
Showing posts from May, 2012

Send Email through Javascript/HTML using user client -

I know that this question has already been answered to a certain extent that the use of client-side scripting does not send email But please, please with me. I want to submit a 'send email' form to my website. The thing is that the website will be used by a handful of people who have an email client installed. So I want to use my installed client DO but I do not want to not pop up the client, whether the client has to work and send emails in the background, Or should popup every time? If this is not possible, can someone direct me to server-speed scripting language? Is it most efficient to email a form? And if there are any relevant online tutorials on this matter? Thank you for your time

android - display particular image associated with the listview. -

I have a list of image names ... when I click on a specific image name in the list view, then you belong The picture should be displayed. how can I do this? My ListView like this: ImageName1 ImageName2 ImageName3 .... ... Now when I click on ImageNet 2: I will have to open an image related to ImageNet 2 in New_activity. Should this be performed within this method: private void pathViewClick (ListView lv) {lv.setOnItemClickListener (New OnItemClickListener () {@Override public void onItemClick ( AdapterView or & lt;? & gt; parent, and see, int position, long id) {intent i = new intent (MainActivity.this, Activity2.class); i.putExtra ( "Map", "map1. Jpeg "); startActivity (i); end ();}}); } Try it: int position = Listview.getSelectedItemPosition (); I.putExtra ("map", "map" + status + "jpeg."); Edit 1 int status = Listview.getSelectedItemPosition (); String pause = integer. Tosting (status); L

ORA-06530 - Error when using a created type in PL/SQL Oracle -

First of all, pardon my bad english. I'm trying to use a built-in type is a process parameter imagine this: can make or type as swbapps.REEMBOLSO_PORTAL object change (external_id varchar2 (20), credito_reembolso varchar2 (10), credito_manual varchar2 (10), manufacturer function REEMBOLSO_PORTAL returns as a result of self-map member function get_external_id return varchar2) - constructor function exists only at specific locations. Do I have to do something in the body? How I made of use: Some packages imagination : type BINARY_INTEGER table tReembolso REEMBOLSO_PORTAL index; I have used as a process parameter: process pCpfCnpj in PR_SOLICITA_REEMBOLSO (varchar2, pInfReembolso tReembolso, pUser in varchar2, varchar2 in pObs In, pProtocolo varchar2, pCodRet out number, pMsgRet out varchar2); And now, I'm trying to test your code: declared - non-scalar parameters additional resources pinfreembolso need swbapps.pc_interface_vantive_portal.treembolso it

html - CSS fix for percentage rounding areas -

Then I have a grid split in three columns, which is a small gap at the end when setting them at 33.33% Due to the rounding errors (mostly in Safari), the column I have tried to fix it by giving a little extra extra (33.5%) to the column and hiding the last 5%. But this is not my work, it is my code: - .grid-outer {width: 100%; Hidden flurry; Background: light; } .grid-inner {width: 100.5%; Hidden flurry; } .box {float: left; Width: 33.5%; Height: 20px; } But does this work do not work for any reason? Is my code correct? JSFiddle here: Your percentage is incorrect Bella. However, with a perfect percentage, there is a circular error in the browser. There is a similar problem in Firefox when focusing the DV some browsers make it better (for example, chrome). In a way I know that getting around it is to use a table, but this is really messy and other disadvantages; Not a good solution. body, html {margin: 0; Padding: 0; } .grid-outer {width: 100%; Background:

serial port - SerialDataReceivedEventHandler with C# and PLC (not triggering event) -

I have used nModBus to communicate my PLC with my C # application, but now I have all of the PLC Reading is going on continuously through a loop for input. I want to design my code so that only when a piece of data is received through the serial port, then it will trigger the loop to read through each input, Which input is higher. Here I have what I have set breakpoints and my code never accesses the DataReceivedHandler method, I manually change PLC input high (using a jumper wire). Any suggestions or comments? Namespace WindowsFormsApplication2 {Static Class Program { Public Fixed Zero Main () {SerialPort mySerialPort = new SerialPort ("COM1"); MySerialPort.BaudRate = 38400; MySerialPort.Parity = Parity.Odd; MySerialPort.StopBits = StopBits.One; MySerialPort.DataBits = 8; Messierport Airport Handshake = Handshake.No; MySerialPort.ReadBufferSize = 4096; MySerialPort.DataReceived + = New SerialDataReceivedEventHandler (DataReceivedHandler); Imodbus SerialMaster Ma

c++ - red black tree insert implementation - what is a sentinel? -

I have received this code and it has a constructor for a red black node RedBlackTree :: RedBlackTree () {blue = new RedBlackTreeNode; Zero-> Left = nil-> Correct = zero-> Parent = zero; Zero-> Red = 0; Zero-> Key = MIN_INT; Nil- & gt; Archived Entry = Null; Root = new RedBlackTreeNode; Root- & gt; Parents = Root-> Left root = & gt; True = zero; Root- & gt; Key = MAX_INT; Root- & gt; Red = 0; Root- & gt; Archived = Null; } What is zero and why is it started in the constructor? Can I just declare zero nodes in my personal data field and start it in my inclusive function? This is basically a place holder. The code is used for README: / * For a watchman origin and for zero it becomes watchdog, when redbluectricity is calmed. Root-> Left should always point to the node, which is the root of the tree. Zero points to a node which is always black, but for this there is no thankful children and parents and no keys or information. The

java - Data Structure for keeping frequency count of pairwise data? -

I have one hundred records in which a field is appended with same field based on ID. I want to know what is a good data structure to maintain the frequency calculation of that sequence, in whatever order in the sequence with a pair. Sample data: id feature 5F1.5F2 6F1 6F27F3 7F1 7F2 8F1 9 F1 10 F1 is the sample output: F1 F2 F3 F1 0 3 1F 2 3 0 1F3 1 1 0 One The option is to use a 2-dimensional int array to sort all attributes and represent pairing data, but then waste / copy 2/3 of the array. For example array [i] [i] = 0 and array [i] [j] = array [j] [i] . Given that I have hundreds of characteristics, this method will not work. I thought about using a map but then one important example is to represent a pair (F1, F3). I am hoping for other solutions, if no one, I will use the map. Create a square, say to use for hash keys < Code> MyPair that stores and overrides the pairs of your items the object # is equal to (...) (and object # hashhead () ) So

google admin sdk - Directory.members().insert is not working using the Java client library -

