
Showing posts from May, 2010

java - Joining tables in hibernate -

मेरे पास दो टेबल हैं ग्राहक दर ---------- --- ----------- res_number उत्पाद रणनीति का नाम fname प्रकार lname दर ...... ...... और मैंने दो बीन्स बनाईं < / P> 1 2. @ एंटिटी @ एंटिटी @Table (name = "customer") @Table (name = "rates") कर्मचारी विवरण (कार्ड का विवरण {@Col (name = "res_number") @col (name = "product") स्ट्रिंग रेनम; स्ट्रिंग उत्पाद; ............}} अब मेरे पास क्वेरी है hql = "कार्ड से संबंधित सीडी, कर्मचारी डिलीवरी ed जहां ed रणनीति = सीडी। प्रोडक्ट " लेकिन यह मुझे संदर्भ देता है hibernate.QueryException: संपत्ति को हल नहीं कर सका: मैंने जोड़ने का प्रयास किया < प्री> @OneToOne (मैप किए गए = "रणनीति") @ कैस्केड (मान = कैस्केड टाइप। एएल) निजी कर्मचारी विवरण empDetails; CardDetails में लेकिन मुझे कोई त्रुटि नहीं कह रहा है कि OneToOne संभव है और ... कई सेन्टर और एकटैम में बदलने की कोशिश की लेकिन काम नहीं करता किसी को भी कृपया मुझे बताओ कैसे एनोटेशन के साथ जुड़ने के लिए बीन्स को

@JeromeLouvel better understanding of Restlet -

Is there a place or a way to get full information on taking advantage of the Restlet API? Specifically .... What is the difference by telling the server: New server (protocol., HTTP, 8800, simplestart class). Start (); And like this: server hello server = new server (protocol. Html, 8111, myststuff.class); HelloServer.start (); / / and like this: server nserver = new server (protocol. , 8110); NServer.setNext (new MyTestServer ()); // where the MyTestServer class is referenced nerver.start (); And finally it: component component = new component (); // Create a new component component. Getserve () Add (protocol .http, 8200); Component.getDefaultHost (). Attached (new SimpleApplication ()); Component.start (); So I think I lack the right understanding of how some methods are being used. Now the book does not really and really clarifies such nuances, nor does it actually highlight how to take advantage: directory, routing, context, application, filter, messag

css - contents overflowing container in bootstrap 3.0 -

I have this website: My problem is that when I open a website on my iPhone website Fills the iPhone's screen, but there is some website that has more website compared to the width of the screen, there is a padding that I can not find, there is a background on the top of the website, I do not even know Is that where it's coming from, maybe it's related? Please tell me, thank you The problem is that you change the grid classes And padding 0 in the container square left and right grid works in 3 parts and each is necessary. You get the right ingredients in it: containers, rows and columns, it's just that you've made adjustments in the padding breaks of the natural behavior of the grid. How Grid Works By default, the container has 15px padding. Row breaks container padding with -15px margin. The column has 15 padding padding, which pulls the material away from the edges of the container and forms a consistent 30 px groove. The purpose of adding 15px p

Low Latency Aggregations on Cassandra -

We are using a lot of time series metrics in our system. We can not handle written load with our existing infrastructure. Therefore, we are evaluating the cassandra. More information about our current Realtime system We collect application specific time series metrics We will assign them a DB Here we have sampling of data {appId: 'applicationId', route: 'root name', time: 1406845866304, resTime: 500, dbTime: 200} After the data, we are collecting them at various proposals on time For example, we have Trackers per metric Pre-aggregated data for 1 minute, 30 minutes, 3 hours, day of Resolution Then ask our front Aend app different question below. We do adhoc aggregation to Acer them. Give me the average resume for this X time period List me the top 10 routes that have high resume Concerns with Casandra We can pre-aggregate with some background jobs running. But we need to do adhoc queries under low latency (less then 5ms). With our p

php - how to echo/display the custom field value of a specific custom field name? -

मैंने इस कोड की कोशिश की है: & lt;? Php query_posts (array ('मेटा_की' = & gt; 'custom_cat', 'meta_value' = & gt; 'रचनात्मक', 'पोस्ट_प्रकार' = & gt; 'पृष्ठ')); गूंज & lt; ul id = "creative_services" class = "clearfix पंक्ति" & gt; '; यदि (है_पोज़ ()) जबकि (है_पोज़ ()): the_post (); गूंज & lt; li वर्ग = "col-md-3" & gt; '; प्रतिध्वनि '& lt; एक वर्ग = "पॉपओवर-खारिज" डेटा-टॉगल = "पॉपओवर" शीर्षक = "'; प्रतिलिपि $ पोस्ट- & gt; पोस्ट_ शीर्षक; गूंज; '' डेटा-प्लेसमेंट =" नीचे "डेटा-सामग्री =" '; गूंज; $ Post- & gt; post_content; echo '' & gt; & lt; i class = "'; get_post_meta (get_the_ID),' fa_icon '); ईको' '& gt; & lt; / i & gt; & lt; / a & gt;'; गूंज & lt; h3 & gt; '; शीर्षक(); गूंज '& lt; / h3 & gt;'; endw

ios - Adding Swift Closures as values to Swift dictionary -

I would like to make a swift dictionary that has string type keys and its values ​​in the form of closures. The following is the code I have, but it gives me an error: '@lawlue' is not the same (string, () -> zero) ' class commander {Private var command dict: [string: () - & gt; Zero]! Init () {self.setUpCommandDict (); } Func setUpCommandDict () {self.commandDict ["OpenAssessment_1"] = {println ("I'm locked inside"); }}} I have tried to see other questions on stack overflow, but it does not give me any satisfactory answer. So I would appreciate some help here. If you call your init before your setup function, Should work: class CommandResolver {private var commandDict: [string: () - & gt; Zero] init () {commandDict = [:] setUpCommandDict ()} func setUpCommandDict () {commandDict ["OpenAssessment_1"] = {println ("I'm locked inside")}}}

