensor \ ": \" GPS \ ", \" time \ ": 1351824120, \" data \ ": [48.756080,2.302038]}"; JsonParser & lt; 16 & gt; Parser; JsonObject root = (jsn); If (! Root.success ()) {Serial.println ("JsonParser.parse () failed"); Return; } Char * sensor = root ["sensor"]; Long time = root ["time"]; Double latitude = root ["data"] [0]; Double longitude = route ["data"] [1]; Serial.println (sensor); Serial.println (time); Serial. Printline (latitude, 6); Serial. Printline (longitude, 6); } Zero loop () {} but I am getting this error: JsonPa

ruby on rails - Rspec Error: undefined local variable or method `cookies' for #<RSpec::ExampleGroups...etc -

I, like everyone else, have an app that behaves differently, depending on it Is that the user is logged in or not? I am having trouble entering a user through my sessions because as 'props' has no definition of cookie variables. Here is my session with the relevant code: the halper module: Turn on user cookies with the help of module sessions Permanent [: remember_token] = user.remember_token self.current_user = user end end and here is the code inside my sample: is required The 'rails_helper' sessions include "topic # construction facilities" (user :) before the "FactoryGirl.create (: user)}" When the user logs in to the topics related to 'Peth and End Practical' visits, At the end of some tests coming to the current_path end // here before sign_in user I get the following error: What is going on undefined local variables or the 'cookies' method for #? The cookies hash is available only in RSPC's controller

ios - JSON text did not start with array Error with AFNetworking -

I am using the code below to request the GET. Reverse sending the parameters to the server and collecting the data is fine in the server. But the error * JSON text is not being started from the Orem FHttrivAffest Operation Manager * Manager = [FHTPTPAST Operation Manager Manager]; @ "Datename", @ "dateofBirth": dob1, @ "country": count}; [Manager GET: @ "" Parameters: Parameters Success: ^ (F.httpuquest operation * operation, id response object) {nslog (@ "jessonon:% @", feedback object); } Failure: ^ (FHTPPKAESTA Operation * Operation, NSERR * error) {NSLog (@ "error:% @", error); }]; You can check your service content type, if text is / html, then you need this code: Manager.responseSerializer.acceptableContentTypes = [NSSet set with object: @ "text / html"];

html - post text from files into a web page form using python -

I have a set of text files I need to input them on one web server after each other. I know That's how to input text using mechanized, but not know how to extract text from files stored on computer and input one after another. In other words, say there are 10 files on my hard disk, I need to post text from a file, submit, then post another file and the process should be run until all the files are posted. Help me with suggestions Thank you. First create a loop to repeat through your files. Then read the files and encode them into a POST request with urlib and urllib2. You must change the URL, filename pattern and form fields accordingly. Import url = "" glob import urlib import urllib2 file name in glob for glob ("file * .txt"): filedata = Open (file name) .read () data = urllib.urlencode ({'data': filedata}) urllib2.urlopen (url = url, data = data) < / Html>

c# - Create a dictionary by parsing text in LINQ -

मेरे लॉग फ़ाइल में मेरे पास डेटा है। Element1 data1 data2 Data3 Element2 data1 data4 data6 Element3 data9 data3 data5 .... और इसी तरह। मैं इस फ़ाइल के माध्यम से पार्सिंग करके एक शब्दकोश बनाना चाहता हूं: शब्दकोष (int, सूची (स्ट्रिंग)) / जहां Ele तत्व 1 से संख्या -> 1, एलिमेंट 2 -> 2 जबकि एलीमेंट 1 के बाद के डेटा को सूची में शामिल किया गया है। अतः, एलीमेंट 1, डिक्शनरी & lt; 1, सूची & lt; & lt; स्ट्रिंग & gt; & gt; के लिए सूची {data1, data2, data3} एलीमेंट 2, शब्दकोष के लिए & lt; 2, सूची & lt; स्ट्रिंग & gt; & gt; सूची {data1, डेटा 4, डेटा 6} ... और इसी तरह। मैंने कुछ प्रोग्रामिंग की तरह स्ट्रिंग पंक्तियां [] = फ़ाइल। रीडएल्लाइन (पथ ); Foreach (लाइनों में स्ट्रिंग्स) {// प्रसंस्करण लाइनों तत्व खोजने के लिए और फिर प्रत्येक लाइन afte रिकॉर्ड आर / जब तक मैं एक और तत्व या ईओएल मिल } मैं इसे एक LINQ कथन में परिवर्तित करना चाहता हूं, लेकिन मैं इसका उत्तर नहीं समझ पा रहा हूं। मैंने LINQ आदेश ले लो समय पर जाने की

intuit partner platform - How to pass a meteor user name to a invoking java script as a argument from HTML -