I am using the Java Client library for the Directory API here: I have joined The user and the insert group are working fine, but for some reason when I try to include a member, it does not work, no exception is thrown. Here's the code: member member = new member (); Member.setEmail (""); Member.setRole ("subscribers"); //member.setKind("admin#directory#member "); Not sure if I need it with member and without .setType ("USER"); // Docs says "member" but does not seem true. Both tried the client. Members () Insert (myGroupId, member); You do not need to type in your own way and after typing "Client.members (). Enter (myGroupId, member);" Do you make the execution call?

regex - hgignore glob ** not matching correctly -

"postproperty" itemprop = "text"> I have listed the following hgignore files though both times the folders expected to be ignored are not runnign HG condition order syntax: globe somefolder / ** Although somefolder is still listed when I run then hg status so I tired this version (which should ignore everything) speech Configuration: Globe ** Although similar results from running hg status command OK, so, I'm not sure what's wrong with your environment, because what you did was what you should do. This works for me: Santa @ samoyed: / tmp / mockproject $ tree └── somefolder └── subfolder └── ph.txt 2 directory, @ Samoyed 1 file Santa: / tmp / MockProject $ cat .hgignore syntax: globe somefolder / ** santa samoyed @: / tmp / mockproject $ hg status ? .hgignore santa @ samoyed: / tmp / mockproject $

javascript - How to add if statements to an object block -

This script works, and is an example script that creates a context menu. But I need that What is it clicked on differently basis? $ (function () {$ .contextMenu} How do I apply if the statement for each item from the list, such as Hide 'Edit' items, etc. ({Selector: '.context-menu-one', build: function ($ trigger, e) {return: {items: {"edit": {name: "edit", icon : "Edit", callback: function, "cop "Name": "paste", icon: "cut"}, "copy": {name: "copy", icon: "copy"}, "paste": {name: "paste", icon: "paste"} , "Delete": {name: "delete", icon: "delete"}, "sep1": "---------", "Skip": {name: "Skip", icon: "Skip" "}}}}}});}); one var foo = {bar} Use: {falcon: (function () {// some code return "value" here;}) ()}}; // = & gt; "

mongodb - Update document in Meteor allow function -

My messages are archive and I have removed unsafe package I want to insert new document in the archive. Is it possible to update existing documents before convergence? This is an example that definitely does not work: messages. Empty ({insert: function (userID, doc) {If (userID == doc.userID) {// Something like this doctor = {email: Meteor.user (). Email [0] .address, message: doc. Message, time: ()} back true;} and {return false;}}}); As you can see that I am receiving just doc.message from the customer but I want to save the time and the user's email in the document. How can I do this in the meteor? What methods are the only options? You can do this but you have to use to reject because Do not guarantee to run a given permission Try it one: post.dani ({insert: function (UserId, doc) {if (userId === doc.userID) {_.defaults (doc, {email: Meteor.user (). Email [0]. Transmission, time: date.Nan ()});} Return false;}}); Take a look for the full de

.net windows authentication - strange issue after user change AD account -

I have a project with windows authentication and everything works fine. The issue I am raising is a specific user's Along with who changed his advertising account. After account changes, it could not be entered. All seen in my advertising account and everything looks like me. The strange thing is that it worked well in the local host. If IIS helps, then I have not even made any change Any thoughts? Thank you Recycle the pool to make me cache for the LSA lookup cache If you can not recycle the pool, you can do the following: found it here:

xpages - Cannot load multiple values in Dojo Name Text Box -

Using a name picker to select multiple values ​​from my NAB, and want to load the values ​​that the user chooses in the Dojo name text. box I can load many values ​​in the dojo list text box, but they load with a hierarchical name, e.g. Brian Smith / Acme only receives first value while using the Dojo name text box. My code is below Any help would be greatly appreciated. & lt ;? XML version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt; Xp: visible xmlns: xp = "" xmlns: xe = "" & gt; & Lt; XP: & gt; & Lt; Xp: Domino's document var = "document1" formName = "operating market" & gt; & Lt; / XP: dominoDocument & gt; & Lt; / XP: & gt; & Lt; Xe: name picture id = "name picture 6" dialog title = "please" pickerIcon = "/ iconSearch16.png" select = "djextNameTextBox1&

actionscript 3 - Flex/Spark: How much logic in view? How to clear a TextField as a reaction to a user click or an event? -

When using Flex with SPARC, I have a message in which to enter your message, a TextInput and button send . TextInput "" < should be set to " which Should also be set to "" event = "myOtherEvent" < When a response to button should be enabled only text input 's text.length & gt; 0 < / Code> At first I thought it was very clean to leave the binding to the text entered in TextInput to do anything in my model And to give it the logic to see / disable the viewing of the button. I still think this is a very good way except for the fact that it There is not a complete solution because it is unclear as a response to receiving TextInput.text event = "myOtherEvent" . that partial The solution is MXML: Input id = "chatText" width = "100%" height = "32" /> & Lt; S: button label = "send" enabled = "{chatText.text.length> gt;"

mysql - I cannot add 'null' in foreign key -

itemprop = "text"> I have created two tables as shown below: create tables `leiame` (` id` INT (10) unsigned nOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `number` INT (10) nOT NULL,` title` VARCHAR (100) nOT NULL, pRIMARY KEY ( `id`)) CREATE TABLE` download` ( `id` INT (10) nOT nULL AUTO_INCREMENT,` name` VARCHAR (100) nOT nULL, `id_leiame` INT (10) unsigned zero, pRIMARY KEY (` Id`), Badha` foreign key leia_id_fk` ( `id_leiame`) Give reference `leiame` (` id`) updated CASCADE oN) When I add a null d Value for id_leiame on Unlod, the following error: can not add or update a child row: (let ( `id_leiame`) Sndrb`` leiame` bd`.`download `Badha` foreign key Leia_id_fk` (` Id`) update on CASCADE) fails in a foreign key constraint I have set as NULL to id_leiame. What am I missing? Based on the statements stated in the other comments, depending on the statement you are performing, you will be able to ' Null '(ie). Instead of the actual tap, i.e. zero for a string conta