Using local username in a string that connects to a database? -

मेरे पास निम्न कोड है: उप get_Environmental_Variable () मंद sHostName के रूप में स्ट्रिंग दीम sUserName जैसा कि स्ट्रिंग 'होस्ट नाम मिलता है / कंप्यूटर नाम प्राप्त करें sHostName = Environ $ ("computername")' वर्तमान उपयोगकर्ता नाम sUserName = एंवायर $ ("उपयोगकर्ता नाम") अंत उप अब मैं चाहता हूँ मेरे डेटाबेस से कनेक्ट करते समय " डालें " कंप्यूटर उपयोगकर्ता नाम: डेटा स्रोत = सी: \ उपयोगकर्ता \ मेरा.उपयोगकर्ता नाम \ डेस्कटॉप \ डेटाबेस.एसीडीबी मैं उपरोक्त कोड से फ़ाइलपेथ में जिस प्रयोक्ता नाम को खींचना है उसे " My.Username " वर्तमान में कैसे मौजूद है? < Div class = "post-text" itemprop = "text"> आपको शायद खुद को पथ बनाने का प्रयास नहीं करना चाहिए और इसके बजाय उपयोग करना चाहिए। विशेष रूप से: पर्यावरण। विशिष्टफ़ोल्डर। डेस्कटॉपको डायरेक्टरी

html - How to target table with ID? -

I am using datatable and I am using the under CSS to hide the table header. Table.dataTable thead {display: none; } What is happening now is that I have two tables with ID as userList1 & amp; userList2 . What I want to do is apply this table to the table with the ID only as userList1 . Any idea how to do this? I tried # userList1.table.dataTable thead {display: none; } # Username 1 & gt; Table.dataTable thead {display: none; } But no one is working. I am not sure whether right or wrong is above, but I tried to be a novice for CSS. HTML code Table 1 & lt; Table id = "user list" class = "responsive datasetable" dir = "ltr" style = "width: 100%; limit: 0 px;" Aria-describedby = "userList_info" & gt; Table 2 & lt; Table id = "userList: 2: userList2" class = "responsive placements" dir = "liters" & gt; & Lt; / Table & gt; & Lt; Tab

javascript - characters inserted after cursor firefox -

I'm trying to create a WYSIWYG editor. At some point I need to change the position of the cursor. I use this code for that purpose: var sel = window GetSelection (); Var range = document.createRange (); Range.setStart (startNode, startoffset); Range .setEnd (endnode, endoffet); Sel.removeAllRanges (); Sel.addRange (range); A new condition is expected, however, when I start typing the text, it appears after the cursor, and vice versa. For example if I type test then it is | Tset looks like . This bug occurs in Firefox 31.0, while it is working fine in Chrome Do you know what might be the reason for this bug and how to fix it? Edit: I came to know how to fix it: The problem came from the fact that element startNode The bug that was not fixed could be fixed like this: var sel = window.getSelection (); Var range = document.createRange (); Range.setStart (startNode, startoffset); Range .setEnd (endnode, endoffet); $ (StartNode) .focus (); Sel.removeAllRanges ()

E-commerce production website testing checkout approach -

Not sure I'm posting it on the right pile website, but I have been talking about e-commerce websites about 10 years Now, and I've recently developed a huge one New enhancements are tested and deployed all the time, but while checking the checkout increase, I always want to check my actual You have to use a credit card. Does anyone have a rock-solid approach to being able to test on production without the process of real card? I do not want anyone else to be able to use the card, that means the customer. If there is a Laravel specific answer on this, it will really help, but one approach would be great. Thank you! Large online credit card processor developer is "sandbox" so that you can easily do this. For example:

python - Return output of function that takes pandas dataframe as a parameter -

I have a panda dataframe looks like that: d = { 'some_col': [A, B, B, C, D, E] Much work in my work requires only one work in Pondo. I am starting to write standardized functions which take dataframe as a parameter and some will return. def alert_read_text (df, alert_status = None): Here's a simple one that (alert_status No): print "should be referred to a column name with warning alerts' alert_read_criteria = Df [alert_status] & gt; = 1 df [alert_status] .loc [alert_read_criteria] = 1 alert_status_dict = {0: 'read', 1 'Read'} df [alert_status] = df [alert_status] .map (alert_status_dict) return df [Alert_status] In this way, one can add a column to an existing data frame, like this: df ['] alert_status_text '] = alert_read_text (df, alert_status =' alert_status') However, at present, this function will return correctly a series, but will also modify existing columns. How do you make it so that the original c

javascript - Ajax not loading -

I'm dynamically adding an option to a drop down list with AJAX jquery and PHP but for some reason It is not working. Please check your code: AJAX $ ("# Course"). Change (function () {var id = $ (this) .val (); $ .XX ({type: "post", url: "..//.jject.php"), data: id, cache: incorrect, Success: function (html) {$ ("# sub"). Html (html);}});}); ajax-select.php & lt ;? Php if ($ _ POST ['id']) {$ id = $ _ post ['id']; $ Sql ​​= mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM` topics WHERE 'course_id` =' $ id '"); While ($ line = mysql_fetch_array ($ sql)) {$ id = $ row ['sub_id']; $ Data = $ line ['sub_name']; Echo '& lt; Option value = "'. $ Id.'" 'Gt;' $ Data '& Lt; / Option & gt; '; }}? & Gt; HTML & lt; Select class = "form-control" name = "course" id = "course" & gt; & Lt; Option value

html - Custom Font rendering Ugly (Unreadable) -

I'm using custom font without Google Open and whenever I reload the page, it's ugly and unreadable Renders When I inspect the elements and become unselected and check the font family again. I tried to fix it by hosting it on our server, but there is still no luck, I also used H2, H3, H4 because I thought it was one on H1 Error html / css & lt; Link href = ",400,700" rel = "stylesheet" type = "text / css" & gt; H2 {color: RGB (9, 106, 1990); Font-family: 'Open Sense', without Serif; Font-weight: 400; Align text: left; Padding-down: 5px; Text-rendering: adaptability; } Does anyone know why this is showing? Use to generate web fonts and to advertise them locally

Separate 1 column into 2 columns in SQL Server table -

I am trying to isolate 1 column from 2 columns in a database table that I have. I have got questions here which give you direction in the matter of choosing the data, but not to put it yourself. As the picture above It is clear from what I am trying to isolate the ID in the first and second. Can someone put me in the insert? I have a selection statement as follows: Select when the Character ('.', Id) & gt; 0SeBSTES (ID, 1,2) ALSEIID First of all, when the serialized x ('.', Idd) & gt; By then SUBSTRING (id, chordix ('.', Id) + 1, lane (id)) ELSE tap END with the second result [edit: There are other columns in the table] Thank you for taking a look! I think what you are looking for here is an update instead of INSERT Rows in an attempt to set this data to exist .INSERT will form a completely new line). UPDATE FUT SET = when CHARINDEX ('.', Id) & gt; 0 sebasting (id, 1,2) ELSE IDED, second = case when Chardix ('.

