c++ - dbus/dbus.h no such file or directory when building to arm -

I'm trying to compile to use the raspberry its Project P, but it can not get Dibs . Which is easy to get when I was a classic compiled I am using cmake, to target link library, I have to add dbus-1 and I use hand-Linux-Gnabaif to compile I am doing

Any thoughts? In

Edit: add my CMakeLists.txt:

  set (CMAKE_MODULE_PATH $ {CMAKE_MODULE_PATH} "$ {CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} / cmake /") FIND_PACKAGE (glib2) # Bluetooth include_directories ($ {GLIB2_INCLUDE_DIRS}) # Bluetooth include_directories ($ {} CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR /../ Bluez / gdbus) include_directories ($ {CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} /../ Bluez / attrib) include_directories ($ {CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} /../ Bluez / src) include_directories ($ {CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} /../ Bluez / src / share) include_directories ($ {CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} /../ Bluez / btio) include_directories ($ {CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} /../ Bluez / lib) include_directories ($ {CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} /../ Bluez / client) include_directories ($ {} CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR /../ Bluez / emulator) include_directories ($ {CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} /../ Bluez / monitor) include_directories ($ {CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} /../ Bluez) include_directories ( / Usr / Include / dbus set (CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-fpermissive") # Each sour search CE files include aux_source_directory (. SRC_LIST) included_directory (/USR) aux_source_directory ($ {CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} /../blues / gdbus SRC_BLUEZ_GDBUS) aux_source_directory ($ {CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} /../ Blues / Client SRC_BLUEZ_CLIENT) aux_source_directory ($ {CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} /../ Blues / BTO SRC_BLUEZ_BTIO_LIST) aux_source_directory ($ {CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} /../ Bluez / attrib SRC_BLUEZ_ATTRIB_LIST) aux_source_directory ($ {CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} /../ Bluez / Emulator SRC_BLUEZ_EMULATOR) aux_source_directory ($ {CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} /../ Bluez / lib SRC_BLUEZ_LIB) aux_source_directory ($ {CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} /../ Bluez / Monitor SRC_BLUEZ_MONITOR) aux_source_directory ($ {CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} /../ Blues / Src SRC_BLUEZ_SRC) aux_source_directory ($ {CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} /../ blues / src / shared SRC_BLUEZ_SRC_SHARED) add_executable ($ {PROJECT_NAME} $ {SRC_LIST}) # Library ($ {Project} -lib Thread.cpp NetworkThread.cpp UdpSocket cpp test used add_library) add_library (MyBluezLib- Lib $ {SRC_BLUE Z_SRC} $ {SRC_BLUEZ_LIB} $ {SRC_BLUEZ_GDBUS} $ {SRC_BLUEZ_CLIENT} $ {SRC_BLUEZ_BTIO_LIST} $ {SRC_BLUEZ_ATTRIB_LIST} $ {SRC_BLUEZ_EMULATOR} $ {SRC_BLUEZ_SRC_SHARED} $ {SRC_BLUEZ_MONITOR}) # link libraries TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES ($ {project} Pthread Glog Bluetooth $ {GLIB2_LIBRARIES} #bluetooth ReadLine expat dbus-1 dl MyBluezLib- Lib)  

and this is my makeup call her answear:

  target's key Aning dependence MyBluezLib- lib [1%] Building commodity src / CMakeFiles / MyBluezLib-lib.dir / home / Grosalex / job / stageING3 / Bluez / src / from rfkill.c.obj file / home / Grosalex / job / stageING3 / Bluez / include src / rfkill.c: 39: 0: /home/grosalex/job/stageING3/bluez/src/adapter.h:29:23: Erreur fatale: dbus / dbus.h: Aucun fichier ou dossie Rd CE Type #include & lt; Dbus / dbus.h & gt; ^  

Collection terminology.

As far as I can see, you have included wrong directory for dbus you include_directories is (/ usr / include / dbus) and in my host Linux I have the following, as well as flags that I continue to pkg-config --cflags dbus- sleek -1 :

  -pithred- I / usr / include / dbus-1.0 -i / usr / lib64 / dbus-1.0 / include -i / usr / include / glib-2.0 -i / usr / it try to include:  
  include_directories (/usr/include/dbus-1.0)      / pre> 


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