
Showing posts from June, 2012

Android error on imported module build,gradle - Could not find method instrumentTestCompile() -

आयात लाइब्रेरी पर, मैं त्रुटि को पुनर्निर्माण करता हूं त्रुटि: (7) एक समस्या हुई मूल्यांकन परियोजना ': पुस्तकालय' तर्क के लिए विधि instrumentTestCompile () नहीं मिल सका [org.mockito: mockito कोर: 1.9.5, build_n73cqp2judtlhpna5h10rio8c $ _run_closure1_closure3 @ 20e75be5] परियोजना पर ': पुस्तकालय'। < / P> यह आयातित मॉड्यूल build.gradle है: प्लगइन लागू करें: 'android-library' निर्भरता {compile 'com.nineoldandroids: library: 2.4.0 'instrumentTestCompile (' org.mockito: mockito कोर: 1.9.5 '):' instrumentTestCompile ( dexmaker-mockito: 1.0 ') {org.hamcrest समूह को बाहर'} '{को बाहर समूह:' org। hamcrest '} instrumentTestCompile (' JUnit: JUnit: 4.11 '): org.hamcrest'} instrumentTestCompile 'org.hamcrest: hamcrest-सब: {समूह को बाहर' 1.3 '} Android {compileSdkVersion 19 buildToolsVersion '19 .0.1' sourceSets {{मुख्य Manifest.srcFile 'AndroidManifest.xml&#

url routing - Joomla URL parameters -

I would like to get my opinions and solutions how I can solve this problem. I have a website which shows restaurants, events and attractions in many cities and countries. I have implemented the following structure: Country A - City A- 1 ---- Restaurants ---- Events ---- Attraction - Sita A-2 --- - Restaurants ---- Events ---- Attraction Country B - City B-1 ---- Restaurants - - Events ---- Attraction - Sita B-2 ---- Restaurants ---- Events ---- Attraction Too much redundancy, especially when it comes to modules Is it The display content elegant categories I thought that would be a good solution, only restaurants, events and considers how to create categories for the attraction, and specify which country and city by adding a parameter to the URL. I can not refrain from any ideas and suggestions you make from the full menu in the menu manager. P> As a module you have a table inside the module such as: 1,7: 2,8 ... = menu_id_1, content_of_city_7: menu_id_2, content_off_

javascript - onClick add input field -

I want to add a transparent input text field every time in the center of the DIV #mainC button is done. I tried to do it with jquery but did not succeed. Usage: $ ("# abc" "text" /> gt; ');}); Demo:

indexing - index table by name in R -

I'm having trouble with dataset. The data looks like this: & gt; Data Name L1 1 TSS 200 1 2 TSS 200 1 3 TS 200 1 4 TSS 200 1 5 TS 200 2 6 TS 200 3 7 TSS 1500 4 TTS 1500 4 9 TSS 1500 4 10 TSS 200 4 11 TSS200 5 12 5'UTR 6 13 TSS 200 6 And I want to increase the value based on L1, for example L1 = 1, there are 4 rows, so the index is 1 to 4; So for L1 = 2, there is only one line, so the index is 1; L2 = 3, only one line, index is 1; And so on. Production of a table like this: Name L1 index 1 TSS 200 1 1 2 TSS 200 1 2 3 TS 200 1 3 4 TSS 200 1 4 5 TSS 200 2 1 6 TSS 200 3 1 7 TSS 1500 4 1 8 TS 1500 4 2 9 TS 1500 4 3 10 TS 200 4 4 11 TSS 200 5 1 12 5'Utr 6 1 13 TSS 200 6 2 I hope I have a clear question Have done And thanks in advance. L1 is always increasing if it will work. Answer assumes that you have a data called d data frame (d, index = unlist (mapply (seq, 1, rle (d $ L1) $ Frame is length)) Name L1 index 1 TSS 200 1 1 2 TSS 200 1 2 3 TS 200 1 3 4

qt - Invert the wheel or keyboard arrow function in QDateTimeEdit -

I am using QDateTimeEdit to select the date and time for the user. Is there any way I can reverse in response to the mouse wheel and keyboard arrows? For example, the default setting time or date causes the up-arrow press (or scroll) to increase. Can I change this setting, Due to the fall of the date? (I am a rank newbie for QT, so please let me know that has been answered before!) As an indication, you need to re-implement those virtual functions: Zero KeyPressEvent (QKeyEvent * event) Zero Mousepress Event (QMouseEvent * event )

python - Installation Package, for using Pandas -

I have very little experience with Python, but I have to work with creating an installation package so that I distribute a GUI Saku is taken online with the time series of stocks, on the basis of which I have seen online, a definite module has been created in Python 3.4.1, which is called Pip and PIP, but for some reason I have called Python "Pygm-M Verify on Shell" I am trying to run and run, I get "invalid syntax" I am hoping to use POP to set up all dependencies for the Pandas, but it is a lot of people There is a problem. EDIT: A little update I think I have checked my files and I am sure that the module has been ensured in the library, and I have tried to go through it and Issues have not made it head or tail. thank you in advanced. Editing 2: The picture indicates what I get. I have tried at the command prompt without PA and PA You are calling that command Python from the shell but it should be called from the command line. So just open cmd

java - AdMob SMART_BANNER problems -

I have a SMART_BANNER under my app. SMART_BANNER has been declared in Layout XML like this: & lt; Relative layout xmlns: android = "" xmlns: tools = " com / tools" xmlns: app = "http: // schemas. "Android: Android: Android: layout_width =" wrap_content "Android: layout_height =" wrap_content "Android: orientation =" vertical "tool: reference =" main activity "& gt; & Lt; WebView Android: id = "@ + id / webview" Android: layout_width = "match_parent" Android: layout_height = "match_parent" /> & Lt; xmlns: ads = "" Android: id = "@ + id / adView" Android: layout_width = "Match_parent" Android: layout_height = "wrap_content" android: layout_alignParentBottom = &quo