javascript - view in a subfolder -

When I define my controller, model and look in 'application.js', I get automatic recipient . directory '/ app / view /' view 'client.js' I get a getter getClientView (). But if I put it in subfolder like '/ app / scene / operation /' then do i get it too? How can I use it? Ext.define ('ImpPdf.Application', {name: 'ImpPdf', expand: '', view: ['operation.Client'], Controller: [], Stores: []}); Thanks. Yes, you get a naïve. Viewing Google Dev Tools This is an autocomplete feature that is easy for this question. getOperationClientView () or getView ('operation.Client') Personally I like the latter.

jquery - Ajax POST 500 (Internal Server Error) -

फंक्शन Autobuy (id, price) {$ .ajax ({type: "GET", url: "http : // assetid = "+ id +" & amp; type = robux & amp; अपेक्षित मूल्य = "+ मूल्य, सफलता: कार्य (डेटा) {var Regex = / __ अनुरोध VerificationToken" type = "hidden" मान = "(। +)" \ / & Gt; / var सत्यापित करें = डेटा। मैच (रेगेक्स) [1] $ .एजेक्स ({प्रकार: "पोस्ट", यूआरएल: " उदाहरण के लिए मैं उस कोड का उपयोग करने का प्रयास करते समय: Autobuy / ProcessPurchase ", __RequestVerificationToken: Verify, CurrencyType: 1, AssetID: id, ExpectedPrice: price})}}}}}} (163500995, 85), मुझे यह त्रुटि POST 500 (आंतरिक सर्वर त्रुटि) मिलती है मैं मूल रूप से $ .jax में इस कोड को चालू करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूँ फ़ंक्शन AutoBuy ( आईडी, मूल्य) {$ .get (" RifyPurchase? एसेटिड = "+ आईडी +" & amp; प्रकार = रॉबॉक्स और उम्मीद की कीमत = "+ मूल्य, कार

php - Wordpress Site 'hiding' content when removing left margin -

I am adjusting the Wordpress site using twenty-four topics. I removed the left sidebar - I did it by commenting on php code only. When the sidebar div is now removed, when I try to remove margin-left which tries to hide all other 222px content, it hides the content. Here's the website P> Any thoughts? Thank you Add custom CSS to remove white space: . Site: first {display: none; } You can then add the contents of your site by adding: .full-width .site-content {margin: 0 pixel auto; } .full-width .site-content .has-post-thumbnail .entry-header {margin: 0px auto; } .singular.full-width .site-content .has-post-thumbnail.hentry {margin: 0 pixel auto; } In addition, I know that you did not ask about this, but I saw some white space on my fixed top, you can get rid of it a little more CSS: .masthead-fixed .site-header {max-width: 1000px; } Cheers!

sql - Stored Procedure to Insert the result of a parameterized OPENQEURY into a local table -

So this is "funny", and by "funny" I mean psychology. I have managed: Get feed parameters for OPENQUERY and get results like this: Declare @ MyStstring varchar (max), Set the @TheDateAfter datetime set @TheDateAfter = DATEADD (D, 1, @TheDate) @ MyString = 'Select from ORACLEDB'. "'+ @TheTable +'" WHERE "EDITTIME" & gt; To_date ('' convert (varchar (30), @dateet, 120) + '' ',' 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24: MI: SS' ') and "editor" To_date ('convert' (varchar (30), @ that off, 120) + '' ',' 'YYYY-MM-DD HH 24: MI: SS' ')' set migrating = n'sell * from openquire ( P> In many ways the results Return, which includes a stored procedure that takes my parameters: sp_get_Deltas @TheDate = '1/2/03', @TheTable = 'Table' But I am unable to include these results in a table. I think that if I am in the form of a table I can

python - When django model access DB -

I'm curious how the DJ model works. This means that when Model Access DB for example we are this model person, and DB first_name = "abc" class person (models.Model) on record: first_name = models.CharField (MAX_LENGTH = 30) last_name = models.CharField (MAX_LENGTH = 30) and = Person.object.get copy (First_name = "abc") # Does it have access to DB? First_name = per.first_name # Otherwise its DB has access? First_name2 = per.first_name #first_name is cache? Or to access DB again? I use a similar model to display: My model class IC (models.Model): PartNo = models.CharField (MAX_LENGTH = 200, unique = false) # 型号 sups 名 = models.CharField (MAX_LENGTH = 500, empty = true, default = no) mfr = models.ForeignKey (Mfr) and you can do that, it will print all the SQL queries sent by Django. & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Import logging & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Logger = logging.getLogger ('django.db.backends') & gt; & Gt

java - Error inflating map View -

Map tap point exception error is having trouble loading the map in my piece. It always seems redundant I have tried to load this scene in different ways, but still seems to get a blank map. 08-01 12: 41: 1 9: 42: E / Android Rendime (25728): Process: com.ideamovingand delivery, PID: 25728 08-01 December: 41: 19.349: e / AndroidRuntime (25,728): java.lang.NullPointerException 08-01 December: 41: 19.349: e / AndroidRuntime (25,728): to com.idealmovinganddelivery.mapfragment.MapsFragment.setUpMapIfNeeded ( 08-01 December: 41 : 19.349: the main activity The main activity of the public class is that ActionBarActivity implements ActionBar.TabListener, MapDialogFragment.MapDialogListener {@Override Public Dose on Zero Aylog Positivik (DialogFragment dialog, string) {MapsFragment mapFrag = (MapsFragment) getSupportFragmentManager () findFragmentById (; MapFrag.addDeliveryPoint (address); } Fragment_map XML & lt; Relative layout xmlns: Andro

