
Showing posts from February, 2011

ios - changing a customlabel within an expanding UItableviewcell -

I have created a custom table cell that spreads. When it is spread, it shows UILBL with two UIButtons that UILBL should show data from the backend. I have created customlabel in the CustomCell interface file, then I imported the customcell class into my InboxTable VIPU controller, and implemented custom cell. The label only appears when the cell is tapped, and spreads. How would I go about changing UILabel, because cell.customLabel.text will not work here, because it is not the property of the cell. Here is the related code: CustomCell.h @interface Customcell: UTable Viewer {UIImage * userImage; UILBL * Username; // The widgets below will be displayed, when the user has left the public UI button * button, * the right button; UILBL * Custom Label; BOOL UserTap; } @ Property (weak, non-monomitive) IBotllet UILBL * Username; @ Property (weak, non-monomitive) IBotlet UIIMAviewView * user image; - (zero) set data: (NSDictionary *) D; @end and the InboxUntinator here. M is where I

dependency injection - A controller that might violate Single Responsibility Principle? -

Refers to this comment, When a class had a very long list of arguments It may be a "code odor" that is trying to do a lot of your class and is probably not following the single responsibility principle. If your class is trying to do too much, then its code Consider re-implementing in many small classes which consume one another . What should I do about this controller class below - what is it trying to do "too much"? class controller {public $ template; Public $ translation; Public $ auth; Public $ article; Public $ nav; Public function __ composition (database $ connection, $ template) {$ this- & gt; Template = $ template; $ This- & gt; Translation = New Translator ($ connection); $ This- & gt; Navy = new navy ($ connection); $ This- & gt; Article = new paragraph ($ connection); $ This- & gt; Auth = new Auth ($ connection); } Public function getHtml (if (isset ($ _ request ['url'])) {$ item = $ this-> article- getRow ([&#

ruby on rails - How to override redmine.rb permissions in plugin init.rb -

I am developing a random plugin that has been used to provide some additional permission / denial options, among them A featured administrator can sometimes allow / reject the report for the role. The problem is that if you try to redefine the permissions defined in redmine.rb in your plugins, init.rb permissions are merged, this leads to the fact that one Other permissions (included in : view_issues ) which allows issuing reports. How can I get the Override permission My plugins in Redmine.rb are defined in init.rb My plugins init.rb: < RedMine :: Plugin.register: report_roles Name 'Report Rollers Plugin' Name Writer 'Author's Name' Description 'This is a plugin for redmini' version '0.0.1' url 'http: // 'author_url' 'RedMine :: | Map | Map.project_module: issue_tracking do | Map | Map.permission: generate_issue_reports, {: reports => [: Issue_repo

javascript - How to call MVC Action using Jquery AJAX and then submit form in MVC? -

मेरे एमवीसी दृश्य पर मेरे पास बटन है: & lt; input id = "btn सेव" प्रकार = "सबमिट करें" नाम = "सहेजें" मान = "सहेजें" / & gt; जब मैं इस बटन पर क्लिक करता हूं, मुझे एक ऐक्शन कॉल करने की ज़रूरत होती है, कुछ सामान वहां से और फिर मेरे फॉर्म को सबमिट करें। मेरे पास यह jQuery है: $ ('# btn सेव') क्लिक करें (फ़ंक्शन () {$। एएक्सएक्स ({url: "/ होम / सेव डिपेडेड इन्फ़ोन", टाइप करें: "पोस्ट", डेटा: JSON.stringify ({'options': someData }), डेटाटाइप: "जेसन", पारंपरिक: सच, कंटेंट टाइप: "एप्लिकेशन / जेसन; कैरसेट = यूटीएफ -8", सफलता: फ़ंक्शन (डेटा) {यदि (डेटा.स्टेटस == "सफलता") {चेतावनी (" ");} और {चेतावनी (" डेटाबेस स्तर पर त्रुटि उत्पन्न हुई! ")}}, त्रुटि: फ़ंक्शन () {चेतावनी (" एक त्रुटि हुई है !!! ")}}});}); तब मैं अपना फॉर्म सबमिट करना चाहता हूं। नियंत्रक में मेरे पास 2 क्रियाएं हैं: सार्वजनिक गतिविधि SaveDetailedInfo (विकल्प [] विकल्

sql - Remove duplicates returning from join -

I am trying to join two tables. Each table has a unique ID, upon joining, many records have been returned (a lot of relationships). How can I avoid the duplication of records and get a match record? The parameters used include email and date fields:, select 1.lead_id, 1.lead_date, 2.rdm_id in table_1 By joining table memory = and 1.lead_date = 2.post_date Table 1: email, Lead_id, lead_date, 1655535, 1/1/2013, 1655536, 1/1/2013 Table 2: email, rdm_id, post_date, 3283370, 1/1/2013, 3283373, 1/1/2013 I like to have my output: < / P>, 1655535, 3283370, 1/1/2013, 1655536, 3283373, 1/1/2013 Worst Returning to domain:, 1655535, 3283370, 1/1/2013, 1655536, 3283370, 1/1/2013, 1655535 , 3283373, 1/1/2013, 1655536, 3283373, 1/1/2013 < P> Just use different or GRO to remove the duplicate. Cho

executable - Program Blocked by Group Policy - Window 7 -

I have encountered the problem while running EXE I tried, as far as I have all the potential on the net on the net Invoked in ways. 1) Go to gpedit.msc- Computer Configuration-Window Settings-Security Settings-Local Policies - Security Options. "Change User Account Control: Behavior of Upgrade Signals for Standard Users:" To Prompt For Credentials " 2) I tried to keep an API entry in Apple and give full access. Tried both ways and hash 3) Try to add HLLM software \ policies \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Safe \ CodeIdentifiers \ / v Default / T REG_DWORD / d 0x00040000 / F Even its Adding a new key name under which i have checked for this issue somewhere. 4) The user has full access to the folder. I provided it through the admin user The ADE seems to work fine with Admin access. Can someone suggest what we can do to fix this? Thanks in advance

Retrieve JSON response when creating video on Brightcove -

I followed this example. The answer is shown in an iframe. However, I want to be able to get the JSON response to store data in my database (i.e. BrightcoVideo ID). I tried to use the AJAX post but BrightCove does not accept the request for a post from a different origin. Is there a way to get feedback data without appearing in afform or in a separate window? You can not retrieve response data in javascript because the API response is not included in the API response. You need to do this in server-side code, which also has the advantage of not exposing your API token in the browser.