python - using unittest what is b?: self.assertTrue(b'Please login' -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: < / P> 5 जवाब यह कैसे के बारे में एक सवाल है AssertTrue () काम करता है और क्यों यह प्रतीत होता है आवारा टाइपो समस्या का कारण नहीं है जब मैं इसे एक परीक्षण के रूप में चलाता हूं। मैं फ्लास्क सीख रहा हूं और यूनिट टेस्ट कैसे कर सकता हूं, तो कृपया मेरे साथ सहन करें यदि मुझे कुछ शब्दावली गलत मिलती है। 'बी' की उपस्थिति / अनुपस्थिति से पहले ' कृपया लॉगिन करें '? कोड का उपयोग करना जो ट्यूटोरियल मुझे देता है: def test_login_page_loads (स्वयं): tester = app.test_client (स्वयं) प्रतिक्रिया = परीक्षक ('/ लॉगिन', content_type = 'html / text') self.assertTrue (b'Please लॉगिन ' में) मैंने सोचा कि' बी 'स्वयं में AssertTrue (b'Please लॉगिन ' में) एक टाइपो था, लेकिन यह वहाँ चरित्र के बिना या बिना परीक्षण गुजरता है। संदर्भ के लिए, यह है (अधिकांश) यह क्या परीक्षण है: & lt; h1 & gt; कृपया लॉगिन करें & lt; / h1 & gt; & Lt; br & gt; &a

python - How to get package icon in eclipse? -

I have a project on eclipse and I am wondering why I do not see package symbol on folders in the hierarchy. / P> Do I have the option of being able to accept eclipse as eclipse? I am using PyDev plugin here. Three things Keep in mind: Is there a Python Path set in this project? Right-click on Project -> Properties -> Snapdragon Add the root project directory or whatever is appropriate for your project. Is there a __init __ in your package? Py is a file? Have you got a python interpreter is configured in PyDev? Is your Package Explorer tab / window titled "PyDev Package Explorer"? If not, find in the window -> "Show View" -> "PyDev Package Explorer". Do you have PAYDEV builder enabled? (PyDev Settings -> Builders)

java - Mocking Objects Created Inside method Under test -

I have a class that I would like to test. Whenever possible I will inject dependency for that class which depends on the object other sections. But, I ran into a case where I want to duplicate the object without reorganizing the code and I'm not using D. Here is the class under test: public class dealer {public at show (carlist class car) {print print = new print (); & Lt; String & gt; List = new linked list & lt; String & gt; (); List = car.getList (); System.out.println ("Size of car list:" + list.size ()); Int printedLines = car.printDelegate (print); System.out.println ("Number of Written Print" + Printed Lines); Return number; }} And for my test class it is: public class examiner {dealer dealer; Car List Class Car = Fake (CarListClass.class); & Lt; String & gt; CarTest; Print Print = Fake (print class); @ First public set up () throws exceptions {dealer = new dealer ()); CarteSt = new linked list & lt; String &

jquery - Display Kendo datepicker icon on the left -

The condo datapicator adds a calendar icon to the right of the control input. Normally, it's okay, and it looks great . However, in my style guide, there are icons on the left of my form input. For example: & lt; Div class = "input-prepaid" & gt; & Lt; Span class = "add-on" & gt; & Lt; I class = "fa-fs-USD" & gt; & Lt; / I & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; @ Html.TextBoxFor (m = & gt; m.PayContribution, "{0: 0.00}", new {@class = "span10", value = @model.peccontent == 0m? "": @models. Contribution. Toaster ()}) & lt; / Div & gt; This is the effect of most users "25.00 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; For some looking silly, "$$" instead of "$ 25.00" I did not want to leave my datepickers with the right-handed icons and do all my input with left-handed icons. There is

SQL Server update statement with join -

I have data in a load table and try to write an update statement to populate an additional self-referenced table. I'm doing, but I'm having trouble with the exact syntax. Here is a simple example of two table layouts and simultaneous data: create table tmpLoad (status number VARCHAR (2), supervisor number VARCHAR (2)) tmpLoad values ​​( '01', '00') tmpLoad values ​​( '02', '01') tmpLoad values ​​( '03 put', '01') put in place to put tmpLoad value ('04, '03 '(', '05 03 ') CREATE TABLE tmpPosition (PositionID integer, PositionNumber VARCHAR (2), putting SupervisorID integer) into tmpPosition value (1 ") into tmpLoad value' 01 ', nULL) tmpPosition value (2 , '02', faucet) are tmpPosition values ​​(e.g. 3, '03' faucet) (,, 4 '04 'Tap' INSERT tmpPosition value insert into the tmpPosition value (, 5 '05', null) Data pole in TM As a unique identifier,

Building a string and running it in terminal python -

Hey guys, I'm making a dragon script to download YouTube videos. I know that I can do it in the basic Linux scripting language, but I am trying to learn how to work the scripts in Ajnathan because I use the windows from my work. Import OS print ("start script .... \ n") link = raw_input ('add link \ n') Name = name = raw_input (add a name with 'flv extension \ n') Command = 'Wget -O' + name + '$ (youtube-dl -g' + link + ')' os.system ("command") I think there are simple ("") problems how can I write it to work? Thank you! Your problem is that you have os.system ( "Command") which is trying to run "command" instead of the wget command import The name of the OS print ("script is starting .... \ n") link = raw_input ('add link \ n') name = name = raw_input ('name with flv extension \ n') command = 'wget - O '+ name +' $ (youtube-d

python - Writing full contents of Pandas dataframe to HTML table -

I am putting links in a column of a panda dataframe (table below), and writing the data frame in HMTL . The link in the dataframe table is formatted as shown (index the first link in the table): In : table.loc [0, 'link' ] Out: u '& lt; A href = "" & gt; I6 & lt; / A & gt; ' If I look at dataframes (instead of a specific line index), the link text is cut off: & lt ; A href = "http: // ... I write html datafrom: < Code> table_1 = Table.to_html (classes = 'table', index = False, escape = false) However, the cut link (instead of full text) is written on the HTML table: & lt; td> & lt; a href = "http: //</td> N I probably need an extra parameter for to_html (). Now look at the document, but appreciate the advice: Thank you! So possibly a panda is specific, but you can

java - How can programatically configure the @ComponentScan? -

Absence seems to establish the way in "@componentScan" to "basepackages" as programmed in. I have something like: @Configuration @EnableWebMvc @ComponentScan (basePackages = "cl.pagefoo.controller") public class MyConfig extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter {...} I have something like: foo class a {void init (SomethingContext SC) throws exception {sc.setComponentScan ( "cl.pagefoo. Controller "); }} I want to get this theoretical "something" square which allows the controller package to be configured in runtime you can use WebApplicationInitializer to create the application context as the program. public class Starter implements WebApplicationInitializer {public void onStartup (ServletContext ServletContext) throws ServletException {AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext ctx = new AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext (); Ctx.scan (""); // Rest of the initialization}} This is an alterna

