
Showing posts from March, 2011

c# - Marshal.Copy() causes System.StackOverflowException -

मैं का सामना करना पड़ा एक System.StackOverflowException समस्या जब मैं Marshal.Copy करने की कोशिश कर रहा था ( ) यहां अपवाद होता है, जहां कोड का स्क्रीन शॉट है: यहां समारोह है: निजी स्थिर शून्य ImageUpdate (IntPtr returnArray, रेफरी पूर्णांक चैनल) {if (_prevTickCount = = 0) {_sumTickCount = 0; } अन्य {_sumTickCount = _sumTickCount * .75 + (पर्यावरण। टिकटिक - _prevTickCount) * .25; } // केवल बफर की नकल करें जब पिक्सेल डेटा नहीं पढ़ा जा रहा है (_pixelDataReady == गलत) {int width = 0; पूर्णांक ऊंचाई = 0; अगर (गलत == GetImageDimensions (रेफ़र्फ़ चौड़ाई, रिफ़ ऊंचाई)) {वापसी; } _dataLength = चौड़ाई * ऊंचाई; _colorChannels = चैनल; अगर ((_pixelData == नल) || (_pixelData.Length = (_dataLength * _colorChannels))!) {_pixelData = नई छोटी [_dataLength * _colorChannels]; // _ पिक्सेल डेटाहास्तोग्राम = नया इंट [_colorChannels] []; _pixelDataHistogram = नया इंटेल [MAX_CHANNELS] []; यदि (_colorChannels == 1) {_pixelDataByte = नया बाइट [_dataLength]; } और {_pixelDataByte = नया बाइट [_dat

Why are files showing as modified in GitHub Atom editor? -

I am using the GitHub Atom editor. In the tree view, almost all files in orange appear in my project, although none of my files have been modified since my last commitment. What could be the reason for this? My problem was caused by file permissions change I tested this by changing the permissions on some files, from which They were displayed as an uneven form in the Atom.

android - load JavaScript on WebViewClient (onPageStarted e onPageFinished) -

मेरे पास वेबपेजरेडर नामक एक उपवर्ग है जो कि ViewPager का विस्तार करता है। प्रत्येक पृष्ठ के लिए मैं एक WebView लोड। प्रत्येक उदाहरण के लिए मैं loadDataWithBaseURL () एक html जो आंतरिक निर्देशिका एप में है, के माध्यम से वेबव्यू लोड करता हूं। सब कुछ सुंदरता काम कर रहा है लेकिन मेरे पास कुछ जावास्क्रिप्ट हैं जो बहुत अच्छी तरह से काम नहीं कर रहे हैं। ये जावास्क्रिप्ट एक टेक्स्ट बॉक्स को एक शब्द के बारे में विस्तृत जानकारी के साथ खोलता है, जब यह एक स्पर्श प्राप्त करता है और क्लिक () के माध्यम से एक जावास्क्रिप्ट को आग लगा देता है। file.js सामग्री मैं एक mJavaScriptFile चर के लिए निकालने और घटना में लागू OnPageStarted और OnPageFull view.loadUrl ("जावास्क्रिप्ट के साथ : "+ MJavaScriptFile) । समस्या यह है कि जब वेबदृश्य HTML जावास्क्रिप्ट निष्पादन को विफल करता है और कभी-कभी काम करता है केवल OnPage में डाल दिया है लेकिन अभी भी कभी कभी काम करता है दुर्घटनाग्रस्त रहता है क्या मैं किसी को मदद कर सकता हूँ? मुझे क्या याद आ रहा है?

hierarchy - Hierarchical Table Graphical Creator -

I have to buy several relative simple hierarchies. And users should be able to edit them. I'm looking for any kind of device that can do it in a simple way. I want something where I can do this in a graph (organigram style) Element1 / Element2 Element3 / Element4 Element5 And then convert it to a table like this Element_ID name Parent_ID Parent_Name 1 Element1 - - 2 Element2 1 Element1 3 Element3 1 Element1 4 Element4 3 Element3 5 Element5 4 Element4 < / Pre> I could not find some code, because I think there should be something that can do something like this. I think this is not so complicated. I have tried with Excel, Visio and some orgreenigram manufacturers, but still have not found it. I found something in the end ... With Visio, you can create an organigram and in Excel One option is "Export". It makes something similar, but can be easily customized.

ios - Nil response when formatting date -

Here's my server time: 2014-08-20 16:23: 00.0 Now I would like to format the date that my server only gives me the date, and not the time. For example: Can the month / date / year tell someone what I am doing? Whatever I have tried here: NSDate * date = [[NSDate alloc] init]; NSDateFormatter * formatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init]; [Format setDateFormat: @ "yyyy-dd-MM HH: mm: SS"]; NSString * dateForShow = // 2014-08-20 16:23: 00.0 / Date Date Zero Date = [Date of Date Framestrings: DateForn]; [Formatter setDateFormat: @ "MM-dd-yyyy"]; NSString * Result = [Formatter string string: date]; Try this for your third line: [Format setDateFormat: @ "yyyy-MM-dd HH: mm: SS"]; Reference:

c++ - How to use Mono to script with C# in a Game Environment -

In short, how does the scripting for games play with mono? Is it the idea that you compile all the scripts in one assembly and then load it and run the script from this assembly? If so, how does a switch assemblage after running a compilation. I currently have an assembly which is filled and runs at the interv level of the engine. It opens an assembly that compiles all the scripts in the "script /" directory. This then compiles them all into a new assembly called "script.dll". My problem is how to reach this new assembly and be able to call an init / update / rendere function from the engine. Currently, I do this: bool scripting engine :: Init () {std :: cout & lt; & Lt; "" & Lt; & Lt; Std :: endl; Mono_set_dirs (Pathuite :: Gateilb Directory (.). C_str (), Pathutil :: GetConfig Directory () .c_str ()); Domain = mon_gate_init ("system"); Assembly = mono_domain_company_app (domain, "../build/Resources/Scripts/2.0/

file io - Python giving me long strings in a text document -

In my code, I want to open a text document and print an HTML document. I, "" In this Example of the text in the text document By doing so, it gives me a long sentence with : 0.01358324; BTC: 0.00000000; LTC: 0.00000001; BC: 0.00000000; NMC: 0.00000000; DOGE: 63.71131428; Naut: 0.00017886; DR: 0.00000000; VTC: 0.00013866; FTC: 0.00000000; Treatment: 0.00025881; PPC: 0.00000000; Charity: 0.00000000; GHS: 0.00003646; GHSOCT: 0.00000000; GHSAUG: 0.00000000; Scrypt: 200.09600305 How do I write or edit the file so that every is "," forces a new line. I currently use this row to write a file named File. file.write ( () .docode ('utf-8')) replace a new line with four. file.write ( (.) In place of decode ('utf-8') (",", "\ n")) [72]: line = " Total: 0.0,13,58,324; BTC: 0.0,00,00,000; LTC: 0.00000001; BC: .00000000; NMC: 0.0,00,00,000; DOGE: 63.71131428; NAT : 0.00000086; VTC: 0.00

