
Showing posts from June, 2010

simple form - Custom inputs with simple_form and Foundation 5 -

I have created a custom input in simple_form and I am using Foundation 5. class currency input & lt; SimpleForm :: Inputs :: Base Def input input_html_classes.unshift ("string currency") input_html_options [: type] || = Input_type if html5? "$ # {@ Builder.text_field (attribute_name, input_html_options)}". Html_safe End End In the input field created is the default browser style. How can I apply the Foundation text field styles to this currency field so that it looks like all my other text fields? I have tried to use the class names used by the Foundation for other areas but it has no effect. I can not find any document to do this. How can I do this? Any help is appreciated. / bower_components / In your foundation installation Starting from the line 407 (in the most recent foundation) you should see: / P> / * We use it for basic structure elements / basic input type [Type = "text"], input [type = "password"], to get t

How to use windows authentication credentials to schedule crystal reports in SAP BO CMC -

Hello, I am trying to schedule a new SAP Business Objects Central Management Console and Crystal Reports. For this, I created an ODBC connection for a database (ncbods) in the server machine through Windows authentication. I also gave the same window certificate in the CMC, as shown in the image below, but this is telling me an error error message: file in C error: \ program files \ business objects \ BusinessObjects Enterprise 11.5 \ data \ procSched \ SDDVCTRTRCH11.reportjobserver \ ~ Tmp5448125TH7b9b16.rpt: unable to connect: incorrect log details on the parameters: [database vendor code: 18456] I have given the same Windows credentials that I can get from the app server I'm used to crop. Yet I get "incorrect login" parameters But when I use the SQL login credentials would use English authenticated SQL ODBC connection and CMC So it works fine. The problem here is that when I use Windows credentials, it throws an error, but works well when using SQL cr

assembly - using x86_64 FPU with out checking for irq_fpu_usable, if xsaveopts instructions is supported by processor -

itemprop = "text"> The X86 (_64) saving of the FPU reference in IRQ references (both soft and hard IRQs) is costly activity. So before using the FPU, irq_fpu_usable is checked. My questions below are: If the processor supports the xsaveopts instructions, then is it still saving FPU is an expensive activity ? What can we do if we save the FPU reference in the IRQ context? XSAVEOPTS (X87, XMM, YMM), and it is very likely that x87 and XMM registers will need to be saved. So it is still going to be an expensive operation. Note that the purpose of the Linux kernel function irq_fpu_usable is to decide if it is allowed to use the FTP, it does not check that using your FTP This will mean the costly activity of saving the FPU reference. If the irq_fpu_usable is true and you use the FPU in the kernel_fpu_begin and kernel_fpu_end then the safe use of the FPU in the IRQ context needed. Although it may be slower than the alternative code, which does no

perforce - Unable to clone from git p4 clone -

Unable to clone for repo: (Any help would be appreciated) I want to clone refo I am trying. I have permission to repo verified. GIT P4 Clone - Destination = / Workspace / GIT / Lotus / Main // Deep / Lotus / Main // Deep / Lotus / Main / Work / GIT / Lotus / Import From Main In the /workspaces/git/lotus/main/.git/, the current GIT repository was restarted / / / / / / / master trashback (most recent call final) in RIFs / Remote / P4 / Modification # Initial import of modification / lotus / main / modification: file "library / developer / command Ain Tools / usr / Libsek / Jiaiti-core / Jiaiti-P4 ", line 3287, & lt; Module & gt; Main () file "/ library / developer / commandline tools / usr / libsec / git-core / git-p4", line 3281, not main if CMD.ron (AGR): file "/ library / developer / commandline tools / usr / linux / Jiaiti-core / Jiaiti-P4 ", line 3155, if not running (self Dipopath): file" / Library / developer / Commands

c# - Connecting MVC to existing table -

I'm having trouble trying to add MVC to database in an existing table, when I load the page So it displays me error: Since the database has been created, the model supporting the 'chartstarsprocedier DBCText' reference has changed. Consider using code first migration to update database (). I'm feeling this because my class (model) does not match the column in the database, I've got my connection to the web. ConfiG and I have given it the name of the class that comes from DBCTtext. I am not asking for this solution, I am wondering why I will get this error message. Thanks for the boys, I finally managed to solve the problem, I had to add this line: < P> P> database. Set Inchializer & lt; Chartered Procederer BCTXT (Zero); To: Public class MvcApplication: System.Web.HttpApplication {secure void Application_Start () {AreaRegistration.RegisterAllAreas (); // This line worked here! Database.SetInitializer & LT; ChartStoredProcedureD

java - How to encapsulate a Map into a custom object -

My coworker tells me that it is lazy to use sloppy, and that many times the purpose of the programmer will be to provide better service through a real object. But I do not know the best way to do this. This fact is even more complex (me) that the key is an enum type. Say I have a hashmap , which is expected to be in the four hashish keys (one for each value in MyEnum ). MyObj Hashp Value is the latest of many MyObjs in a database, which contains the enum values ​​given. My best estimate includes an object with four fields, or two arrays with keys and values ​​in sequence. Obviously whether it is clear or not (this is 5 PM on Thursday = I'm brain-dead), so if necessary, please ask for clarification. Although there is nothing wrong in using the map for your desired purpose, the map is sometimes incorrect, Type objects string firstname = (string) myMap.get ("first_name"); Unlike ... ... string first name = person.getFirstName (); Because Java classes im

node.js - when/node liftAll not working on s3 object -

I try to delete all functions in an Amazon S3 object using when / node I am doing var when required = ('when'); Var requires nodefn = ('when / node'); Var AWS = Required ('AAS-SDK'); Var s3 = new AWS.S3 (); Var promise 3 = nodeph. Lift all (s3); When (Wired S. ListBackets) Then (function (data) {console.log (data);}) However, it seems that a request object is being printed. What I am going to do here is, like the harm, if I lift myself individually as separate tasks, then I can get the right result: var ListBucketsP = nodefn.lift (s3.listBuckets bind (S3)); Any ideas? Try it out: nodefen Lift all (S3 .__Peto__, undefined, s3); Then just s3.listBuckets (). Then (function (data) {console.log (data);}); This worked for me Explanation: The methods you are trying to modify are not part of the s3 object , But its prototype when the source object in the logic version of 3 is the first, an optional change function, and finally th