html - How to include CSS into a IntraWeb Project? -

explanation: I created a new standalone intra web application through the "Intra Web Application Wizard" , And I corrected everything, editing with some buttons and events inside, but buttons and edits need some style because they are ugly. Purpose: I want to style them Problem: To include a CSS file in my project Later it is not to use CSS for use in StyleSheet. Property on my TIWForm Whatever I have tried: I tried to manually insert the CSS file into the debug folder "same folder" .and I also file -> new -> other -> Try clicking on CSS stylesheet and then pasted the CSS code and saved it in the debug folder "same folder" .exe. I need to solve this problem, otherwise I am unable to use the intra web application. The standalone intra web application by default, in the application directory \ wwwroot \ The name folder looks for Stylesheet.Filename path is relativ to this folder. To solve your problem, just create

c++ - Assigning elements in a numeric matrix very slow in Rcpp -

I am new to RCPP and C ++ programming in general, so I hope this question is not even basic < / P> I am trying to write some code which will return a numerical matrix with some inputs. The code includes many edges, see below. Unfortunately it is currently very slow. However, if we run the code without specifying the counting numbers in the matrix, the program runs immediately. Similarly, if we change the counting number slightly to exclude "TMP" below (see the comment below), it runs immediately (see the comments below). Any suggestion about how to make this race more quickly is greatly appreciated! Sorry if this poorly written code insults you Code: // [[RCP :: Exports]] Numeric matrix lenaltime (numeric matrix infatt, numeric matrix D, Integrator Times, Numeric Vector Theta, Numeric Vector Pop) {Ent Enro = Infmat.nrow (); Int ncol = infmat.ncol (); Numerical matrix ll (nrow, ncol); Int tmax; Double PJ; Double LaminateJet; Double PI; Double Dies; Double tmp

javascript - Can't transition between scale 0 and 1 with css transitions -

I want to create an image that is scaled down all the way in X, and then alert all the methods in X Doing classes (through javascript) are adding the pattern I use, works well for things like rotation, but I'm thinking that it only runs a full 360 degree. I'm not sure why this works: CSS: .scaleXStart {visibility: hidden; Z-index: 0; Consequently scaleX (.5); } .scaleXEnd {z-index: 3; Consequently scaleX (2); Transition: 1s conversion; } Javascript: a = document.query selector ('# myDiv'); A.className = 'scaleXStart'; A.className = 'scaleXEnd'; I thought it would work because it is adding and then a square is removed, so set the value to scaleX to 0 and then 1 Will be done but it is not working. Thanks for any thoughts The problem is, the chance of getting a starting class is never met It goes straight to the end class, putting the change of the last class into a timeout (even zero milliseconds!) Will move it in both classes

arrays - What happens when Data.Vector.unfoldr doesn't fuse? -

मान लीजिए कि मैं vector का उपयोग करके unfoldr बना रहा हूँ, Code> unfoldrN , और यह नहीं फ्यूज, इसलिए वेक्टर को वास्तव में बनाया जाना चाहिए। सिस्टम कैसे तय करता है कि यह कैसे बड़ा होगा? मैं दस्तावेज़ीकरण में इसके बारे में कुछ भी नहीं पा पाया हूं। स्रोत कोड से पता चलता है कि यह unstream को कॉल करता है, जिसमें बहुत अधिक जटिल कोड है जो मैं सिर या पूंछ नहीं कर सकता। मुझे पूरी तरह से यकीन नहीं है, लेकिन मैंने unfoldr से Data.Vector.Generic.Mutable.unstream से स्रोत कोड का पीछा किया । इसका प्रलेखन कहता है: एक नया अस्थायी वेक्टर बनाएं और इसे 'स्ट्रीम' से तत्वों से भरें। वेक्टर तेजी से बढ़ेगा यदि 'स्ट्रीम' का अधिकतम आकार अज्ञात है। तो, मेरा अनुमान है कि यह एक छोटे आकार (जैसे 10 या तो) के साथ शुरू होता है और वेक्टर। जैसे ही सदिश पूर्ण हो जाता है, यह उसके आकार को दुगुना करता है (या इसके आकार का 50% बड़ा होता है, या किसी दूसरे अनुपात से इसके आकार में वृद्धि) और पुराने तत्वों को नए सदिश में प्रतिलिपि बनाता है। घातीय वृद्धि यह सुनिश्चित करती है कि यदि आप

ios - access the NSData downloaded with SDWebImage -

My request sends a picture (base 64) with a timestamp per request and I integrate SDWBI image into my app , I want to know how to access raw NSDT should know that SDWebImage meets [imageView setImageWithURL: [NSURL URLWithString: [NSString stringWithFormat: @ ""]]]; In this way I can isolate the text from the image < P> You can use this method, [UIImage sd_imageWithData: [NSData dataWithContentOfURL: [NSURL URLWithString: urlStr]];

caching - Faster way to write 20 remote files to a cache php -

I currently have this code, it brings the JSN data file for each hour and the whole day's file from an API. This then caches the results for faster spread. It currently takes ~ 10 to get all files and to use them (no caching), it takes ~ 1 to execute with the cache, but when the cache is stuck, Covers ~ with ~ 80 cache. Obviously there are other codes running on this but it is slow bit $ this- & gt; There are 24 elements in hour . What is a fast way to get files & amp; Get forecast weather data from the * .o * @Return array * Overall Public Data * / Public Function getData ($ kernelDir) {$ apiSite = 'https: / /'; $ Url = $ api site $ this- & gt; APKI '/' $ THIS- & gt; Latitude ',' $ this- & gt; Longitude; If (! File_exists ($ kernelDir. '/ Cache / api /'. $ This- & gt; Latitude. '$$ - this- & gt; Latitude)) {$ weatherFile = @file_get_contents ($ url); $ Fp = fopen ($ kernelDir. '/ Ca

sql server - IF NOT EXISTS SQL Statement -

I am quite new in SQL I am trying to write a stored procedure which will check that the 'Alias' in the table And if so, return the details; If it does not exist, then it will add it. At the moment I have got 50% work, but this nickname will not return the details if it does not exist DECLARE @Alias ​​VARCHAR (max) IF (Select * from [user ] Enter the values ​​(@ alias, 'uk', 'user') < P> Can anyone tell me where am I wrong? Thank you in advance Tom it seems that you Why do not you just force them: Create unique index users_alias on user (surname); or if you If you really want to do this through a query, use a select-in: INSERT [user] ([nickname], [country], [role]) @ Alias, 'uk', 'user' (selection 1) does not exist dual (select * from [user] where [alias] = @ alias] Selection of the query returns to the 1st row if there is no user already with the alias, or if a row is not otherwise. To get some ideas: You do no