c++ - accessing protected data members of another class -

I am trying to apply a red-black tree, and I have created nodes, each of which has a left child The node is, the right baby node, and a parent node, stored in my red black node class as safe data members. In my convergence ceremony, I have to use each node-protected member like my left child or his parents, using node -> _ left -> _ guardian and so on. However, my compiler complains that bst.h: 77: 29: error: 'node & lt; Int, int & gt; * Node & lt; Int, int & gt; :: _ left 'is protected rbbst.h: 160: 3: error: within this context bst.h: 77: 46: error:' node & lieutenant; Integer, interval & gt; * Node & lt; Int, int & gt; :: _ parent 'is protected rbbst.h: 160: 3: error: this reference inside How can I remove this issue? My suggestions: 1. recode class node as a structure; 2. Add those accessible public members to the brain who return in the context of those data members and you should keep the data member as private;

google schemas - Gmail api to use custom domain -

I want to use Gmail with my custom domain for my clients, whether I am using a custom domain with API Can I Set up a Gmail Account? Is there a document? Eric> The Google Apps for Business system is the official way to do what you want I'm using it on my personal domain (for some private projects, GAE's Was easy to install) and it works just like Gmail

jsp - How to map java servlet with action form by using @WebServlet? -

Since we do not require web.xml in the servlet 3.0, then how can we use @WebServlet correctly ( Suppose i have two servlet classes in separate packages, and two action forms reside in two separate folders)? The servlet API 3.0 introduces annotation to make deployment easier. In the javax.servlet.annotation package we have @WebServlet : which defines the servlet component. The web application deployment descriptors are optional in web.xml servlet 3.0. Instead, in the run-time the container will process the comments of classes in web-nfs / classrooms. Now the question comes in how the container knows which class is the process as you have asked that the two servicelets are src / mypackage1 / ServletOne and src / mypackage2 / ServletTwo and Servlet class definitions are like @WebServlet ("/ servletOne") public class ServletOne HttpServlet {......} < P> and @WebServlet ("/ servletTwo") extends the public class ServletTwo to HttpServle

LINK error in visual studio with boost date_time library -

I only created the date_time library and set the property page as follows: Linker & gt; Input & gt; Additional dependency: libboost_date_time-vc120-mt-gd-1_55.lib boost_date_time-vc120-mt-gd-1_55.lib;% (additional requirement) VC ++ Directories & gt; Library Directories: C: \ boost_1_55_0 \ stage \ lib; $ (LibraryPath) VC ++ Directories & gt; Include directories: C: \ boost_1_55_0; I get an error while running $ (include in) 1> LINK: Fatal error LNK1104: Can not open file 'boost_date_time -vc120-mt-gd-1_55.lib.obj ' Linker * .obj file can not be found, I can not find it, where is needed * .obj file To see and once I get it, what do I have to do? You should not specify additional dependencies Boost #pragma comment (Lib, "& lt; Libn name & gt; ") will automatically link libraries when you include their header, try to remove those obvious dependencies and rebuild.

Assistance needed for regex python -

I have is a file which is shown below it is possible to make a regex expression text 1 769 230 123 text 2 70 text 3 213 445 4 text 24356 text 5 1,2,4 to output, as shown here? <-> ['769', '230', '123'] ['70'] ['213', '445'] My current code as follows: with open as output (filename, 'r') to the line output: a = line a = a.strip () # regex. compile here Print regex.findall (a) no one would be very useful for my help or direction remove different number of commas in the following regex line, and then we Split (',') : Import again Finance = "text 1 769 230 123" mat = again. Match (r '. *? ([Num = num] = num =' for num) = '. ( ','), * Nums = (1) .split ( ',') num num: Print Number OUTPUT 769 230 123

objective c - Constantly Returning True -

After To return to my boolean return for some reason, even when someone is called during another trial It seems to be done: if ([photoId isqualToString: object]) {likes = TRUE; Cell.likedButton.imageView.image = [UIImage imageNamed: @ "Like BTNPNG"]; break; } Other {likes = false; Cell.likedButton.imageView.image = [UIImage image named: @ "Like button." "};} To make a bit more clear, photoid is sometimes equal to the object but in one case, it is not equal to it. Files are changing the team but, Boolean seems to return only yes. Any idea why this is happening? Is it something to break me? You should only break a statement> when you enter a You want to end the loop maybe you are conditional within a loop, so once the sentence is correct, your entire loop stops (break).

how to remove inner collection from a collection using LINQ or Entity framework? -

मेरे पास एक IEnumberable & lt; myObject & gt; myCollection । myObject के रूप में संरचना है: myObject इसमें 2 संग्रह हैं इसमें 2 गुण हैं: सार्वजनिक वर्चुअल आइकलेंक्शन & lt; innerObject & gt; भीतरी वस्तुएं {प्राप्त करें; सेट; } सार्वजनिक आभासी आइकलिंग & lt; innerObject1 & gt; इनरऑब्जेक्ट 1 {प्राप्त करें; सेट; } मैं एंटिटी ढांचा का उपयोग करते समय ' LazyLoadingEnabled = false ' का उपयोग नहीं किया है, क्योंकि मैं चाहता हूं कि इनर संग्रह को डेटाबेस से प्राप्त होने पर लोड हो। इस मामले में मेरे भीतर का संग्रह है, लेकिन मैं संग्रह को कॉलिंग पद्धति में लौटने से पहले आंतरिक संग्रह को खाली करना चाहता हूं। कृपया मुझे एक अच्छा दृष्टिकोण सुझाएं वर्तमान में मैं सिर्फ LINQ का उपयोग करके आंतरिक संग्रह को निकालने की सोच रहा हूं। बस स्पष्ट करने के लिए, LazyLoadingEnabled के साथ आंतरिक संग्रह लोड हो जाएगा जब पहली बार पहुँचा - नहीं जब युक्त वस्तु डेटाबेस से प्राप्त होती है यदि आप स्पष्ट रूप से एक ही समय में आंतरिक संग्रह प्राप्त करना चाहते हैं, तो

objective c - How to tell which table cell was clicked from another View Controller? iOS 7 -