Here's the sample code I'm presenting HTML with this JavaScript as menus proxies and grants url as arguments, To give the URL, I want to attach a URI as a query parameter. Please advise how to get it. intuit.ipp.anywhere.setup ({menuProxy: 'http: // xxxx: 8080 / QuickbooksV3API / Bluedot.htm', grant: ' Http: // xxxx: 8080 / QuickbooksV3API / requesttoken.htm '+'? CustId = '+ {{currentUser.username}}}); When I try to run "Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected Tokens", I get the following error because it is confused with the JSON format meteorite. You can not use handler syntax in javascript. However, by calling Meteor.user in JavaScript, you will get similar results in templates in {{currentUser}} . grantUrl: 'http: // xxxx: 8080 / QuickbooksV3API / requesttoken.htm? CustId = '+ Meteor.user () Username - Multiple datagrids to one excel sheet -

I have the following code that will move the records from my datagrid to my Excel spreadsheet. At present, this code works for a datagrid excel sheet. Now I need to improve the code below so that it can work for many datagrids. I want to help to expand this code so that I can drag down the records from 3 data grids under one another under the same Excel sheet. Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application excel = Dynamic Excel. Try new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application excel.Workbooks.Open ("C: \ satish \ TestExcel \ vbexcel .xlsx ") I leave the block from the DGV elese if you want the column header as the integer as the integer, the dull diff as the integer = 1 '' '' '' DataGrid View 1 for j = 0 for "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ".ColumnCount - 1 excel.Worksheets (1) .cells (1, j + 1) = DataGridView1.Columns (

Wicket - Create Request Manually -

I use hibernation in the wicket and at the beginning of every request I make session in hibernation. Now I want to create a timer task and want to work with the database, but there is no open session in this thread and if I open the session manually, then it does not work because my Institutions work with the session which gives form RequestCycle.get () . So is there any way to manually make a request and finalize it? I try to do this last MockWebRequest request = new MockWebRequest (empty); Final Finger Response Response = Nelspons Gate instances (); RequestCycle RC = Application.get () CreateRequestCycle (request, feedback); // do jobs rc.detach () But on line 3 it has been said that no application is attached to the current thread. - Text-Shadow CSS not working in IE11 -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: < / P> 2 जवाब मैंने टेक्स्ट- ग्रिड पर छाया, फ़ायरफ़ॉक्स और क्रोम में इसका काम ठीक है लेकिन यह IE11 में प्रतिपादन नहीं करता है। जब मैंने अक्सर ताज़ा करने की कोशिश की ( Ctrl + R ) अर्थात् 5-6 गुना तो यह काम किया। तो कृपया मुझे बताएं कि मैं इसे कैसे ठीक कर सकता हूं? .grid_row {text-shadow: 0px 0px 10px # 000; रंग: # बीबीबीबीबीबी; ज़ूम: 1; } IE11 में यह सुविधा (F12) है यदि पाठ-छाया ओवरराइड हो गया था, तो आप इसे तत्काल एक पार की गई संपत्ति के रूप में देखते हैं, अगर आपने 'मेटा' अनुभाग में 'एक्स-यूए-संगत' टैग का उपयोग किया है, तो कृपया इसे हटा दें। < कोड> मुझे लगता है कि JSFiddle आपको अधिक

android - Better Approach to Parse a common Json and insert it into DB -

I have two web servers returning the same type of data: Data1: "ModelCode": 23, "module id": 37, "name", "message", "message", "blank", "message" ":" availability index "," pentamule idid ": empty," sequence "," UserID ": 0," UserRollID ": 0}]} Data 2: What I have done, I have created a single DTO class to parse them both data using the GSON library such as: Private intUderID; Private boolean ismatry; Private Ind index; Private india module id; Private Ind ModuleCode; Private string module Icon; Private boolean is Questian type; The private boolean is the storage device; Private string parentmoded; Private string UserRoleID; The name of the private string; Private Aralist & lt; Question & gt; questions; And insert darse data into the data in DB and data table 2. The above approach works fine but I just want to know: 1.Is this the b

python - How are lambda functions implemented? -

I am a new novice for Python, which is coded for two years. And I just have to know Lambda. I wonder how Lambda Functions works in memory. Generally, where are they kept in computer memories and how are they called? Do they become like in-line tasks? Or they have an indicator, yet they will not be called again. A simple description: a lambda is an expression which is called as function can go. This is a rhythmic way to write "temporary functions", which can be used when needed, but there is no longer necessary. Just like anything else in Python, if there is no reference to it - Python will eventually get rid of it (collect / recover garbage / etc), how and when it happens The implementation is