Nginx rewrite rule to PHP that also allows .php in the URI -

A little unusual question, hopefully with a simple answer! (I am new to NGN) I have an old PHP system running on Apache and I would like to bring it on NGNX, but my point is that some call it a single Handler should be rewritten on file ( /handler.php ) and want to execute some actual files from it It seems that almost all the routes end in .php, whether they refer to the actual PHP file or not. For example, /foo.php might be a real file that executes its code, but / bar.php does not exist And therefore wants to call /handler.php . There are also examples of routes of / bar (without the .php extension) that want to call /handler.php . There are lots of types in the system (so far, I want to manually code manually). What is the solution in Nginx? There is currently something like this in the server block: location / {try_files $ url / $ /handler.php$is_args$ arg; } Include /etc/nginx/sites.d/*.conf; and sites.d / php.conf currently shows something like this:

objective c - Type Error in closure (translated code from obj c to swift) -

I am trying to use a library which is written in Objective-C in my Quick App. I tried to translate a snippet with swift code - but I get a type of error that I do not understand. Obj.C code from readme: [Self.client logonWithUsername: self.username.text password: self.password.text responseClallback: ^ (NSDictionary * response, NSError * error) {if (error) {[self handleFailedAuth: error]; Return; } [Self-handling successful operation]; }]; My translation swift: var user name = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults (). StringForKey ("username") var password = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults (). {HandleFailedAuth (error));} handleSuccessfulAuth ()}) If the (error) in StringForKey ("password") client.logonWithUsername (username, password: password, feedback callback: {(response: NSDictionary, error: NSError) Code> I get [NSObject: AnyObject]! A subtype of the expression is not on the line, where the parameters of the band are defined. How is that

javascript - MongoDB - Updated $ref value unable to query new value -

I've posted the following question that has been answered correctly: Despite this, when I execute such a method: {"codeId": {"$ ref": "code", "$ id": {"$ oid" : "4ff1c08c6ef25616ce21c4b6"}}} The document has not returned ... Why any thoughts? The document is stored in this way: {"$ Oid": {"$ oid": "5097ae1cd3159eb52d05574c"}, "codeId": {"$ ref": " By using the UMango GUI, if I select the update option on this archived document, "code", "$ id": {"$ oid": "4ff1c08c6ef25616ce21c4b6"}}} Thank you This d One of the BRF "tweak" things is clearly one ... Bably correct as a temporary (but pro)) Ok, I execute this Javascript process to solve this problem Managed to: var cursor = ({"codeId. Ref:" "version"}); While (cursor.hasNext ()) {var document =

timeout - Curl Works on Server A but Times Out on Server B... Advice Appreciated -

I am trying to do a curl that I can work on my machine, which I call machine a. / P> However, when I am finished using a different machine, machine B, while executing the same command. I can not understand this for my life, why does it work vs versus. other. Both machines are actually on Amazon EC2, with the same security group, subnet, etc. Both machine A and Machine B Ubuntu are running 12.04, both are running curl 7.22. There is no iptable firewall set in either. Both machines are capable of fixing most websites (i.e. curl works) What happens here at Machine A : < Code> Curl -v -k to connect about * ( port 443 (# 0) * Trying to ... * is associated with (192.200.663.41) Port 443 (# 0) What is it on Machine B : < To connect about pre- curl-v-k-https: // * ( port 443 (# 0) * try Waiting for ... Connection timed out * Could not connect to ho

javascript - Access pushState state object content -

$ (फ़ंक्शन () {$ ('button')। क्लिक करें (फ़ंक्शन (e) {e.preventDefault (); Var nextUrl = 'page1.html'; var previousUrl = window.location.href; $ .get (nextUrl, फ़ंक्शन (डेटा) {$ ('body')। Html (डेटा); history.pushState ({content : डेटा}, '', अगली यूआरएल); & lt; - सामग्री डेटा कैसे प्राप्त करें}}}; $ (विंडो) .बंड ('पॉपस्टेट', फ़ंक्शन (e) {console.log (e.state। सामग्री); // मैं पुशस्टेट में संग्रहीत डेटा कैसे प्राप्त करूं?});}); & Lt; / स्क्रिप्ट & gt; मैंने पूरे पृष्ठ की जानकारी को राज्य पुशस्टेट ({सामग्री: डेटा}} में संग्रहीत किया है, लेकिन मैं इसे popstate के अंदर कैसे प्राप्त करूं ? धन्यवाद! popstate घटना को विंडो में निकाल दिया जाता है जब सक्रिय इतिहास प्रविष्टि परिवर्तन। सबसे अधिक बार जब ब्राउज़र वापस या आगे बटन क्लिक किए जाते हैं (या वापस करने के लिए कॉल), आगे () या जाना () निष्पादित है)। घटना श्रोता कॉलबैक राज्य प्रविष्टि के साथ संबद्ध राज्य ऑब्जेक्ट को पुनः प्राप्त करने के लिए उपयोग की जाने वाली राज्य की संपत

linux - Get adb log and grep it to a string in IF statement -

I want to grep a string for ADB logcat and if it matches, then it should go inside if the statement and Get out The following code is not working if [./adb logcat | | Grep - line-buffered 'The monkey was canceled due to the error.' ]; Then Adeb Logcat-d & gt; If you want to test the value of an expression, then you want to test whether or not a command is successful, or if you are testing the command line, then you can assign that command to if . After put it. if ./adb logcat | Grep - line-buffered 'The monkey was canceled due to the error.' Then ... f In addition to this, you should enter if and [ . There should be a space between .