How can you prevent or detect a merge that changes non-conflict files in git? -

We are using a very simple git workflow where there is the most active development on the same branch. As a result, when developers do a git pull , usually a merge commute is caused. Last week, twice a week we made a bridge to novice GIT users, which resulted in a merge collision, and then they all Removed files, on which they did not work individually and were merged. Clearly, any change that has been made as a result of the merger in the removal of a commission made by other developers. How can you tell that a merge commute was modified in a way that matches the parent for the file without conflict? (Essentially I want to know if there is any good way to know whether "bad" merge or not.) Is there a systematic way to keep it from happening again? To answer your question directly, this command Git diff-tree -r --diff-filter = D - only -mate $ $ $ parent will list all the files which $ CHILD commit by If you run all the parents of a merge commute again an

ruby on rails - What is the preferred way to add some method in active record base? -

I want to create a module that provides some common methods for classes inherited from an active record base. After two ways we can get it. 1) Module Commentable def self.extended (base) includes base.class_eval InstanceMethods Extension ClassMethods End End Module ClassMethods def say 'test class method' test_commentable_classmethod end End module instancemethods def says 'test example method' end end end ActiveRecord :: Base.extend (commentable) test_commentable_instance_method 2) module Commentable def Self.included (base) base.extend (ClassMethods) End Module ClassMethods def says 'test class method' test_commentable_classmethod end-end DEF Test_commentable_instance_method says 'test example methods' end-end ActiveRecord :: Base.send (include, commentable) and What would it be to use it? I like to start making modules, which, instead of the world, Can be included in any model; This feature can be reused more then I can include

web scraping - Getting mobile version of a web page instead of the desktop version with selenium webdriver -

I Debian'm using headless Firefox on a remote server in order to get some data scrap with selenium Vebdrivr and later Skapere Be close Instead of getting the desktop version, I'm getting the mobile version of the web page from which I'm trying to scrape data. I need the desktop version! I think I need to send the proper user agent string and I how to do it: def call_via_proxy (PROXY_HOST, PROXY_PORT): fp = webdriver.FirefoxProfile () # Direct = 0; manual = 1, PAC = 2, Otodetekt = 4, system = 5 fp.set_preference ( "network.proxy.type", 1) fp.set_preference ( "network.proxy.http", Proksi_host) fp.set_preference ( "network. proxy. Http_port ", int (PROXY_PORT)) fp.set_preference (" general.useragent.override "," Mozilla / 5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv: 31.0) Gecko / 20100101 Firefox / 31.0 ") fp.update_preferences () Return Webdriver Firefox (Firefox_Prop I = FP) #create webdriver driver = call_via_proxy ("us.proxy

python - java.lang.Exception: Class A not found -

Help! I am trying to create a custom square using Jpype. I'm running 64 bit dragon and 64 bit JDK on the Mac. This am I get an error: `jpype._jexception.ExceptionPyRaisable: java.lang.Exception: Class A not found ` I have seen other questions on the stack overflow for this question. Below is .py code, the commented lines show what I have tried to do: # jpype.startJVM ("/ system / library / frameworks / Jawawaikfremvrk / Jawaval "," -ia "," -jijav class .path =% s "% os.path.abspath (" / users / hujen / desktop / currResearch / pythonScript / class / ")) jpype .startJVM ( "/ system / Library / Frameworks / Jawawaikfremvrk / Jawawaim", "-ia", "-Djava.class.path = C: / Users / hujen / Desktop / currResearch / pythonScript / class /") # jpype .startJVM ("/ System / Library / Framework / JavaAccess. Remvrk / Jawaval ") # Jpype.startJVM (jpype.getDefaultJVMPath ())

xamarin.ios - Customize TabbedPage color schema - Xamarin.Forms -

Text after " There is a way I can customize the color scheme of the eye on the Xamarin.Forms.TabbedPage object. So it does not take the default look and feel of the target platform? I want to change the color of the font, background and current selected tab color. "itemprop =" text "> I recommend using a custom renderer. Here's an example for iOS: [Assembly: ExportRenderer (typeof (TabbedPage), typeof (TabbedPageRenderer))] namespace MyApp.iOS {public class TabbedPageRenderer : TabbedRenderer {Protected Override Zero OnElementChanged (VisualElementChangedEventArgs e) {base.OnElementChanged (E); TabBar.TintColor = UIColor.White; TabBar.BarTintColor = UIColor.Black; TabBar.BackgroundColor = UIColor.Gray; }}} Exormine. Just for this class in the iOS project for Xamarin You can also use Android to complete a custom renderer. The implementation of Android's custom renderer looks different from the iOS version.

.net - Disable JavaScript for InternetExplorer.Application? -

एक वेब की सामग्री को पुनः प्राप्त करने से पहले एक InternetExplorer.Application ComObject के लिए कैसे प्रोग्रामेट को अक्षम किया जा सकता है दस्तावेज़? $ comIE = नया ऑब्जेक्ट -कॉम ऑब्जेक्ट इंटरनेट एक्सप्लोरर.एप्लिकेशन $ comIE.Visible = $ true; $ ComIE.Navigate ("") {{नींद 1} तक ($ comIE.Busy नहीं) $ यानी = $ comIE.Document; आप इसे रजिस्ट्री कुंजी के द्वारा अक्षम कर सकते हैं दस्तावेज़ीकरण देखें मैं इस तरीके से सुरक्षा सेटिंग्स को बदलने से बचता हूं और इसके बजाय समूह नीति के माध्यम से यह कार्य करता हूं।

TypeError 'classobj' object has no attribute '__getitem__' in python -

I am starting in Python and I do not know how to fix it. help please. error: traceback (last call final): file "C: \ user \ priskilla \ desktop \ CMPT Assn # 3 \", line 17, & lt; Module & gt; Print "& lt; p & gt; Customer Name:", ["custName"] form. Value, "& lt; / p & gt;" TypeError: 'classobj' has no attribute in the object '__getitem__' Python Script: import cgi form = cgi.FieldStorage # print HTTP / HTML Header Content Print "" "Content-Type: Text / HTML & lt ;! DOCTYPE HTML Public" - // W3C // DTD XHTML 1.0 Strongly //n "" DTD / xhtml1 -strict.dtd "> gt; Top & gt; & lt; title & gt; Order Form & lt; / title & gt; & lt; / head & gt; ; & Lt; body & gt; "H1> Kanthouro Japanese Bar & Restaurant" "Print" & lt; h2 & gt; Customer Receipt & lt

logging - Hadoop Daemon Log -

It really looks like a simple question, but does anyone know how to use demo logs? My resource manager is not connecting so I am trying to figure out this error. I did some research online and thoop- & lt; User current-hello & gt; - & lt; Daemon & gt; - & lt; Hostname & gt; ; .log but it was not working for me. I suspect that I have entered my hostname incorrectly; My hostname is "Macintosh.local" but has no effect. Help is appreciated. When running a hood daemon, the HADOOP_HOME environment variable should be set. You should check the log in the $ HADOOP_HOME / Log directory to identify this problem.

