makefile - How to use vim's "ctrl+]" to find function defined with '-' -

Hello ~ I'm new here and I get a problem with Vim.

I got Makefiles and had defined functions with "stub-addon-jar" such as '-' .

Then I used CTADes that generated the tag file, which in fact defined the definition of those functions.

After that I opened a makefile with a value, set the tag variable with a normal variable set "ctrl +]" and it works normally .

Then I placed the cursor where "stub-addon-jar" was called stroke "ctrl +]" . But VIM did not "found the tag: addon".

It seems that Vim did not make the whole "stub-addon-jar" , but just as the input of "addon" / strong> tag.

How can I fix this problem? Due to method method for using split words?

As FDinoff mentioned in his comment, the correct - character There is a solution to change the definition of the word to include. After setting it, your tags should work correctly.

  set iskeyword + = -  

After setting this up, your tags should work correctly.

There is one more thing to add and remove characters in the definition of a word.


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