php - foreach shows attributes of first xml node only -

मैं विशेषताओं foreach global_ivr_variable को प्रदर्शित करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं: $ xml = '& lt; प्रतिक्रिया विधि = "switchvox.ivr.globalVariables.getList" & gt; & LT; परिणाम & gt; & LT; global_ivr_variables & gt; & Lt; global_ivr_variable id = "1" नाम = "cid_name" value = "Smith" / & gt; & Lt; global_ivr_variable id = "2" नाम = "Q_ID_Global" value = "COS" / & gt; & Lt; / global_ivr_variables & gt; & Lt; / परिणाम & gt; & Lt; / प्रतिक्रिया & gt; '; $ Sxml = simplexml_load_string ($ xml); विदेशी मुद्रा ($ sxml- & gt; परिणाम- & gt; वैश्विक_आइआर_विमेयबल्स- & gt; वैश्विक_आइआरएबल- & gt; विशेषताएँ () $ $ = & gt; $ b) {echo $ a। '=' $ बी "& Lt; br & gt;"; } मुझे जो मिला है वह पहला नोड का गुण है: id = "1" name = "cid_name" value = "Smith" मैंने भी निम्नलिखित की कोशि

AngularJS: scope change in ngClick gets lost -

मेरे पास ngRepeat द्वारा दोहराए गए तत्व पर ngClick और ngClass है: & lt; li ng -class = "{'सक्रिय': $ parent.mem.A == $ कुंजी, 'नहीं-सक्रिय': $ parent.mem.A और amp; $ parent.mem.A! = $ की}" एनजी- दोहराएँ = "($ कुंजी, ए) में" एनजी-क्लिक = "$ parent.mem.A = $ key" & gt; li के अंदर मेरे पास एक ऐसा बटन है जो $ parent.mem.A पर क्लिक करें: < पूर्व> & lt; बटन एनजी-क्लिक = "$ parent.mem.A = $ parent.findInHash ('पिछला', 'ए')" & gt; पिछला & lt; / button & gt; सक्रिय करें; findInHash () अपेक्षित मूल्य देता है, और जब मैं कोणीय के माध्यम से कदम करता हूँ, $ दायरे में मान। $ लागू () ngEventDirective से सही है; लेकिन कहीं यह खो गया है। आपके कोड में सभी एनजी-क्लिक हैं $ scope.findInHash = function ($ event, dir, attr) जैसे कि आप नीचे दिए गए नमूने जैसे ईवेंट प्रसार को रोकना चाहते हैं {$ Event.stopPropagation (); $ Event.preventDefault (); ... & lt; बटन एनजी-क्लिक =

jQuery doesn't work inside ASP.NET user control with updatepanel -

I've nested user controls on the following hierarchy page: Master page -> Content pages -> Update Panel -> User Control -> Update Panel -> Child User Control I'm trying to do a basic thing to write the console when child user control is loaded like this. (This code snippet is sitting within child user control): But it does not work. I am using the page load () function on the page, so there is no other option in the child user control. Besides, I do not want all my jQuery content to be present on the page and I want every user control to be responsible for maintaining the necessary jQuery code, so I want to know how to do this in my child user control Have to work. I have read a good number related to this issue, but nothing works for me yet, am I missing something? Update 1 I have marked a problem with wizard control on the content page, my user control wizard is in phase and none of them is firing jQuery's Incidents, but once I carry the - Querying many to many relationship -

I'm really stuck and need help. I think every article is in C # and VB.NET A solution is needed in I am using EF 6.0 with database first model. Let me use the classic customer product scenario to display my position. In my database, I have three tables, customers, products and customer products. Look at this link as it is exactly my own. After I generated my model from the database, my unit model diagram reveals that CustomerProduct has disappeared in accordance with expectations and many relationships between models reveal for many customers and the product also customer of the product And customers with the navigation properties of the product are expected. All I want to do is find a customer related product pulling out some data from both tables ie CustName and ProductName The SQL I'll use. Please select c < C.CustomerId = 101 To know the address data in a query, do not know how to use the shipping property. Can I help anyone? Thank you in advance ^ _ ^

Java custom optional values for constructor -

This code is too much for me to do: import java.util Random; Public class testclass (protected intestine test; Protected Ent TestWeb; Public Test Class () {Random R = New Random (); This (r.nextInt (), r.nextInt ()); } Public Test Class (Int TestVara, Int TestWeb) {this.testVarA = startTestVarA; This.testVarB = startTestVarB; }} However, it does not compile, because this () statement should be next to the function. I can do something like this. (New Random ()) GetNextInt (), (New Random). GetNextInt ()) But it seems very unfair. What is the right way to do this? You can move complex initial arguments in a different way: public test class () {random R = new random (); Init (r.nextInt (), r.nextInt ()); } Public Test Class (Int TestVarva, Int TestWeb) {init (Testwada, TestWarb)} Private Zero Init (Int TestVara, Int TestWeb) {this.testVarA = startTestVarA; This.testVarB = startTestVarB; } This is a more general solution than being a field as random . In this spe

r - plot rasterImage with different color palette and color scale -

I am trying to create a picture with m3 < - Matrix (rnorm (100), 10, 10) Plot (NA, type = "N", Eclaim = C (1, NC), Yil = C (1, NR), axis = FALSE, ASP = 1, xlab = "", Ylab = "") M3 and LT; - Abs (M3) / Max (AB3 (M3)) raster image (M3, xleft = 1, xright = nc, ybottom = 1, ytop = nr) Xright = nc, ybottom = 1, ytop = nr, interpolate = FALSE) image ( M3, useRaster = TRUE) but I did not manage to work it Image (M3, Username = TRUE, col = "blue ") I also need a color scale like this How do anyone know how to do with a function? Here's a solution using the image .scale function: im & lt; - abs (matrix (rnorm (100), 10, 10)) mI & lt; - max (im, no. Rm = t rue) rm & lieutenant [ (rm)]

pointers - C++ - no matching function for call to <class method> -

I get the compiler error below with the following code. cube.cpp: 94: Error: To do a similar function for the call 'Animation :: Animate (CUBE_ARRAY & amp; uint8_t & amp; uint8_t & amp; CUBE_STATE & amp;) 'animation.h: 28: Attention: Candidates are: Virtual uint8_t Animation :: Animate (CUBE_ARRAY *, uint8_t 28 virtual uint8_t animate (:, uint8_t, CUBE_STATE) There is a class animation with a method CUBE_ARRAY * ARAP, UIT 8_T transition, UIT 8_T transot, CubaiMTSSTSTSTATE); It is being said from the line: 94 animation full = animation pointer - & gt; Animate (cubeArray, transIn, transOut, state); An example of animationPointer raindrops is defined by the class from which the legacy is defined to animation : Animation Pointer = & amp; Rain drizzle; And its basic definition is: animation * animation indicator; As far as understanding of my (limited!) Understanding becomes this should work: raindrops should be loc