sql - Group data by team -

I have made the case that when work shows that pass from one team to another I work orders that again : Were able to and should be able to run a query from and to show the teams from the audit a_workorder table. Status persongroup wonum eaudittimestamp 1. reassign TEAM4 324,153 30 / 07/2014 22:15 2. reassign carp 324,153 07/30/2014 22:15 3. reassign TEAM1 324 145 07/30/2014 22:34 4. reassign FOODBEV 324,145 30/07/2014 22:34 is run for all wonum with the query, persongroup carp Incorporating the work order number 324,153 of TEAM4 carp as line 1 and 2 should be reassigned. This is an irregular solution (it always prevents me when I choose different uses am), but the most you need a foundation to: as of the (selected with the ranks Prsogrup, victorious, Idaitimstamp, Min (Idaitimstamp) over (win Split from) as the minimum _time, max (eaudittimestamp) (split by wonum) from a_workorder to max_time), as wos (choose a different wonum than a_workorder) Select wos.wonum, fir

debian - Zend OPcache requires Zend Engine API version 220090626 -

I updated 5.3 5.3 under Debian Squeeze. I then attempt to install OPcache, that is what I have: install apt-get build essential PHP5- Dev unzip cd / usr / src wget https: // -dev / ZendOptimizerPlus / archive / unzip cd / usr / src / ZendOptimizerPlus Master phpize configure test vi set /etc/php5/conf.d/opcache.ini; Zend_extension = / usr /lib/php5/20100525/; (?) Found PHP 5.3 only this one opcache; PHP 5.4 can not use this, your server zend_extension = / usr / lib / PHP5 / 20,090,626 / exists file .memory_consumption = 128 opcache.interned_strings_buffer = 8 opcache.max_accelerated_files = 8000 opcache.revalidate_freq = 60 opcache. fast_shutdown = 1 opcache.enable_cli = 1 /etc/init.d/apache2 restart php -v Zend Opakas requires 220,090,626 for the Zend engine API version. Installed Zend Engine API version 220100525, is new. Contact Z Technologies PHP 5.4.31-1 ~ dotdeb.0 (CLI) for later version of Zen

linux - If does not work in bash -

स्क्रिप्ट: #! / Bin / bash FILES = / home / admin / $ FI में एफ के लिए परीक्षण / अस्थायी / * ईको "पर कार्य करना: $ F" क्वेरी = $ (बिल्ली $ f) / usr / bin / mysql -h $ 1 -यू व्यवस्थापक -पाइपपासवार्ड -e "$ query" echo "$ ? " अगर [$? -ई 0 0]; फिर एको "सफलतापूर्वक अपलोड किया गया है। फ़ाइल $ F हटा रहा है" rm $ f else "ब्रेकिंग ..." ब्रेक फ़िक्स आउटपुट: कार्य करना पर: /home/admin/test/temp/temp_2014-08-01_02-40.txt त्रुटि 2003 (HY000): '' (110) 1 पर MySQL सर्वर से कनेक्ट नहीं किया जा सकता 1 सफलतापूर्वक अपलोड किया गया। फाइल को हटाया जा रहा है / होम्स / admin / test / temp/temp_2014-08-01_02-40.txt $ के अनुसार? मूल्य जो 1 है, यह लूप को तोड़ना चाहिए, लेकिन यह नहीं है। क्या कोई मुझे बता सकता है कि इसके साथ समस्या क्या है? आप $? परीक्षण कर रहे हैं पिछली पंक्ति पर गूंज कमांड की स्थिति है। यदि आप इसे एको करना चाहते हैं और फिर इसे जांचते हैं, तो इसे एक चर में सहेजें: / usr / bin / mysql ... status

c++ - Installed GTK+ with homebrew, but pkg_check_modules doesn't recognize it -

I'm trying to compile an open source repo, for which gtk + the CMakeLists.txt < / code> is required to file: pkg_check_modules (GTK requires GTK + -2.0 & gt; = 2.12) I GTK + with homebrew - 2.0 Installed: ~ brew install gtk Warning: gtk + -2.24.23 is already installed and to ensure pkg- Config recognizes this, I've tried: ~ pkg-config --modversion gtk +2.0 2.24.23 which Poo In bone right, but when I configure the project with ccmake. . , I found the error: (Message CMake error /usr/local/Cellar/cmake/ did not get a required package call stack (most recent call first): /usr/local/Cellar/cmake/ (_pkg_check_modules_internal) CMakeLists.txt: 194 (in Pkg_check_modules) How can I fix this? have tried Export PKG_CONFIG_PATH = / opt / X11 / lib / pkgconfig: $ PKG_CONFIG_PATH or export PKG_CONFIG_PATH = "/ usr / local / li

Modeling explicit 1 to 2 relationship in database -

If I want to have 1 to 2 relationships, then I am curious, what is the best way to make this model? That will change from 1 to 2. There will be a subject related to a pair, so there is a pair object in which there will always be subject 1 and subject 2. Is this a bad form for the topic1 and topic2 in the pair object? I realized that a join table will work properly, but one topic can be related to more than 1 pair and if I already have a pair object, then it would be easy to break the topic 1, then search for an inserted table Need to do? Or it's just bad data modeling If you know that there will be only 1 to 2 topics in a pair And you are in fact ... really sure that it will never change, so you can do it like this. It is being said, this is a bad design for some reasons. Generally, if you have fields of the same unit type (i.e., thing1, thing 2, etc.) then this should actually be broken into another table. As a field, listing entities are extremely difficult to chan

c++ - How do enable a function only if the class from which it is derived has a certain function? -

I am trying to write a function, let's call it base Code> form as a template parameter and also the base class of derived , which is a method if in derived Defines a definite method that defines. Here I have tried to apply it (feedback received from this question :) #include & lt; Utility & gt; Struct GetValueImpl {template & lt; Typename T & gt; Fixed auto test (int) - & gt; Decltype (std :: declval & lt; t & gt; (). GetValue (0), std :: true_type {}); Template & lt; Typename ... & gt; Fixed std :: false_type test (...); }; Template & lt; Typename T & gt; Struct GetValueDefined: Public decltype (GetValueImpl :: Examiner & lt; T & gt; (0)) {}; Template & lt; Typename derived, int x & gt; Class base {public: // I want to define this function, if GetValue is defined in the derived template & lt; Typename ... Args & gt; Auto Test (const ergos and ...) - & gt; Typename std :: enable_if & lt;

Microsoft.Owin.StaticFiles works in console host but I get a 404 in IIS on file requests -