sockets - Python sock chat client - Problems with and sys.stdin -

So I'm trying to create a small chat client using a server and a few clients. I got some code online and I wanted to use it as a base to make it my own. Now the problem is facing that it was written in Python 2.x and I'm using 3.x . There was not really much to convert, but I had some problems where the use of the program is sys.stdin . The original code can be found. Here is my code: ` select import system, socket, DIIF Chat_client (): host = 'localhost' port = 9009 s = socket.socket ( Socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) .settimeout (2) # Connect to remote host: except s.connect (host, port)): print ('unable to connect)' sys.exit () print ('Connect to remote host. You can start sending messages') Sys.stdout.write ('[m]'); Sys.stdout.flush () while 1: socket_list = [sys.stdin, s] read_sockets, write_sockets, error_sockets = (socket_list, [], []) for sock in read_sockets: if sock == s: # Message from incoming remote serve

jquery - Using apex:panelGrid Inside of a div tag Causes Text To Be Displayed Outside of Div -

I am trying to implement drag and drop in the last half of this with a salesforce presentation around December 2010. I've got this job but I have a problem in which an Apex has been installed: Panel grid inside a divinity tag. When I use the highest: panel grid inside the div tag, I actually found a box which was different from the embedded text box behaved the way I wanted it, but text from the top: output Labels and Apex: The Output field was outside the box and did not drag and drop. It works in the video above, but not on my page. When I change the whole Apex: Panel grid with an HTML table, then fully behaves as I want and in the video. I am convinced that something has changed in some years since the video was made, but I do not know whether or why. Any thoughts? > Here is the full apex: page block block of code. Currently, the HTML table is commented, but you can see two different attempts. & lt; Apex: Page-Title Title = "Installed Widgets"

hash - GWT + JBoss + MessageDigest + "SHA-512 not supported" -

I have found some strange behavior, and I think it will interfere with reporting here, (As I did not find any clue on this problem by asking Google). So, my environment is: Java 7.25 GWT 2.5.1 Jboss 7.1.1 I have done some login workflows like this: 1) Enter the customer login / password 2) The password is SHA-512 on the client side head < P> 3) Only the palm password on the client side is snuffed and then head on the SHA-522 server side. FYI, this is the same function hashing SHA-512 on both client and server side. The code to select hash algorithm is: Message digest digest = mesedgadget.jestinstance ("SHA-512"); When I run my project on GWT Development Moded (one with Embedded Jettie Container), everything goes fine. Then I generate a war of my project, and employ it on zebus, and the problem is: Method MessageDigest.getInstance ("SHA-512") e -getMessage () => "SHA-512 Not supported "with NoSuchAlgorithmException but

c - What should be the value of message in MPI send-receive program? -

I have developed a given simple MPI program, as the process 1 sends the message to process the message and the process p Receives the message from -1 The following is the code: given me in the skeleton, four * message; Message = (four *) maul (msg_size); To confuse me, to check the accuracy of the program, I am trying to see the value of the message that was sent or received. So should it be hexadecimal? int main (int argc, char ** argv) {double startwtime, endwtime; Floating time, bandwidth; Int my_id, next_id; / * Process ID-s * / int p; / * Number of processes * / four * messages; / * Storage for message * / int i, k, max_msgs, msg_size, v; MPI_Status status; / * Return status to get * / MPI_Init (& amp; argc, & argv); MPI_Comm_rank (MPI_COMM_WORLD, and my_id); MPI_Comm_size (MPI_COMM_WORLD, & amp; nbsp;); If (argc & lt; 3) {fprintf (stderr, "msg calculation and msg size should be in the form of parameters) \ n"); Goto exit; } If (sscanf (argv

Redactor WYSIWYG root element p tag -

I am using a redactor and it & lt; P & gt; Tag around the contents of Wysiwyg does anyone know a way to disable it? Source: $ ('# redactor'). Redirector ({Paragraph: False});

ios - How to find the maximum value of date stored in coredata? -

I have created a unit coredata and it is a feature of the date. So, I can get the maximum price of the date. NSString * yourEntityName = @ "entity"; NSString * yourDateAttributeName = @ "" date "; NSFetchRequest * fetchRequest = [[NSFetchRequest alloc] init]; NSEntityDescription * entity = [NSEntityDescription EntityForName: YourEntityNameManagedObjectContext: ctx]; [FetchRequest Set Entity: Entity]; [FetchRequest Setprocertoffet: @ [yourDateAttributeName ]]; [FetchRequest Setfet limit: 1]; // edit the sort key, as appropriate NSSortDescriptor * sortDescriptor = [[NSSortDescriptor alloc] initWithKey: yourDateAttributeName ascending: No]; Ansaarara * Sortdisiptrrs = @ [Sortdeskriptr]; [FetchRequest Setsrtsnshlekar: Sort descriptor]; NSError * error = Null; NSArray * result = [ctx executeFetchRequest: fetchRequest error: & amp; error]; NSManagedObject * yourEntityObject = [results first object]; Ansdit * date = [your Intitiobajm Manaforki: yourDateA

ruby - Procfile in Heroku -

How can someone help me how I can solve my problem on Hiro I am new to Harko Warning always appears Warning: No Procfile found, using the default web server (Webrick). I am using Rail 4. Thanks in advance o.k. So make a file named "Profile" in your root directory Put it inside Web: bundle AGC Unicorn-P $ Port-C./config / Unicorn .rb I agree that you have created a UnicornRb file to push the Gitubo, Push Heroko Do and see whether it works or not.