ruby on rails - Ice cube, how to set a rule of every day at a certain time for Sidetiq/Fist of Fury -

itemprop = "text"> docs I thought it would be (everyday for 3pm) per daily .hour_of_day (15) What I am getting is a random mess. First of all, whenever I care for Hiroku, I am still executing it, and after that , Seemingly randomly So the latest push for Harkaku was 1:30 pm. It was executed: 1:30 pm, once in the afternoon, once in the evening at 4 pm, once in the evening 5. Consider what is wrong? Complete the code (note that this fury is for the fist of the fist but FoF is heavily influenced by Sidetiq so help Sidetiq users will be very good as well). Outstanding Suckerpunch included: Job FistOfFury :: Repetition occurs repeatedly {daily.hour_of_day (15)} DEF Performance ActiveRecord :: Base.connection_pool.with_connection # Auto e-mail lenders tax Every other day if they have pending requests lender_array = list. Where (id: (Borrow.where (status1: 1) .all.pluck ("inventory_id"))). Each {| I Lender_release & lt; & Lt; I.signup.i

c - Can this "attack" really cause quicksort to degrade to quadratic running time even if items had been randomly shuffled? -

Claims a method to reduce any acceleration implementation in the quadratic time. I think it means that it will always prepare a list that always takes O (N ^ 2) to run. This is saying something because, although the worst case of qucort is O (N ^ 2), which usually runs O (Namrog). The author claims that it still works when the array is randomly rotated before calling Christost, how is it possible? I do not know C but this is something else and code of the program QUICKTORT will be only vulnerable provided it meets some light assumptions which have come from every implementation that I have seen : 1. Implementation is single-threaded. 2. Pivit-choosing o (1) takes comparison; All other comparisons are for split. 3. Comparison of division phase is consistent and includes pivot value. 4. Comparing and copying the only data operation performed. 5. Comparison only includes input data values ​​or copies. #include & lt; Stdlib.h & gt; Int * val; / * Item Value * / Int NCMP;

How to make a RegEx fit in Python -

मेरा अंतिम लक्ष्य शब्द या शब्दों को उद्धरण चिह्नों के बाद title = " । मेरे पास एचटीएमएल की लंबी लाइनों के एक गुच्छा के साथ एक पाठ फ़ाइल है और प्रत्येक पंक्ति में एक title = "some place" है अंत में। मेरे पास एक regex है जो मैं अभी भी कोशिश कर रहा हूँ 100% डायल प्राप्त करने के लिए, लेकिन, अब के लिए, ऐसा कुछ दिखता है: (? = (Title = \ ") $) (। +?) नहीं, यह अभी तक काम नहीं करता है, लेकिन मुझे लगता है कि मैं इसे ध्यान में रख सकता हूं। मेरे पास दूसरा काम है, हालांकि वह काम करता है, लेकिन यह पूरे title = "thing" को खींचती है और अगर उद्धरण में एक से अधिक शब्द मिलते हैं, तो यह अंत समाप्त हो जाता है: title = "कुछ समस्या यह है कि मैं इस बिंदु पर चल रहा हूं यह है कि मुझे समझ में नहीं आ रहा है कि इसे कैसे मेरी पटकथा में प्राप्त किया जा सकता है। Ep1c l33t h @ x0r regex को आदमी के लिए जाना जाता है लेकिन अगर यह मेरी स्क्रिप्ट में नहीं मिल सकता है तो यह बेकार है। इसमें कई कोष्ठक, उद्धरण और whatnot है कि पायथन पहचानता है कि मुझे नहीं पता है कि "

scikit learn - What does Conversion law mean as it relates to this method description -

I am trying to understand, its fit method has been described as: Learn a conversion law in array data from FIT (raw_documents) documents Unfortunately, I did not seem to relate to all definitions searching online. Unless, it is referring to the law of conservation ... but I do not think how it fits. So what is this "conversion law"? Conversion law is not a general term in text analytics, which is why this description changed some time ago In fact, it means (actually you) it means that fit causes transformers to learn how to convert text documents to vectors: it learns a vocabulary from input documents As well as the 'document's version They are used in TF-IDF conversion.

mysql - How can I show only values in PHP table where column is NULL? -

My code is not working and I do not know why public function fetch_active_table_data ( ) {$ Query = "Selection ID, Name, Location, Access, drink_type, Candidates with Drinks where the entry is zero"; $ Stmt = $ this- & gt; Dbh- & gt; Ready ($ query); $ Stmt- & gt; Execute (array ("0")); I am just trying to show the events where entry is zero. What am I doing wrong? Thanks, Kiran Edit: This work does Bitid, when I delete where entry is zero So I know where the problem is Thanksgiving < P> It depends on how you have set the price. You may want to look for an empty value: public function fetch_active_table_data () {$ query = "SELECT id, name, location, entry, drink_type, artists from drinks, where Admission = '' "; $ Stmt = $ this- & gt; Dbh- & gt; Ready ($ query); $ Stmt- & gt; Execute (array ("0")); }

amazon web services - AWS CloudSearch cannot upload documents -

I'm new to AWS and CloudSearch. I have written a very simple app that is uploading a DOCX document (already using CS-import-documents to convert to JSN format) in my middle domain. The code is very straightforward: (above searchdomainclient = new AmazonCloudSearchDomainClient ("http: //search-xxxxx-xysjxyuxjxjxyxj.ap-southeast-2.cloudsearch. ")) using // uploaddocrequest = new UploadDocumentsRequest () {FilePath = @" c: \ temp \ testsearch.sdf ", // JSON to upload // test test docx already contains ContentType = ContentType .ApplicationJson}; Var uploadresult = searchdomainclient.upploadDocuments (uploaded doconquency); } Although I have an exception: "Root element is missing." Here is the JSON stuff in the SDF file that I want to upload: "<"> "<"> "{{" type ":" add "," id ":" c : "Test", "fields": "Normal.dotm", "appl

