Facebook Android Unity scores api -

When I try to submit scores from Android Unity Game, I get the next error:

  You are trying to load data from a www stream, which had the following error when downloading.  


  FB.Login ("publish_actions", onlog complete); Var query = new dictionary & lt; String, string & gt; (); Query ["scores"] = "110"; FB.API ("/ m / score", Facebook. HTPMITH.post, Representative (FBRsult R) {debug.log ("Result of !!!! submit score:" + Rtext;), query);  

Facebook SDK version 5.1.0 Unity version 4.5.2 F1

For future generations, the most common reason for this error is that your app is not configured as a "game" in the App Settings on Facebook. OP and I had talked elsewhere earlier, and in this case the decision was made, but for anyone looking for this post through search, make sure that you check it.

To clarify, " var query " - is it possible that it is running before OnLoginCpleplete? If you have made this decision, can you verify that the problem may be with grant of permission? An easy way to do this is to log the value of the access token when you call FB.API, then copy-paste it into the access token debugging tool on it and verify that this is actually publ_actions. You can also take that token and use it in the curb in the verbose mode ( curl -kv "https://graph.facebook.com/me/scores?score=110&ass=110&assp=access_token=TOKEN" / Code>), and see if the header or feedback body gives any additional clues.


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