ruby on rails - RSpec NoMethodError: undefined method `assign' -

I am trying to write a test for a small gem written for rail. I want to test the gem independently of a dummy app and I think this is a good learning experience for me. However, I am stuck in getting a simple test to pass due to the above error. Indicates for my Gemfile gemspec, I started RSPC with rspec -init . My test (to ensure that everything is properly set before it starts properly): RSpec.describe 'text_field', type "View, do something on this page" Assign (user, [mock_model ("user", id: 1, name: 'ashi')) stub_template 'users / _form.html.erb' = & gt; "& Lt;% = form_for @user do | f |%> gt; & lt;% = f.text_field: name '%' & gt; & lt;% end% & gt; Rendered.should = ~ / Ashley / End End Complete error: There is something on the page of text_field (failed - 1) Failures: 1; Allocated (:: users, [NoMethodError RSpec :: ExampleGroups :: TextField Definition: `# & lt Assign ':)

python - Find most common sub-string pattern in a file -

You have given a string: input_string = "" "HIYourName = this is No true HIYourName = a good day HIYourName = not HIYourName = goodbye! "" " Find the most common sub-string in the file. Here its answer is" HiAranName = ". Note, the challenging part is that the HiYourName = string is not just "word" .e. It is not delineated from the surrounding place. So, to make it clear, this is not the most common word problem. Here is a simple toughness force solution: import from import Counter counter = "HIYourName = this is not true HIYourName = a nice day HIYourName = not HIYourName = goodbye!" For the category (1, in lane (s)): substr_counter = counter (s [i: i + n] for the class I (lenon (s) - n)), count = substr_counter.most_common (1) [0] ] If count == 1: # print print in the earliest days for the trivial cases 'Size:% 3d: Events:% 3d Phrase:% r'% (n, count, phrase) The output for your sample string is

Outlook VBA macro to move from archive folder to Inbox folder -

I am in the condition described in this thread My source folders (Enterprise Vault) sub folder. "Do main folder \ subfolder 1 \ subfolder 2 \ subfolder 3 \ SOURCEFOLDER" Target folder my "inbox" How do I sub-folders specified? I was getting an error below and, I have a noob in VBA. as new Outlook.Application dim olNameSpace as Outlook.NameSpace'm retarded Outlook.MAPIFolder retarded olApp sub MoveToFolder () as dim olArcFolder OlCompFolder in Outlook.MAPIFolder Dim Melboksonamstring as In Outlook as string dim myInspectors. MailItem dim as myCopiedInspectors integer as Outlook.MailItem dim M as Outlook.MailItem dim myItem set integer as dim Icount olNameSpace = olApp.GetNamespace ( "MAPI") Set OlApp.GetNamespace ( "Mapi"). GetDefaultFolder (olFolderInbox) .Parent.Folders ("according to") set olArcFolder = olNameSpace.Folders ("stored on email computer"). Folder ( "Main folder \ Subfolder1 \ Subfolder2 \

What is the use of public static keyword in main() method in Java? -

मुख्य विधि की घोषणा में: public static void main (स्ट्रिंग [] args) {} किस में से निम्नलिखित कथन सही नहीं है: a सार्वजनिक खोजशब्द मुख्य विधि का उपयोग करने के लिए जेवीएम सक्षम बनाता है b स्थिर कीवर्ड एक क्लास के उदाहरण के बिना एक क्लास के बाहर से एक विधि को बुलाया जाता है c शून्य कीवर्ड कम्पाइलर को बताता है कि विधि एक मान वापस नहीं करेगी Args एक स्ट्रिंग और स्टोर कमांड लाइन तर्क है शायद वे क्या सोच रहे हैं a < / Em>, क्योंकि JVM गैर-सार्वजनिक विधियों तक पहुंच सकता है ऐसा करने के लिए है, या यह उन्हें चलाने में सक्षम नहीं होगा।

makefile - How to use vim's "ctrl+]" to find function defined with '-' -

Hello ~ I'm new here and I get a problem with Vim. I got Makefiles and had defined functions with "stub-addon-jar" such as '-' . Then I used CTADes that generated the tag file, which in fact defined the definition of those functions. After that I opened a makefile with a value, set the tag variable with a normal variable set "ctrl +]" and it works normally . Then I placed the cursor where "stub-addon-jar" was called stroke "ctrl +]" . But VIM did not "found the tag: addon". It seems that Vim did not make the whole "stub-addon-jar" , but just as the input of "addon" / strong> tag. How can I fix this problem? Due to method method for using split words? As FDinoff mentioned in his comment, the correct - character There is a solution to change the definition of the word to include. After setting it, your tags should work correctly. set iskeyword + = - After setting th

javascript - Twitter Photo Card Pulling -

I'm trying to create a Twitter photo card that uses HTML meta tags. The first problem is, the tag looks something like that works (I check the loaded source code of the page). But the Twitter photo card verifier draws the placeholder, and is not up to date. How can I fix these two problems? & amp; Amp; is an HTML escape because its & amp; The marker is in other words, for the beginning of a run, for the character in its HTML source & amp; Amp; This is normal and correct to use Take a look at this HTML: & Lt; A href = " | 15 | h | FFFFFF | _ | I + flop + want + to + be embarrassed % 2C + so + me + to + people + work + that + claimed + I was + a% 7Clot + ||| "& Gt; With the right link & amp; Amp; Amp; The character in the URL & lt; / A & gt; Note that & amp; href in the attribute & amp; Amp; is run as if you see the link in

c# - Return the Boss in the hierarchy -- Tried to apply Depth First Search -

XYZ is a company in which the CEO is a hierarchy of bills and employees. Employees' reports can be a list of other employees who can report themselves, and so on. The employee with at least one report is called Manager Apply the closest Command Manager method to find the nearest manager (CEO from now) to find two employees. You can assume that all employees eventually report to the CEO. Sample data: There are 3 employees reported in the CEO bills: {Dome, Sameer, Michael} Three reports in the Dome (Peter, Bob, Porter) Sameer has no reports {} Michael has no report {} Peter has two reports (Milton, Nina) Bob has no report {} Porter has no report {} Milton has no report {} There is no report of Nina {} Sample Call: Closest Commanding Manager (min) The nearest commanding manager (Nina, Sameer) = Bill The closest commanding officer to the nearest commanding officer (Nina, Porter) = << p> (Peter, Nina) = Peter Now, to solve this problem I have contacted this

php - Can I use some pictures instead of plain text in Yii dropdownlist widget? -