full text search - Searching through user favorites with Elasticsearch -

We are using elastic search for the list of 100,000 documents. Users can find favorite items and we are currently using the DezangoHystack's related Circuitssetset to see the preferred table, but they execute a lot of SQL queries, those documents Filter the subset of, which searches through the user's favorite obscenity slows down. To speed things up, I thought of adding a multivill field to each document (such as favorited_by ) and thought about storing users' primary key in it. , But since thousands of items can be popular, popular documents will grow. Searching through a user's favorite sort seems like a problem. How is this done? In elastic search I will store the favorites with that username for that favorite. By adding a filter in the query with the user name You can also use the username as a multipurpose field, it is not certain that if the scale of thousands of users on this scale, the benefit can be a favorite for a website if multiple users ma

facebook - How to Redirect www to non-www with Tomcat? -

I am using the facebook application for user authentication in my Java based web application, But here I am getting an issue I have added this type of website, but someone will come with my Facebook login in the website .. not working because the Facebook app is set for If I tried to get a solution to this problem, I would get it Or they are using Apache for it Can we configure Tomcat for this setting too, so is the Facebook application work for every URL properly? You will write servlet to handle All codes do this like

javascript - How can I easily repeat an html element on a page thousands of times? -

How can I replicate an HTML element thousands of times and add everyone to my web page? For example, suppose I want to display the same word, test , one thousand times on my page. Do I have to type in & lt; P & gt; Trial & lt; / P & gt; is required to write or can I use a javascript function like the following: For (var i = 0; i to add web page 1k times test more easily? Not the best answer. But this is good. Nice and simple way & lt; P id = "sample" & gt; & Lt; / P & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; (I = 0; i <1000; i ++) for {document.getElementById ("sample"). InnerHTML + "" & lt; Br> Exam ";} & lt; / script & gt;

c# - Design view broken when create new WCF Workflow in Visual Studio 2013 -

After the I open my Visual Studio 2013, create a new WCF workflow service project. In the design view, by default, files, vs. open Service1.xamlx , and afterwards I encountered this error: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: do not load the file or assembly Could 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.SharePoint.WorkflowExtensions, version =, culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken = b03f5f7f11d50a3a' or one of your dependencies. The system can not find the file specified. File name: 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.SharePoint.WorkflowExtensions, version =, culture = neutral, publicKeyToken = b03f5f7f11d50a3a' I try to set up the workflow manager offline but there is no luck. Please help me make this work Update1:. I try to restore my Visual Studio 2013, I get this warning: Workflow Manager Tools 1.0 for Visual Studio has been processed a certificate chain, But the original certificate has expired which is not trusted by the trust provider. I think that maybe

wget - How to download express documentation -

How can I download the full API reference to express so that I can understand and code on the local host I am not connected to the Internet This site has all API references but I'm unable to download If you are looking, there are other tags too wget --recursive --no-clobber - page-requisites --html-extension --convert-links --restrict-file -name = Windows- No-parent This does not work. If someone can share where I can get easy downloadable study material for express, it would be great. Since this is all a page: curl http: / / & gt; Express-doc.html

Execute jQuery from ajax loaded page -

I am trying to use and load content from other pages. The pages I try to load are the other jQuery functions and the problem is that only jQuery is executed for the first tab. Any ideas will be appreciated. I think you need to use the "active" event of jQuery UI tabs. For documentation: $ (function () {$ ("#categoryTabs"). Tabs ({active: function (event, UI) {var current_tab = ui.newTab; // sure You have added the "Data-Tab-Value" tab for the HTML, for example

javascript - Hiding parts of an AJAX response -

I am calling an AJMX from every record in my DB & lt; pre > tags like this: & lt; Div id = "ajaxdiv" & gt; & Lt; Previous ID = "1" & gt; Record 1 & lt; / Pre & gt; & Lt; Previous ID = "2" & gt; Record 2 & lt; / Pre & gt; e.t.c. & Lt; / Div & gt; I want to be able to hide one or more of the selected records so that only the most relevant to the original query. The number of returned records may vary. Javascript will be inserted as a daom text, so it will not be executed, so I'm a bit of a loss, which can be completed by using JQuery Hide () etc. Any help would be appreciated. Upon receiving a response from AJAX, you can record as you are now if you are a Create an array that has hidden IDs. // After adding the result of your code / code in this way, // result is presented. Var idsToHide = [1, 3, 5]; Hide element through IdsToHide.forEach (functionIdId) {// jQuery $ ('#'

javascript - Application cache manifest - Content gets updated on server but client does not show updated content -

First of all, I'm sorry about English, I'm not good at English. If the server is updating the contents of the page (html), then I click the F5 button to reload this page on the client, this page will display updated content. . How to do this? And I have a Jason file, this page has a button when I click the button, the contents of the json file will show. If I have edited this json file, then I will reload the page and click on this button, this will show the edited json file. How to do this? I used the cache manifest, when I changed the content of the page on the server, and reloaded the page in the client, the client could not change the content. I executed it on Firefox 30, it has failed. But it's great on Google Chrome. cache_test.html: & lt ;! DOCTYPE html & gt; & Lt; Html lang = "ja" manifest = "test.appache" & gt; & Lt ;! - & lt; Html lang = "ja" manifest = "test.manifest" & gt; - &

java - Print browser page SWT -

I am developing a desktop application using SWT. I've embedded a browser in it. I want to add print and print preview function to this app. I have searched for the tutorial but do not have to find anyone except this. But to understand this solution, I have to know how to implement the print foundation. Anyone have any ideas? What we do to print the browser. Execute () can not use any other scripts you can use.