ios - XMPP Getting/Sending Full JID Without Subscribing -

I am currently developing a small chat application using IOS and XMPPFramework. I registered two users on a public XMPP server on an XMPP client. However, when I send a message to the bare JID via my iOS app, the user on the app will not. I get the message because the XMPP client sent the presence with a higher priority. To correct this, I have been sent users with their highest priority, so when I send my bare messages JID, the message is sent for proper processing. However, I think there is no good way to go about it. I want to send a message directly to JID, but I am sure how to get it. What is the correct way to send or receive the full JID of the user without subscribing? Is it possible or is it just bad practice? Would I send him in attendance? AppGuide. H <>> + (AppDelegate *) example; AppDelegate.m + (AppDelegate *) Example {Return (AppDelegate *) [[UIApplication ShareApp] Rep]; } Then in your ViewController.m, XMPPJID * myJID = [[AppDelegate

classification - Does sklearn support a cost matrix? -

Is it possible to train classes with cost metrics for different mistakes in different scaleries? For example, in the case of 2 square, the cost matrix will be 2 2 square matrix. For example A_Is = the value of classification I Jammu The main classifier I am using is a random one. Thank you. You describe that cost-sensitive structures are not supported for learning in any classifier in science I

html5 - HTML/CSS Animated Backgrounds -

My friend thought of trying for me about this idea, but I do not know where from To start, it is basically smoke in the background of a website. Wandering around and what not. Just a simple smokey moving background. It seems possible, but I do not know where in the right direction then looking for any help will start to be fantastic! Code> & lt; Div id = "smoke" & gt; & Lt; Span class = "s0" & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; Span class = "s1" & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; Span class = "s2" & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; Span class = "s3" & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; Span class = "s4" & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; Span class = "s5" & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; Span class = "s6" & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; Span class = "s7" & gt; & Lt; / Spa

python - Compare and Extract lines then send to new file -

We say that a file contains the following: Hello ==== ===== Last: Last: Sanski Last: King Last: Last George: Henry Last: IDA Bye Bye: ========= First: Paul First: First Sons: First Charles: Lincoln First: Ida Example Output Last : Paul First: Paul Last: First Conscious: First Suspicious: ida first: ida How to remove all matching names and push to write a script is possible Final and a new file, regardless of the first keywords in the beginning? Say that the file is Names.txt In Python: import import import OS f = open ('names.txt') line = f.readlines () last_names = first_names = row = rows to row = if: Line.startswith ('last:'): last_names.append (line [6:]) elif line.startswith ('first:'): first_names.append (line [7:]) Results = [name for name in Last_names If the name in the first_name] you want to do with the result

javascript - How to make form elements look consistent across all browsers and operating systems -

All form elements look different in different browsers, I want to show it the same one. This is not really possible. The toolkit like BootStrap is the closest that we have a balance between country control and constant control. Solutions that provide consistent control, basically use the original control to hide the original control (selection, checkbox, etc) and javascript.

c# - How can I deserialize both responses using the same class? -

I am currently receiving data from API which comes like this: {"Message": [... somedata ...], "Timestamp": 123456, "Request": 1} How can I easily remove them: public class data {[Jasonproperty ("Message")] Public list & lt; ... & gt; Message {receive; Set; } [Jasonproperty ("Timestamp")] Public Int Timestamp {Received; Set; } [Jasonproperty ("Request")] Public IT Request (Left) {Received; Set; }} However, the same API can return data with properties such as a few names in this way: {"m": [.. How can I use the same class to waste both formats? Or is it not possible and I need every class of it? You can do something like this: public class data { [Jasonprotterty ("Message")] Public List & lt; ... & gt; Message {receive; Set; } [Jasonprotterty ("m")] Public listing & lt; ... & gt; M_list {Get {Return Message; } Set {messages = value; }} [Jasonpropert

ios - BugClipper integration issue -

"itemprop =" text "> I troubleshoot BugClipper in your project. I have followed the integration instructions mentioned on theirs but when I release it with my creation it throws the following error - 0x17eaf2f0 for CFBundle / CFPlugIn (load No) 2014-07-24 00:34 Can be found executable: 15.457 BugClipper [371: 60B] - [SMOCInvokerView smoc_width]: 34 :: 15.459 BugClipper [371: 60B] *** Finished App Expected Exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException ', Due to the reason the non-accredited selector example sent for example 0x17eae380 2014-07-24 12:' - [SMOCInvokerView smoc_width]: unrecognized choice Karta example sent to 0x17eae380 '*** First throw the call stack: (0x2eafce83 0x391a66c7 0x2eb007b7 0x2eaff0af 0x2ea4ddc8 0x10e8bf 0x10e60f 0x3968b0af 0x3968bcdb 0x10e5e7 0x105861 0xea8e5 0x312f1aad 0x312f14f3 0x312ebb41 0x31286a07 0x31285cfd 0x312eb321 0x3373876d 0x33738357 0x2eac7777 0x2eac7713 0x2eac5edf 0x2ea30471 0x2ea30253 0x312ea5c3 0x312 e5845 0

python - How to convert wide to long format with hourly values and datetime index? -

I am retrieving data from a certain SQL schema in the long format and want to convert it to a wider format. As a complexity, every row in the dataframe represents the value of a product for one day. Values ​​are stored in columns, indicating special hours of the day. The example below shows an interval length of six hours. This means that we store four values ​​per day at 00:00, 06:00, 12:00 and 18:00. The dataframe looks like this: ID date 0000 0600 1200 1800 0 APPL 01.012014 12 15 17 1 9 APPL 02.01.2014 21 23 25 27 2 MSFT 01.01.2014 1 2 3 4 3 msft 02.01.2014 5 6 7 8 I want to receive, datafram is in a broader format: APPL MSF 2014-01-01 00 00:00 12 1 2014-01-01 06:00:00 15 2 01-01-2010 12:00: 00 17 3 2014-01-01 18:00:00 19 2014-01-02 00:00: 00 21 5 2014-01-02 06:00:00 23 6 2014-01-02 12:00:00 25 7 2014-01-02 18:00:00 27 8 To achieve the goal structure, I have a variety of pivot, un / stack and set_ indix N tried combinations but failed I The closest I have been able

