hash - GWT + JBoss + MessageDigest + "SHA-512 not supported" -

I have found some strange behavior, and I think it will interfere with reporting here, (As I did not find any clue on this problem by asking Google).

So, my environment is:

Java 7.25

GWT 2.5.1

Jboss 7.1.1

I have done some login workflows like this:

1) Enter the customer login / password

2) The password is SHA-512 on the client side head

< P> 3) Only the palm password on the client side is snuffed and then head on the SHA-522 server side.

FYI, this is the same function hashing SHA-512 on both client and server side. The code to select hash algorithm is:

  Message digest digest = mesedgadget.jestinstance ("SHA-512");  

When I run my project on GWT Development Moded (one with Embedded Jettie Container), everything goes fine.

Then I generate a war of my project, and employ it on zebus, and the problem is: Method MessageDigest.getInstance ("SHA-512") e -getMessage () => "SHA-512 Not supported "with NoSuchAlgorithmException but only server side hashing on client side is fine (so basically, RPC method sends an empty password to server instead of SHA-512)

I do not think This is expected behavior, and I wonder if someone is about it Some clues in ATM I do not know what the origin of the problem is, I am looking deeply:

  • Trying with gwt 2.6.1 (even though the changelog is like this <
  • Trying with other hash algorithms
  • Checking war construction logs (maybe there is a Maven problem? I suspect but who knows )

Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated :)

I guess the expected behavior is if you check the list, then java.security * is not it works in Dev mode because it runs within a real JVM, not compiled with Javascript.

But why do you also need to have a password hashing in the client? Imho it should be server-side.


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