& lt;? Php इको CHtml :: dropDownList ('listname', $ select, array ('M' = & Gt; 'पुरुष', 'एफ' = & gt; 'महिला')); ? & Gt; Yii साइट में उदाहरण केवल दिखाता है कि सादे पाठ के साथ विकल्पों को कैसे सेट करना है। क्या यह कुछ चित्रों के साथ सेट करने का कोई तरीका है? किसी भी मदद की सराहना की जाएगी। सबसे अच्छा संबंध! ड्रॉपडाउन सूची क्लाइंट एचटीएमएल में एक चुनिंदा टैग जेनरेट करता है, जो छवि का उपयोग करने के लिए इसका समर्थन नहीं करता है विकल्प। छवि को एक चुनने के लिए विकल्प के रूप में उपयोग करने के लिए, आप कुछ कोड को निम्न तरह लागू कर सकते हैं: & lt; div style = 'position: relative' & gt; & Lt; div class = 'usersel' & gt; यहां प्रदर्शित करने के लिए कि उपयोगकर्ता वर्तमान में & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; ul शैली = 'स्थिति: पूर्ण' & gt; & Lt; li & gt; & lt; img src = '1.png' / & gt; & lt; स्पैन & gt; पाठ & lt; / span & gt; & lt; / li

angularjs - anchor links break inside angular app even when not inside a controller? -

I am using anchor link in my page. I am using the following plan of anchor link: & lt; A href = "# link" & gt; & Lt; Div id = "link" & gt; When an anchor link inside a conical app redirects to a slashed URL that does not work. It redirects to link / mypage # / this normally works by using the / mypage # link / mypage # link in normal circumstances. Participating in the anchor code outside the angular app also works. Can someone talk about what I'm doing?

html - CSS3 Banner Image Transition that repeats -

I'm working on a project and I have a banner. I want to change the banner from one image to another using the Season and repeat it after 10 seconds. I found a tutorial on how to do this, but it is still not working any help is appreciated! HTML: & lt; Div id = "cf3" & gt; & Lt; Img square = "down" src = "img / skyline.png" /> & Lt; Img class = "top" src = "img / kansas-skyline.png" /> & Lt; / Div & gt; CSS: # cf3 {padding-top: 25px; Status: Relative; Height: 275px; Width: 1100px; Margin: 0 px auto; } # Cf3 img {status: complete; -WebKit-Infection: Opacity 1 -S Ease-In-Out; -Mozy-infection: Opacity 1s ease-in-out; -O-Infection: Opacity 1s ease-in-out; Transition: Opacity 1s easily out; } @keyframe CF3 Fadeoin {0% {Opacity: 1; } 45% {Opacity: 1; } 55% {Opacity: 0; } 100% {Opacity: 0; }} # Cf3 {animation-name: cf3FadeInOut; Animation-timing-function: low-in-out; Animation-repetition-

ruby - How can I delete all null characters from a file? -

I had a directory with several PGN chess files, from which I wanted to take the time of the move ( [ % Emt {a_number}] I wrote this script: regex = / = [. Emt [^ \]] +++] directory = "path / from / files "Extension =" .pgn "Dir.chdir (directory) Dir.foreach (directory) | file_name | file_object = (file_name," r + ") content = new_contents = contents.gsub (regex," ") File.truncate (directory +" / "+ file_name, 0) file_object.puts (new_contents) file_object.close end This time removed all the moves But the interesting thing is that a large number of empty characters at the beginning of one of the files (I suspect that this number is the number of bytes in the file). So I used the line new_contents = contents.gsub (regex, "") with content.delete ("\ 0") , but it only makes it worse, and adds more blank characters for it too How can I remove them? If you change, then you sho

javascript - HTMLElements are not found by .getElementById() if commented out - is this normal behavior? -

I was trying to see how the .hasAttribute () method returned . I had the following code: HTML: My console is throwing this error: Unkit type error: property can not be read 'attribute' of zero Interestingly, once I did without the comment HTML, myimg was no longer nonsense, and .hasAttribute ('src'); Returns a Boolean with pleasure Since .getElementById I have tried: Code to see if I can force .getElementById () to work, e.g. Googling Read on .getElementById () , Which simply says "If there is no element from the given ID, then this function returns null ... is not in the elements The document is not discovered by getElementById. " But there is definitely a part of the commented document! I've been searching for it, but I did not answer my question. Yes, this is normal as your question is ridiculous, it appreciates a real answer : Whatever you comment is inserted as a comment node in the DOM, and it i

terminal - (Re)Setting defaults preference on OSX for one folder excluding subfolders -

I am trying to understand the "overall" file metadata vs. default default settings - logic with OSX Move on my Mac . Finally I'm completely confused issue: I have set up my default com set up. > I want to change this default preference for a folder now आइटम Hide items set to be invisible inside this special folder ▸ I do not want to get it on sub folders Where and how can this be done? Specifically, I want it to be in my user-folder - Mac: / user / mine / set it here / but not here / ... / ... Thanks for any help on this

rust - How to resolve "multiple matching crates for `package`" in cargo? -

कार्गो बिल्ड चल रहा है: त्रुटि: एकाधिक मिलान `Url` के लिए बक्से यह फिर उम्मीदवारों को सूचीबद्ध करता है: ./ target / deps / liburl-11a95471847b9e04.rlib / usr / local / lib / rustlib / x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu / lib / liburl-4e7c5e5c। {So, rlib} ... और फिर बंद हो जाता है क्योंकि यह तय नहीं कर सकता कि कौन कौन है। src / http / 18: 1: 18:18 त्रुटि: ` Url `src / http / 18 बाहरी टोकरा url; ^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ त्रुटि: 2 पिछली त्रुटियों के कारण उत्परिवर्तन इस के आस-पास कैसे कार्य करें, या इस समस्या को ठीक करें? नोट: यह और यह समस्या से संबंधित होने के कारण, टिप्पणियों से: + //! जंग-यूआरएल के टोकरा को `यूआरएल` नाम दिया गया है + //! कार्गो स्वचालित रूप से नाम विरोधाभास को हल करेगा, //! लेकिन इसका मतलब है कि आप एक ही टोकरा में पुराने `यूआरएल` का उपयोग नहीं कर सकते हैं। अधिष्ठापन निर्देश: $ rustc -v rustc 0.12.0-पूर्व-रात (7a25cf3f3 2014-07-30 17:06: 18 +0000) $ कागो-वी 0.0.1-पूर्व-रात्रि (4a69ffa 2014-07-29 21:30:40 +0000) Cargo.toml

version control - Ignore files in Eclipse without adding them to .cvsignore -

Whether it is possible to ignore files and folders permanently while synchronizing them without Eclipse without .cvsignore file Ignore other mechanisms that you Preferences -> Team -> Ignored Resource .