Present date setting in android showing one month extra -

I want to set the current date to activity (by default) and configure the user The date by clicking on the date picker, but some devices, which shows an extra for one month, the date picker dialog also shows an additional one month. Can you please make this issue public void setCurrentDateOnButton () help to solve {Log.d (enter LogActivityTagNames.SCHEDULE_ACTIVITY, "setCurrentDateOnButton () to") to me; Last calendar c = calendar.getInstance (); Myear = c.get (Calendar. IEER); Mmonth = c.get (calendar .mONTH) +1; Mday = c.get (Calendar DAY_OF_MONTH); String Month = Accelerated Redeemable Format DateTime (mmOnth); String Day = Accelerated Redeemable Format datetime (mday); DateksetText (new StringBuilder () .append (day) .append ( "-") attached (Month) .append ( "-") .append (myear) .append ( "").); } ... private DatePickerDialog.OnDateSetListener datePickerListener = new DatePickerDialog.OnDateSetListener () to see {public void on

python - "ImportError: DLL load failed" SciPy and cx_freeze don't work together -

It looks like SciPy and cx_freeze do not work together And there is a known problem () when I delete import scipy then my code runs very well. I have searched here and some other websites and installed Dependency Walker. It says that ieshims.dll is missing I have installed ieshims.dll . I have installed all other .dll files. Now my console window gives me an error: traceback (most recent call final): file "PyMoss .py ", line 13, & lt; Module & gt; File "C: \ Python 33 \ lib \ site-packages \ scipy \ optimize \ __", line 163, & lt; Module & gt; .optimize import * from the file "c: \ python 33 \ bb \ site-package \ spy \ optimize \", line 35, & lt; Module & gt; To Import import (line_search_wolfe1, line_search_wolfe2, file "C: \ Python 33 \ lib \ site-packages \ scipy \ optimize \", Line 16, in & lt; module & gt; scipy.optimize import minpack2 file "& l

SQL Server - READPAST, UPDLOCK update method? -

We need another major update, as it is, due to the risk of widespread locking problems, downtime will be required. In fact, we want to update hundreds of millions of rows during business hours. Now, to reduce updates to manage & lt; Help in the size of 5000 batch, but I was wondering if it is possible that it is possible to create templates for reading and locking the available rows, boil them, and go to the next batch? The idea is that in this way we can patch up some 95% of the data with minimal risk, after which the remaining set of data can be small so that during the slow period, updates can be made once. Yes, I know it sounds weird, but how will I have to bear with this to bear this? I was thinking something like this: WHILE @@ ROWCOUNT & gt; Select the Top 5000 SID from the upstate-top (5000) T set T.V.R.D.L = 'ASD' (RedPaste, UIPLok) where X = Y and Z = W etc. ...) SRC on SRC ID = T.ID END Any ideas? Actually, the last thing I want to do is to ge

html - How to get JSON objects from web service response -

I am very new to using web services, javascript, json technologies, and to use some of the data, I need to use URL in my HTML file which is something I am trying to get the value of. The result of this URL in the browser is as follows: {"transaction": "asdf", "status": 0, "poilist": [ Id ": 123," name ":" some company "," address ":" address "," latitude ": 333333, countrywide": 333333, "distance": 4869}, {.... // lots of similar Nodes up}} Use such landlines, latitude, etc. and use them in my HTML file which contains JavaScript and HTML code only. I have internet But did some research but my place I did not know where to start from, any kind of help would be considered gratitude. Thank you. You can do it like this: var url = ' Locationbox / services? Key = key & amp; cmd = PoiSearch & Typ = JSON & Latitude

javascript - <s:iterator not working properly for a list, i am using struts2 -

I have it: The iterator, which is iterating a property list, the property key, value for each item in the list and Category is. Depending on the category, I have to fill the values ​​defined in the frequencies within the divisions. I'm using the jquery tab here the itater is not running properly. Please understand the code, it is easy to understand & Lt; Td> & Lt; S: Label value = "% {properties [# rowstatus.index] .key}" & gt; & Lt; / S: Labels & gt; & Lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; & Lt; S: Text file name = "Properties [% {# rowstatus.index}]. Value" & gt; & Lt; / S: Text field & gt; & Lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt; / Table & gt; & Lt; / S: If & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div id = "connection" & gt; & Lt; S: If test = "(property [# rowstatus.index] .category == 'connection')" & gt; & Lt; Table & gt; &

objective c - Call a super block / extending a block -

I have subclassed a class, which holds the block property, I need an extension. Property of Superclass: @ Property (nontomic, copy) ID (^ IEMM), (ID Dissociated ResponseBox); Each time this block is set I need to expand the block by my code / block. In fact, I want to do this in my subclass: [Self SetldamDisrealized Responseball: ^ ID deserializedResponseBody {// Original block / / your own content Degradation of deserializedResponseBody; }]; How do I apply something like this? I got a similar question but due to the value of the blocks, I did not get any help from this? No, you can not add code to an existing block, but you can not add the code Easily optimize the solution: - (zero) setWillMapDeserializedResponseBlock: (id (^) (id)) IMapDeserializedResponseBlock {ID (^ Additional Code) (ID, ID) = ID ( Id deserializedResponseBody, id original ReturnVal) {// Whatever your own luggage return; }; Id (^ newWillMapBlock) (ID) = ^ id (id deserializedResponseBody)

python 2.7 - Automatic failing/non-execution of interdependent tests in Robot Framework -

If I have to say about 100 test cases, then which test case 24, 38 and 99 are dependent is. So, is it possible that when the 99th test case is being executed, you can find out the status of the test case previously executed (say 24th or 38th test case)? In my case, 99th Test case depends on status of 38th and 24th Test case and in this case, if either fails in either 24 or 38th, I have implemented the 99th test case at all and found in this way For the time I want to save a lot. Please, explain if possible with some examples. thank you in advanced! "itemprop =" text "> Once the robot starts running, there is some way to leave a test based on certain conditions is not. I think it is one of the robots' weaknesses, but the designer is not an inherent way to rely on another for testing. However, the robot is very extensible, and an attribute that was introduced in version 2.8.5 makes it easy to write a keyword that fails if another test fails. This facility