git - Commit to repo on production after Capistrano deploy -

अस्पष्ट, दर्दनाक परिचालन कारणों के लिए, उत्पादन कोड को मुख्य गिट रेपो में कोड की जांच करने की आवश्यकता है हालांकि, कैप्स्टारानो 3, परिनियोजन पर, करता है: निष्पादित करें: git,: क्लोन, '--mirror', repo_url, repo_path - दर्पण विकल्प, जिसका अर्थ है - बेअर , जो .git मेटा डेटा के बिना निर्देशिका संरचना बनाता है। चूंकि आप कोड जमा कर रहे हैं उत्पादन से (जो आमतौर पर सख्त नहीं है - आपको पैच को diff से बनाना चाहिए, और इसे स्थानीय रूप से लागू करें और फिर एक धक्का दें), मुझे लगता है कि आपके पास पहले से ही है आपके उत्पादन सर्वर तक पहुंच। यह कैपिस्ट्रानो फ्रेमवर्क के बाहर एक आत्मा है आपको निम्न कार्य करने की आवश्यकता है: कमोड को उत्पादन स्थल पर बनाएं इसे वहां से (अपने सर्वर से) अपने होस्टिंग तक पुश करें 2.1। अर्थात, इसे अपने होस्ट किए गए रेपो स्थान पर (जैसे github / bitbucket / gitlab) - 2.2 पर दबाएं। http (s) यूआरएल का उपयोग करें (क्योंकि अन्यथा आपको एसएसबी कुंजी सेट अप करना पड़ सकता है) उन परिवर्तनों को अपने स्थानीय डेवलपर मशीन में खींचें दो अपनी स्

Ruby on Rails - Validations and Before Filter method to substitute User Inputted Values -

In my ruby ​​on the railway app, I have a sign-up form where users have to enter some data. I have strict verification that allow only those values ​​which are members of an array. This is not part of my app, but it uses the same concept that I want to apply. Say I wanted an area where the user had entered a superhero name. There was such an array in my beliefs. Suprheros = [ 'Batman', 'Superman', 'Captain America', 'Wonder Woman', 'Spiderman'] Manytaon_vivrn_: superheroes ,: a = & gt; Superheroes If a Clark Clark has entered, for example, verification will fail, I have created a new array. ALIASES = [ 'Bruce Wayne' Clark Kent ',' Steven Rogers 'Rajkumari Dayna', 'Peter Parker'] I It seems that before submitting the form (updated verb), aliases are converted into a superhero array for values ​​in the array. I was thinking that such a thing could work. DIF alias_to_superhero ALIASES.each_d

MATLAB Nyquist Plot - Show the unit circle -

I do not know how you would focus on a unit circle 1, With code> nyquist (L) with l (s) = p (s) * c (s) , when my loop function is over, it shows only the Nyquist plot itself Using the grid on does not even do this. Can anyone help me? Once you create your Nyquist plot, use ; , then we can drag a circle into MATLAB at the top of our Nyquist plot. If you miss the polar coordination, then we can paramet a point on a circle: x = r * cos (theta); y = r * sin (theta); r will be the radius of your circle, while theta that angle in relation to that origin is Its domain is between theta [0,2 * pi] . For Unit Circle, r = 1 . Then we will move angle ( theta ) between 0 to 2 * pi . You need to move your circle so that the original is ray = -1, IM = 0 . Like, do this: n = 1000; % // Circle theta = determine the number of points on linspace (0, 2 * p, n); X = cos (theta); Y = sin (Theta); Nyquist (L); % // Spawn Newquist Conspiracy; Plot (x-1, y); % //

HTML/Javascript Set up Two Select Options and redirect once first one is selected -

& lt; चुनें आईडी = "प्रथम ड्रॉपडाउन" नाम = "" onchange = "javascript: location.href = this .Value; "& gt; & Lt; विकल्प मान = "/ यूआरएल" & gt; विकल्प 1 & lt; / विकल्प & gt; & Lt; विकल्प मान = "/ यूआरएल" & gt; विकल्प 2 & lt; / विकल्प & gt; & Lt; विकल्प मान = "/ url" & gt; विकल्प 3 & lt; / विकल्प & gt; & Lt; विकल्प मान = "/ यूआरएल & gt; विकल्प 4 & lt; / option & gt; & lt; विकल्प मान =" "चयनित =" चयनित "& gt; विकल्प 5 & lt; / option & gt; ' & Lt; / select & gt; & lt; चुनें आईडी = "दूसरा ड्रॉपडाउन" नाम = "" onchange = "javascript: location.href = this.value;" gt; & lt; विकल्प मान = "/ url" & gt; विकल्प 1 & lt; / option & gt; & Lt; विकल्प मान = "/ यूआरएल" & gt; विकल्प 2 & lt; / option & gt; & lt; विकल्प मान = "/