emacs - Aquamacs color theme settings override -

मैं Aquamacs 3.0a GNU Emacs (x86_64-apple-darwin13.0.0, NS सेब- appkit-1265.00 ) एक मैक ओएसएक्स Maverics प्रणाली पर। चूंकि मैं Aquamacs की स्थापना के लिए रंग विषयों को बदलने के साथ समस्याओं का सामना किया: custom-themes किसी थीम को चुनने वाला बफ़र डिफ़ॉल्ट थीम को लोड नहीं करता। एक थीम से दूसरे को बदलना पृष्ठभूमि रंग को ओवरराइड नहीं करता है। यहां से संबंधित भागों कस्टमाइज़ेशन.एल: '(डिफ़ॉल्ट ((टी (वार: शून्य वारंट: स्टिपल नील: पृष्ठभूमि "# 242424": अग्रभूमि "# f6f3e8": उलटा-वीडियो शून्य: बॉक्स शून्य: स्ट्राइक -ऑरफ़ोन-शून्य: ओवरलाइन शून्य: अंडरलाइन शून्य: सामान्य स्लेट: वजन सामान्य: ऊंचाई 140: चौड़ाई सामान्य: फाउंड्री "निल": परिवार "कूरियर न्यू"))) '(ऑटोफैस-डीफॉल्ट )) '(कस्टम-थीम-चुनें-मोड-डिफ़ॉल्ट ((टी (: आइरफ़ेस- डिफ़ॉल्ट का वारिस) : स्टिपल शून्य: स्ट्राइक-थ्रू शून्य: अंडरलाइन शून्य: सामान्य स्लेट: वजन सामान्य: ऊंचाई 130: चौड़ाई सामान्य: परिवार "ल्यूसीडा ग्रांडे"))) टी) < / html>

scala - Akka intercepting receive with stackable behavior -

Akka and Scala newbie here, please feel free to edit the question as necessary so that the domain of my intent is clearly In Scala and Akka Before I show the code snippet, here is the problem that I want to solve: I essentially want to develop a common module for the use of my team, While developing your application using I want to allow them to mix a feature which will extend their functionality over runtime, mainly for logging purposes Compilation'm running errors, which I will soon explain. But first, for example, a simple main: object test app {widens system system = actor system ("system") val myActor = System.actorOf (Props (new MyActor), "myActor") myActor! "Hello world!" } Here is an example implementation of an actor, which a team member can apply in his application: class MyActor extension of actor with ActorLogger Does {Override DIF Received: Receive = {Case Message = & gt; { ("test ...")} case _ = &

execute link in background using PHP -

Please read below my scenario. I have been given a link .. After executing the link in the web browser, the message will be The desired recipients are sent to me .. But for my website I need to implement PHP because I will retrieve the member's name from DB ... step .... DB Recover name from $ Url = "ABC & amp = msg =". Msg msg (execute link) / * url = 'do something -' = 9176411081 & amp; Sid = STMTSC & amp; Msg = Dear% 20Sam,% 20choir% 20practice% 20will% 20be% 20held% 20in% 20our% 20Church% 20on% 20July% 2031% 20at% 208:. 00% 20pm% 20Thanks,% 20St.% 20Thomas% 20MTC! & Amp; Fl = 0 & amp; Gwid = 2 ' I'm not sure how to execute a link without redirecting. Therefore the header can not be used () I try to use file_get_contents () But did not work .. Can you please guide me .. Thanks! Why are not you using AJAX, as well as using AJAX throu

d3.js - d3.event.y has strange values during drag behavior -

I show a layout with resizeable cells using D3 drag behavior and CSS {display: table Is making an example} Styles This works fine to pull horizontally, but not vertical for vertical resizing, d3.event.y is providing those values Which I do not understand. The horizontal drag and working vertical drag shows here, take a look at the console output when to see the values ​​returned by d3.event to Drag the values ​​returned by d3.mouse () for the horizontal drag, but get distracted for the vertical drag. I can correct the behavior by using d3.mouse () y-coordinate using d3.event y -coordinate. To see it, comment the line "does not work" and remove the "Works" line, however, I do not understand why I need to do this, and it seems that I have more general D3 . Instead of using the event, you have to accept mouse input. Is this a bug, or have I failed to understand something here? Note that to hit the same problem, but using the HTML table instead o