Function Over Loading in GO using interfaces -

I have "main type" and it has "sub-type" embedded in it. Both implement the main and sub interface. When I am specifying the 'main type' variable using the interface type variable and the call interface variable, this does not implement the "main type" implementation type. I have a sub-type implementation. Is this possible? I think there is some problem in my code design here I am giving a sample code to describe this problem. Package main import "fmt" type interface interface {typeCheck ()} type maintainype struct {subtype} type subtype struct {} func (Maintype) type check () {fmt.Println ("Hi , It is printed in the main type ")} func (subtype) type check () {fmt.Println (" Hi, it is printed in sub type ")} func main () {var intr interf var maintp maintainype intr = maintp intr .typeCheck () // Out: "Hello, it is printed in the main type" I want "Hello, it is printed in subtype"} play

ios - Display Login Controller when logout from facebook -

I am developing an iOS application that needs to be logged into Facebook. So I have a login view controller which is my first window and is a group of only accessible controllers for logged in user. In my Login Week Controller, I have implemented the Facebook Representative: // LoginViewController.swift removal // Method of Facebook Representative loginViewShowingLoggedInUser (loginView: FBLoginView) {Println ("in user logs") // Push main controller of application} ... function loginViewShowingLoggedOutUser (loginView: FBLoginView) {println ("user logout") // Perhaps loginViewController (self)} function loginView (loginView: FBLoginView !, HandleError: NSError) code to appear here {println ("Error: \ (handleErr Or.localizedDescription) ")} What I would like to do: While displaying the log-in viewer, the Facebook representative is called logout method all the time, even if the controller is not currently displayed. I just can not push the scene bec

algorithm - Match multiple binary trees in another big binary tree -

I was thinking that any efficient algorithm for finding matches for any set S = {t_1, t_2, ... Is T_n} small binary-tree in large binary-tree t? Binary trees are ordered and labeled, that is, each node has a label and the left / right child can not be swapped. TII's "match" in T means that a subtitle T is similar to T. Simple method is scanning on every node of T and t_1, t_2, ..., are trying to match one by one. I was wondering if there is something like the ego-cosmical string matching algorithm, which determines a set of small strings in the long text through the complexity of linear time (the length of all the patterns Length wire and text.) Any indication for advance thanks references, etc. will also be appreciated! Representing subtitles and a large tree in terms of in-word and postorder (or preorder) traversal Strings If you find that both types of posters (or prerenders) strings are inside the poster of the big tree, then there is a match (you

Talend query data in mysql based on inputs from hive -

I need to query a column in the hive and depending on the output I want to query it in MySQL DB. The flow is something similar to: Get the list of questions hive tables, IDs Use the list of IDs to query the MySQL table > How do I do this? You just need to use a tHiveInput component to retrieve the ID to create your query And then you get two options, the easiest way or the hard (and better) way: For easy way you can then run from a tHiveInput component on a tFlowToIterate and then a tmySqlInput component Can iterate Your query in the TMySqlInput component will look something similar: "SELECT a, b, c fROM x WHERE id = '" + ((integer) globalMap.get ("") ) + "'" Line 1 here represents the row running in your TflotOitrate. You can also get this variable by kissing the ctrl + space and selecting the option. You can add a tBufferOutput component to your tMySqlInput component to collect all i

sql server 2008 - Getting tables used inside User Defined Functions -

Is it possible to retrieve all the tables and views used in a user defined function? Is there a defined process to go through udf name? function sample_function To create return table, select Table 1 from t1 to join table2 t2 to = me Table1 and table2 are needed when I can pass sample_function in any process. Any ideas will help Hope this will be helpful. Edit Edit: To get only the referenced tables, select Choose from DISTINCT referenced_net_name to sys.dm_sql_referenced_entities ('Dbo.fn_sample', 'OBJECT') Use the query below Select referenced_neti_name sys .dm_sql_referenced_entities ('dbo.fn_sample', 'OBJECT') join the sysobjects at ro INNER (ro.referenced_id = where SO.xtype = 'U'

android - Achartengine does not display the last value on the line -

Hello friends I am trying to write a simple line graph but it does not present the last value on lines. I want to show all the values ​​on the line graph. The code is tried XYSeriesRenderer rendererLijn0 = New XYSeriesRenderer (); RendererLijn0.setColor (Color.RED); RendererLijn0.setChartValuesTextSize (rendererLijn0.getChartValuesTextSize () + 20); RendererLijn0.setDisplayChartValues ​​(true); RendererLijn0.setPointStyle (PointStyle.CIRCLE); RendererLijn0.setFillPoints (true); RendererLijn0.setDisplayBoundingPoints (true); XYSeriesRenderer rendererLijn1 = New XYSeriesRenderer (); RendererLijn1.setDisplayChartValues ​​(true); RendererLijn1.setPointStyle (PointStyle.CIRCLE); RendererLijn1.setFillPoints (true); RendererLijn1.setDisplayBoundingPoints (true); AlleSeries.addSeries (GrafiekDataLijn0); AlleSeries.addSeries (GrafiekDataLijn1); AlleRenderers.addSeriesRenderer (rendererLijn0); AlleRenderers.addSeriesRenderer (rendererLijn1); AlleRenderers.setXTitle ("Tijden"); mvc - Validation in C# -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: < / P> 2 जवाब मेरे पास एक टेक्स्ट बॉक्स है जो उपयोगकर्ता ग्राहक संख्या दर्ज करने की आवश्यकता है (उदा: 12345678 9) मेरी समस्या क्या है यदि वे दर्ज करते हैं (उदाहरण: 000000000 या 000 या 0000, या 00000) मुझे मान्य होने की आवश्यकता है क्योंकि यह आईडी शून्य अमान्य नहीं होनी चाहिए। कैसे सी # कोड में पीछे की जरूरत है I मुझे वैध होने की आवश्यकता है क्योंकि यह आईडी गलत नहीं होना चाहिए < / Blockquote> अगर यह एकमात्र नियम है (मैं ऐसा नहीं कह सकता), तो आप विधि के साथ अपना स्ट्रिंग पार्स करने की कोशिश कर सकते हैं (जो संभवत: आपको उपयोगकर्ता से मिलता है) और फिर जांचें कि आपका पूर्णांक 0 से बड़ा है या नहीं जैसे; स्ट्रिंग इनपुट; इंट नंबर; यदि (Int32.TryParse (इनपुट, आउट नंबर)) {if (संख्या & gt; 0) {// आपका इनपुट इंट को पार्स किया जा सकता है और यह शून्य से अधिक है }} याद रखें, अपना नंबर नहीं है 0 या नहीं। क्योंकि यदि आपका स्ट्रिंग Int32.TryParse विधि के साथ पार्स नहीं कर सका, तो आपका नंबर डिफ़ॉल्ट रूप से 0 होगा। प

