ruby on rails - How do I mark a Capybara feature test as pending? -

I hope these tests will not be "unsuccessful" but will be marked as pending, maybe I'm pending for cappara Or am not using the right instruction?

  Convenience 'tenant scoping' scenario displays only Tenant Au's things "In a pending scenario" only shows the contents of the tenant "pending end"  

The output is on the move:

  Tenant scrolling displays only things of Tenant A (FAILED-1) only displays things of Tenant B (FAILED-2) Failures: 1) Tenant Scoping Only The candidate displays things of A Fixed Required 'no reason not given' there was no error # ./spec/features/tenants/scopingtest_spec.rb:3 2) Tenant scoping only shows things of Tenant B Fixed There was no error 'for no reason given' to fail the expected # ./spec/features/tenants/scopingtest_spec.rb:7 Ending in 0.04047 seconds (taking files 1.62 seconds to load) 2 examples, 2 Failure  

In the form of RSPC3, pending instances fail if they pass

For more information, see.


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