I Maikrosoftkonkfailsrhwar (v2.1.0) are set up in my Owen pipeline, and EnableSetterOrptions EnableDirectoryBrowsing = true My console works well to show directory content in both host and iExpress. This is what happens when I try to view a particular file (so, StaticFiles part) I have problems iisexpress I still console works great host, but I get a 404 iisexpress is: HTTP error 404.0 - have not found what you are looking for the resources it has been removed, its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. The most likely reason: - The specified directory or file does not exist on the web server. - URL contains a typographical error - limits access to a custom filter or module, such as URLScan, file I have the latest Microsoft.Owin.Host.SystemWeb referenced Web Host is. & lt; All management modules for running the module are requested for all = "truth" & gt; Adding was not a work for me (VS 2013, IIS Express). Owen to use the pipeline to force

java - Get object from one Activity and display it on MainActivity -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: < 31 उत्तरों मेरे पास एक ऐप मुख्य गतिविधि है> ContactActivity> SummaryActivity on MainActivity मैं एक उपयोगकर्ता के लिए दिशा निर्देशों के साथ एक पाठ दृश्य है और एक बार वे अपनी जानकारी दर्ज करने के बाद मैं SummaryActivity से परिणाम प्राप्त करना चाहते हैं और इसे MainActivty पेज पर पोस्ट करना चाहते हैं। एक बार जब उपयोगकर्ता जानकारी को जानकारी देता है तो मैं निर्देशों को गायब करना चाहता हूं। बंडल का उपयोग करें और उद्देश्य के साथ अतिरिक्त डेटा के रूप में पास करें ... इसे देखें धागा

php - https embeded You tube video is not playing in website -

I have created a YouTube video and then I embed my web application in PHP. But this video is not working on my site, even playing it on YouTube. Other videos are working there when I convert the iframe src to another video. Here is a link to my site. Please click here: Video is part of the MacBook. Please help me at the deadline. Cheers! You can not copy the page only and stick it in an iframe if it works He will have yet another YouTube page, click on "Share" on YouTube - "embed" and copies the embed code that gives you:

Spring-xd redis message bus removing headers from the message -

I'm using redis as my message archive for spring-xd distributed env. I send message header as below, oufinalTreeMapsg1 = messbilder. With payload (tree map) .setHeader ("columnNames", columnNames) .build (); It only shows ID and timestamp while checking the message received in the processor The header during sending [headers = {ColumnNames = ABC, DEF, ID = 74acf995-ec39-0e1c-a426-c9e27b1d47d6, timestamp = 1406784568493}] received header [header = {Id ad 8dc5b-5b24-d444-7583-c2da7a21d31c, timestamp = 1406784568495}] Here id and timestamps are different but payloads are similar. Please help me to resolve this issue, Thank you in advance, -Success The radis message does not support passing custom headers by default; However, you can add custom headers to those customers by adding a comma-delimited list to the third party, which is redis-bus.xml in & lt; Constructor-arg / & gt; Xd-In Dirt Jar) For example ... ... will pass

c# - How to tell if an RGB value exists in the Pantone PMS system -

I want a function which returns only returns if RGB value is present in Pantone PMS system, but it should not be stored All values ​​of color chart I think this is not possible. Pantone PMS is a system , which has been selected color standardized and arbitrary. Color values ​​are not defined by any one algorithm because they are in color space . So you value in the Lookup Summary system for everyone in Needs .

Create JSON android -

मुझे इस तरह एक आउटपुट होना है {"content": {"A ": [" ए 1 "," ए 2 "," ए 3 "]," बी ":" बी 1 स्ट्रिंग "," सी ": [" सी 1 "," सी 2 "]}} अब, मुझे यह मिल रहा है। {"सामग्री": {"ए": "[a1, a2, a3]", "सी": "[सी 1, सी 2]" , "बी": "बी 1 स्ट्रिंग"}} नीचे मेरा कोड है मानचित्र & lt; स्ट्रिंग, ऑब्जेक्ट & gt; MyMap = नया हैशमैप & lt; स्ट्रिंग, ऑब्जेक्ट & gt; (); myMap.put ( 'ए', arrayOfA); // जो ArrayList है & lt; स्ट्रिंग & gt; MyMap.put ("B", myB1String); // जो स्ट्रैंग मायमपॉप ("सी", सरणी ओफ़सी); // है जो अर्रेइस्ट & लेफ्टिनेंट; स्ट्रिंग & gt; JSONObject jsonAll = नया JSONObject (myMap); मानचित्र & lt; स्ट्रिंग, ऑब्जेक्ट & gt; MapAll = नया हैशमॉप & lt; स्ट्रिंग, ऑब्जेक्ट & gt; (); MapAll.put ("सामग्री", jsonAll); JSONObject अंतिम ओ

java - Channels for request-reply pattern using http-outbound-gateway -

I need to get feedback from the request and synchronous to use HTTP outbound gateway in a multi-threaded environment ( In the same thread) (Multiple Threads are the same) I am thinking of using Direct Channel in the http-outbound-gateway as a request and feedback channel. If I do this, the following scenario comes: request1 pressed request1 in channel 1 thread1 responds to request1 with reference using subscriber1 Subscribed to Subscribed to membership for membership to subsciber2 with reference to response2 response2 2 response2 in context2 request2 subscriber1 Note: Received and processed by thread 2 Note: Request / Feedback channel Same for S threads. If this happens then how to solve this problem, I need to always act on this reaction to the thread generated from the request. No; It is completely safe; Thread 1 will get its response; Thread 2 will get its reaction; Can not have a cross-talk.

sql - Calculate average time difference between two datetime fields per day -

I have a taxi database, in which the two-day time field is 'Booked Time' and 'Pickupdate Time'. The customer will have to know the average wait time from the time the taxi was booked from that time when the driver actually 'picked up' the customer Rows in the database covering data of a few months There is a heap. The goal is prepared according to a daily question which shows me daily average. > Then a super simple example would be: BookedDateTime | PickupDateTime 2014-06-09 12: 48: 00.000 2014-06-09 12: 45: 00.000 2014-06-09 12:52 52: 00.000 2014-06-09 12:58 58: 00.000 2014-06-10 20:23: 00.000 2014-06-10 20: 28: 00.000 2014-06-10 22: 13: 00.000 2014-06-10 22: 13: 00.000 2014-06-09 ((- 3 + 6) / 2) Avg = 00: 03: 00.000 (3 minutes) 2014-06-10 ((5 + 0) / 2) = Average is 00: 02: 30.000 (mins 2.5 ) Is it possible or do I need to do some crunching in code (i.e. C #)? Any hints would be appreciated. I think this would be: date, of bookdete

multiple html href to php page -

मेरे पास html पृष्ठ है & lt; html & gt; & Lt; शीर्ष & gt; & Lt; / head & gt; & LT; बॉडी & gt; & LT; प्रपत्र & gt; & Lt; div & gt; & lt; a href = "MySubmissionView.php" & gt; अनुप्रयोगों की संख्या: & lt; / a & gt; & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div & gt; & lt; a href = "MySubmissionView.php" & gt; सबमिट किए गए अनुप्रयोग: & lt; / a & gt; & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; / प्रपत्र & gt; & Lt; / body & gt; & Lt; / html & gt; और मेरे पास कुछ प्रक्रिया के लिए एक php पृष्ठ 'MySubmissionView.php' है। मेरे php पृष्ठ में कैसे मैं जानता हूं कि मैंने किस लिंक को क्लिक किया है। अग्रिम में & Lt; div & gt; & lt; a href = "MySubmissionView.php? Id = xx1" & gt; अनुप्रयोगों की संख्या: & lt; / a & gt; & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div & gt; & lt; a href = "MySubmissionView.php? Id = xx2" &