gradle - Android Studio 0.8 - No longer runs custom tasks -

I have upgraded Android Studio 0.6 to 0.8.3 (Linux Mint 15) and now my build does not work Having been expected In my gradle file I have several custom functions that prebuild steps (copying files, resizing images etc.) // Multiple Convert ToGGS (Type: Exec) {ext. Srcdir = 'bb / src / main / buildAssets / wavs /' ext.destDir = 'bb / src / main / res / raw /' workingDir '..' command line 'python', 'script /', srcDir, DestDir} gradle.projectsEvaluated {copyRes.dependsOn resizeImageIcon convertToOGG.dependsOn copyRes preBuild.dependsOn copyRes, convertToOGG} These IDEs do not run any more by default, they are the dependencies of the preblog step , But if I run the preBuild step manually in the IDE, then it does not: Perform the task: [preBuild] On the configuration on demand an incubation The feature is. Depending on packaging dependent main artifact, defining the extension has been deprecated and is scheduled to be removed

python - crypt does not work in osx, returns wrong value -

I'm using an OSX 10.9 (last version) with the previous Xcode. When I execute the following command: Python-C 'import crypt; Print crypt.crypt ( "test", "$ 6 $ random_salt") ' I get it as an answer: $ 6asQOJRqB1i2 but if I Debian machine (he performs the same in the same version of Python) then I get the following: $ 6 $ random_salt $ sJ0ZOQCUESBs9rYCOLCqGV93zg1cSDgZV / FF6ZBzpnvNUVODwaaVoPV2SiL0ur7Sexh02hMmXdSBOa216GWoh what's wrong with my machine? < Implementation of Mac OS X code> crypt () Linux glibc Most "advanced" modes supported by crypt () do not support. It only "conventional crypt () " are the supports that you're here, and "extended crypt () " mode that is compatible with Linux implementation Not so either If you need to create a portable strong password in Linux and Mac OS X, then you will need to use any other than crypt () . / div>

php - how to create dynamic menu from database in wordpress? -

& lt;? Php if (qtrans_get भाषा) == 'fr') {? & Gt; & Lt; div id = "menu" & gt; & Lt;? Php wp_nav_menu (सरणी ('theme_location' = & gt; 'header_navigation', चरण 1 'कंटेनर' = & gt; 'झूठी' से // मेनू स्लग, // 'div' कंटेनर जोड़ा नहीं जाएगा // 'menu_class' = & Gt; 'एनएवी', // & lt; ul class = "nav" & gt; // 'fallback_cb = & gt;' default_header_nav ', चरण 2 से डिफ़ॉल्ट फ़ंक्शन के नाम)); ? & Gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt;? Php}? & Gt; & Lt;? Php if (qtrans_getLanguage () == 'एन') {? & Gt; & Lt; div id = "menu" & gt; & Lt;? Php wp_nav_menu (सरणी ('theme_location' = & gt; 'engheader_navigation', चरण 1 'कंटेनर' = & gt; 'गलत' से // मेनू स्लग, // 'div' कंटेनर जोड़ा नहीं जाएगा // 'menu_class' = & Gt; 'एनएवी', // & lt; ul class = &quo

php - Convert SimpleXMLElement to JSON array -

I have a stored procedure (SQL Server) that gives the XML given below which can be found at the top of the given search terms 20 is the ranking month With the following PHP, I can get this XML and Loop through: foreach ($ objSearchTerms-> search terms as words) {echo $ terms-> ; SearchTerm; }; Fatching works and gives correct data However, my problem is that I need to create an array outside of it which looks like below to use in JS. Can anyone tell me how can I get it? The text portion of the array will be my search term ( $ terms-> searchTerm ) and weight will only count down to 20 to 0. My simple XML: & lt; Rank & gt; & Lt; SearchTerms & gt; & Lt; Rank & gt; 1 & lt; / Ranks & gt; & Lt; Search & gt; Item 1 & lt; / SearchTerm & gt; & Lt; Quantity & gt; 11 & lt; / Quantity & gt; & Lt; / SearchTerms & gt; & Lt; SearchTerms & gt; & Lt; Rank & gt; 2 & lt; / Ranks &

casting - Typecasting int to char in printf() in C -

int * int_pointer = malloc (10); * Int_pointer = 53200; Printf ("बाइट # 0 पर पूर्णांक पर सेट है:% d \ n", (char) * int_pointer); RESULT: -48 इसलिए मैं सिर्फ यह देखने के लिए कोशिश कर रहा था कि क्या होगा और मुझे यह वास्तव में अप्रत्याशित परिणाम मिला। क्यों -48? यह कैसे नकारात्मक में भी बदल गया? भाषा-वकील परिप्रेक्ष्य: I मानना ​​है कि सही संदर्भ में C99 / C11 मानक § (जोर खान के साथ): जब पूर्णांक प्रकार के साथ एक मान को दूसरे में कनवर्ट किया जाता है अन्यथा, यदि नया प्रकार अहस्ताक्षरित है, तो मान को से परिवर्तित कर दिया जाता है < मजबूत> बार-बार जोड़ना या घटाना अधिकतम मूल्य से एक और अधिक है जिसे नए प्रकार में प्रस्तुत किया जा सकता है जब तक कि मूल्य नए प्रकार की सीमा में न हो। अन्यथा, नया प्रकार < मजबूत> हस्ताक्षरित और उसमें का प्रतिनिधित्व नहीं किया जा सकता ; या तो परिणाम कार्यान्वयन-परिभाषित या कार्यान्वयन-परिभाषित संकेत उठाया जाता है। ध्यान दें कि Char प्रकार समस्याग्रस्त है, क्योंकि यह कार्यान्वयन-परिभाषित है अगर यह

php - fill an array with missing values and keys -

I have this array $ all_zones which sometimes comes with the missing keys and values And I want to fill the array with empty values ​​for disturbing keys, here's the array: Array ([0] => Array ([id_zone] = & gt; 1 [ Name] => Europe [value] = & gt; Array ([0] => 3.00 [1] => 6.00) [ID_delivery] => Hey ([0] => 1 [1] ] = [2]) [1] = Array ([id_zone] => 3 [name] => gt; [2] = & gt; Array ([id_jon] => 4 [name ] = & Gt; Africa [value] => array ([0] => 3.00 [1] => 6.00) [I ___blivar y] => Array ([0] => 3 [1] => 4)) [3] = Array ([id_zone] => 5 [name] = & gt; ; Oceania)) This is $ all_zones [$ key] ['price'] on how many categories for each region Depending on this, in this case $ range_count = count ($ all_ranges); will display 2 , so I'd like to fill the missing keys for ' 2 : Here's the output: Array ([0] => array ([id_zone] => 1 [name] => Europe [value] => Array ([0] =&g

xmlhttprequest - HTTP post a XML to the server Store Sever Response in PHP -

I am posting an XML file using the http post method. I think it would be better to understand. I need this, if the server response is 200 then OK, I will delete the XML file from the folder, if the server response is 200 then I will try again http post on the server. "itemprop =" text "> I have solved the following code for the post: Please follow the link about the code I have used