android - Applying adapter to ListFragment -

I have a simple question as soon as we are able to apply the executor in writing in the following manner: getListView (). SetAdapter (new myadapter ()); It also does not work for ListFragment. Any updates can be made, as it is not different from quoting API references. Public void activation (bundled saved instenestate) {// TODO auto generated method stub super super on public class mylistfrag listFragment {@Override} On-activation (saved instenstate); ListView lv = getListView (); ArrayAdapter & LT; String & gt; Aa = new array adapter & lt; String & gt; (GetActivity (), android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1, (myfragshow) getActivity ()). Cents; Lv.setAdapter (aa); }} Provides myfragshow FragmentActivity {String st [] = {"a", "b", "C", "d", "e"} of the public class; @ Override Protected Zero Create (Bundle Arg0) {// Todo Auto-Generated Method Stub Super. Content (arg0); SetContentView (R.layout.myfragshow); }}

matlab - Making a match-and-append code more efficient without 'for' loop -

I have to match a 1 with column 1 st Trying <3> <3> of b for column and B to A column 4 Th Add Columns Code>. For example, A = 1 2 3 4b = 1 2 4 5 4 1 2 3 5 3 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 5 < / Code> I compare A (:, 1) and B (:, 1: 3) 1 and 3 in A (:, 1) 1 is in B ([1 2 3], 4: end (b): ) From ' to a s 1 st line 3 2 nd and 4 th in the rows is B (:, 1: 3) , so attach to B ([2 4], 4: end) ' to A 's 2 nd line so that it becomes: 1 2 5 4 5 3 6 5 0 0 I could only use it for code and if . cleaners aa bin mem memory 2 mem 3a = [1 2; 3 4] B = [1 2 4 5 4; 1 2 3 5 3; 1 1 1 1 2; 3 4 5 6 5] for n = 1: 1: size (A, 1) mem = ismember (b (:, [1: 3]), a (n, 1)); Mem2 = mem (:, 1) + mem (:, 2) + mem (:, 3); Mem3 = find (mem2> 0); AA {N,:} = Hoskat (A (N, :), rehep (B (M3, [4,5]) ', 1, [])); % 'Maximum maximum length = maximum (cellphone (@ (x) digit (x), aa)); Outside = cell 2 erosion (cellphone (@ (x

android - Deploying Mobile and Wear at the same time -

Can both mobile and wearable apps be compiled and implemented at the same time from Android Studio? I am able to change myself in both the parts and then I have to wait for one before the next deployment. If you have default configuration for project names on Android Studio, you must have "mobile" in the launch combo. Click on the arrow, select "Edit Configuration ..." "Wear Click on the green plus sign < / Li> Select "Run another configuration" Select "Mobile" Use the arrow to create "Mobile" first Be sure to rebuild (clean and build) When you select "wear", click on the green arrow to launch it and click on it L'must launch both applications in sequence with one click. I think it is the best now.

javascript - Get data value from .click by class -

This code will give the name of the right square, but the right data will not be a valid mount. This will only be output: undefined. $ (".prod_amount_add"). Click (function () {var rowAmount = 0; var datavalid = $ (this) .attr ('data-validamount'); Console.log (datavalid); console.log ($ (this) .attr ('class' ));}); & Lt; Div class = "prod_amount_add" & gt; & Lt; Img src = "icon / add page" width = "16" height = "16" alt = "plus 1" data-valid name = "1" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; The attribute is on your img , not your < Code> .prod_amount_add div, so you can do the $ (this) .find ('img'). Attr ('data-validamount');

objective c - SearchBar in NavigationBar -

It is a bit difficult to explain my problem in one sentence, so I will keep two pictures here. I want this behavior from my app. First I found the simple navigation bar with the buttonbar. and after the search button it is clicked on me Behavior: How to obtain this behavior? I got up with only one idea - to create a new scene and move it, but it does not like best practice. If the search button has right clicked, to hide and show the search bar, I did the following, for example, I took a search bar and once the button items, and the navigation as below Placed in the left and right sides of the bar. - (zero) viewDidoadload {[Super Viewedload]; UISearchBar * searchBar = [[UISearchBar alloc] initWithFrame: CGRectMake (0,0, 250,44)]; SearchBar.placeholder = @ "Search"; UIBarButtonItem * searchBarItem = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithCustomView: searchBar]; SearchBarItem.tag = 123; SearchBarItem.customView.hidden = Yes; SearchBarItem.customView.alpha = 0.0f; S

php - Case-insensitive distinct in laravel -

I was trying to list all the different values, create a column using Larvel. This code is model :: different () -> gt; The lists ('Model_make_id') but this is case-sensitive. This Audi and detects Audi vary how to make case-insensitive? Perhaps you can try such a raw query: < Code> Model :: selectRaw ("Model UPPER (model_make_id) different as a model)" - & gt; Lists ( 'model') This will be the way Audi and Audi as once uppercase but perhaps a better way.