I think my question may not seem to be anything more specific on the net. My status here; I have a table view controller with 5 cells which purely work as buttons that correspond to particular web sites, and each button will push it on a view controller with a web view, the same website Will display. Instead, with 5 different view controllers in their own web view, there is no way to determine which program was clicked on the basis of the program so that I can see the Web view contexts Can I change the URL? In this way, I only need one view controller and a web view, and on the basis of that particular cell that was selected it will display a separate website in that webview. How can I do this? I still think that this is very easy for 5 very similar view controllers. See below for my current code and some screen shots. This code only loads the URL View the Web (Websites. M) NSURL * cpaURL = [NSURL URLWithString: @ "http : // "]; // Define n

javascript - jQuery get the total markup with the selected class -

मेरे पास इस तरह एक मार्कअप है & lt; ul class = "भाषा-ड्रॉपडाउन" & gt; & Lt; li class = "lang-switch language_en" & gt; & lt; a href = "#" & gt; & lt; img src = "res / flags / en.png" alt = "एन" & gt; & lt; / a & gt; & lt ; / li & gt; & Lt; li वर्ग = "लैंग-स्विच भाषा_ए"> gt; & lt; a href = "#" & gt; & lt; img src = "res / flags / es.png" alt = "es" & gt; & lt; / ए & gt; & lt ; / li & gt; & Lt; li class = "lang-switch language_ja current_lang" & gt; & lt; a href = "#" & gt; & lt; img src = "res / flags / ja.png" alt = "ja" & gt; & lt; / a & gt; & lt; / li & gt; & Lt; li वर्ग = "लैंग-स्विच भाषा_डे" & gt; & lt; a href = "#" & gt; & lt; img src = "res / flags / de.png" alt = "d

c++ - GCC 4.9.1 compilation fails on RHEL 6.0 with a compilation error in "libsanitizer" -

Please help me understand what is going wrong - libtool : Compile: / home / retivik / build-gcc-4.9.1 /. / GCC / XGC -shire-LibGC-B / Home / Raacator / Build-GCC-4.9.1 /. / GCC- Nostadic ++ -L / Home / Ritvik / Build -GCC-4.9.1 / X86_64- unknown Linux gnu / libstdc ++ - v3 / src-L / home / ritwik / build-gcc-4.9.1 / x86_64- unknown-Linux gnu / libstdc ++ - v3 / src / .libs -L / Home / Ritvik / Build-GCC -4.9.1 / X 86_64-unknown Linux gnu / libstdc ++ - v3 / libsupc ++ / .libs -b / usr / local / x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu / bin / -b / usr / local / x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu / lib / -system/ usr/ local / x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu / include-system / usr / local / x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu / sys - Include - D_GNU_SOURCE -D_DEBUG -D__STDC_CONS TANT_MACROS -D__STDC_FORMAT_MACROS -D__STDC_LIMIT_MACROS -I. -i .. /../../../ GCC-4.9.1 /. / Libissitizer / Sanitizer_Amon-i .. -i ../../../../gcc-4.9.1/ / Libsanitizer / included -System ../../../../gcc-4.9. 1 / ./ libsanitizer / include / system-W

android - APK checksum- Binary Code Protection -

How do I calculate my APK file checks in Android? I want to calculate APK checksum and want to compare my app. Is executed to see if someone has modified the binary code? How can I check my yoga and achieve it? Here's some code to check your APK. I wrote and added tampered detections on my apps (which did not include APK checksum in irony). Private static long millerphilkakex (reference reference) {string APKPath = reference.GetPackCodePath (); Long nick = null; Open the {// file and create the CRC 32 checksum FileInputStream fis = New FileInputStream (new file (APKPath)); CRC 32 CK = new CRC 32 (); CheckedInputStream cis = new checksInststream (FIS, CK); Byte [] Chef = new byte [80]; While (cis (buff)> = 0); Chakmam = ChakGate Value (); } Hold (exception e) {e.printStackTrace (); } Return Chaksam; } You can also use it in your APK Sha-256 ... public static string getApkFileDigest (reference reference) {string epachepath = Context.getPackageCodePath (); Try {by

javascript - Button click not fire after remove element -

मैंने इस तरह div बना दिया है & lt; Div id = "छिपा हुआ" & gt; & Lt; img src = "फोटो / बंद-2-आइकन.png" चौड़ाई = "16" ऊंचाई = "16" & gt; & Lt; इनपुट आईडी = "जोड़" मान = "फील्ड जोड़ें" प्रकार = "बटन" & gt; & Lt; इनपुट प्रकार = 'बटन' id = 'h_div_ok' value = "check!" / & Gt; & Lt; div id = "inside_display" & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; इनपुट प्रकार = "बटन" मान = "डालें" id = "btninser" & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; और जब जोड़ें बटन पर क्लिक करें, यह एक तालिका बना देगा। क्लिक करें (फ़ंक्शन () {i ++; var input = jquery ('& lt; tr & gt; & Lt; td & gt; & lt; इनपुट प्रकार = \ "text \" id = \ "इनपुट _ '+ i +' \" & gt; & lt; / td & gt; & lt; टीडी & gt; & gt; टेक्स्टरेआ id = \ "txtar _ '+ i +' \" & Gt

AngularJS - can you rename a service without modifying its core source? -

I have a situation where I have downloaded a written service for angular.js And works fine - but I call it something different in my code for convenience and readability. It's not really a necessity, it's just a wish. I can change this by going into the actual source code for this service, but obviously all kinds of problems will have to lead. So I was thinking, is such a thing possible? Can you serve a 'alias' in your application, so that you can refer to it differently while passing through the controllers? For example ... normal var app = angular Modules ('demo', [enzymominglong and obituut not announce ']); App.controller ('Home Controller', Function (NGSomingLongNum ObjectTitSNot Required) { ();}); target var app = angular Module ('demo', [ngosominglong and obituitat not annus']); Var small name = ngSomethingLongAndObtuseThatIsNot required; App.controller ('home co

unity3d - Parse Cloud function which every hour checks all rows in table and if needed updates a column -

I need to employ a function that checks all rows in a table every time in I have a valid valid (date), valid (date) and active (bool) column there. Therefore it is for all rows and one line where the date time. Eutken & lt; Validity & amp; Amp; DateTime.UtcNow> = Valid it updates the active value correctly or else it is false to activate. I do not know where to start from .. Can you tell me in the right direction? You can use a background job in parse and add it to the employment console in the web console. Hours can be set to work time. Check this link

javascript - Opentok- how to prevent video from intruder? -

I'm using the OpenTok API to create a video chat app. Now in this app, two people should be able to join one session from one session to another. For this, I am using a session to create session and token ID which tells which room you want to connect. But as I specify this session ID in Javascript, and any intruder can see and see the source of the page and get the session ID And can abuse it. In my opinion, if a person gets his hand on session ID, then it will be easy to use the Open Talk Quikart Tutorial to open my session session. Can it be stopped? core - How vnext web applications are self hostable? -

