MATLAB Nyquist Plot - Show the unit circle -

I do not know how you would focus on a unit circle 1,

With code> nyquist (L) with l (s) = p (s) * c (s) , when my loop function is over, it shows only the Nyquist plot itself Using the grid on does not even do this.

Can anyone help me?

Once you create your Nyquist plot, use ; , then we can drag a circle into MATLAB at the top of our Nyquist plot. If you miss the polar coordination, then we can paramet a point on a circle:

  • x = r * cos (theta);
  • y = r * sin (theta);

r will be the radius of your circle, while theta that angle in relation to that origin is Its domain is between theta [0,2 * pi] . For Unit Circle, r = 1 . Then we will move angle ( theta ) between 0 to 2 * pi . You need to move your circle so that the original is ray = -1, IM = 0 . Like, do this:

  n = 1000; % // Circle theta = determine the number of points on linspace (0, 2 * p, n); X = cos (theta); Y = sin (Theta); Nyquist (L); % // Spawn Newquist Conspiracy; Plot (x-1, y); % // Unit Circle  

Here is a quick example for you to represent our transfer function of open-loop system L = TF (9, [1 6 9]); The following plot is produced using the above code:

Enter image details here

Keep in mind that I had to adjust the boundaries of the axis. You can see the unit circle. After the plot was shown, I did it by applying axis in the following manner: / P>

  axis ([- 2 2 -1 1]);  

The real axis ranges from 2 to 2, and the fictional axis ranges from -1 to 1.


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