java - how to exclude files on javadoc ant script -

I have one problem, but I have not solved it So far ... I have tried some of these solutions, but nobody works for me.

My code:

  & lt; Target name = "javadocs" & gt; & Lt; Mkdir dir = "$ {docs.dir}" /> & Lt; Fileset dir = "$ {project.dir} \ src" defaultexcludes = "yes" & gt; & Lt; Leave Name = ". ExternalToolBuilders \ **" /> & Lt; / Fileset & gt; & Lt; Javadoc excludepackagenames = ".externalToolBuilders \ **" sourcepath = "$ {project.dir}" destdir = "$ {docs.dir}" classpath = "$ {project.dir}" author = "true" version = "true" Experiment = "true" doctorate = "& lt; h1 & ag; $ {} & lt; / h1 & g;" / & gt;  


After this I tried:

  & lt; Javadoc sourcepath = "$ {Project.dir}" destdir = "$ {docs.dir}" classpath = "$ {project.dir}" author = "true" version = "true" usage = "true" & gt; & Lt; Fileset dir = "$ {project.dir} \ src" defaultexcludes = "yes" & gt; & Lt; Include name = "** / * .java" /> & Lt; Leave name = ".externalToolBuilders / **" /> & Lt; / Fileset & gt; & Lt; / Javadoc & gt;  

I found this error:

  javadocs: [javadoc] Javadoc generated [javadoc] Javadoc execution [javadoc] Loading source file D: \ Paul \ PaulHostIP \ Src \ ... [javadoc] javadoc: Error - Invalid package name: "" [javadoc] Loading Source File D: \ Paul \ PaulHostIP \ src \ ... [javadoc] javadoc: Error - Invalid package name: " Simontuffs.onejar.test "[Javadoc] Loading Source File D: \ Paul \ PaulHostIP \ src \ ... [javadoc] Loading Source File D: \ Po L \ PaulHostIP \ src \ ... [javadoc] Loading source file D: \ Paul \ PaulHostIP \ src \ ... [javadoc] Loading the source file D: \ Paul \ PaulHostIP \ src \ ... [javadoc] Load source file D: \ Paul \ PaulHostIP \ src \ Work .java ... [javadoc] Loading source files for package source ... [ Javadoc] 2 errors  

You can do it like this:

  & lt; Javadoc destdir = "$ {docs.dir}" author = "true" version = "true" = "true" doctitle = "test"> & Lt; Fileset dir = "$ {project.dir} / src" defaultexcludes = "yes" & gt; & Lt; Include name = "** / * .java" /> & Lt; Leave name = ".externalToolBuilders / **" /> & Lt; / Fileset & gt; & Lt; / Javadoc & gt;  


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