jersey - Jeresy Jackson BigDecimal Post -

I've come up against a problem. I can not use BigDecimal in my own class, jersey 2.x, jackson 1.8 my class < Code> Public Ultimate Category TestDodel [Private Bugfile FFF; Public Baddickle getFfff () {Return FFF; } Public Zero Setsf (BigDQmailFFF) {this.ffff = ffff; } Public Zero Setsf (Double FFFF) {this.ffff = New Bidikimil (FFFF) .setScale (2, Rounding Mode.HF_avn); }} and is trying to take simple post action. @ code @ path ("/ test") @ Consum (MediaType.APILICATION_JSON) Public Response Test (TESTODODEL TT) {log. Anti (); (tt); Log.exit (); Return Response.States (201) .INT (""). Build (); } But as a result I get {ClientResponse {method = POST, uri = http: // somehost: 8080 / test, status = 400, reason = incorrect request} Methods work fine. If I try to post to BigDecimal , then the problem arises when I try to enter BigDecimal in my square and try to post it with No problem The problem is resolved. The problem wa

php - How to Send a print job from Hosting server to loacal pc? -

I need help with php printing from the printer. I tried some code for printing my work on the local host but uploading It is not visible after anything I used the code $ getprt = printer_list (PRINTER_ENUM_LOCAL); // Resonance 'Printer List'. Json_encode ($ getprt). '& Lt; Br / & gt; '; $ Printer = $ getprt [4] ['NAME']; Counterpart $ printer; If ($ ph = printer_open ($ printer)) {// Get the contents of the file $ FH = FOPAN ("filename.txt", "rb"); $ Content = fread ($ fh, fileseek ("filename.txt"); Fclose ($ fh); // Set RAD to print mode and send PDF to printer printer_set_rection ($ PH, PRINTER_MODE, "RAW"); Printer_write ($ pH, $ content); Printer_close ($ pH) This shows the printer on the local host, but when I upload and call this page it does not show any show or does nothing. Actually I want to select print from printers list but for testing I set it manually, this list shows when I run website for

javascript - Dynamically populated select menu on html page to be displayed on android webview without using jquery mobile -

I have created a web app using Google App Script and put it on the web. This application works well on PC, but when I load it on the webview on Android, dynamically populated & lt; Select & gt; The menus are not displayed (they are empty). I know that google caja has an issue from jquery mobile, so i can not use jquery mobile The question is if & lt; Select & gt; Is there any way to work the menu only using jquery or javascript? Or maybe I can do some tricks in Android? Here is an example of how I populate menus by jquery: function addClients (Client) {// Array Google Spreadsheets option. $ ('# Customer') below (); (Var i in client) {$ ('# client'). Append ('& lt; option & gt;' + client [i] + '& lt; / option & gt;'); . $ ('# Customer') Triggers ("Chosen: Update"); }} HTML Part: & lt; Select name = "client" id = "client" data-native-menu = "true" dat

regex - Perl: Finding out the unavailable string in a txt file -

I'm starting a new one in Perl, which is using strawberry-pearl, I A Perl script is written to find special strings in a text file, =================================== Fruit - Banana Fruit - Banana Vegetable - Potato Fruit - Orange Vegetable - Onion Vegetable - Tomato Fruit - Grapes Vegetable - Brinjal Fruit - Strawberry fruit - apricot juice - pineapple Rice - long grains ==================================== Here's my code, #! My @ eatables = ("fruit", "meat", "vegetable"); Open (FH, "& lt; sample.txt") or die "sample can not open txt: $!" ;; Sub head () {while (my $ line = & lt; FH & gt;) {foreach (@Itables) {if ($ line = ~ m / $ _ /) {print "found: $ _ line $. \ N "; }}} Closed (FH); } Main(); 1; I found the following print, found: Line 1 on the fruit was found: found fruit on fruit 2 found: vegetable on line 3 found: fruit Found on line 4: The vegetable

