c++ - GCC 4.9.1 compilation fails on RHEL 6.0 with a compilation error in "libsanitizer" -

Please help me understand what is going wrong -

  libtool : Compile: / home / retivik / build-gcc-4.9.1 /. / GCC / XGC -shire-LibGC-B / Home / Raacator / Build-GCC-4.9.1 /. / GCC- Nostadic ++ -L / Home / Ritvik / Build -GCC-4.9.1 / X86_64- unknown Linux gnu / libstdc ++ - v3 / src-L / home / ritwik / build-gcc-4.9.1 / x86_64- unknown-Linux gnu / libstdc ++ - v3 / src / .libs -L / Home / Ritvik / Build-GCC -4.9.1 / X 86_64-unknown Linux gnu / libstdc ++ - v3 / libsupc ++ / .libs -b / usr / local / x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu / bin / -b / usr / local / x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu / lib / -system/ usr/ local / x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu / include-system / usr / local / x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu / sys - Include - D_GNU_SOURCE -D_DEBUG -D__STDC_CONS TANT_MACROS -D__STDC_FORMAT_MACROS -D__STDC_LIMIT_MACROS -I. -i .. /../../../ GCC-4.9.1 /. / Libissitizer / Sanitizer_Amon-i .. -i ../../../../gcc-4.9.1/ / Libsanitizer / included -System ../../../../gcc-4.9. 1 / ./ libsanitizer / include / system-Wall-W-Wno-unused-parameter -Wwrite-string-pedantic -Wno-long-long -fPIC -fno-builtin -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti -fomit-frame- Pointer -funwind-tables -fvisibility = hidden -Vino-variDic-macros-I ../../ libstdc ++ - v3 / include -i../../ libstdc ++ - v3 / include / x86_64-unknown -linux-gnu-i ../../../../ GCC-4.9.1 /. / Libsanitizer /../ libstdc ++ - v3 / libsupc ++ -DSANITIZER_LIBBACKTRACE -DSANITIZER_CP_DEMANGLE I ../../../../gcc-4.9.1/./libsanitizer/../libbacktrace I ../ Libbacktrace i ../../ ./../gcc-4.9.1/./libsanitizer/../include-include../../../gcc-4.9.1/./libsanitizer/libbacktrace/backtrace-rename.hg-o2 -di_nu_sors -mt Sanitizer_pletfarm_limits_posiksklo -md -mp -mf Kdis / Sanitizer_pletfarm_limits_posiksktpo -k Kk/kk/kk/kk/gkk-4k9kl/k/libsnitizer/sanitizer_comn/sanitizer_pletfarm_limits_posiks Kkk -fpis -DPIC -o .libs / saniti is included in the zer_platform_limits_posix.o file /usr/include/features.h:361EX, from /usr/include/arpa/inet.h.2, ../../../ the ../gcc-4.9 .1 /./ libsanitizer / sanitizer_common / sanitizer_platform_limits_posix.cc: 20: /usr/include/sys/timex.h:145:31: error: 'throw' __asm__ ( "ntp_gettimex") from __THROW The first expected starters; ^ Create [4]: ​​*** [sanitizer_platform_limits_posix.lo] Error 1 makeup [4]: ​​leaving directory `` /home/ritwik/build-gcc-4.9.1/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/ libsanitizer / sanitizer_common make [3]: *** [all-recursive] error 1 make [3]: directory `/home/ritwik/build-gcc-4.9.1/x86_64- Anjan- Linux-gun / Libsenataijr making ' [2]: *** [All] making error 2 [2]: By creating directory `/home/ritwik/build-gcc-4.9.1/x86_64-unknown- linux-gnu / libsanitizer '[1]: *** [All-Target-libsanitizer] Making Error 2: [1]: Excluding Directory `/home/ritwik/build-gcc-4.9.1 ': *** [All] Error 2  

This When I was making GCC 4.9.1

found out about the closest Google search:

But there is no solution there, even if She is facing the same issue.

I had the same problem on Sankas 6.0: while trying to compile GCC-4.9.3 I got the same error.

I was able to use the following solution: disable libsanitizer and libcilkrts while configuring GCC:

  ./config-prefix = / home / gz / apps / gcc-4.9.3 - enable-languages ​​= c, c ++ \ --disable-multilib --disable-libsanitizer --disable-libcilkrts  

Also see.


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