Paypal: How to handle multi-currencies? -

I wrote my own shopping cart in PHP, I am using the PayPal standard API. I currently allow the user to exchange money with currencies to accept PayPal. My main currency is US Dollar Now, I understand the state of confusion about the process of multi-currencies. I have my code which calculates the values ​​based on the paypal fee. For example: PayPal charges 3. 9% for any country from any other country, then US then using currency There is a certain fee for ... For USD it is 0.30 in each currency it is fixed fee. Then there is a 2.5% conversion fee for any currency that needs to be changed. I can understand the value to give customers the above figures. Now, I want customers to be able to pay me in any currency. I have to know which currency they will pay to get the right price. Now, on my own shopping cart system, I give them a drop down menu of which currency they can choose. The problem is that I think the customer is charging in that currency. For example, I

python - Is there a multiple column map function for dataframes? -

In pandes, how can one column be obtained from many other columns? For example, I could say that I wanted to annotate my dataset with the address of the correct address for each topic. Maybe to label some plots - so I can tell the result for whom. Take a dataset: data = [('male', 'homer' ('female', 'lisa', 'simpson'), ('' female then we have Gender first_name last_name 0 male Homer Simpson 1 woman via Simpson 2 male Bart Simpson 3 female Lisa Simpson 4 baby Maggie Simpson And there is a function to store results in a new column , I want to apply on every line. Title = '' 'if' gender == 'male': title = 'mister' alif gender == 'female': title = 'ms' if title == '': Return '+' Previous: Return Title + '' First [0] + 'Currently my method is: People [' address'] = map (lambda line: get_address (* row) ), People .get_values ​​()) gender fi

xcode - iOS Warning: Attempt to dismiss from view controller while a presentation or dismiss is in progress -

I made a UIImageView and when you click on it, a UIActionSheet pop-ups. @Iboutlet weak var avatar image view: UIImageView! @IBAction function tapUIImageViewHandler (this: UITapGestureRecognizer) {var popMenu: UIActionSheet = UIActionSheet (title: "Upload the user menu", the representative himself, CancelButtonTitle: "Cancel", DestructiveButtonTitle: zero, OtherButtonTitles: Choose from the "library", " take picture ") popMenu.showInView (self.view)} function actionSheet (popMenu: UIActionSheet!, clickedButtonAtIndex buttonIndex: Int) {Click println (" index \ (buttonIndex): takePhoto () case 1: ") buttonIndex list {Case 2 selectFromLib () Default: Break}} But when I run on the simulator, after I click on the button on UIActionSheet Lick, I Warning: attempt to dismiss the view controller when a presentation or dismiss progress! Can anyone help me with that? Thanks! In my opinion, this is a bug (you should file a bu

Facebook Android Unity scores api -

When I try to submit scores from Android Unity Game, I get the next error: You are trying to load data from a www stream, which had the following error when downloading. FB.Login ("publish_actions", onlog complete); Var query = new dictionary & lt; String, string & gt; (); Query ["scores"] = "110"; FB.API ("/ m / score", Facebook., Representative (FBRsult R) {debug.log ("Result of !!!! submit score:" + Rtext;), query); Facebook SDK version 5.1.0 Unity version 4.5.2 F1 For future generations, the most common reason for this error is that your app is not configured as a "game" in the App Settings on Facebook. OP and I had talked elsewhere earlier, and in this case the decision was made, but for anyone looking for this post through search, make sure that you check it. To clarify, " var query " - is it possible that it is running before OnLoginCpl

video - ffmpeg - how to stop scrolling text in the middle of screen -

मैं ffmpeg पर स्क्रॉल पाठ बना सकता हूँ: ffmpeg -y -f lavfi -i Color = c = black: s = 800x450: d = 125 -vf "[in] drawtext = fontfile = Futura.ttc: fontsize = 40: fontcolor = # 444444: x = w- (200 * टी): y = (( एच) / 2): टेक्स्ट = 'हा हा हा' [बाहर] "-सी: वीजीडी -264-टी 5 स्क्रोलिंग.एमपी 4 मैं इसे कैसे रोकूं स्क्रीन के बीच या ((w-w_text) / 2)? मैंने lte () फ़ंक्शन का उपयोग करने की कोशिश की जैसा कि ffmpeg -y -f lavfi -i color = c = black: s = 800x450: d = 125 -vf "[में] drawtext = fontfile = Futura.ttc: fontsize = 40: fontcolor = # 444444: x = lte (w- (200 * t), (w-w_text) / 2): y = ((h) / 2): पाठ = 'हा हा है' [बाहर] "- C: v libx264 -t 5 scrolling.mp4 यह त्रुटि के साथ आता है: या तो पाठ, मान्य फ़ाइल या एक टाइमकोड प्रदान किया जाना चाहिए त्रुटि आरजीएस 'fontfile = Futura.ttc: fontsize = 40: fontcolor = # 444444: x = lte (w- (200 * टी)' के साथ फ़िल्टर 'ड्रैटेक्स्ट'

c# - Equals has a different behaviour between string and nullable of int -

क्यों स्ट्रिंग और int के nullable के बीच एक भिन्न व्यवहार के बराबर है? ((int ?)। शून्य)। एक्सेल (रिक्त) यह निर्देश रिटर्न सच ((स्ट्रिंग) नल)। एक्सेल (रिक्त) < / पूर्व> यह अनुदेश फेंकता शून्य है तो, कैसे (स्ट्रिंग, स्ट्रिंग) की एक कुंजी वैल्यू की जाँच करें कि कुंजी शून्य है संपादित करें: मैं String.IsNullOrEmpty का उपयोग नहीं कर सकता क्योंकि मैं कुछ स्ट्रिंग (स्ट्रिंग, स्ट्रिंग) के कील्यूपेय की सूची और (Int ?, String) की कुछ वैल्यू की सूची का उपयोग करता हूं जहां की कुंजी रिक्त या स्ट्रिंग हो सकती है। देश की एक सूची पर फ़िल्टर करने की सूची: myList.Add (नया कीवालिप्यूयर (रिक्त, "अपरिभाषित")); MyList.Add (नई कुंजीव्यूपायर ("", "खाली")); MyList.Add (नई कुंजीव्यूपायर ("ID101", "फ्रांस")); MyList.Add (नया कीवाल्यूअरपेयर ("ID102", "स्पेन")); इस मामले में व्यवहार अलग है क्योंकि Nullable & lt; T & gt; एक मूल्य प्रकार है, जबकि एक स्ट्रिंग एक संदर्भ प्रकार है। तो यह: < पू

c# - Inserting byte array vs Encoded text in SQL Server -

I get a stream of BSN data in my WebApi. I need to store the database in the stream. Should be stored in or encoded in UTF 8 encoding; So save? I am using the entity framework for data access. If you suggest saving in binary, then what data type is binary or byte BSON binary is ideally designed by varbinary (...) column ( varbinary (max) is most convenient). Do not consider UTF-8: It is wrong to use the U.F.F. 8; This encoding is behind and if you want in a character-based field ( [n] [var] char (...) ) Store it, then use Base-64.

