ORA-06530 - Error when using a created type in PL/SQL Oracle -

First of all, pardon my bad english.

I'm trying to use a built-in type is a process parameter imagine this:

  can make or type as swbapps.REEMBOLSO_PORTAL object change (external_id varchar2 (20), credito_reembolso varchar2 (10), credito_manual varchar2 (10), manufacturer function REEMBOLSO_PORTAL returns as a result of self-map member function get_external_id return varchar2) - constructor function exists only at specific locations. Do I have to do something in the body?  

How I made of use:

Some packages imagination


  type BINARY_INTEGER table tReembolso REEMBOLSO_PORTAL index;  

I have used as a process parameter:

  process pCpfCnpj in PR_SOLICITA_REEMBOLSO (varchar2, pInfReembolso tReembolso, pUser in varchar2, varchar2 in pObs In, pProtocolo varchar2, pCodRet out number, pMsgRet out varchar2);  

And now, I'm trying to test your code:

  declared - non-scalar parameters additional resources pinfreembolso need swbapps.pc_interface_vantive_portal.treembolso it occurs; Start Pinfeimbibo (0) .external_id: '' 000761595406 '; Pinframebo (0) .credito_reembolso: = '1234'; Pinframebole (0) .credito_manual: = '4321'; Pinframelosso (1) .external_id: '' 000261595393 '; Pinframelosso (1) .credito_reembolso: = '5678'; Pinframebolso (1) .credito_manual: = '8765'; - Process processed probes.PC_Interface_Ventive_portal.prodolitata_reimbolo (PCPFCNJJ = & gt ;: PCPFCNJJ, pinfreimbolo = & gt; pinfreimbolo, Puussar => puser, pobs =>: pobs, pprotocolo = & gt ;: pprotocolo, pcodret = Gt; Pcodret, pmsgret = & gt ;: pmsgret); End;  

But I see the error Ora-06530.

I have tried other ways to declare a variable, but nothing works.

  Pinfrembolso Sbapps. Pc_interface_vantive_portal.treembolso: = REEMBOLSO_PORTAL ();  

did not work.

Finally, can someone help me?

"itemprop =" text ">

After you need to imney every item before you mention:

  declared - Additional processing for non-scalar parameters Pinframebosso swabes.pc_interface_vintiv_portal. Treembolso; Begin Pinframebo (0): = swbapps.pc_interface_vantive_portal.treembolso (); Pinframelosso (0) .external_id: '' 000761595406 '; Pinframebo (0) .credito_reembolso: = '1234'; Pinframebole (0) .credito_manual: = '4321'; Pinframebosso (1): = swbapps.pc_interface_vantive_portal.treembolso (); Pinframelosso (1) .external_id: '' 000261595393 '; Pinframelosso (1) .credito_reembolso: = '5678'; Pinframebolso (1) .credito_manual: = '8765'; - Call the process ...  


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