sql - How to store and retrieve multiple tables data into key value pair? -

I am working on a requirement where the product needs flexibility to add a list of several columns. I am trying to fit the data into the data model with the value value pair.

For example -

I have a list allergy in which 3 columns will be allergic, reaction and type other. The list of named lenses has only two columns, the seller's name, value

The following table contains

  1. LIST


contains the following table in it: LIST_ROW_ID, LIST_ID (Foreign key for list table), ORDER (to save line order)


LIST_ITEM_ID, LIST_ROW_ID (foreign key of LIST_ROW_MAP table), key, VALUE

(sorry please The letter can not post as I do not have the privilege yet)

However, I can save the data, I have to face the challenges to retrieve the answer in the link given below. The form was marked as a query, but if the name of the column is known, it can be helpful when it is for a single table stored as a key value.

I'm trying to store more than one table data, so some should be dynamic. Please help :)


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