AngularJS - Filter HTML character references -

I have a set of JSON responses / results that I display front-end. Some of these HTML character codes are included, for example: & lt; B & gt; Some text & lt; / B & gt; Rather than using ngSanitize, can I create a custom filter that changes HTML tags? Then it will be displayed as above: some text

waiting for connection using do-while statement - java android -

Would like to make your comments on this code Private string getIpAddress () {String IP = ""; Try {enumeration & lt; Network Interface & gt; EnumNetworkInterface = NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces (); While (enumNetworkInterfaces.hasMoreElements ()) {Network Interface Network Interface = enumNetworkInterfaces.nextElement (); Calculation & LT; InetAddress & gt; EnumInetAddress = networkInterface.getInetAddresses (); While (enumInetAddress.hasMoreElements ()) {InetAddress inetAddress = enumInetAddress.nextElement (); String ipAddress = ""; If (inetAddress.isSiteLocalAddress ()) {ipAddress = "SiteLocalAddress:"; IP + = inetAddress.getHostAddress () + "\ n"; }}} Hold (socket exception e) {// Todo auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace (); IP + = "Something Wrong!" + E.toString () + "\ n"; } Return IP; } Private Zero MDConnector () {setMobileDataEnabled (MainActivity.This is true); String ip = getI

java - JTable combined with innerJoin statement -

I have 2 database tables and I want to include them in JTable. First of all, I created 2 jetties for 2 database tables, but I wanted to give it a try and add them to 1 JTb. In my 1 DB table "console" there are 3 columns (id, name and cost) and my 2 table "hardware" consists of 4 columns (id, CPU, memory and HDD). My problem is to keep informed. When I write while ( ()) {a = rs.getString (1); B = rs.getString (2); C = rs.getString (3); While ( ()) {aa = rss.getString (2); Bb = rss.getString (3); Cc = rss.getString (4); } Model.addRow (new object [] {a, b, c, aa, bb, cc}); } I get the same price as AA, BB, CC, which is the CPU, memory and HDD of 2D table. When I write > while ( ()) {a = rs.getString (1); B = rs.getString (2); C = rs.getString (3); While ( ()) {aa = rss.getString (2); Bb = rss.getString (3); Cc = rss.getString (4); Model.addRow (new object [] {a, b, c, aa, bb, cc}); }} I get the same values ​​as A, B,

vaadin - How to retrieve HTML representation of components? -

मैं अपने vaadin के कोड को आउटपुट करना चाहूंगा HTML मेरे कंसोल पर घटक मुझे इसके लिए कोई भी तरीका नहीं मिला। क्या यह संभव हो सकता है? Vaadin के सर्वर-साइड प्रोग्रामिंग मोड के साथ घटक के एचटीएमएल को पुनः प्राप्त करना संभव नहीं है । यदि आपको वास्तव में ऐसा करने की आवश्यकता है, तो आप अपने खुद के विस्तार को लिख सकते हैं जो ब्राउज़र के घटक को HTML के बाद से बनाए जाने के बाद HTML के हस्तांतरित करता है। अपने एक्सटेंशन को लिखने का मतलब है कि आपको इसे जीडब्ल्यूटी (जीडब्ल्यूटी वेब टूलकिट, पूर्व में Google वेब टूलकिट) के साथ करना चाहिए।

using jpeg as a memory mapped file -

My JPEG image is 360x288 resolution This image is stored on my server This image can be randomly updated, but sequential methods To I am uploading as a byte array through a web service, so I can save it to an image / JPEG on my hard drive. And it continues ... Now, I'm curious that using a memory map file will improve efficiency as I've read something (and Where not missed) that by default is the image already a memory map file? Any information will be great ...

algorithm - complexity of Bucket sort (uniform keys) -

The following table describes integer sorting algorithms and other sorting algorithms, which are not comparative. As such, they are not limited by an \ Omega (n \ log n) bottom bound. To sort the complexities below, n items are taken for sorting the range of numbers, the size k, the size of the digits, and the r. Many of them are based on the assumption that the key size is large enough that all the entries have unique key values, and that's why & lt; & Lt; 2k, where & lt; & Lt; Means "less than that." what Does KB mean for Bucket Sort (Uniform Keys)? What does R mean for the bucket sort (integer key)? Why are they different? Why is complexity influenced by a range of serial numbers?

Way to print the variable name and variable value in java -

स्ट्रिंग गतिविधिस्टेट = "फिर से शुरू"; DebugLog (activityState) शून्य DebugLog (स्ट्रिंग obj1) {} DebugLog को इस तरह से प्रिंट करने के लिए कैसे "activityState: resume"। मैं बहुत से लिखने के लिए उपयोग डिबगिंग के दौरान कई स्थानों पर लॉग के रूप में प्रिंट स्टेटमेंट। मैं System.out.println ("activityState:" + activityState) जैसे स्टेटमेंट लिखूंगा; मुझे वैरिएबल नाम और वैरिएबल वैल्यू प्रिंट करने के लिए एक विधि चाहिए। सी ++ में, इसे नीचे की तरह किया जा सकता है #define dbg (x) cout & lt; & lt; #x & lt; & lt; "- & gt;" & lt; & lt; एक्स एंड एलटी; & lt; एंडल; क्या ऐसा करने का कोई तरीका है। अग्रिम धन्यवाद आप जावा नाम का उपयोग करके चर का नाम और मूल्य प्राप्त कर सकते हैं। यहां एक उदाहरण कोड है; सार्वजनिक वर्ग उदाहरण {स्ट्रिंग गतिविधिस्टेट = "फिर से शुरू"; सार्वजनिक स्थिर शून्य मुख्य (स्ट्रिंग [] आर्ग्स) {उदाहरण उदाहरण = नया उदाहरण (); कक्षा के & lt;? & Gt; C = example.getClass (); फील्

python - How to open a file for browsing (as if one opened it manually) -

I am trying to use Python to open a file for visual browsing, such as viewing a file Has been double clicked for one. I have tried many searches, but because the words are similar to the I / O file, I can not come in the proper information. I think this is a very simple question / answer and if my answer was correct in front of my nose, then I apologize Ideally, this is just a given There will be a call to the file path and Python will know the appropriate application that it wants to add, such as .pdf OS Stafffile () os.system () but according to OS the parameters have been passed Windows: Open the file name Mac: Open the file Name: Linux: oowriter filename: gnome-open filename: kde-open filename etc ... Example: Path for fileName = "File.pdf" // file 1. os.startfile (fileName) 2. os.system ("start% s")% fileName