google apps script - Using e.values with onFormSubmit -

I'm new to this, please excuse me if this is a stupid question. I am using Google Script to make any change based on the response submitted from Google Form. I have got a test function which I use to get it in script editor I'm working and it works perfectly. Although using the effectarmant trigger, getting variable results from e.values, it is not doing anything. I have defined the trigger for the project and it can be seen that the 'Trigger of the current project' window was confirmed so that it is not so. This test function code is: function Test_form_submit () {var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet () var sheet = ss.getSheetByName ("Group Total") SpreadsheetApp. Flush () var their_choice1 = "group 5: Thursday 6-8pm" var r = find_limits ("C3: E7", their_choice1) var count = r [0] var limit = r [1] check_ availability ("545507554", counting, Range, their_choice1)} This is my trigger function code: formsboo

jQuery not working with IE 11 -

ऑब्जेक्ट संपत्ति या विधि का समर्थन नहीं करता 'addEventListener' < प्री> 'jQuery' अपरिभाषित है मैं आईई 11 का उपयोग कर रहा हूं, /jquery-2.1.1.min.js < P> jquery-migrate-1.1.1.js और jquery-ui-1.11.0.custom / jquery-ui.js (थीम रोलर) 2.1.1 से पहले, मैं क्रोम के साथ 1.11.1 का उपयोग कर रहा था (काम ठीक है) मैंने ठीक से काम करने की कोशिश की लेकिन यह मेरे लिए काम नहीं कर रहा है समस्या का कारण था क्योंकि पृष्ठ एक इंट्रानेट साइट था, & amp; आईई इस के लिए डिफॉल्ट के लिए संगतता मोड सेट था। IE11 समर्थन करता है addEventListener ()

javascript - For var in object returns methods together with properties -

I have tried the following code and am surprised to know that Object Returns for Verdes in the ORIID also objects I'm not sure Why does this happen, do objects are essentially properties? Does there a quality in it that it returns only properties with properties? var object = {p1: 1, p2: 2, p3: 3}; Object.funkcja = function () {for (var x in object) {document.getElementById ("test"). Internal HTML + = Object [x] + "& lt; BR & gt;";}}; Example: I think this is the right way : (Object isOwnProperty (x) & amp; (function [x] function for example) {document.getElementById ("test") internal HTML + = object ] + "& Lt; BR & gt;"; }}

How to create customized admin dashboard by using the wordpress database? -

I've created a website using WordPress and it's working fine. My question is how can I create a customized admin section outside the WordPress environment that uses website databases? I have tried it by editing the post data directly from the database database, but it is not reflected on the page. Appears on the Page Update page using the WordPress Dashboard Changes page. Why am I not reflecting on the changes page while editing the post data directly in the database? Thank you with advance help would be appreciated. I'm not sure what you mean by "manipulating website databases" Want to You can change / add wordpress dashboard and make your own admin. It is very complex and requires a child theme. If you do not have a child theme, get one right now - it is most useful to customize Wordpress.

ibm mobilefirst - Unexpected procedure invocation response -

मैं आईबीएम वर्कलाइट v6.2 का उपयोग कर रहा हूँ। HTML एचटीएमएल मैं और "पृष्ठ" & gt; & Lt; h1 & gt; हाय आपका स्वागत है उपयोगकर्ता & lt; / h1 & gt; & Lt; इनपुट प्रकार = "सबमिट करें" id = "उपयोगकर्ता" onclick = "loadFeeds ()" मान = "सबमिट करें" & gt; & Lt; span id = "परिणाम" & gt; & lt; / span & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; जावास्क्रिप्ट फ़ंक्शन loadFeeds () {var invocationData = {adapter: "car1", प्रक्रिया: "getuser", पैरामीटर: ["नाम", "शहर"] }; WL.Client.invokeProcedure (अभिवादन डेटा, {onSuccess: loadFeedsSuccess, onFailure: loadFeedsFailure,}); } फ़ंक्शन loadFeedsSuccess (परिणाम) {var xyz = result.invocationResult.resultSet [0]; $ ("# परिणाम")। Html ( + "" +; //$("#result").html(; //alert(; } फ़ंक्शन loadFeedsFailure (परिणाम) {WL.Logger.debug ("विफल