Excel 2010 Write String to Cell -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: < / P> 4 जवाब मैं एक पूर्ण विवरण देना होगा लेकिन दो साल पहले इस प्रश्न में प्रासंगिक सब कुछ पहले से ही कहा जा चुका है जो पूरी तरह से अनसुलझा हुआ था: मेरा प्रोग्राम उतना आसान है जितना संभवतः यह हो सकता है: `अलग अलग) () स्ट्रिंग मंद के रूप में मंद धारी के रूप में लंबे स्ट्रिप = शीट्स (" हेक्सड्यूएमपी ")। कक्ष (1, 5)। I = 0 से (लेन (स्ट्रिप) / 4) शीट (" कक्ष (i, 1)। कक्ष = (रेड, ((2 * 2) + 1), 2) शीट्स ("हेक्सड्यूएमपी")। कक्ष (i, 2)। वैल्यू = मिड (स्ट्रा, ( (I * 2) + 3), 2) अगला I end sub` मुझे जो चाहना है एक तार लेना और इसे दो वर्णों के कक्षों में विभाजित करना है बेशक सब कुछ बिल्कुल अच्छी तरह से काम करता है, इसके अलावा यह किसी सेल को नहीं लिखता है, चाहे आप इसके लिए क्या करते हैं। मैंने असुरक्षित करने की कोशिश की मैंने कोशिश की। टेक्स्ट मैंने आपको एक नया शीट पुनः आरंभ करने का प्रयास किया, जिससे आपको इसका नाम मिला। यह एक्सेल में एक बग है और मैं इस बिंदु पर सभी को एक वैकल्पिक हल है। आपके पास एक त्र

symfony - Symfony2 - User specific form based on role access -

I have a form that has a category unit dropdown that has a Post Unit (OneToMany / ManyToOne). Status: Now the customer has to select the category in the drop down and they can make the mistake of choosing the wrong category and they will go to any other blog (if they choose the wrong ) And they will not be allowed to change it back to the appropriate category. To minimize this potential problem, I want to do one of the two solutions: 1) Set the Auto Category by Category 2) Or restrict the user to select only the category that has access to them (e.g., if the user has a specific role, they only Get this category for drop down) The user has a There is a ROLE_USER restriction that allows them only the CRUD, which they have access to. For example, ROLEUSER1 has only access to / class 1 (and can use CRUD on it) Only ROLEUSER2 / category 2 has access (and can use CRUD) ROLEUSER3 has access to / c only Ategory3 (And can use CRUD on it) How can I set it so

xaml - WPF: When Adding items to a listview they become empty -

WPF and I cant seem to find a bit new why the items I'm displaying in a listview are showing the IME Here's my XML & lt; ListView.View & gt; & Lt; GridView & gt; & Lt; GridViewColumn header = "id" width = "30" DisplayMemberBinding = "{binding source = {static resources billing}, path = id}" /> & Lt; GridViewColumn Header = "Bill Group" DisplayMemberBinding = "{Binding Source = {Static Resources Billing}, Path = Details}" / & gt; & Lt; / GridView & gt; & Lt; /ListView.View> Here is the code lstBillGroups.Items.Add (New StlReportPlugins.BillingIncrements {.id = 100, description = "test"}) < / Code> Here is the output (can not post a picture because I do not have enough marks) Any ideas? In this way your XML should look like this & lt; ListView ItemsSource = {Binding Source = {Static Resources BillingIncrements}} & gt; & Lt; ListVie

android - ImageView loading high resolution image as very poor quality -

I use ListFragment to display the ListView of a loaded load I am using the correct code using the ImageView objects coming from my datasource and I have a URL for my very high resolution images (about 1000 pixels, 150kb). I'm using completely to fill every row completely, which is 110dp high. The problem I am having is loading images at very low resolutions: The problem is not the source image because it is high enough quality: I am focusing the image And then I'm harvesting it: & lt ;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt; RelativeLayout xmlns: Android = "" Android: layout_width = "match_parent" android: layout_height = "match_parent" android: minHeight = "110dp" & gt; & Lt; Android: layout_marginLeft = "95dp" Android: layout_marginRight = "5dp" android: gravity = "center_vertical" android:

c++ - Multi-texturing using QOpenGLTexture and QOpenGLFrameBufferObject -

I am trying to port a new project into new Qt5 OpenGL classes. I want to render in a texture using an FBO. In the previous code, multiple textures have been used which I am connecting with FBO on-demand. Therefore, I attach a fixed texture object, do the rendering, attach another texture and do a different operation and output is given in the newly attached texture, and so on. I was wondering how I go about doing this using Qt5 OpenGL classes. For example, I can not understand how to attach a QOpenGLTexture object to QOpenGLFrameBufferObject , so that I can present it. I can see that there is a texture () method and a latchactation () method but they both just return text IDs, as well as the active texture unit How can I change? For example, I want to sample two textures in my reader program. Therefore, I need to compose two textures with different textile units. To clarify, the main problem I am running with the new API is that I QOpenGLFrameBufferObject will return a

ruby on rails - How do I mark a Capybara feature test as pending? -

I hope these tests will not be "unsuccessful" but will be marked as pending, maybe I'm pending for cappara Or am not using the right instruction? Convenience 'tenant scoping' scenario displays only Tenant Au's things "In a pending scenario" only shows the contents of the tenant "pending end" The output is on the move: Tenant scrolling displays only things of Tenant A (FAILED-1) only displays things of Tenant B (FAILED-2) Failures: 1) Tenant Scoping Only The candidate displays things of A Fixed Required 'no reason not given' there was no error # ./spec/features/tenants/scopingtest_spec.rb:3 2) Tenant scoping only shows things of Tenant B Fixed There was no error 'for no reason given' to fail the expected # ./spec/features/tenants/scopingtest_spec.rb:7 Ending in 0.04047 seconds (taking files 1.62 seconds to load) 2 examples, 2 Failure In the form of RSPC3, pending instances fail if they pass For more infor

Creating a regex for mongoose URI -

I am trying to figure out how to fix the peanut urine with regex. My current rezux is: ^ (mongodb: \ / 2}) (\ w *?): {0,1} (\ W *?) @ {0,1} (\ w +?): (\ D +) \ / (\ w +?) I should know that enter the username and password has been, ie mongodb: username: password @ Sthaniyhost: 27107 / mydatabasename so I required in the case are invalid: mongodb: // username: Sthaniyhost: 27107 / adfaeadf mongodb: // username: @ Loklh Trust: 27107 / adfaeadf mongodb: //: password @ localhost: 27107 / adfaeadf But these cases are valid: mongodb: // localhost: 27107 / mydatabasename mongodb: // @ localhost: 27107 / mydatabasename mongodb: // localhost: 27107 / mydatabasename mongodb: username: password @ Sthaniyhost: 27107 / mydatabasename Any help would be appreciated ^ (MongoDB: (: \ / {2}?)) ((\ W +?): (\ W +?) @ | ???? @) (\ W +): (\ d +) \ / (\ w +) $ for clarification for your final link, "mongodb : "Should be after" // "? Regex will match