Strange behavior of strsplit() in R? -

मैं स्ट्रिंग x = "a, b," को विभाजित करना चाहूंगा strsplit () का उपयोग करके वेक्टर c ("a", "b", "") में । परिणाम है: < / P> & gt; strsplit (x, ',') [[1]] [1] "a" "b" मुझे यह पसंद है तीसरा घटक (रिक्त स्ट्रिंग या नल)। फ़ंक्शन read.csv (x) उस का प्रबंधन कर सकता है, लेकिन फिर भी मुझे लगता है कि strsplit () जैसा कि मैंने उम्मीद की थी व्यवहार करना चाहिए c ("a", "b", "") देता है। शायद strsplit () का कोई विकल्प नहीं है मुझे नहीं पता इसी तरह यह काम करता है और मदद (strsplit) में प्रलेखित है: ध्यान दें कि इसका अर्थ है कि यदि (गैर खाली) स्ट्रिंग की शुरुआत में एक मैच होता है, तो आउटपुट का पहला तत्व '' '' है, लेकिन अगर इसके अंत में एक मैच होता है स्ट्रिंग, आउटपुट मैच के समान के समान है I आप str_split से stringr पैकेज का उपयोग करना चाह सकते हैं: & gt; आवश्यकता (स्ट्रिंगर) & gt; Str_split ("a, b,", ",")

php - Yii2 login. Yii::$app->user->login($user, 0) doesnt save -

I am trying to apply the login to my site. But Yii :: $ app- & gt; User- & gt; Login ($ user, 0) does not save the identity. When I log in now it works fine: if (Yii :: $ app-> user- & gt; login ($ user, 0 )) {Var_dump (Yii :: $ app-> User-> Identity); } Else {echo 'did not login'; } show var_dump () identity but when I show another controller var_dump () < Code> NULL : // Another controller trying to get recognition in var_dump (Yii: $ app-> User-> Identity); Does anybody know about this problem? OK. The Russian yii Forum answered in the boy. () Namespace ap model; Use Yii \ db \ ActiveRecord; Use Yii \ web \ IdentityInterface; Class User ActiveRecord implies the IdentityInterface {} I should implement the IdentityInterface and I forgot it now works well!

javascript - Don't work placeholders in AngularJS -

I am using this project () to work with AngularJS. I must serve the service (service.latitude, Service.longitude, app.js function ($ scope, marker service) {var marker collection = []; Angular.extend ($ scope, {map: {control: {}, center: {latitude: 33.5, longitude: -112}, zoom: 10, fit: right, visible: true, pan: right, option: {navigationControl: True, scale control: true}}}); Var setMapMarkers = function () {var marker = {}; Var Index = 0; Angular.forEach ($, function) {var service = key.address; markerCollection.push (service); var serviceId =; marker [index] = {"latitude": parseFloat (service .latitude), "longitude": parseflat (service lame)}; index ++;}); $ Scope.markers = Marker; }; SetMapMarkers (); } index.html & lt; Div class = 'map-container' ng-controller = 'MapController' & gt; & Lt; Google-map center = '' dragable = 'right' pan = 't

Joining a list of string digits to create an integer Python 3 -

मैं इसे कैसे रूपांतरित कर सकता हूँ: ['2', '3', ' 1 ',' 4 ',' 1 ',' 4 ',' 2 ',' 3 ',' 3 ',' 2 ',' 4 ',' 1 ',' 4 ',' 1 ',' 3 ' , '2'] में 2314142332414132 मैंने इस विधि का उपयोग करने की कोशिश की है। लेकिन मैं पायथन के लिए काफी नया हूँ और इसे इस्तेमाल करने में कुछ मदद की आवश्यकता है। मैंने re.sub, string.replace के साथ काम करने की भी कोशिश की है, लेकिन उनमें से कोई भी काम नहीं करता है। कोई मदद? इसे आज़माएं: मान = ['2 '3', '1', '4', '1', '4', '2', '3', '3', '2', '4', '1', '4' '1', '3', '2'] मान = '' .जोइंड (मान) यदि आप एक पूर्णांक मान चाहते हैं, तो आप परिणामी स्ट्रिंग को int पर डाल सकते हैं: मान = int (मान)

Meteor.js DDP date into C# DateTime using Json.NET -

प्रश्न: मैं Json.NET को सफलतापूर्वक इस जेसन दिनांक संरचना को सी # दिनांकटाइम में कनवर्ट करने के लिए कैसे करूं? < / Em> हैलो, मैं डीडीपी प्रोटोकॉल का प्रयोग एक ज्ञात / सख्त रिटर्न संरचना में मौजूदा मेटीर.जेएस ऐप पर किसी विधि कॉल से रिटर्न मान को डिसेरीलाइज करने का प्रयास कर रहा हूं। मैं सबसे बुनियादी चीजों को लागू करने के लिए गतिशीलता का उपयोग कर रहा हूं, लेकिन, सी # के पक्ष पर टाइप सुरक्षा और इंटेलिजेंस से लाभ पाने के लिए सख्त संरचनाओं पर आगे बढ़ना। हालांकि यह सफलतापूर्वक deserialize करने में विफल रहा है javascripts की तारीख () सी # रों दिनांक समय में के लिए javascripts दिनांक डीडीपी क्रमबद्धता संरचना () का उपयोग कर: "जब": { "$ तिथि": 1406886657338} प्रश्न: मैं जेसन.नेट को इस जेएसओएन दिनांक संरचना को सी # दिनांकटाइम में सफलतापूर्वक कन्वर्ट कैसे करूं? अगर "प्रोटोकॉल" मिडलवेयर संभव था, तो डीडीपी दिनांक () भी अजीब हो जाएगा। मेरी संरचनाएं: नामस्थान xxxx.API.S ट्रंकचर {सार्वजनिक स्टार्ट loginParams {सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग ईमेल; सार