php - Array Intersection - only once -

Newbie here, so I have problems with the array_intersect function I am comparing the intersection of two arrays, but something Results get twice. For example: 2 arrays $ array1 = array (apple, orange, orange, apricot, watermelon, watermelon); $ Array2 = array (apple, orange); $ result = array_intersect ($ array1, $ array2); This return: $ result = array (apple, orange, orange); But I want to: $ result = array (apple, orange); I want it to return to each apple and orange once in a while, it's currently apple, then orange, and then a And gives orange. Am I missing something or I am just using the wrong function. Edit: Based on the answer I have to make it clear if the second array $ array1 = array (apple, orange, orange, Apricots, Watermelon, Watermelon); $ Array2 = array (apple, orange, orange); I have 2 oranges, so array_unique is used to do this. $ result = array (apple, orange, orange); loop through the first array. If the value of

regex - php get current url & remove word -

I have read so much that I have confused beyond my reasons. What I need (with PHP)) to be able to get the URL of current page , and then miss a specific word and it was displayed on the page. Example URL: http: // Example output: / Some / thing / So far, I managed to do one or the other, but when I try to do all this together, then I break things. Any help is greatly appreciated. You can try the code below to remove the last word characters in your URL, & lt; Php echo preg_replace ('^ (. * \ /.) * $ ~', '$ 1', ''); ? & Gt; // = & gt; Http://

ruby - Rails - Force model to be created via factory method -

I am using rail 4. I have a class, a car that has to be transported to within my app . I want to access it using factory pattern: class CartFactory def self.obtain_cart_for_user (user) ... end end I want this approach because sometimes, I want to return to an existing car and sometimes a new construction (based on the cart, its content, whether it is still available on the basis of available products etc.) Want to do It is quite easy. However, I also want to make sure that any other future programmer does not directly direct the car, or through any other medium, organizations, such as: (...) (...) Cart.find (id) Cart.find_by_attribute (blah: blah) Cart.where (...) First Is there any way to prevent this from happening? OK, this is possible: private_class_method: New < / Code> And of course, you are also ActiveRecord query method ( .panda , .where etc) But I think that seems like a good way to end up with irregular behavior

javascript - Wait for the return of the loop on form submit -

I have the following code, it is necessary to validate the form before submitting it to the form but the problem is that, Submitting the form continues without submitting. & lt; Form action = '#' method = 'post' onsubmit = 'return validate ();' & Gt; Validate the function () {$ ('form'). (': Input: No (submit, hidden), select, Textera'). Each (function (e) {$ (this) .removeClass ('redbox'); var rq = $ (this) .attr ('requiredz'); if (rq! = Undefined) {if ($ (this) .val (). Trim () == '') {$ (this) AddClass ('redbox'); $ ("# errorMsg") .HTML ('The red box can not be left empty!'); Return back; }}}); }); How to handle the return of a loop? Do not submit the form after facing the lie to return to the loop. Try this: validate the function () {var passes = True; $ ('Form'). (': Input: No (submit, hidden), select, Textera'). Each (function (e) {$ (this) .removeCl

rotation - Regarding Direction calculation using Gyroscope,Magnetometer and Accelerometer -

We are using MEMS triangular axial sensors, which have accelerometer, magnitometer and zeromometer. We also have accelerometer and magnetometer calibration. This sensor is used in the borehole application. We calculated the deviation of borehole using accelerometer. Now we are free to move in the calculation of direction (i.e., the sensors also rotate, the direction should also not change). Is it possible to calculate the rotation free direction above three (Acce, Magnet, Gyro) reading. If so, please let me know. Thank you, S. Nazarene

javascript - Uncaught TypeError without ability to find the reason -

Every time I right-click anywhere in my application, jquery is putting an error on line 5095 Uncheck Type error: there is no undefined function I tried two methods without success, to know the cause of this error: 1 Debug jQuery: Debug in Dev-Tool's I in line 5095. Problem: When I move the cursor to the page, it will stop and break. There is no possibility of getting me to right click, even if I want to play in the debug-line of Chrome, it will set fire again immediately, even if I do not move the cursor! 2. Finding the reason in my code: Since this error has been thrown for a long time now I can not tell where the search is. I have many JS files, so I realized that when If I leave the mouse button then the error is being thrown, so I have searched all the codes for any mouse (up / down) without success (found that many people who set up breakpoints get a fire ) Now I am out of ideas How to find its source. I thought debugging the line of Jackie, where the e

c# - Error logging in Windows Application -

I have a Windows application and I want to log errors using Log4Net. I have to face to log these errors Where If I'm logging in to a local folder, logs will be on the client machine, which is easily available to us Are not there. Therefore, we thought of 2 options: Log error on a shared (network) location Log error in DB < / Ol> The issue in logging errors in DB is that if there is a problem, after connecting to the DB, the logging fails clearly, so we decided to log in to a common location. Now, someone told me that it is not a good practice to log in to the shared space. What can you do to ensure logging when it is possible that you can log in everywhere perhaps accessible or down? What shared place? Generally you are always at risk of not being logged, because the client machine can lose network connectivity. In this situation, logging in to the shared space, database, web service, and whatever is not helping you from the remote. It is possi

SharePoint SendEmail: override Recipient? -

I have a SharePoint workflow that I must maintain in the workflow Microsoft.SharePoint.WorkflowActions A mail is sent using SendEmail - The property is set correctly for a valid value (like But when I look in the ULS log, the mail is sent "test@xx.local" instead of "test@xx.local". There is no such indication in the code that no other value can overwrite ".to" - property. So I hope that it can be a SharePoint property, where can I get this?

How to run php file -

I added it in the path: C: \ xampp \ php isolated by semi-colon, & amp; When I put this address (localhost / myfile / hello.fp) on the browser, the file was opened properly, so why not open in CMD? & Amp; I always get this message: windows window can open this file. command file $ php ../ path / to / Myfiles / hello.php edit Again, I can also assume that in the command < Forgetting the code> php command. By adding PHP path to XAMPP, you can execute PHP executable via command line interface. Then you run php and then run the switch configs and then the path to the footpath.