How can I measure my router's buffer? -

So I'm curious, is there any information on the router's config page or manual, or is there any way to measure buffer? (I'm talking about "memory", as long as the router can not transmit them). Be able to measure your outgoing buffer by sending you as many (UDP) data as soon as you can. And see how much data goes before the data begins, you will need to send it in real speed, and at the other end it will need to catch something to achieve it; Your received speed should be much faster than your speed Your buffer will be slightly smaller than that, because when you send data, at least the packet has left the router at least. Note that you will be measuring small buffers between you and the remote end; If you have, for example, two firearms and a router in different devices, you really do not know what buffer you are testing. Your incoming buffer is very difficult, because you can not make it fast enough to fill up (from the internet) quickly enough to

ruby - I am getting this error after running "$ rails server" command osx maverick -

[2014-08-01 11:40:40] जानकारी WEBrick 1.3.1 [2014-08-01 11:40:40] INFO Ruby 1.9.3 (2014-05-14) [x86_64-darwin13.3.0] [2014-08-01 11:40:40] चेतावनी TCPServer त्रुटि: पता पहले से उपयोग में है - बाइंड (2) बाहर निकलते हुए दिखता है कि आपको पहले ही उस पोर्ट पर चलने वाला सर्वर मिला है। इसे एक नया पोर्ट नंबर जैसे रेल सर्वर --पोर्ट 3001 के साथ चलाने की कोशिश करें या अन्य चल सर्वर ढूंढकर इसे पहले मार डालें

exception - Java.Lang.Stringindexoutofboundsexception index out of range (0) -

Each time the program tries to loop, the error "java.lang.stringindexoutofboundsexception" comes up and put key = choice.charAt (0); Do anyone know why this happens? I am new to programming and this is stumped to me. Thanks for any help. Any solution to this problem will be amazing import java.util.Date; Import java.util.Scanner; Public class assignment 2 {public static zero main (string ARGS []) {Scanner = New scanner (system.); Date = new date (); Double wine = 13.99; Double beer 6 = 11.99; Double beer 12 = 19.99; Double beer 24 = 34.99; Double Spirient = 25.99; Double Spirit 1000 = 32.99; Int drink = 0; Double winital = 0.0; Double Grandotle = 0.0; Double GST = 0.0; String full = ""; String options; Four = ''; Double deposit 750 = 0.10; Double deposit = 1000 = 0.25; System.out.println ("------------------------------ \ n" + "*** Joshi's Liquer Mart You are welcome *** \ n today's date is "+ date"); Println (&quo

How do I configure file upload buffering in Apache? -

I'm uploading Apache with too large (gigabyte) files to an application server with a proxy. I want to streamline them (1) in the process of using less memory and (2) prevent the deadline from the AWS load balancer because I process the upload. It seems that Apache has enough amount of buffering when I upload. If it is too much, then I can not fulfill these objectives. What determines the amount of upload buffering, and how can I configure it? Note: To be clear, I'm asking about Apache, PHP not

sql - oracle - selecting the first and last record for specific group/sku -

I'm trying to answer but no success. Obtain: The price for the previous purchase and the price of the group and grouped by SKU. The query result may be: sku first_purchase_price Last_purchase_price BC123 3.0 9 6.68 QERT1 9.09 13.23 My query SELECT sku, PRICE, MAX (purchase_DATE), FROM SQL error from MIN (purch_D_DAY): ORA 00979: Group No by Expression 00 9 79. 00000: - "Expression Based No group on " or SQL error: ORA-00937: Not a group group function 00937. 00000 - "Any single group group function" Any help is greatly appreciated. SKU TRANSAC_ID purchase_DATE PRICE ----- - ------------------------------ ---------- BC 123 CHI0018089 21-Oct-09 6.98 BC 123 CHI0031199 11-March -16 6.68 BC 123 NAP 10008 9 22 22-Jan-08 3.0 9 BC 123 NAP 1011123 21-DC -11 89.9 Q QQ 78 9 NAP 10008 9 22 22-Jan-08 4.01 QRT 1 Jawal 04000 9 -MAR-12 13.23 QRT 1 NAP19922 -Feb-08 08.09 QRT 1 NAP 10018 9 28 28- FEB-09 2.09 WW000 CHI0031208 11-Mar-13 200.01 WW00

java - Before moving to learn spring should need to know about Gradle and Maven? -

I'm currently new to JavaE, but I'm well in core Java handle, and Servlet's About , JSP (a little bit) , is now planning to know about the Spring Framework , and send me the gradle < I do not know anything about / code> and Maven Honestly, I need to know about dependencies? I mean what is their use before going to Spring ? They are all building tools, when you have small programs, add dependency and regression Running the test is quite straightforward, however, as you begin to launch bigger with complex hierarchies, using tools like Makefile or Simple Build Script makes it very difficult to maintain. Do not worry, learn Mavin Leads & lt; one day; Graduates can be a bit complicated, but if you are just starting, then enough resources are online. The resource is very inevitable for me to learn about the shield.