Could not find class '', referenced from method gls.a -

Before I begin, I try every solution given under StackHowarflow as well as similar questions posted on other forums. I do not have: I have the following code to present the map ... it works for a few days, then completely stopped working. I have changed the API key, but Nothing more than that. public class _ = tap) {googleMap = (SupportMapFragment) getFragmentManager () FindFragmentById ( GetMap (); GoogleMap.setMyLocationEnabled (true); GoogleMap.getUiSettings () setZoomControlsEnabled (true). GoogleMap.getUiSettings () setZoomGesturesEnabled (true). GoogleMap.getUiSettings () setMyLocationButtonEnabled (true). CameraPost cameraposition = new cameraPosition.bilder (). Goal (new wave long (-1.28150 9, 36.816974)) Zoom (13) .build (); GoogleMap.animateCamera (CameraUpdateFactory.newCameraPosition (cameraPosition)); If (googleMap == faucet) {Toast.makeText (getActivity (), "Sorry, unable to install Google Maps", Toast.lNGTH_SHORT). Show (); }} My XML is g

php - MySQLi: How to insert into multiple tables with prepared statements -

I am in a situation where I need to include two tables in a query. I searched around the web. And the solution could not be found. What do I want to do user in the table & amp; Enter the value in profile together other the way one after the other, but I have read that it is not efficient and considered as poor coding technique Current code:. $ statement = $ db- & gt; Ready ("start" `user` check (` username`, `email`,` password_hashed`, insert 'fname`, `lname`,` dob`, `agreement`,` gender`, `access_token`) values ​​(, ,,,,,,,,); ???????? to enter `profile_picture` (` owner`) values ​​(LAST_INSERT_ID ()); COMMIT, "); ($ Statement) {$ statement & gt; Bind_param ("ssssssiss", $ username, $ email, $ hashedPassword, $ fname, $ lname, $ date of birth, $ agreement, gender, $ ACCESS_TOKEN $); $ Statement & gt; Executed (); $ Statement & gt; near (); Echo "done"; Go out(); } And printf ("Error:% s. \ N", $ db->

internet explorer 8 - IE8 doesn't prevent uploading with JQuery -

I have this code to prevent uploading large files (with JQuery-1.8.3. Would like to keep): & lt; Script type = "application / javascript" & gt; $ (Function () {var form = $ ("# add-attachment"); if (form.length! == 0) {var submit = false; form.on ('submit', function (e) {var file = $ ("Input [type = file]") [0]; if (submitted == incorrect) {e.preventDefault (); var file; if (typeof file.files === "undefined") fileOk = File; Else fileOk = file.files [0]; if (fileOk.size> 2000000) {Warning ("file is too large"); $ ("# add-attachment") [0]. Reset () ;} Else {submitted = true; $ (this) .submit ();}}});}}}; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Form id = "add-attachment" method = "post" enctype = "multipart / form-data" & gt; & Lt; Div id = "form" & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; & Lt; Label = "form_file" class = "required" & gt;

cryptography - Performing modular arithmetic in Java to implement Diffie-Hellman -

I have a question, I try to apply encryption protocol between server and client based on Diffie-Hellman problem I am doing The problem is that when I tried to do ((^ ^ TRC) mod p) ^ (1 / RC mod q) , then I would call (t ^ Rs. ) Mod is not p . I also do (t ^ rc) mod p) ^ (1 / rc mod q) t.modpow (rc, p), even checked) .modpow (Rc.modInverse (q), p) This is not giving me t

Simulating Javascript 'doPostBack()' in C# -

I am writing a web scanner for my company, our client gives us access to his website for this purpose, but Our customer's IT team does not communicate with us, so I have no program to help with this source. Their website uses Javascript at all to send postdata to the server of your button / dropdown menu so that the screen is updated to show the right information to the end user. I am trying to click on my program on 'Next Page'. The 'Next Page' button is an onclick event that reads like this ... onclick = "javascript: WebForm_DoPostBackWithOptions (New WebForm_PostBackOptions (& quot; ctl00 $ ContentPlaceHolder1 $ ucTaxQueueListView $ lviewOrderQueue $ DataPager2 $ Ctl00 $ btnNextPage & amp; quot ;, & amp; quot; & amp; quot ;, Truth, & amp; quot ;, & quot;, & amp; quot; & amp; quot ;, False, False)) " In my C # program, I'm using the HttpWebRequest class and HTMLAgilityPack to my request / finish respectiv

javascript - (1.x) .to(room) not working, but works without -

I am creating a simple messaging service and it is socket.broadcast.emit () However, if you use (room) .emit () then I have included the server code and the client code below it does not connect. The server requires the app = ('Express') (); Var http = Required ('http'). Server (app); Var io = Requirement ('') (HT); Var pars = required ('pars'). Pars; Var room; App.get ('/', function (rik, ridge) {res.sendfile ('index.html');}); // When a new connection is started io.on ('connection', function (socket) {console.log ('user associated:' +; // ========= = INIT connection ========= Once a customer is connected, then we expect them to get a ping which is saying what they want to be in the socket in the room. ('Room', function (data) {room = data; 'socket.join (room); console.log (' + user: '+ +' - joined the cell: ['+ room + ']');

cocoapods - iOS project builds ok, but when built for test complains for missing cocoa pods lib? -

I have a project using coca fonds, all is well, but now when I got an error on my app-prefix.pch complained that the coreData + magic track H file not found I tested CMD + U, app P> This is a libel from a cocopod, What am I missing? Thank you My answer is what you want: What you want to use is your Podfile . Something like this: link_with 'main-target', 'main target goal' then run pod install again. The big issue is that your unit testing goal is not dependent on your main goal if you decide that you will be better in the long run like more Xcode template projects.