jQuery doesn't work inside ASP.NET user control with updatepanel -

I've nested user controls on the following hierarchy page:

Master page -> Content pages -> Update Panel -> User Control -> Update Panel -> Child User Control

I'm trying to do a basic thing to write the console when child user control is loaded like this. (This code snippet is sitting within child user control):


But it does not work.

I am using the page load () function on the page, so there is no other option in the child user control. Besides, I do not want all my jQuery content to be present on the page and I want every user control to be responsible for maintaining the necessary jQuery code, so I want to know how to do this in my child user control Have to work. I have read a good number related to this issue, but nothing works for me yet, am I missing something?

Update 1

I have marked a problem with wizard control on the content page, my user control wizard is in phase and none of them is firing jQuery's Incidents, but once I carry them out they work perfectly well. I'm still looking for a solution to work around it.

I have already received this issue. You need a global array that stores tasks so that through a function you can find the loop and set them on fire. That's a function you call from PRM.

Top of your main script file

  var func = []; Function abc123 () {console.log ("abc123 () removed"); Funk [Anand. Length] = ABC 123;  

In your nested user control script file

  function def456 () {console.log ("def456 () removed Gaya" ); Funk [Anand. Length] = def456;  

  function under your main script file (firefone) {for (var i = 0; i & lt; Func length; i ++) function [i] (); } Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager.getInstance (). Add_endRequest (fireFunctions);  

Obviously this user can not use control or update panels, but it can help see how it works.


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