compilation - Long building time with release configuration. is it normal? -

I use the latest Intel compiler on MVS 2013. I am developing a small application that has a static library with the main functionality. (9 classes) and a file console executable prior to the test.

The problem occurs when 13 MB in the static library. Lib file is produced faster (i.e., as I have found, normal), taking executable very long time. I left it overnight and still did not finish (currently 12 hours). No visual progress has been made except MCPCOM, currently growing slowly in memory usage for 1 GB.

Fixed library compilation settings:

/ MP / GS / GA / W3 / C / Zc: wchar_t / zi / O2 / Fd"Release@vc120.pdb "/ Qvec- Report1 / D "WIN32" / D "NDEBUG" / D "_LIB" / D "_UNICODE" / D "Unicode" / Qstd = C +11 / Qipo / Zc: forScope / Goals Difference / Oi / MD / FA " Release \ "/ EHsc / Nologo / Phoe" Release \ "/Fp"Release@MyApplication_library.pch"

Performance Compilation Options:

/ MP / GS / GA / W3 / Gy / Zc: wchar_t / I "C: \ Work \ MyApplication \ MyApplication_library" / zi / O2 /Fd"Release\vc120.pdb "/ Qvec-Report 1 / D" _UNICODE "/ D" Unicode "/ Qstd = c ++ 11 / Qipo / Zc: forScope / GD / OE / M T / FA "Release" / EHSC / NeloGO / FO "Release" / FP "Release \ MyApplication_test.pch"

Linker Options

/ Out: "C: \ Work \ MyApplication \ Release \ MyApplication_test.exe "/ MANIFEST / NXCOMPAT / PDB:" C: \ Work \ MyApplication \ Release \ MyApplication _test.pdb "/ DYNAMICBASE" kernel32.lib "" user32.lib "" gdi32.lib "" winspool.lib "Comdlg3 2.lib" "advapi32.lib" "shell32.lib" "ole32.lib" "oleaut32.lib" "uuid.lib" "odbc32.lib" "odbccp32.lib" "C: \ function \ speedsim30 \ Release \ MyApplication_Controller Liberalization "/ LTCG: Status / Machine: X86 / Opt: REF / SAFESEH / MANIFESTUAC:" Level = 'asInvoker' uiAccess = 'False' "/ManifestFile:"Release@MyApplication_test.exe.intermediate.manifest" / opt : ICF / NOLOGO / TLBID: 1

My personal computer has a powerful hardware configuration with Intel i7-4770, 8GB of DDR3-2133, and 2 SD0s in RAID0

Thank you in advance

I found out that the problem is in MT / and the mismatch between the / MD library and executable - sets up the release configuration The time I have to split the wrong is allowed to create an application to improve it.


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