I'm new to .NET and vnext to do this before we used IIS for an MVC application Even then, the web API was self-hosted. But now we have web applications that are self-hosted. I really wanted to know how the vnext web application can be hosted manually and it is self-hosted? What is the change in architecture and life cycle request. vnext uses owin under cover until the server implements the OWIN interface You should be able to run your vNext middleware. You can currently use your oven app to host inside your own app For example,

r - Generate a data frame from a set of strings -

I have a set of strings, as in a file: Sony BRAVIA TV 32 T 550 Sony BRAVIA TV 40 S 530 SONY BRAVIA TV40 S530 SONY BRAVIA TV42 S530A SONY BRAVIA TV 42 S530A SONY BRAVIA TV32 S550A SONY LG TV TV T400A Sony LCD TV 22 BX300 Li> Sony LCD TV 26 bx 300 Sony LCD TV v19bx 300 Star TV 21 model 2103 TeleStar 14 1486 Color TV Teleteer TV 14 1486 Teleteer TV 14 1486 Let me tell these stars There is a need to change into a data frame, where each unique word in the above list becomes the name of the column. Any suggestions? Believing that your strings are arranged in a vector, and that you actually Each column wants a unique word, you can do something like that. strVec & lt; - c ("Sony Baviya TV32T 550", "Sony BRAVIA TV 40S530", "Sony BRAVIA TV 40S 530", "SONY" unique (Listed) # get unique words mydf "" Unique ( Randomly (X, "") stripplit (x, "")) #split strings & lt; - data.fra

regex - How to extract expression matching an email address in a text file using R or Command Line? -

I have a text file that includes email addresses and some information. I would like to know how can I remove those email addresses using R or Terminal? I have read that I can use a regular expression that will match the email address such as "^ [_a-Z0-9-] (\ \ [_ One-Z0-9 -]. +) * @ [One-Z0-9 -] (\ [[Z-- 0 - 0]. +) * (\.. [Az] {2,4} ) $ " But what command or function do I need to use to remove those emails? There is no pattern in the text file command or the function should search on the document and remove the email addresses. Let's unstructured example file: This is a test Fred's fred and who is - but @ this is a twitter handle for Then if you do this: myText & lt; - readLines ("testmail.txt") email = list list (Regions (MyText, GregxPro ("([_ a- Z0-9-] (\\ [_ one-Z0-9 -.] +) * @ [One- Z0-9 -] (\\ [one-Z0-9 -.] +) * (\\. [As] {2,4}) ", mytext))) gt; Email [1] "fred@foo

Java: showing the output of a separate for loop as an extra column shown in a console -

Bit of reference ... In my project I have been embedded for a loop, The data gets output, shows items for each category, and shows its assets within each item, so in fact, the 3 columns of data in the output console generated (headings: category / item / property), to show this data, loop Looks like this (variables are in the law First set): For ... (for each category it chooses) ... (string property name: selects item for item) Name: item.getPropertyNames ()) {Out.println (category.getName () + "\ t" + itemDesc.getName () + "\ t Property:" + propertyName); }}} The purpose of this system is to provide more dynamic documentation of the properties of components set in the system. (It makes it possible to separate them in different columns on the / T console and even in an Excel spreadsheet in the file, I have to set the file to printstream (along with the beginning of this method). ) Problem For the problem now, after the above loops, I have created an

Call and launch an application in background from python GUI -

I have created a GUI using the python Now I have created a button in the GUI, on which an application is clicked on Launch should be done (in my case this is a pre-processor Medina). I used the subprocess module in the callback function of the button but the application is not being launched. I am using Python 2.7 and Linux CNT OS. How do I do this? The code is as follows: #! / Usr / bin / python import vaccine imported as sub-publication class Tkinter stages: def __init __ (self, parent): self.f = tk.frame (main, width = 300, height = 300) self.b1 = tk Button (main, text = 'start medina', command = startmedia). Pack (side = 'left', anchor = 'nw') self.b2 = tk Button (main, text = 'leave medina', command = dropout). Pack (side = 'left', anchor = 'nw') self.xf = tk.frame (self.f, relief = 'drain', border width = 2) def startmedia (): subprocrioal (['preix'], Shell = True) Reform Def Tetemedia (): Return Chief = V

javascript - LESS not working in IE11 - Why? -

मेरे पास निम्न उदाहरण है: & lt; style type = "text / less" & gt; @ बीजी: काला; @ फाजी: सफ़ेद; शरीर {पृष्ठभूमि रंग: @ बीजी; रंग: @fg; } & Lt; / style & gt; & Lt; स्क्रिप्ट टाइप = "टेक्स्ट / जावास्क्रिप्ट" भाषा = "जावास्क्रिप्ट" src = "" & gt; & Lt; / स्क्रिप्ट & gt; & Lt; title & gt; परीक्षण & lt; / title & gt; & Lt; / head & gt; & LT; बॉडी & gt; परीक्षण & lt; स्क्रिप्ट प्रकार = "टेक्स्ट / जावास्क्रिप्ट" भाषा = "जावास्क्रिप्ट" & gt; चेतावनी ( "परीक्षण"); & Lt; / स्क्रिप्ट & gt; & Lt; / body & gt; & Lt; / html & gt; यह फ़ायरफ़ॉक्स, क्रोम और ओपेरा में एक जावास्क्रिप्ट चेतावनी और काली जमीन पर सफेद पाठ दिखाता है। किसी कारण से, यह IE11 में काम नहीं करता है: अलर्ट दिखाया जा रहा है, लेकिन कम पार्सिंग नहीं होता है। मैंने IE11 डेवलपर टूल्स को सभी अपवादों पर तोड़ दि

sql - How to store and retrieve multiple tables data into key value pair? -

I am working on a requirement where the product needs flexibility to add a list of several columns. I am trying to fit the data into the data model with the value value pair. For example - I have a list allergy in which 3 columns will be allergic, reaction and type other. The list of named lenses has only two columns, the seller's name, value The following table contains LIST LIST_ID LIST_ROW_MAP contains the following table in it: LIST_ROW_ID, LIST_ID (Foreign key for list table), ORDER (to save line order) 3 LIST_ITEMS LIST_ITEM_ID, LIST_ROW_ID (foreign key of LIST_ROW_MAP table), key, VALUE (sorry please The letter can not post as I do not have the privilege yet) However, I can save the data, I have to face the challenges to retrieve the answer in the link given below. The form was marked as a query, but if the name of the column is known, it can be helpful when it is for a single table stored as a key value. I'm trying to store more than one t