c# - Is it possible foreach with outside declared variable -

Typically writes for each list & lt; Int & gt; IntList = new list & lt; Int & gt; (); Foreach (int one in int one) {if (a & gt; 5) {break; }} Is it possible to do something list & lt; Int & gt; IntList = new list & lt; Int & gt; (); Int a = 0; Foreign (in an interview) (if (a and a ;; 5) {brake;}} // some ** ** **

javascript - jQuery Autocomplete with getJSON search on multiple input -

मेरे पास तीन इनपुट बॉक्स हैं HTML: नाम & lt; इनपुट प्रकार = "टेक्स्ट" वर्ग = "ग्राहक_नाम" नाम = "आदेश [संपर्क] [प्रथम_नाव]" /> gt; & lt; br / & gt; ईमेल & lt; इनपुट प्रकार = "टेक्स्ट" वर्ग = "ग्राहक_ईमेल" नाम = "आदेश [संपर्क] [ईमेल]" /> gt; & lt; br / & gt; फोन & lt; इनपुट प्रकार = "टेक्स्ट" वर्ग = "ग्राहक_फोन" नाम = "आदेश [संपर्क] [फोन]" / & gt; मुझे तीन एजेक्स लिंक http: // localhost: 8000 / api / users? Name_fulltext = user http: // localhost के साथ खोज करने की आवश्यकता है: 8000 / एपीआई / उपयोगकर्ता? Email_like = 1234 http: // स्थानीयहोस्ट: 8000 / एपीआई / यूज़र्स? Phone_like = खरीदार JSON: [{" आईडी ":" - 1 "," नाम ":" परीक्षण उपयोगकर्ता "," फ़ोन ":" 1234567 "," ईमेल ":" "}] मुख्य बिंदु मैं जानना चाहता हूँ कि जब मैं ईमेल या फ़ोन या नाम पर क्ल

javascript - How to actually deploy a node.js (or django) project on a hosted web server? -

I know this question may sound stupid, but I'm goggling and asking for this question for a while I've decided to start learning because node.js. OK, so I have a hosted web server on X10Hosting () and I'm wondering how can I host a simple node on this. Js web app. Thanks, any help is appreciated (the actual tutorial or documentation will really be helpful) You can not deploy nodes / dyes in this type of server. When you sign up for a free hosting plan in x10hosting, they give you a folder in your server when you receive a request, Apache / NGNX (which are the webserver) your folder Will execute the related PHP files and give the output to the client. Nodes are a very different type of installation. It is your process that will bind it to a port, handle the request and process it, and give the output to the client. Therefore, you will need to install it on your server, but I do not think x10hosting will do it for you and Django works the same way. The nodjatsu

android - how to back to previous fragment on pressing manually back button -

A activity and many pieces I have in my app I i ​​when a button suppresses back all the pieces I used this code segment but after pressing the back button it came once again for no major activity. Also I want to change the icon, when it comes to the main activity. (Msg_alert) btnBack.setOnClickListener (New OnClickListener () {@Override see public void onClick (v) {FragmentManager FM = MainActivity.this .getSupportFragmentManager (); FragmentTransaction ft = fm.beginTransaction ( ); piece = new MainMenuLayout (); ft.replace (, piece); Ftkcommit (); BtnBackksetVisibility (see. visual); Bitianbakksetaimejarsosar (Ardrovabl.ammsjielrt); T Vititl. Settext ("layout 0");}}); Let's say that you have two pieces A and B is attached on the piece A Visit the piece B on a piece of activity and startup you on any user event. Use 1) the activity of piece add B works with // either Framework fragment manager / support package Fragm

python - Flask get 'next' parameters for a 'POST' request -

is a login function that accepts data from POST request but in this case the "next" query parameter is ignored . request.args ?? (): User = check_login (email = '' / 'login', methods = ['GET' '' POST '], endpoint =' login 'request.form [' email '], password = request.form [' password ']) If the user: login_user (user) redirect (request.args.get (' next ') or url_for (' index ')) Other: # returned some more render_template (' login.html ', form = form) Thanks in advance. You need to use: A combined multidich form And with the content of ARG both. In this way, no matter where your next was set, you would be able to retrieve it: @route ('/ login /', methods = ['GET' 'post'], endpoint = 'login') dig login (auto): redirect_url = request.values.get ('next', url_for (' Index '))

sql - How to Store data using 'INTO' Postgresql -

I want to store the value of this query inside a stored process: Select > from Myname but mydata "There is a known variable that does not exist. Is there any way to store those results in a variable in postgra? Believing that you are trying to do this, in relation to the PL / PGSLL function, you The first variables must be declared. Create or change function FOBOR returns FOBAR () $$ as DECLARE MYDATA RECORD as zero; Select me; - Now do something with my data $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; See:

ios - AVAnimator mvid conversion -

Is there no way to run ipng file in iOS? I tried AVAnimator , but its solution is to convert the apng file to mvid and then it's frame- Play-frames and then to minimize the file storage space, it will collapse the mvid file in 7z . So, my question is, Am I correct AVAnimator ? Is there any other solution except for AVAnimator ? Yes, it is that the dissolution of the APNG file format has been implemented, Except that the 7z is not decompression. Decompression is from .apng, which is basically a similar format in which. PNG to zlib compression with That compressed format is decoded into raw image data and then the frame is displayed by the animation frame. This is the only way on mobile customers can be implemented. There is no other solution for playback of APNG in the iOS app, I saw what was available before executing the applicator's APNG.

java - Strange behaviour of open project window in netbeans -

I have some weird behavior while trying to open a project in Netbeans 7.3.1. Files / folder names are not displayed completely ... You can see in the attached image: Do anyone know what's going on? I need to use that particular version, so in that case it is not possible to run in the latest.

javascript - DIV appear/disappear on mouse enter/leave -

I'm trying to create a navigation using jQuery. I am very new to jQuery, so I'm stuck here a little bit. What I'm trying to do is testbutton2 and when I turn the mouse on / off Testbutton 1. I was able to work with the mouse / to get it. The part I am trying to add to testbutton2 is visible when I have a mouse on testbutton 2 and testbutton 2 appears if I return the cursor to Testbutton1 - hence only one Fade or out at the same time CSS # Testbutton1 {float: left; Height: 100px; Width: 100px; Background: # 69C; } #Testbutton2 {float: left; Height: 100px; Width: 100px; Background: # 0C6; display none; } HTML & lt; Div id = "testbutton1" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div id = "testbutton2" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; jQuery $ ("#bestbutton1") ({Mousecenter: function () {$ ("# Testbutton2"). FadeIn ();}, mouseleave: function () {$ ("# testbutton2"). FadeOut ();},}); $ (

css3 - Why are not my balloons flying properly? Css animation translate -

I am trying to do the following with CSS translation: When a button is clicked Is, balloons appear and fly away When they finish the flight, they disappear and return to the starting position (so that the next time a button is clicked on the same behavior). So far I got (balloon is flying only and does not appear / disappears). HTML & lt; Div & gt; & Lt; Img class = "object" src = "" /> & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Br> & Lt; Br> & Lt; Button id = "button" & gt; Fly !!! & Lt; / Button & gt; CSS div {height: 300px; Status: Relative; } .object {width: 60px; Status: Completed; Bottom: 0; -WebKit-Infection: All 1s Easy-In-Out; -Mozy-transition: All 1s Easy-In-Out; -O-Infection: All 1s Easy-In-Out; } .move-up {transform: translate (0, -150px); Webkit-Conversions: Translation (0, 150px); -o-conversion: translation (0, 150px); -MOZ-TRANSFORM: Translati