xcode - Arrays and Swift -

I am trying to deal with an app in Swift and I'm experiencing the following error using the array Fatal error: Out of range index range it appears that when an app assigns a value to index 0: Dracin: square: {init (CGSize size) {super.init (size: size)} var line = SKShapeNode () var path = CGPathCreateMutable () var touch: UITouch! Var pts = [CGPoint] () touches the override function (touch: nsset, event event: uievent) {/ * when touch starts / touch / touch.onebase ()) as UIT! Self.pts [0] = touch.locationInNode (self) & lt; - Error appears here DrawLine ()} Some thoughts? (I'm using Xcode 6 Beta 4) Your array is already empty. if self.pts.isEmpty {self.pts.append (touch.locationInNode (self)}} other {self.pts [0] = touch.locationInNode (self)}

html - CSS logo changes its position when text length increases -

It's mine that's working fine, but when I change my headline 2 text "sales price is $ 25" Have a sample lesson. $ 244 "then auto logo image changes its position I do not want people to change their position, but it should remain in place and should not be affected by Headline2Txt How to fix this problem? < & lt; / div & gt; ; & Lt; div id = "headlinetext"> Sample Bag 1 & lt; p id = "headline2Txt" & gt; Sale Price $ 25 & lt; / p & gt; & lt; / Div & gt; div id = "disclaimer" & gt; description * You have status: relative; #Image_logo img but still try to keep it in the "absolute path" position, try changing your CSS like this: #image_liga img {condition: full; Width: 140px; Height: 30px; Top: 40px; Left: 390px; }

multithreading - Share memory between Powershell and C# -

I am developing log search software by C #, and the underwear of the software is obtained by PowerShell. There are two sardards, one thread invokes the PowerShell in the search log, the logshop function is obtained by PowerShell and after implementing PowerShell it will give me results. But I want to get log realtime. I want the parcels to insert the links which have been searched in the queue and to get results from the queue, I have tried to write logs which have got the PowerShell in one file, and the other #thread has read the file. But it has failed, because the file has been captured by another process (powers). Now I want to share the memory between powershell and C #, which means that powershell can operate the C # variable so that I can search the logs for a parcel when entering the line. Can you please tell me how can I get it? Thank you. You have several options here. First of all, you do not need to use PowerShell's file output command (out-file / set-content).

"Strong" Typing in C by one-element structs. What will the compiler do? -

To make some semantic strong typing, I am using streaks containing a scalar field in my C code. The basic idea is the macro for the cheaper "operation", which will fail on the designated structured field incorrectly, and of course, more complex functions by the rigid parameter list. Example (basic idea only - not exspecially smart macro codes) Typingfile structure {float32_t speedval} MySpeed_t; Typedef struct {float32_t timeval} MyTime_t; Typefed Structure {float32_t accvalue} MyAcceleration_t; #define ACC_VEL_DT (ACC, VL, time) \ ((ACC) .accvalue = (vel) .speedval / (time) .timal)), (ACC) #EDD_ SPEED defined (velres, vel1, vel2) \ ((Velres ) .speedval = (vel1) .speedval + (vel2) .speedval), (velres) unint8 some CleverMathAndCheck (MySpeed_t speed, MySpeed_t speedArr [], MyAcceleration_t); Now what do I expect from a compiler, when handling such a one-time framework? Should I expect some padding, "delete the first element", or a more complex form for ho

ios - Warning switch condition has boolean value -

Displaying the subview with the first tap on the button on the other, removing the subview. Its work is fine, but a warning Getting is the Boolean value in the switch state selected cells; - (zero) Age view {Switch (selected) {Case 0: Age view = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame: CGRectMake (26, 110, 100, 135)]; Ageview.backgroundColor = [UIColor whiteColor]; [Self.view addSubview: ageview]; Selected = 1; break; Case 1: [Age view sethead: yes]; Selected = 0; break; Default: Break; }} Objective-c in switch statement Int value and about your working code, TRUE / YES is equal to Code> 1 and FALSE / NO is equal to 0 .

wordpress - php - Get name and slug from category -

I found this function: slug)! {Array_push ($ categories, $ category_list_item- & gt; slug); }} Foreach ($ categories as $ range) {$ args = array ('post_type' = & gt; 'product', 'posts_per_page' => 100, 'product_cat' = & gt; $ range, 'orderby '= & Gt;' Rand '); ? & Gt; This is good, it gives a class slag for me in a loop The problem is, now I can not get the name of the category now. I tried to add another array: '$ names = [];' And if I but I did not take it along with all the solutions I have tried, I just return the 'array' to the full list of names. Is anyone's solution? Thank you! & lt;? Php $ ranges = array (); $ Names = array (); $ Category_list_items = get_terms ('product_cat'); Foreign currency ($ category_list_items as $ category_list_item) {if (empty ($ category_list_item-> slug)) {$ categories [] = $ category_list_item-> Slog; $ Name [] = $ category

Accessing object in another javascript file -

I have two JS files Player.js where I create a media (function () {function media () {this.url = "";} Media.prototype.setURL = function (url) {this.url = url; warning ("setURL =" + this.url) ;}}) (); Another file is Main.js where I am using this media as shown below var media = new media (); Main.kidown = function () {var keycode = event.keyCode; Warning ("key pressed:" + keyCode); Switch (keycode) {Case TV. KEY_1: warning ("key pressed 1"); Media.setURL ("1-Link"); break; }}; I have index.html where I have included these scripts The problem is that I'm having an error reaching this media with the main.js as shown below [JS error]: File: Main.js line number: 3 Description of error: Reference error: Variable can not be found: Media I have tried many things, but since I have been on javascript New, until it is unable to resolve Media only IIFE Player.js . Remove (function () {...}) (); Wrapper.