sql - query to delete invalid mobile numbers from mysql database -

I have a mysql table that has 100K mobile number (India), but some of them are invalid mobile numbers. I want to remove all mobile numbers which are not really 10 digits and start with less than 7 digits. Can you help me with a SQL query for this? You can do it in 2 simple delete. Delete length from your table (mobile number) & lt; & Gt; 10; Skip WHERE from your table (Mobile Number, 1) & lt; 7; or 1 Delete length from your table (mobile number) & lt; & Gt; 10 or left (Mobile Number, 1) & lt; 7;

mysql - LED Switch REST API -

I want to get help with my LED Switch REST API. I have made my own ASI and when I type in the URL, I am able to lighten my LED: Localhost: 3030/7/1 to light And localhost: 3030/7/0 to lights . But when I start my turn on and off manually without keying URL , my whole rest is enabled to start the API, but when I click my switch, someone The LEDs are not light. This is my switch_rest_api.js var express = expected ('Express'); Var path = requirement ('path'); Var bodyParser = is required ('body-parser'); Var gpio = Requirement ('P-GPIO'); Var app = express (); Var mysql = Required ('mysql'); App.use (bodyParser.json ()); App.set ('port', process.env.PORT || 3030); Var conn = mysql.createConnection ({host: 'localhost', user: 'user', password: 'password', database: 'rest_api'}); App.get ('', function (req, res) {var pin =; (pin, 'input', function (mista

python - empty request.FILES in django when upload image from android -

"itemprop =" text "> I want to upload an image from the Android app for djnago. My Android code for uploading this image is: throws public Zune upload (string filepath) IOException {HttpClient httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient (); HttpPost httppost = New HttpPost (SoberRequest.UPLOAD_IMAGE_URL); File file = new file (file path); MultipartEntityBuilder Builder = MultipartEntityBuilder.create (); Builder.setMode (HttpMultipartMode.BROWSER_COMPATIBLE); File body cbFile = new file body (file, "image / JPEG"); Builder.addPart ("image", cbFile); HttpEntity mpEntity = (); Httppost.setEntity (mpEntity); Httppost.setHeader ("encrypt", "multipart / form-data"); HttpResponse response = httpclient.execute (httppost); HttpEntity unit = response.getEntity (); ...} And to get this and save image, my Django code is: @csrf_exempt def get_image (request): try : If requested. Method == "post": destination_pat

ios - uicollectionview rotation cell visibility & position and order -

I have a UICollectionView that has 3 columns and 5 rows. They are stable and will not be changed. UICollectionView should not be scrolled, so cells appear full-time, it looks good in picture mode, but the scene is messed up in landscape mode. How to reorder cells in a meaningful way? Or is it possible to spread the contents so that all cells appear? Image : Scenarios : - (zero) viewDidoadload [[Super Viewedload]; UICollectionViewFlowLayout * Layout = [[UICollectionViewFlowLayout alloc] init]; Layout. scrollDirection = UICollectionViewScrollDirectionVertical; UICollectionView * collec = [[UICollectionView alloc] initWithFrame: CGRectMake (0, 160, 320, 280) archiveView: layout]; [Colek Register Class: CellWithReuseIdentifier for [UICollectionViewCell class]: @ "test"]; Collec.backgroundColor = [UIColor yellowColor]; Collec.delegate = self; Collec.dataSource = self; Collec.scrollEnabled = NO; Collec.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = No; [Self.view ad

php - Using another function but with different properties in function under the same class -

I am using codeigniter, I know that this is the original OOP, but still this is possible and how? Here's my code, I want to use it: $ this-> appleogin (); Inside this function: public function fblogin () {// use it here ... $ this-> appleogin (); } They both share the same class. But to change some code for use in this new fblogin () function, $ this-> applogin (); I want to change in . Mainly $ email = $ this-> Input-> Post ('email'); to $ email = new data; how to change square fu {private $ email; Private $ PWD; Public function fblogin () {// For example ... $ the-> Email = ''; $ This- & gt; Applelin (' ',' PWD '); Print $ this- & gt; E-mail; // ''} Public Function Aplugin ($ Email, $ PWD) {$ this- & gt; Email = $ email; $ The-> pwd = $ pwd; }}

javascript - JScript Button working in chrome but not in Firefox -

I have a script that adds properties when basically clicking a button. The script is as follows; & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; Window.generateRow = function () {var d = document.getElementById ("Add"); Var p = document.createElement ("p"); Var input = document.createElement ("input"); Input.setAttribute ('type', 'text'); Input.setAttribute ('Pattern', '^ [a-zA-Z] + $'); Input.setAttribute ('name', 'item []'); Input.setAttribute ('required'); P.appendChild (input); D.appendChild (P); } & Lt; / Script & gt; And in my HTML I use a normal onclick function to call back the function & lt; / p & gt; The problem I have is that of Chrome In my version of, I am able to click the button every time, but the button does not respond in the updated version of Firefox and Chrome I am using Firefox version 31.0 and I have Chrome version 32.0 no

python - SQL Query for filling a SINGLE column with values -

I have an existing SQL database table which I am interacting with more than pyodbc. I wrote a class that uses pybackback to interact with the database by reading and creating and removing columns. The last bit of functionality I have the ability to fill a built-in column (filled in full by default) with prices from a python list (at which I'm planning to iterate and then final with DB codemat ()) By form - add extra columns or other columns without effect. I tried to run the following query once again in the loop; INSERT VALUES (value) in the table_name (required_ column) Thus the class method; def writeToColumn (self, columnName, tableName, writeData): for typing items: self.cursor.execute ('INSERT INTO' + TableName + '(' + columnName + ') value ('+ Item +') '' self.cursor.commit () Where values ​​represent the current index value of a list but this is a whole new Adds the row and fills the cells of the columns with the null.

SQL Server T-SQL not returning results with no error - this should work right? -

I'm trying to find something that does not match in 2 tables, it should be easy, now it works fine Does. Select Shop_Import SI From where Shop_Import_Cats not in (SELECT productref SI.productID) But this SQL I need to use, but it only the first result will not return, which is above: SELECT 'Shop_Import_Cats insert values ​​(' + CAST (p. productive as VARCHAR) + ', + CAST (c. + ',' + cast (SI.ProductID as VARCHAR) + ', getdate ()) Join the NB_Store_Products P NB_Store_ProductLang pl on p.ProductID = pl.ProductID Shop_Import SI Join the p.ProductRef = SI.ProductID included Get NB_Store_CategoryL Based ang CL on SI .Primary_Category = CL.CategoryName NB_Store_Categories include C match on CL.CategoryID = C.CategoryID Shop_Import_Cats select Join SIC on SI.ProductID = SIC.productref where not SI.ProductID (SIC.productre advice But I tried to host hosting here and left no one to take advantage - it is empty, but a result should be returned. '

java - Draw Enum values assigned to Sprite -

I am using a game in LibGDX and I've got 2 squares and an honman. My name looks like this: public enum items {pen, glass, and, SO, ON; Private static item current = pen; Public static item getNext () {current = values ​​() [current.ordinal ()]; Current return; } In my first category, there are pieces of my game map, where some of them are started with value from the enum with this constructor: Public Square Mappies {Private Sprite Phantom; Private item items; Public Mappings (Sprite Phantom, Item Items) {this.sprite = sprite; This.item = item; } This category has a draw function that looks like this: public zero draw (batch batch, float x, float y) {sprite . Set post (x, y); Sprite.draw (batch); } In the previous class I initialize pieces of my map and put them in 2D array like this: Code> Atlas = new texture Atlas ("Atlas Peak"); Map fragments [0] [0] = new mappits (AtlasCriteSite ("piece"), items .getNext (); map pieces [0] [1] = new

java - How to solve connection time out in Apache Tomcat with application hosted in Microsoft Azure Ubuntu 64-bit instance? -

I've posted an application on ApacheTomac 8.0.3 which takes some time to react (3-4 Say minutes). I have server.xml set in the following configuration & lt; Connector Port = "8084" Protocol = "HTTP / 1.1" connectionTimeout = "900000" redirectPort = "8443" /> But still after the connection time of one minute or so. PS I am using the organizational network, so there is a proxy, which may actually end the time (just guess). Is there a way to add some GIFs that can act as a response to the server, will not the connection timeout? If so, how and where to add?

c++ - Can I place a std::atomic<int64> in shared memory and expect atomic operation? -

Does Steady :: Atom play well in shared memory, or is it undefined? It's an easy way to add lockless basic types for shared memory, but I can not believe it is not possible to guarantee nuclear behavior in the context of shared memory. Why not, you need to allocate it properly and create a shared memory area.