Is it possible to determine how long a lotus notes agent last ran for from C#? -

I get all the agents to get timely information about Lotus Notes from C # managed APIs in conjuction with Lotus Nodes Using the wrapper successfully in all databases Now what do I want to know about the timing of running those agents? I am thinking that it should be somewhere in the API, but I have seen it here and nothing can be found. . An alternative would be to see if there is something in any log file that starts / stop bar, but I do not really know where to look at logs. Nothing is visible in the NSF. Agents have their own logs, they tell you some information about runtime, through the designer Right-click and can be found through "View Log" This information should have an API call, but I could not find it. A prospect agent must obtain the defined note and export it as DXL. As a result, you get the & lt; Runlog & gt; tag that shows when and for how long this agent had last participated. Another possibility LOG_AGENTMANAGER =

android - why does a very simple phonegap app use mobile data plan? -

I have created a very simple mobile app with phonegap which does nothing related to the network, all resources (images, CSS, etc.) are local and I do not call any AJAX calls on any remote server. But when I check the mobile data screen on my phone, I think that he has used some data to see the screenshot braille (the fourth app called the "Chervoym Phonegap Test") It is called 308 KB and he Was in 5 hours. clicking on it Background breaks: 217 KB html: < Code> & lt ;! DOCTYPE html & gt; & Lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Meta http-equiv = "content-type" content = "text / html; charset = UTF-8" /> & Lt; Meta name = "viewport" content = "user-scalable = no, width = device-width" /> & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" src = "phonegap.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; ... & lt; / Body &am

c# - How to Cast Expression Func<T,int> to Func<T,object> -

I am using EntityFramework code first generic repository. I have a filter method, besides this method paging and sorting Are there. The method like public IQueryable & lt; TENTity & gt; Filters (expression & quot; throw & lieutenant; tantity, ball & gt; & gt; filter, integer complete, expression & lt; funk & gt; tmente, object & gt; sorted, sort sort sort direction, int index = 1 , Int size = 30) {index = index-1; Int skipcount = index * size; IQueryable & LT; TEntity & gt; Resetset = Filter! = Null? Institutions Where (Filter): Institutions. Enqueueable (); Total = body Where (filter). Country (); If (sortDirection == SortType.Desc) {resetSet = skipcount == 0? Resetset Where (filter). Orderbasedseeding (sorting). Skip (0). Move (Size): Resetset Where (filter). Orderbinding (sorting) .cip (skikount). Move (shape); } And {resetSet = skipcount == 0? Resetset Where (filter). Order by (sorting). Leave (0). Take (shape): Resetset Where (fil

mysql - INSERTING and UPDATING SQL tables -

How to INSERT the data in a table that is the key to a mistake? I tried to do this Insert in City (name, country, population) values ​​("New Zealand", "Auckland", "80000"); However this has given me an error # 1452 - The line of a child can not be added or updated: a foreign key constraint Failed ( stu_nall596_compsci_280_c_s2_2014 . city , CONSTRAINT city_ibfk_2 foreign key ( country ) reference country ( id )) And in the period of updating an area, how to do it? To ignore the fact that "New Zealand" is not a city, and "Auckland" is a city And not a country, if you want your involvement to be successful, then you have a line with a consistent id of "Auckland" in country Required entry will allow you to insert a new line in the city table for the city of that country. I do not know how your schema looks, but this is a difficult example; Enter Country (ID, Name) Price (123, 'New Zeal

javascript - Sending file with nodeJS on apache -

I have setup of Apache (USBbiserserver) and nodes (both latest versions). I HTTPD.CONF ProxyPodes / Node http: // localhost: 8000 / APP.JS Current code: requires the app = ('Express') () ; Var http = Required ('http'); Http.createServer (function (req, res) {res.writeHead (200, {'Content-Type': 'text / plain'}); res.end ('Hello Apache! \ N');}) 8000, 'localhost'); Trying with app.get ('/ node', function (req, res) {rsendfile ('index.html')}} with // app.get ('/'); INDEX.HTML html> html> & lt; top & gt; & lt ; Title & gt; Socket .io chat & lt; / title & gt; & gt; Style & gt; * {margin: 0; padding: 0; box-size: border-box;} body {font: 13px helvicica , Aerial;} form {background: # 000; padding: 3px; position: fixed; bottom: 0; width: 100%;} form input {border: 0; padding: 10px; width: 90%; margin-right:. 5%;} Form Button {Width: 9%; Background :

drop down menu - Create a multiple dropdown with jquery -

We can dynamically create a dropdown using jquery in the following functions Var color = $ ('& lt; select / & gt;', {'class': 'relation-select', 'id': 'color_' + j, 'name': 'color []'}); I want to leave this HTML and make a drop down: & lt; choose name; "Collection_id []" id = "collection_id" multiple data-rel = "selected" & gt; & Lt; / Select & gt; How can I do this? bus: $ ('& lt; select / Gt; ',' 'id': 'collection_id', 'multiple': true, 'name': 'collection_id []'}))). Attr ('data-ral', 'selected'); . Result (as appearing in the demo console):

nosql - IN operator in Cassandra doesn't work for table having a column with type-collection(Map or List) -