Is there any way to update SQL Server job step command text using C# -

I have some tasks in a SQL Server 2000 agent. Now I just need to update the step command text . Is there any way to do this from behind the code? Yes you can do so in your server's msdb database There are stored procedures. SQLAgentReaderRole SQLAgentOperatorRole / Div>

php - Load a html file -

Maybe I did not interpret it very well, I have updated the code to see what I want. I need to load an external HTML file in that "div external_page ....", the best thing to do is to load the file into the file (external PHP content), tell me What is wrong :) This is a demo: (UPDATE) script language = "javascript" src = "Js /jquery_1.5.2.js"></script> & Lt; Div id = "external_page_content_displayer" & gt; External page content goes here & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt ;! - External PHP content - & gt; & Lt ;? Php srand (float) microgram () * 10005224); $ Rows = file ('ajax / rssatam / rss-at_am' '); $ This_Page_Content = Array ($ rows, "test", "test", "test"); $ This_Page_Content_Rand_Keys = array_rand ($ This_Page_Content, 2); $ It_page_Content_Displayer = $ This_Page_Content [$ This_Page_Content_Rand_Keys [0]]. "\ N"; Echo strip_tags ($ This_Page_Conte

c++ - Performance: should I use a global variable in a function which gets called often? -

First of all, I should get this fact from my chest that I am trying to do the right thing I am in contradiction which is now the right way to the right way. I am modifying a driver for a peripheral which includes the function - call it Send () . I have a timestamp variable in the function, so function loop for a particular time. So, should I declare variable global (in this way it is always in memory and is lost every time I run the function) or should I declare the function reference (and in the reference context Leave local) Please note that the function can be called multiple times per millisecond. The speed of execution for local versus global variables should not be quite different. The only real difference is where the variable remains. Local variables are allocated on the stack, global variables are in a separate memory segment. It is true that every time you log in regularly, local variables are allocated, but allocation of memory to move the stack indicator is

mysql - BroadLeafCommerce: DemoSite not showing products -

I have just installed BroadLeafCommerce on two different hosts, one is Mac OS X, a Debian / Raspberry P With both JDK 1.7 and Tomcat 7. Apart from this, using MySQL on both is basically the same environment component, except that Raspberry P, JVM (256 M) runs with a low stack. On both hosts, the application starts with the same log entries, and the database tables are created and filled on both hosts and on my Mac OS X host, everything looks fine On Raspberry P, the product content does not appear in the section , however, the images shown in the right sidebar are but the categories in the right sidebar are missing. However, when I am in my Raspberry P Ban, blc_product and blc_category and blc_category_product_xref I try the mysql DB tables on tables, then filled with data. And catalina.out does not show any error when opening a certain page. I followed the instructions I followed the git clone . It looks like on Mac OS X: This looks like my Raspberry P installat

sql server - Is there a difference between <> and != in SQL? -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: < / P> 14 उत्तरों मुझे सिर्फ यह जानना है कि क्या तकनीकी रूप से इन दोनों के बीच में अंतर है & lt;> और! =! फ़ंक्शन एक समान है, इसलिए आप जो भी हो सकते हैं उसे अधिक पठनीय। इसकी एक प्रासंगिक रेखा है: '& lt;>' से है, '! =' 'एक टी-एसक्यूएल ऑपरेटर है। यह भी ध्यान देना है कि वहाँ डेटाबेस है जो ! = नहीं करता है, लेकिन जब से आपने टैग किया है यह एसक्यूएल सर्वर के रूप में तब उनके बीच कोई differenc नहीं है

c# - Same extension class available in multiple namespaces -

In an MVC application I have a namespace that contains a specific model class. This class implements a specific interface and says It goes that there is an extension class in the interface. I have expanded the model class and interface within a common namespace, however, the extension methods will not work in ideas. Expose the namespace within the ideas. In each and every view, Using a namespace that is actually going to use those extension methods is not an option. Thank you, but I have reasons to not expose my model namespace. Keeping in mind, I was thinking of taking the extension methods to a different place of place, so I can safely highlight all of my thoughts, but now the model namespace All administrators will be missing the extension. I do not want to add this namespace to all of my controllers and this time I do not want to make this Nation place globally available. I want the extension to be usable if the model namespace is in contact with the code only. The cheap

python - PyobjC : Application throwing an error if we shutdown Mac -

I'm running a simple pipe-c app However, if I'm running the app, then try to close the mac I do not shut off like this other app, I've noticed that if I comment the line AppHelper.runEventLoop () then there is no problem. The user tries to restart / stop the Mac before leaving the application, so how do I get to eliminate Evangelism completely? Your problem definitely does not have to do with AppHelper. RunEventLoop () clearly states that it does not , unless the exception is thrown. You should have some setup which is blocking application off. (Unsaved document?, Modal window?)