c# - EF6 Child Relations not Present in T4 on Query -

I am using Entity Framework 6, which has a beautiful bus dB using a repository pattern. EF from previous versions I had no problem regaining hair bodies as part of my Paco object. For example, if I have a customer table and account table where there is 1-N relations on DB, when I ask the customer entity, then I expect the client entity to be included in an array of account entities, like never It also does not happen, the array is always empty. My questions are like this: Datacontext .set < TBL_CUSOTOMER & gt; (). Find (ID) Where Datacontex is inherited from DBCTNext I'm pretty sure I'm really missing clear Should work dataContext.Set & lt; TBL_CUSTOMER & gt; () .include (x => x.accounts) .FirstOrDefault (x => x.Id == ID);

php - Combine two SQL -

I want to combine the following SQL queries. Now I call them twice, but I think I can handle it in the public. I tried but the solution could not be found. Can someone provide me a combined SQL? I know that I use MSQL instead of MSQLI or PDO. $ lsel_first = mysql_query ("Select from table_test" WHERE owner = '$ id' and 'chain' = '0' and catogory = '1' and type = '$ car [id]' and CaseB = '0' and (timeback here: mysql_query ("select * From Table_test to WHERE ((master = '$ id' and 'chain' = '0') or owner = '$ id') and catogory = '1' and type = '$ car [id]' and caseB = '0' and ( Timeback & lt; TIMESTAMP (now ()) or timeback = '0000-00-00 00:00:00');

php - .htaccess mode_rewrite regex expression not matching -

मैं mod_rewrite के लिए निम्नलिखित regex की कोशिश कर रहा हूं RewriteRule [^ \ s ]। * /product/pllist.php नमूना यूआरएल है अगर मैं www के बाद लिखा कुछ है तो मैं मैच करना चाहता हूँ।, उपरोक्त regex में यह मेल खाता है, लेकिन अगर मैं इसके बाद कुछ भी बिना देता है, तो यह पर पुनर्निर्देशित करने के बजाय त्रुटि देता है > संपादित करें मेरे पास अन्य रिवाइट यूआरएल है, इसे भी काम करना चाहिए रीरमिट नियम ^ स्टाइल \ / /style/fashion.php यदि आप /product/pllist.php पर सब कुछ लिखना चाहते हैं फिर उपयोग करें: RewriteRyRuleRule ^ style /? $ /style/fashion.php [NC, L] RewriteCond% {REQUEST_FILENAME} पर पुनर्लेखनइन्गइन! -f पुनर्वापराकुंड% {REQUEST_FILENAME}! -डी रिक्राइटआर्यूल ^ उत्पाद / pllist.php [एल] आपका regex ^ [\ s]। * रिक्त स्ट्रिंग से मेल नहीं खाएगा, इसलिए को फिर से लिखा नहीं जाएगा। < / html>

c++ - Using OpenCV cv::kmeans() with one-dimensional input -

Although one-dimensional data uses, I can not do this with the C ++ interface: < Pre> integer size = 100; Std :: vector & lt; Float & gt; Data (size); {Data for [i] = (float) i; (for size_t i = 0; i This fails with internal arguments because cv :: kmeans is expected to be two-dimensional input CV_Assert (N> = K) failed It remains because K is 3 and N is 1. What's my fault edit : Tested, it reads: // ... Bool isrow = data. Rows == 1 & amp; Amp; Data.channels () & gt; 1; // more one channel int n =! Aero? Data.rows: data.cols; // ... // ... CV_Assert (N> = K); Therefore, if you have your data in a row, you need to have more than one channel in your input matrix and more columns than K . A quick solution: kmeans Before using your matrix it does not copy any data Just changes the dimensions of the matrix so if you have: After reshaping with 2 rows: [12345678] // mat 1 x 8 [1234 | // one matte 2x4 5678] You shoul

discount - Magento Coupon Code not appearing -

I added a coupon discount in Magento. But the block is not visible in the checkout or on the product pages. I tried to install this extension but it had no effect. Do I need to make changes to XML or PHP to present the discount block? It appears by default, but if you do not have it, then your theme might Deleting the definition is a local.xml in the layout folder of your theme and something like this: & Lt; / References & gt; & Lt; / Checkout_cart_index & gt; You can edit the cart.phtml to modify the position in the page. If you do not see: & lt ;? Php echo $ this- & gt; GetChildHtml ('coupon')? & Gt; You can try to write it first beforehand.

android - how send audio in raw file via intent -

I have several voice tracks in my app and I want to share them via Bluetooth on another device. I have read all the questions and answers but I still have problems when sending via Bluetooth, the device shows a message - "file unknown file was not sent." I do not know what the problem is? Please help me .. code public class increases main activity activity {@ override protected crate (saved bundle) InstantState) {super.onCreate (savedInstanceState); SetContentView (R.layout.activity_main); Send Button = (Button) Find VibibIID (R.Butt_Send); Send.setOnClickListener (New OnClickListener () {@Override Click on Public Zero (click V) {// TODO Auto-Generated Method Stub URI imageUri = Uri.parse ("android.resource: // com.example. Intent = new intent (intestine action_snd); intent .setpackage (""); intent .cet type ("audio / *"); int. Input extra (Intent.EXTRA_STREAM, imageUri); Initialization (intent. Creator (intent, &

android - ArrayList<Model> showing wrong values -

I have created a database that stores the details of the group. I want to show the details of that group in a list view But when I open my open app only see the last value in the database. Why is this happening P> Getting value from the database Public AERLIT < GroupModel & gt; GetAllGroups () {SQLite database database = getWritableDatabase (); String query = "select + to" + tableName; GroupModel GroupModel; Cursor c = database.rawQuery (query, empty); While (c.moveToNext ()) {getGroupInfo = new ArrayList & lt; GroupModel & gt; (); GroupModel = new groupModel (C.GetString (C.GetolmindXORTRO (GroupName)), C.GetString (C.Calgunum IndexesAuthor (created)); GetGroupInfo.add (groupModel); } Return getGroupInfo; } When I debug my first recurrence list value [0] = "A", "B" 2 recovery list value [0] = "Pq"; Why this is happening, should have the desired result First run inventory value [0] = "A", "b&qu