I am working on the cassandra to know how it works Some strange when using the IN operator Talked. Example: Table: Create table test_time (name text, age, time, time, time id, "timestamp" timestamp, primary key ((name, age), time)) I have inserted some dummy data in the operator as follows: test_time to SELECT * where name = "9" and age = 81 and time IN (c7c88000-190e-11e4-8000- 000000000000, c7c88000-190e-11e4-7000-000000000000); It worked properly. Then, a column type was added to map . The table will look like this: create test test_time (Name text, age, time, time-time, name_age map, lit, text, interval, timestamp, timestamp, primary key ((name, age), time) / Code> On executing the same question, I found the following error: Bad request: The main part can not be restricted in the primary relationship in these relations because the query is selected by the archive above From the examples, we can say, if the operator has any column of type

ios - Override Control Center screen edge pan from bottom? -

I want to use UIScreenEdgePanGestureRecognizer on the bottom edge of my display. If I set my edges to UIRectEdgeLeft or UIRectEdgeRight , but UIRectEdgeTop or UIRectEdgeBottom Do not work - they have overridden by some UISystemGestureGateGestureRecognizer . I'm actually trying to override the control center as the Facebook paper - the screen edge pan can be their trick. The paper allows you to scroll down from the screen edge to drag your menu, and the control center does not pop up at all. It's definitely possible, I'm thinking how they did it. Any thoughts? is a step that lets you control the accidental launch of the control center. Just disable the status bar, then the user will be prompted to swipe whether the control center should be launched or not. It will not be launched in a swipe. Instead an arrow appears on the first arrow and the user needs to click and drag the arrow to launch the control center, so to prevent accidental launch. Use t

ruby - sinatra sending headers and body -

I am posting to Sinatra with a web contact form. Which works perfectly, I need to set custom headers because it is a CORS request that works even right. But when I want to send json for the request: Status and: Message is to send me a Sinatra object and not suitable Jason. In addition to this, I see the print out in my log, not in the message body but in the header. Code snippet: header "access-control-permission-origin" = & gt; "*", "Access-Control-Permission-Methods" = & gt; "Post", "Access-Control-Permission-Headers" = & gt; "Content-type", "access-control-max-age" = & gt; "86400" if the consultation [: Email]. Empty? Response [: status] = "error" response [: message] = "no email" page response. Inspector body response. Response [: position] = "error" response [: message] = "no message?" Body response.to_json elsif ... log file: &

java - Struts reads UTF-8 encoded Resourcebundles as ISO-8859 -

मेरे पूर्ण वर्कस्पेस, प्रोजेक्ट्स और फाइलों के एन्कोडिंग को यूटीएफ -8 एन्कोडिंग में परिवर्तित करने के लिए मेरे पास सम्माननीय असाइनमेंट है। हमारे पास कई संसाधनबंडल हैं जो कि यूनिकोड के साथ विशेष वर्णों को कोड करते थे। हम यूटीएफ -8 पर स्विच करके उस यूनिकोड सामग्री से छुटकारा चाहते थे, इसलिए मैंने संसाधनपोन्डल्स (.प्रॉपर्टीज़) फाइलों की एन्कोडिंग को भी बदल दिया और यूनिकोड वर्णों को बदल दिया। हमारे पास जर्मन संसाधन बंडल्स भी हैं और कुछ जैसे अक्षर Ä, Ö, Ü, ß। Ä, ö, ü और भी विशेष वर्ण जैसे "या" ब्राउज़र में ठीक से दिखाई नहीं दे रहे हैं। struts-config.xml: & Lt;! - नाचिरचेंटेरसेन - & gt; & Lt; संदेश-संसाधन पैरामीटर = "resources.ApplicationResources" / & gt; जेएसपी-कोड: & lt; td & gt; & lt; बीन-एल: संदेश कुंजी = "session.expired" arg0 = "$ {pageContext} Request.contextPath} /index.html "/ & gt; & lt; / td & gt; बंडल प्रविष्टि: सत्र। एक्सप्रैड = Ihre Sitzung ist abgelaufen। Bitte kehren सि

java - how to exclude files on javadoc ant script -

I have one problem, but I have not solved it So far ... I have tried some of these solutions, but nobody works for me. My code: & lt; Target name = "javadocs" & gt; & Lt; Mkdir dir = "$ {docs.dir}" /> & Lt; Fileset dir = "$ {project.dir} \ src" defaultexcludes = "yes" & gt; & Lt; Leave Name = ". ExternalToolBuilders \ **" /> & Lt; / Fileset & gt; & Lt; Javadoc excludepackagenames = ".externalToolBuilders \ **" sourcepath = "$ {project.dir}" destdir = "$ {docs.dir}" classpath = "$ {project.dir}" author = "true" version = "true" Experiment = "true" doctorate = "& lt; h1 & ag; $ {} & lt; / h1 & g;" / & gt; Edit-1: After this I tried: & lt; Javadoc sourcepath = "$ {Project.dir}" destdir = "$ {docs.dir}" classpath = "$ {project.dir}" auth

c++ - dbus/dbus.h no such file or directory when building to arm -

I'm trying to compile to use the raspberry its Project P, but it can not get Dibs . Which is easy to get when I was a classic compiled I am using cmake, to target link library, I have to add dbus-1 and I use hand-Linux-Gnabaif to compile I am doing Any thoughts? In Edit: add my CMakeLists.txt: set (CMAKE_MODULE_PATH $ {CMAKE_MODULE_PATH} "$ {CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} / cmake /") FIND_PACKAGE (glib2) # Bluetooth include_directories ($ {GLIB2_INCLUDE_DIRS}) # Bluetooth include_directories ($ {} CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR /../ Bluez / gdbus) include_directories ($ {CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} /../ Bluez / attrib) include_directories ($ {CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} /../ Bluez / src) include_directories ($ {CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} /../ Bluez / src / share) include_directories ($ {CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} /../ Bluez / btio) include_directories ($ {CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} /../ Bluez / lib) include_directories ($ {CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} /../ Bluez / client) include_directories ($ {} CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR /../ Bluez / emulator) include