javascript - Add id to a child of a visible element -

How can I write this in jQuery: If .horse Is visible, then add #cat to .dog (but only .dog which is visible .horse Is the child of>)? & lt; Div id = "tabs-1" class = "horse" style = "margin-right: 20px; display: none;" & Gt; & Lt; Div style = "width: 70%; margin: 0 auto; margin-top: -20px" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "rabbit" & gt; & Lt; One class = "dog" href = "" & gt; & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div id = "tabs-2" class = "horse" style = "margin-right: 20px; display: block;" & Gt; & Lt; Div style = "width: 70%; margin: 0 auto; margin-top: -20px" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "rabbit" & gt; & Lt; One class = "dog" href = "" & gt; & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Div & g

javascript - Change Image on Active <li> -

I have a 2-tab content slider for the mobile section of my site. User & lt; Li & gt; Clicks on linked image inside element and related content load I would like the image to change the color in the "active" position, so when a user clicks on it, a new image is loaded This is only for mobile sites, please give the solution thank you all! & lt; Div id = "tabs" class = 'tab no-screen no-i.e.' & gt; & Lt; Ul & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "# tab-1" & gt; & Lt; Img src = "img / mobile / bingo.png" width = "70" height = "70" alt = "super free bingo" /> gt; & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "# Tab2" & gt; & Lt; Img src = "img / mobile / slots.png" width = "70" height = "70" alt = "super free logo" /> & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li

jquery - How to make my flex slider load fast -

Hi, I use FlexSlider in my magister project, there are completely 3 images in the slider and I have text content that will be displayed on. Image is the problem, when I load my site, my text is loading first on the content slider and it takes a lot of time to load and display the images, then I got a post in the stack overflow and The following commands used to create the slider load quickly. FlexSlider Sillids & gt; Li: First-child {display: block; -WebKit-backfaces-visibility: visible;} FlexSlider Sillids & gt; Li {display: none; Webkit-Backfiest-Visibility: hidden; } Using the above commands the slider will not wait for all the images being loaded, while the slider will be loaded when the first image is ready. Although it reduces my loading time for 3 to 5 seconds, it takes approximately 10 to 14 seconds to display the slider, it looks ugly to see that my slider contents first load and Then my slider images are being loaded late. There is no way to create my FlexSlid

php - Magento - Custom subject of order email -

I have a service in PHP that interacts with a Magento website. I can not access the source code for this website. That's why I can use the service to order the product and send a mail. When I call $ order-> sendNewOrderEmail (); My email-ID will be sent with the subject Nuovo ordine # XXXXXXXXX . Now I want to add a string to the subject: Examination - NewuOrdin # XXXXXXXXX . How can I do this? in the app / code / core / pimple / sale / model / order. PHP find sendNewOrderEmail () method Then $ mailer-> Settlement param (array ('order' => $ this, 'billing' = & gt; $ this-> getBillingAddress (), 'payment_hebble' => $ paymentBLOCKHtml); Here is the array of variables from a template. Add a new param for testing: 'test' = & gt; $ Is_test? $ Is_test: '' Change the $ is_test in your status. For example: public function sendNewOrderEmail ($ is_test = FALSE) Now your template file app

java - Maven won't load my custom library -

मेरे दो प्रोजेक्ट्स मेवेन का उपयोग करते हैं प्रोजेक्ट A एक उपयोगिता पुस्तकालय है, और मैं अपने स्थानीय मेवेन रेपो में mvn install का उपयोग करता हूं प्रोजेक्ट बी वेब ऐप है, इसकी एक लाइब्रेरी पर निर्भरता है। जब मैं बी प्रोजेक्ट का उपयोग mvn jetty: run चलाता हूं तो यह मेरे स्थानीय मैवेन रिपॉजिटरी में a.jar लोड नहीं करता, लेकिन अगर मैं निष्पादित करता हूं < कोड> एमवीएन पैकेज को अपने वेब ऐप को पैकेज करने के लिए, ए.एजर अपने वेब-एनएफ़ / लिब में होगा। मैंने मेवेन 3.1 और मेवेन 3.2 के तहत कोशिश की, दोनों में समस्या है। मैं मैवेन 3 में नया हूँ और कई वर्षों से मैवेन 2 का उपयोग कर रहा हूं, यह समाधान पहले जैसा काम क्यों नहीं कर सकता? संपादित करें: से pom.xml : & lt; निर्भरता & gt; & LT; ग्रुप & gt; me.donnior & lt; / ग्रुप & gt; & LT; artifactId & gt; rtl & lt; / artifactId & gt; & LT; संस्करण & gt; 0.3 & lt; / संस्करण & gt; & Lt; / निर्भरता & gt; संपादित करें: मेरी समस्या यह है कि मेरी खुद की स्थाप

javascript - Alerting after resizing an element -

How do I insert a warning message after resizing an element? That is, the resizeend () method has not been working after the element has been re-shaped. $ ($ clone). Revised ({stop: function () {hello ();},}); html content prior> Two JS library & lt; Script src = " jQuery-1.10.2.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script src = "" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; A CSS & lt; Link href = "" rel = "stylesheet" & gt; javascript content $ ('resizethis'). Resizable ({stop: resizestopped}); Function resizestopped () {warning ('resize off'); } css .resizethis {width: 100px; Height: 100 pixels; Border: 2px solid red; }

mysql - how to write query with joins -

How can I query this in a query? Can we use joining? "GroupID" as SELECT id, parentID, name FROM (SELECT GroupActivities.groupID, as "activityID" from GroupActivities Group Group ID) anon_4, group WHERE = anon_4.groupID by order anon_4.activityID DESC We have two tables: 1) Group: ID, parent, column as the name 2) Group activitivity : Column id, group id I'm not sure what you try to get from that query Are you, give an answer Will shout A join can be used in that situation, but I can not see how it will give any benefit to you (technically, I think you are already using a form of joining there) . If I understand your query correctly, you are trying to get some basic information about each group, while ordering them in descending order, the maximum group acquittances Am i right OK, because you need a max from another table, so I do not see a way to avoid a selective precaution. It is being said, this is my solution (it