makefile - How to write a recipe common to both .c and cpp files -

I compiled using both .c and .cpp files I want to do the same compiler command like cc = G ++ ... OBJS = Mora. All: $ (oBJS) .o:% .c $ (CC) $ (included) $ (CCFALGS) -k $ (& lt;) -o $ (@) MBMO: $ (OBJS) $ (CC ) $ (LDFALGS) $ (^) -O Dollar (@) The question now is that the rule / recipe for .cpp files How is it involved? Can we do it in the same rule using the Regex for the prefix? Is it OK to type another rule / recipe for .cpp ? % O:% .c $ (cc) $ (included) $ (ccfalgs) - c $ (& lt;) -o $ (@)% .o:%. CPP $ (CC) $ (included) $ (CCFALGS) -C $ (& lt;) -o $ (@) What is the above 1st recipe .cpp files for error because it can not get coding . C file? .ppp Another rule for .cpp Is it okay to write / prescribe? Yes it is necessary that you can write a rule for each extension requirement, make the process if you redefine the same pattern. Will give the error for the 1st referral code .pppp as it file related .c Make . Cpp will

java - Setting value of input type date in jsp -

I'm trying to set the value in my input field, typed in my jsp page. The value is derived from the database is the string type, I want to set this date value in my input field. My JSPP script is given below. & lt;% Op_Product opp = new Op_Product (); String pubdate = null; As a result RSE = opp.getOneProductWithId (request.getParameter ("prdid")); While ( ()) {pubdate = rse.getString ("prdf7"); // value to set to input field}%> My html input type date field is below. & lt; Input id = "d-pubdate" type = "date" class = "form-save" name = "pubDate" value = "& lt;% = pubdate% & gt;" required & gt; I'm getting this error on "Bad value for feature, not completed literal date format". The format is "YYYY-MM-DD". In JSP, you can use locale-sensitive numbers and dates to parsing and formatting Provides a set of tags for Read more Sample co

java - How does JPS tool get the name of the main class or jar it is executing -

I'm wondering, how does the GPS device get the name of the main square executed within the JVM process? is jps -l 123 package. Main class 456 / path / explorer.jar I'm talking specifically about Linux (I'm not interested in Windows), and I have no time to experiment Win machine is not.) I can think of 2 ways Connecting to JVM in question which in turn says / proc from the file system About the first option, whether it is using the local JMX connection Is it c? However, it should go to / proc for pids. PID, so it should also ask the OS jps < / Li> -or or main class / proc knows about PID well before jp start some things It has its own folder in / proc but , I am facing less problem here. When the Java command is too long (as is the longest -classpath parameter), the information about the command line is not fit in / proc in the reserved space. This is 4kB for my system, and what I have learned elsewhere is h

compilation - Long building time with release configuration. is it normal? -

I use the latest Intel compiler on MVS 2013. I am developing a small application that has a static library with the main functionality. (9 classes) and a file console executable prior to the test. The problem occurs when 13 MB in the static library. Lib file is produced faster (i.e., as I have found, normal), taking executable very long time. I left it overnight and still did not finish (currently 12 hours). No visual progress has been made except MCPCOM, currently growing slowly in memory usage for 1 GB. Fixed library compilation settings: / MP / GS / GA / W3 / C / Zc: wchar_t / zi / O2 / Fd"Release@vc120.pdb "/ Qvec- Report1 / D "WIN32" / D "NDEBUG" / D "_LIB" / D "_UNICODE" / D "Unicode" / Qstd = C +11 / Qipo / Zc: forScope / Goals Difference / Oi / MD / FA " Release \ "/ EHsc / Nologo / Phoe" Release \ "/Fp"Release@MyApplication_library.pch" Performance Compilation Options: / MP

Android - Magento REST Api Cannot Respond Properly -

I want to call the Magento REST API from Android, using the code below. new Execution on HttpAsyncTask () "("); Public Stabilized String Received (String URL) {InputStream inputStream = null; String result = ""; Try {// HttpClient HTTP Client httpclient = Create New DefaultHttpClient (); // Receive the request for the given URL HttpSpace httpResponse = httpclient.execute (New HTTP Gate (URL)); Get feedback as // inputstream inputStream = httpResponse.getEntity (). GetContent (); // Convert inputstream to string if (inputstream! = Null) result = convert inputstreamtoostring (inputstream); And the result = "did not work!"; } Hold (exception e) {log d. ("Inputstream", E.A.T.L.Klimised Message ()); } Return results; } Private String String Convert InputStreamToString (InputStream InputStream) throws IOException {BufferedReader bufferedReader = New BufferedReader (New InputStreamReader (inputStream)); String li

javascript - jQuery Validate multiple extensions -

I am using this verification plugin to validate the form I've added an extension And I want to use 2 extension rule in a field something like 'data-valid' = & gt; In the 'Maximum, Minimum', // field jQuery.validateExtend ({min: {conditional: function} {return false;}}, max: {Conditionally: work (value) {return false;}}}); Here is an example of how many rules I want in a rule & Lt; / Form & gt; JQuery ('form') valid () .; JQuery.validateExtend ({age: {required: true, pattern: / ^ [0-9] + $ /, conditional function (value) {return number (value)> 17;}}}); This can not really be your answer, but it can be done on this The pure HTML flaw is that it requires a modern browser (IE10, Chrome, Firefox etc) to use it. The advantage of this is that it is easy to use and works without js. Check Out: You need to specifically go to here and see the type of input = "number" min = "12" Input example:

machine learning - What size should my data set be used for classification experiment? -

Working for some, let me compare some classification techniques (vector vector machine, neural network, decision tree, etc.) Will happen. My contact person at the university asked me to use the Kagal Data Set. The Data Set includes a set of training sets of 150,000 borrowers and 100,000 borrows for me, only training sets are useful, because the test set is not the result of borrowers. My question is, how many examples should I use, keeping in mind the computational endeavor of a large data set How many examples would you use? Data split, training at 90% and testing at the remaining 10%: size = int (lane (brown_tagged_seant) * 0.9) size 4160