Releasing patched Eclipse product -

I am working on Custom Eclipse / CDT based IDE So far, it was a product based on Eclipse / CDT with custom plug-ins, I export it as a product and update site and it works very well. But now I need to make a small change in one of the CDT plug-ins for this I imported (only) Modified that plug-in from the Eclipse repository in question and amended it. Now, with this plug-in, loaded in my workspace, this version takes precedence over the baseline, but the basic feature of this plug-in still requires a hard-coded version of this plug-in if I use this plug I add a hard-coded version number to my copy of this and then I can export the product, the exported version changes and it works fine but this clearly Sector is the wrong thing (as patch plug-in now for the original). I think I can import more CDT in my workspace and export it all, and this will work without revising the version number. The downside is that users can not use the default eclipse update site to install anything, beca

apache - Redhat "httpd" can not start anymore. Showing "suEXEC" and "SELinux" notices -

मैं RHEL 6.5 और अपाचे 2.2.15 पर हूं। जब मैं अब पुनरारंभ करें HTTPD, मैं इसे शुरू नहीं कर सकता httpd और अब / var / log / httpd / error_log में निम्नलिखित चीजों को दिखा रहा है: [शुक्र अगस्त 01 18:31:48 2014] [सूचना] SUEXEC तंत्र सक्षम (wrapper) : / Usr / sbin / suexec) [शुक्र अगस्त 01 18:32:35 2014] [नोटिस] SELinux नीति सक्षम; संदर्भ के रूप में चल रहा httpd चल रहा है: system_r: httpd_t: s0 [शुक्र अगस्त 01 18:32:35 2014] [सूचना] SUEXEC तंत्र सक्षम (आवरण: / usr / sbin / suexec) [शुक्र अगस्त 01 18:42:46 2014] [ नोटिस] SELinux नीति सक्षम; [Http: नोटिस] SELinux नीति सक्षम; संदर्भ के रूप में चल रहा httpd चल रहा है: system_r: httpd_t: s0 [शुक्र अगस्त 01 18:43:15 2014] [सूचना] suEXEC तंत्र सक्षम (आवरण: / usr / sbin / suexec) [शुक्र अगस्त 01 18:43:59 2014] [ नोटिस] सूएक्सईक तंत्र सक्षम (आवरण: / usr / sbin / suexec) [शुक्र अगस्त 01 18:44:12 2014] [सूचना] SUEXEC तंत्र सक्षम (आवरण: / usr / sbin / suexec) [शुक्र अगस्त 01 18:45: 03 2014] [नोटिस] SUEXEC तंत्र सक्षम (आवरण: / usr / sbin / s

angularjs - SVG directive: css class added but not applied -

[resolved] I used 1.3-beta using a simple SVG directive The "SVG" code is direct for instructions (see Plunker - updated with solution): Create a SVG element with the class When the class Is clicked, then a square is added to it (fill it with red) Points: The class is correctly added to the SVG class element, Here is the JS part: Directive ('SVG Directive', function () {Returns {Template: '& lt; svg xmlns: xlink = "Http: //"> , transclude: true, Type: 'svg', replace: true};}) .directive ('svgsequire', function () {return} {template: ' and CSS: . Selected {fill: '# f00'; - & gt; Solution: No quotation marks: Fill: #F00; } There is an error in your css file, you have specified the fill color in quotation marks. Where no one should be. Change the CSS with the following code and your example is working as intended: . Selected {fill: # f00; } Also keep in mind that i

c# - Awesomium change file field -

I'm trying to create a dialog box myself to choose a file. But this does not work for me. I am holding this event: webView.SelectLocalFiles + onSelectLocalFiles; Private zero on-site local files (object sender, file diologueEuriges E) {... e.SelectedFile = "D: \\ a.txt"; } Where did I make a mistake? For example, the dialog box is calling twice. Select the pressed file. Select the file from the dialog box. OK press File not selected New dialog box displayed immediately. Select the file again OK pressed The file was selected. solution e.handle = event handling.model.

sql - Mysql 5.5 IF statement -

Using MySQL 5.5 is trying to use IF statement: Mysql & gt; Select IF (1 = 1, 'OK', 'no') from my_table; Error 1064 (42000): There is an error in your SQL syntax; Use IY (1 = 1, 'OK', 'No') to line my_table on line 1, check the manual that matches your MySQL server version for the correct syntax? Mysql query has the correct syntax for : Select if other (if condition, 'some results if true', 'some results are wrong'), other tablets ... where ... so that you use Description of selection, if I_ (1 = 1, 'OK', 'no') my_table;

Jquery autocomplete highlight text -

I want to create matching text in the autocomplete string, I have received a lot of help from this. This is not for a word or word that is in sequence, I do not make any difference to bold words, in order to do it. I want to match each word in string bold var t = "Cadbury gem 100 g delicious"; () '); () '); () '; $ .eEch (word ARR, function (i) {console.log (word ARR [ii]); verre = new regx ("^" + word ARR [i], "i"); t = t. relist ( Then, "& lt; span style = 'font-weight: bold; color: blue;' & gt;" + wordArr [i] + " ");}) console.log ); Var li = $ (" " //.data("item.autocomplete ", item) .append (" & lt; a style = 'text-align : Left '& gt; "+ T +" & lt; / a & gt; ") .appendTo ($ (' # ul ')); my I have $ Tried with each but does not work any ideas. Make this a build with the jQuery UI widget factory: code> $ Wi

java - auto login for spring security 2.0 RC4 -

I am using grails 2.4.2 and spring security 2.0 RC4 and for automatic login for registration purposes I am trying. The form used in the GSP page is as follows: & lt; G: form controller = "register" action = "save" & gt; Username: & lt; Input type = "text" name = "username" & gt; Password: & lt; Input type = "password" name = "pwd" & gt; & Lt; Input type = "submit" value = "register" & gt; & Lt; / G: form & gt; and in the admin code def save () {def person = new secUser (username: params.username, password: params.pwd, enable : True, account, expiration: false, account lock: falls, password proof: fresace) () def sec = secular.gate (interaction) Def roles = New SecureSec (Secure: SecureGet (second .ID), SecondRole: SecRole.get (2)) () Authentication Authentication = New User Name Password Authentication token (params.user.username,

jsf 2 - Override JSF value expressions set in XHTML -

In one of my JSF (IceFace 3) projects I implemented a solution to control the presence of components through XML I need to do some of the things that I work on at least partially: according to a system event listener implementation set configuration responsible for setting the 'disabled' and 'rendered' attributes of a component Land. However, these attributes can also be set in xhtml (with value expedition), in which case the components will be provided with those values. The processing of these values ​​always comes after PreRenderComponentEvent, so my solution becomes useless. I'm curious: Can I overlap or change the value set in XHTML?