.net - C# : Check if two objects have same data -

assuming that Obj1 and Obj2 are objects of the same class And there are only fields in the square, is it possible to check whether there are data similar to two objects if the areas of the class are not known? var is samedata = false; PropertyInfo PROP () in Forex Currency (Obj1.GetType). GetProperties ()) {hasSameData = prop.GetValue (Obj1, blank) .Equals (prop.getveralu (obj2, null)); Break (ifasatata!); } It is based on perceptions (objects are of the same type), and it can possibly be re-applied so that it is more protective, but I keep it readable so that You can understand that in brief, use the reflection to repeat the fields, and check the values ​​of each until they are not satisfied that they do not match (there is no need to run again after them).

java - Closest pair algorithm for comparing points from 2 different arrays -

I would like to compare numbers from one array to another and get the closest pair. So far whatever I have come with is an array. I do not want to compare numbers with the same array. Brute force algorithm works but it is very slow. Is there an algorithm for this or implementation, using partition and can conquer the law? Edit 1: The point is defined as the pair on the surface of the earth (latitude, longitude). P> You can create a KD-tree for the first array of digits, and then each of the other array The point is to find the nearest point from the first point, the use of this tree works on average in O (n log n) (n is the largest size of the two arrays). To use KD-tree, you can convert your initial coordinates to a 3D-space coordinate.

android - Make a Fragment's Lifecycle Mimic Another -

मेरे पास क्या है मेरे पास टुकड़ा है बुलाया मुख्यफ़्रगमेंट यह मेरी मुख्य गतिविधि से जोड़ा गया है। उस खंड में पर इसके onResume विधि में मैं एक और टुकड़ा को secondfragment कहा जाता है। जैसे <। पूर्व> @ ओवरराइड सार्वजनिक शून्य पर पुनर्योज () {super.onResume (); टुकड़ा प्रबंधक टुकड़ा प्रबंधक = getActivity ()। GetSupportFragmentManager (); दूसरा खंडण दूसरा श्रेष्करण = (द्वितीय खंड) खंड मैनेजर.फिडफ्रैगमेंटबीटैग (सेकंड फ्रैग्मेंट। एफआरएजीएचएचजीएच); यदि (द्वितीय वर्गीकरण == शून्य) दूसरा खंड = दूसरा विभाजन। नया इन्स्टेंस (); टुकड़ा लेनदेन फीट = टुकड़ा MANAGER.beginTransaction (); Ft.add (mContainer.getId (), द्वितीय फ्रैग्मेंट, सेकंडफ्रैग्मेंट। FRAG_TAG) .commit (); } तब मैं इसे इतनी दूर हटाता हूं। @ ओवरराइड सार्वजनिक शून्य पर पॉज़ () {super.onPause (); फ्रेगमेंट मैनेजर एफएम = मिलएक्टिविटी ()। GetSupportFragmentManager (); सेकंडफ़्रेग्मेंट एमएचपीएफ = (सेकंडफ्रैग्मेंट) एफएम। फेडफ्रैग्मेंटबेटटैग (सेकंड फ्रैग्मेंट। एफआरएजीएचएचजीएच); अगर (mhpf! = Null) fm.beginTr

Get connection using SessionFactory in ASP.NET MVC 4 NHibernate application -

मैंने NHibernate.dll के साथ अपने asp.NET MVC 4 अनुप्रयोग बनाया है (संस्करण )। मेरे द्वारा उपयोग किए जाने से पहले कोड SqlConnection : SqlConnection कनेक्शन = m_SessionFactory प्राप्त करने के लिए है। कनेक्शनप्रदाता। गेटकॉन्क्शन () SqlConnection के रूप में; मेरे NHibernate संस्करण को में अब त्रुटि का सामना करने के बाद: ' NHibernate.ISessionFactory 'में' कनेक्शनप्राइवर 'के लिए कोई परिभाषा नहीं है और कोई भी विस्तार विधि' कनेक्शनप्रदाता 'को' NHibernate.ISessionFactory 'प्रकार की पहली तर्क स्वीकार नहीं किया जा सकता है (क्या आप उपयोग निर्देश या एक विधानसभा संदर्भ को याद नहीं कर रहे हैं?) कृपया एक उत्तर का सुझाव दें! यदि आप वास्तव में इसकी आवश्यकता , आप अपने ISessionFactory को अपने NHibernate कार्यान्वयन में डाल सकते हैं: var फ़ैक्टरी = m_SessionFactory NHibernate.Impl.SessionFactoryImpl; Var कनेक्शन = कारखाना। कनेक्शन प्रोव्हाइडर। गेटकॉन्क्शन () SqlConnection के रूप में;

javascript - Changing blob url to download link -

I am trying to create a download link from a blank URL. I want to add the correct file extension which I have saved in a variable. The link link below does not open if I enter the Blob URL separately, then it opens the file without the correct detail, but of course. I think the click () may be a problem ... but why? Please help console.debug (objectURL); // blob: http% 3A // localhost% 3A8080/46E5BD5-AA1B4 9 9-9 7-BC-0552FBDD 41803 var A = document. Create element ("A "); Document.body.appendChild (a); = "Display: None"; = 'myFile' + file extension; A.href = objectURL; ();

sharepoint - how to use infopath 2013 file attachment control -

I have created a form template in InfoPage 2013 which has a 'File Attachment Control'. This form needs to be published in SharePage 2013 is. When I promote the file attachment field, I get this error 'The selected file can not be promoted because its data type is not supported: base64Binary' I understand this error that we will call this field in the document library Can not show in the form I've been googling around for the past few days and can not get a concrete decision for the problem - some recommendations are back codes, using web services and qRules (third parties) etc. but did not get the proper walk through is. I would appreciate a lot of help.

