c# - How to Cast Expression Func<T,int> to Func<T,object> -

I am using EntityFramework code first generic repository. I have a filter method, besides this method paging and sorting Are there. The method like

  public IQueryable & lt; TENTity & gt; Filters (expression & quot; throw & lieutenant; tantity, ball & gt; & gt; filter, integer complete, expression & lt; funk & gt; tmente, object & gt; sorted, sort sort sort direction, int index = 1 , Int size = 30) {index = index-1; Int skipcount = index * size; IQueryable & LT; TEntity & gt; Resetset = Filter! = Null? Institutions Where (Filter): Institutions. Enqueueable (); Total = body Where (filter). Country (); If (sortDirection == SortType.Desc) {resetSet = skipcount == 0? Resetset Where (filter). Orderbasedseeding (sorting). Skip (0). Move (Size): Resetset Where (filter). Orderbinding (sorting) .cip (skikount). Move (shape); } And {resetSet = skipcount == 0? Resetset Where (filter). Order by (sorting). Leave (0). Take (shape): Resetset Where (filter). Order by (sorting). Skipcount Move (shape); } Return Resetset. Absolutely (); }  

Sorting type expression and lieutenant; Function lift; Object, object & gt; & Gt; If I give this parameter the expression> lt; Funk & lt; TENTity, object & gt;

Throw any exception

Thanks to any idea sorting type expression & lt; Func & lt; TEntity, Object & gt; & Gt;

code> if I get this parameter to be expression & lt; Func & lt; TENTity, Object & gt; & Gt; I pass this parameter as , then an exception between the object invalid casting but the expression is a reference type, whereas int is a value type, because string is a reference type

To be converted to object , there should be a int boxed, and the Linq Expression API does not automatically do this if you If you return int , then you need to add an expression. Conversion (& lt; expr & gt ;, typeof (object)) return it.


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