Django installation on virtual environemnt -

जब मैं वर्चुअल वातावरण त्रुटि पर easy_install के साथ डीजेंज को स्थापित करना चाहता हूं, तो बाश कहता है: /home/..../django -विर्चुअलएन्वि / बिन / आसान_इंटरः: बुरा दुभाषिया: ऐसा कोई फ़ाइल या निर्देशिका नहीं हालांकि जब मैं वैश्विक स्थापना के लिए sudo का उपयोग करता हूं, तो कोई समस्या नहीं है I यह समझ नहीं सका कि समस्या क्या है। बस पीओप का उपयोग करें, यह आपके आभासी पाइप इंस्टॉल डीजेन्गो

javascript - Slick slider not working height -

I just search and I try to do some tests with it with bit Nothing is working: / I will create a bit code: & lt; Link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text / css" href = "// .slick / 1.3.6 / slick.css" / & lt; Div class = "sliderlastvideos" & gt; {% For video in Lastvideos%} & lt; Div class = "videocontainer" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "video" & gt; & Lt; Img src = "" alt = "" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "video-titre" & gt; Tritre Video & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; {% Endfor%} & lt; / Div & gt; {% Block javascript%} & lt; Script src = "//"></script> & Lt; Script src = "//"></script> & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" src = "// cd

ruby on rails - Get altering queries in Mongoid -

I have a large test suite that, after each trial, restores the entire Mongodabi database, which acts as a rail fixtures Does this suite include tests for too much reading, so I am unnecessarily reinstalling and it eats performance, marking these tests will work in some way, but I have to forget it and it is too much So helpful, however, if some shuffle has been done, then a very fast exposure can be increased by running the restoration process (Mongodamp and Mongorastore). So my question is: Is there any way to get all the (shuffle) stinging questions (or at least counting), which were done from a particular time? Perhaps from the log, perhaps there is some internal counter in Monogoid ... Mongo DB order Server Status returned the number of operations, so I can easily hook them: class ActiveSupport :: TestCase @opcounters = opcounters end teardown if opcounters! = @opcounters System "mongorestore --drop # {file.expand_path ('../tmp', __FILE__)} & gt; / dev

ios - NSURLSessionUploadTask doesn't send the whole file -

I came into an issue trying to send a file with a NSURLSessionUploadTask in a custom REST service The problem is that the file is being moved to arbitrary size, and then the task is without any error ( URL session: the operation was done: to error Is called zero ). The file that needs to be moved is about 10 MB in size, and I think the small files are sometimes transferred properly. I am using the following functions to use the code: NSMutableURLRequest * request = [[NSMutableURLRequest alloc] init]; [Request URL: url]; [Request Set Value: @ "App / Jason; Charset = UTF-8" forHTTPHeaderField: @ "Content-Type"]; [Request Set Value: @ "100-Release" for HTTP headerfield: @ "Hope"]; [Set http system: @ "post"]; [Request Set Value: [NSString stringWithFormat: @ "% d", length] forHTTPHeaderField: @ "Content-Length"]; Ns url * file url = [nsur file URL with path: example filepath]; NSURLSessionUploadTask *

android - How can i use malayalam ASCII fonts? -

I'm starting with app developers. I am facing a problem when adding ASCII fonts in text view. How can I add some text to the text box which is in ASCII There are two approaches you can use 1) If the data is HTML with ASCII. txtview.setText (Html.fromHtml (asciiString)); 2) If the data contains only ASCII Try {textView.setText (new string (asciiString.getBytes ("UTF-8"), "UTF-8"); } Hold (unsupported encoding exception e) {e.printStackTrace (); } Example: expands the public square MainActivity activity { @Override protected Crete on the bundle (bundled saved instainstate) {super.naught (saved instant state); SetContentView (R.layout.activity_main); TextView textView = (TextView) findViewById (; {TextView.setTypeface (tryface.createFromAsset (getAssets (), "APPLET.TTF") try; TextView.setText (new String ( "bymÀ ° AÀlXbpÅh³" .getBytes ( "UTF-8"), "UTF-8" ));} c

c# - ASP.Net MVC 4 - Manually adding values to the database -

I am quite new to ASP and MVC and am making a basic application based on a tutorial. The app is a form with three different steps: - Step 1 is a form requesting basic details Step 2 of the family Step 3 is a form with some other description My app has a database that includes fields for different timestamps: - < / P> Step 1 Tilestamp Step 2 Timestamp Step 3 Timestamp As if the user steps each step To complete Does, I want to push one value to the database representing these timestamps. I have failed to understand how to do it manually. Let me show you an example of your form: @using (html BeginForm ()) {@ Html.AntiForgeryToken () @html. Validity beautiful (true) @HTMLEditorFor (model = & gt; model. Customer first name) @ Html.EditorFor (model => model.super CustomerSurname)} After that, my In the controller, I have just one method that automatically pulls this data from data with data: [HttpPost] [validAnneGeneratorToken] Public Task S

html - Test getting cut off by svg boundary -

Using svg tags in my html, I want to always show text, even if the top SVG is out of range. Please check here and not how to cut off the text. How do I reveal it? & lt; Div class = "chart" & gt; & Lt; Svg height = "300" width = "300" & gt; & Lt; Text y = '10 'x = "96" & gt; Blah blah & lt; / Text & gt; & Lt; / Svg & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; Text {font-family: aerial; Font-size: 20px; font-weight: bold; Fill: # 000; Text align: center; Color: # 000; }. Chart {box-size: border-box; Height: 98%; Width: 100%; Margin Top: 9rem; } Try this code Lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Div id = "thumb-mark" & gt; & Lt; Svg id = "icon-thumb" & gt; & Lt; Ch & gt; & Lt; Rect class = "rect" width = "8" height = "5" fill = "RGB (102,102,102)" x = "0" y = "0" & ​​gt; & Lt; / Rect & gt; &am

sql - TSQL After Update Trigger check for update on multiple columns in one IF UPDATE -

The original syntax for triggering the update in TSQL is: create triggers [ Dbo]. [DBO] on [Trigger Names] [Table] After updating, INSERT - transge or update the table when; If updated (column) - If the column update starts, then update table set column C = column A + column B - re-calculation of column C (column B) - if the column B update is initiated, update table set Column C = Column A + Column B - Column B. Resume and End Now I can work up, I think, but is it possible to combine both together? Is: if update (ColumnA) or (ColumnB) - if start column or column update No start-up Update table set column C = column A + column B-column counting of C and C You can of course use the calculated columns, but By curiosity, I would like to know if you can check the updates on multiple columns at one time in the trigger and then update after the trigger revision. This is a little late for comment. UPDATE () is a function used in a trigger. There is no specific synta