How to call member function of class in another m file in matlab? -

How to call the class function, and in the second file can start the class object. I have a folder: @ myClassName. If you declare your object in a function, then you should return the output degradation of your function You can see results in the workspace

xcode - UIAlertView crash on UIInputViewController -

I am working with Xcode 6.0 and faster. After UIOlertView and UIAlertController (example: 2 function) work fine on myViewController inherited from IIViewController, but they crash Kiboardwukantrolr inherited from URInputViewController. Does the applet have a warning on a custom keyboard or is there any mistake in my coding? Any responses are welcome and appreciated. func viewAlert () {var alertView = UIAlertView () & lt; --- alertView.addButtonWithTitle ("OK") alertView.title = "title" alertView. Message = "message" ()} func viewAlert0 () {var warning = UIAlertController () & lt; --- alert.title = "title" alert.message = "disabled in your device" alert.addAction (UIAlertAction (title: "click", style: UIAlertActionStylekDefault, handler: nil)) self.presentViewController (Warning , Animated: true, perfection: zero)} & lt; --- Debugger error point: 0x325ca19: call 0x327e620; Symbol for it st

c# - Show waveform of playing sound -

Suppose that I want to create a simple application that can play sound in WPF, I want to keep track of playback Or can I use class Is it possible to attract sound playing in the form of a voyeur (actually a charting library)? Something like this in the image below Alternatively, do we see in the Windows speaker system tray icon (the second image below), at least it is possible to obtain and display the output volume?

android - Result null in "getStringExtra" -

I am working on this code, and get an error, variable "textoviejo" null , I would like to know what is wrong here. Thanks Activity 1 Edit Tap Find input = (edit text) VViBiID (RIDINP); StartActivityForResult (new intent (this, activity 2. class), REQUEST_CODE_SEND); Intent I = new intent (this, emoticon activity class); I.putext ("textoviejo", input .gettext (). ToString ()); Activity 2 intent = new intent (); String manges = intestine .getStringExtra ("textwise"); String emoticon = mansize + ":)"; Intent.putExtra (additional. Emoticon, emoticon); SetResult (RESULT_OK, intent); End(); Results EditText = null Emoticon is activity. What is your activity 2? If yes you are doing it wrong, like it Activity 1 EditText input = (EditText) findViewById (R. Id .input); Intent I = new intent (this, emoticon activity class); I.putext ("textoviejo", input .gettext (). ToString ()); StartActivityForResult (i, REQU

how do i get the mixlr radio stream to play in android app? -

I am trying to get Mixer Streaming Radio in the Android app to play. The problem is (using Shotcast as an example): If I have an IP address, then I can get the stream to play in an embedded player in an Android app (I have For a person, there is a separate app that uses a shoutcast and it works). However, for Mixler, it seems that you can only embed the radio in a web page and can not make a mobile app (???). If I am wrong, please help me. The IP address for is However, this does not indicate specific radio (I need a port number - I believe?). By the way - I did not include the code because I am seeking a general advice and I am convinced that the approaches used for shortest radio will work equally here. I'm asking if anyone has found it to work with Internet Radio Streaming Mixer and what they do. Thank you! ironmantis7x I'm actually a well-known API for Android Along with the person who used the second service. Problem solved

git - error: The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by merge -

I removed everything in the bin / class folder and committed, then when I tried to pull from the master branch, git List me all the files in the bin / class from the main branch, giving me an error: Error: The following unwanted tray files will be overwritten by merge: bin / aaa.apk bin / Classes.dex bin / res / crong / drawable-hdpi / ic_luncher page / drable-mdpi / ic_ Ancr. Bin / Race / Corn / Drawable- xhdpi / ic_launcher.png ... ... Please move or remove them before they merge. Aborting I think this is because I removed all bin files and the command "git pull origin master" will crash with my comment?! How should I control this situation? I do not want to merge with bin files .. or if this is not possible, then I can just merge bin files again. Thank you for your help in advance!

json - HTTP error 500 on Android -

So this is my code, its purpose is to filter a json file. I get error 500 from the server, which means I know that this is an internal server error as I can not access the logs of the server, I am very worried from now on ... I have about session and cookies I read in, maybe this is it. Do you think about this boy? Private category listed Fit asyn Task and Late; Voided, void, string & gt; {Private static final string TAG = "listingfighter"; Public static final string SERVER_URL = ""; @ Override protected string doInBackground (Zero ... parameter) {try {// Create an HTTP Client HTTP Client Client = New DefaultHttpClient (); HTTP post post = new HTTP post (SERVER_URL); // Request and check the status code HTPRS response = client.execute (post); Threaded Positions = Response .getStatusLine (); If (statusLine.getStatusCode () == 200) {HttpEntity unit = response. Gatientity (); InputStream content = entity.getContent (); Try to

File addressing of code for MATLAB compiler -

In my code, there are some functions like imshow or fopen files I need to address when I use my program in MATLAB, to address me as pwd like imshow ([pwd '/image.jpg']) And run the program and work correctly, but when I have compiled my program after installing the shortcut in the desktop (redistribution), Programmed an error message that my program can not find the image.jpg . When I check the address of the search, it is the same: c: / user / desktop / image JPG I have read this page but I do not know how to use this address Apart from this, I do not know that MATLAB Where should I add these files (images and texts) to the compiler options I or file installed with your application The reason for this is that Your image is not in your current path (i.e. desktop in this case). In the images you want to use, you should include the image in "employed" and "helpful resources" and refer to the image in your script / functio

sqlite - Resolving <NSManagedObject: 0x155ec810> (entity: EventDetails; id:some id /EventDetails/p1> ; data: <fault>)" -

इस समस्या को कैसे हल करें "(संस्था: ईवेंट विवरण, आईडी: 0x155ebe90; डेटा:)" । मैं अपनी इकाई से ईवेंट लाने के लिए कोड के नीचे का उपयोग कर रहा हूं। managedObjectContext = [(ऐपडिलेगेट *) [[UIApplication साझाअनुप्रयोग] प्रतिनिधि] मूलकॉन्टेक्स]; WriterObjectContext = [(ऐपडैलेगेट *) [[यूआईएपीसीकरण साझाअनुप्रयोग] प्रतिनिधि] प्रबंधितऑब्जेक्ट कॉनटेक्स]; अस्थायी रूपान्तरण = [[एनएसएमएनेडऑब्जेक्ट कॉन्टैक्ट एएलओओसी] इनिटवैट कोंक्यर्जेस टाइप: एनएसपीवीएक्टेक्वेई कॉनक्युर्जेस टाईप]; अस्थायी कॉन्टैक्ट। पेरेंटकॉन्टेक्स = प्रबंधितऑब्जेक्टकॉन्टेक्स; [अस्थायी कंसल्टेंट करेंब्लॉक एंड वेइट: ^ {if (अस्थायी कोंटेक्सकट == शून्य) {managedObjectContext = [(ऐप डिजीटल *) [[UIApplication साझा किया गया एप्लिकेशन] प्रतिनिधि] अभिभावक); WriterObjectContext = [(ऐपडैलेगेट *) [[यूआईएपीसीकरण साझाअनुप्रयोग] प्रतिनिधि] प्रबंधितऑब्जेक्ट कॉनटेक्स]; NSManagedObjectContext * अस्थायीकॉन्टेक्स्ट = [[एनएसएमएनेडऑब्जेक्टकॉन्टेक्स एलोक] initWithConcurrencyType: NSPrivateQueueConcurrencyType]; अस्थायी कॉन्टैक्ट। पेरें