python - Optimizing memory managemente for huge variables in Jython -

I'm using approximately 7 to 10 MB as CSV file input, around 65,000 lines in which many The data fields will be hosted: for each of them, its acetid, FQDN and six property fields (see below for an example) LCEEMV.V.Pray Cropper | SCCC_0002001 Prefusion | SVC_0001086 | Preframement SVCB00008660 | | Infrastructure Management LSER_0053150 | Wastecity-ADMGGPRACORP SVCC_0002001 | Prefudence | SVC_0001086 | Preproduction SVCB_0000160 | Infrastructure Management A csv.reader object repeated on each line to use the I and its contents to save RAM: < Code> prop_ COLUMNS: prop_value = row [column] data for prop, column in [[(FQDN, prop)]. Add (prop_value) Then, when the input file is completely copied, it's time to dump it into an output file using a different syntax: FQDN, property_name, property_values ​​ Th works flawlessly for smaller CSV files, however, it is currently sometimes host memory allocated huge CSV, JVM Stops based on usage, in which it is runn

javascript - Firefox SDK access preferences from content script -

About I work on Firefox add-on using Firefox add-ons SDK I am here. The add-on site will be unique and will hide some elements based on user preferences. I have already made this add-on a few years ago, but the new SDK works a little differently with things. code Because the add-on is a site specific and I need to modify the content of the site I ' PageMod < / B> 'use the module [ main. JS ] PageMode Pagemode ({include: "*", content script file: [data.url ('jquery-1.11.1.min.js'), data.equal ('script.js')]}); This works great, jQuery is implemented and I can add javascript from script.js and I ' package.json < / B> 'And this works great I can get it from' main.js ' problem My problem is that content script ' How can I access existing preferences in my content script' script.js '? Tried the endeavor Effort 1 The attempt that I made was only the c

model - Waterline default query condition -

Where can I set the position of default / sort in my Cells JS Waterline model? I will use in Rail Pal does not support the default criteria on a per-model basis, but if you are using You can define the default criteria for the root by overriding in your config / routes.js file, for example: "GET / user": { Controller: 'user', verb: 'search', where: {'deleted': wrong}, sort: 'age DESC'} This will work even when you Do not make your User The search action is defined in the Controller.js file, because the template has been added by default to you.

javascript - How to call a controller function from another controller? -

What is the easiest way to call the controller's work from another controller? I have such a controller .. Administrator 1 $ scope.setTitleKey = function {title} { $ Scope.currentTitleKey = titleKey; $ Scope.getDetails (); }; Administrator 2 $ scope.getDetails = function () {if (TitleKey! == "All") { $ Scope.bookInfo; BookDetails.getBook Title (TitleKu). Then (function (result) {$ scope.bookInfo =;}, function (error) {warning (;}); }; }; I just want to call the function from another controller The simple argument is that if the function with controller 1 is then another function call Controller 2 Any Idea Factory or Service This is the best way to get all the functions and variables you want when you want to share the code in your controller. Want share Like Modulename.factory ("ABC", function () {// Modulename which you have created on your code, this is just an instance of var test =

How do I write mathematical equation in R with constants coming from variables? -

आर-आँकड़ों में, मान लें कि मेरे पास a & lt; - 5 b & lt; - 3 अब मैं नीचे एक अभिव्यक्ति फ़ंक्शन का उपयोग कर एक गणितीय समीकरण लिखना चाहता हूं exp & lt; - अभिव्यक्ति (a * e ^ (b * x) )) लेकिन मैं चाहता हूँ कि ए और बी के मान अक्षरों के बजाय समीकरण में, अर्थात् मैं इसे 5 e ^ 3x। यह कैसे दिखा सकता हूं? इसका कारण यह है कि मैं मूल्यों को नहीं जानता और बी अग्रिम में और ये एक घातीय वक्र को ढकने से आ रहे हैं, इसलिए मैं अभिव्यक्ति (5 * ई ^ (3 * x)) का उपयोग नहीं कर सकता। इसे आज़माएं: subst & lt; - फ़ंक्शन (e, ...) (विकल्प, सूची (e [[1]], सूची (...))) एक्सपी & एलटी; - अभिव्यक्ति (एक * ई ^ (बी * x)) subst (exp, a = 1, b = 5) ## 1 * e ^ (5 * X) ध्यान दें कि जब यह दिखाई दे सकता है कि सरल विकल्प (अभिव्यक्ति (a * e ^ (b * x)), सूची ( ए = 1, बी = 5)) काम करता है, तो आप इसे एक चर के साथ बस अभिव्यक्ति (a * e ^ (b * x)) नहीं बदल सकते हैं केवल तभी काम करता है यदि आपका एप्लिकेशन आपको हार्ड कोड को अभिव्यक्ति की अनुमति देता है।